provencemichel · 6 months
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manu6259 · 1 year
ETS2 (1.46). Scania 143M500 Streamline. Bi-Train grumier. Kouvola - Hels...
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aussiemossi · 2 years
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2067-05-12 Avez-vous déjà vécu cette étrangeté qui fait que tout l’univers vous aide dans un projet? Cheminer vers ses rêves n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille. Trouve une voie qui fait sens et qui est juste pour toi, il se passe des phénomènes de synchronicité comme une collusion céleste pour, que ce qui doit arriver, arrive. C’est ce que vit Paul, un étudiant de l'Agora des possibles, dans son projet de dôme. https://www.agoradespossibles.com/blog/2067-l-agora-des-possibles-4/post/jeudi-12-mai-2067-paul-transport-du-bois-a-la-scierie-209#scrollTop=0 #grumier #foret #rever #rêve #devenir #être #2067lagoradespossibles #toutestpossible #transition #reformer #2067 #agora #tierslieux #agoralocale #coécrire #conventioncitoyennepourleclimat #réchauffementclimatique #pénurie #agoradespossibles #transition #reformer #avenirpro #avenir #organisationopale #permaentreprise #entrepriseliberee #communs https://www.instagram.com/p/CdhCIdFomgp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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extreme-ineamm-blog · 4 years
GRUMIER VOLVO FH 16 Jolie passage en montagne
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elisabethdenis · 2 years
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Je suis partie de mon nid. J’ai passé 4 heures à me dire que la route aurait été préférable avec une copine avec qui chanter et se raconter des histoires les pieds pendant hors la fenêtre du côté passager. Un camion grumier a presque écrasé ma voiture. Je pensais que j’allais mourir pendant cette seconde et quart et j’étais en paix avec l’idée. 
Je me suis rendu, devant cette grande maison moderne aux couleurs brunes froide. La dame m’a ouvert, elle avait les sourcils plus foncés que ses cheveux. Elle m’a pris dans ses bras. Elle a un oiseau orange, il s’apelle Birdie. Elle boit son café à 8 am, 9:30am, 11am et 2:30am. Moi, je la suis pour celui de 9:30 et 11am. Tout lui rapelle son mari mort. Elle dit que c’est quelque chose avec quoi elle doit vivre, qui ne s’enlevera jamais de sa peau, pas comme un diachilon qui se décolle avec le temps et l’usure. Le rappel de son abscence est permanant. Elle dit en riant que ses amies sont un peu jeune qu’elle alors elle va attendre que une des ces femmes meurent et après elle va pouvoir se mettre en paire avec son mari. Elle dit: je voudrais juste trouver un ami, ou un amour, mais juste quelqu’un de vivace, qui veut encore faire mille choses, comme moi, qui a envie d’aller manger au restaurant ou prendre une marche. Juste quelqu’un, pour faire des choses. Mais bon, si ça ne vient pas, ça ne vient pas. Je suis chanceuse d’avoir un studio de potterie chez moi. C’est grâce à cela que je survis. Quand je ne sais plus quoi faire, je vais dans mon studio, et je finis toujours par faire quelque chose. Et je me perd dans ce que je fais. J’oublis tout, pour un instant, et ça fait du bien. Tu sais, je ne peux pas juste arrêter de respirer, il faut que je continue à vivre. 
On a trempé mes sous-vêtement pareillement à la production de moules de coulage et puis ils ont séchés au soleil. Ils dégoulinaient tendrement leurs liquide blanc sur le béton de la cour arrière. 
Les assiettes et les tasses sont toutes faites à la main, elles ont toutes un manteau différent. We both love our on ways, of cooking, of dressing up and down the table, we disagreed but then we agreed to disagree and we laughed. She tried to teach me how to cook corn in the microwave and I simply hated the thought. J’ai pris un bain dans une beignoire blanche clinique, tellement blanche que j’avais peur de la tâcher. J’ai lu Clarice Lispector et je me suis beignée dans ses mots. Je me sens seule. Je ne suis pas habitée de dormir seule. Je me retrouve, dans cette solutide de merde. 
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breeeliss · 6 years
[Miraculous Ladybug]: as in love with you as i am
helloooooooo @lilynciann​ !! i’m your secret santa from @mlsecretsanta​ !!! :D
i thought that some fluffy/romantic ladynoir would be up your alley so i hope you like this little story. it’s going to come to you in three parts since it turned out to be anything but little (i got carried away with the word count). oh well ^^;; lucky it’s all written so i won’t make you wait too long for it :)
(title is from angels by the xx because i’ve suddenly been listening to all of their old stuff lately and i miss them sm)
[Next: Chapter 2]
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Title: as in love with you as i am  Pairing: Ladynoir (Ladybug & Chat Noir) Summary: “What if I told you I could make you fall in love with me just by asking you thirty-six questions?” “I’d tell you that you need to update your playbook, kitty.”
Or, Ladybug and Chat Noir do Dr. Aron’s Love Experiment
Chapter 1: Set 1
“What if I told you I could make you fall in love with me just by asking you thirty six questions?”
Ladybug snorted around the rim of her coffee cup as she walked along one of the snow-covered park benches. “I’d tell you that you need to update your playbook, kitty.”
“You know, I’m offended that you think I’d resort to something as unoriginal as a playbook. All of my declarations of love for you are genuine and created in the moment.”
“Whenever a good line comes to you, you’re always rushing to write it down. You have a list of them on your phone.”
Chat Noir protectively pressed his baton to his chest. “Alright, so sometimes genius comes to me unexpectedly and I have to refer back to it so that I can use it on you later. That’s a crime?”
Ladybug tipped her head back and laughed. “No, but that’s exactly what a playbook is, you silly!”
“Well it’s hardly much of a playbook if I’m only using it on one person.”
“I guess that’s true.” She held out her cup so that he could take a gulp of coffee to keep warm. “But I still don’t think playing Thirty-Six Questions is a particularly good play.”
Chat Noir smacked his lips and opened the screen on his baton. “It’s not really a play. It’s more of a social experiment. There’s a paper published on it and everything.”
“Really?” Ladybug hopped down from the bench and looked over Chat’s shoulder while they kept walking. “How does it work?”
“I think the actual study used complete strangers,” Chat Noir explains, “but the point is that if you make two people answer all of these really personal questions, you can accelerate intimacy between them.”
“Just like that? Isn’t that a little realistic?”
“Apparently people have tried it and it worked. I mean, I don’t think they all fell in love afterward. But it definitely left them a lot closer once they were done.”
Ladybug reached over his shoulders and started to scroll through the first couple of questions. “Sounds like a gimmick…”
“If you haven’t tried it you can’t call it a gimmick. There are a lot of articles on this.”
Ladybug smirked. “You’re just dying for me to fall in love with you, aren’t you?”
Chat Noir rolled his eyes and handed her coffee back. “I wouldn’t resort to something like this just to get you to fall for me. I’d like for it to happen all on its own so long as you’re not opposed to that.”
She smiled and linked arms with him as they turned down a path that wasn’t as well lit and didn’t have as many people walking along the path. “I always say it’s good to leave yourself open to possibility.”
His laugh was breathy and his smile was a little too wide, but he pulled her closer to his side and tried to keep them on the shoveled part of the path. “Well, anyway. It was just something that popped up on my newsfeed. It’s kind of comforting that there’s some foolproof method of trying to get closer to someone. And it only takes a few minutes.”
“Don’t you think that takes all the fun out of it?” Ladybug asked. “Isn’t the point to let that sort of thing happen gradually?”
“I haven’t read the questions yet, but I think the point of the experiment is to make it gradual. Little by little you’re opening yourself up to the other person and letting them see new parts of yourself. It’s just expediting what people do normally. Or maybe what people are too scared to do without a little help.”
Ladybug hummed and cupped her hands around her coffee when the cold wind started to pick up. “I guess it’s hard to believe that you can do all that just with a handful of questions. Intimacy is a complicated thing to have and even more complicated thing to build.”
Chat Noir considered the point. “Maybe it takes a certain type of personality in order for that sort of push to work. Nothing’s impossible when it comes to two people building trying to build a relationship, platonic or otherwise.”
Ladybug tightened the scarf around her neck. “I guess that’s a fair point.”
After Hawkmoth had taken full advantage of all the heightened negative emotions that tended pop up during the holidays, Ladybug and Chat Noir felt that they were entitled to a bit of a break after all the chaos had quieted down. The opportunity didn’t present itself until a few days after Christmas, and the only thing that Chat Noir could think to do was take a walk through the park after sunset when the crowds had thinned to almost nothing. He told Ladybug that he loved walking along the jogging paths when they were only lightly shoveled and still flanked by vast banks of snow that were still undisturbed and pristine.
She wasn’t too keen on spending so much time out in the cold, but once they bundled up over their suits and brought along hot drinks to warm their hands it wasn’t so bad. Besides, it seemed important for Chat to fill their time together with as much talking as possible, as if he’d been deprived of it for the short week he didn’t see her during the holidays. Striking up conversations about silly articles he found online seemed far preferable to spending time at home, and for that Ladybug was willing to brave the chilly weather.
Ladybug found an old gazebo tucked slightly off the path and lit with lampposts that seemed like the perfect place to hide from the wind for a while. When they sat down inside, she noticed Chat Noir fidgeting under the brief silence while she buttoned up the collar of her coat. She wondered if there was something bothering him, but she supposed that if it was extremely personal it wouldn’t be the sort of thing he’d share with her. Still, it didn’t seem like Chat Noir was in any hurry to end the evening and she hated seeing that uncomfortable look on his face he got whenever he was holding something in.
She pointed to his baton. “You wanna give it a try?”
“Give what a try?” he asked. “You…you mean the questions?”
“I’m curious to see if it’ll prove me wrong. A tagline like that is just begging people to test it out anyway.”
Chat Noir tried to hide his smile by biting his lips. “We don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable. Some of these questions can get kind of personal. We have our identities to protect after all.”
“I’m sure there’s no harm in getting personal so long as we don’t share anything that would identify us,” Ladybug reasoned. “Besides, we’re already close friends to begin with. I’m sure it won’t be anything we aren’t used to sharing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Gives us an excuse to stay out a little longer.”
Chat didn’t seem like he was prepared to argue that, so he cleared his throat and opened up the article again so he could retrieve the questions. “I’m not sure what kinds of questions we’re going to come upon, so if you want to stop or skip we can.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Ladybug said. “It’ll be like an adventure.”
He grinned at her answer. “Well, alright then. It looks like there are three sets of questions. Twelve questions each. And I guess each set is more intense than the one before it.”
“Makes sense.”
“Kay, so…one person is supposed to read the question, and the other person is supposed to answer first. Then at the end, it recommends staring at the person for four minutes.”
“Like just staring?”
Chat Noir squinted at the screen. “Yeah, I guess so. Uninterrupted and no speaking. I guess as like a final bonding exercise.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to do that without laughing. I’m always bad at staring contests.”
“Well, now we have to do it. I wanna see how much you suck.”
Ladybug shoved her foot into the meat of his thigh. “Oh hush. Come on. Let’s start with the first one.”
“Okay,” Chat Noir announced. “First question. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?”
Ladybug’s answer was immediate. “Rei Kawakubo.”
“Wait I think I’ve heard that name before,” Chat Noir said. “Fashion designer, right?”
“Yup! It’s a tie between her and Yohji Yamamoto. They were huge in the 80s because of how they mixed together Western and Japanese influences in their designs. She’s basically one of my heroes. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who was that revolutionary and unconventional.”
Chat Noir smiled. “Interested in fashion, are you?”
“Very much so,” she nodded. “I love creative people — people who can look at something ordinary and turn it into something never seen before. I’d love to know how her mind works. What drives her inspiration.”
“Well, I’ve seen what your brain can do when it has to look at something ordinary and be creative with it. It’s saved my life a few times if I remember right. I’m sure she’d love to have dinner with you.”
Ladybug dipped her head to hide her blush behind her bangs. “How about you?”
It took Chat Noir a few seconds to answer, but he snapped his fingers and said, “Daniel Jérent.”
“Who’s that?”
He brightened up at the opportunity to explain. “A French épée fencer who was a team world champion in the 2016 Olympics. He isn’t quite as good as Gauthier Grumier but he’s going to grow so much from here on our, I can feel it. He won the Paris World Cup, after all. And now that he’s got a gold medal he’s set to do nothing but great things.”
Ladybug stared at him in delight. “I didn’t know you followed fencing so seriously.”
“I’ve been fencing since I was four,” he told her. “Daniel’s career is starting to get to a really exciting point, and I’d love to hear what advice he’d have for someone like me.”
Her chest swelled with pride. “Chat Noir in the 2020 Olympics. I’d be honored to watch you.”
“The Olympics are a bit ambitious,” he laughed. “But, to me, he’s proof that passion and persistence always pays off. You’ll eventually get where you’re going if you care enough and try hard enough. That’s a beautiful thing, don’t you think?”
“I definitely do.” She leaned over to playfully ring the bell hanging by his neck. “That wasn’t too bad.”
“It’s only the first question. We’ve got a long way to go.”
“Alright, what’s the next one?”
Chat Noir read, “Would you like to be famous? In what way?”
“I’m assuming we should ignore the fact that we’re already famous superheroes?”
“Do you want to be famous for a different reason?” he asked.
“More than anything,” Ladybug admitted. “I’m not interested in the glamour or the theatrics. I think more than anything, I want to be recognized for my talents. Like you said, passion and persistence pays off, and I’d like the payoff to match the amount of work I put into what I care about. I want the world to know how serious I am about becoming the best I can be. I’ll reach as high as I can to make that happen.”
Chat Noir winked. “Jumping straight into the fashion world I’m assuming?”
“Becoming a designer who’s respected in her field and has her own label filled with all of her own designs is the dream. I want to make an impact on people.”
“That’s a good mindset to have,” he said. “Aim for the best version of yourself and not necessarily for the fame itself. Fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be anyway.”
Ladybug furrowed her brows. “Didn’t expect that answer from you…”
“Why not?”
“You’re always flexing for the cameras and handing out autographs like they’re candy. I thought you loved the attention.”
Chat Noir shrugged. “It’s different being a superhero. People admire us because we save lives and keep them safe. And I know sometimes reporters can get a bit nosy and out of hand, but there’s only so much privacy they can invade when no one knows who we are. When it’s actually you out there for the whole world to look at…it feels more like you’re an attraction at the zoo.”
“Like you’re constantly on display?”
“Exactly. You have to be perfect all the time. You have to act the way people want you to act. You relinquish your privacy. You become a commodity to entertain people and you stop being yourself at a certain point. I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. I’d rather live humbly and comfortably if I had to choose.”
Ladybug didn’t miss how rehearsed his answer sounded and wondered why that could possibly be. “You’ve given this a lot of thought…”
“I guess so.” He stared at his hands for a few moments before clearing his throat and looking up at her again. “Next question?”
He didn’t seem interested in dwelling, so Ladybug let it drop. “Sure.”
“Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Why?”
“Sometimes,” Ladybug admitted. “When I get over-excited, I kinda talk too fast for people to understand me. My thoughts tend to be all over the place and it’s hard to keep up since I like jumping from one thing to the next. Practicing just helps others understand me.”
“I can see that,” Chat Noir chuckled. “Sometimes you explain your plans to me and it sort of goes over my head. In a good way! You’re brilliant! But your brain runs too quickly for me.”
Ladybug covered her face with her hands. “Sorry, sorry. I’m working on it.”
Chat Noir searched the roof of the gazebo for his own answer. “I don’t think I ever rehearse when I’m on the phone. Well, actually. I take that back. I rehearse what I say whenever I talk to my father.”
Ladybug frowned. “Why’s that?”
He sighed and tried to make his answer seem as casual as possible. “It’s always best to make clear exactly what you want from him. He doesn’t like it when people waste his time.”
“I’m sure nothing concerning you is a waste of time, though.”
“My, uh…my father has his priorities,” Chat Noir sighed.  “And he’s very busy with his work. If I dare come in between that, it had better be something important. Which makes sense, I guess. He’s got an important job.”
Chat Noir’s father had never been a topic of conversation before, and Ladybug immediately understood why. The careless tone of his voice wasn’t enough to hide the tension in his body while he answered, and she figured that this probably wasn’t the best time to prod at such a complicated subject. So she gracefully accepted the answer. “What’s next?”
“What would constitute a perfect day for you?”
Ladybug tapped her lips. “No responsibilities for a day or the day after it. Just free range to work on whatever personal projects I want without the anxiety of worrying that I should be doing something more important. It’s rare to have that much time to myself.”
“Ditto on the no responsibilities for that day or the day after it, but I wouldn’t spend it alone,” Chat Noir said. “I’d call every friend I knew and spent the entire day with them. It wouldn’t matter what we did specifically. So long as I’m surrounded by good company it would be a brilliant day.”
Ladybug smiled. Based on the how they spent their day so far, that sounded like a very Chat Noir answer.
Chat Noir grinned. “Oh here’s a fun one. When did you last sing to yourself and when did you last sing to someone else?”
“To myself? This morning getting ready to go New Years’ shopping. And I don’t really sing to other people, so I can’t remember when I last sang to someone. I don’t have the best singing voice so I usually just save it for the shower.”
Chat Noir snickered behind his hand. “That’s really cute, my lady. But now you have to sing for me one day.”
“Oh god, never.”
“I also sang to myself when I got ready this morning. But the last person I sang to was my best friend this past Saturday. I was staying over at his house and whenever we watch Saturday morning cartoons, we always sing along to the opening songs as loud as we can until we wake the whole house up.”
“Yup. That sounds like you, alright.”
Chat Noir winked and moved on. “If you were able to live to the age of ninety and retain either the mind or the body of a thirty year old for the last sixty years of your life, which would you want?”
Ladybug whistled. “Wow, that came out of nowhere.”
“Yeah,” Chat Noir winced. “I guess this is where they start to get deeper.”
She puffed out her cheeks and fell back against the floor. “I guess…I’d pick a thirty year old mind.”
Chat Noir lied down next to her and propped himself up on his elbow. “Why’s that?”
“I guess I’d rather keep my mind sharp in my old age. Just for the sake of practicality,” she clarified. “I’m an artist. I want to be able to keep coming up with fresh ideas for as long as I can. What happens to my body is less relevant.”
Chat Noir hummed in thought and took longer than she did to give his own response. “Thirty year old body.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, saw that coming.”
Chat Noir flicked her forehead. “It’s not for the reasons you think. I don’t ever want to be slowed down, you know? I don’t want to be cooped up in my house all day as an old man. I want to be able to travel, to see things, to breathe new air, and meet new people. I’ve always said I wanted to be one of those old men who’s like unnaturally fit and can still do sit ups and run 5k.”
Ladybug smiled at the joke. “I never thought of that. That’s a good answer.”
“Yours was too. There are lots of brilliant things going on in that pretty little head of yours. I wouldn’t want to lose that either if I were you.”
She beamed at the genuine compliment, but the warmth in her chest didn’t last long once Chat Noir started reading the next question.
“Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?”
The last word hung heavily between them, and the park was suddenly too quiet and filled with too much empty space. They both looked at each other with an odd severity in their eyes that made it clear they were both thinking the same thing.
Ladybug started tangling her fingers in her yoyo string. “Well that got morbid quickly.”
“I don’t think it was meant to be morbid,” he tried to explain. “We just have a lot of occupational hazards to think about.”
Ladybug sighed. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” It was difficult to ignore the fears that came with doing her job, especially when her magic was the difference between her ability to live on another day and a quick end to her stint as a superhero. Chat Noir and the rest of Paris depended on that magic as well, and it sometimes made her sick wondering what would happen if that magic were to fail or if she were too slow in making use of it. She was sure that Chat Noir held some of those anxieties too, especially when it came to making sure she wasn’t caught in the wrong crossfire.
Suffice it to say it wasn’t a topic they liked bringing up very often, so Chat laid a hand over hers and decided to give them an out. “Let’s skip this one.”
Ladybug nodded and they left it at that.
He didn’t bother moving his hand as he tried to find the next question. “Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.” He practically tripped in his hurry to lighten the mood after such a dark question. “Well, now this is too easy.”
Ladybug snorted and tried to put in the same effort, eager to leave pessimistic musings deep in the back of her mind. “Now, now, who knows. We might have to work hard to figure this out.
Chat Noir lifted up one finger. “Owning magical jewelry enchanted with the powers of thousand year old gods that gives us the ability to gain logic defying superpowers and stylish outfits.”
“Ah, do you ever get sore after fights? Like I know the suits are meant to protect us and stuff, and they do. But I think sometimes they can’t block out everything because there are days where I wake up the next morning feeling like I got run over by a truck.”
“Same!” Ladybug exclaimed. “It’s right after you take really bad hits, right? Remember that time we both got slammed into that brick building a couple of weeks ago?”
“Oh god,” Chat groaned. “My whole back was on fire for like three days. It was the worst.”
“That akuma was brutal.”
Chat Noir stroked his chin and tried to come up with one more answer. He gasped, waggled his eyebrows, and flashed a wolfish grin. “We’re both devilishly good looking.”
“How astute of you,” she teased.
“Merely pointing out what was so achingly obvious,” Chat Noir chuckled.
Ladybug rolled her eyes and tucked her hands behind her head as she tried to come up with a creative answer. “We’re both really passionate about our jobs,” she began, “but we’re also really afraid of what it means to fail at them.” She felt Chat Noir shift beside her when she said it, but he didn’t say anything and allowed her to continue.
“We’re afraid of letting down all the people who look up to us everyday to keep them safe. But…I guess the good thing about that is that it’s made us comfortable trusting each other with our lives precisely because we know how high the stakes are if we lose. It makes it really hard for us to fail because our faith is so strong.”  
She didn’t mean to give such a sentimental response, but it didn’t seem like Chat Noir minded because his head was tilted to the side as he looked at her with eyes filled with affection and warmth. They didn’t often have the opportunity to put their dynamic into words and how it often felt like some powerful connection that neither of them could have ever prepared for or predicted. But it was nice to acknowledge it for what it was, and Ladybug was proud of what she and Chat Noir had accomplished.
He hid his laughter in the crook of his elbow, trying his hardest not to let his happiness spill out all at once. “That was a really good answer, my lady.”
“I figured we needed a pick me up from the last question. We can dwell on the negatives, but I’m more impressed by all the good we’ve accomplished. The two of us have come a long way, haven’t we?”
Chat Noir took her hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it. “Indeed we have.” He stared down at his phone and laughed. “I guess this is actually a perfect segue. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?”
Ladybug tapped his nose. “Aside from you?”
“ Obviously .”
She smiled and tried to think about her life outside of being Ladybug. “My best friend probably,” she answered. “My mother always says you should treasure the people that bring out the best parts in you. I feel like I wouldn’t have known a lot of things about myself had it not been for her, and I thank the universe everyday that she walked into my life. In a way she gave me the courage I needed to become Ladybug without even realizing it.”
Chat Noir went quiet as he twisted his ring around his finger. “This might be a cliche answer, but…my miraculous is the only thing I can really think of.”
“I mean, I understand that.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I dunno, I’m not really like you. There isn’t anything I’m really passionate about that I want to do for the rest of my life and keep getting better at until I’m the best that I can be. I’ve always just done what I was told and gone with the flow to make everyone around me happy. But now I have a choice . I can choose to be a hero and I can choose what kind of person I want to be so long as I’m wearing this ring. It’s the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.”
Ladybug squeezed the hand that Chat Noir was still holding. “I like that answer.”
“Thanks,” he smiled. But when he scanned the next question, his expression quickly turned solemn. “Oh boy, uh…if you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?”
Ladybug’s heart did a little hiccup when he finished, and his hand fell away from hers. He kept his gaze on the gentle snowfall that had started up around them, and suddenly she was grateful to go first and give him time to think. She had a strange feeling he was thinking of an answer that revolved around his father. She hoped that she was wrong.
“I don’t want to make it seem like I’m unhappy with how I was raised, but I guess I wished my family had more money. I mean, we had enough. But my parents own a business and trying to get it off the ground meant that everyone was only allowed one Christmas present and one birthday present, and they’d always be under thirty euros because that’s all my parents could afford for a really long time.” She paused, frowned, and shook her head. “Nah, never mind. That was a selfish answer.”
“It’s not selfish at all,” Chat Noir assured, although his voice sounded oddly hollow. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little bit more for yourself. I’m sure your parents wished they could get you more too. It’s not a crime to wish that things could’ve been better.”
“That’s true,” she decided. “But they raised me so well regardless. I guess it’s hard to come up with an answer because there really isn’t anything I’d want to change. They both did their best and I’m happy with where we are.”
“You’re lucky,” he replied. “Sometimes I wonder if living humbly is better. Like when you have to depend on each other for strength and find happiness in little things because it’s all you have. Like…family becomes all the more important.”
Ladybug swiped aside his bangs. “Did you grow up with a lot?”
“Yeah, my family’s pretty well off,” Chat Noir admitted. “Father owns a business too, but it’s pretty big and takes up a lot of his time. Left us with a lot of money and I pretty much had whatever I wanted growing up, but my father sort of thought that he could get away with just throwing things at me so that he didn’t have to worry about showing me too much attention. He’s always travelling, always working, always locked in an office, always talking to someone. And whenever I poke my head into his office, he just hands me his credit card or sends an employee to take care of me instead.”
Ladybug felt her chest start to ache. “Chat, that’s awful…”
“I mean, for a while it was kind of my normal,” he explained. “I had it a lot worse than some of my other rich friends, but their parents were almost exactly the same. When you have stuff you think it’s enough to just fill the gaps in between the people you care about with manufactured love. Because it’s easier. You just swipe a credit card and that’s it. But, I don’t know, it gets to you when your own father doesn’t even have time to come to career days at school or watch you in sports games.”
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear Chat Noir’s official answer, but he gave it to her anyway. “I guess I wish we weren’t rich. Or I wish that my father’s company wasn’t the most important thing in his life. Really anything that could’ve just kept him present a little bit more.” He bit the inside of his cheek and turned away from Ladybug. “This was a stupid question…”
“Doesn’t really make sense to wonder about whether or not you could change things that have already happened. It just makes you mope about what could’ve been but never will be. It’s depressing, that’s all.”
Ladybug sat up. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore. That can be the end of the question. We both answered already.”
Chat Noir was still turned away and muttered into his arm. “Alright…”
They decided to skip the eleventh question since “take four minutes and tell your partner about your life story in as much detail as possible” was rather hard to do while keeping their identities a secret. Besides, Chat Noir seemed like he was thoroughly fed up with talking about his personal life at the moment and Ladybug was prepared to take advantage of any opportunity to pull the heat away from that topic. So Chat Noir skipped down to number twelve and mumbled quietly, “If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?”
Ladybug wasn’t really feeling the spirit of the exercise anymore, but she supposed the point of this was to finish the questions in their entirety, and they promised each other they’d do it together. “To not need sleep,” she answered. “So I can handle being a person and being Ladybug at the same time without feeling so wiped out all the time.”
When he didn’t answer right away, Ladybug crawled to the other side of Chat Noir so that she could see him staring absently at the bare trees and lampposts lining the walkway just a few meters away from where they were sitting. “What about you?” she asked gently.
Chat Noir’s answer was quiet and cryptic. “Courage. I’d want to wake up with more courage.”
Her finger tips traced the bridge of his nose before she cupped his cheek. “You’re awfully brave to begin with. It’s hard to imagine you with even more.”
“Not that kind of courage,” Chat Noir clarified. “Having the courage to fight what’s bad is easy. I want the courage to be able to do other things. Harder things.” He clicked his baton shut and let it clatter to the floor. “That’s the end of the first set.”
Ladybug rubbed her thumb along his cheekbone and decided that it was probably as good a time as any to take a little bit of a break. There was nothing in the rules that said that wasn’t allowed. “Want to stop by somewhere for some hot chocolate? I’m buying.”
Chat Noir finally managed to look her in the eyes. “Are we stopping?”
“Just for now,” Ladybug promised. “But it might be better to do the rest of these someplace warm if they’re set to get any deeper than they already have. Besides, I think we could both use a little food in us.”
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albert-prous · 4 years
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zehub · 4 years
En #Afrique, l’#Europe et la #France ont attisé la #déforestation
Il y a trente ans, les Occidentaux ont développé le concept de « gestion durable des forêts » tropicales. Dans le bassin du Congo, le bilan est désastreux : une déforestation massive — alors que ces forêts tropicales sont un énorme puits à carbone — qui favorise l’émergence de maladies infectieuses. Sur la route qui relie Yaoundé à Douala, les deux principales villes du Cameroun, les grumiers — camions dédiés au transport du bois — font un va-et-vient permanent. Venus de l’est du pays et chargés d’imposants (...)
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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Maurice Grumier’s Nature https://www.instagram.com/p/BmETvz_AOa1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z25pxbnbgakk
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provencemichel · 8 months
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manu6259 · 1 year
ETS2 (1.46). Bartoland Map. Scania R650 Grumier. Strands Hi-Lo Led Lamp ...
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extreme-ineamm-blog · 3 years
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macommune · 7 years
via L'essentiel de l'information - macommune.info
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camer24 · 7 years
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Horreur à Yaoundé : écrasée par un grumier, elle était sur le point de se marier vendredi prochain "... La tragédie, a eu lieu dimanche 09 juillet 2017, à 21 heures à la montée Collège Adventiste du quartier Odza, dans le 4ème Arrondissement de la capitale. Hier dimanche, à en croire des témoins, les habitants du quartier Odza, montée Collège adventiste, ont vécu une scène d’une horreur... ..." La suite ► http://bit.ly/2vggAjl Accident, Cameroun, Yaounde
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About the city of Anerane
30 miles in diameter (about a days journey by foot) the huge capital city of Verbos is where the majority of this nations population resides. Verbos is a nation on the continent of Gramjos, and is one of the three powerhouses. Verbos is well know for their economic prowess, unlike the other two powerhouses, Hertuin, which is known for its military strength, and Berut, known for its technological advancements. The main reasons behind Verbos's economic might may be due to the fact that it controls most of the continent's trade routes, usable farm land, and coast. In Gramjos, there is three major religions, each having one major god who has blessed the three main superpowers of the continents. Ver, god of wealth, prosperity, life, travel, and justice, patron god of the nation of Verbos. Herata, goddess of war, strength, trickery, and the sun, patron of the nation of Hertuin. Brenuu, goddess of magic, knowledge, death, and the moon, patron of Berut. These gods were once mortals who eventually ascended, as they were the children of the god Grumier, king of the gods. The three also originally had followers, who became patrons of cities. The patron of Anerane was Ane, god of trade, food, and protection. At the time of Ane's ascension, Anerane was known as Rew, a small farming village. Ane descended on his gryphon, named Rane, and blessed the village with good harvests for eternity. The village soon grew quickly, the population growing rapidly with the land expanding in all directions. The city, on one end, hit the coast. Ane descended once again, blessing the city with a port and a trade route that managed to make it to two other major cities of the other two nations quickly and safely. They city, once again grew and grew, taking up the name of their patron god and his mount, Anerane. The city grew into orc territory, and the orcs worshipped a war god, known to some as Anabellensoo. Anabellensoo was not happy with Ane, as this was the last settlement of his people (the subset of orcs known as Anabellens, not orcs as a whole, as there was some orcs known as Bellens, worshippers of a god of peace.) Anabellensoo pushed a major meteor from the heavens and sent it flying to Anerane, as he sent his forces to attack the undefended city. Acting quickly, he gave the city two final blessings, a huge wall, almost 20 stories high, and a large army of gryphons and arms, the Spear of Anerane. Each of the gryphon riders, half a million of them, received these spears, which, when called forth, would return to the thrower. The battle, known as the final battle of Anabellensoo, ended with Ane managing to carry the meteor to over the final settlement of Anabellensoo, crushing both of them on impact, killing them and the remaining Anabellens. The city of Anerane was still blessed, and they used these blessings to keep the city prosperous. On the verge of the 1000 year anniversary of the death of Ane, the city still stands. DISTRICTS The trade district- Outer ring- the trade district consists of mainly land, both industrial and farm land. Residents tend to be farmers or workers. The largest district, takes up about 1/2 of the cities land. Multiple canals run through this district, taking the exports through the city, either to be sold in the market or sent else where in the port. Or, if they are sent elsewhere in the continent, they take the trade route, the main road being almost 100 yards in width, branching to other cities or other nations. The population is mainly human, orc, half orc, dwarf, or half-dwarf. Buildings are single story. The market- the second ring- The Market is a mixture of residential space and a place to sell goods. Travelers come here so they can by the best products. Places with similar products are placed into similar subdistricts. Residents are mainly merchants. This section takes up 3/4th of the remaining space. Residents are mainly dwarves, humans, and orcs. Very little half-orcs and half-dwarves. Buildings range in height of 2-5 The Governmental District- inner ring- As the capital of Verbos, the government is stationed there, obviously. The government is both a democracy and a theocracy. The House of Elects are elected officials who are common folk who do what is best for the people. The House of Divine are clerics of Ane, who do what is best for the city and the church. The two mix well, as they strive for a similar goal a majority of the time. The House of Elects is 20 stories tall, and the House of Divine is also 20 stories tall. Other buildings include the Chuch of Ane, which is 15 stories tall, the Gatekeepers Guild, also 15 stories tall, and various other buildings, mainly residential buildings for members of the government, church, or guild. This section is 1/8th of the city. Population is majorly dwarf, with some human and orcs. Population- roughly 8 million 2 million in Trade district 6 million in Market district 1 million in Governmental district 4 million Dwarven 1.5 million Orc 1.5 million Human Remainder a mix of any two of the above WHY IS THERE NO (INSERT RACE THAT ISN'T ANY OF THE ABOVE)? They live in the other two major nations. Elves of this continent are called Herat-Elves, and are purists and don't believe in socializing with non-Herat for any reason other than war or business. Gnomes, dragonborns, etc are fairly social, but are fairly community based and rarely leave from their settlements.
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