#gurumi summation
dearweirdme · 1 year
I followed the gurumi situation pretty closely last year so I'll try to give a brief rundown of what I can remember lol.
Okay so the first photo was leaked a couple days before Taennie coincidentally both went to NYC. Their flights were both leaked in advance, so people were already making a big deal out of it even before the photos leaked. Gurumi posted the first photo on twitter and used some corny caption, something like "are they just friends or more?" and also something about how one of Jennie's friends leaked the photo. So they originally set up this narrative that they didn't know if they were dating or not, but Jennie's friend has betrayed her and leaked the photo and somehow it ended up in gurumi's hands. To garner attention for the first photo, gurumi used bots to increase the likes on the tweet, and many people caught this. They also linked their tweet under popular tweets on army twitter in order to get the photo more attention. So they were clearly mainly after attention from the very start. The photo started to blow up but most people didn't take it seriously. I think another photo leaked right before their respective flights. At this point, people are theorizing about them both going to NYC and making up theories about them meeting up there (super similar to the whole Paris/Cannes situation). However, it was known Tae was going there to work on his Vogue shoot and Jennie and all the BP girls were there for the VMAs (which BTS were also nominated for). The VMAs were fan voted, so many blinks even used the photos to capture people's attention and get them to vote for BP. Taennies started growing in numbers and they said that Taennie were going to make their couple debut at the VMAs red carpet (sound familiar?). Obviously, this didn't happen and a paparazzi that followed BP pretty much everywhere around NYC said they never saw Tae with Jennie. I don't think people even really spotted Tae in the city. So it was anticlimactic, but the stage was set. Even without any actual evidence, Taennies were convinced they coordinated these trips on purpose. Later, both Tae and Jennie posted photos from their trip and Taennies said they were doing lovestagram, even though it's NYC, obviously some of the scenery is going to look similar lol. Nothing in either of their photos could be linked together even though Taennies tried. There was also coincidentally a Foundrae store in NYC (the jewelry brand Taennies love connecting) and Taennies said they went and bought their jewelry together lol. After this, photos continue to leak periodically. People notice that photos are usually leaked whenever Tae would have something coming out (like with Vogue) or when Jennie would have something going on. Interestingly BP's album was released September 16, right in the middle of this. Gurumi gets suspended on twitter and moves to telegram where they build a cult-like following essentially where people ask them questions in a group chat and beg for them to release new photos. Gurumi frequently teased people in the group, doing polls about what photos should be released next. I don't know if it was a power kick or something, but gurumi clearly starts to go off the rails. They come up with thousands of different stories (I don't even remember them all). They tell people Lisa is behind it, they tell people G Dragon is behind it, and they tell people Jennie's friend whose instagram user is twozoobrother is the main one behind it, and he went with them to Jeju apparently. Gurumi starts claiming that a staff member of Tae's is this twozoobrother guy, trying to prove that Tae and him are friends. The only evidence of Tae knowing this person is from 2014, when twozoobrother was apparently a trainee. So the whole twozoobrother thing was the first of their lies. It never really made sense, why would this random guy leak photos to this random user? Jennie is also still friends with this guy so. Gurumi also never clearly states how they obtained the photos, but they imply twozoobrother was the source.
This is so long I have to send another ask sorry
Part 2
At one point, gurumi fakes an email from HYBE, saying that they've been in contact with them and have negotiated about the situation and they've decided to stop posting. Obviously, this was a lie since they continue to post not long after this "email" and there's no way HYBE was in contact with them lmao. They switch up their story of "are they dating or not?" and start telling people in the group that they are absolutely dating and that Tae is straight (weird thing to include). Then they start going out of their way to prove this. They tell people that Jisoo of all people is in the the group chat and she's going to confirm Taennie's relationship by posting a photo of herself on Instagram. Gurumi sends the photo she's going to post. Soon after, Jisoo does end up posting the photo (it's a Dior ad). This proves that they had photos of other idols and proves that Jennie clearly didn't have her icloud hacked, or even her account hacked. If either of these were true, it makes no sense as to why she would have that photo of Jisoo lmao. (Which is why I think staff could be behind this). At one point, a photo of a computer screen with several images in a folder appears (not sure where this came from, I can't remember if gurumi posted it or not). Gurumi tells people not to share the images, because they're edits. However, some of these photos on the computer are part of the Jeju photos gurumi later posts. Also one of the photos in this folder is of some random couple on Pinterest, make of that what you will. Gurumi obsesses over having a statement from HYBE or YG and constantly tries to bait them in order to get one. Gurumi continues to swear to people they're dating, which I've never understood; if they had dozens of leaked images, why did they feel the need to prove their relationship so badly? Why did they care? Gurumi even starts messaging people individually on telegram and tells people a bunch of weird things. I distinctly remember them telling someone that Taennie apparently had sex when they went to Jeju like WHAT...how would they even know that 😭 They basically just started acting like an unhinged weirdo. Gurumi tells people that he has no videos or any concrete proof, but then posts a video that was taken during the first photo they dropped, the one where Tae is getting ready before PFW. The video is super sketchy, it's filmed (or cropped) in a way so you can't see who's recording and Tae doesn't acknowledge the camera at all. It gives me super weird vibes. Gurumi also says Tae calls Jennie "yeobo" (Korean term of endearment) in the video, but the video is coincidentally (!) muted, so you can't hear what he actually says. Multiple people who speak Korean though came out and said it seemed more like he was saying something like "is this nice/good". I don't remember exactly, but it made sense in the context of him getting styled. Regardless, people were pretty sure he didn't say "yeobo"
Part 3
They continue dropping photos periodically (also weird to me - why not just post everything you have and go?) but people were definitely losing interest. The people that gave the photos attention were mainly just Taennies at this point. One of the later photos they posted was of them at a restaurant. The photo is of Tae supposedly, but he's pointedly not looking at the camera and he's wearing a hat so you can't see his face. Once again, they're in a public place but no one saw them? Anyway, gurumi says Jennie captioned this photo with "my other half." Taennies eat this up of course but people start questioning this too. If this was posted on her Instagram story (which it would've had to have been, since she hadn't posted any actual posts on there in a while), then usually the caption is directly on the photo. So either gurumi had to crop the caption out (why do that?) or they lied. This goes on and then HYBE drops their quarterly statement about an individual who has been defaming their artist. Army's immediately think of gurumi, but gurumi denies and says they've heard nothing from HYBE. Immediately following this, they say that they're going inactive. Which makes it seem like HYBE's statement was about them. Then a couple days later YG releases their statement about Jennie's private photos being leaked and gurumi jokes about it in the group, and then they never post again. These statements came out at the end of September/beginning of October, so over a month after this started (towards the end of August). YG's statement was also close to when gurumi posted that bathtub picture of Jennie, and a lot of fans reacted to that and called them out. So I think YG's statement was always over the bathtub image particularly. I mean, why let this thing go on for a month and then speak up?
Part 4
It should also be noted that at the start of this, someone emailed gurumi and asked if they would edit two idols together for them, and they offer to pay them a few hundred dollars. Gurumi responds and tells them this is too low. The person posts the screenshots and a screen recording of this email thread on twitter and gurumi freaks out and threatens to dox this person. Also in the middle of the gurumi thing, an account on instagram who had been "supporting" Taennie and continuously posting the leaks on twitter since they start suddenly switched up on gurumi. They claimed everything was an edit and then they started posting photos of idols that had never been seen publicly before (including ones of Tae and Jennie individually). Their account is suspended, and then a new account is created to continue posting the thread of idols and they say that gurumi went too far. It's hard to know if they were actually working together but it's definitely weird. There was also another account on twitter that's a huge Taennie "supporter," and they briefly turned on gurumi too. They posted a screenshot of their convo with them and said that everything was fake. The convo was basically them asking gurumi is everything was ready and gurumi was telling them to wait (or something like that). This account deleted the tweets not long after and said they were hacked (who would hack this random account? and give them their account back afterward?). This same account was also posting photos of couples from Pinterest on their twitter around a month before the leaks started and they claimed these couples were Taennie. Weird coincidence if you ask me.
Thats everything I can think of at the moment (sorry for the excessive length) but I think this gives an overall gist of everything. Sorry if anything is worded confusingly, everything is just so complicated and hard to explain at this point lol. The situation is extremely weird and I definitely think some staff were involved.
Gurumi anon here again sorry, I forgot to add abt the jewellery it actually first came from one of those gurumi pictures itself - the elevator one I’m not even sure was any of them - where they’re both seen wearing matching bracelets but the quality is horrible. Taehyung did have a bracelet like it but guess who else had a matching one? rosé, not jennie. So shippers saw and tried to place the same bracelet on jennie using bad quality and outright lying because she genuinely had real matching jewellery from that brand with GDragon, and when it didn’t work they dug to found her wearing a pendant from the same brand, not in any way similar to Tae’s. again like I said before, it could’ve later on become intentional when they saw, but last year it was not.
Hi anon!
Thank you so much for this summation, I hadn't been able to find anything like this and it all makes more sense now. This to me doesn't look like it's completely company arranged no. Way way, too messy for that. When companies leak pics, they don't really need a story to back things up. They just leak a pic to an already larger fan account and things start happening. The point is not to get attention on the leaker, but on the leaked material. Gurumi obviously wanted attention on theri account. It is odd though that the leaks coincided with promo moments, which does point to it being somewhat used for that. It's possible it started with the company and got out of hand, but it might very well be outsiders (friends.. staff/old staff... maybe someone from media with connections... a hired person to do the initial leaking, lots of options really). I'd say it's from BlackPink's side mostly. Since the Jisoo part points to them having knowledge on BP projects.
Is the Gurumi from Twitter definitely the same as the one on Telegram? Since that's when the unhinged behavior really started.
It kinda gives me the same feeling those fan accounts (like the taennieisfake thingy) do. They get high on power and start unhinging. Maybe the son or daugter of an employee had access to their parents computer, saw all this stuff, happens to be a fan and took the opportunity to create a fandom meltdown. The changing stories, the mention of "taennie having sex" and "Tae being straight" to me point to someone young being behind this. There's a lack of proffesional behavior; no organization, no professional wording, dramatization and some things that just seem impossible (Jisoo in the chat for instance). I think it's a person with loose ties to BP. Someone with acces to material, but no real insight in the business. It being a minor, would also explain the slow advance they made with making it a lawsuit. But then again, if it was the son or daugter of an employee they would've found out really soon.
But holy sh*t what a wild story. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm glad to be able to store this in my blog.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
i actually saved the thread when twocanplay dropped those pictures if ur interested:
Everything that you see is not simple.
There is not one answer that explains everything. There are multiple reasons. Multiple people involved. The web has been spun so deeply that it cannot be undone without chaos nOw. Is this what you wanted, G-H??
KTH is being used for his media power. JENNIE is the victim of greedy staff, willing to betray her for a payout. GH has a goal. To gather as much attention as possible, while damaging the reputations of as many people as she can drag down.
It wasn't supposed to go this long.
There is a group of people. They have compiled their resources and decided to force the companies into addressing the rumors. Their intentions were to create as much havoc as possible, hoping that in the midst of it all, they would push the companies into a corner.
All of the pictures you are about to see did not come from one specific account. They are accumulated from various sources. Friends of the idols, private accounts, staff, managers, sasaengs--that is why this isn't easy to solve.
Do not spend your time trying to figure out - who, what, where, when, why - you won't be able to. Because it is not simple. Gurumi let her ego grow too big. It was not supposed to move passed the first few edits. As we thought those would be enough for the companies to speak.
But now Gurumi has spun so many various lies to the story that there is no point anymore. It's blown out of hand. She is nothing without the power of her leaks. Now that power is yours.
Please note-I am not sharing these because I want to. It is because Gurumi has been using these leaks to create their own narrative that is far from what the original plan was. It isn't fair to the people involved. It was never fair to Taehyung or Jennie.
The edits are edits and that's all it was supposed to be. Real pictures were never supposed to be in the mix as it puts everyone at risk. However Gurumi has taken it upon themselves to leak photos in whichever way will give her the most credibility, so that you believe her. This way, you already know what kind of access she has.
Don't let her manipulate this any further. She has created enough chaos for Jennie and Taehyung, let’s not allow her to drag them (and others) any further.
There is more to this story. She has another series of photos planned to drop to complete her Jeju island diaries. Which is the fake narrative she created to push this even further. Encouraged by the thousands of people she talks to daily. Now you can see.
She has access to create narratives for many idols, not just Taehyung and Jennie. They were chosen because of the accessibility of Jennie's content via her snake team around her and because of Taehyung's overwhelming media power.
Don't let her go any further.
ofc i didn’t save the pictures but there were many actors and idols in there, some very obviously from their priv accounts.
Hi anon!
That’s super interesting. Granted it’s also an anonymous source on the internet, so who knows how much we can trust this. But it’s certainly an interesting thread.
The first pics they talk of do look like edits, or like pics that could have easily been edited. Especially the one with the hairstylist. The shadow of Jennie’s hair is totally off. The one in Tae’s apartment also has lining that doesn’t match where it should. So those being edits, does match with the thread you sent.
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This thread makes it seem like there was a group of unsatisfied/angry/greedy people who wanted something from Hybe and YG. Since it’s about two companies, it’s probably money. Or maybe it was trainees who never got a chance and decided to use their ‘in’ for revenge? Gurumi looks like the executer of the whole. Probably one of the instigator’s, one of the most driven ones. Who wanted to continue on when everyone else felt it went too far. They chose Jennie and Tae because of the leverage it gave them over the companies. Two of their biggest stars. The existence of material of other idols makes it believable that a group of people collected everything they had, different sources from different sides of the industry.
Very interesting, thanks!
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I followed the situation last year closely too and just want to add to that pretty accurate summary is that after the warning statement from YG Gurumi deleted all solo pictures of Jennie (that were coincidentally the only HD quality, as well as some supposed GDragon pics obtained from her ig) but left all the taennie pictures up. Then they went quiet and eventually disappeared. The reason why a lot of taekookers bring up cosplayers (I don’t think that is the case for Paris) is because with the restaurant pictures where you can hardly see half their faces, there is a scar on the man’s arm that directly matches a scar from that known Taehyung cosplayer. As with the Jeju his legs look a lot similar than Taehyung’s. This is why I believe of the few edits that dropped, only a few were actually individually Taehyung (The one in the dressing room and his apartment foyer) but some were improvised using other people to create more content because Gurumi started to love the attention and got ahead of themselves. I also want to add that when Taehyung went to shoot for Vogue most of the time he wasn’t anywhere near Jennie because of where it was filmed - at William Cullen Bryant Homestead. The schedule was set up likely months in advance so for shippers to say it was planned to coincide with hers is laughable. Oh and btw when that other account came to drop other idols Jimin was also in the mix. All in all this didn’t come from BH at least.
Hi anon!
Thanks for the addition, and for agreeing that other anon’s summation was pretty accurate.
With how crazy all this is, the possibility of it being cosplayers isn’t even that much of a reach. It’s just so weird to me that it got this big. It does look like it came more from Jennie’s side than from Tae’s.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
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dearweirdme · 1 year
The reason why I don’t think the leaks from last year were instigated by Taehyung, is because the first one originated from DC Gallery. Him being in Jeju was instigated on that site. Later on we find he was in Seoul filming certain content that day. As for the jewellery both parties actually wore it some time before, as have other members from the two groups. I think it was a connection made on the spot that grew into something bigger once shippers started interacting with the brand itself, who hopped onto the bandwagon for interaction and clout. Could it have then been used in a more intentional way? Definitely, but I think Jennie used other accessories for that anyway, like scarves etc. In terms of how the company handled it, it is weird for sure. I don’t think they expected it to go down the lane it did, and by then they were proceeding with a lawsuit that obviously took time and discretion And I also think they didn’t want to give GH what they kept pressuring for. Direct acknowledgment. Seokjin coming online when the statement dropped to me was not a coincidence.
Hi anon!
Well, an anon sent me a very detailed summation of the Gurumi situation that makes me rethink things a bit. I’ll post it in a bit, because it’s a lot. So I might get to agree with you.
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