yourhollywoodsong · 6 years
For the Girl who is Lonlier on Galentine’s Day than Valentine’s Day
I always dreamed of love. In the movie of my life that played out in my head, the greatest, most noble part was always the pursuit of true love. I remember having a dozen crushes by the time I started 2nd grade, every time a boy was nice to me or played with me. I dreamed of first kisses and magical prom nights. Every night I wished on the first star I saw for true love, for the boy I liked at the time to like me back. I wanted the fairytale. When I was 16, I got my wish. I fell promptly, terrifyingly, thrillingly in love with a kind boy who made me laugh and treated me like a princess. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now, and I truly couldn’t be happier. Except that I could.
Not with my choice of a partner. He continuously proves himself to be the most supportive, loving, considerate person I’ve ever met, and my heart never fails to bubble up with happiness at the sight of him. However, in my great pursuit of a true love, I find myself without a friend to turn to at this happy point in my life. As a child, I was quite as enthralled by the idea of a group of best friends that I would keep forever as I was with the thought of a Prince Charming. And though today I have succeeded in my quest for romance, I find myself lacking in the department of bosom friends. It’s certainly not for a lack of trying. Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve attempted to make friends with any girl who smiled at me. Moving around from school to school growing up, however, did not leave me room to maintain a life-long best friend. It’s easy enough to find playmates in a few months of living somewhere, but hard to maintain deep and meaningful friendships. On those rare occasions when I did have the chance to build up those friendships however, I found myself disappointed. This, I cannot blame on a childhood spent on the move. I’ve long feared that it was my own lack of charm with other girls, my own social stumbles, or some other unnamed quality that made me unappealing to women in general. Consequently, I spent my formative teenage years attempting to be as friendly, affable, and likable as possible. I had stumbling blocks- over-eagerness and a hot temper to name a few- but I felt I succeeded overall in my pursuit of amicability. Indeed, for one brief shining period, I believed it had finally won me my heart’s desire. I found a group of 4 or 5 girls who were funny, flattering, and always wanted to hang out. We had the suburban high schoolers’ adventures; exploring woods and parking lots and malls, spending our little money on late night snacks and trips to the movies. We documented our camaraderie well, with snapchats and polaroids and shaky iPhone videos. We captured our little pack singing loudly in the car, shouting at the tv, goofing around target, playing with our frozen yogurt, all while giggling raucously and making up ridiculous inside jokes. In truth, it was a very funny and bright period in my life. Indeed, I doubt there was ever a stretch of time when I laughed more. However, like every bright summer, it ended. I made a misstep somewhere in the complicated dance of female friendship. I missed a sign or signal, a mistake that consequently led to that dreaded, quiet, terrible path of expulsion from that most sacred sisterhood. It comes in silent, slow degrees. Like the frog slowly dying in the steadily boiling water, I didn’t realize the danger until it was too late. There were veiled comments, secret group chats, trips I was mysteriously left out of. I was frozen in agonizing despair. Somehow, even in the distance that grew colder and wider every day, I couldn’t bring up my fears without being made to feel paranoid and narcissistic.
This was my first real foray into heartbreak. Never, in all my romantic childhood imaginings of being betrayed, widowed, or martyred, did I ever dream that my great devastating loss would come at the hands of a friend rather than a lover. My exile was as scarring as any breakup, without the benefit of a sympathetic group or person to comfort me in my heartbreak. This was the period when a bitter resolution entered my heart: I would no longer seek out that fabled group of loving girlfriends I was sure did not exist. I was as jaded to friendship as my thrice-divorced aunt is to marriage.
My resolve lasted longer than my skeptical parents and boyfriend expected. I entered college and proceeded as planned into my education without throwing myself at any girl who was friendly towards me. In fact, it was during this liberating year of self-seclusion that I discovered a great gift; I was comfortable being alone for the first time in my life. And I enjoyed this new found freedom for all it was worth. Indeed, it’s a gift I’m still thankful for in times when I spend days at home without reaching out to others. I discovered more about myself and my habits, and truly I am grateful for that time in my life. It made me realize that I am a stronger and more independent person than I had previously thought possible.
However, the thrill of my solitude wore off in time, and I began to feel the loneliness of my current state. My resolve to forgo friendships with other girls softened, and I decided it was time for a risk again. However, if I was going to plunge back into that depth of estrogen, I wouldn’t do it toe by toe. I would submerge myself in the deep end, and go from there. The summer of my sophomore year, I joined a sorority. It was not the magical meeting of soul sisters I may have envisioned, but it was the right choice for me. Once again I had girls that waved and smiled if we passed on campus, girls who invited me to the library or to lunch. I hadn’t realized how much those things had been missing from my life.
Today, I have a few female friends I am happy to accompany to the gym or invite to brunch. However, though I am at peace for the most part with my return to the world of girlfriends, I do still feel lonely from time to time. Today of all days reminds me of that loneliness. The Instagram posts of girl gangs and brunch squads serve as a reminder to me that, though I’m happy where I am, I’m still at a point where I cannot say I have a best friend. I have plenty to be grateful for; I have a family that loves me, a future that excites me, and a school that offers me opportunities. Come Valentine’s Day, I know I will receive a bouquet of flowers and spend an evening with the one I love. However, as much as I applaud the rise of Galentine’s Day and our culture’s progressing celebration of women, I also know I will spend today on the outside looking in. Maybe next year things will be different. Today though, I am a little sad, and that’s okay.
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userobiwan · 10 years
Chocolate covered peanuts!
yes best combination
url: sugar free candy| twizzlers| jelly beans| lollipops| chocolate| peanut butter cups
theme: sugar free candy| twizzlers| jelly beans| lollipops| chocolate| peanut butter cups
icon: sugar free candy| twizzlers| jelly beans| lollipops| chocolate| peanut butter cups
posts: sugar free candy| twizzlers| jelly beans| lollipops| chocolate| peanut butter cups
overall: sugar free candy| twizzlers| jelly beans| lollipops| chocolate| peanut butter cups
do i follow: no sorry bby| hot damn now i do| yeppp| to hell and back
munch munch 
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cleverdeduction-blog · 11 years
gryffindorkfromgallifrey said: I WILL CRY MY LIVER OUT
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fromdusks · 11 years
Is there anywhere I can see the while Clirk series you made? It looks awesome.
omgomgomg. It's all in this tag. It's just a collection of fics, graphics, gifsets, etc.
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cushions-and-cake · 11 years
I was tagged by silvertongue-turnedtolead
Rule 1. Always post the rules
Rule 2. Answer questions that are given to you and write 11 new ones
Rule 3. Tag 11 people
Rule 4. Let then know that you tagged them
1. Do you have a plan in case of zombie apocolypse?
um, i guess i would put duct tape over my skin to protect in and dress in clothing i could move in easily. then i guess i could arm myself with a walking pole (i nkow how to wield a longstaff so i could be prtty badass with this). and i guess my plan would be to lie low in areas where they havn accessed
2. Favourite singer?
I don't really have one. Atm my favourite band is Fall out boy, so i guess i could go with Patrick Stump
3. Do you like theatre, and if so do you prefer musicals or straight theatre?
i LOVE theatre. and i love straight and musical theatre. i guess i prefer straight thatre by a TINY bit but not by much
4. Favourite subject in school?
Biology :)
5. If you could, what would you have for a pet?
i already have a pet dog, so i vote dog. i will have a penguin one day though
6. Favourite kind of weather?
i like winter/spring sun, so when the sun is out but theres still a breeze, and the temperature is between chilly and warmish
7. Say hello in as many languages as you can without looking up a translator
guten tag
...thats it
8. Favourite TV show?
Strictly Come Dancing, i am absolutely obsessed with that programme. its a shame there isnt really a tumblr following for it
9. Which fictional character/s do you identify most with?
um, at  the moment i would say eponine from les mis, as i recently REALLY fancied a friend of mine who didnt feel the same way. i feel like on my own was written speceifically for me
10. Which time period would you most like to visit? (can be past or future)
i think itd be quit nice to go and visit some early humans. id love to experience that kind of survival without society
11. Favourite kind of flower?
lilies, also roses (but not red roses idk why)
1. Do you play any instruments?
2. Where is your favourite place you have ever visited?
3. Who is your favourite avenger and why?
4. What is your favourite item of clothing?
5. Which Hogwarts house are you in?
6. Name a song you can't stop singing
7. What's the last thing you cooked?
8. Do you like rollercoasters?
9. What's your favourite word?
10.  Are you a dog or cat person?
11.  Do you normally go with truth or dare?
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keyla-la · 11 years
Thank you so much for following me! Hope you enjoy my posts n stuff. :)
No prob! thank you for following me. haha I started following my followers bc they’re so wonderful!
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squeewentthefangirl · 11 years
gryffindorkfromgallifrey said: Oh my lord, you are crazy woman! And you have some impressive benching skills.
What can I say, I've become one of those people who actually looks FORWARD to my workouts. The Laura from 3 months ago would never have thought that would happen. And thanks! I *hate* bench presses. It's one muscle group I feel really weak in and wish I could up the weight a lot more!
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foodsandfuckery · 11 years
Hi! Share 10 random facts about yourself then send this to 10 lovely followers! :)
10 random facts... hmmm..
1. I have curved pinkies
2. my favorite animal is a hippopotamus 
3. I loove fried pickles
4. umm I love thunderstorms
5. I have only recently seen a few of the Star Wars movies (Episodes 1, 2, & 3)
6. I am about to go to Barcelona, Spain (tomorrow)
7. I am deathly afraid of spiders
8. I have a horrible habit of biting my fingernails
9. umm my hair has never grown past my shoulders
10. I have a four foot tall stuffed banana that a friend got me from a carnival. 
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californiakpopping · 11 years
Rules:     1. Post the rules     2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, then make 11 new ones     3. Tag 13 people and link them to the post     4. Let them know that you tagged them
I was tagged by jigen-no-majou!
What book are you currently reading?
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh (a world renowned Buddhist monk and author)
Sansa and the Hound or Beauty and the Beast?
Beauty and the Beast
Have you ever broken a bone?
Several and fractured my skull
Do you write fanfiction? If yes, do you publish them?
Yes I do and I do publish them but I'm way to embaressed to tell people my  pen name.
Are you proud of who and what you are?
Hell yes, I'm a proud Vietnamese female human.
Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and how do you call it?
I do have a dog named Kiki. He's a white sheepdog and toy terrier mix (don't even want to know how that happened)
Fantasy of Sci-fi?
Fantasy... but sci-fi is right behind... Between my Once Upon a Time and Supernatural vs. my Doctor Who and Star Wars.... OUaT and Supernatural win.
What kind of music do you like most?
Classical, Japanese, Alternative Rock (Imagine Dragons, Muse, Oasis, Three Days Grace, The Killers, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Rolling Stones etc.), Songs with lyrics that tell a story or have a deeper meaning...
What’s your opinion on Eurovision?
I like it but I'm not THAT into it... Alexander Rybak, Abba and Safura are my favs...
Do you like theater?
I love theater, I have worked on some productions as crew but I've played the main character in simple operas that my elementary school did...(I played Hansel and Gretal's mother and one of Cinderella's stepsisters)
Favorite musical?
Mamma Mia without a doubt!
  My questions for you:
Favorite cartoon/anime?
If you could spend a day doing platonic things with a celebrity, who would it be and what would you do?
Favorite thing to eat while on your period?
What non-fandom related thing makes you cry the most?
Would you ever change your religion if your future significant other was another religion? Why?
Do you honestly think you could survive in your favorite fandom with the skills you have now?
Biggest Pet Peeve that doesn't have anything to do with a social issue (bullys, homophobia, suicide, gun violence, shootings, self-harm, wars etc.)?
If you could bring back any dead character from any fandom, who would it be? What fandom? Why?
Favorite movie to watch when you just want to cry and sulk?
Favorite Tumblr user? (Hopefully me?! JK! :D)
I tagged:
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