kerubimcrepin · 4 months
20th Anniversary Map, with commentary by Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen
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The frustrating thing about this map, is that nobody who got it has decided to scan or transcribe it, for documentation's sake. So I had to complete this list of all the commentary using tweets and unboxing videos.
But, at the very least, we now have documentation of what this thing actually says.
Joris and Kerubim's text is colour-coded for your convenience, and this post includes both the French transcription, and English translations.
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La carte du Monde des Douzes. par Joris Jurgen et Papycha
The map of the World of Twelve. by Joris Jurgen and Papycha
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J: Chez Papycha ♡ / Papycha's home ♡
J: Les Araknes, c'est dégueu-monstrueu! / Arachnees are icky-creepy !
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J: Je pari que la tour du Xélor fou est par ici. / I bet the Mad Xelor's tower is here.
K: Perdu, mon Jojo ! / You lost the bet, my Jojo!
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J: de lourds secrets sont enfouis dans ses profondeurs... / dark secrets lay buried deep within this place...
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K: Croyez-le ou non, le Minotoror est terriblement chou... / Believe it or not, but the Minotoror is awfully cute...
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K: Ma meilleure partie de pêche aux koin-koins ! / My best quaquack fishing experience ever!
J: Lorko -> 🚶‍♂️
(personal note: i have no fucking idea what a Lorko is.)
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J: contacter en cas de besoin 👍 / contact him should the need arise 👍
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J: Là où j'ai taqiné la boufballe avec le giga gran Khan Karkass!! / Here I playd boufball with the supa-duper cool Khan Karkass !!
(personal note: This means that Kerubim and Joris started work on this map while still living in Astrub, but kept working even after the movie. Cute.)
(personal note: A French person who helped me decipher this part, said that Joris makes quite a lot of spelling mistakes here. I'm sure there are more that I didn't catch in other parts of the post. He's very wonderful, very cute.)
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J: autochtones sympas. ne pas rester pour le dîner. / nice locals. don't stay for dinner.
K: Bashy, mon pote d'enfance, semait la terreur aux ces flots ! / Bashy, my childhood friend, sowed terror among these waves!
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J: Les cadeau sont mortels! (vraiment!) / The gifts are deadly ! (really !)
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J: Bienvenu chez le Yech'ti! / Welcome to Yech'ti's !
K: Passe-lui le bonjour de ma part ! / Say hello to him for me!
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J: commander de la chichala à zato / order chichala from zato
(Personal note: this suggests Joris might be just as heavy of a drinker as Kerubim. Or at least into very intense drinks, similarly to Keke. He's so real for this.)
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J: éviter le wa... / avoid the wa...
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J: L'île de La Likrone... Par là d'apré la légende. / The Unikron Island... This way, acording to the legend.
K: T'es à l'ouest, mon Jojo ! / It's to the west, my Jojo!
(Personal note: Joris wrote "d'aprés" with a mistake. I'll try to translate his little mistakes, if I notice them, or can come up with a way to do that.)
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K: Le réceptacle des Dofus / The Dofus Receptacle
X Traverser le pont / Cross the bridge X Parler au chaman / Talk to the shaman X Boire un coup / Have a drink
(personal note: this is a reference to the quest "The Dofus Receptacle". The bridge referenced here is the bridge to Pandala.)
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K: Je suis sûr qu'Indie a pris ce bateau ... / I'm sure it's Indie, who's on that boat...
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K: Contre Grozilla, je me suis dépensé sans compter ! / I gave it my all, while fighting Grozilla!
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Dessinée à l'ancre de Kralamour. / Drawn using Kralove eenk.
Propriété de Joris © / Property of Joris ©
Ne pa toucher / Dont touch
(Surtou si vous vous apelé Lilotte) / (Espeshaly if you're name is Lilotte)
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simply-da-best · 6 years
me - *at people who think ill stop saying mama agreste because we learned her full name*
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a-dan-good-friend · 6 years
Azi, mâine iese și nebunia asta produsă de @grozillabeats. 4 months in the making #calatoria #megiddo #grozilla #PURPLE
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dadplagg-mamatikki · 5 years
Posted the next chapter of Behind Bars on AO3! Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what yall think? I’m intrigued to know yalls opinions!
~Warning! This story contains Season 3 Spoilers!~
Chapter 2: Insomnia:
Something wasn't adding up and it was irritating Marinette. Adrien said the book belonged to his dad. So why wasn't his dad still a suspect as Hawkmoth? Cause he was akumatized as Collector. But Hawkmoth never talked to him. That in itself was strange. She paused with her homework in front of her, setting the pencil down and leaning back in the chair.
   “Huh.” Marinette said softly, pulling on her lower lip with her teeth. “I wonder.” Quickly, she flipped to a new page in her notebook and began a bullet list.
“What are you doing Marinette?” Tikki asked, noticing the sudden change in her charge.
“Writing down a list of things that Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth has in common.” She explained to Tikki, who nodded and say down, nodding her head solemnly.
“Ok. What commonalities do you have so far?”
“So far, butterflies. It's all over the Gabriel logo. They also appear to be the same height.” She explained, recalling her times being around Gabrielle and on Hero's Day when Hawkmoth showed his face for the first time. “Same face structure. Hawkmoth and Gabriel are never seen at the same time, as in whenever there is a akuma that can communicate with Hawkmoth, Gabriel is not present.” Marinette begins to explain as she uses the pencil to point the points out to Tikki. “Adrien was taken during Hero’s Day by the Gorizilla who is his Bodyguard. Showing that he wants Adrien to be safe.”
“But during Grozilla, didn't he drop Adrien?” Tikki asked.
“Yes but did you notice that Gorizilla let me go after the butterfly outline on his face. To save Adrien.” Marinette explained, looking at Tikki who eyes just widened.
“Oh wow….” She whispered. “Should we tell Master Fu?”
“Not yet. We need more solid proof.” Marinette narrowed her eyes causing her eyebrows to furrow. “Need more proof…” She whispered softly, nibbling on the eraser.
“Well, what about some reasons he is not?” Tikki suggested. Nodding, she jotted down a bullet, thinking of what else to write.
“Hmmm. Eye colors are not the same.” She looked at the second one she write. “And Hawkmoth said that he had nothing to lose.” Her eyes looked towards Tikki. “That would mean to him, Adrien isn't important.” She felt the wetness on her cheeks before she realized what was going on. Tikki was attempting to wipe away tears she didn't realize she had shed.
“Shhh. It's ok Marinette.” Tikki whispered. “There is still a chance…” she trailed off, realizing that the chance is smaller than either of them had first realized. 
   Marinette curled up in her bed, Tikki sleeping on the pillow beside her. She couldn't fall asleep. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was almost 4:45 in the morning. She got the feeling she wouldn’t be getting any sleep before school that day. Sighing, she grabbed her phone and began scrolling through Pinterest looking for things that she could create for her friends. A few ideas that she could transform into something truly unique for each of her friends. It was a favorite pastime of hers. A wristlet would be great for Alya, one that was Ladybug themed would be perfect. Maybe even themed after the Ladyblog? Sneaking out of bed as to not disturb Tikki, she gathered some supplies that would be the biases for a idea about the design and shape of the wristlet. She made a few notes here and there, one being to make sure she had the right phone of Alya’s, but also to make it where she could go back to it another time and edit the size of it for it to be used even if she got a different phone. Making it adjustable would be a fantastic thing. And making it a unique addition to her list of items she’s created and could re-create with necessary adjustments. She studied her fabrics, deciding that none of them would work for this, she would have to stop by the shop later to find some new fabric.
Well, she could at least move on to another project. Something for Nino would be a bag-case for his headphones. That away when he was in gym class or sleeping there would be a protective place for them. And so that Chris doesn’t get his hands on them either. The bag was going to be simpler project than the wristlet. Marinette just needed to figure out exactly how big the headphones were. But that didn’t exactly have to stop her from beginning the outline. She figured that a reversible bag could be pretty neat, so she would need two different patterns and fabric. She got up and headed to where her fabric was stored, more than the quick access by her desk. Opening the storage quietly, she peered inside. Finding a simple black cloth right off the bat settled the outer design problem. Now, for the inside, that’s where she should have fun with it. Nothing was catching her eye for the exciting bits, so she was going to have to check in the store when she went for Alya’s. She headed to where her thread was, looking for the closest match to the fabric in hand. Who knew there could be so many shades of black? Studying them as best as she could, she figured out which one was the closest shade. Setting down the required supplies, she began to thread her beloved machine with the black thread. It was soothing, the process of threading the machine was engraved in her. She could probably complete the task with her eyes closed. But eyes closed and a needle present was not a good idea. Time went by as she began laying out the pattern, making adjustments here and there where they were needed. A yawn overtook her body, showing her that ‘Hey, you’re tired enough to sleep now Marinette’. And with that cew, she completed the current task she was doing before heading up to her bed, plopping down as gently as she could as to not wake up her sleeping kwami.
“Marinette! Marinette! You’re going to be late for school again!” Her mother's voice rang out what felt like two seconds later. A large yawn engulfed Marinette as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m up Mamon!” She called out, stretching a arm above her before looking up out of her skylight. Did she sleep any?
“Alright! I have your breakfast and a few leftovers from yesterday's bakery in a basket for you to take to school. Keep an eye on the time!” Her mother's parting words rang throughout her sleepy loft.
“Did I get any sleep Tikki?” She asked her Kwami that was floating towards her, she seemed to have been gathering her stuff for the day.
“You were out when I woke up at 5.” She responded with a slight shrug.
“Well, I went to bed around 4:30 I think…” Marinette mumbled more to herself than to Tikki, climbing out of bed and starting to get ready for school. Honestly, if her insomnia got worse, she could probably just stay in the same clothes if they weren’t dirty. Apply fresh coat of deodorant and a few squirts of perfume and that would make a few of things a lot quicker when she’s not had any sleep. She pushed the idea to the back of her mind as she finished getting ready, rinsing her mouth out before heading down the stairs to where the gifts her mother had called about were left.
“Thank you!” She called down into the bakery as she left for school, hurrying across the street and up the stairs. At least she was going to probably get there in time. She took the first step into the classroom when the bell rang, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she sat down next to Alya for the first round of classes to begin. Her eyes drifted from the board to her notebook, seeing that her notes were following the lesson, she began doing doodles on the side of the paper, thinking about measurements and when she’d be able to go to her fabric shop. She made a mental note to ask Nino for his headphones once class was over with. Her attention to the class was drawn back when Lila was explaining how she and Ladybug had been hanging out the day before, how this was relevant to the class Marinette didn’t know.
“So in a way, you could say Ladybug is my best friend. And with her knowing the inside scoop about the Akumas and how to defeat them, you can try and figure out how to make a foreshadowing thought process with the information regarding the lucky charm and her spots left on the earrings.” She was explaining, causing Marinette to roll her eyes. She was most definitely not best friends with the fake fox. Marinette tuned out the liar and resumed on the list she started the day before about gifts for her friends.
“Wonder what the inside scoop is about the akumas…” Alya mumbled to her best friend. Scribbling something down on a piece of paper.
“Do you really think that Lila is best friends with Ladybug? Chloe has always said she was Ladybug’s best friend.” Marinette whispered back to the reporter, not looking up from a sketch she had started to design for Rose.
“But that’s Chloe. We all know she’s a major fangirl. Although not as major as Adrien. But there’s been numerous sightings of Lila with Ladybug.” Alya peered over her shoulder at the design.
“And so has Alix, Adrien, Nathaniel, even you.” Marinette’s eyes shot towards her best friend. “Just being spotted with Lila” even though none of them were actually her. “Does not mean that she is her best friend.” Marinette sighed, expraserated. This caused Alya to shrug.
“Well, a good reporter always checks out all the sources.” She explained, a odd glint in her eye. “Besides, Chat Noir is probably Ladybugs true best friend.” She snickered. “Poor boy. Ladybug won’t give him the time of day though.”
“She does!” Marinette said a little bit above a whisper. “She values him and wouldn’t be where she was today if it was not for him. They are a team, partners. That is a perfect reason as to why he is her best friend AND that she does value his friendship even if she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings.” Marinette scoffed, leaning back in her seat, crossing her arms.
“Mmm. Sounds to me like you ship LadyNoir.” Alya smirked, nudging her best friend with her shoulder. Ahead of the two best friends, a certain blonde haired boy was blushing, causing his ears to turn a slight red tint.
“I do not.” Marinette shook her head. “Be quiet, I’m trying to pay attention to the lesson.” Her response caused a snicker to escape her best friend.
“Sure, Marinette.” She spoke with a shake of her head as she compared the notes on the board to her paper. Marinette chose not to respond, not wanting to dig herself into a deeper hole. What she said was the truth and there was no arguing that. She did not ship herself with Chat, nor did she not value him. You could be bestfriends with a guy and not have any fuzzy feelings towards him. Besides, her heart was reserved for the blonde in front of her. 
   Lunch went without a hitch. Almost. As Marinette was headed back to the school from devouring some fresh goods from the bakery, a akuma had appeared out of nowhere. Groaning, she quickly jumped behind a bush, other people were scattering in more odd places, she quickly transformed, crawling a few bushes down before swinging into the Paris skyline. Landing on top of a building a few blocks away, she surveyed the area.
   “I am Caffined!” A booming voice alerted the city, shooting up into the sky on a… coffee cup? Ladybug shook her head, jumping and running across the rooftops to try and get closer to the akuma. She looked across the street to see Chat Noir jump up from between two buildings, running along and saluting to her before they continued to run towards the akuma. “There is never too much caffeine! If I demand more, I get more!” He shouted, pointing a straw cannon at citizens of Paris. Once a blast of brown light struck them, they seemed very energized. Great. Chat really didn’t need to be hit with that light. As they stopped and arrived at a meeting point to discuss the game plan, she watched Caffined refill his cup before blasting down the street a little.
   “Hope I’m not to latte.” Chat smirks, landing beside her. Oh great. Already with the puns.
   “Avoid getting shot by the beam of light, please.” Ladybug looked at him, a exasperated expression on her face.
   “Sure, sure, my’lady.” He bows, watching the akuma. “I think his akuma is in that straw of his.” He explains, observing the victim.
   “Agreed. Now, just how to get to it. If we could somehow get him to slow down, you could easily cataclysm the straw and I’d be able to get back to school on time.” Ladybug mumbled, her eyebrows stitching together under her mask.
   “Will do. Maybe your charm is just what the brew needs to be the perfect blend.” He winked, his smile widening. “Ok. That wasn’t my best one. Sorry.” He spoke with a shrug, hands flying up by his head.
   “Just go distract him.” Came her reply as she grabbed her yoyo from her belt, getting ready to toss it into the air and call upon her lucky charm. Hope flared in her chest that it would be over soon as a bag of coffee grounds landed in her hand. She raised a hidden eyebrow, looking over it, on the front in big bold letters it said ‘Decaf’. How exactly would decaf work? It was still coffee even though it wasn’t caffeinated. And it didn’t have anything in it to put people to sleep with. Looking around, she tried to find clues to piece together a seemingly contradicting puzzle.
   “What’s our creamer for this blend, buggaboo?” Chat called out as he bounced from a light post to a car, ducking behind it as the flash of light shot through the window.
   “I’m trying to figure that out!” She exclaimed, looking around to see a floral shop with a herb section. “I got it!” She called out and gestured him over, Caffined needing to refill his storage.
   “What’s the plan?” He asked, standing on guard as she looked through the herbs. “Can I just say, Buggaboo, that you mocha me very happy!” He said with a smirk, glancing over his shoulder at her.
   “Shut up. And the lucky charm was a bag of decaf coffee”
   “And so what’s going to happen is I’m making a signature blend of sleepy herbs to hopefully make Caffined a little drowsy.”
   “But it doesn’t appear to go through him.”
   “That’s a part when you come in. You’ll get close to him, make him think he’s got you. Just as he shoots the light at you, you duck and the beam rickashays off of the mirror of that car’s side view mirror and onto him. Then you can cataclysm his straw.” Ladybug explained the plan quickly, eyes searching the area. “I’ll use the mirror to reverse the beam.” He nodded as she finished adding the herbs to the grounds.
   “Lavender and Chamomile?” He checked, sniffing the bag.
   “You’re good with your herbs, tomcat, aren’t ya?” Ladybug smirked at him with a knowing giggle, before nodding.
   “What can I say? A cat doesn’t just have nine lives but also a keen sense of smell.” He winked before jumping to distract the akuma. Rolling her eyes, Ladybug went through the shadows around the building, going up behind Caffined and pouring the mixture into the coffee pot backpack he had. A thumbs up to Chat let him know it was game time. Quickly, as he started the plan, she ran to get the mirror that would be used to bounce the light back against him.
   “Once I’ve blasted that barista with my blast, I’ll get your miraculous!” Caffined yelled at Chat, reaching for him.
   “Oh, I don’t think you’ll have any luck with that. My brew-ti-ful partner is already a step ahead of you!” Chat Noir calls out, smiling as he heard a groan from where Ladybug was.
   “Enough with the puns! I’ll make you so energized you won’t be able to think straight! So no more puns!!” Caffined let out loudly, lifting the straw and aiming it towards Chat Noir. He released a dark brown colored light, that grew lighter as it transported through the air. Chat leaped up and out of the way, casusin the beam of light to hit right in the middle of the mirror Ladybug was holding. “Nooo!” Caffined yelled, turning and trying to escape his beam when it failed and slung him in the neck. “Hah!” He called, looking at the superhero duo. “You just gave me more energy!” He turned with his fists extended by his hips, awaiting to embrace the ‘energy’ he thought he would be consuming.
   “Have I ever told you my lady, you’re the cream to my coffee.” Chat slung his arm around her shoulders only to have her shrug it off.
   “Really? Enough of the puns Chat.” She said as she watched Caffeined slowly drop his arms to regular stature by his side, his blinking slow. “Alright. Action time.” She said, nodding to Chat Noir as he called upon his special power, running towards him and swiping the straw, making it break in half and a dark butterfly flew out from the broken parts. She swung her yoyo, capturing the akuma and purifying it.
   “Bye-bye little butterfly.” She said, grabbing the now empty bag of decaf and tossing it in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!” She called out, the bag dissolving into ladybugs and spreading around Paris, returning people back to normal. Her earrings beeped, warning her she had two minutes left. “Chat, do you think you can take care of him? I’m about to transform back.” He nodded, extending his fist.
   “Pound it!” They said excitedly, jumping and separating their ways. She jumps and lands on the roof, looking around and figuring she should just head on to school and detransform there while she could. She could easily drop down, and claim she’s fallen again. One side of being a klutz, falling is normal for her. She arrived at the school, looking around before jumping onto the second floor, entering the library and one of the corners where no one was and releasing her transformation. Straightening herself, she exited the room, looking around to completely make sure she was alone before completely exiting the room and heading to the locker, waving at Alya as she arrived.
   “Hey!” She said happily. The interactions with Chat Noir had brightened her mood a little, even through the puns. “Did you get the homework done for Ms. Mendeleiev class?” She asked.
   “Yeah, almost. I didn’t answer one question because I couldn’t figure it out.” Alya explained, slinging her backpack over her shoulder so that they could head to class. “You?” She asked.
   “Yeah, all of them! I couldn’t sleep last night so I ended up finishing it.” Which wasn’t a complete lie.
   “Awesome. Could you help me with the question?” Alya asked as they linked arms and headed towards Ms. Mendeleiev class.
   “Of course!” Marinette smiled happily at her best friend. “Why would I let my best friend suffer over a question that I completed.” She winked causing Alya to laugh, shaking her head.
   “Good. I may wish that Ladybug is my best friend, but you are my forever bff.” She stated with a smile at Marinette. “I mean, for one, you both do so much good for people, you both have the same hairstyles.” Alya trailed off for a moment thinking. “But you are most definitely more clumsy than she is!” Oh the irony of this. “Adrien was right when he called you our Everyday Ladybug. You really are. Man, you could probably cosplay her really well! Like in the music video for Clara Nightingale!”
   “Yeah? Well maybe I’ll be Ladybug for Halloween.” Marinette snickered. “I’ve got plenty of time to create the perfect costume.” Or she could just transform. But that wouldn’t work out for her favor if there wasn’t a akuma around.
   “Oh girl, I would love for you to make one for both of us!”
   “Oh really?” A smirk played on Marinette’s lips. “And here I thought that you’d do a good Rena Rogue cosplay.” Alya paused before laughing.
   “What makes y-you think that?” Her eyes shifted sideways.
   “You two look alike is all.” She shrugs.
   “Well, if we were playing the roles of best friends, I’d be more fitting to be Chat Noir.” Alya covered herself quickly. If only the girl knew.
   “Maybe I want to be Chat? You’d be such a better Ladybug than I would be.” They entered the class and went to their seats, starting to gather the materials needed for class. Adrien and Nino came in a few minutes behind, laughing as usual at something. Marinette watched them both, glad she had asked Nino earlier for the measurements. Adrien abruptly stopped before he turned to his chair to bend down and tie his shoe… Which was his typical orange Gabriel brand shoe. But something caught her eye and brought back flashbacks. His shoe had a butterfly shape on it. Why, in the world, would Gabriel include the logo butterflies? It didn’t make much sense. It was a logo before his wife disappeared so it couldn’t be in honor of her. She remembered that it was similar to the shape of the Moth miraculous, remembering from the book that Master Fu had. The realization struck her deeply, trying to piece together the little fragments of what was left to clarify that Gabriel Agreste, the father of Adrien Agreste her classmate and love of her life, to not be Hawkmoth. It wasn’t fitting together anymore. More and more reasons were appearing for him to be    Hawkmoth instead.
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bubsgirl291 · 6 years
I can see your reaction on Grozilla is was working yesterday but not anymore and not glaciator ehiter😭😭😭
It is due to copyright claims that you couldn't see them. But, I did post a highlights video here: https://youtu.be/F5bBxhYIHuU
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masaa-ma · 5 years
Grozilla - ダウンロードを並列にして高速化
from http://www.moongift.jp/2019/02/grozilla-%e3%83%80%e3%82%a6%e3%83%b3%e3%83%ad%e3%83%bc%e3%83%89%e3%82%92%e4%b8%a6%e5%88%97%e3%81%ab%e3%81%97%e3%81%a6%e9%ab%98%e9%80%9f%e5%8c%96/
$ grozilla http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/raspberrypi/raspbian/images/raspbian-2018-11-15/2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch.zip Connection 1 1.86 MiB / 103.46 MiB [>--------------------] 1.80% 360.60 KiB/s Connection 2 1.80 MiB / 103.46 MiB [>--------------------] 1.74% 348.78 KiB/s Connection 3 1.77 MiB / 103.46 MiB [>--------------------] 1.71% 342.87 KiB/s Connection 4 1.77 MiB / 103.46 MiB [>--------------------] 1.71% 342.87 KiB/s Connection 5 1.40 MiB / 103.46 MiB [>--------------------] 1.36% 271.93 KiB/s Total 18.10 MiB / 1.01 GiB [>------------------------------] 1.75% 3.42 MiB/s
GrozillaはGo製のオープンソース・ソフトウェア(MIT License)です。
prashant-agarwala/grozilla: A parallel downloader with resume capability
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vulkaniantours · 9 years
Vulkania 2015
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Vulkania returns with a vengeance~ so I’m bumping the guide for this year! As always, if you see something that needs to be fixed or updated, send me a message(preferably through tumblr)
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depressedbussy · 11 years
Grozilla and Grasmera is opening tomorrow in Rosal!!!
Izmar is coming tomorrow at 19:00 DUT to help Rosal open the doors to G&G. Be sure to come and help! ;)
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