#grunge metal geralt
Grunge-Metal Geralt 3
its finally time 😂 after months of staring at an empty google doc i finally had a useful idea - also y’all, go listen to ‘Brighter Side of Grey’ by Five Finger Death Punch bc that’s the song i based this on and its fire and i love it also all of ffdp is one whole witchery mood
Warnging: vague discussion of a car crash where Geralt was severely injured, big emotionaly vulnerability, swearing?, listen to the song then you’ll get the vibes i promise
“Give them a break, guys,” Eskel sighed as he wrote down his coffee order, “They had a close call. It’s not like they’re always this…”
“Gross. Skel. The word you’re looking for is gross.” Lambert snatched the paper out of his brother’s hand and stalked out of the room with Aiden in tow. 
Jaskier scrunched his nose and called from where he was tucked under Geralt’s chin, “Did we drive them away? I can get up if it’s too much.” Even as he spoke, neither he nor Geralt so much as twitched to make good on the offer. 
“Doesn’t bother me,” Eskel shrugged. 
Lambert and Aiden, mainly Lambert, were getting fed up with Geralt and Jaskier cuddling and cooing and doing general new couple bullshit. Especially since they’d been together three years now. They were recording a collaboration song, meaning everyone had to be there, but it seemed the two vocalists only really cared about each other. Jaskier sat on Geralt’s lap, played with his hair, stole kisses whenever he could… at one point Lambert caught Geralt tracing Jaskier’s lips and forced a coughing fit to get his attention. He probably thought it was subtle, even if no one else did. So to take a break and get some of what he called ‘patience juice’ (coffee), Lambert ran to their favorite coffee shop while Eskel laid down his bass line. 
It’s not that they were intentionally this annoying, not all the time at least. After the car crash, especially once Geralt started doing well in his physical therapy, the couple just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not to say that was the only relationship Geralt was suddenly extra involved in, it was just the most noticeable. 
Finally, after tea and coffee was distributed to everyone it was time for Geralt and Jaskier to, well, do their jobs. Jaskier was fidgeting and humming little scales, doing anything to calm the sudden nerves he felt bubbling up in his stomach. 
“You alright?” Geralt purred, nudging him with his elbow as they stood side by side at their respective microphones. When Jaskier only shrugged he continued, “What's wrong?” 
“I’m just not used to so many people being here while I…” Jaskier motioned to the mic before glancing around him and taking a deep breath, “it’s a vulnerable song…” 
Geralt’s worry lines in his forehead melted as he pulled Jaskier into his arms, “I can kick them out if you want?” he whispered. 
Shaking his head and inhaling Geralt’s scent deeply, something Jaskier had learned not to take for granted, he steeled his nerves, “I’ll be fine. Maybe a little weepy, but fine.”
As they were about to start, listening to the instrumental track and humming their parts of the song, Lambert brought Jaskier a bottle of water and set it on his music stand. He gave him a quick side hug and kissed his hair, offering a small “sorry” for all his teasing. Jaskier just giggled in response, the kind that only bubbles over from too much anticipation. He missed it, but Geralt mouthed a small ‘thank you’ to Lambert as he sat back down on the other side of the glass. 
Jaskier hooked his pinky around Geralt’s as the guitar intro started, needing that little bit of contact for the first line. When they’d written it it felt perfect. The audience knew exactly what kind of song they were about  to hear and Geralt really hadn’t known if he would pull through. It took Jaskier right back to the dimly lit hospital room where he scrawled and scratched out lyrics to keep Geralt distracted from his upcoming surgery. The fear, the desperation, the little pockets of joy when they forgot where they were, the overwhelming love that Jaskier thought he’d never be able to fully give to Geralt all crept back up his throat as he took a breath for that stupid fucking first line. 
His voice cracked partway through as he sang, making him fully grip Geralt’s hand, “I’m writing this in case I’m gone tomorrow,” By some miracle, he found his support for the next line, “I’m writing this in case I’ve moved along,”
For a moment he thought he’d gotten over the worst of it. A couple lines passed in relative ease, emotional but not so much it interfered with his craft. If he focused on looking at his microphone and keeping his breath supported he might make it through. Then Geralt joined him for the chorus. 
“When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away. When the sun burns out, I’ll be waiting on the brighter side of grey.” 
His harmony faltered and he involuntarily heaved a broken gasp in the middle of a line, desperately trying to focus on the mic that was now warped by the tears in his eyes. 
Geralt broke off after the first word of his verse, turning to Jaskier and pulling him in again, “You alright, love?”
“I’m fine. I’m sorry,” Jaskier groaned in embarrassment as he clung to Geralt’s frame, “I’m being a baby. I wasn’t even the one hurt.” 
“No you’re not,” Geralt argued, running his knuckles over Jaskier’s cheeks to wipe away his tears, “Here,” he moved their mics and stands close enough that they were shoulder to shoulder and their fingers could comfortably lace together. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand gently and gave him a brave smile, “From the top?” 
“From the top.”
This time Jaskier tried watching Geralt as they sang. He made it through the first chorus and got to just watch as Geralt sang his verse. The pang of emotion in his chest was still ever present, but it was manageable. Until he noticed Geralt having trouble. 
On “All you get to keep is what you’ve shared,” Geralt squeezed his eyes closed and his grip on Jaskier’s hand tightened. The folk singer prepared, relaxed, readied himself to take a breath in. He was expecting that one to hurt after how much Geralt insisted upon it. How he threatened to get out of that hospital bed and scribble the line himself if Jaskier didn’t put it in. He wasn’t expecting the last line of the stanza to hurt. It had been comforting to the both of them at the time.
Geralt’s lip quivered and his voice was almost pinched as he sang out, “Remember no one ever really dies.”
Even being the one to write the melody, Jaskier missed the first three notes of the chorus, “Fuck. Shit. I’m so sorry.”
“No, that was on me,” Geralt sniffed and chuckled, “I knew you’d lose it if I did.”
“How do you do this?!” Jaskier exclaimed, chugging half the water bottle to keep the breakdown at bay. 
Aiden’s voice came over their headphones, “Half our songs are his trauma and another quarter are group trauma. He’s got practice sweetheart.”
They tried a couple more times, even got through the whole song once with only minimal tears and one tasteful cracked note. But it was still a struggle for Jaskier to keep it together, and the more they sang, the more Geralt lost his iron grip on his composure. 
“Look at me,” Jaskier instructed, moving Geralt to face him and adjusting their mics so they could sing to each other, “Just like when we wrote it. Except a little less pain.” 
The joke earned a snort out of Geralt, exactly what Jaskier was aiming for, “This is supposed to be easier?”
“We can try?”
Jaskier did wonderfully for his verse, singing to Geralt was familiar and safe, even if the subject matter was terrifying. The chorus went well, but as soon as Geralt started to sing, Jaskier couldn’t exhale and it was all he could do not to sniff and ruin the take. 
“If you’re hearing this I know you’re probly scared,” had tears falling down his cheeks again and Geralt’s voice cracked as his eyes welled up, “Nope,” he choked, “that’s worse. Much worse.”
“Fuck,” Jaskier gave a watery giggle as he wrapped his arms around Geralt’s middle, “Why did we decide to do this again?”
Geralt pressed a kiss to Jaskier’s hair, sniffling and holding him tight, “I think we’re sadists.”
“Back to back,” Eskel’s voice crackled in their ears, “Try it back to back.” 
Leaning back to watch Jaskier’s reaction, Geralt hummed, “Do you want to? Or do you need a break?”
“Fuck it,” Jaskier shrugged, spinning Geralt around and following suit as he moved his equipment. 
As they stood waiting for the tech to start the audio, Jaskier felt like he could really inhale for the first time all day. Geralt was there, he could feel his ribs expand against his back and his fingers tapping like a metronome on Jaskier’s palms. This is what they were missing when they wrote the damn song. The comfort of knowing someone is always at your back, that they’ll be there when it’s hard and even when you’re separated. 
A warmth spread through Jaskier as the intro started and he felt ready. He still pressed back into Geralt on the harder lines, reminding himself he was still there, but they both made it through two full takes. 
On the final one, as the recording of the softly picked guitar faded out, Jaskier couldn’t help but repeat two more lines, “When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away.”
His voice hung in the air for a beat, the sense of finality reverberating through the studio and bringing everything else to a stand still. 
Geralt was the first to breathe, “Shit, we made it.”
“We fuckin made it,” Jaskier huffed, emotionally drained but immensely satisfied as he turned to hug Geralt from behind and press his cheek to his spine, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s get a snack?”
When the sound tech played the potential mix for the first time, he tacked on an echoing, distant sounding recording of their conversation. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, goosebumps on their arms and that feral sparkle in their eyes that every artist gets when they’ve stumbled on something really exciting. They re-recorded some guitar and drums, but they kept the vocals exactly the same. 
For the album art they wrote “I love you” on the tattered hospital stationary that had the lyrics and chords written on it and took a picture. Jaskier had the original framed and hung in their house as a little reminder. 
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dazedandinked · 3 years
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After the show  ~
This Metal/Grunge!Geralt is completely inspired by @thecomfortofoldstorries ‘s amazing AU (click to read the first and the second part, trust me you really should). You did a great job with this one, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I fell in love with this work so hard that I couldn’t help giving my small contribution. From the moment I’ve started working on this piece, headcanons about Geralt’s particular look took shape into my mind and I want to share them with you:
The first tattoo Geralt got is the horse on his right shoulder. Roach is a symbol of his past and his childhood. Lambert thinks it’s a bit funny because both tattoos on his right arm represent the fact that Geralt prefers animals to people. 
The tattoo on his left elbow is part of The Witchers’ logo and all the bandmates wear it with pride.
The last tattoo he got is the little sparrow on his neck. Geralt and Ciri, his little sister, went to the tattoo parlor as soon as she turned 18. She chose the design and he paid for both of them. She had been talking about getting a tattoo for a year and Geralt, being a tall, big man covered in ink, couldn’t deny her wish without feeling like a hypocrite.
The geometric tattoo on Geralt’s left shoulder is a cover-up. In his mid-twenties, he fell in love with Yennefer and their relationship was an emotional rollercoaster for him and all the people around. The morning he woke up with this crazy idea in mind, Geralt went to the tattoo parlor to get a bouquet of lilacs and gooseberries tattooed on his arm, no regrets. When he got back home, Eskel wasn’t really convinced by this great love gesture (actually, he said that it was a very “Lambert idea”) but Geralt is nothing if not very stubborn. When they finally broke up, Geralt had to go through a few painful tattoo sessions. Every time he went to rehearsal after a session, Lambert would greet him with a heavy hand on his sore shoulder and remind him that fortunately he didn’t get his ex’s name tattooed on his ass (you can see a bit of purple under the geometric shapes).
After so many years on stage, Geralt’s look has become a bit more gentle: he gave up wearing lip and nose piercings and he said goodbye to heavy make-up. He still wears a touch of black kohl (yes, Ciri learned how to do her make up watching her brother), and he still has a few patch of skin he wants to cover with tattoos.
+ Smol Jaskier is back guys, and he’s enjoying the view.
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jenniferwrath · 4 years
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Geralt of Rivia tho??????????????????????????
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zoebeeeeeeeee · 2 years
The Radio Plays Local Bands After Midnight
What if i came back to tumblr after a...5 (??) year hiatus? and also actively admit that i left tumblr to follow where the porn went. What if i came back with a new hyperfixation that hit me out of left field a week ago? Shit dude that would suck.
Anyway, here’s wonderwall.
The Radio Plays Local Bands After Midnight
Normally, Geralt was happy driving in silence. He felt he was better able to focus on the road and other drivers along with being able to clear his mind. But a few months after the mountain Geralt found he needed something to distract him from the silence and made use of his radio. He had stations he liked and one in particular played local bands from time to time. What happens when a particularly heart crushing and mildly passive aggressive song comes on?
Modern AU taking Place hours after Geralt rescued Jaskier from Nilfgaard and is driving the two of them back to camp. Here’s the song if you would like a listen, they’re on spotify too
Previously, on their drives, Jaskier would be nonstop. Talking about nothing, singing to every song whether or not he knew the words, trying to show Geralt things on his phone while he was driving. He wouldn't nap, even when was actively fighting off sleep. He thought it was rude to leave Geralt alone in the truck, and would only sleep after midnight if at all. It was irritating if not endearing and Geralt had grown fond of these moments over the years.
But now it was just past eleven and Jaskier had fallen asleep an hour ago. He was curled up close to himself on the seat, dirty boot resting flat on the dashboard, head resting in the only spot that didn’t make his head shake. Jaskier only had his boot on the dash to piss off Geralt, it worked, he was pissed but he felt he couldn’t be. Shouldn’t be, maybe. He didn’t have the right to be angry at a boot print and some dirt in his truck after what Jaskier had been through. Leaving him on the side of the road, the tourture and interrogation-he didn’t want to think about it.   
Geralt focused on the road and radio instead. He liked this station, 90’s alternative and grunge, and after midnight they played an hour of local bands.    
“And here tonight we got a new one for ya from an old favorite,” The host said, his voice was soft, like he wasn’t trying to wake up whoever was listening, or he himself was about to nod off. “It’s Dande-Lion featuring our very own Manticore.” What the fuck, no, no. They are miles away from Oxenfurt, no one played Jaskire’s music outside of the city unless it was him playing it himself! “Now, I looked into this Dandy-Lion guy for ya, thank me later, and he checks out. He’s a solo act from Oxenfurt and I heard he came to our beloved Manticore because he had a song, he had a song and he needed to get piiiiiised.” Shit. “No better people to go to for that than Manticore if you ask me. So here we are, Dandy-Lion, featuring Manticore, it's Buurrn Butcher Buuuuurrnnnn.”   
The song started and Geralt should have turned the station off then, he should have turned the station off at the mention of Jaskier, but here he was, listening. The song was metal, not Jaskier’s genre but that’s probably why he teamed up with another band. Hearing Jaskier sing at the start of the song startled Geralt, his voice was harsh, already yelling, a voice he had heard in bar fights or yelling out the truck window but never in song. He growled some of the lines had surprising chills ran down Geralt’s back, a completely different issue that he could deal with later. He rested his head in his hand and tried to focus on the empty road but Jaskier’s voice kept distracting him. Belting is what Jaskier had called it, Geralt called it screaming, but now, as the chorus came in, it was likely Jaskier would have called it screaming too.    
Jaskier was really letting out all his frustrations, everything he couldn’t say to Geralt he was screaming into the mic. It was a private “Fuck you” said in public. By the time the song was over Geralt felt a thought there was a chunk of lead in his heart, he turned the radio off and drove in silence, his head spinning thinking of the song and wondering if he should bring it up when Jaskier woke up. Maybe when they first stopped in the morning. Or the second stop. Or just-just later.    
There was hurt behind his voice. If Geralt listened hard enough, listened past the drums, guitars, and the man who came in to take over the guttural metal screams, Geralt could hear cracks of pain in Jaskier’s voice. The lyrics stabbed at Geralt’s chest, each insult passively thrown at this “Butcher” pressed the knife in a little further. And every time Jaskier screamed for him to burn a little more of that pain could be heard. 
   “After everything we did-we saw. You turned your back on me.” The knife was plunged to the hilt into Geralt. He turned and looked at Jaskier, still curled up and sleeping, not looking at all like the kind of man who could have possibly made this song. But, many things have changed as it were.    
“I don’t know, I at least thought it was good for a first time trying metal.” Jaskier’s voice was dry, he startled Geralt and wondered how long he had been awake. 
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littlefreya · 4 years
Henry’s characters music taste
@radaofrivia​​ has given me the best idea, so here we go, defining their taste in music!
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Walter Marshall - Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Prog, alternative metal and good ol’ 90s grunge but every now and then some rap too. Let’s face it, guy works in highly dark profession, only wears black, has a beard and semi-long hair. Don’t let the law enforcement job fool you, he needs to release some aggression. 
Fave artists: Alice in Chains, Gojira, Tool, Opeth, Rage Against the Machine, Faith no More.
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Captain Syverson - the answer is staring us in the face. Captain BDE is an old-schooler. He loves the fathers of metal; old rock classics and country rock and he ain’t into whatever these kids today listen to.
Faves: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Black Sabbath, AC/DC.
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August Walker - August doesn’t listen to that modern shit. Classical music is what really gets him off. And when I say off I mean it.
Faves: Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven. Though secretly a Lana Del Rey fan. She sings about daddy...
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Clark Kent - Human puppy cub Clark is soft. He loves the more indie type of music and soft rock/pop hits. 
Fave: He’s into The National, The Revivalists, Interpol, Franz Ferdinand.
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Napoleon Solo - First thing first, he’s a music man. Secondly: look at him, he’s a Sintra fan. Boy is smooth. He’s into those 50-60′s good ol’ artists, rocknroll and of course italian love songs.
Faves: Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Ray Charles, Cream, The beach boys.  
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Will Shaw -  is into R&B, Hiphop and 90′s rap. He also loves some rock but not as much, just the very popular ones.
Faves: Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Mos Def,  The weekend and Foo Fighters 
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Evan Marshall - Stoners rock and alternative rock. Evan likes everything that’s unconventional and expands his horizons. 
Faves: Melvins, The Black Angels, Acid King, Dax Riggs, Queens of the Stone Age.
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Charles Brandon - Ok... he doesn’t really live in our days but let’s say he did, Charlie boy would be into all the erotic music chill music, trip hop, electro-pop    
Faves: Massive Attack, Lovage, Goldfrapp, Portishead, Zero 7, Justice.
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Geralt of Rivia - Yeah okay another one... but if he did live in our days, Geralt would be totally into Melodic death metal, Power Metal, Folk Metal and every nerdy fantasy metal there is. 
Faves: Epica, Insomnium, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Alestorm. 
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Mike - Nu metal and goth-synth metal(?), the guy is from the early 2000 after all. He’s into whatever they are playing at that party
Faves: Linkin Park, Korn, Disturbed, Orgy, Deftones, Static X.
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Randy Lee James - He’s a romantic puppy and he’s into cheesy 80′s pop and 80′s glam metal, he’ll be blasting those on his boat and offer you to join him for a dance.
Faves: Aha, Duran Duran, Tears for Fears, Bon Jovi, New Order.
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Melot - Our boy is a little bit brooding, guess what? He’s into Thrash metal, everything that’s tough and angry is for him.
Faves: Pantera, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer. 
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Ok so I’ve completely fallen in love with the Grunge-metal Geralt AU, and now all I can think about is Geraskier writing songs about each other. Like, Movement by Hozier I can see Jaskier writing for him. And I don’t really listen to grunge so I don’t really have a song for Geralt to write but I think it would be loud and fun, or deep and powerful. Also Jaskier covering a Witcher song, either making it more his style, all chords and sultry voice. OR, or, everyone sees that Jaskier can actually sing grunge like ridiculously well.
Love your stories! Keep up the great work!
Hello love! I'm sorry this sat in my inbox for so long, but good news! Something very similar to this will be coming tonight 👀 keep your eyes peeled in about four hours 👀
Also thank you so much and I am also in love with grunge Geralt and if anyone finds him send him my way
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i know ur grunge metal au is purely self indulgent and we stan for that but i adore the thought of geralt on stage and looking like a badass rocker with leather, piercings, growling vocals and the like and then he gets off stage and its just real soft hrs and being a mega sweetie with jask
oh babe yes yes yes and amen
Geralt absolutely has a stage persona that he keeps up (and its rather close to how he actually was when they started the band; brash, suave, flirty, angry as all hell, and ready to throw hands scream at a moment’s notice.) but he has done his work and figured himself out. Turns out, music is a really good outlet for all the anger over not getting a choice. That and therapy was pretty helpful when Ciri made him go. But he’s a big softie. I mean BIG softie. 
Like, Jaskier sings him a song on like, their fifth or sixth date and he cries. He’s just so fuckin soft. He gets Jask flowers and just randomly says he’s pretty out of nowhere. The first time he did something like that he said, “I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you” and Jask almost died. He most definitely wrote it into a song. 
Make no mistake, he can turn it on when he wants to. Like when he needs to protect his gentle baby folk boyfriend at a bar or *ahem* in the bedroom. 
I’m not saying he’s a freak. I’ll leave that up to your imagination. But I will say the fucker has range. Not just vocally. I mean he's a big ole switch who loves taking care of his lover
I also think Jask is pretty fuckin feral. Like. He seems all sweet and soft, and he is, but when challenged to a dare or defending people he is a fucking hurricane (do I wanna write a fic where he sings  some Halsey songs? yes. don't judge me.) But he’s only got the mom-friend-override. He can’t stick up for himself for shit. This means Geralt has to save him from many an uncomfortable fan encounter. 
But yeah, if you cant tell, I have feelings about it too 🤷‍♀️
lmao thanks for the ask darlin! 
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When grunge-metal Geralt first knew about that up-and-coming artist "Jaskier or whatever", he didn't thought much of him. Just a pretty boy with meaningless songs (a pay with no filling). As Jask got more successful, Geralt got equally annoyed, "his music was fucking everywhere!". He had to listen to it so much that he started to really pay attention to the music and the lyrics, and realized that the songs were actually really deep and some of them really resonated with him. This guy knew how to make lyrics that sounded magical and surreal, but with a very human core. A true storyteller.
That's when he fell in love and decided to cover one of his songs to get his attention.
(can you tell I loved this au and I can't stop thinking about it? 🤣🤣🤣)
Fam I can't stop thinking about it either lol 😂
Lmao that's such a Geralt thing to do tho. He's such a grumpy old man 😂😂😂
I had actually thought it would be the other way around? Like The Witchers were the up and coming act? And Geralt is just simmering in his bi yearning and Aiden just rolls his eyes and goes "fuckin make a move then" so Geralt goes the absolute least possibility of rejection way possible lmao.
In my head the little thing that Eskel was saying before the song was teasing him for being so smitten too 🥰🤷🏼‍♀️
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I am in awe your grunge geralt au has stolen my heart just ajgelag
unfortunately I cannot give your heart back but I will treat it nicely 😘💖
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Just read your grunge/metal Geralt fic and I literally felt like I was there in the crowd watching - I’m losing my mind thank you for sharing it with us all!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Y'all are truly drowning me in validation and I am on cloud nine. I really thought this would be kinda niche I'm so fucking glad other people love it too!!!
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Grunge-Metal Geralt
Hi, im fucking trash for the idea of Geralt being the front man for a Five Finger Death Punch type band and my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. This music genre is my bread and butter and I think Geralt’s repressed but highly emotional ass would fit right in. Yes im using another Hozier song, no i dont wanna hear anything about it. I’m a basic bitch and ive made my peace with it
Warnings: i honestly have no idea, its a little horny, little emotional, but theres no actual character interaction?, its at a concert venue? idk yall.
Jaskier was… out of his comfort zone.
It’s not that he didn’t like the grunge-metal music, he just hadn’t listened to much and he was not used to the energy. People were yelling and screaming and the opener hadn’t even come on yet. He didn’t feel unsafe, far from it. Several people had checked to see if he was okay, seeing as he was the only person in the entire arena wearing a sweater that wasn't ripped or faded to hell. It was just a far cry from the shows he was used to. 
He played folky-blues. This was nothing like his shows. 
When the lights went down the crowd was deafening, all moving as one to rush the front of the floor, not giving a single fuck about tickets. 
The openers were exciting, and Jaskier was surprised by some of the concepts and messages behind the music. It wasn’t what he’d expected at all and he found himself searching them up on Spotify to listen later. 
Then came The Witchers. 
Eskel and Lambert made their energetic entrance, followed by Aiden calmly walking to his drums and sitting as if he were walking into a college class. But Geralt was nowhere in sight. The one person Jaskier had actually come to see. 
He’d seen a video clip from a previous concert where they covered one of his songs, and he was praying they’d do it again. It was lovely in a haunting-almost-threatening way, and the expression in Geralt’s posture alone was enthralling. He had to see it live. 
But Geralt was still absent as the band started to build a song. First Aiden with the beat, then Eskel’s bass, then Lambert with a melody on his electric guitar. It built and built and built to a fever pitch, taking the crowd with it. People were already jumping and screeching. Jaskier had to stand on his seat to see the stage clearly. 
Geralt’s voice echoed through the venue, low and closer to a growl than singing, but he was still nowhere to be seen.
Jaskier thought he’d been prepared, but his whole body was covered in goosebumps. He briefly wondered if this was what his friends were feeling when they listened to ASMR.
Geralt remained hidden for the whole first verse, getting the crowd even more excited than Jaskier thought possible, only for the band to go completely silent for a whole measure. When the crowd's screams reached their absolute loudest, Geralt dropped from on top of one of the jumbotrons, landing on one of the horse-sized speakers before launching into the chorus. 
Oh fuck, he was even more beautiful in person. 
He was… well he was a beast of a man. Jaskier really didn’t have another word for the way his muscles bulged and how lithe and powerful he looked springing from the speaker to join his bandmates on the main stage. His thighs filled out his black, tattered jeans and there were clear faded spots where his muscles strained the fabric too often. The thin black tank he wore did nothing but pretend the man was semi-modest. It was so tight, the only thing left up to the imagination was tan lines and the color of his nipple piercings. 
Jaskier was most entranced by his long, white, wavy hair falling past his shoulders. As the show continued and he started to sweat, a lot, it got curlier and curlier at the root. Jaskier wanted to give him a mask and some curl cream, but only after a, uhm, rough night of getting to know each other. He’d heard rumors about Geralt from hitting arenas not long after they’d left. He was quite sure they’d have a great time.
As he focused on the lyrics more and more, he was more inclined to want to wrap Geralt up in a hug and worship every part of him until he felt whole again. 
Either he’d been shown the shitty side of the genre, or The Witchers were exceptions to the rule of content. Jaskier was almost moved to tears a few different times.
Finally, about an hour into Jaskier mindlessly feasting his eyes on the front man, Geralt leapt onto another speaker and sat down, breathing hard and grinning from ear to ear. 
“You still with us?”
The unholy screech from the crowd left no doubt they were just as excited, if not more so, than when they’d arrived. 
“Good! Good..” he trailed off, chuckling as he lowered the mic to take a breath, “We’re gonna slow it down for a minute,” he leaned forward and held the mic away as Eskel shouted something up at him to which he laughed and flipped him off. 
“As I was saying, we’re gonna yearn for a minute or two and do a cover. Song by Jaskier called ‘Talk’.”
The crowd lost their shit again, various pride flags popping up throughout the stands. 
Geralt chuckled and raised his combat boot, showing off the bi flag colored treads, earning another round of screams. If this is what the grunge-metal scene was like, Jaskier had been missing out his entire life. Sure his fans were sweet and supportive and loving when he’d come out. But this was electric and feral and completely addictive.
Lambert struck the opening chord to Jaskier’s song and the crowd settled to a gentle hum, setting the tone immediately, as if they all knew exactly what was coming. 
Geralt closed his eyes as he tapped his thigh with one finger, keeping time before his rumbling baritone hit Jaskier like a freight train. 
“I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found…”
Jaskier could have collapsed right there. He knew he was staring like a lovesick idiot, but hell, everyone around him was too. When the chorus hit and Eskel came in with a heavy bass line he nearly fell off his chair. Geralt’s intensity raised with the addition of the backup but he didn’t move. He stayed seated, swaying slightly, with his eyes closed as he crooned out the words Jaskier had sobbed as he wrote, broken hearted and miserable. 
It was surreal. 
Sure he’d seen other covers. Sure they’d been lovely. But he wanted to listen to this and only this as he fell asleep for the rest of his life. He’d never play it again if he could only hear it one more time. 
After the last verse Lambert launched into a guitar solo while Geralt jumped off the speaker and meandered to the center of the stage to slot his mic back in it’s stand. He gripped it like a lifeline when Lambert held one last note for as long as his instrument would allow and only started singing the last chorus when it was almost silent. 
“I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we could do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you”
His expression looked hopeless and utterly desperate as he crooned out the last two lines. He let his hair fall to cover his face and Jaskier could just barely hear his panting breath over the sound system as the crowd exploded. Geralt tipped his head back and took two deep breaths before straightening up and getting on with the show but Jaskier was stuck. 
He was vaguely aware of someone taking a picture of him, but he really couldn’t care less. The fact that Geralt moved right on to a song called ‘Burn Motherfucker Burn’ didn’t matter either. 
Jaskier jumped down from his arena seat, whipping out his phone and sending the band a tweet, because apparently that’s what musicians did now?
“Record it. Please. It’s either that or sing me to sleep every night. You choose.”
He stayed for the rest of the show and walked to his car in a haze. Before he backed out of his spot he checked his phone like always and his heart nearly stopped at the two top notifications. 
One public reply: “Both? -G”
And one direct message: “If you’re still here and want to grab a drink, I’m just backstage.” 
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Grunge-Metal Geralt 2
holy fucking shit yall really loved the first one so I wrote some more
this is totally self indulgent tho. like yall have no idea. if i could live in any AU it would be this one. i have so many feels.
Warnings: drinking mention, nothing over the top, unwanted pics taken but like they’re celebrities? i guess, we get a bit emotional about past relationships/crushes but nothing too heavy
Jaskier had no idea how he got there, but he was knocking on a green room door with a temporary label reading ‘The Witchers’ before the stadium had completely emptied. 
Lambert yanked the door open, Aiden clinging to his back like a monkey, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head before a huge grin spread over his face, “Hey there, Jaskier!”
Eskel grumbled, “Haha, Bert. No need to fuck with Geralt.” 
Jaskier shoved his hands in his corduroys and rocked up onto his toes, “He’s not fucking with anyone,” he laughed, desperately trying to keep the nerves out of his voice as he peeked around the door jam. 
Geralt was curled up in the corner of a couch, now wearing a massive grey-blue hoodie and gold wire-rimmed glasses, scribbling in a composition notebook propped up on his knees. His hair was pulled back in a disaster of a bun with pieces falling in his face but Jaskier absolutely loved it. It suited him. He hesitated a moment before scrawling one last line in his notebook, brow furrowed as he chewed on his bottom lip.
When he looked up he snapped his notebook shut, “Holy fuck,” he breathed, “Hi!”
His eyes were actually gold. Jaskier had just thought that was some thirst driven exaggeration. He expected light brown, but no. He was staring directly at eyes that practically sparkled.
Lambert waved Jaskier in and he hesitantly stepped through the door, “Hi! I uh, dig your boots.” 
“Th- Thank you,” Geralt bit back a grin, blushing bright pink as he stood up, “I didn’t think you’d see my message. Or respond.” 
“After that performance?” Jaskier, normally bard-worthy with his quick tongue and easy conversation, was feeling his own cheeks heat up as he scrambled for something to say, “I’m honestly not sure if I even locked my car when I came back in.” 
Eskel snickered from behind Jaskier, stretching and putting his feet up on a coffee table, “Told ya.”
Aiden sighed and rested his chin on top of Lambert’s head, “This is so cute.”
Jaskier laughed, not entirely uncomfortably but definitely awkward, and ran a hand through his hair, turning back to Geralt. 
Geralt pushed his glasses farther up his nose and snatched his wallet from the coffee table, “I offered drinks. You wanna…” Geralt trailed off and made an exasperated, and maybe a little annoyed face at the guys behind him but when Jaskier turned around they were pretending to mind their own business, “How does Pensive sound?” 
Jaskier shot him a grin, “Sounds perfect.”
Geralt snagged his keys from a bag and held the door open for Jaskier, “After you.” 
“Okay so,” Jaskier took a sip of his drink and set it in line with their two empty glasses and a napkin holder, “Aiden and Lambert fuck?” he asked, pushing an empty glass and the napkin holder together. Geralt snorted and nodded so he went on, “And Eskel and Lambert are brothers?” Another nod as he tapped the two empty glasses, “And you and Eskel were college roommates?” he asked, gesturing to his half-empty glass. 
Geralt grinned, “You know, you’re keeping up pretty well for a self-proclaimed lightweight.” 
Jaskier giggled, “I’m trying really fucking hard.” 
Geralt leaned his head back and laughed and Jaskier was absolutely done for. He rested his elbow on the table and his head in his hand as he stared dreamily at this adorable man. He was carefree and soft around the edges, nothing like Jaskier had expected from the lyrics he’d listened to all night. And either he was a good listener or Jaskier had had one too many vodka-crans. 
When Geralt finally got himself under control he took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes before placing them back on his nose with a grimace, “I shouldn’t have taken my contacts out.” 
“Old prescription?” 
Geralt blushed, “Don’t usually wear them in public,” He admitted, pushing the frames higher.
Jaskier must have had too much to drink because he reached out and tucked a curly strand of white hair behind Geralt’s ear, “I think they’re cute on you.” 
Geralt’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at Jaskier, jaw hanging down just a bit, his pupils blown wide. Jaskier bit his lip and smiled as he pulled his hand away and rested it on the table between them, hoping Geralt would get the hint. Gods he just wanted to hold his hand and giggle until the sun came up. 
“Thank you,” Geralt muttered, blinking a couple times and laying one of his hands over Jaskier’s. 
“Can I ask you something?”
Geralt licked his lips and nodded, shaking the hair loose that Jaskier had just tucked away. 
“Why that song?” Jaskier stared at their hands, not having the courage to look at Geralt in case the answer wasn’t what he wanted it to be. 
“Hmm…” he didn’t sound upset, but he was certainly choosing his words carefully, “I’ve done the whole.. How do I put it?” Jaskier looked up at him only to see him staring at their hands too, “...‘I could be enough for you if you’d let me’ dance more times than I can count… and knowing it would never happen but yearning anyway…” he chuckled and glanced up at Jaskier, a sad look of acceptance in his eyes, “And I love your voice.”
Of course, he’d heard those words before, it was his job to have a good voice, but fuck, they hit different coming from Geralt. He was so earnest and disarmingly handsome that Jaskier felt anything he said would make him giddy. His chest felt warm and it took a moment for his brain to catch up. He had planned on showering Geralt with praise and adoration, not the other way around. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand, “I love yours too,” he whispered.
There was that gorgeous blush again, making Jaskier’s heart skip a beat. 
“I can’t imagine anyone thinking you’re not magnificent,” Jaskier mumbled, watching Geralt blush even deeper and dip his head so the loose hairs covered his face a bit. Jaskier may have been a flirty drunk, but he was one hundred percent sure he’d be just as forward with Geralt sober. He wasn’t leaving the bar without making damn sure Geralt knew he was gorgeous and talented and everything Jaskier could imagine wanting in life. 
“Careful. You can’t just say things like that,” Geralt warned, flicking the hair out of his eyes with a guarded but amused smile. 
“And why not?”
Geralt squinted at him for a moment, “I might believe you.” 
“Geralt, darling,” Jaskier started, sitting up and turning to square his hips toward him, holding his large hand in both of his, “I don’t mince words. I mean everything I say. And tweet. I really do think you’re wonderful. And I really do want you to sing me to sleep. Sometime. Anytime. I’m not picky.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows and took a breath in to say something but was interrupted by a camera flash in the low light of the bar and someone swearing.
“Oi!” Jaskier turned toward the light, and the idiot fumbling with their phone. 
Geralt squeezed his hand before he could say anything more, “It’s alright. The hair kinda glows in the dark, I’m used to it. I was thinking we could get out of here?”
Jaskier did his best not to let the sly smile take over his face and give him away, “Would you like to come to my place?”
Geralt grinned, “Absolutely. Mine is a shit show right now.”
“Is it really that bad?” Jaskier joked as they stood.
“Eskel is a slob,” Geralt laughed.
“Mine it is!” Jaskier declared, slapping enough cash to cover their drinks and an exorbitant tip on the table.
They walked out of the bar with Geralt’s arm around Jaskier’s shoulders, both with giddy smiles and a little extra pep in their step. 
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I’ve had a thought. It is burdening me, so I will give it to all of you and see what you think.
Geralt as the lead singer of a Five Finger Death Punch type band.
That’s it. That’s the thought. 
Those moody ass angry af lyrics and Ivan Moody type voice with the gravel and the depth but also the smoothness when he wants to? I’ve derailed my entire night thinking about this. I am unwell. Someone plz join me in this mess. 
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I am OBSESSED with your grunge singer AU!!! Did you have a band/song in mind when you were writing?
Thank you!!! I don’t think yall are ready for my feelings on Five Finger Death Punch and Geralt. But I’mma hit you with them anyway. 
First I’d like to say I do listen to other bands but these fuckers just strike a chord and my neurons go crazy. Their lyrics are my favorite level of moody, bitterly self-aware, rebellious, and downright angry and I can (and will) wax poetic about Ivan Moody’s voice. 
But there are a few songs in particular that I associate with Geralt hardcore: 
Jekyll and Hyde - I mean, Geralt 100% feels like a monster and is terrified of it (at least where we are in the show). I will take no criticism here.
Remember Everything - oooohhhhhh boy “Dear mother, I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough” “Dear father, forgive me.  Cuz In your eyes I just never added up.” Are you fucking kidding me?!?! also the chorus is a mood. 
Dot Your Eyes - this gives me Geralt leaning into the prejudices/having some big anger over the Blavakin Bullshit. This is also a great workout song 
Wrong Side Of Heaven - the title says it for me right? the whole caught between humanity and the beasts? not a part of society or nature? cool. moving on. 
Darkness Settles In - the bridge is so Geralt it hurts. but also the introspectiveness is a big Geralt mood.
Anywhere But Here - big ‘Fuck Destiny’ vibes. big episode 1-6 Geralt vibes
Boots and Blood - this is mostly just funny bc of the amount of ‘fuck’s used - but it’s also got the ‘yall are stupid’ vibes Geralt gives off
Weight Beneath my Skin - the metaphors are on point for Geralt. “Its the same old fuckin story, the same old fucking lies” I mean come on. Geralt is so done with everyone's shit. Fight me on this. 
Gone Away - this one is a vibe and idk how to explain it but its softer
Inside Out - “You don't know the difference between violence and pain”” bruh. “While I'm sitting out here dying you’re just holding out your hand” fuck. me. if. that. isn't. Geralt’s. life. as. a. witcher. 
I mean, If I were trying I could probably tell yall how every one of their songs hits me with Geralt vibes, but that might be more a function of the hyperfixation lol
Now on to Ivan’s voice. 
Dude has a magic voice. I deadass get goosebumps from some songs. He scream-sings for sure and I dig that, but when he relaxes a bit he has a magically gravelly quality to his voice that doesn't sound grating like some singers who do a similar thing? and with the voice Henry puts on for Geralt I just- listen I hadn’t listened to FFDP in a minute and a song came on and I just kinda died a little. He sounds like what I think Geralt would sound like if he sang. Especially for the softer songs. Oh sweet lord. Not that they’re all that soft when you go from TAD to FFDP, but you know what I mean right?
Other than that I just let the thirst drag me away. lmao. I haven’t gotten to go to many concerts so I didn’t have a particular band in mind for the structure/all-over vibes. I am in the AU for Geralt ThirstTM. And sweaty curly-haired Geralt gives me all the thirst.
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Hi! Just stumbled across the second part of your Metal/Grunge Geralt fic, so I search for the first part on your blog and I just wanted to say OH GODS I LOVE IT SO MUCH, I'm weak for Rock musicians AU (unfortunately there just a few of them out there sigh)!
I don't know 5FDP's music that well (I'm an old soul who loves old grunge rock) but I know enough to understand and the images you created are now stuck in my head.
Also, I've read an older post of yours (BÖC reference, you've got taste) about wanting to draw Grunge!Geralt. Has anyone already done it??? Because I'll be more than happy to do that 🖤😉
You're right, there is a distinct need for more rock AUs (as much as I love pop star Jask)
Also: istg if you draw Grunge-Metal Geralt I will love you forever and cry but in a good way
Like OMG
My bitch ass would DIE
@marvagon sent me this image and honestly this is exactly the look I was going for, except with an Ivan(FFDP) type voice lol
Tumblr media
But PLEASE, if you draw him, take the artistic liberty and do what you want! I will be thrilled and honored either way!!! Like truly, I am on cloud nine that you even OFFERED 💖💖💖
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HELLO I LOVE YOUR GRUNGE METAL AU the roles you picked for all the Witchers as band members are all so perfect and good! I adore the thought of Geralt having a v aggressive stage-persona (mixed harsh/clean vocals, yes or yes?) & then being sorta shy and soft spoken when not performing. Jaskier is shook. and also in love XD
I’m having a hard time writing Geralt as anything other than the personification of Himbo™ lol so we’ll see what happens 😂
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