#guys am i the most genius of all time or did i nearly swerve off the highway when i came up with this idea for nothing
a-gal-with-taste · 3 years
Can I please request (because i have such a weakness for it) protective!silco with a partner who gets bothered by his workers because they don’t realise yet that she’s with Silco? Or refuse to believe that someone like Silco has a partner.
For real though, this one was brilliant, thanks for the idea :)
"Seriously?" You squinted. "Are you like... new?"
"Apparently not as new as you are, no one just walks-in to see the boss." He had to have been, for he squinted right back at you in a studying, but indifferent away. Like you really were some lost bar-patron. "Even if they got a uh... delivery." He says with a small sneer, looking down at the box tucked under your arm.
You hold it more protectively to your side, frowning as you glanced back over the stairway and the bar. The pre-positioned thugs around the place all looked recently recruited, you realized with a swear under your breath - none who could confirm your identity, but you tried, nonetheless.
"Look, I'm here to drop this off for my partner-" A snort, cutting you off. "Trust me, ya ain't gonna find him up here. Get back down to the dancefloor."
A surge of frustration filled you, and you snapped back, "It's for Silco, genius, i'm his-" He's laughing too hard for you to even finish the sentence, and you scowl darkly.
It was already rough coming back here, you hadn't... left on the greatest of terms. Not a break-up, no, but you had left needing some space from the most recent argument. An argument about the relationship - not that it was bad, per say, but Silco had different ideas about your position in it...
And well, you had lashed out a bit harshly.
"Need you?" The echo of your laugh still felt cruel, even in memory. "Silco, do you ever think about the fact that I might not need you as much as you need me?"
You couldn't even remember what sparked those cutting words out of you, and you hadn't stuck around to see his expression at that. Simply turning, marching out the door and immediately filled with regret as soon as you got back to your apartment
Nor had you been back to The Last Drop since, so you couldn't quite blame the thug in front of you for not recognizing you.
Still, it stung deeply to think in the time you had been gone, Silco neglected to inform anyone of your existance and relationship with him. A shield, for sure, after your rather barbed-verbal lashing, but still...
You squeezed the apology-dinner tight to your side, and mentally counted from down ten before addressing the guard as sweetly as possible, "Go get Silco, or tell him whose here," You said, giving him your name. "He'll know who I am."
"You think i'm gonna go bug the boss just for some random broad lookin' for him?" The raised brow nearly made you grind your teeth. Damning the consequences, you made to swerve around him to continue up the stairs-
It took you a minute of staring up at the ceiling to realize you had been shoved flat onto your back. The stairs you fell onto dug into your shirt and skin as you finally caught your breath, and worked yourself back up. "Who..." You wheezed. "... the fuck do you think I am?"
You were honestly bewildered. What if you were a Chembaron? Shimmer productionist? Sure, you weren't exactly dressed as Silco's lover to confirm your identity, but did this guy really just shove-around those he doesn't think his employer needs to meet??
"Again, a random broad lookin' to get lucky," He sneered, waving a dismissing hand while nudging the fallen delivery box with his boot. "Get lost, alright? Ya ain't fooling anyone with the boyfriend shit, so go and find someone else to bother-"
You sucked in a long-breath before finally just shouting out Silco's name, hoping he could hear you over the pounding music, since apparent this idiot newbie wasn't hearing you out at all.
Effective, which you could admire, so you'd put a good word in before Silco got his hands on him. After the apology dinner.
You managed to let his name out once, twice, before a hand snatched your hair. Tears at the corner of your eyes as you were half-dragged about four steps, before you saw office door swing open. Sevika, immediately saw you and barked out an order.
Causing the junior-guard to immediately release his grip on you while you crashed back down on aching knees, but still grateful.
You pulled yourself up while the second-in-command stormed down the stairs, getting right into her subordinates-face while you gripped the railing tight in your hands to pull yourself up.
Silco crossed the doorway, eyes finding you instantly when you glanced up to meet his gaze.
Sevika, out of mercy, quickly dragged the doomed man away from the stairs, allowing you to wince about halfway up before the Eye of Zaun met you in the middle.
It was a lame hello, and his carefully blank expression remained the same. Mix-matched eyes only looked away to follow your pointing finger, as you, equally lamely, pointed at the crushed box of food.
"I... got an apology dinner. Though I think I need to apologize for the state of it."
A beat. Then a hint of a chuckle sounds, something you missed, and you feel pleased to have caused it so soon into your reunion. You hum as his hand reached over, gently smoothing your hair back and fixing your clothes from your tumble down the stairs. Missing his touch, but not the silence he gives you now, and you desire to fill it with a more... safe topic than the subject of your last meeting, "Don't kill him?"
"... It would send a message."
"C'mon, Sil, he was just doing his job."
"And I would be doing mine," He says off-handedly, looking down over his nose at you. "What kind of gentleman would I be, to not murder in the name of my lover?"
A pound of your heart, hopeful. "Lover?" A whisper meant to be eager, but you saw the emotional shutters close in his eye at what he perceived as hesitance. "Or whatever you preferred our relationship to be labeled as." He said stiffly. "Perhaps you don't need the relationship to be in anyway romantic."
Hand retracting, until you reached to close the gap, holding his hand tightly with your own. "And if we didn't need to be lovers," You felt a phantom twitch in his grip, but his face remained neutral. "... would you still feel the need to kill your employees for me?"
His scarred face remained impassive, so you took it a step further. Bringing his hand to your own, you looked him straight into the mixed-gaze of the Eye of Zaun as to pressed your lips to his knuckles. A first step in your apology, consitering your gift of food was all but trampled.
You saw a minute parting of his lips, a peek of teeth from your action. Otherwise, his expression remained blank, but the warmth of acceptance soon filled you at his next assurance, that you and him were going to be alright.
It was ominous, but you knew he was won over nonetheless.
"Darling, I wouldn't just kill for you. I'd burn at your very command."
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whoree321 · 4 years
Bike Lessons (s.r.)
Request: i was wondering if you could write a spencer reid x reader where instead of him getting shot, him and the reader are on a date, riding their bikes and spencer is learning or sumn (bc i kinda get the feeling that he didn’t as a kid), and they are in the park, and spencer looses control and ends up falling with the reader, and you know, he dislocates his knee and the reader her shoulder ( :’D ), and idk maybe emily, penelope, or hotch could be i’m the park at the same time talking to morgan or idk in the phone and they’re like “hold on, some idiot just fell. let me check if they r okay.” and they go and it’s spencer n the reader?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None, really. Minor bike accident, dislocated shoulder and knee but nothing described too graphically.
Word Count: 1.6k
Category: Fluff
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“What do you mean you don’t know how to ride a bike!?”
Spencer Reid was many things, but a proud man he was not. Years of school bullying had been combatted by more years of relentless, loving teasing from his coworkers and closest friends, and resulted in a man who could take criticism and jokes at his expense rather well. That did not, however, do anything to stop the burning shame he felt at his girlfriend’s revelation about his biking abilities.
He gave her a sheepish grin before replying, “It’s not that I don’t know how to ride a bike, necessarily. When I was in college, biking was my primary form of transportation as the state of Nevada wouldn’t issue me a license at 14. But I haven’t ridden a bike in almost 15 years. You know, despite the common saying that you never forget how to ride a bike due to muscle memory, studies have shown that…”
As much as she would have loved to listen to what studies had to say about the longevity of muscle memory, Y/N had more pressing information to gather.
Interrupting him, she asked, “So you learned how to ride a bike, you just don’t think you remember how to since it’s been so long?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying”
Y/N nodded, a plan for the day quickly forming in her mind.
“Alright,” she said decidedly, “well, good news! Today you’re gonna learn again!”, a cheery grin overtaking her face.
Spencer groaned and hung his head. This was so not how he wanted to spend his rare day off with his beautiful girlfriend. They were always off on gruesome cases, too weary and focused to truly enjoy each other’s company. He had hoped for a calm day inside, maybe read or binge one of their favorite shows and just be with each other. But he recognized that gleam in Y/N’s eyes, could practically feel the excitement radiating off of her, and he knew he’d never in a million years be able to say no and risk being the reason that bright smile faded.
Looking back up, he replied resignedly, “Fine. But I get to choose dinner tonight.”
“Deal!”, she squealed, leaping off the couch and bounding to their shared bedroom.
Laughing lightly at his girlfriend’s childish antics, he got up and followed her, watching as she dug around through her drawers for a pair of leggings. Soon, they were both dressed in casual athletic wear and made their way to a bike rental kiosk that Y/N had found near the park.
Walking their newly rented bikes to the trail, Y/N glanced over at Spencer to see him anxiously chewing on his lip. She could tell he was nervous, probably not wanting to embarrass himself in front of her, but she thought that once he got the hang of it he would really like it, and it would be another activity the two could enjoy together. Smiling at the idea, she stopped once they had gotten to the trail and put the kickstand of her bike down.
“Ok, why don’t you just get on and do your best to ride it like you remember doing before. I know your big ole brain is still storing that info,” Y/N said with smile. Spencer looked between her and the bike a little uncertainly, before she gently added, “I’ll walk next to you just in case things go south.”
This convinced him, and he tentatively got on the bike and started pedaling. His balance was a little off at first, and she could tell that his hand-eye coordination (or lack thereof) was always going to be an issue, but he got the hang of it rather quickly.
“Ok, I think I got it! You can stop walking next to me now, I think there might be one or two people left in park that haven’t seen a grown man being taught to ride a bike like a child,” Spencer told her teasingly, though the triumphant look in his eyes told her how happy he was at catching on with minimal difficulty.
Y/N giggled at his remark. “Ok hot shot, lets take a lap around the park and see if you’re still so cocky.”
The two rode down the trail nearly side by side, Y/N slightly ahead of him but close enough that they could still talk. They made their way smoothly, chatting and laughing, but the peace was not to last.
Looking back at it later, Spencer concluded that it was entirely that damn squirrel’s fault. If that squirrel hadn’t run out onto the sidewalk, he would not have violently swerved into the back wheel of Y/N’s bike, causing them both to lose their balance and harshly crash to the ground, a tangled mess of bike and limbs.
To make matters worse, their misfortune was not without witness. As luck would have it, the BAU’s resident tech genius Penelope Garcia happened to be on an uncharacteristic trip to the park, stuck on a picnic date that that was currently going from bad to worse.
“Derek, I am telling you, this guy is bad, I mean capital B-A-D bad, and not in the good way. He spent 25 minutes telling me about the benefits of intermittent fasting! Fasting, Derek! I couldn’t fast if my life depended on it! I mean, don’t get me wrong I totally respect people that fast for religious reasons, oh my goodness I mean those people are so strong and dedicated I couldn’t imagine doing that! But to fast for literally no reason at all and brag about it on a date!”
Morgan chuckled on the other line. “Where is he now, sweetness?”
“He saw some guys that he knew playing frisbee and went to go say hi and he joined their game and that was like 10 minutes ago. So not only is this guy the most boring conversationalist ever, he’s just straight up rude! I mean, could you imagine taking a girl out on a date and- oh my gosh, these two people just got into a bike accident over on the hiking trail! Oh wow, that did not look pleasant, I would hate to be those two idiots right now.”
Watching the fallen bikers slowly start to move, Garcia gasped as she recognized the brown curly head and the Y/H/C ponytail sticking up from the crash.
“Oh my goodness, Derek I have to go, those are our idiots!”, she exclaimed as she hung up and ran over to her coworkers.
“Reid? Y/L/N? Are you guys ok!? I saw you fall down, are you hurt!?”
Y/N groaned as she sat upright, her shoulder sharply aching. “Penelope, what are you doing here?”, she asked.
Penelope huffed before she answered, “I’m hopefully escaping the worst date in the history of dates, now yes or no, are you ok?”.
“Yeah, Pen, I’m fine, I think I busted my shoulder a little though. Spence, how about you?”, Y/N asked, directing her attention to her grimacing boyfriend.
“I’m ok. That stupid squirrel got in my way and I didn’t want to hit it, I’m sorry,” he replied sheepishly, staring guiltily at Y/N as she attempted to assess the damage to her shoulder.
Garcia helped the pair stand up, and Spencer nearly collapsed again once he put weight on his left leg. Gasping in pain, he looked down to see his knee bent at an angle that could not have been right.
Averting her gaze from his clearly dislocated knee, Garcia helped steady him before declaring, “I need to take you two to a hospital because clearly neither of you are actually fine.”
The two agreed, following Garcia to her car and getting into her backseat. Spencer kept his eyes trained on his hands, guilt at hurting Y/N ailing him far more than his searing knee. He finally looked at her, however, when she reached over and grabbed his hand. Flashing him that dazzling smile from earlier, she leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Maybe you should have let me walk next to you a little longer,” she offered with a wink, eliciting a chuckle from her boyfriend that warmed her heart.
“Wait, wait, wait, so you’re telling me that the two of you manage to hunt serial killers generally unscathed for a living, but Pretty Boy here tries to learn how to ride a bike and you walk away with a dislocated shoulder and knee?”, Derek Morgan teased as he watched his two friends enter the bullpen, clad in their respective braces and Spencer hobbling on his crutches.
“Oh I could just kill Garcia! I told her the story she was supposed to tell you all was that we got injured stopping the mob from robbing a bank,” Y/N replied dejectedly.
“Sorry kitty cat, I just happened to be on the phone with her when it happened,” he explained bemusedly.
“Besides, Y/N/N, it’s pretty unrealistic that any mob would be robbing a bank in broad daylight, and statistically improbable that we would just so happen to walk into it and be capable of stopping it,” Spencer chimed in cheekily, knowing how much his logical debunking of her story would rile her up.
Y/N glared at him before answering. “You know what, I’m glad the squirrel did this to you. I might have been collateral damage, but you deserved it.” She sat at her desk, but not without giving him a small glance and playful grin to let him know she was joking.
Spencer simply rolled his eyes and took a seat at his own desk, although he couldn’t help but feel pretty good about how things had turned out. He may have been bested by a squirrel and a bike, but he would get to spend the next few weeks on desk duty with his favorite person. And Y/N would probably never make him ride a bike again.
It definitely turned out pretty good.
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