#guardian tales little princess
rarastmblr · 1 year
Kanterbury High
(The Beginning — Chapter 1)
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Summary: In which; the knight has transported into a universe where they live a peaceful modern life! Now living a life as a scholar in Kanterbury High, follow the knight on their journey as they reunite with friends— who do not share the same memories the knight has.
Crack Summary as AO3 tags: The Knight is a Dumb Face, The knight is salty about falling from the sky, Camilla is an elegant and pretty queen, Little princess is a little cutie, Garam is a pretty boy who is this 🤏 close to putting Nari up for adoption, Everyone is alive/Not everyone is dead, Knight and Champions Friendship.
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst (?)
Gender Neutral! Knight
Read as past tense, dramatic effect, ‘thoughts’.
Read as present tense.
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Next recommended chapters —> Pills side story, chapter 2
TW: Use of the word ‘midget’
Thursday, May 15, ???
“Ough—” Being thrown into another universe was not apart of the Knight's bucket list but here we are. Currently, the knight is groaning in pain because of the impact of the fall.
Another thing was the fact that the knight was a wee bit scared of heights, even though they have gone through many adventures that involved being in high places.
It was a huge shock to them to suddenly fall from the sky. They were a good guardian weren't they? They couldn't understand why this had happened to them.
With limited vision, the knight tried to survey the surroundings. They could feel soft grass underneath them, which gives them the conclusion that they are most likely in a forest also because of the view of the tall trees surrounding them.
The knight's armor was heavy and dented from the impact of the fall. They needed to look for help, but first, they had to try to stand up.
The knight gritted their teeth as they tried to push up. Thankfully, after years of experience, their muscles had grown tough and they were able to manage.
As the knight stood up, they walked for a few minutes and had tried to find a place who would be able to offer help.
Unfortunately they felt like they were about to black out again. They had to quickly grab on to something— anything.
Damn it, the knight hasn't felt this weak in a while and it hurts.
As the Knight's unconscious body laid there unmoving on the ground, footsteps can be heard as two girls had arrived in the forest.
“Oh, I'm glad that the branches can't reach my hair anymore!” One of the girls said as she touched her hair, making sure it was prim and proper.
The other looked at her light blonde hair and nodded but before they could say anything, the first one who spoke beat them to it.
“Who's that?” The light blonde haired girl questioned out loud as she looked at the unconscious body not too far away.
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Friday, May 16, Medical room
The knight groaned as their eyes slowly opened. They had no idea where they were but they could tell they were in a medical room.
As they sat up, they felt a sharp pain in their knee and looked down to see that their knee had been bandaged.
Not only that, but they weren't wearing their armor either. Instead, it was replaced with comfortable clothes.
Panic rushed over them as they quickly tried to remember what had happened before their vision turned black.
“—Are you feeling okay?” A feminine voice asked, sitting down beside the knight who is currently sitting on a bed.
“..'m fine,” The knight, who was still a bit dazed from waking up and the initial shock from waking up in another place, mumbled out. They then turned their head to look at who it was sitting beside them.
Light blonde hair and the same blue eyes as the princess, yes, the knight knew who this voice belonged to. Still, the knight felt a little bit off.
Don't blame them, they're practically having an interaction with the missing person the little princess had been searching for many months.
“Before you do, there's no need to thank me.” Camilla quickly cut to the chase and said something before the knight could say anything “You looked like you needed help, how was I just supposed to leave you injured in such a place?”
Ah, so Camilla was the one who took them here. Thank goodness it wasn't a random person they didn't know and instead someone they were atleast familiar with.
Now that the knight was able to get a clear view of their savior, Camilla, they took notice of the more modern-looking clothes she wore instead of the royal robes they last saw her in.
Back to the conversation, the knight could only nod as a response to Camilla's question, not knowing how to respond to her.
The knight looked around, checking their surroundings. A medical room— kind of like the one that is currently being made in heavenhold with the help of Favi and the other healers.
Looking down on the bed, looks like there was an unused bandage wrap next to the knight, opposite to where Camilla is sitting.
Oh right.. The Knight then looked down to inspect their body, to check their knee.
“Right, I forgot to mention..” Camilla chuckled as she looked down to look at the Knight's bandaged knee as well. “It's best that you just stay in bed for a few days, your knee still needs to be healed.”
Camilla stood up to leave, the knight observed her every move. “And, if you're wondering where your armor is—” Camilla pointed to herself “Just ask me.”
‘Does she not find it weird that I was wearing armor?’
The knight smiled at Camilla in thanks. After Camilla finally left, the knight slumped back down the bed to regain their thoughts— Camilla has always been a mysterious figure back then, even Eva didn't know much about her.
A few moments passed with the knight just staring at the ceiling, contemplating on what they should do since it was practically obvious they couldn't stand without the possibility of breaking their ankle.
Hearing footsteps nearing the door from the outside, the knight stood up. Is it perhaps Camilla? Who would be the other person—
Two voices of people arguing can be heard as the door was flung open. A red-headed woman, most likely in her late 20's, appeared with a man trailing behind her.
If it weren't for the guy, the knight would have thought that the woman was Scarlet from the Mad Panda Trio.
The knight welcomed the red-headed woman and the man with a smile on their face.
‘Oh, Linda and Bob..’
Linda coughed, her expression much more serious than the one she had when she was having a little amusing argument with her partner. “My name is Linda,” she then pointed to the man behind her. “And this is Bob.”
Linda walked closer to the knight, unlike Bob who decided to stay near the door. After she was in considerable distance with the knight, Linda showed the pills that were in her hand. “Eva told us to give you these, in hopes of a speedy recovery.”
“Ah, Thank you.” The knight took the pills from Linda's hands and expressed their thanks.
“Well, that's all we had to do.” Linda said as she put her hands behind her back. The knight thought the pair in front of them looked like scientists, especially with the lab coats and Linda's hair being put in a low ponytail.
“I hope you recover quickly.” This time, Linda's lips curved upwards, revealing a small smile.
Linda turned around to leave and walked away, grabbing Bob's hand after she passed by the doorway to drag him along with her.
After they finally left and their leaving footsteps weren't heard anymore, the knight relaxed and lied back down on the bed, surveying the sweet feeling of the soft sheets.
Only for their comfortable moment to get interrupted because of the sound of knocking from the other side of the door again. The knight sat back up.
After three knocks, the door was opened and revealed no other than Camilla. Camilla walked towards the bed the knight sat on and sat beside them again, just like earlier.
With a small smile on her face, she then spoke “Did Bob and Linda give you the pills suggested by Eva? I just saw them earlier as I was on the way here.”
The knight nodded to her question “Yes, they did.” The knight showed her the pills they had gotten from Bob and Linda.
“..You still haven't consumed it?” Camilla sweat-dropped, but still held the patient smile on her face.
“I can't swallow pills..” As embarrassing as it was to admit it, the knight truly wasn't able to do that.
The knight was only able to consume a pill once but that was because of the sheer pressure that Loraine was giving them. Sometimes, the knight can still hear her voice.
“What kind of Guardian are you? Can't even swallow a single pill!” Loraine said as they bonked the Knight's head. The witness of the chaos, Little Princess, sweat-dropped as the knight cried out dramatically.
“Hm..” Camilla took the pills from the Knight and stood up “I'll use something else to help you then, don't worry.” And with that, Camilla left the room. Shutting the door softly behind her.
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Monday, August 18, The outside of Camilla's house
It's been a few months since the knight had gotten transported into this universe. Ever since then, the knight has adapted to the modern surroundings here.
Which was rather easy since this Kanterbury didn't have too many differences with the Kanterbury back then.
Now that the knight thought about it, they don't exactly remember having that much memories about Kanterbury.. Oh well, must be their bad memory.
The knight had also become much more popular in Kanterbury due to how helpful and charming they are— despite their dumb-looking face.
“Yes, Cammie! I'll be back home safely, I have the knight to protect me afterall!” The little princess said as she waved goodbye to her older sister.
“Alright, make sure to keep my little cutie safe.” Camilla, as pretty and elegant as ever, said as she smiled at both the little princess and the knight before turning on her heel and walking away to the other direction.
The little princess wore a dark blue skirt and long light-blue colored shirt to match with it. The little princess looked very cute like this— wearing the Kanterbury Kindergarten's uniform.
The Little princess happily skipped towards the knight while excitedly babbling about the new announcement of the exchange program.
“Don't you think it'll be so exciting?! I'll get to make new friends!” Little princess exclaimed happily as she walked alongside the knight hand-in-hand.
“Mhm! all of the new exchange students will most definitely like the little princess, too.” The knight responded with a bright smile as they heard more of the little princess’ talking. She must be very excited to meet the new exchange students.
As the knight and princess reached the Kindergarten gates, the knight let go of the little cutie's hand and kneeled down to her height.
The little princess kissed the knight's cheek as goodbye before excitedly walking away to the entrance of the Kanterbury Kindergarten.
Kanterbury Kindergarten. Kanterbury. The knight was thankful enough that when they were transported they woke up in Kanterbury Forest; The kingdom they swore to pledge loyalty to and take back from the invaders.
They were glad they transported in a place they called their original home before heavenhold.
And about the invaders— it seemed that this universe didn't have any enemies that the knight needed to face. It was peaceful, so very peaceful.
The knight felt guilty for getting transported into such a beautiful place like this, while their friends are most likely still fighting the invaders back in the original world.
“Excuse me?” A soothing voice called out to the knight, snapping them from their train of angsty thoughts.
The knight, curious to who the unexpected yet familiar voice belonged to, stood up and turned around to see who it was.
A guy with porcelain-white hair? check, Golden eyes? check, handsome face? Check. The knight could also see that he wore the same uniform as them.
Wow, this is a turn of events— the knight thought they'll be meeting the same people they first met back then. They don't mind seeing Garam though, in fact, they're rather happy they met their other companions too much more earlier.
Garam softly smiled at the knight as a greeting, “You're a student from Kanterbury High, right?” he asked as he slightly tilted his head to the side. Only to be met with silence as a response.
“..Ah— yes, why?” the knight after checking out Garam's handsome face and internally fanning themself, finally responded to his question.
“Well, that's great,” Garam relaxed his shoulders in relief. “I'm an exchange student and I'm not very familiar with this place, so I was hoping to ask if we could walk together on the way to Kanterbury High?”
“Of course!” The knight responded, mentally facepalming themself because of how enthusiastic they sounded.
Garam smiled and turned around, his back facing the knight. “Well, I still have take care of something before going..” he sighed in distraught as he looked at the two little girls, one standing completely still near the kindergarten gates.
Ginger hair put into a low braided ponytail and tied with a red ribbon, wearing the same uniform as the little princess, and a bright yellow hat on her head.
‘Nari's.. a kindergartner? This is hilarious!’ The knight tried to hide their small laughter as they saw Nari. To their luck, Garam didn't notice and rather looked like he was stressing out.
Behind her was a brown haired little girl that had the same hairstyle as her and with the same uniform, though she decided to not wear the same hat that the Ginger-haired girl was wearing.
“Their names are Dallae and Nari, could you wait with me for a bit and watch them? I'm afraid they'll probably be kidnapped if I leave them alone right now..” Garam said as he turned his head to the knight, who nodded their head in agreement and understanding.
“Classes in Kanterbury High start a few hours later. We still have plenty of time to spare.”
“That's good to hear.”
“Nari! We have to go! Look on the bright side, we'll make new friends!” Dallae tried to persuade Nari as she did her best to push Nari from her unmoving state.
“I don't need new friends! I'd rather be in Shen City and hang out with the beautiful sisters, thank you very much!” Nari grumbled as she crossed her arms and stood still.
Dallae sweat-dropped, letting go of Nari and sighing in distraught at how reluctant Nari was being.
Dallae turned her head left and right to look for Garam, hoping that he'll help her any way to make Nari move from her reluctant state.
Only to find the porcelain-white haired male talking with another person. Dallae was about to intervene, to walk up to them and ask them for help, but decided against it as they looked like they were enjoying themselves as they were talking.
As Dallae looked around again, she saw a certain short blonde-haired girl at the entrance of kindergarten waving at her direction. Dallae's eyes shined as she shyly waved back.
‘A new friend..?’ Dallae stared at the little princess for a bit, looked back at Nari, then quickly walked away towards the entrance of the kindergarten. Leaving Nari shocked because of the sudden abandonment.
Nari let out an annoyed huff and stomped one of her feet.
Nari walked up to where Dallae and the little princess were, resulting in both Dallae and the little princess smiling brightly at her as a greeting.
“—Oh, they look like they're getting along.” Garam said as he took notice of the three girls introducing themselves to each other inside the entrance of the kindergarten.
“I'm glad that they are!” The knight said, proceeding to coo at the adorable sight.
Garam smiled at the knight— his new and first friend in the exchange program “Well, should we get going now?”
“Yeah, we'll get the chance to meet the other exchange students!” The knight nodded excitedly as they said that.
They turned to the direction to where Kanterbury High is and started to walk away from the kindergarten, with Garam walking closely behind them.
As they walked through the path to Kanterbury High, Garam took note of all the differences Kanterbury had compared to Shen City. Garam thought they were all interesting.
“You're quite popular huh?” Garam chuckled as he turned his head around to look back at the kindergarten students that walked passed them, but not before excitedly greeting the knight —and waving shyly at Garam.
The knight laughed in amusement after hearing Garam chuckle, they've never heard him laugh before! That was a first.
“I've befriended lots of people here! they just can't handle my charm.” The knight answered with a smug grin on their face and Garam could only laugh again as they continued to walk on their way to Kanterbury High.
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Monday, August 18, Kanterbury High
“We've finally arrived.” Garam let out a huff as he wiped the little amount of sweat on his forehead.
If you're wondering why he's sweating and panting like he ran a marathon, well, he did. The knight dragged him by the hand and ran in the speed of light because they thought that classes were about to start.
Right now, they were in front of the school's entrance, along with other students who have just arrived.
“..The students look like they're still cleaning though,” Garam said as he observed the surroundings and the students that were chattering, some others cleaning because it was their turn to clean their classroom and the school grounds today.
“Didn't you say that we still had some time to spare?” Garam asked as he turned his head to the Knight's direction.
“Heheh..” The knight nervously chuckled as scratched their neck. They did say that but please don't blame them, blame the fact that they can't tell what the time is. Wait, isn't that still blaming them though?
“I just thought that— maybe they're will be an early announcement because there is an exchange program..?” The knight said as they put on the most (non)convincing voice they could muster with a dumb smile on their face.
“But couldn't we just ask the other people what the early announcement was—” Before Garam could finish his sentence, the knight gave him a look which practically said that Garam should shut up and just buy their excuse.
Garam sighed, he really wanted to continue strolling with the knight and observe everything that were to be seen as they both were on their way to Kanterbury High. But of course, they can also still do it later after school.
Garam hopes that the knight isn't busy after school that is. A person like the knight most likely has a lot of friends afterall.
Garam then put his full attention towards the knight again “Well, I don't mind, the lady we met earlier was quite..” Garam quickly shut his mouth, fearing that he had disrespected an elder.
“—Annoying?” The knight finished Garam's sentence with an amused tone, “I didn't think you'd be someone who thinks that way of a person, Garam.”
“Well,” Garam quickly got used to the Knight's jokes and amusement and responded with a smile, “I guess I also have my limits.”
The knight smiled at him in delight and nodded as they walked towards the entrance of the school with Garam following them closely behind.
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Garam feels anxious.
Last time he felt anxious was when he was wondering whether or not his hair was okay. Dallae helped him prepare himself because it was the first day of the exchange program so it must be.
But right now, he feels much more anxious than before because he just got separated from his first friend here.
His steps turned much more faster each passing second as he walked down the halls and searched for his classroom.
Oh, where the knight go? They were practically inseparable earlier, like two peas in a pod.
Meanwhile with the knight, they were in the school's science laboratory with two new friends with them.
If you want to know why the knight is in a Science Laboratory, they got dragged by the ‘new friends’ and now they really want to escape— due to experience, they really don't want to get involved in this argument.
The knight didn't really know the two girls, as both of them are apart of the exchange program too.
Sohee, one of the gifted students in the one and only Magic School. Some say that the school was involved in a supernatural event, because of that, the school's teachings are more based on science and technology that could battle out supernaturals that would cause harm.
Marianne too is a genius. An engineer from one of the highly-esteemed Academy's in Teatan Kingdom. She was the one who built the gigantic robot that is currently being left unattended outside the school.
She calls it “The Iron Teatan.”
The knight doesn't know why the school let her leave the robot unattended inside the school's premises, but they decided to not question it.
Alongside that, they also decided to not question why the both of them are arguing either.
“It doesn't work like that—!”
“Yes it does you midget!”
“You!” Oh no. “Dumb face,” Ah, the usual nickname. It's been awhile since they last heard it.
The knight prepares for whatever question the two girls are going to ask them. Hopefully they'll be able to answer it in a way the girls like.
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Next recommended chapters —> Pills side story, chapter 2
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ofqueensandwitches · 1 month
The thing about watching K-dramas, C-dramas, or J-dramas is that when I want more about my favourite ships from fanfictions, 90% of the time that means I have to write the stories myself.
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ueberm0rgen · 3 months
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Quick drawing of our favorite little princess<3
(Tried to focus on the layers of her dress in this one)
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prehistorichyes · 1 month
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so like do any of you guys play Guardian Tales
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guardiantales-fanblog · 6 months
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cuteness overload~
another cute detail: LP is saying "Justice!" in hiragana, instead of katakana. She's basically speaking in a very child-like manner here (* ´ ▽ ` *)
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pugscoffee · 10 months
Whoops,i forgot to post my Knight drawings here too
Ourgh.... Knight my beloved 🥺💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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When i look at Ogerpon i always think that she would be Lana's starter Pokémon fr
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Silly 🥰💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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Fun fact of the day!
-Male Knight has 2 JP VAs,one is Yuuki Ono who voiced Louis from Beastars! (Knight is dressing like him in this drawing),and the second one being Yuu Kobayashi (I love her voice for Knight SO MUCH),she is known for voicing Fire Emblem characters!
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zerochancool · 2 months
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I just start to play GT again-
... Im on world 11 now-
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daisukoth · 3 months
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doksangs · 1 year
Pride 🇨🇦
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Image ID in alt text
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panco-1812 · 1 year
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The art I made for a contest!!
It won 1st place, and I'm so happy and grateful seeing people supporting me XD
The theme is nongkrong/being together so I thought I'd mash everyone in and add some random people afterwards
Featuring Loraine, Knight, LP, Mayreel, Kamael, Bari, Claude, Priscilla, Janitor Beth, Andras, Crosselle, Reynai (Pymon's vessel 'cause I ain't drawing that guy), Bartender Garam, Nari, Eunha, and FP
And a Lilith on the snack and Erina somewhere try finding her lmao
Close ups below the cut
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And a bonus Lilith snack
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shroomie-world · 2 years
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guardian tales the little prince au!!
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soulless-angel25 · 7 months
Fluffy Feburary [2024], Day 15 Prompt- Craft @fluffyfebruary
She bent over the table, her armor discarded to the side in favor of the project before her. Her sister's The Princess's birthday was coming up soon and she wanted to make a gift that the Little Princess would like.
So in the Knight's hands were a pair of knitting needles, yarn strewn next to her as she focused on the project before her. Determined to make the little girl something amazing, something that she could hold on to.
With that thought in mind she had slowly began the process of knitting a long red scarf that faded into black, smaller colors threaded through to give the illusion of the night sky.
Her hand were wrapped in gauze which made the task more difficult but she was determined to do this by herself. Her companions may be willing to help but she wished to do this alone. Something from just her to the Princess. Her Charge.
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ueberm0rgen · 3 months
Been getting into Guardien Tales again and these two guys have been my main focus the past week :)
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+close ups
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foundfamilyhq · 11 months
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