#pokemon weight gain drive
soft5ku11 · 1 year
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I'll probably update this at least 2-3 times (blame my adhd please this was meant to come out like a month ago)
My Kofi is here! DM me on tumblr after you've donated to notify me & so i can thank you if you decide to support me. :)
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Gojo Satoru general headcanons
Let's get one thing clear: this man is absolutely chaotic. He is always full of energy. His energy levels never reach below 50%. He is loud and proud, always running, and never takes a minute to relax.
Do not give him Monster. Shoko did that once and it took her forever to get him off the ceiling. Also, avoid caffeine. Shoko replaces his normal coffee with decaf and he still hasn't noticed the difference. Keep it that way.
He was the class clown when he was younger. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but he may as well be. I cannot word that sentence and I am sorry. Next.
All of his teachers assumed he never listened in class, so they always called in him when they thought he wasn't paying attention. It still shocked them every time he rattled off the correct answer.
Not only did he answer the question correctly, but he could also explain his reasoning behind the answer, and if it was multiple choice, explain why the other answers were wrong. 
This tall man child would march up to the board and absolutely fill it to the brim with work, turn around, drop the chalk-like a mic drop and walk back to his desk with the smuggest look on his face.
That doesn't mean he did the work tho
Idk how schools in japan work but we all know schools in America only care about the amount of work you do and not what you actually know so we'll use that for the sake of the headcanon: he had straight D's bc he never turned in his work
Despite not doing the work snd goofing off, teachers actually really liked him
A lot of people liked him and he was super popular, but he still felt alone
Fake friends, you know how that works, he didn't meet any real friends until he became a shaman
Clean freak. This dude actually makes his bed. He scrubs his bathroom twice a week. His desk can get cluttered but he straightens up once a week. He's not exactly a germaphobe because
He cannot respect your personal space and that's actually canon but let me take it a step further 
He's a slapper. Especially when he laughs. It doesn't hurt, it's playful dw. He hugs you from behind especially when he's cold. He picks you up and carries you around. He will grab your wrist, arm, or hand and lead you around even if you're following him. He lays his legs across you or lays across your lap. Puts his head on your shoulder. Platonic cuddling between friends is mandatory. He's just so hands-on it's ridiculous.
Unless you explicitly tell him you're uncomfortable he won't stop
Don't worry, if you aren't in that type of relationship, your no-no square is safe. Except, if you seem chill, he will slap your ass regardless of friendship status. His ass is also slappable. You can't tell me Geto and Gojo didn't run around slapping each other asses, okay
He was weird and scrawny as a child. He didn't start beefing out until he started training to be a shaman and he's still kinda smaller than most beefy boys
He can pick you up and throw you around easily. He carried around a 170 pound Yuji like a sack of potatoes and can easily carry around three times that weight
It's amazing he's so tiny because you remember 2014 Shane Dawson making all of those wack ass desserts that was just s pile of chaos wrapped in chocolate?
He can eat every last bite of one of those monstrosities without getting a stomach ache, gaining weight, or dying basically
He knows bc Yuji dared him to do it
He has really cold hands and feet
He sounds old. Let me elaborate. He's constantly cracking his joints. They also creak when he moves. He complains about body pains like he's 80 y/o
He also shares wisdom with the kids as if he's actually 80 y/o
It's irrelevant advice that doesn't make sense but is also useful. Megumi can't count the number of times he's asked Gojo for feedback on his technique but had been told to remember to chew 40 times or never go to bed angry
Starts off sentences with "now son" and "when I was your age"
He uses his blindfold as a headband when he wants his hair out of his face. He also uses headbands as... Headbands... When he wants to wear sunglasses but get his hair out of his face
He owns so many pairs of sunglasses but he always wears the same pair
He's only bought a handful of them himself, most of them are gifts
No one knows what to get him for Christmas or his birthday bc he has everything, so they resort to sunglasses
His favorite pair is a pair that Shoko and Geto bought him as a gag. He thought they were dead serious, though, so he wore them around for a month
They were heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses
Can you believe this man doesn't use any gel or anything to keep his hair spiky with the blindfold on? It just naturally defies gravity when the blindfold is on
Tell this man he's pretty because he already knows. He's narcissistic but not the cringy kind
Photogenic as hell. Takes great pictures from any angle. 
He gives everyone a different story as to why he covers his eyes. Sometimes he says it's because his eyes are too pretty and are a distraction. Sometimes he says it's because the sunglasses/bandages/blindfold look cooler than his eyes. Sometimes he says it's to protect the six eyes from seeing things he doesn't want to see. The world may never know
He's tried covering his whole face before, but he thinks he's too pretty for that. He at least wants one of his many amazing features to be shown at all times.
So about his driver's license;
He knows how to drive. He can be a good driver. When he wants to be. He just doesn't have a driver's license.
Now he TELLS people he just never got around to getting one, however, there's a rumor he lost it due to too many parking tickets
It's amazing the only tickets he's ever gotten have been from that and once he got caught without a seatbelt; he would have gotten out of that one if he hadn't been flirting with the police officer so bad
This doesn't stop Gojo from driving places though
He steals Ijichi's car a LOT and Ijichi DOESN'T KNOW HOW like??? The windows are never broken and it doesn't look hotwired-
Gojo has a key
You're not even supposed to be able to duplicate car keys but Gojo did 
Also; none of the first-year trio knows he doesn't have a driver's license, though that much should be painfully obvious
He whips around corners, speeds up at yellow lights, goes "watch this" and does a donut, it's just a mess
The poor students have to sit in the backseat too. Just imagine Megumi with all three seatbelts around him like that one meme.
He thrives off of Nobara and Yuji screaming from the backseat, and he can see Megumi being smooshed because he thought the middle seat was the safest through the rearview mirror
Which he doesn't even need because of the six eyes
Despite being such a reckless driver, he knows when danger will happen, so he's never once gotten in a wreck
He blasts the radio, which makes up for the driving.
Has a habit of getting in a car and ending up in the McDonalds drive-thru
Steals other people's fries and keeps the fullest one for himself.
He was rebellious as a kid and teenager, but hey, at least his juvie record is sealed 
He's been detained and in the back of a cop car many times, but the reason was never really bad enough for him to be arrested. Mostly he's just being mouthy. And the time he got caught spray painting on the side of a building. And that one time he and Getou hopped the fence to get into the local pool. And that other time-
It got worse after Getou wasn't around to get him out of trouble. Suddenly, breaking the rules wasn't fun anymore and he mellowed out. 
Tried alcohol and cigarettes before he was legal. Decided neither was his thing, however, he did start drinking occasionally when he was legal.
He's a fucking chaotic drunk. Oh my god he's absolutely feral
Most bars in the vicinity know him by name and they sigh whenever he walks in
Shoko is his emergency contact. She hates it
Shoko has to drag drunk Gojo home at least twice a month and is not happy about it
Once she left him in an alley. He made it home okay so she guesses it's fine
Once he got so drunk he spilled beer on his sock. The thought the fastest way to dry them was by sticking them in the microwave. Forgot about it until someone asked, "Who the fuck is cooking socks???"
I feel it important he was in the break room of the local grocery store and no one knows how he got there
As he was escorted out he stole a grocery cart and rode away in it while singing Don't Threaten Me (With A Good Time) by Panic! At The Disco
He has no alcohol tolerance at all what so ever
He will literally just stare at you and giggle
It's funny he's really flirty but also doesn't seal the deal. Literally, every woman in that bar is willing to get in his bed but he declines every offer. No one knows why
Its because he respects women
He helps his students break the rules as long as they're within reason. Once night Yuji was really hungry and after having a temper tantrum he couldn't order Uber eats bc the school is supposed to be secret Gojo helped sneak him out to get food. Who needs curfew anyway.
The shirts in his closet range from like twenty bucks to the iconic rich bitch shirt the kids ruined in that one chapter we all know the one 
He still wears that by the way, he calls it "art" 
When he was younger, Megumi drew a picture of Gojo being eaten by his shadow dogs. Gojo found it and now it's framed in his room.
He keeps up with current trends and memes like no one's business. This is how he bonds with his kids.
Don't call him old, but also, he'll tell you to respect your elders it's a mess
He has a lot of games on his phone. You can usually find him holding his phone sideways playing some RPG game he probably spent too much money on 
He did hop on the Pokemon Go hype train but after becoming overpowered he got bored
This happens to a lot of games. He pays way too much money, gets to be the strongest in the server, and gets bored
He likes games where you can kill other people's troops and likes to watch as they lose all their power
I canon him as being borderline sadistic
This is why he's Sakata Gintoki reincarnated
White hair, sweet tooth, black leather clothes, dad vibes, never takes anything seriously bc when he does he's scary as fuck, the works.
He is Sakata Gintoki
He liked Gintama growing up. He watched a lot of iconic shows as they aired. He considers himself an og
He's hella bilingual
Because he's the strongest he goes overseas for missions a lot. Because of this he speaks a lot of languages and knows a lot about international cuisine 
He takes pictures of himself eating disgusting foods like snails. He never likes them but he loves the idea of Nobara gagging back in japan
Has paperwork sitting untouched on his desk from three months ago that he will not touch for at least another three months
Does the crossword puzzles in the newspaper every week
Uses humor as a coping mechanism and it honestly just became a personality
Constantly popping his joints. I'm sorry if you find this gross I too find it gross.
Probably brought home every stray animal he ever met ever until he was at least like 22 y/o
Tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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demifiendrsa · 4 years
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass new trailer. Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass Part 1: The Isle of Armor will launch on June 17, 2020.  Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass Part 2: The Crown Tundra will launch in Fall 2020.
Expansion Pass Part 1: The Isle of Armor
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The first new adventure unlocked by the Expansion Pass will take place on the Isle of Armor, an island of the Galar region. Many Pokemon make this island their home, living freely amid the lush nature. The island is also home to a dojo for Pokemon battles. Players and their Pokemon will train hard to become stronger under Mustard, the master of this dojo.
■ Newly Discovered Pokemon
Galarian Slowbro
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Category: Hermit Crab Pokemon
Type: Poison/Psychic
Height: 5ʹ3″
Weight: 155.4 lbs.
Ability: Quick Draw
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A Shellder bite set off a chemical reaction with the spices inside Galarian Slowpoke’s body, causing Galarian Slowbro to gain the Poison type. The Shellder that’s latched onto Slowbro sometimes unconsciously bites down harder on Slowbro’s arm, causing an itch that drives Slowbro to start wildly swinging its arm around and smashing its surroundings. With a speed that puts even the quickest reflexes to shame, Slowbro readies its Shellder and makes poisonous liquid shoot from the Shellder’s tip. This is Shell Side Arm, a Poison-type special move that may poison the target. The move inflicts either physical or special damage depending on which will damage the target more.
■ New Gigantamax Forms
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Gigantamax Venusaur
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 78ʹ9″+
Weight: ????.? lbs.
Ability: Overgrow
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The power of Gigantamaxing has made Venusaur’s flower bloom so large that it covers the Pokemon’s body. During battle, the Pokemon uses these petals as a shield and swings its two thick vines around to thrash its target. Grass-type attacks used by Gigantamax Venusaur will change to G-Max Vine Lash. G-Max Vine Lash doesn’t just deal damage to an opponent when it hits—it will continue to deal damage for four turns to any Pokemon that isn’t Grass type.
Gigantamax Blastoise
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Type: Water
Height: 82ʹ+
Weight: ????.? lbs.
Ability: Torrent
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Blastoise’s shell has grown to match its body, and it boasts new extra-large water cannons as well. Gigantamax Blastoise can adapt to different situations by using different combinations of its 31 variously sized cannons. Gigantamax Blastoise can also move the 12 large cannons surrounding its central cannon independently, letting it orient its attacks in any direction, whether toward the ground or the sky. Water-type attacks used by Gigantamax Blastoise will change to G-Max Cannonade. G-Max Cannonade doesn’t just deal damage to an opponent when it hits—it will continue to deal damage for four turns to any Pokemon that isn’t Water type.
■ Legendary Pokemon Urshifu’s Exclusive Moves
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Legendary Pokemon Urshifu has two forms—Single Strike Style and Rapid Strike Style—and each form can learn different moves and G-Max Moves. 
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A Single Strike Style Urshifu that has followed the path of darkness can unleash a single, severe blow—a signature move known as Wicked Blow. This move always results in a critical hit, allowing Urshifu to attack while ignoring the target’s stat changes. 
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A Rapid Strike Style Urshifu that has followed the path of water can unleash a flowing three-hit combo—a signature move known as Surging Strikes. This move always results in critical hits, allowing Urshifu to attack while ignoring the target’s stat changes.
Unseen Fist is a new Ability introduced with these expansions and one that only Single Strike Style Urshifu and Rapid Strike Style Urshifu possess. This Ability lets the Pokemon deal damage when it attacks with moves that make direct contact even if the target defends itself by using moves like Protect.
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Dark-type attacks used by Single Strike Style Gigantamax Urshifu will change to G-Max One Blow. Water-type attacks used by Rapid Strike Style Gigantamax Urshifu will change to G-Max Rapid Flow. G-Max One Blow and G-Max Rapid Flow can deal damage even if a target defends itself by using moves like Max Guard or Protect.
■ New Adventuring Featured Introduced in the Isle of Armor
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The dojo on the Isle of Armor houses a unique take on recycling in the form of a device called the Cram-o-matic. If players feed it four items, it will combine them and give out a new item in exchange. Trainers can receive any of a variety of items, including Poke Balls, PP Ups, and more. Some combinations might even produce rare items.
Tutor Moves
Completely new tutor moves will also be available on the Isle of Armor. Trainers can have their Pokemon learn them in exchange for Armorite Ore, a substance that can be found on the Isle of Armor through Max Raid Battles and other means.
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Burning Jealousy is a new Fire-type move that can be taught starting with these expansions. When it hits, it deals damage to all opposing Pokemon and burns all opposing Pokemon that have had their stats boosted during the turn.
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Grassy Glide is a new Grass-type move that can be taught starting with these expansions. This move has high priority when used on Grassy Terrain.
Max Soup
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Max Soup is a special dish made from rare ingredients you can gather on the Isle of Armor. If a Pokemon with great hidden potential drinks Max Soup, it will become a special Pokemon capable of Gigantamaxing.
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Some Pokemon that Trainers are already traveling with may also gain the ability to Gigantamax.
Expansion Pass Part 2: The Crown Tundra
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The second area unlocked by the Expansion Pass is the snow-swept realm of the Crown Tundra. In this frigid yet beautiful landscape—with its jagged winter mountains and shining, silvery landscape—people live in small communities where they support and rely on one another. A man named Peony will appoint the player as the leader of his exploration team in the Crown Tundra and task them with investigating the reaches of this frozen land. Players will also be able to explore the depths of the Pokemon Dens seen during Max Raid Battles. What’s more, it seems several previously unseen Legendary Pokemon make the Crown Tundra their home.
■ Newly Discovered  Legendary Pokemon
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Category: Electron Pokemon
Type: Electric
Height: 3ʹ11″
Weight: 319.7 lbs.
Ability: Transistor
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Regieleki absorbs electrons to live. Regieleki’s signature Electric-type special move, Thunder Cage, fires furious bolts of electricity from its lower half, trapping opponents directly below it in a cage of lightning. Thunder Cage doesn’t only deal damage to opponents when it lands—the electrified cage will also cause damage every turn for four to five turns and prevent opponents from fleeing or being swapped out.
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Category: Dragon Orb Pokemon
Type: Dragon
Height: 6ʹ11″
Weight: 440.9 lbs.
Ability: Dragon’s Maw
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Regirago’s body is composed of crystallized dragon energy. With Regidrago’s signature move, Dragon Energy, the Pokemon assumes a shape similar to a dragon’s head, then fires intense dragon energy from its mouth. The more HP the user has remaining, the higher the move’s power.
■ Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres?
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Legendary Pokemon bearing strong resemblances to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres have been spotted in the Crown Tundra. These Pokemon seem to bear Ice-type, Electric-type, and Fire-type characteristics, respectively, and were previously thought to be the same as the Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres seen in other regions. Recently gathered data from reported sightings and other sources about the Pokemon have bolstered the theory that they are, in fact, distinct variants.
Galarian Articuno
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Category: Cruel Pokemon
Type: Psychic/Flying
Height: 5ʹ7″
Weight: 112.2 lbs.
Ability: Competitive
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Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Articuno’s signature move, Freezing Glare, is a Psychic-type special move in which the Pokemon attacks by firing psychic power from both eyes. This move may also leave the target frozen.
Galarian Zapdos
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Category: Strong Legs Pokemon
Type: Fighting/Flying
Height: 5ʹ3″
Weight: 128.3 lbs.
Ability: Defiant
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Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Zapdos’s signature move, Thunderous Kick, is a Fighting-type physical move that overwhelms the target with lightning-like movement before delivering a kick. This also lowers the target’s Defense stat.
Galarian Moltres
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Category: Malevolent Pokemon
Type: Dark/Flying
Height: 6ʹ7″
Weight: 145.5 lbs.
Ability: Berserk
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Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Moltres’s signature move, Fiery Wrath, is a Dark-type special move in which the Pokemon transforms its wrath into a fire-like aura to attack. It may also make opposing Pokemon flinch.
■ New Characters
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Upon arriving in the Crown Tundra, players will encounter Peony, who has brought his daughter along on an adventure to find the truth behind tales of Legendary Pokemon in the area. Listening isn’t his strong suit, and his bold behaviour draws plenty of attention, but he has a kind side and plenty of affection for his daughter.
■ Dynamax Adventure
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Trainers can team up with three other players to go on a Dynamax Adventure, where they will be able to venture into Pokemon Dens and even encounter Dynamax Pokemon. If Trainers do encounter a Dynamax Pokemon during their exploration, they’ll need to work together in a Max Raid Battle. Trainers will get a chance to catch the Dynamax Pokemon for their team if they triumph in the battle, but they’ll be kicked out of the den should they lose.
■ Galarian Star Tournament
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Once Trainers progress far enough in their adventure in the Crown Tundra, they’ll be able to participate in the Galarian Star Tournament, held in the city of Wyndon. In this tournament, Trainers will battle with various characters they met in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield—but not just as opponents. They can also pick a teammate and tackle the tournament together.
■ Transfer Bonus Points in Pokemon Home
Starting Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. BST, if Trainers transfer one or more Pokemon from Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield to the Nintendo Switch version of Pokemon Home, they will be able to receive a Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble with their Hidden Abilities as Mystery Gifts in the mobile device version of Pokemon Home.
Grookey’s Hidden Ability is Grassy Surge. It’s a rare Ability that normally wouldn’t be available.
Level: 5
Ability: Grassy Surge
Moves: Scratch, Growl
Scorbunny’s Hidden Ability is Libero. It’s a rare Ability that makes its first appearance in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Level: 5
Ability: Libero
Moves: Tackle, Growl
Sobble’s Hidden Ability is Sniper. It’s a rare Ability that normally wouldn’t be available.
Level: 5
Ability: Sniper
Moves: Pound, Growl
■ Gigantamax Festival
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From Monday, June 1 PT until Monday, June 30, at 00:59 a.m. BST, many different Gigantamax Pokemon can be encountered in Max Raid Battles in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Some different Gigantamax Pokemon will appear depending on the version of the game being played.
The following Gigantamax Pokemon will appear in both versions of the game:
Gigantamax Pokemon that will appear only in Pokemon Sword:
Amped Form Toxtricity
Gigantamax Pokemon that will appear only in Pokemon Shield:
Low Key Form Toxtricity
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Ships Passing in the Night and Sailing Together Until Morning - Chapter 2
On the Subject of Caring
Summary: Goh isn't as accustomed to caring about another person as perhaps he should be, so he's not quite ready for some of the pitfalls of it. Pikachu tries to communicate. Koharu will support her childhood friend whether he wants it or not.
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Goh’s heart dropped to his stomach the same moment Satoshi’s entire body dropped into Gengar’s arms. He almost appeared to fold in on himself, legs swaying back and forth as he fell forward nauseatingly.
He called, just hoping to know what was happening at all. Satoshi didn’t respond. Eyes— when had those dark patches under them grown so large?— threatened to shut and Goh begged them not to.
Goh leaned forward, calling harder, more desperate. Satoshi blinked for a moment, eyes widening as Goh’s voice rose. Just as quickly, as though being weighed down, his eyelids began to shut again.
Over and over he called his name, but Satoshi had long since gone slack in Gengar’s arms, unresponsive. Regardless, Goh’s lips seemed to move on their own, meaningless syllables being pushed out near mechanically. Dimly, he registered Pikachu scampering over to Satoshi’s side, licking his cheek to no response.
Dozens of disconnected thoughts and ideas popped into Goh’s mind and disappeared just as quickly, fireworks of memories and concepts, fueled by fear and adrenaline.
His voice cracked and finally fell silent, though his lips still traced the shapes. Replacing the sound of his name was Goh’s heartbeat in his ears.
He was beginning to feel numb, and then-
A sharp jolt of electricity coursed through his body.
“Pika! Pikapi pi-pika!”
Small paws reached around Goh’s leg, holding him tightly. Goh looked down in a daze, perhaps from the electricity, perhaps from the fear, meeting Pikachu’s worried gaze.
“Pikapi pikachu pi-pika! Chu? Chu pika pika pikapi, chuka?” Pikachu squeaked out.
And this was complete nonsense, Goh knew, a mix of fear and adrenaline and sheer stupidity, but somehow… he felt as though Pikachu was talking to him. Asking him, no- begging him for help. Maybe it was something in Pikachu’s eyes or his grip on Goh’s leg tightening. Maybe he was just projecting his own feelings onto the pokemon, maybe he had finally lost it-
But he could have sworn that in that moment he heard what Pikachu was saying. That somehow, someway, Pikachu was asking him, “Please, take care of my Satoshi.”
Was that what Satoshi had meant then, about Lugia?
Goh shook his head. There was no time for panic or pokemon human communication right now. He had to help Satoshi, and he had to do it now.
“Don’t worry, Pikachu.” Goh replied, though more for his sake than Pikachu’s. “I- I can do this. I promise… I’ll take care of him.”
Or at least he hoped he could. A few stray memories of emergency preparedness lessons and ‘what to do’s’ from his parents drifted through his mind, just out of reach.
“Pulse, I need to check for a pulse, " w as the first solid thought Goh could come up with. Which of course made the whole situation feel so much scarier, but then the idea of not checking and not knowing felt so much worse.
Goh reached for Satoshi’s wrist, holding it firmly in his hand. His thumb pressed lightly against Satoshi’s skin.
Goh felt his entire body relax as he registered the steady pounding of Satoshi’s pulse.
“Good, that’s good.”
Hesitantly, Goh leaned in closer, straining his ear.
“He’s still breathing.” He said aloud, which merited a few relieved pokemon noises.
As Gengar shifted its weight in order to get a better grip on the boy, Satoshi’s bangs fell in front of his closed eyes. Goh reached up subconsciously, brushing them aside. As his fingers brushed against uncomfortably warm skin, a natural conclusion snapped together in his mind.
“You’re sick, aren’t you Satoshi?”
Satoshi, obviously, did not respond, though Goh seemed satisfied with his conclusion.
On one hand, having any sort of idea of the situation was relieving. On the other, Goh’s heart was still racing and the anxiety of not knowing what to do was only gaining stronger by the moment.
The last thing he wanted was to do something wrong and risk-
No. He refused to finish the thought.
“Bun? Nybuny?” It was Hibunny’s turn to pull at Goh’s leg.
Goh bent down to the worried pokemon, Pikachu standing by its side.
“It’s alright, Hibunny. Pikachu too. Satoshi’s gonna be fine… he- he’s gonna be fine.” His voice wavered slightly as he spoke. Hibunny shook its head, reaching a paw up to swipe at Goh’s cheek.
Goh mirrored the action, finding his own fingers damp with tears.
Of course he was crying.
Goh reached forward, scooping up Hibunny in one arm, finding Pikachu crawling up the other to rest on his shoulder.
Hibunny rubbed it’s head against Goh’s gently, it’s soft fur drying Goh’s still slowly flowing tears.
“Come on, crying won’t help anything…” Goh muttered to himself. “Help… right.”
Help. Of course. He had to call for help.
“Rotom!” Goh called out, rubbing at his eyes with the back of one hand as he fished his phone out of his sweater pocket with the other. “Call someone from the lab!”
“Okay!” The slightly static voice called out with energy, but there was a hint more emotion than there usually was. Fear? “Who would you like me to call?”
“I- I don’t- Please, just call someone- anyone from the labs!”
Goh cleared his throat, dragging his palm against his cheeks in an effort to disguise the tear tracks. Not that anyone was around to see, beyond the pokemon of course.
“…calling-! …calling-! …call-“
Someone picked up.
“Hello, Goh. What’s going on?”
Kikuna’s voice came through the line, curious and soft.
“I need help,” Was all Goh could manage to choke out at first.
Kikuna’s voice grew stronger, more attentive.
“What’s wrong? What do you need help with?”
And Goh hated how weak and childish he sounded, but for the sake of Satoshi he knew he had to cast those feelings away.
“I-It’s Satoshi. He- he passed out and I can’t get him to wake up and I think he’s sick and I can’t get us back to the lab and-“ Hibunny pressed its face against Goh’s again, and he fell silent for a moment. Calm down, it seemed to be saying. Take a breath, it silently encouraged.
So Goh did, a slow inhale followed by a shaky exhale.
“Please, come help,” He managed to say.
“Alright,” Kikuna’s voice was solid, something for Goh to hold on to. “Don’t worry, I’m coming to pick you up right now. Have your rotom send me your location, alright?”
Goh nodded.
“A-alright. Thank you.”
“Good job.” Kikuna said. Her voice grew quieter as she turned away from the phone to say something to someone else in the room. Her voice grew loud enough for Goh to hear as she yelled something that sounded suspiciously like, “Renji, I’m borrowing your car!”
Goh took another deep breath before speaking again.
“Rotom, send our location to Kikuna, please.”
“Okay!” It replied.
“Got it!” Kikuna’s voice called out, sounding a bit further away now. “Goh, I’m heading out the door right now, okay? I’m heading down the steps, I’m going to get in Renji’s car and drive right to pick you up. Do you want me to stay on the line with you?”
Goh shook his head.
“No, no it’s fine. I-I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
Goh could hear the slam of a car door as Kikuna climbed inside.
“Yeah… Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”
“Alright. If anything happens, call.”
And with that, Kikuna hung up.
So now it was time to wait.
Pikachu’s cheeks crackled with small bursts of electricity, sending tiny, harmless sparks at Goh. It would’ve been a lot more interesting to study the why and how had Goh not been so worried. Instead he placed a hand gently on Pikachu’s head, stroking him with light moments.
A car drove by in the distance, and Gengar pulled Satoshi in closer.
Goh sighed, a weary smile forming on his face.
“You really care about Satoshi now, huh?”
Gengar nodded, taking care so as not to disturb the sleeping Satoshi, though both knew he was out cold.
Goh nodded as well, soon turning into a quick bow.
“Sorry. For what I said about you cursing him and all. It wasn’t your fault. None of it, not what’s happening now or before or what your trainer did- none of it was your fault.”
Gengar stood silent for a moment, then nodded, it’s frown rotating to a smile for a brief moment.
Pikachu whined a bit, reaching towards Satoshi.
“Do you wanna get down, Pikachu?”
Pikachu shook his head.
“Pikaaa. Pikapi pika pika pi. Chu pikapa, pikapika pikapi?”
Goh bit his lip, trying to figure a response that would somehow console Pikachu despite not fully understanding what he was saying. He reached forward, almost on instinct, to hold Satoshi’s hand in his own. It was limp and warm and wholly uncomfortable and Goh held it tight. This seemed to calm Pikachu, though Goh couldn’t be sure.
Before he could stress too much about it, the honk of a car horn rang out, startling everyone in the area.
To Goh’s relief, Kikuna had arrived.
Kikuna pushed the car door open forcefully, hard enough for it to swing as far as it could and bounce back to where it had been. It would’ve hit her as she exited had she not run out so quickly.
She was taking this seriously, Goh immediately realized, and wasn’t sure if that fact was meant to be terrifying or comforting.
She presented an air of something resembling confidence, yet so much sharper, almost daring anyone to stop her before she reached her goal. Despite this, her voice and expression softened when she bent down to talk to Goh, still frozen so neatly in place.
“Come on, Goh, let’s take Satoshi back to the labs.”
Goh hesitated for a moment.
“S-shouldn’t we take him to a doctor or something first?” He asked, voice having lost its spark.
Kindly, far too kindly for Goh’s liking, Kikuna replied.
“Luckily for us, there was a Nurse Joy visiting the labs when you called me, and since she has experience with Satoshi in particular, she’s waiting for us there. It’ll be a lot faster this way.”
Goh’s stomach turned at the idea that any part of this situation could be referred to as lucky.
“Let’s get going, alright?”
Goh felt himself tense. He wanted to agree, he knew that was best and that they had to go, but part of him just wanted to stay frozen here forever.
“Goh,” Kikuna’s voice was gentle, holding him as though he was about to shatter, and Goh thought he might be sick, “I need you to let go of Satoshi for me, okay? I need to pick him up and put him in the car, and I can’t do that if you’re holding him.”
Weakly, Goh nodded, and painfully let his hand go, as lifeless as Satoshi’s.
“Good, good. Thank you.”
Kikuna turned to Gengar, thanking it as well as it passed off Satoshi to her. She handled the weight well, yet the sight wasn’t comforting to Goh in the slightest.
“I don’t think I can fit all the people and pokemon in my car.” Kikuna noted idly, merely thinking to herself.
“I could walk-“ Goh heard himself offer without believing it. Thankfully, Kikuna shot that idea down immediately.
“No, you’re riding with me, alright?”
The words were said forcefully, but with such a gentle air. It was a contradiction, yet one that Goh felt compelled to comply with. He nodded.
Gengar looked back and forth between the humans, then promptly melted into darkness, merging with Goh’s shadow.
Kikuna stood blankly for a moment.
“Well, that solves that problem. Come on, we don’t want to leave Joy waiting, right?”
With Hibunny in his arms and Pikachu still clinging to his shoulder, Goh ducked into the backseat of a car that decidedly wasn’t Kikuna’s, but that she had driven here regardless.
The car sputtered to life, and Kikuna took off down the road.
Each turn tossed Goh around, the ride going too fast and yet not getting there quickly enough.
Satoshi sat strapped into the seat next to him, Hibunny sitting between them with Pikachu clinging on to Goh’s shoulder. Goh tried not to think about how Pikachu would probably prefer to be on Satoshi’s shoulder right now. He tried not to think of anything at all, letting the street signs and sidewalks they passed become the meaningless blurs they should’ve been.
Kikuna said nothing, and neither did Goh.
The car’s steady hum was the only sound for Goh to listen to, interrupted occasionally by a soft ‘pika’ in his ear.
“Pipikachu, chu.”
It almost felt like Pikachu was whispering to him, trying to reassure him, but Goh dismissed the thought.
“Quit projecting onto the pokemon, Goh.” He thought to himself, half mouthing them without a sound escaping.
Pikachu squeaked some more, and Goh let the likely meaningless sounds run through his mind until they arrived back at the labs.
Everything became a blur once Goh opened the car door.
Adults talking above his head, Satoshi getting passed around until he wasn’t sure where he had gone. Someone was pushing him into one room or another, someone was speaking to him, but his senses seemed to have died. It was a scribble of sounds and sights he refused to process, until everything had finally died down, and the world had gone much too silent and still.
He sat on the couch in the lab’s centre room, both alone and lonely. The ever present electric hum of the computers accompanied him as best they could, yet Goh felt open, exposed.
He was looking at nothing. To the outside observer it may have appeared as though he was focused in on the floorboards, but Goh was decidedly looking at nothing. The nothing that sat between his eyes and the wooden floor. The type that turned everything twisty and not quite right when he looked at it for too long. That strange sort of always present nothing.
It wasn’t an interesting sight, but nothing always has the added benefit of being such. There was nothing associated with nothing, only the absence of things.
So for Goh right then, that sounded about right.
He was decidedly not thinking about Satoshi. He was not worrying if Satoshi was okay, on account of knowing full well that Satoshi’s welfare was completely independent of how much he worried, and doing so would only be counterproductive.
So he was not worrying. Not in the slightest.
He told himself internally that he could stand up and leave, but his legs made no effort to do so. It was for the best anyway. If he had gone to the park, Satoshi’s pokemon would ask him where Satoshi was, and then he would have started worrying. He was not sitting outside the dorm room’s door, because the unintelligible whispering of the adults within would only put him on edge. He was not looking around the empty room, he was not letting the absence of one person make him feel lonely, he was not worrying, he was fine .
He was looking at nothing.
He was looking at nothing so hard that he had completely missed the second person entering the room.
“Hey, are you listening to me?”
Goh flinched, a voice breaking the silence in tandem with a hand breaking his personal space as it came to rest on his shoulder.
He turned abruptly to meet Koharu’s concerned eye.
She shook her head.
“Can you please just tell me what’s going on? Kikuna only explained half as she was running out the door, completely dropping everything.”
Goh felt his mouth dry up at Koharu’s clear exasperation.
“I… sorry.”
Koharu sighed.
“Of course.”
He hated how resigned she sounded, annoyed yet complicit with the situation. Hoping his voice wouldn’t break, he replied.
“Satoshi… got sick. I-I don’t know why.”
Koharu nodded, relaxing slightly with the added information, though not by much.
“How sick?” She asked, though he got the feeling she already knew as much, and simply wanted to hear from him.
Goh simply stared miserably at the floor, which Koharu decided to take as an answer.
“And what about you?”
Her voice dropped to that gentler tone, one she hadn’t used with him in years.
“Fine,” Goh replied, because it would be true if he believed so for long enough.
Koharu rolled her eyes.
“You’re not fooling anyone. What’s even the point of lying like that?”
Goh’s throat felt strained as he replied.
“It’s easier. It’s stupid and complicated and hard to explain, I don’t even understand it, so why even try.”
He jammed his lips shut, waiting for Koharu’s scathing response.
Koharu paused, expression unreadable.
“Then tell me what you do understand. And we can start from there.”
It wasn’t the response Goh was expecting. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, Goh spoke again, facing the empty space ahead of him instead of his friend.
“I’m scared.” He admitted, “This all feels weird and bad and scary and I hate it.”
His voice was quiet yet resonant through the too still air.
Koharu shook her head, sending her braid bouncing.
“You watched a person you care about pass out right in front of you with no warning, then couldn’t wake him up and had to call someone to bring him back here. Sounds scary to me. Nothing weird about it.”
“It’s not just that!” Goh added. “I just... I don’t know when it happened. When Satoshi stopped being an annoyance and turned into a person I would get this upset over. I wouldn’t have done that before...”
Koharu nodded, “Well yeah. Satoshi changed you, as a person and all. Though I can’t tell if that’s because he’s like… the second friend you ever made for more than twenty-four hours or because he’s Satoshi. ”
Goh tilted his head.
“He… changed me?”
Koharu rolled her eyes.
“If you can’t see it, that's your problem, but the Goh I knew wouldn’t be sitting with me and having this conversation if he hadn't met Satoshi.”
Goh leaned forward, eyebrows knitting together.
“D- do you think it’s a good change? Am I better now? Do you like me better changed than-“
Koharu raised a hand to give Goh a light chop on the head.
“Don’t go thinking about it too much. I was your friend before, I’m still your friend now. People change Goh. That’s just how they are. But you’re the one who’s gotta figure out how and why. More importantly, you’ve gotta figure out what you’re gonna do with that change.”
Goh didn’t move.
“If I’m better now then what part of me wasn’t good enough before... but then, If I’m not better, what didn’t I do enough of to change for the better?”
Koharu groaned.
“You’re not listening!”
Reaching to the side, she took Goh by the shoulders and turned him to face her.
“I like you for who you are, Goh, because we’re friends and I knew what I signed up for. You’re still you when you change, and I’m still gonna be your friend unless you change into an axe murderer or something. What I’m trying to get at is that you didn’t change for like four years. You just stayed inside all the time and didn’t talk to people. Now you’re doing that stuff again because of Satoshi. And making connections and being more open to new things, because of Satoshi. That’s a change. Only you can decide if it’s good or bad.”
Goh blinked.
“Well scientifically, the amount of time I’ve spent outside is better for vitamin d intake, though-“
Koharu cut him off, “Nerd.”
Goh rolled his eyes at her, appreciating the light air for a moment before it settled down into his lungs, turning heavy as he breathed out a melancholy sigh.
“You’re right. You have a habit of being right. It’s a bit annoying.”
Koharu grinned, though Goh continued without smiling.
“It’s just... change is scary. What if I don’t like the person I become?”
He looked up, turning to meet Koharu’s eyes, hoping his own didn’t look as watery as they felt.
Koharu nodded.
“I may not get half the things you say about pokemon, but that I can understand. Although, if you’re ever unhappy about how you’ve changed, you can always go back to the way you were.”
Goh paused for a moment in consideration. His life before had been busy, but felt hollow and lonely, even with Koharu to help fill the holes in his life, it still felt like the time he had spent was in some way, not enough. It was dark, cozy even, but small. Now his days were open and full of light. He couldn’t say that empty feeling was never there, but the warm complete feeling was certainly more present. He felt more complete, like with each passing day spent exploring with Satoshi, he understood him better, understood himself better. It felt wonderful.
Goh made a face.
“I wouldn’t like that at all.”
Koharu smiled, a laugh slipping out of her lips.
“Well, I think you’ve answered your own question.”
And there it was again. That nice warm complete feeling.
“Yeah. I guess I have.”
The near silence settled over them again, still not comforting but not as malicious or empty as it had been.
Koharu reached a hand out towards Goh, a softer expression on her face.
Goh shook his head.
“I’m not a little kid, Koharu. I don’t need you to hold my hand just cause I’m a little worried.”
“Geez, Goh.” Koharu chastised, shaking her head. “I know you love to act like you’re an adult and all, but you really can be quite childish.”
Keeping her hand outstretched, she continued.
“Being a kid isn’t such a bad thing, you know? You get to explore and experiment, you don’t have to know what all you’re doing with your life. It’s not a death sentence to just let yourself be a child sometimes Goh, from one kid to another.”
Goh remained silent. Without saying a word, he nodded ever so slightly, reaching up to hold Koharu’s hand.
She too stayed silent, not saying a word when something in the buildings would shift, or footsteps would echo down the now quiet halls, and Goh’s grip would tighten for a moment.
They stayed like that for a while.
When Goh went to bed that night, he found himself staring at the ceiling. There was no need to worry anymore, not with the steady snores of Satoshi below him, yet the residual anxiety remained. It was an odd sense of guilt that followed him. Despite knowing this wasn’t his fault, no one’s fault really, sometimes people just got sick, he couldn’t help but feel responsible.
His mind drifted back to the sidewalk, to Satoshi’s lifeless body, to Pikachu’s desperate squeaks.
Not for the first time, Goh fell asleep, dreaming intangibly of a warm light, encased in icy glass to protect it.
[End of Chapter 2]
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epicspheal · 4 years
I wish I could find the screenshot of Sonia talking about the brothers in Japanese. Apparently the text was changed in the English localization. In Japanese, Sonia supposedly says that Leon is Hop's father figure, which has different yet similar implications to that he raised his little brother.
Hi there youareshauni! 
That is extremely interesting how Sonia calls Leon Hop’s father figure in Japanese but in English Sonia says he “practically raised Hop” . I find it odd too that the english localization didn’t just keep it the same. I’d love to see if anyone who has seen the other localizations could report how this line from Sonia is translated to see how close it is to the original.
The more I think about this tidbit, the more I wish the games would’ve delved into this aspect. It really adds weight to Hop’s character arc as Leon being not just a brother but parental figure makes Hop’s drive to surpass him and gain recognition have even more stakes. It also adds depth to Leon especially in regards to his all “leave it all to me” deal when regarding the threats to the region as it implies that Leon has shouldered responsibility from such a young age. Also honestly, just having any more info on their relationship would’ve been nice. The fandom has shown through various headcanons, fanfic and fanart that they want to learn more about Leon and Hop and I hope the manga or the Pokemon Journeys anime gives us some insight!
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magioftheseas · 4 years
For @badthingshappenbingo
Prompt: Please Don’t Leave Me taken from here.
Rating: T+
Warnings: Possessive and violent thoughts but in terms of content, nothing really.
Notes: I finally wrote a full-ish Pokemon BW fic, focusing on FerrisWheelShipping because... Yes! This one’s on the messier side, sorry. I have a lot of feelings about my Trainer Touko/Hilda headcanons. I just think she should be much more aggressive. So, I explored that a little. Hope it’s okay. =m=
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
It had taken a while to ‘break N in’, so to speak. When she first offered that he stay with her and her mom, he had of course been anxious. Wary. He grew only more skittish the closer they got to Nuvema, and the only reason he hadn’t bolted the second the door opened was because her mom had greeted him so warmly.
“So you’re the friend she’s talked so much about! Come in, come in!”
She had wondered, of course, if N had ever known a mother’s affection. Judged by his dumbfounded stare and the way he trailed after her mother like a lost Lillipup, she suspected that wasn’t the case.
He really is a child, isn’t he?
“She looks a lot like you,” he had remarked. “That’s normal, isn’t it? What about your father?”
“We don’t really talk about him,” she had replied with an easy laugh. “I barely even knew him.”
“Oh. Was he bad?”
Like yours?
She had shrugged.
“Like I said, I don’t know. Can’t really make those kinds of calls on someone I didn’t know.”
“I see.” N blinked at her, eyes wide. “That’s such a noncommittal response. So mature, Touko.”
The relationship between her and N had always been a little weird. From the start, N saw her as a rival and a counterpart to himself. With his own grand self-image, she couldn’t deny the expectation in that sparkling gaze of his was beyond uncomfortable and frustrating. Even now, N looks at her like there’s more than what she is, and the weight of that is crushing on her shoulders. With his life and world crumbled, his pedestal of her remained.
She still wants to tackle him sometimes for that. It would be inappropriate to do so at the dinner table, so she just thrums her fingers along the surface, and she takes in how her mom prepares their plates with a smile and a laugh. Like nothing is amiss. Like nothing ever went wrong.
“How long are you staying with us, N?” her mother asks. “I certainly don’t mind having an extra pair of helping hands around.”
“Touko insisted I’d come and she’s quite scary,” was his answer. “When I told her my living conditions, she went into a rage.”
“Because he sleeps outside,” she huffed. “In the cold. Without even a tent.”
“My friends keep me warm, Touko. It’s not cold at all.” N shook his head. “Not to mention tents are windy and unyielding.”
“Yeah, he’s staying with me until further notice.” A pause, and it was probably then that Touko realized how rude she was being. “T-That’s alright, isn’t it, mom?”
“As I said, I don’t mind,” her mom chirped. “It’s nostalgic, isn’t it? Having a friend stay over. Both Cheren and Bianca are so busy these days. How are they doing?”
“They’re...doing fine,” she says because she’s not sure what else to say. “Don’t worry. I’m looking into getting our own place so this shouldn’t be a permanent setup.”
Her mother’s smile is broad. N eyes her curiously. Intently. She doubts he understands this situation, the undercurrents brought about by societal expectations and pressures. He was sheltered from all of that—she wondered if he even truly understood what independence was. N was a couple of years older, yes, but he was also much, much more immature.
Not that it’s his fault or anything.
“You don’t have to be in such a hurry, Touko,” her mom said. “Just grow up at your own pace.”
“Can’t help it,” she huffed. “I don’t like to fall behind.”
Cheren and Bianca seem to be on a path that’ll suit them for the rest of their lives. Or at least the foreseeable future. Meanwhile I—still have no idea what I want, exactly. Besides that guy.
“Is this a competition?” N asked, quite confused. “I apologize. I do not understand at all.”
I want him. To be with him. Maybe that’s shallow, but... It’s because he’s so innocent that I can’t help it.
“It’s irrational,” Touko explained. “It’s not really meant to be understood so much as felt.”
“I...see. I don’t suppose you can explain those feelings in greater depth?”
“Not with formulas, no. Sorry.”
Inferiority, desire, and drive. I’ve always been the kind of person to let my emotions guide me. Blind leading the blind. I even ended up on going in circles looking for this stupid, stupid guy.
N was frowning, almost pouting, and she wanted him fiercely.
“Even as a human, you’re particularly arduous, Touko.”
“It’s not good human behavior,” she admitted. “But it’s not bad for a rival, huh?”
I say like I hadn’t crushed Cheren under my heel. Like I haven’t made Bianca almost cry. Like it’s not a great thing that both of them moved on from me.
“At least you’re not inflexible,” N mused. “Some humans are. It’s really frustrating. I can still only communicate properly with a select few of them. Beyond you and Mei, of course.”
That’s a bad thing. You left in the first place to gain a greater understanding. I shouldn’t be a little happy to hear that.
“A lot are flexible,” she said. “Keep trying, N. Don’t give up. And if someone is being particularly stubborn—I’ll beat them up.”
“Not battle them?”
“Sometimes you can settle matters with your own two fists, N. Oh, but only leave that to me. Don’t get into any fights. Be diplomatic where you can.”
“I know that,” N replied, brow furrowed. “Ghetsis made it clear that such physical means were...unsightly.”
“It’s because I don’t want you getting hurt, obviously,” Touko said. “Not to mention it’s for the sake of everyone else. I don’t think I’d be able to hold back against someone who hurt you.”
Even that monster’s name is enough to drive me into a white-hot fury. N’s incredible, isn’t he? For saying it. So easily.
N does bristle this time. With a predictable amount of childishness.
“I can handle myself. I don’t need a guard.”
“Oh, no,” her mother cut in. “Touko’s just like that with her friends. It can be a nightmare to deal with especially when she tried to physically fight Bianca’s father.”
N blinked, and his mouth opens. It closes without a word, leaving behind only a soft hum. Touko, too, said nothing in response. She felt no need to protest nor defend herself.
“Some things never change,” her mother just sighed, preparing the plates. “But, well, enough about that. Let’s eat!”
“Thanks, mom.”
“Thank you for the food,” N muttered, head ducked.
After the food was set out and the table made, they ate in relative silence and comfort. Touko wondered if she should have been relieved that N knew to use utensils. She then felt foolish for the thought. N wasn’t completely untamed, obviously. That monster wanted at least the appearance of refinement, so N would know how to function somewhat in a social setting such as eating at the table. Thinking of it that way, Touko found herself wishing N wouldn’t have bothered with the pretense. Even now, the way he operates forks and knives was stiff and almost mechanical. Between that and his tightened features, it was clear just how nervous the other was.
“Is it any good?” her mother asked, ever kindly and worriedly. She no doubt took notice as well.
N’s nod was more of a spastic jerk.
“Thank you for the food.”
It was too much to take, so she looked away for now.
“Thank you for the food,” she echoed in a drone.
N was a couple of years older than her. Physically, he was in the early stages of adulthood. But with how much of the world he’s seen, he might as well still be a child. He’s a lot like Bianca, body growing faster than allowed. Sheltered and sweet, only N’s upbringing was of a much more sinister nature.
N was once a king. At the time, Touko wanted to crush him. To smash him between her palms and wipe the remnants off her shorts. She had pretty strong feelings against him. His smug attitude and upturned nose, the way he would continuously dart his eyes towards her team attached to her belt. He spoke so quickly that she wanted to wring his neck.
All that said, she wanted to shove her tongue down his throat. Be it because of hormones, because he was the first guy she really got to know besides Cheren, or even because N was just pretty to look at, there had been undeniable attraction. Attraction which hadn’t even been separated from violence.
And now, she—doesn’t want to hurt him. Because she knows how vulnerable he really is. How he had been manipulated by a monster and how his face had crumbled like paper when called a freak. When she wanted to embrace him, it was fueled purely by the desire to keep him safe from the rest of the world.
She still let him leave. She understood that he needed to understand things for himself. She had been his ultimate rival, but they hadn’t been friends. She couldn’t have expected him to confide in her. And, yet, she still chased after him and now that they’ve reunited... She frankly has no intention of letting him go again, even if it’s for his own good.
N was stated to have a pure and innocent heart. The only thing pure about Touko was pure stubbornness.
“Mom’s nice.”
“Yeah, she is.”
She doesn’t correct N. Her mother didn’t either, finding it endearing if a bit sad. Touko did think to tell her not to pity him, because N doesn’t like to be pitied—but she thinks her mother might ask her more about N, and she doesn’t want to talk about him. Or rather, what she knows about him.
She kind of wants to keep it to herself out of the messed up desire to keep N to herself.
“It’s warm,” N said. “Nothing like the castle at all. It’s all calm. Calming. I envy your upbringing, Touko.”
He’s a little tall for the futon that her mother laid out. Touko stares at him shifting awkwardly.
“You’ll get used to it,” she finally replied. “You’re gonna stay here for a while, yeah?”
He hums softly.
“If you’ll have me.”
She could’ve laughed, even as she did have the decency to feel the slightest twinge of guilt. It wasn’t enough to admit the truth. She only felt guiltier because N thought highly of her. Like this—she was taking advantage of him. She’s been with Bianca long enough to know how to be gentle with people, and yet...
“Sorry.” She slips off her bed, hovering over him before pressing down on her hands. With N’s head in-between, she held herself over him with resolve. “You’re not lonely with me here, right?”
When that monster told you the truth—when he spat in your face about inhumanity, I can’t even imagine how you felt. Devastated? Shattered? Perhaps—you felt the loneliest you’ve ever been. I get it. I do. I understand why you had to get away. But—that didn’t stop me from wanting to scream “please don’t leave me!!”
“It’s a little lonely,” N admitted, because he really was so unabashedly honest. His eyes were bright, but her reflection within them looked a little twisted. “The reason for that is because you’re closed off from me, Touko.”
Her heart nearly stuttered through her ribcage. Funny how words like that could cut through her.
“Are you mad?” N asks so sadly, reaching up and cupping her face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving.”
This idiot really has such trouble understanding the human heart. But, he’s trying. Oh, Arceus, he’s trying so much. For years, he’s been trying.
Swelling with adoration, Touko turned to kiss his palm, nuzzling into that hand. N pets her for that, and maybe to him it’s just like reassuring a friend. Gentle touches to show that the world isn’t entirely cruel. If she had been a tad more immature, she would’ve recoiled at the idea of being treated like she was broken. But because she’s mostly selfish, she accepts his affection greedily.
I’m not letting you go again. Sorry, N. Sorry.
At least N holds her like he doesn’t want to let go, either.
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soft5ku11 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Massive, immobile sizes
Extreme slob
Excessive sweating for no reason
Piss/shit stuff
Death feedism
Kids (obviously)
Fat Pokemon/animals
Real People (unless its the commissioner)
Mech/detailed machinery
Excessive gore
Detailed armour
Female weight gain (will draw regular female characters tho!)
You can always ask if i will draw something :)
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Once completed, I’ll send you a low-res version for you to OK, and after that I will send the final .PNG file. You may ask for it via Tumblr DM, Email (if file size allows), a Google Drive link, Discord (if file size allows) or you can just have me post it on Tumblr which you can save from the post.
After this, you cannot ask for any more changes.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS (subject to change if necessary)
I have the right to post any commissioned work on any of my social media, portfolio sites, etc. - I may do as I wish with it.
The commissioner does not own the rights to the art I make. They only own the rights to any original character designs within the work.
The commissioner cannot repost the commission on other sites & claim it as their own work. They can, however freely use it as long as I have been clearly & sufficiently credited.
Any reposts must credit me by username “soft5ku11” on tumblr.
I have the right to sell any commissioned work as prints, stickers, posters, shirt designs, etc. The commissioner does not. This also applies to uploading the work to sites like Redbubble to buy items from the site using the commissioned artwork. The commissioner may, however, ask me to put the work on the site for them.
I have the right to deny a commission for any reason and I do not have to disclose that reason.
I will send invoices via PayPal which must be paid in full before I start working. Commissions are non-refundable unless I, for any reason, feel I cannot fulfil the brief given, In which case I will refund the money I received. (It won’t be a full refund since PayPal takes a small cut which they do not return upon refunding an invoice.)
The commissioner does not have the right to withdraw or request reimbursement through PayPal at any stage unless for reasons listed prior in points 6 and 7.
My art is not to be modified into something else (eg: a character base) without my explicit permission. [If you want a base, commission a base.] 9.5. My art is not to be altered by any AI/program at all after the fact. (Eg: the auto colouring & shading scam.)
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reimoonwuff · 10 months
Growth Drive Round 1 Over!
I'm gonna go ahead and call the end of round 1 Now!
Gonna start tallying up the numbers from every site and the funds I earned and make the next image. Next Round Should be up either Tomorrow or Friday~
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misskikuwrites · 4 years
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Lonashipping week 2020
Day 6: Emerald Green
The second Moon spotted the Mantine, she shot Gladion a wild grin. A challenge blazed in her eyes.
"I'll race you!" she declared, and bolted across the hot sand. "Last one there has to pay for lunch!"
Gladion huffed, hurrying after her. Despite his longer legs, Moon's headstart meant that she leapt onto a Mantine and shot off across the surf before he'd reached the water.
"That's playing dirty!" Gladion called, urging his Mantine forward. He shifted his weight, lowered his stance and focused on his balance as the Pokemon beneath his feet gained speed.
Moon's distant laughter trickled through the air.
"That's what you get for being such a Slowpoke!"
She was a tiny speck on the waves ahead of him. A figure of confidence, she crouched low on her Mantine and shot up the inside of a towering wave. Moon didn't need wings in order to fly; she took to the sky with a spray of water and an ecstatic laugh. Time slowed for a moment. She hung there, suspended in the air as a dark silhouette framed by dazzling rays of sunlight. Gladion's breath caught at the sight. He held his breath tight in his lungs, gaze fixed on her as she began to fall, until she slid down the wave as a picture of grace. His Mantine swerved to avoid a bobbing Tentacruel, and Gladion swayed on his feet, the rushing water filling his vision for a panicked second.
He clicked his tongue and focused, pulling his Mantine further up the inside of a wave. Although Moon's skillful tricks and spins were impressive, they also cost her a great deal of speed every time. With care and patience, and making sure he didn't lose himself in her spectacular performances, Gladion slowly began to close the distance between him and Moon. She glanced over her shoulder, grinning breathlessly at him. A sheen of sweat and salt water glistened across her skin.
Gladion stole his gaze away before his eyes began to wander along her smooth, creamy skin. He definitely wasn't trailing his eyes down her long legs, muscles taught and firm as she balanced. His eyes definitely didn't linger on the stripe of pale skin beneath where her top ended above her hips. And he definitely, most definitely wasn't staring at the way her shorts, now drenched with water, clung tightly to the curve of her ass.
Moon's giggle startled him, and he shot his eyes up to meet hers. The knowing - and devastatingly smug - twinkle in her eyes made Gladion's heart flop.
"Enjoying the view?" she teased, rolling her hips ever-so-slightly in an alluring movement that sent a spear of heat down Gladion's spine. He spluttered, cheeks burning, and didn't see the Wailmer in front of them.
Moon shot around it expertly with a delighted cackle, Gladion's Mantine forced to skid to a halt. Her laughter faded as she raced off ahead. He watched her go with a heavy, shameful sigh, a muttered curse beneath his breath.
Talk about playing dirty…
Gladion continued after her, a renewed drive coursing through his veins. He wasn't going to let her win that easily. She flipped into the air again, and the spray of water sparkled around her like a halo of diamonds. Her laughter was euphoric. An unbidden smile spread across Gladion's face. Her enjoyment, her giddy delight, filled his chest with warmth. He took his chance when she landed another spectacular jump, and coasted around her, using his height on the wave to gain a burst of speed. He heard her gasp as he shot passed, and grinned.
It wasn't long before she was on his heels, the sandy shore in the distance closing in. They manoeuvred over the waves like two ribbons twirling in the air, close enough to touch, always dancing out of reach. They crisscrossed the surf around Tentacool and Starmie, their wakes intertwining behind them. Smiles flashed between them. Laughter mingled in the salty air.
Moon's Mantine hit the shallows first. She leapt off with a loud cheer, throwing her hands into the air in celebration. A split second after that, Gladion realised he was coming in too fast. Unbeknownst to Moon, she stepped into his path, and he braced himself with a cry.
"Get out of the way!"
Her eyes blew wide. Gladion's Mantine stopped too suddenly, too quickly, and he flew off its back and straight into Moon. They collided with a yelp and a grunt, a burst of pain and a cold splash, as they toppled into the water.
"Shit, sorry," Gladion hissed through his teeth. He tried to blink through the pain, hearing Moon wince beneath him, and sat up slightly.
"Who would've thought you were such a sore loser," she scoffed lightly, rubbing her forehead.
Gladion swept her fringe away, ghosting his fingers across the blooming red mark on her forehead. His own brow throbbed with pain. The shallow surf ebbed around them, and Moon leant on her elbows, propping herself up so she was level with him.
"Sorry," Gladion apologised again. "Are you okay?"
She gazed into his eyes. Those gorgeous, emerald green eyes of his, and her expression softened.
"I am now," she said, reaching up to cup his cheeks with both of her hands. Her thumbs dusted beneath his eyes.
Gladion's lips twitched into a sheepishly smile. "What?" he found himself asking, mesmerised by the way she was looking at him.
He felt warm beneath her gaze, despite the cold water lapping around them, the breeze sweeping through the air. He couldn't bring himself to move away. To get up out of the water, to pull himself off her, to force this moment to end.
Her smile melted his heart.
"Have I ever said how much I love your eyes?" she said quietly, her voice a gentle whisper that swept over his lips. Close enough to feel her breath. To see the speckles of colour in her eyes, knowing she could see the same in his.
"I… don't know…?"
He was speechless. Frozen and smouldering beneath her gaze, the heat of her words, and the slow brush of her lips against his. Slow and tender, her eyes never leaving his for even a single second. Their lips had barely touched at all, only a faint, featherlight pressure, but his lips, chapped and dry from the ocean air, tingled. His eyes fluttered, spellbound and dizzy. Again, she kissed him. Gentle and light, letting their lips meld together for a quiet, lingering moment.
She whispered a sigh between their lips.
Gladion breathed in her words, let them blaze across his lips and fill his veins with liquid fire. He felt her smile into their kiss.
"I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life."
A faint murmur, the only sound Gladion could muster in his throat, spilled between them. His mind was addled, enraptured, dizzy. He was lost in her kiss, in the delicate press of her lips against his. Barely there yet intoxicating and overwhelming.
A heavy wave smacked into them, shattering the moment. Moon shrieked, and they shot to their feet and scrambled towards the sand. Gladion shook his head, wiping the water off his face.
Their eyes met, a second of giddy realisation passing, before they burst into laughter. It was ridiculous. They were ridiculous. Ridiculous and soaking wet, filled with love and warmth and laughter. Moon's smile brightened, her eyes lingering on his face - no, his eyes - and Gladion knew why.
He smiled at her in return. She may have won the race, and his heart, but her simple words, that tender moment they'd shared, was better than any prize in the world.
It was more than enough for him.
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass Part 1: The Isle of Armor will launch on June 17, publisher Nintendo and developer Game Freak announced.
Here are the latest details on both Expansion Pass Part 1: The Isle of Armor, as well as the fall-due Expansion Pass Part 2: The Crown Tundra:
Expansion Pass Part 1: The Isle of Armor
The first new adventure unlocked by the Expansion Pass will take place on the Isle of Armor, an island of the Galar region. Many Pokemon make this island their home, living freely amid the lush nature. The island is also home to a dojo for Pokemon battles. Players and their Pokemon will train hard to become stronger under Mustard, the master of this dojo.
■ Newly Discovered Pokemon
Galarian Slowbro
Category: Hermit Crab Pokemon
Type: Poison/Psychic
Height: 5ʹ3″
Weight: 155.4 lbs.
Ability: Quick Draw
A Shellder bite set off a chemical reaction with the spices inside Galarian Slowpoke’s body, causing Galarian Slowbro to gain the Poison type. The Shellder that’s latched onto Slowbro sometimes unconsciously bites down harder on Slowbro’s arm, causing an itch that drives Slowbro to start wildly swinging its arm around and smashing its surroundings. With a speed that puts even the quickest reflexes to shame, Slowbro readies its Shellder and makes poisonous liquid shoot from the Shellder’s tip. This is Shell Side Arm, a Poison-type special move that may poison the target. The move inflicts either physical or special damage depending on which will damage the target more.
■ New Gigantamax Forms
Gigantamax Venusaur
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 78ʹ9″+
Weight: ????.? lbs.
Ability: Overgrow
The power of Gigantamaxing has made Venusaur’s flower bloom so large that it covers the Pokemon’s body. During battle, the Pokemon uses these petals as a shield and swings its two thick vines around to thrash its target. Grass-type attacks used by Gigantamax Venusaur will change to G-Max Vine Lash. G-Max Vine Lash doesn’t just deal damage to an opponent when it hits—it will continue to deal damage for four turns to any Pokemon that isn’t Grass type.
Gigantamax Blastoise
Type: Water
Height: 82ʹ+
Weight: ????.? lbs.
Ability: Torrent
Blastoise’s shell has grown to match its body, and it boasts new extra-large water cannons as well. Gigantamax Blastoise can adapt to different situations by using different combinations of its 31 variously sized cannons. Gigantamax Blastoise can also move the 12 large cannons surrounding its central cannon independently, letting it orient its attacks in any direction, whether toward the ground or the sky. Water-type attacks used by Gigantamax Blastoise will change to G-Max Cannonade. G-Max Cannonade doesn’t just deal damage to an opponent when it hits—it will continue to deal damage for four turns to any Pokemon that isn’t Water type.
■ Legendary Pokemon Urshifu’s Exclusive Moves
Legendary Pokemon Urshifu has two forms—Single Strike Style and Rapid Strike Style—and each form can learn different moves and G-Max Moves. A Single Strike Style Urshifu that has followed the path of darkness can unleash a single, severe blow—a signature move known as Wicked Blow. This move always results in a critical hit, allowing Urshifu to attack while ignoring the target’s stat changes. A Rapid Strike Style Urshifu that has followed the path of water can unleash a flowing three-hit combo—a signature move known as Surging Strikes. This move always results in critical hits, allowing Urshifu to attack while ignoring the target’s stat changes.
Unseen Fist is a new Ability introduced with these expansions and one that only Single Strike Style Urshifu and Rapid Strike Style Urshifu possess. This Ability lets the Pokemon deal damage when it attacks with moves that make direct contact even if the target defends itself by using moves like Protect.
Dark-type attacks used by Single Strike Style Gigantamax Urshifu will change to G-Max One Blow. Water-type attacks used by Rapid Strike Style Gigantamax Urshifu will change to G-Max Rapid Flow. G-Max One Blow and G-Max Rapid Flow can deal damage even if a target defends itself by using moves like Max Guard or Protect.
■ New Adventuring Featured Introduced in the Isle of Armor
The dojo on the Isle of Armor houses a unique take on recycling in the form of a device called the Cram-o-matic. If players feed it four items, it will combine them and give out a new item in exchange. Trainers can receive any of a variety of items, including Poke Balls, PP Ups, and more. Some combinations might even produce rare items.
Tutor Moves
Completely new tutor moves will also be available on the Isle of Armor. Trainers can have their Pokemon learn them in exchange for Armorite Ore, a substance that can be found on the Isle of Armor through Max Raid Battles and other means.
Burning Jealousy is a new Fire-type move that can be taught starting with these expansions. When it hits, it deals damage to all opposing Pokemon and burns all opposing Pokemon that have had their stats boosted during the turn.
Grassy Glide is a new Grass-type move that can be taught starting with these expansions. This move has high priority when used on Grassy Terrain.
Max Soup
Max Soup is a special dish made from rare ingredients you can gather on the Isle of Armor. If a Pokemon with great hidden potential drinks Max Soup, it will become a special Pokemon capable of Gigantamaxing.
Some Pokemon that Trainers are already traveling with may also gain the ability to Gigantamax.
Expansion Pass Part 2: The Crown Tundra
The second area unlocked by the Expansion Pass is the snow-swept realm of the Crown Tundra. In this frigid yet beautiful landscape—with its jagged winter mountains and shining, silvery landscape—people live in small communities where they support and rely on one another. A man named Peony will appoint the player as the leader of his exploration team in the Crown Tundra and task them with investigating the reaches of this frozen land. Players will also be able to explore the depths of the Pokemon Dens seen during Max Raid Battles. What’s more, it seems several previously unseen Legendary Pokemon make the Crown Tundra their home.
■ Newly Discovered  Legendary Pokemon
Category: Electron Pokemon
Type: Electric
Height: 3ʹ11″
Weight: 319.7 lbs.
Ability: Transistor
Regieleki absorbs electrons to live. Regieleki’s signature Electric-type special move, Thunder Cage, fires furious bolts of electricity from its lower half, trapping opponents directly below it in a cage of lightning. Thunder Cage doesn’t only deal damage to opponents when it lands—the electrified cage will also cause damage every turn for four to five turns and prevent opponents from fleeing or being swapped out.
Category: Dragon Orb Pokemon
Type: Dragon
Height: 6ʹ11″
Weight: 440.9 lbs.
Ability: Dragon’s Maw
Regirago’s body is composed of crystallized dragon energy. With Regidrago’s signature move, Dragon Energy, the Pokemon assumes a shape similar to a dragon’s head, then fires intense dragon energy from its mouth. The more HP the user has remaining, the higher the move’s power.
■ Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres?
Legendary Pokemon bearing strong resemblances to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres have been spotted in the Crown Tundra. These Pokemon seem to bear Ice-type, Electric-type, and Fire-type characteristics, respectively, and were previously thought to be the same as the Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres seen in other regions. Recently gathered data from reported sightings and other sources about the Pokemon have bolstered the theory that they are, in fact, distinct variants.
Galarian Articuno
Category: Cruel Pokemon
Type: Psychic/Flying
Height: 5ʹ7″
Weight: 112.2 lbs.
Ability: Competitive
Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Articuno’s signature move, Freezing Glare, is a Psychic-type special move in which the Pokemon attacks by firing psychic power from both eyes. This move may also leave the target frozen.
Galarian Zapdos
Category: Strong Legs Pokemon
Type: Fighting/Flying
Height: 5ʹ3″
Weight: 128.3 lbs.
Ability: Defiant
Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Zapdos’s signature move, Thunderous Kick, is a Fighting-type physical move that overwhelms the target with lightning-like movement before delivering a kick. This also lowers the target’s Defense stat.
Galarian Moltres
Category: Malevolent Pokemon
Type: Dark/Flying
Height: 6ʹ7″
Weight: 145.5 lbs.
Ability: Berserk
Once every several decades, this migratory Pokemon appears in the Crown Tundra. Galarian Moltres’s signature move, Fiery Wrath, is a Dark-type special move in which the Pokemon transforms its wrath into a fire-like aura to attack. It may also make opposing Pokemon flinch.
■ New Characters
Upon arriving in the Crown Tundra, players will encounter Peony, who has brought his daughter along on an adventure to find the truth behind tales of Legendary Pokemon in the area. Listening isn’t his strong suit, and his bold behaviour draws plenty of attention, but he has a kind side and plenty of affection for his daughter.
■ Dynamax Adventure
Trainers can team up with three other players to go on a Dynamax Adventure, where they will be able to venture into Pokemon Dens and even encounter Dynamax Pokemon. If Trainers do encounter a Dynamax Pokemon during their exploration, they’ll need to work together in a Max Raid Battle. Trainers will get a chance to catch the Dynamax Pokemon for their team if they triumph in the battle, but they’ll be kicked out of the den should they lose.
■ Galarian Star Tournament
Once Trainers progress far enough in their adventure in the Crown Tundra, they’ll be able to participate in the Galarian Star Tournament, held in the city of Wyndon. In this tournament, Trainers will battle with various characters they met in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield—but not just as opponents. They can also pick a teammate and tackle the tournament together.
■ Transfer Bonus Points in Pokemon Home
Starting Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. BST, if Trainers transfer one or more Pokemon from Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield to the Nintendo Switch version of Pokemon Home, they will be able to receive a Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble with their Hidden Abilities as Mystery Gifts in the mobile device version of Pokemon Home.
Grookey’s Hidden Ability is Grassy Surge. It’s a rare Ability that normally wouldn’t be available.
Level: 5
Ability: Grassy Surge
Moves: Scratch, Growl
Scorbunny’s Hidden Ability is Libero. It’s a rare Ability that makes its first appearance in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Level: 5
Ability: Libero
Moves: Tackle, Growl
Sobble’s Hidden Ability is Sniper. It’s a rare Ability that normally wouldn’t be available.
Level: 5
Ability: Sniper
Moves: Pound, Growl
■ Gigantamax Festival
From Monday, June 1 PT until Monday, June 30, at 00:59 a.m. BST, many different Gigantamax Pokemon can be encountered in Max Raid Battles in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Some different Gigantamax Pokemon will appear depending on the version of the game being played.
The following Gigantamax Pokemon will appear in both versions of the game:
Gigantamax Pokemon that will appear only in Pokemon Sword:
Amped Form Toxtricity
Gigantamax Pokemon that will appear only in Pokemon Shield:
Low Key Form Toxtricity
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are available now for Switch.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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alolanrain · 5 years
God, I’m compelled to wright a full one shot of all the Galar Rivals+Ash and Gou dealing with the ghost Doggo scene in that fucking forbidden forest in the first twn minutes of the game. 
and you know what? I fucking D I D. but of course I put my AM!Ash into the scene because I wanted the boy to say some pretty weird and funny dialogue 
“We have to go in there... for a what now?” Ash drawled. curling his hand a bit more tight around the section of Hop’s hoodie, just to solely keep the younger teen from running off from their group. 
“He’s crazed about a fuckin’ Wooloo.” Bede sneered. moving his hands behind his head and bumping his shoulder’s with Marnie. the poor girl shuffled away slightly as a tight frown creased her eyebrows. 
“Shut the fuck up Bede,” the two boys and Gou replied at the same time. 
“We’re not supposed to be in this forest without an adult.” Marnie nervously rung her hands together and squeaked when a distant howl rang out. she bolted from the back of the group and up towards Ash where she shoved herself under his free arm. 
Pikachu grumbled before haling his claws out of Ash’s shoulder and plopping to the ground. the larger than normal electric Mouse preceded to try and slow down Hop more by driving between the poor boys feet. 
“It’s fine,” Ash stated, curling his arm more around Marnie, “Even though I’m tired as fuck and I haven’t had a cup of coffee yet, I wouldn’t let anything harm you guys.” 
Bede sneered, “Why would I put my life into a lethargic fuck like you?” 
Ash stopped walking. Making Hop jerk dangerously back and swearv into gou who grunted and braced themselves a little to late, luckily not falling onto the woodland floor or the nearby river, and Marnie squeaking a little as Ash jerked her a little to ruffly. He turned to glare down at Bede, who had the decency to look a little ashamed at his words. “I retrace my statement lightly, if Bede want’s to get killed and eaten, then Bede can get killed and eaten.” He turned back and gently motioned the rest of the group to continue on searching.
Hop had no problem going to screeching the lost Wooloo’s name in the foggy air. Gou was slowly drifting closer to their traveling buddy the longer and deeper the group traveled into the forbidden woodland. Bede...
Bede was left gaping like a Magikarp and staring at Ash’s back before a closer, and more louder than the last, shrieking howl sent the young trainer screaming in fear before bolting after the group. “Wait for me!”
Ash slowed the groups walking a little just so Bede could catch up to them, before returning to the original pace he had set. “these woods are hiding something.” Ash mumbled, letting go of of his grip on Hop so he could help the group get over a large tree that had fallen over the path. Luckily Gou and grabbed onto the purple haired boy before he could dart forward and out of Ash’s range. “Does anyone else feel like their being watched?”
Before anyone could answer a sharp howl pierced the air, it was joined by another deeper one. what ever was tracking the group, and by sense the stupid fucking lost Wooloo, was close and was gaining on them. 
“We’re gonna die.” Marnie gasped, huddling closer into Ash’s side once more after she was helped off the log.
“We’re not going to die.” Gou tried soothing the younger girl who only shook her head in fear. 
 “We’re going to die and no ones going to find our bodies!” Marnie cried out. she was trembling like a leaf and was showing more emotion in the past hour than the past week Ash had known her. 
fear does do something to normal people then. who knew?
Ash’s own fear was a little different, his senses sharpened dangerously. everything heightened; eyesight, smell, hearing, just natural instinct of being followed. because they were being followed, the scent of soggy wet Pokemon fur and lake algae was wafting around the group. the smell reminded Ash a little of Lycanroc after playing in the sea water for a few hours. but this scent was so strong that the things were close or they were in the water for Gods know how long. 
Ash didn’t comment when Bede grabbed the back of his sweater, choosing to ignore the sudden spike of fear in the group as he was now having to Push Hop forward since the shorter trainer’s legs had locked up on their own. “Again, I would put my own life before anyone else’s okay? now come on, we have a stupid lost Wooloo to find.’ 
Ash was a little angry at his instincts at the moment. He know’s their being followed, by a pair of something coming from the two different howls, but he can’t actually pin point where the fuck their trackers are coming from. no pounding feet or breaking twigs, no weird air disturbance, no nothing. well besides the growing sent of lake algae and wet fur. but that was the only real thing Ash could pin point and he was silently livid at that. 
“How could Wooloo get so far into the-Eek!” Hop’s words were cut off by his own shriek as he launched himself back into Ash’s chest. clinging onto the taller’s neck like his life was on the line. Ash, thankfully after all these years, was trained and strong enough not to flinch to terribly at taking Hop’s weight as it seems the younger trainer was trying his best to cling onto Ash like a Komola would do to a piece of wood.
the other three reacted to the purple haired boy’s sudden reaction; Marnie let out a small yelp before shoving her face back into Ash’s sweater from where she was peaking out to see where she was walking. Gou forced themself forward to lightly block the group, their hand splaying out as the other immediately reach for their Scorbunny’s Poke ball. Pikachu had darted forward, waves of electricity flowing throw its body as Ash’s partners cheeks kept sparking in warning to what ever was approaching. Bede had coward more into Ash’s back as one of his own hands darted out to lightly grip at Gou’s jacket. 
“Gou,” Ash mumbled, eyes pinpointing to the spot where two darker shadows that were larger than a normal human were approaching them. 
Gou grunted, leaning more towards Ash without taking their eyes off the growing shadows. 
“get your Rotom phone out and start recording.” Ash quietly demanded as he wiggled himself out of the other three grips with another demand for the four to stay put with no room for argument.
Marnie whimpered as one of her hands clenched at one of her poke balls on her own belt. Bede and Hop did the same. 
Gou was shakingly recording Ash before forcing themselves to calm down. they had to remember how they met Ash and how to older trainer had dragged Gou onto Lugia’s back on an impromptu in the middle of the sea flight. so what ever was approaching, Ash could surly handle it. 
Ash walked forward a few steps. bracing himself for what ever is going to emerge out of the fog. 
‘What the fuck?” the words slipped out of Ash’s mouth as a four legged walking, fluffier, different colored, Flaffy looking fucking thing burst into the clearing. and raced over to the group. 
“Baa! Baa!” The cotton ball of a Pokemon with hooved legs wailed as it... rolled towards the group and past Ash before the young adult could react. 
“What the fuck!?” Ash stated a little more loudly as his eye lids blinked rapidly.
“Wooloo!” Hop cried out at the same time as Ash spoke, bending down and dislodging Bede and Marnie’s grasp on his jacket so he could meet the rolling puff ball in a hug. “I thought we lost you!” the boy cried out.
“Good!” Bede yelled as his hands came together in a loud clap. “Now that we found this fuckers Wooloo we can get the fuck out of here!” 
the other two Galarian trainers agreed, Hop calling back his Wooloo in the process as he stood up to head back. the three stopped as they noticed that Ash and Pikachu haven’t moved to follow, and in the Process Gou hasn’t stopped recording or moving. 
“Hey!” Bede snarled nervously, shrinking a little more into the other two taller trainers by his side as another Pokemon cried out in the fog. “We got the lost puff ball! so let’s fucking get out of here already!” the white haired boy’s eyes snapped around the clearing, searching for what ever held Ash’s and that blasted electric rats attention. 
Ash didn’t say anything, his eyes trained on the two large shadows deeper into the fog. they didn’t approach closer, choosing to stand where they were. instead of addressing Bede’s wish to leave, Ash instead turned his head sideways towards Gou’s direction without taking his eyes off of the things in front of him. “Gou,” Ash drawled, making sure to keep his breathing in check. 
Gou hummed in response. choosing to stay where they were, between Ash and Pikachu and the other three, their video still recording. 
“Do you...” Ash paused as one of the shadow’s shifted a little, “do you see anything in front of you?” 
Gou took their time to respond, what Ash asked was a really weird question. “only... the fog surrounding us.” Gou answered, shifting nervously as their fear slowly grew. “Why?” 
Ash licked his lips as a familiar note sung through his veins and an increasing magnetic pull was dragging at his bones towards the shadows. “Remember Lugia?” He called back as Pikachu next to him felt the same feeling. 
Gou was starting to visibly freak out as Ash wasn’t really answering their question. “uh.. yeah? why does this have to deal with that ordeal?” 
“Lugia?” the three younger trainers pipped up. 
“you’ve met Lugia?’ Marnie asked. 
Ash snorted as he waved his hand slightly. “Kinda, Lugia is kinda like my legendary dad because I never really had one. and being the fated ‘Chosen One’,” As’s fingers made the hooking motion twice, “I get to deal with Legendaries a lot more often than I would personally like , which is never, but we don’t always get what we want in life.” he explained, and utterly missing the other four’s reaction. “Why I asked about Lugia, Gou, is that I feel we’re about to get into some more Godly shit.” 
“We?”Gou blurted. their body shook a the thought of meeting another living God.How terrifying of a thought that was.
Ash fully turned his eyes away from the shadows, certain they would be there when he looked back, and gave Gou a shy smile. “Well, we’re traveling partner’s after all,” Ash locked eyes with Gou. “Right?’ 
Gou cursed at Ash loudly, causing the older adult to laugh slightly before his face turned serious. “We’re really going to follow what ever your eyes are seeing?” They asked and Ash turned even more to look upon the four younger trainers. 
“Who doesn’t want to go on an adventure?” the Champion asked instead, eyes roaming everyone faces. 
Bede’s hand shot up, “Me!” he cried out.
“I... honestly wouldn’t mind.” Hop answered hesitantly. 
Bede made a choking sound as he stumbled a little as he turned to look Hop in the face. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” 
Hop snarled, “nothings wrong with me!” 
“Something has to be wrong with you if you even think that going futher into the woods, where we’re not even supposed to be in the first place, after a man stronger than any of us combined to follow what ever the fuck he see’s!” Bede snapped, one of his hands came up to point to Ash who looked back at the group with a raised eyebrow and a blank face. 
“We have no other choice.’ Marnie responded instead, getting both boys to look down on her. 
“Not you to!” Bede groaned, fling his arms up in the air as he turned away. “And I thought you were more sensible than that Marnie!” 
“Again,” Marnie’s quiet voice spoke up, “We have no other option.’ 
Bede whirled back with a scary sneer plastered onto his face as he stepped forward at Marnie. “How do we not have other option? Hmm? Enlighten us please!”  
before either of the other three trainers could intervene Bede and his harsh words, Marnie braced herself and faced the white haired boy with a hard frown. “Do you know how to get out of here?’ 
that shut Bede up quickly. the boy struggled to find the answer before his shoulders slumped not a minute after, “No.” Bede ground out. “I don’t.” 
Marnie let out a timid smile before turning to Ash, “Then it’s settled.’ She declared quietly. “We follow Ash and Gou.” 
“Hhnn.” Gou grumbled. they don’t mind getting lumped with Ash every now and then, but when it come’s to what Ash oh so sweetly called ‘Godly bullshit’, no thank you. They want to live thank you very much.
Ash on the other hand matched Marnie’s shy smile with his own. “welcome a bored to S.S.Tired Of This Bullshit.’ 
that got Marnie and Hop to laugh as they made their way over to Ash and Gou. Bede groaned and stomped his foot a little before making his own way over, dragging his feet reluctantly since he doesn’t want to make his way back by himself in such a scary place. 
“Onward to adventure?” Hop asked, there was still a nervous tilt to his smile but Ash nodded. 
“Onward to adventure,” Ash mumbled. he let Marnie grip lightly onto his arm since the girl was still nervous. Gou chose to fall back with Bede and Hop as Ash took the lead with Pikachu in front of them. 
Gou sighed, “let’s find out what kind of shit is waiting for us,” they mumbled. Ash gave a loud laugh as he looked back at his traveling partner who matched their grin with his. “Lead the way Chosen One.” 
Ash nodded his head with determination as he turned forward with curiosity burning in his eyes. More fog soon swallowed the group of five up as Ash lead the younger trainers after the shadows that were leading them ... somewhere.
in the middle of Galar, Leon got a call from his mother who was absolutely in a frantic and nervous fit. He gave a sorry smile towards Chairman Rose and some of his other sponsors as he was waved away to take the call. 
once he was in the hall way Leon was able to calm down his mother enough to understand her crying babbles. 
“What do you mean Hop and his Wooloo are missing? and how is the gate to the forbidden forest open!?” 
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eyebeastposts · 4 years
Fan Fiction Road: The Altar of EyeBeast
   Driving down Fan Fiction Road in the dark of night, your car suddenly  breaks down as you pass through a thickly wooded area. Devoid of phone  service, you find yourself drawn to a strange light in the tree line.  Pushing through the bushes you find yourself standing in front of an old  church. The pictures and strange runes along the walls do not appear to  come from any known religion. Peeking up at the stained glass window,  you see a glimmer of the light that first drew you in. Steeling your  nerves, you push open the imposing set of doors and step inside.
    Your nose is assaulted with the scent of heavy incense. You find  yourself in in the center chamber where dozens of hooded figures dressed  in black robes are gathered. They don’t appear to pay much attention to  you, even as the door shuts loudly behind you. The reason becomes  evident as you look at the thing atop the grey, stone altar.
    Its shape mimics that of a singular, human eye blown up to the size of a  hot air balloon. Its grey sclera counteracts the void of black making  up its glowing pupil and iris. The eye shifts gradually, to both observe  its followers and maintain a glimmering cloud in the center. Mesmerized  by the thing’s strange aura, you take another step forward to look into  the anomaly.  
    Upon a closer look, you see dozens of images pass through the cloud.  The images depict characters from various, popular franchises going  through strange and unusual sequences. As off-putting as some of the  scenes are, you can’t help watching out of either curiosity or genuine  enjoyment. A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality.
     Turning your head, you are met with the soft gaze of a woman with a  shaved head. The eye creature is drawn on her forehead in ink,  surrounded by the same symbols from outside. “Hello traveler,” she says  in a low voice. “I see you’ve stumbled upon our little gathering.”
     Without a word, she leads you deeper into the crowd. “We are the  followers of the All Seeing One, the deity you see before you. Their  power is immense, able to alter space, time, and various realities to  create pocket dimensions for its own amusement. From time to time, it  gives us certain request. In return for providing a list of acceptable  candidates, it demonstrates its powers to us by recreating the scene  using the choices agreed upon by its followers.”
     As soon as she stops talking the image at the altar disappears, making  the rest of the hooded figures turn towards you. “If your mind is open  and your desires forthcoming, feel free to join our group of worship  under the eye of the All Seeing One. However, if you reject our offer we  will have no choice…but to politely ask you to leave.”
     Someone in the crowd purposefully clears their throat. “After you’ve  helped yourself to the food table of course,” she adds. “Especially  Stephen’s snicker-doodles, they are just divine.”
    For the past few years now, I’ve made it a tradition to have people  vote on what kind of fan fiction story I write next. Typically, I would  pick a subject (weight gain, transformations, etc.) and have people  suggest various characters and scenarios that fit the subject. While I  have enjoyed the previous sessions, I want to shake things up a bit in  terms of how things are done and what kind of stories I get to write.
  If you’ve read the above story, it sets the stage for what I want to do.  I’m going to provide five different scenarios, each of which is a  different request from the All Seeing One. For two weeks, your task will  be to suggest offerings (characters) that will fit the criteria for  each scenario. Once the suggestions are in, there will be a survey that  will determine which stories you want me to write and with which  characters. And yes, I said stories.
  My plan with this session is to suggest ideas that can be told in  relatively short stories. Using this method, I should be able to do  multiple stories going in order of popularity. I can’t promise that I’ll  do every single one, but I’ll try to do most of them. If you want to  get involved and become a member of the Church of EyeBeast, take a look  below at the guidelines and scenarios. Please read carefully.  
To suggest a character/characters, send the name of the character,  what franchise they’re from, and which scenario you want them in. You  can either use my ask box or message me directly
Regardless of method you use to suggest a character, no names will be  attached to the candidates.
You can submit as many suggestions as you wish until I close the submission phase.
You are free to suggest any characters you want, but if you want to   suggest one from something I know, you can refer to my media sheet: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast.....heet-819010665  
I will be looking just for characters, not scenarios.  
The same character can be suggested for difference scenarios as long as they fit the criteria.  
During the suggestion phase there will be no cap on how many  characters can be suggested for a scenario. However, once the polls are  made I will be narrowing down the character pools to no more than 10  entries each.  
The suggestion phase will last for two weeks, ending on JULY 15TH.  At that time, I will open up the survey for people to vote. After   another week, I will close the survey and announce the results.  
A) Couple’s Feast- We have an issue of too many leftovers from our last  meeting. The All Seeing One wishes to give them to one lucky couple. For  this one in particular, they will be looking for one male and one  female.
-General Idea: Male and female mutual weight gain.  
-Criteria: Any male and female couple.  
1. Joker (Persona 5) and one of the girls based on a poll
2. Breath of the Wild Link and Zelda  
3. Andy and Mai (KOF)
4. Hiro and 02 (Darling in the Franxxx)
5. Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)
6. Tharja and Male Robin (Fire Emblem)
7. Shuichi and Kaede (Danganronpa)
8. Mulan and Shang (Disney)
9. Vincent (Catherine) and either Catherine or Katherine based on a poll
10. Kimihito (Monster Musume) and a Monster girl based on a poll
11. Ryu and Chun-li (Street Fighter)
12. Izuku and Ochako (My Hero Academia)
13. Ed and Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
14. Makise Kurisu and Houoin Kyouma (Steins;Gate)
15. Male Reader and Doki Doki Literature Club Girl based on a poll
16. Male Reader and Huniepop Girl based on a poll
17. Hisao Nakai and Katawa Shoujo Girl based on a poll
18. Joey and Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)
19. Inuyasha and Kagome (Inuyasha)
B) Princess Makeover-The All Seeing One wishes to gift someone who is of  lower class or rough around the edges a taste of the high life,  specifically what it’s like to be a princess. They will be given an  extreme makeover, giving them the curves, bountiful hair, and regality  befitting someone of royalty. Gender of tribute does not matter.  
-General Idea: Extreme hourglass expansion, hair growth, princessification, and, if applicable, gender swap.  
-Criteria: Any character that could be described as being against  traditionally girly things. Things like a tomboy, a warrior, etc.  
1. Samus (Metroid)  
2. Ryuko (Kill La Kill)  
3. Sakura (Street Fighter)
4. Chie (Persona)
5. Korra (Avatar)
6. Aladdin (Disney)
7.  Lady (Devil May Cry)
8. Tracer (Overwatch)
9. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) poll to decide between classic and reboot
10. Kazuma (Konosuba)
11. R. Mika (Street Fighter)
12. Rotty Tops (Shantae)
13. Ganondorf (Zelda)
14. Amara (Borderlands)
15. Asuka (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
16. Shinobu Jacobs (No More Heroes)
C) Royal Reversal- The All Seeing One wishes to teach humility to the  upper class. The offering shall be given a complete reversal for their  life. Skinny to fat, clean to dirty, intelligent to idiotic, male to  female and vice versa. Obviously the offerings we are looking for must  come from royalty or are suitably upper class.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain, IQ loss, slob, and gender swap.  
-Criteria: Royalty or upper class. Things like kings, queens, princes, princesses, and the fabulously wealthy.  
1. Karin (Street Fighter)  
2. Wonder Woman (DC)  
3. Satsuki (Kill La Kill)  
4. Sonia (Danganronpa)
5.  Lucina (Fire Emblem)
6. Midna (Zelda) poll to decide which version
7. Hilde (Soulcalibur)
8. Peach (Mario)
9. Parasoul (Skullgirls)
10. Mary Saotome (Kakegurui)
11. Malty Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)
12. Catarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
13. Emelia (Re:Zero)
14. Risky Boots (Shantae)
15. Starfire (Teen Titans)
16. Jasmine (Disney)
D) Pig Deity-The All Seeing One wishes for an ego boost. Provide to them  the name of a god or holy person to wallow in the mud and become the  patron saint of hogs.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain and anthro pig transformation.  
-Criteria: A holy person, either a deity or someone very religious.  
1. Palutena (Kid Icarus)  
2. Aqua (Konosuba)  
3. Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)  
4.  Tiki (Fire Emblem)
5. Panty (Panty and Stocking)
6. Rosalina (Mario)
7. Azazel (Helltaker)
8. Venus (Huniepop)
9. Sophitia (Soulcalibur)
10. Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
11. Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
12. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
E) Pokemon Fusion- The All Seeing One has become aware of a world  inhabited by creatures called Pokémon. Its interest has piqued  concerning the everlasting bond made between the creatures and their  trainers. A test must be performed to see if we can further this  connection by combining the two beings.  
-General Ideas: Transformation and other effects based on the Pokémon chosen.  
-Criteria: A trainer and a Pokémon, preferably one that they have some kind of connection with.  
1. Roxie/Koffing  
2. Whitney/Miltank  
3. Bea/Hariyama
4. Flannery/Magcargo
5. Melony/Lapras
6. Sabrina/Slowbro
7. Nurse Joy/Chansey
8. Pokemon Breeder/Ditto
9. Fantina/Driftblim
10. Hilda/Scolipede
11. May/Slaking
12. Cynthia/Garchomp
13. Dawn/Spiritomb
14. Kiawe/Salazzle
15. Jessie/Arbok
16. Hex Maniac/Gourgeist
17. Officer Jenny/Arcanine
18. Lusamine/Buzzwole
19. Iris/Zekrom
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
It’s been a long decade
This time 10 years ago, I was 14, sneaking onto my brother’s computer, waiting for the new year with @alphahas and a bunch of others on the Roblox forums. 
That doesn’t begin to express how much my life has changed this decade, but for some reason, it’s one of the most memorable parts. 
In 2010 - I gained my first drop of internet fame making DBZ-themed Roblox clothing, dropped out of school for 3 months leading up to the summer holidays, bingeread all the Twilight books, decided that my education was more important than my feelings about getting bullied, went back into school, got my first Xbox and Laptop, and began playing on Xbox Live 6 hours a day. 
In 2011 - I ditched Twilight for Discworld, made some new school friends for the first time in my life, played a LOT of Left 4 Dead 2 with my sister, got my heart broken by Modern Warfare 3, and at the end of the year, I moved in with my dad and his fiance for the first time - moving from a shitty, overcrowded, unclean house into a strict environment  where yes I do have to shower every day, and yes I do eat proper food with actual utensils rather than used paper plates.  
In 2012 - My dad and his fiance split up and kicked me back down to my mother’s house just before my GCSEs began, and I was obviously very unhappy about this, so I decided to bingewatch Adventure Time across the 3 weeks they took place. Fortunately my GCSEs survived the fallout. I became inspired to draw Adventure Time art, massively improved my digital art style within the space of a couple months, and opened my first tumblr blog dedicated to analysing Adventure Time. 
In 2013 - My blog kicked off, I was making plenty of friends during my A-levels, and I was deeply enjoying school for the first time ever. On top of this, my dad finally got a place of his own and invited me to live with him. I’m still living with him now and the quality of life is much better, everything is much cleaner, we have actual heating, I’m actually clean, I had a stable food source, I cannot describe how much the change benefitted my life.  Even if he is an unstable moody bastard. Oh, also, I read Homestuck.  
In 2014 - I got really fit at the start of the year going to gym 3 times a week, then I studied AMERICAN POLITICS in A-level (which 2 years later I’d deeply regret). I did better in my A-levels this year than the previous year, so evened out to B’s all round. It might have been better if my good sociology teacher didn’t get sacked for accidentally sabotaging every health and social care student...  Applied for university and got a placement in the best uni in Wales. Started Uni. Had tons of money for first time. Got fat very quickly, RIP my weight. Got depressed and lonely in Halls. Hated politics classmates. At the end of the year I deleted my Adventure Time blog, and.... started getting really into Homestuck. 
In 2015 - Opened up this blog (hello it’s been 5 fucking years!!!), slouched off in university, became a massive Terezi stan, drew lots of Homestuck comics. I ate a tons of Quiche as well. It was okay. I’m going to be honest, other than this blog taking off not a lot of interesting things happened to me in 2015.  However, Undertale came out this year, so that was cool.  
In 2016 - Found Dad increasingly difficult to live with as he was getting frustrated with... everything about me, for some reason. It sucked. Brexit happened, the US election happened, Homestuck Act 7 happened, Hiveswap went off the map. I don’t remember much about this year and I’m glad for it because I was not happy. I think this is when I joined the Homestuck Reddit though/ 
In 2017 - Graduated University!!!! Volunteered in a charity shop for a few months whilst looking for a job, did 5 weeks of crappy work experience in a job centre. What else happened this year? I’m sure it was a lot of things but really I can’t remember. Got myself a Nintendo Switch. Became a permanent member of the Homestuck Discord. 
In 2018 - I secured myself a job! Hooray!!!! This alleviated the tensions with my dad, because he was happy that I was finally working. We’ve been on good terms since. As irritating as working in customer service for 8 hours a day can be, I liked that I was doing something all the time and the year could be a memorable one for that reason, rather than fading away like the previous 3 years had. The year was capped off by Deltarune, and being given a fuckton of wine by work contractors. 
In 2019 - A lot of terrible videogames came out earlier this year but it was mitigated by the release of DMC5, which must be cherished by all. I was put on short-time in January after the first Reckoning, then I got my full hours back in March when given a new role. Then our main client went into administration, and the OMEGA-Reckoning happened and everybody else in my tier lost their jobs with me as the sole survivor. We had no wine this year either, which is the saddest thing honestly. Later in the year I started taking up driving lessons, and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to drive by spring, though my instructor thinks that is too optimistic. I’ve found driving tough because of how my brain works; I can only concentrate on one thing at a time, so when I’m doing something right I’m usually doing something else wrong.   
What am I doing today - Sitting here playing Persona Q2 and humming the new Pokemon OP to myself because it is catchy. I will probably open the champaigne soon. 
From 10 years ago I’ve grown significantly. It’s almost like I experienced my teen years later, because I was so stunted from how I lived. I feel like it’s only now I’m reaching the maturity level, and degree of self respect, to call myself an adult. I’ve always struggled with relating to people offline as well, but... I’m growing okay with that. Who needs other people anyway? They just bring in drama. If I’m comfortable being by myself, there’s nothing wrong with that.  
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Hear me out, a Psychic type specialist whos a FA. When they notice their Pokemon are well above the normal weight and they 'accidently' bump into him it drives him mad in a good way
So basically, a Psychic-type focused Pokémon trainer who’s enabling their Pokémon into gaining more ‘n more? Now that’s some good stuff right there... a bunch of fat, adorable psychic types, round enough to waddle but still strong enough to fight.
Plus, I know that most Psychic types that people prefer to get fat are rather short so... then being as wide as they are tall is likely to happen.
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whimsicottonnee · 5 years
The Thesis of Pokemon Games : Why The Galar Region and SWSH Games Offers a Complete Reworking of the Series’ Central Thesis
 Pokémon as a plot-driven series can, first and foremost, be characterized by its insistence on the dual concepts of nostalgia and locality : particularly when combined as ‘local nostalgia.’
I’m not really going to go into my whole argument of how this is pulled off by the game developers and which aspects best contribute and remind us of ‘local nostalgia’ because most of us already know. All it takes is one listen of the ost for Twinleaf Town or Aspertia Town for players to become intensely nostalgic for older games. The running theme of the player’s mother, in my opinion, is one of the major keys to achieving this, as well.
So, the theses of pokémon games (or at least a good number of them!!) deal with the player’s local sphere and the expansion of it. It’s a game about going off to college or just simply moving away from home. It doesn’t have to be the player’s lifelong home, necessarily. Shadows of Almia, the Hoenn games, and the Alola games are the best examples I can think of where expanding your local sphere does not necessarily mean that the player’s never been outside of the in-game residence before. But despite being from another region, Chicole Village is undoubtedly the player’s home in Shadows of Almia. Partner Farm is the bedrock to which the player returns, repeatedly, to meet old friends and family before embarking off again to an adventure even further away. In the Alola games, the player has recently moved from Kanto, yet it’s clear through gameplay and character interactions that the player considers Hau’oli Outskirts to be their home. The player’s mother, equally key to constructing a hometown as the score partnered with it, is another symbol of nostalgia. The game’s storytelling, in most if not every game, is designed so that the player only knows their mother as a kind, warm, supportive, and ever welcoming presence : home is where the heart lies or “east or west, home is best.” So, in embarking from these cozy, nostalgic areas with the warm wishes of your mother, the innocent aspiration of moving out is well-portrayed in the series.
Here is where ‘backyard theory,’ as I like to call it, begins. The player (save for the Galar player, who routinely has the secret of meeting characters and locations spoiled by Hop) has very little, if any, knowledge of the region that surrounds their cozy hometown. The player must gain their first pokémon and travel down unfamiliar routes catching more and more unfamiliar pokémon. There is guidance to the story, of course. Roadblocks are constructed to prevent entering “too-difficult” levels, and a combination of the professor, rivals, and enemies provide incremental story, but there’s room to explore. Some games leave enough room that players get lost their first run-through (@ the Sinnoh and Johto games). Each town is new, and the player is welcome to aimlessly explore these areas : speak with the locals, peek into apartment buildings and chat with the occupants, accept items from kind npcs who reinvigorate the optimistic worldview of the series, etc. In time, the player expects theme songs to play at certain areas, expects the sounds that the pokémon make, and expects dialogue. Previously unfamiliar buildings become “oh that’s Guzma’s dad’s house” or “that’s where the boy who plays Unwavering Emotions lives.” And while this is a mechanic of most games (after all, exploration is a fundamental aspect to rpg), the pokémon games take it further.
Certain symbols become emblematic. The Pokecenter, in particular, becomes a bedrock of nostalgia. It certainly helps that the theme is only altered, never rewritten, between every iteration of the series. Soon, the player’s backyard and local sphere is no longer confined to their hometown but encompasses the entire region. Every player has a ‘first time’ entering Undella Town, but the music becomes hauntingly nostalgic once players have become familiar with it. There’s a reason why, despite only being a route theme, DPPT’s Route 209 got a remix in the latest Smash rather than, say, Sycamore’s Theme.
So, once the climax occurs (be it capturing Giratina or saving N from the actions of his abusive father or helping Lusamine’s loved ones save her from her own derangement), it’s not the Champion-to-Be but instead the local girl from Twinleaf Town with the Eterna Roserade and the Snowbelle Snover and is friends with the swimmer kids down by the resort. The varying plots of the various pokémon games aside, the climax of the series is when the local sphere become the entire region. And it’s at this point that you’ve earned being the Champion, regardless of your team’s coverage and levels.
Alola, in a sense, did one of the best jobs in capitalizing on this universal thesis in making the Champion theme, the player’s theme, an extraordinary remix of the entire game’s theme, but that’s another meal altogether.
 Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield turn all of this on its head. There are so many npcs that the player cannot speak to, and, in most of the larger cities, there are more npcs that the player cannot interact with than there are npcs the player can interact with. Motostoke struck me significantly in the beginning of the game because I ran around the city wondering why there were so many public areas, like shops and boutiques and plot-related venues, that I could explore but only three or four private residences that I could enter. Most npcs are found in passing along the street. As they pass the player, a small speech bubble pops over their head as if they’re mumbling to themself or merely speaking to the player in passing. Fundamentally, the player cannot interact with the locals. Most places that the player does explore is also heavily driven by the plot with either Leon or Hop telling the player to go to them in order to advance the… ‘story.’
The ‘story’ is going gym to gym with repeated encouragement or roadblock without being allowed to consider the weight of heavier concerns : i.e. the chairman killing the entire region through a weirdly futuristic pokémon that supposedly is thousands of years old. Everyone the player can speak with in the towns already knows the player, since the ‘Gym Challenge’ is broadcasted on regional telly for private enjoyment (another mesh of public and private spheres that simply feels jarring for such a private-based series). Many npcs will tell the player “I’m routing for you, you know!” or “You’re my favorite Gym Challenger!” without giving any information about themself. The player no longer expands their local spheres ; they simply allow locals to get to know the regional superstar.
The climax of the game is the player saving Leon after he has already significantly weakened the legendary pokémon on the player’s behalf so that the player may succeed in finishing Eternatus off and capturing it like any other Dynamax pokémon. Thus, the three who ultimately save the region from being sucked of its life by the Darkest Day are the three superstars who have had their entire careers broadcasted regionally on television.
The player’s mom never calls or shows up throughout the game once the player leaves their hometown, and she’s never given a personality. She’s cute, alright. milf rights. But one of the wonders to many other pokémon games is the knowledge that your mother had something similar once. I’ve been referencing the Sinnoh, Unova, and Alola games a lot, but I truly think these games understood ‘local nostalgia’ the best of the main series games. In the Sinnoh games, the player’s mother shows up in Hearthome and speaks of old days in the Contest Hall. In Unova, the player’s mom seems well-acquainted with cleaning up the mess left after pokémon battles. In Kalos, once of the more shallow games in the series for local nostalgia, the player’s mom was a famous Rhyhorn racer with a story of her own. In Alola, the player’s mom’s Meowth and her friendship with Kukui paint her character vibrantly ; it also certainly helps that one of the end cutscenes to the game is the reiteration of the first cutscene with her on the deck relishing the Alolan sea breeze. In Galar, however, there is none of that characterization. Her own pokémon, a Kanto Munchlax, says nothing of her character ; why not give her something that lets the player understand that she is a Galarian village mom? Give her a Skwovel or a cute Chewtle to characterize her. She never encourages the player to come home for a nap if the player ever gets tired. And, so, despite the hometown theme being really lovely and charming (and the Budews in the front yard being a heartwrench), the idea of nostalgia is almost nonexistent in the game.
My personal take on the nostalgia of Postwick is not within the game itself. It’s more the idea of Postwick, for me. The hype of the game and the humor behind the starter release and the lovely lofi remixes that came out for the trailer themes before the Debates began is what is nostalgic for me. Driving through the desert around the town I live in with the windows down in the one-hundred-degree heat listening to SWSH lofi remixes is what makes me nostalgic for Postwick : not the narrative of the game.
And, while that’s a personal experience, all of the other above reasons are why Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield simply feel hollow. There was a sacrifice of local nostalgia for the sake of how ‘cool’ superstars can be.
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
been a minute.
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? Nope. When was the last time you ran into something? Yesterday, my cat tripped me up and I hit the wall. Do you enjoy dressing up? Yes, it’s fun sometimes. Do you live in the city or a rural area? I live in the city, but in a quiet-ish neighborhood. 
Would you say you have a sense of style? Nope.
What’s your biggest fear? Having my fears used against me. For example, I was in an elevator once with some friends and these guys they knew and I mentioned how much I disliked being in an elevator, and they proceeded to jump up and down making it shake and freaking me the fuck out. So I don’t like to tell people my fears.  Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? Nope. Are you close to any of your cousins? Eh, yes and no. Have you ever been lost in the woods? No, thankfully. Where did you last travel? Wisconsin earlier this year. Ahh, remember traveling and fun? Do you enjoy driving? I do. What song did you last listen to? The theme song to this podcast I started listening to.  If you have a job, how often do you work? M-F, 7am - 3:30pm. What time do you normally go to sleep at night? Like midnight these days. Do you watch a lot of movies? Nah, I’m more into TV shows. Do you like Tom Petty? I do. Would you rather have snow or rain? RAIN ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Do you own a lot of sweaters? I own a lot of sweatshirts. Have you ever tried rock-climbing? Climbing walls, sure. Ever ridden in a police car? Yup. Favorite decade of music? I don’t have one. I typically don’t classify music by decade.  Have any of your best friends been your best friend longer than a year? All of them.  Ever witnessed a murder? No. Does your room have a ceiling fan? No. Have you ever tried blogging? Not legit. I had a Xanga but I didn’t update it like a blog. And then, this shit.  Favorite television channel? I don’t have regular TV anymore, just streaming stuff.  Have you ever lied under oath? Nope. What are your religious views? I don’t have any. When did you last change your bed sheets? We’re about to today or tomorrow whenever our new sheets come. Would you consider yourself a flirt? No. At what age do you plan to be married? I’m already married. Do you eat a lot of junk food? Lol.  When did you last go on vacation? Earlier this year. Are you resilient? Eh. Have you ever failed a subject before? Yeah. If so, what was the class? Some shit in college.  Do you wear more bright or dull colors? What would you consider blue? Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? Yes. What’s your favorite quote? "Love Her, But Leave Her Wild.” How many clocks are in your house? Like 10 if you count all the electronics that tell time.  Do you play any sports? Nope. What is your biggest life regret? I don’t have any. Have you ever been injured in a car accident? Not injured, no. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? SWIMMING. Or to see my family. Or out to eat sushi. Or to a bar. Or to a giant crowd of people.  Have you ever had highlights in your hair? Eh. Favorite fast food restaurant? Popeyes. In what country were you born? US of A. Are your eyes more than one color? They are a few shades of green. Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes. What would you consider your biggest flaw? I’m too passionate sometimes and it can come off as annoying.  What do you think your best quality is? I’m creative and kind.  Do you enjoy listening to others’ problems? Sure.
Do you keep any plants in your house? I have a couple air plants. What is your mother’s occupation? She was a SAHM my whole life. Do any of your friends like your musical style? Sure. What are you most looking forward to? Thus fucking shit to be over so I can hold my fucking nieces. What was your favorite television show as a child? Tiny Toons, Garfield and Friends, Pokemon, Angela Anaconda, basically everything on Nickelodeon.  Are you afraid of insects? Not afraid, no. I dislike earwigs and centepieds though.  Are you cold-natured? I don’t like being too cold and i don’t like being too hot so do what you want with that info. How old were you when you got your first pet? I was 7 when my 2nd grade teacher asked if we would take our class pet parakeets home for the summer and then never asked for them back lol. Did you / do you enjoy high school? I liked parts of it. What would you say was your favorite age? Eh. What annoys you most about social networking? The people.
Are you the center of attention most of the time? Nope. What are you currently reading? I’m still working on RBW’s book. When did you last go to the library? Jesus it’s been a while. Are you ill at the moment? No. Do people tease you about anything? Sure. How late did you stay up last night and why? Midnightish. I was browsing stuff.  Have you ever written poetry? When we had to for English classes. Curtains or shades? Curtains. How many people have you spoken to in the last hour? My coworkers over the phone, someone else from work, and Mark. Do you tend to text a lot? Sure. Ever lost a great best friend? Wasn’t that great if I lost her. What is your favorite kind of flower? Gardenias. Do you own any guns? Mark has a bb gun. What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? To Kill a Mockingbird. What’s your least favorite part of the day? Late afternoon.
Have you ever won an award for a speech? No. Do you tend to curse a lot? Yes. Have you ever played on the Ouija board? Yes. Do you sleepwalk? Nope. Have you ever slept on the floor before? Yeah. Are you a fan of public displays of affection? Eh. When did you last attend a yard sale? It’s been a couple years. What goals do you wish to accomplish tomorrow? Tomorrow I have a Zoom meeting so I need to be dressed for that :P. When is your birthday? Sept 2nd. What was the best part of today? I made guac. Do you attempt to stay away from drama? Involving me, yes. What liquid did you last drink? Iced tea. Do you ever prefer to be alone? Sure. Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? Our cat Saké is pretty deadly, lol. Favorite Disney movie? The Toy Story series, Emperor’s New Groove, Alice in Wonderland, and Moana. Have you ever been to the beach? SO many times. I love the beach. If you have, how many times have you been? ^^^^ I WANNA GO RIGHT NOW. What was your dream occupation at age ten? A vet I think. Are you terrified at the idea of weight-gain? What a stupid thing to be afraid of. Do you drink a lot of water? Yes. Does your room have carpet or hard-wood floors? Carpet. Do you take naps daily? No.
Who were you named after? No one in particular. Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? Fuck you. Do you know anyone who is colorblind? My husband is colorblind. Have you ever been a teacher’s pet? Eh. What is your absolute favorite hobby? Swimming. Ever been to a tanning bed before? Nope. Are you satisfied with your financial stability? Lol.  Who is your favorite actor / actress? Will Arnett, Aubrey Plaza, Paul Rudd, Alison Brie. Are your nails painted? They are very very grown out from when I got them done over a month ago now. Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? Uh. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? Butter Pecan because I’m 80. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? Yeah, ish. Do you receive any hate mail? Eh. I have, but it’s not a regular occurrance.  Have you ever sent a letter in the mail? Yeah. If you could, would you have a pen pal? Sure. What color are the pants you’re wearing? I’m wearing black leggings. What is your life philosophy? Do what makes you happy. Who last sent you a goodnight text message? Idk. Do you own any clothes that are your favorite color? Yup. Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Yup. What’s your favorite comedy movie? Wet Hot American Summer. In which year were you born? 1989.
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