#gumbald dummified
thatone-highlighter · 2 years
Hiiii bestie, I’m gonna infodump to you about come along with me and adventure time so hard right now (this is not a request, you WILL listen to me shhdhsjsjfhdh)
Sooo the intro !! I LOVE the intro, firstly it’s just really cool in general but it also has SO MANY Easter eggs and stuff that clues us in to what happened to many of the people of ooo, I just love it a lot. We see two adventurers in ooo, a familiar sight, we see a ton of familiar stuff but it’s all different in ways, (I’m gonna go into this more in a second, promise) seeing bmo surrounding by all their friends stuff is very sad in a way ? Bmo is one of the few immortal characters in the main cast and seeing them forgetting Finn’s name is just,,, sad,,, but bmo has gone through this plenty haven’t they ? We see this is the first distant lands episode ‘BMO’ although I won’t spoil it since I don’t think you’ve seen it yet.
Ofc we see Finn and Jake and everyone else,, I don’t have muchhh to say about the war stuff at least right now, 
“Nah, man, she's wrong. This is all wrong. Even if she wins now, this is never gonna end; I can feel it. It's like the whole world's going crazy, man, like we're living in, one, big...” obviously this relates to the whole war n stuff but I also feel like this connects to the whole them of this episode (and just at in general) with everything going on and on but still staying the same, Finn’s definitely gone through that type of stuff haven’t he ? Especially with the lich,,,
 “PB! He sees that you're serious! Maybe he'll back down now. Please listen to me! We've been friends for a long time” and PB getting reminded of Shoko from Finn this also 100% connects to that, they have been friends through even reincarnations, which is a long, long time (judging from the state of the candy kingdom and PBs bit more care free attitude I think the flashbacks in ‘the vault’ happen pretty early on) 
Jake is mostly just hanging out with jermaine in the nightmare realm lmao, although he did dig up Finn’s and ferns truama vault which is Important. 
Fern and Finn are dealing with their truama together in the nightmare realm, they have to work through their shared truama, and the grass demon that is connected to Fern, I loveeee analyzing fern so I’ll probably infodump to u ab him sometime if u would like lol. Finn hears PB voice again, this happens a lot in major parts of his life dosent it ? Breezy, hall of egress, and of course this episode. Fern and Finn kill the grass demon together.
PB and Gumbald are doing a fun (not fun for them tho LMAO) switch-aroo thingie, Gumbald experiences what it’s was like for PB almost get dum dum juiced and the stress that the candy kingdom puts on someone’s shoulders, while PB sees what it was like for Gumbald seeing his dream get built in front of him, ruled by PB, and fall apart without being able to do anything, it’s super intesting to me !! Especially on PBs side just seeing the stress weigh down on her from the candy kingdom (obviously this happens to gumbald in the dream but it’s switcharoo)
Now we see Finn and fern sitting on that island, although fern is now Finn again  “ I'm me again. It feels like it's been years.” This line just makes me very sad, ferns been living the last year (+?) as not himself,, (like I said I have THOUGHTS about fern I could go on sooo long ab him, but I wanna focus on CAWM rn) and now we see pb and gumbald, although when pb touches fern he starts disintegrating just like the grass demon said.
PB and gumbald apologize to eachother, but lolly trips gumbald and his dum dum juice dummifys him again, “  He never was the epiphany type. But I am willing to let bygones be bygones.” Like I said,,, things change but also stay the same,,, PB and gumabld sees what they each went through but Gumbald still stays the same, and turns into the punch bowl once again.
And now we get into the end of the world, as BMO puts it,
We get a flashback to Simon and Betty before the mushroom war and everything else, (I don’t have a ton to say about this scene but it’s very funny that Betty accidentally fucked simons eye up by throwing a jar of cherries at him)
Ice King of course does not remember Betty. But now we get the golb monsters, can I just say these monsters are sick as fuck I love them. “Obey my command! Flee for your lives! If you fight, the demon will just add you to its mass!” PB character development <3. 
Alll the main characters standing together to try and defeat golb,,, mmm it’s good it’s good, (also I find it cute that the gum ball guardians call PB mom lol) 
Ice king , king man , Finn and Jake go to try to stop Betty yippee ! Although Jake jumps off to eat (??) those birds (which leads to time adventure ofc <3<3<3) lumpygrab ! It’s cute, not a ship I think ab a ton but it’s cute. Betty seeing ice king as Simon, even if only for a moment is,,, mmmm, part of Betty’s whole thing is that, she can never except ice king as he is, maybe they could be happy if she could but, he isint Simon, he is just the ice king, and it leads her to madness trying to save her. This especially ties in with what she says right after “What... You're trying to stop me!? When I'm this close to harnessing the most powerful force in the universe and finally saving you!?” Oh and Maja fucking explodes.
Finn Betty and IK go into glob,,, Finn loses his robot arm, just as we saw at the start of the episode, it’s destined to lay there for 1000 years after the war huh ?
BUBBLINE YIPPEEEEE !! Seeing Marceline turn into the cloud form is sick as fuck btw, anyways this scene is just,, so good,, especially with just seeing how their relationship builds up again throughout the series. And how it was in the past in distant lands: obsidan.
Finn Betty and Simon reverte to their primal forms, Simon and Betty are back to normal human while Finn is the same, I also love how he does not get his arm back, since it’s been shown that not having an arm is just, his natural state, if he is in a life where he can’t have an arm, he will eventually lose it or just not have it, it’s his natural form.
Jake goes to fight those dudes for Finn,,, god this scene man.,, the treehouse is crushed by the golb monster and Jake just can’t handle it,,, seeing the place that he and Finn and bmo lived since they were young completely destroyed crushes him, BMO finds him of course “It's okay, Jake. You always try to protect me and Finn. But sometimes we are going to get hurt. How about today, you let me be the papa?” God man I’m just thinking about this,,, Jake has always been dadding for Finn  and bmo throughout the series, of course they had their parents but Finn was only 12 at the start of the series and we know their parents died before the start of the series, Jake has been taking care of those 2 for so long, in the treehouse that they lived in for so long,,,
And of course,,, time adventure,,, MAN
I think time adventure captures exactly what adventure time is about along with ‘come along with me’ and ‘everything stays’ 
Everything will happen again and again,,, the cycle of life and death goes on, everything stays but it still changes,,, just like 5e futures,,, 1000+ ooo is so different and yet, we have our 2 young adventurers still going off and exploring ooo,,, change is what adventure time is all about imo,,,, 
And everyone singing together to defeat glob,, it’s just so good,,,, having everyone working together to defeat glob and save Finn and Betty and Simon, many of these characters have had strained relationships in the past and yet they still all join together,, they’ve all changed throughout the series leading to this moment,,, god,,
“I always figured I'd go out saving somebody.” This line by Finn always gets me, because, of course he would think that, he is a hero, of course he would want to go out saving someone, doing what he does best, and also this line is just so sad since,,, Finn genuinely thinks he is gonna die here yknow ? He has stared death in the face many times but few times has he genuinely thought that he was gonna die,,,,
Betty makes the ultimate sacrifice, she can’t make up for what she did as magic Betty, she does feel guilty for what she has done,”I’m sorry for messing everything up” , so she wishes to banish glob, eventually fusing with it to keep Simon and the rest of everyone,
And then Fern,,, he finally got to be the hero,, just like he was when he was Finn,, and all he ever wanted was his identity and family and friends back to be honest, something that makes me sad is just,, how calm fern sounds when he is dying,,, I can’t explain but it’s just,,, yeah,, he asks Finn to promise to plant him there,, of course he wo.uld want to be planted there, it’s the place where he grew up with Jake, his best brother and friend, and even if he dosent get to be Finn again he would at least like to be connected to the place that meant so much to him.
Finn and Jake plant the fern seed at the remains of the treehouse, which, you know, it’s a lot like what happened with Shoko, it’s changes but still stays the same huh ? Finn and PB just being friends is soooo sweet I just love themm a lot.
And so Shermy and Beth go off to find that Fern Tree they heard in the story. While Finn and Jake far in the past from those two, sit next to the music hole, as she starts singing come along with me,, the iconic ending song as we see how everyone lives went on after everything, the cycle of life and death and change continues. Even after all of that characters still live their life, similar to before but not excatly the same.
And at the very end,, we see those two adventurers climb the fern tree, shermy pulls out the Finn sword and holds it up high, ending the final episode on the same iconic pose at the start of every single episode, 
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and like I’ve said over this whole rant,, it changes but still stays the same, the cycle repeats again and again, never the same but still similar,  and I feel like that’s the whole point of adventure time, it’s about change, everything changes so much from the start to the end, we see these characters grow up and change, we see them die and reincarnate, not the same, but similar, ooo and everyone in it goes on and on,  and yes, someday golb and the lich will succeed at their goals, bringing death to everyone, but why not fight for it ? Yes it will happen eventually, someday some Finn and Jake reincarnations will not be able to kill the lich, but they still have all their friends and family and everyone, so why shouldn’t they try ? They could just give up since it’s inevitable but also, they have so much to fight for, everybody who cares about them, even if it’s just the two of them, Finn and Jake, they will always have eachother, and isint that enough to fight for ?
Adventure time just means so much to me in a way I can’t describe, its part of me, and I don’t think even amphibia (which I love so much) reaches the same connection adventure time has with me, it’s just so important to me, it’s such an inherent part of me that I can’t imagine who I would be without it to be honest, where would I have ended up without this show ? I don’t know, but I did find this show and I love it so much that words can’t describe it. Obviously you don’t have to respond to this rant, but it would mean a lot to mean to just, talk about what I talked about here with you, (but no worries about making it as long as this,), I just want to share my love of this show with you, and even you just watching it makes me so so happy. So yknow, thank you for being my friend and watching stuff I like, I appreciate you a lot.
Night, Duck.
the intro is so cool! when i watched it i meant to go back and look at it again and especially look at bmos little house to try and spot a couple little easter eggs because it looks So Full of them.the main things i noticed was i think bmo had the helmet that glob and his brothers or whatever had that stuck out and also the fact that they called themselves the King of Ooo. i hope bmo is okay living up there all by themselves its played for a joke but the fact that they Have forgotten Finn's name is so hhhhhh. (is it specified how log its been? because if its been like a Long Long time its both more and less sad i think) that one episode after elementals with Marceline and bmo gived me hope that for however long they end up living bmo wont be completely alone, their friendship with Marcy was so nice in that episode i hope it lasts.
i am so interested in the whole thing of adventire time being a show about things constantly changing and yet staying the same. it seems like Such a clever way to encorporate that shift from an episodic adventure of the week sort of show it was at the start to the more serialised show with big character moments and over arcing plotlines it became a bit later on. it also kinda juat makes me think about Everything Stays again which you know. yeah
man finn and fern having to deal with their shared trauma together is so ! the bit when theyre fighting and Fern is like "im tormented!" and finn goes "im also that sometimes!" just something about that little interaction gets me theyre both so sinsere and like. i cant find the sords for what im trying to say augh. you get what im trying to say hopefully
oooo the switchy scene!! that was so cool i was really intreuged by them swapping places and getting to experince what it all was like from the other side. it could have made it so easy for them both to come to a peaceful conclusion at the end now that they first hand know what the other went thru and can epathise with eachother in a way they couldnt before. unfortunately gumbald is gumbald and screwed that over but you know you can hope. Bonnie did tho, she saw that she was wrong and she was willing to admit it which is a Huge growth for her character from the start of the show.
the scene of finn and fern on that island is so nice. its so peaceful but also very like, cathatrtic i think is the word for it? the two of them finally getting a chance to just sit there and Be for a moment after all that theyve been thru. its nice
asdfghjk yeah that fake out is so good where even the banan guards think shes gonna get them to fight for their lives to save ooo but then shes juts like. get the fuck out of here right now you cant do anything to help but leave Please save yourselves. PB character growth so true <3
YES THE GUMBALL GUARDIANS CALLING PB MOM WAS SO GOOD it was so funny and also has Implicaions i feel but idk
i cant believe you would remind me of the lsp lemongrab kiss like this that was the Worst part of the entire episode why did that happen im so confused
betty and simon are so ! i have No Idea how to explain my thoughts on them but they unlock shrimp emotions. theyre such a loving tragedy, both driven to madness trying to save the ones they loved most,,,,,,,,,,
bubbline kiss my beloved. its such a sweet scene and Marcy just Losing Her Entire Shit and turining into the sheep cloud thing because she think Bonnie is dead,,,,,,,
asdfghgfds "finn not having an arm is his natural state" why is that so Right tho. au where he never lost his arm and gets reverted to his original state and loses his arm then. imagine
hhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jake older brother/dad-ing BMO and Finn,,,,,,, like sure he isnt always the Best at it but hes Trrying anf i feel like you cant expect him to be perfect at it hes not really much older than finn in the first place but hes Trying to take care of them as best he can and thats what counts
something about the power of music bringing everyone together to make one final stand to save the world and it Working is so important to me. i love music so much as an artform, as a method of self experssion, as a tool to bring people together, and Adventure Time does such a good job doing those ideas justice, its big proper songs are so meaningful and powerful and even the littler ones and the fact that so many characters will just Start Singing, just whenever for the sake of it for no other reason than they feel like it. its so good man
"i always figured id go out saving someone" and then Simon Immidiately jumping in to try to comfort him. they all think theyre gonna die, they all know theyre not gonna make it out this time. so in the face of all hopelessness Simon still tries to comfort this kid and like. i dunno Simon straight away jumping to try to comfort FInn even tho really he has No Idea who tf this kid is man
im glad Fern got to be planted outside the treehouse. he sounds so resigned while hes dying, he knows hes going and hes accepted it, a much nicer ending than he had the first time, and now he gets to be forever immorialised and in some kind of irony manages to outlive everyone else through his tree
i think i get what you mean. i think Adventure Time is to you a lot of what Steven Universe is to me. i started watching SU when i was about 8 and it was a Huge part of my life basically until i ended. i used to rewatch peridot episodes when i was sad, i would sings the songs to myself to pass the time, i would think about theories while walking. so many of my memories are full of steven universe, i legitimately feel like if an alternate version of me existed who had never seen an episode of SU, i would be unrecogniseable to myself. that show means so much to me and i watched it at such an influential age it has had ramifications and left marks on me i dont think i could ever begin to find them all. its… fundementally shaped me as a person, my opinions on things, my morals, so much of Who I Am. so if Adventure Time is to you even slightly what Steven Universe is to me, then i get it. stories have such a power to effect people, we rely on them to learn about the world and the stores we hear or have avalible to us effect us in so many different ways. its incredible really
thank you for being My friend, if it hadnt of been for you i probably wouldnt have sat down and watched adventure time like this, maybe ever, and i only really did it at the start because i wanted to engage in something that clearly means so much to one of my friends, and im so glad i did so thank you it was so much fun
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civiclegends · 2 years
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You know, PepBut’s dumification is one of the major reasons why Marsha just hates Gumbald. After all, it was Gumbald who inevitably dummified Pep. Pep was there for a solid chunk of Marsha’s life (not her childhood for the most part) and she came to see him as a father figure and for him to be gone shorty before the Gum War devastated Marsha more than she will let on.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Bubblegum’s redemption storyline
I wrote another big ol comment on Reddit, but this time it was about the shit I REALLY care about. still adventure time
it’s not as big as the last one don’t worry - it’s about PB’s dark side and growth!
Starting below: 
I felt like pb went through an incredible redemption arc for the rest of the show.
She was a character who had a combination of heroic traits, which Finn used as his guiding moral compass earlier on, and villainous traits, which turned the people of Ooo against her. Light and dark, mixed together!
PB was aware of the dark, but she'd become far too comfortable with it, telling herself that she needed to do what she was doing, she NEEDED to be in control all the time because a situation like the Lich could happen any moment, or the Fire Kingdom could nuke the candy people, or someone could die, or someone could betray her, and on and on and on. PB saw her self-appointed position as the justification to continue escalating what had originally been apocalyptic survival tactics into this entire Orwellian panopticon. She started hurting innocent people due to grudges, she didn't flinch when Flame King locked his daughter up for 15 years, she started committing war crimes against potential allies out of paranoia and this need for control!
It is this last action that made FP really challenge PB's character, and tell her straight to her face that she's a bad person. And it was at that moment PB began to realize what she'd been doing. She didn't want FP to think she was bad, because FP was a GOOD person, against the odds of her circumstances! If FP thinks PB is bad, it must be true! So when PB decided to stop spying on FP, she was awakened to how much spying she'd been doing on other, equally innocent people, like her best friends Finn and Jake. This was the turning point for her - she started to work on herself, having seen what she'd become.
She didn't get away with this consequence-free. PB still demonstrated some controlling behaviour (see Graybles 1000+). After the Orgalorg dream, she became fearful her people would betray her again. Her actions specifically in the episode Apple Wedding really came back to bite her, because the King of Ooo used her behaviour and increasingly sour reputation to successfully wage an election against her.
It's when she faced the consequences of her actions, the rejection from her people, that PB had to decide what she wanted to be. She broke down in Varmints and confessed to Marceline her true feelings about everything, how she felt like she'd done this to herself and pushed people away until she was all alone. And in Stakes she chose to look out for the Candy People, Marceline, and the other inhabitants of Ooo, not as a Princess but as Bonnibel Bubblegum.
When the people reselect her she spends the rest of season 7 trying to make reparations. She supports the banana guards, who were terrified of her. She even goes on a dinner date with Marcie and Ice King.
She encounters issues again in the intended "Season 8" (Two Swords to Three Buckets). PB at the start moves Susan Strong to her lab and hides her from Finn. She has just had to confront the idea of having elemental powers, and she is so conflicted about it because she hasn't given herself the time to process them. PB's frustration results in her acting brashly throughout the episode.One quote that stands out for me is when she was venting about how the kingdom is meant to be a reflection of her, but she doesn't understand herself. The alarm goes off to sound Patience's attack, and pepbut says "We were having a breakthrough here!", but PB says "I have no time for breakthroughs."It makes the end of this ep really sad, because PB gets too excited when she unlocks the powers, and she doesn't consider the impact her fight will have on the candy people. At the end, they're scared of her, and she feels absolutely terrible, and represses the abilities again.I kind of feel sad there was never a solid followup to this - in Elements, PB takes over the world basically, but there's nothing talking about how that impacted her relationship with her people or her thoughts on her own elemental powers. I must also note PB got overenthusiastic when making an arm for Finn and gave it a hidden FATALITY function, which resulted in Fern’s death. 
Anyway the final season is a test of character for her. PB has to decide whether to wage war against her uncle, who keeps threatening her, or whether to broker peace. PB sees herself as railroaded into war, but she goes into this too eagerly - she failed the first test. She kills Gumbald in the dream.When she's dreaming of BEING him, PB manages to emphasize with his position, and feels awful about calling a war. She immediately brokers peace and repents, but he's not able to let go of his own rage, and he receives karmic punishment in the form of being re-dummified. PB passed the SECOND test, after failing the first one.
The third and final test was when Golb appeared. PB had a choice of asking all her people to fight for her, and they even ANTICIPATED she would, but she told them to run for their lives, and decided to stand against Golb... uhh... entirely by herself, if necessary! That would have been a quick battle. I'm sure she's grateful most of the others stuck around to help.
That's where she's left off when you go into Obsidian.
As explained below, the negative traits PB displays in Obsidian are mostly inconsequential. She still acts controlling sometimes, but it's WAAAAAAAY less than most scenes in the main show.
The fact she's able to live with Marceline, and spend time away from work, is also indicative of tremendous growth. PB is very supportive of Marceline. Marcie expects her to throw disses from time to time, but PB immediately corrects herself. When Marceline needs somebody to listen, PB listens - she doesn't throw the shade or quippy remarks of the past.
She still messes up from time to time, but that's only human.
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