angelkissiies · 3 years
Thank god my friends don’t know what my tumblr is. I’d never live these posts down. Anyways-
❤️‍🔥 jethro ❤️‍🔥
c: @GMM.CHAOS on tiktok!
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“#garrus vc: she's pretty..... but i'm still the better shot :)” but can you back that trash talk up, Vakarian 😌
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❝  HOW  ABOUT  A  DATE  AT  THE  SHOOTING  RANGE  ?  the  next  time  we’re  on  the  citadel  ,  let’s  find  out  who’s  REALLY  the  better  shot  .  i’ll  even  let  you  hold  my  rifle  .  ❞
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paragonchose · 3 years
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𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝘾𝘼𝙇𝙇  ⇢ @gunnerychief​
      “𝑳𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 there, williams,” lean arms fold over slender chest, gaze curious, “something on your mind?” 
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solesoldier-a · 5 years
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@gunnerychief & @turianrebel both back at the same time??? gotta bring this treasure back
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choseparagon · 5 years
@gunnerychief​ !
“you ever miss your sisters, williams?” fingers absently drum over the barrels the rifles ashley seems to excel in cleaning, the cool metal pleasant and familiar to the touch. it’s never really been her choice of weapon, always felt too heavy in her hand, but ashley williams? wields it as comfortably as an additional limb, a natural extension. “i mean,” it occurs to her that it’s likely a stupid question. (people with families miss their families, everyone knows that.) “i’m sure they miss you.” 
shepard leans against the wall of the storage unit coolly now, arms folding over her chest. “they must be proud, hearing everything their big sister has been up to.” a little hint of a smile twitches into the corner of her lips. “abby, lyn, and...? shit, i’m only good for two out of three. sorry, don’t hold it against me.” 
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ichosmic · 5 years
send  a  🐤  for  edi  to  talk  about  your  muse,        ft.  @gunnerychief​
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bloodiedbiotic · 5 years
me seeing roo on my dash and seeing her just talk about her muses like 
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CHUCKLES my beloved, I literally came back to the MERP because I saw your Garrus being active, your Garrus is FLAWLESS, literally where would we be without your take on him???? literally in love if we’re rating it’s 1000/10
i’m  so  GRATEFUL  that  my  presence  here  on  this  blog  was  your  sign  to  join  us  again  ♡  I’LL  TAKE  IT  TBH  .  it’s  worth  it  to  see  you  back  as  well  .  you’re  a  longstanding  powerhouse  in  our  community  ,  and  whenever  you  come  back  there  are  trumpets  and  flower  petals  all  over  the  ground  and  fireworks  and  the  whole  crowd  is  cheering  and  celebrating  your  triumphant  return  !!  major  ‘brave  knight  in  a  movie  coming  home  after  slaying  a  dragon’  vibes  .  you’re  just  so  loved  and  appreciated  ,  and  your  talent  is  undeniable  .  thank  YOU  for  your  kind  words  and  all  the  warmth  and  i  can’t  wait  to  write  garrus  and  ashley  again  asap  ♡
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salvatoraem · 7 years
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@gunnerychief @turianrebel this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to have days off work 
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solesoldier-a · 5 years
gunnerychief replied to your post: sb, gesturing vaguely to joker: shepard, can you...
shepard vc: I finally found my receipt, I’d like to return him please
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choseparagon · 5 years
Leaning their head on mine’s shoulder tiredly
she’s lost track of how long they’ve been waiting, legs starting to stiffen after hours of being molded to one of the chairs stretched in a neat row. the waiting room is as a bland as one might expect it to be, shiny and clean and gleamingly white and utterly devoid of any sort of a personality so as not to offend any race that might happen to be waiting within it. not unlike, shepard thinks, the general personality of the ambassador. 
“ok,” ashley shifts her weight aside her and shuts down her omni-tool, the magazine flashing up on its screen disappearing, “this is ridiculous. it’s been what, two hours now?”
“at least,” shepard sighs and glances briefly down at her omni-tool, “wait, two hours and 11 minutes, actually. you were close though, ash.” 
“udina’s just doing this to piss us off, you know,” ashley glares at the closed door looming before them with an intensity that has the tendency to encourage retreat, “he’s still mad you went off script last time we had to talk to the council.” she huffs angrily, flicking dark hair away from her face irritably, “you showed him up. he’s mad.” 
“without a doubt,” she yawns, wrist pressed against her mouth to conceal it, “show an ounce of any sort of genuine charisma and they’ll hold it against you.” one leg moves to cross over the other as the first prickles of numbness begin to set in. 
“can’t fucking stand politicians. haven’t so much as picked up a gun, much less fired it, and they’re convinced they know more than soldiers.” ashley’s fingers drum restlessly against her thigh. “do we have to check in with him? i mean, this is a waste of our time, shepard. we have things we actually need to be doing, not...not just sitting here, staring at the wall.”
shepard rubs at her brow, the gleaming lights slowly beginning to give her a headache. “if we don’t, he’ll use it as an excuse for something, find a way to hold it against us. last thing i need is the council on my ass too because udina stirred up trouble.” 
she shifts in her chair, another yawn following, and rests her head against ashley’s shoulder. “you wore your comfy armor today. thanks for that.” 
“duly noted,” there’s a faint sheen of humor in her voice now, “i’ll keep it in mind next time we have to play at diplomacy, make sure i’m prepared appropriately.” 
“we’ll give it,” shepard glances at her omni-tool again, “20 more minutes before we call it quits.”
ashley is silent for a long moment and shepard looks over to see if the magazine is shining on her omni-tool, but instead ashley’s lips are pursed tightly together, thoughtfully. “you’re too good for this, shepard,” ashley finally states quietly, “you deserve better than this, than having to wait in the lobby like some schmuck who lost their visa. i don’t know how you’re not...not angry about it.”
“oh,” she sits up now, “i’m mad. i’m fucking furious, i just don’t show it.” shepard shrugs loosely, nods her head towards the door and the secretary quietly clicking away at a screen. “i’d rather let him think he’s won some little battle with me. he can think i’m stupid for all i care.” a faint smirk appears, wry and playful. “but one day, he’s gonna’ need me for something and guess what? i just won’t be able to fit it into my schedule. i’m content to play the long game and let me tell you, karma? she’s a bitch. ” 
ashley looks at her. “promise me you’ll let me be there when it happens.” 
shepard grins. “absolutely.” 
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ichosmic · 5 years
*        @gunnerychief​,        starter  call.
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❝        has  the  commander  always  been  so        --------        forward?        ❞        your  inquiry  is  punctuated  with  subtle  curiosity,  synthetic  nature  shining  through  in  your  inherent  need  to  have  all  the  information.        ❝        it  is  to  my  knowledge  that  you  were  close  with  them  previously.        ❞
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bloodiedbiotic · 5 years
        Get in, get Dr. Kenson, and get out. Sounded simple enough in theory, but the specifics of the mission… well, maybe it was a good thing that this was a favor to Hackett. Infiltrating a heavily guarded underground prison—alone—was a steep order, but a part of Shepard knew she owed Hackett this; files found in the Shadow Broker’s base revealed that the Admiral had made an order against Alliance contact with her. Hell, he had even denied Major Antella’s request to arrest her. Fuck’s sake, the Alliance wanted to arrest her. The very thought left her stomach lurching — wait, maybe that was actually the shuttle VI’s driving. 
        Attention turns to the window, getting up to observe. It’s dark, rainy even. Droplets are hitting the glass, creating a subtle symphony of pitter-patter that accompanies the low hum of the shuttle’s eezo core. Hopefully the combination of the time and weather would leave for a comfortable surface temperature whilst she figured out a way to infiltrate the outpost. 
        Speaking of the outpost... 
        The building catches her eye, drawing her attention. Multi-level, structurally sound... but what lies beneath all that? Nearing the drop-off point, a final check is given over her weapons and armor. Gloved fingers ghost over the off-hand ammo pack situated on her left bicep; one can never have too many thermal clips. Shuttle door opens with a hiss and it’s not even five seconds after Shepard steps out that the Kodiak is already departing. 
        Rain is already beginning to soak the Commander who is quick to move herself under cover, focus turning to the locked door before her. Omni-tool flashing to life with a wave.    ❛  ACCESS IS RESTRICTED. ENTER AUTHORIZATION CODE. ❜   It was too damn early for frustration to begin spiking Shepard’s mood; already her jaw was beginning to clench while her hands balled into fists. There had to be a way to unlock this... Her gaze sweeps the area and it’s only when a glance is given to the side of the entrance that a power relay is discovered. Cutting the power shouldn’t be too difficult... ah, there. Door’s open.
        Inside reveals the rundown interior of the prison, being so dilapidated that even a chunk of the floor was missing, creating an impassable obstacle. Her foot taps the bridge control. Nothing. Frustration continues to prick at her, leaving a furrow in her brow while she explores and finds a ramp down to a lower level. However, it’s down there she makes her discovery of no longer being alone. The varren notices her as quick as she noticed it — arm tossed up in a physical mnemonic that bathes the woman in shimmering blue aura of dark energy and lifts the beast off its feet. It only takes one shot at this range to put it down, which was more than enough. She was going to need all the ammo she had at this rate.
        Returning up, the faint—though distinct—sound of a shuttle departing makes it to the entrance of the facility. Her gut sinks and her lungs shrivel—did the batarians already know she was here? This mission was about to get a whole lot bloodier if that was the case. Forcing herself to steady her breathing, Shepard takes up position near the door, waiting for any sound to give her an idea as to who was there and where. Footsteps in the wet earth, approaching her. Only one person, though. She could take them on. A deep breath to focus herself before she emerges from cover, shotgun raised — though it’s immediately lowered, barrel angled to the ground.
        ❝ Ashley? ❞ 
surprise starter for @gunnerychief .   ♥
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vikktus · 7 years
smash or pass 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
smash or pass?
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‘  u h h..   ..   ..   i, don’t think that’s a very professional topic, major.  ‘  while he answers with a rather avoided tone, the primarch’s thoughts ring out: smash. would smash, most definitely.
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justiccr · 7 years
don't be a Hoe u shiptoaster
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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cerbrs · 5 years
starter call.
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