#guzma weight gain drive
soft5ku11 · 1 year
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I'll probably update this at least 2-3 times (blame my adhd please this was meant to come out like a month ago)
My Kofi is here! DM me on tumblr after you've donated to notify me & so i can thank you if you decide to support me. :)
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whimsicottonnee · 5 years
The Thesis of Pokemon Games : Why The Galar Region and SWSH Games Offers a Complete Reworking of the Series’ Central Thesis
 Pokémon as a plot-driven series can, first and foremost, be characterized by its insistence on the dual concepts of nostalgia and locality : particularly when combined as ‘local nostalgia.’
I’m not really going to go into my whole argument of how this is pulled off by the game developers and which aspects best contribute and remind us of ‘local nostalgia’ because most of us already know. All it takes is one listen of the ost for Twinleaf Town or Aspertia Town for players to become intensely nostalgic for older games. The running theme of the player’s mother, in my opinion, is one of the major keys to achieving this, as well.
So, the theses of pokémon games (or at least a good number of them!!) deal with the player’s local sphere and the expansion of it. It’s a game about going off to college or just simply moving away from home. It doesn’t have to be the player’s lifelong home, necessarily. Shadows of Almia, the Hoenn games, and the Alola games are the best examples I can think of where expanding your local sphere does not necessarily mean that the player’s never been outside of the in-game residence before. But despite being from another region, Chicole Village is undoubtedly the player’s home in Shadows of Almia. Partner Farm is the bedrock to which the player returns, repeatedly, to meet old friends and family before embarking off again to an adventure even further away. In the Alola games, the player has recently moved from Kanto, yet it’s clear through gameplay and character interactions that the player considers Hau’oli Outskirts to be their home. The player’s mother, equally key to constructing a hometown as the score partnered with it, is another symbol of nostalgia. The game’s storytelling, in most if not every game, is designed so that the player only knows their mother as a kind, warm, supportive, and ever welcoming presence : home is where the heart lies or “east or west, home is best.” So, in embarking from these cozy, nostalgic areas with the warm wishes of your mother, the innocent aspiration of moving out is well-portrayed in the series.
Here is where ‘backyard theory,’ as I like to call it, begins. The player (save for the Galar player, who routinely has the secret of meeting characters and locations spoiled by Hop) has very little, if any, knowledge of the region that surrounds their cozy hometown. The player must gain their first pokémon and travel down unfamiliar routes catching more and more unfamiliar pokémon. There is guidance to the story, of course. Roadblocks are constructed to prevent entering “too-difficult” levels, and a combination of the professor, rivals, and enemies provide incremental story, but there’s room to explore. Some games leave enough room that players get lost their first run-through (@ the Sinnoh and Johto games). Each town is new, and the player is welcome to aimlessly explore these areas : speak with the locals, peek into apartment buildings and chat with the occupants, accept items from kind npcs who reinvigorate the optimistic worldview of the series, etc. In time, the player expects theme songs to play at certain areas, expects the sounds that the pokémon make, and expects dialogue. Previously unfamiliar buildings become “oh that’s Guzma’s dad’s house” or “that’s where the boy who plays Unwavering Emotions lives.” And while this is a mechanic of most games (after all, exploration is a fundamental aspect to rpg), the pokémon games take it further.
Certain symbols become emblematic. The Pokecenter, in particular, becomes a bedrock of nostalgia. It certainly helps that the theme is only altered, never rewritten, between every iteration of the series. Soon, the player’s backyard and local sphere is no longer confined to their hometown but encompasses the entire region. Every player has a ‘first time’ entering Undella Town, but the music becomes hauntingly nostalgic once players have become familiar with it. There’s a reason why, despite only being a route theme, DPPT’s Route 209 got a remix in the latest Smash rather than, say, Sycamore’s Theme.
So, once the climax occurs (be it capturing Giratina or saving N from the actions of his abusive father or helping Lusamine’s loved ones save her from her own derangement), it’s not the Champion-to-Be but instead the local girl from Twinleaf Town with the Eterna Roserade and the Snowbelle Snover and is friends with the swimmer kids down by the resort. The varying plots of the various pokémon games aside, the climax of the series is when the local sphere become the entire region. And it’s at this point that you’ve earned being the Champion, regardless of your team’s coverage and levels.
Alola, in a sense, did one of the best jobs in capitalizing on this universal thesis in making the Champion theme, the player’s theme, an extraordinary remix of the entire game’s theme, but that’s another meal altogether.
 Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield turn all of this on its head. There are so many npcs that the player cannot speak to, and, in most of the larger cities, there are more npcs that the player cannot interact with than there are npcs the player can interact with. Motostoke struck me significantly in the beginning of the game because I ran around the city wondering why there were so many public areas, like shops and boutiques and plot-related venues, that I could explore but only three or four private residences that I could enter. Most npcs are found in passing along the street. As they pass the player, a small speech bubble pops over their head as if they’re mumbling to themself or merely speaking to the player in passing. Fundamentally, the player cannot interact with the locals. Most places that the player does explore is also heavily driven by the plot with either Leon or Hop telling the player to go to them in order to advance the… ‘story.’
The ‘story’ is going gym to gym with repeated encouragement or roadblock without being allowed to consider the weight of heavier concerns : i.e. the chairman killing the entire region through a weirdly futuristic pokémon that supposedly is thousands of years old. Everyone the player can speak with in the towns already knows the player, since the ‘Gym Challenge’ is broadcasted on regional telly for private enjoyment (another mesh of public and private spheres that simply feels jarring for such a private-based series). Many npcs will tell the player “I’m routing for you, you know!” or “You’re my favorite Gym Challenger!” without giving any information about themself. The player no longer expands their local spheres ; they simply allow locals to get to know the regional superstar.
The climax of the game is the player saving Leon after he has already significantly weakened the legendary pokémon on the player’s behalf so that the player may succeed in finishing Eternatus off and capturing it like any other Dynamax pokémon. Thus, the three who ultimately save the region from being sucked of its life by the Darkest Day are the three superstars who have had their entire careers broadcasted regionally on television.
The player’s mom never calls or shows up throughout the game once the player leaves their hometown, and she’s never given a personality. She’s cute, alright. milf rights. But one of the wonders to many other pokémon games is the knowledge that your mother had something similar once. I’ve been referencing the Sinnoh, Unova, and Alola games a lot, but I truly think these games understood ‘local nostalgia’ the best of the main series games. In the Sinnoh games, the player’s mother shows up in Hearthome and speaks of old days in the Contest Hall. In Unova, the player’s mom seems well-acquainted with cleaning up the mess left after pokémon battles. In Kalos, once of the more shallow games in the series for local nostalgia, the player’s mom was a famous Rhyhorn racer with a story of her own. In Alola, the player’s mom’s Meowth and her friendship with Kukui paint her character vibrantly ; it also certainly helps that one of the end cutscenes to the game is the reiteration of the first cutscene with her on the deck relishing the Alolan sea breeze. In Galar, however, there is none of that characterization. Her own pokémon, a Kanto Munchlax, says nothing of her character ; why not give her something that lets the player understand that she is a Galarian village mom? Give her a Skwovel or a cute Chewtle to characterize her. She never encourages the player to come home for a nap if the player ever gets tired. And, so, despite the hometown theme being really lovely and charming (and the Budews in the front yard being a heartwrench), the idea of nostalgia is almost nonexistent in the game.
My personal take on the nostalgia of Postwick is not within the game itself. It’s more the idea of Postwick, for me. The hype of the game and the humor behind the starter release and the lovely lofi remixes that came out for the trailer themes before the Debates began is what is nostalgic for me. Driving through the desert around the town I live in with the windows down in the one-hundred-degree heat listening to SWSH lofi remixes is what makes me nostalgic for Postwick : not the narrative of the game.
And, while that’s a personal experience, all of the other above reasons are why Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield simply feel hollow. There was a sacrifice of local nostalgia for the sake of how ‘cool’ superstars can be.
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Reasons why I enjoy writing each of my muses
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For a character that is limited in vocabulary he is one of the most intelligent of anyone I write, but it’s the nature he has that makes the combination so much fun. Firstly when it comes to Bruno I wanted the side effects of being mind controlled for so many years to have an impact. Of course there isn’t much research or science with mind control so I had to work something in and I thought well some people wake up from comas caused by brain damage with different languages learned or accents, sometimes have to relearn things, so what if being mind controlled is like a coma but you wake up being unable to speak how you used to. In came Bruno. The other thing about him walking out of Rocket with a disability was intentional because he hangs about the Johto elites these days. All of them also came from Rocket and their baggage is mental, emotional, but it’s something that they not only carry but in a way almost make it something they have to hold, there’s guilt there. Bruno is the only one who really can’t have guilt because he had no control. All of the others had a choice, they could of chosen to not be in Rocket but they did so they have that guilt and can only really blame themselves at the end of the day. Bruno can’t, and in that aspect one could argue he has the mot right to be angry, to want revenge because everything was forced on him. However he doesn’t have that attitude, when it comes to Rocket he is open and very quick to forgive them which is dramatically different form the others. In his mind if Karen, Koga, Will, and Lance all became such good people why couldn’t anyone else from Rocket? Therefore he forgives them, now he still believes in justice for actions, but he’s willing to give them a chance if they will. Bruno is the most physically strong of the group but he’s also the strongest emotionally.
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Admittedly he’s the one I am the least confident to write so I am always eager to get more interaction with him. I jumped on the sun and moon rp bus late. Like it’s still around but it’s no where near as active and I am aware of that. However I just really like Kukui. he’s got alot of big dreams and aspirations which are fun to follow along with. Juniper for me was when I feel like the pokemon company actually started to do more with the professors. They went from just another guy with a briefcase to a character that had more depth to them that wasn’t simply hinted at but actually was explored. They gave them weight and purpose to the story which I was excited to see. Kukui was given SOOO much attention in the anime which was wild, and even though I only watch bits and pieces from the anime I loved his character when he got on screen since it felt like every time I did see him he was playing to an overall arc for himself. I loved that since usually no one ever grows in the pokemon anime, or if they do it’s minimal. The other thing they gave him was just alot of character and inroads. Granted I feel like they gave him alot for a side character like, he’s a wrestler, he’s a researcher, he helps run a school, he developed a poked, he wants to make a league, then there’s relationships such s Guzma and Burnett, basically he’s got too much going on in my opinion for that show but as a character to write for I have time to develop that which I’m excited about. 
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In this house we love our quiet girl. Oddly she’s almost like an opposite to Bruno in a way. She has this positive energy but it’s more subtle and hidden. Even her speech quirk is more subtle than Bruno’s. Also she’s one of the few where I actually don’t use too much of the manga to influence her character. I enjoyed her character in the anime alot. That episode with her was one of the few we owned and I watched it so much. I just found it crazy how this strong imposing character was made practically mute by these people that huddle around her which are apparently ‘friends’. Like I always found it weird these supposed good guys seemed to in general hurt her more than help, and for whatever reason she let’s it continue. Then in the game they aren’t around but there’s these pauses every time she speaks and after watching that episode I felt like she’s just waiting to be interrupted. I felt bad for her as a character cause I felt like she had alot to say, she had all these dreams and ideas, but she just had the hardest time letting them out because no one would let her. As for her disability I figured it’d be the start of why she was so silenced. Since it took her so long to be able to understand and communicate things were just sort of done for her, or steps were made to try to give her what she wanted when sometimes that wasn’t what she was trying to express. However with busy parents and such she just kind of put up with it figuring,”well I guess they know what’s best.” What I’m excited about with this character is developing her and writing her in a way so that she starts deciding for herself what’s best, and become the bold girl we know she can be. 
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He a bad boy but not like does bad things more like the 50% item at Walmart. Seriously I love this guy cause he’s supposed to be a good guy that we all root for and love but he’s just kind of a jerk. His goal is to find Suicune and show that,”not al humans are awful!” but I see it as this big hero complex. He’s a guy who wants the posh life so he dresses that way. he sees himself as the cream of the crop and the one to drive himself out of a situation by having this big noble cause of correcting a wrong, but that’s it. His goal is so vapid, and fleeting that once he accomplishes it what is he even going to do? Settle down?  Look for more? What is there past that? It’s something that he yearns for so bitterly but he hasn’t thought about asking’what next?’ even once and dismisses the question if asked. His drive is brought on by wanting to become as famous as the elusive legend, for being the one to reunite the pokemon and people, but if you look at everything it’s like someone chasing down those elusive 15 minutes of fame thinking that will make them happy. The other thing is that despite saying he’s better than any other human the only one who really gains from him meeting and changing suicune’s mind is himself. After all suicune is more trusting now, they’re now in more danger, and eusine get’s to flaunt how wonderful he is. There’s not much substance there at all to his motivation, but he refuses to see it that way. He also has this aggravating prideful stance about himself despite coming from humble means while claiming to be a representation of humanity’s best for legendary pokemon to trust. Sure he’s maybe got loyalty to a few people, but he also refuses to admit those he’s loyal to are possible to fault. After all if they have faults then he’s made a mistake for trusting them, and a man of his caliber can't possibly make mistakes like that. At least that’s what goes through his head. Eusine is a spoiled child, and he’s not a good person, but man is he fun to write seeing how utterly delusional he can be.
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hollowsart · 7 years
One thing that bugs me about the fans of Guzma is that dang awful theory that so many people believe. It drives me nuts how many people want to believe it.
Let me clarify:
Golf Clubs are HARD and DIFFICULT to BEND or let alone BREAK.
Little kids are SOFT and FRAGILE.
Still don’t understand? Here’s a read more:
If a grown man was to beat a kid with a golf club that kid is basically gonna be dead as golf clubs are also pretty heavy, though the weight is mostly at the end where it hits the ball.
The only way to really twist and bend a golf club is to throw it in rage at something hard like say a floor or a wall.
Another theory that bugs me that not as many but still quite a few people believe is that Guzma beat his dad with the golf clubs.
Nintendo honestly wouldn’t do something like that in their games. The only dark content we get in ANY Pokemon game is mostly what we see written in a few select Pokedex entries.
Also one can say that they “got beat instead“ when they were trying to set their child straight without meaning that their child literally beat them physically.
Reminder: This is Pokemon. There is a chance the dad meant that in a metaphorical sense or in a sense of he tried a Pokemon battle with Guzma.
Or if you really want to bring the golf clubs into this: he brought Guzma along for a game of golf. Which honestly I would personally find frustrating and boring so I wouldn’t blame Guzma if this were the case.
I can understand using this theory for if you want to have a much darker and more serious and mature AU/Story/Interpretation of the games, but it’s not canon and couldn’t work out.
Let me explain what I probably believe is what happened, my own little theory:
Guzma destroyed the Golf Clubs in his rage and while fueled by his fury he ran off. He felt unloved and not good enough seeing as he has a bunch of bronze trophies in his room. This is also why he found Lusamine who “loved him” because she saw him as “strong” like he so badly tries to be and come off as.
He probably didn’t feel loved as he parents avoided him due to his uncontrollable rage. He probably didn’t gain enough praise or support as his dad was into golf and his mother is pretty meek, meeker than his meek dad.
Guzma has only 1 silver trophy in his room but he has 4 bronze trophies. He really wants to be the best and strongest bug type user over everyone else, but seeing the trophies it probably hurt his ego and made him feel worthless, which is probably what lead to him to snap and run off and do what he did on top of failing the island trials most likely from what he’s said in game--
Gathering up all of the Buginium Z crystals as well as training to get stronger.
He gathered up the crystals as well as a friend and a following of people similar to him. People who dropped out or failed the island trials. The rejected group.
Team Skull.
Lusamine was probably the only one to “““love””” him and be a ““real mother”” figure for him. Manipulating him into using his team to help her get what she wanted. Guzma was manipulated and following her mindlessly as he believed she truly thought of him as what he had been wanting to be for so long. Strong.
When he was in Ultra Space he was possessed by a Nihilego and learned of fear as well as learned that Lusamine wasn’t what he thought her to be. In that place he also thought back on his actions and what he’d done.
In the end he went to be with his parents again and reconcile with them, too.
His parents when you meet them are regretting their actions, even the dad says this repetitively when you talk to him. His mother is in denial that he did anything bad as when he ran off it hit her hard. She cared for him but was scared of his explosive temper and hotheadedness.
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starryyskiies · 8 years
Tagged by @kneeltoyourqueen
Rules: Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return! Tag backs are allowed, but you mustn’t repeat any of the facts you mentioned previously. The facts can be absolutely anything! Whatever springs to mind! Let’s get started!
1. I just got accepted into the Childhood Education program at my university so I can officially start working on the main aspects of getting my degree and I am so freaking excited. I almost cried when I got the email. In the middle of astronomy lab. 
2. I rode horses for about 10 years before I had to stop because of college.  I miss it more and more every day and every time I see my barn friends having fun with their horses I get a little pang in my chest because I miss it so much. 
3. My favorite thing to eat is mac and cheese and if I could survive off eating just that without gaining weight I totally would. 
4. I love to cook! Like a lot. Baking, cooking,  I love it! I’ve been cooking most of my life and tbh it’s really soothing and comes pretty naturally to me. Plus I LOVE cooking for people. Like I will take any opportunity I get to make my friends and family food. 
5. I’ve always wanted to learn to figure skate. Like, for most of my life. I never took it up because I was already riding horses, but I’d love to take classes some day. 
6. I also really love dance. I sort of just thrust myself into it when I joined color guard and highschool and that kind of ruined it for me because of how toxic of an environment that was so I doubt I’ll ever be able to do anything dance related without reliving those two hellish years. 
7. I freaking love performing if you haven’t guessed already. When I was in band/guard, we competed twice in the stadium for the St. Louis Rams and I loved it. The second time, I started the show at the very front of the field and I absolutely loved being in that spotlight. 
8. I really want another betta fish but I am not in a position to spend $200 on brand new supplies which sucks bc I miss having a lil fishy friend. I’d probably name him Guzma. He’d be adorable. 
9. I’m most relaxed when I’m at the barn. Just the smell of everything, and the presence of horses is so soothing to me. I could spend all day just walking around and petting the horses or messing around bareback in the arena. It’s a second home. 
10. I know I’ve mentioned I’m short but like, people seriously think I’m like 12. Someone asked me once while  I was walking to class if I got separated from my tour group. On a day some middle school was touring campus. :| It doesn’t help I really like putting my hair in pigtail braids. 
11. I sing a lot. A LOT. Not in front of other people, but I sing along to music all the time. Especially when I’m driving. It’s like a performance when I’m in the car. It doesn’t help I usually listen to Hamilton when I drive, but still. People driving past me probably think I’m crazy. 
I tag @kneeltoyourqueen , @closetedgelord , aaaaaaaand whoever else wants to do it bc I’m too tired to think of anyone else rn
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soft5ku11 · 1 year
Do you know when the last part of Guzma’s weight gain drive will release?
I have it like 80% sketched out, I'm just struggling with motivation for it atm. It will come out eventually, it's on my list of things to do. Sorry that everyone is waiting on it for so long lol
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soft5ku11 · 1 year
Asking cause I need more of this series (lol I’m just obsession with the series) Are you making more it be insane to be Guzma stuffed to the brim in a stage 7 and 8
The weight gain drive will have two more stages, 7 n 8. I can guarantee Guzma will exceed 500lbs in the final stage based on the notes on the post, and Axel might get to the high 300s by the end too.
Thanks for the nice words, it's just hard to focus on stuff when it's as complex as this with two characters needed to be in specific poses. I haven't opened the file in about a week because I got stuck on an arm lmao
This drive WILL be finished tho, then I can focus on opening up my commissions again.
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