danafeelingsick · 10 months
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l imbus c om pany limmbusd c ompfpany
big thanks to @pokemonispain for this commission!
we're a little busy here at the studio this time of the year but still around. psst, art commissions!
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sideburnsmelancholia · 6 months
Heath.cliff panted heavily as the wind had been knocked out of him following the tribulation of being interrogated for over seven days. His captor hissed questions, barked orders to others around him and worst of all, was not above obscene tortu.re methods.
Self respect and pride had long left H.eathcliff’s mind and body. But still, the pain did not subside: for Heathcliff did not have the answers that they so desperately wanted.
H.eathcliff’s body had begun to go into shock as he trembled, got lost in his own thoughts and couldn’t remember what was being asked of him, and worst of all began to feel a strange calm slither along his cold skin.
Though the boy did not know his true age, he had been told that he was most likely 16 years old now. Given the trauma of emigrating and now being a prisoner he had lost all gains he previously held as a labourer. His collar bones protruded and his eyes appeared sunken like two coals left in the snow.
There was a creaking of the cabin door and a heavy thud which startled the young man awake. Dehydration had made his vision blurry and he could not see in the darkness of the room, but he heard a heavy thud and saw a large shape on the floor.
“Look at what a found!” A familiar voice laughed, gesturing to the shape. The room began to spin and Heathcliff lost consciousness once again.
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honorhearted · 1 year
@sideburnsandmelancholy continued from (x)
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When H.eathcliff rose with intent, Benjamin, too, stood from his perch and watched the melodrama unfold. He wasn't sure what his plans were for Isabella, but regardless of whether or not his brother's actions were nefarious, it was Cathy he seemed to be seeking to nettle the most... And was whole-heartedly succeeding.
She gave an audible cry, tugging at her hair and writhing in her seat. Unnerved, Benjamin spared her a disbelieving glance, then looked in between both men before following after H.eathcliff.
"We shouldn't have come here," he decided, a slightly acidic sensation taking root in his stomach. "Your family...they aren't good people, H.eathcliff. You have to know this." Shaking his head, Benjamin continued, "What good is it to re-enter their lives when after all this time -- your entire upbringing -- they didn't bother checking in on your well-being? They left you to die. They left you for me to find. Is the life you have no longer enough for you?"
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
"I disturbed nobody, Nelly," he replied; "and I gave some ease to myself. I shall be a great deal more comfortable now; and you'll have a better chance of keeping me underground, when I get there. Disturbed her? No! she has disturbed me, night and day, through eighteen years - incessantly - remorselessly - until yesternight; and yesternight I was tranquil. I dreamt I was sleeping the last sleep by that sleeper with my heart stopped and my cheek frozen against hers."
H.eathcliff, W.uthering H.eights
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sideburnsmelancholia · 4 months
Did I make a grievous error and miss a part about L.ockwood commenting of H.eathcliff’s legs lmao?
I think he says they’re strong? Is this the mandala effect???
I literally just finished the book again on Monday so it’s fresh but please does anyone have info on this particular blorbo?
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honorhearted · 10 months
[A piece of torn parchment is found on Benjamin’s desk, the ink of a dark brown variety and the penmanship seeming to be written with a finger and not a quill. A lock of thick, dark raven hair with the same colour ink at the root slips out and into the desk. ]
Don’t send a boy out to do a man’s job. -R.R.
[upon closer inspection there is a scent of metal oozing from the paper; blood.]
//trying to get my muse back after my IRL character development lol. I’ve left the details open so you can take it wherever you like!
It had been weeks since Benjamin received this haphazard note. Despite his dire frustration, time had not been on his side, proving nearly impossible to contact the elusive Rogers. Ultimately, a final clue had been left where the major could find it: a single word on a scrap of parchment reading J.ersey. He intended for them to meet where it all began...
When Benjamin reached his destination on horseback, the moon was full and illuminated his path. Dismounting, he patted the snorting beast’s neck, then appraised his surroundings with caution. Leafless, bone-like branches reached out to him overhead, and aside from the occasional hoot of an owl, all was eerily still…too still for comfort.
“So good a’ yeh to show yer face, boy.”
Whirling around, Benjamin scowled and stepped away from his horse, an instant spike of rage coursing throughout his veins. “Believe me, I’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long. I wouldn’t have disappointed you.”
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Rogers chuckled, his teeth glinting sharp and feral within the moonlight. “So good ta hear it. I figgered I’d give yeh the chance to make good on yer threat.”
“No, not a threat. A promise,” Benjamin corrected.
Drawing a hand mockingly over his chest, Rogers declared, “I stan’ corrected. I hope yeh know this is nothin’ personal.”
“Oh, I beg to differ. The moment you stole my brother’s name – Samuel’s name – it became nothing but personal. And how that you've deigned to harm my only remaining sibling, I hope you know this can only end one way." Here, Benjamin drew back his coat to reveal his firelock. "Where is he? Where's H.eathcliff?"
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w.hit.e literary academics on H.eathcliff’s ethnicity:
-he’s found in Liverpool so maybe he’s I.rish ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
- maybe he was running from the I.rish potato famine (the one from the 1840s lmao)
-the Brontës were Irish!!111
- his ethnicity is “vague” !!!1111
The Author:
H.eathcliff was:
- a dark skinned [Romani] and a gentleman in dress and aspect
- the year was 1801 
- several defamatory comparisons to his heritage and complexion 
w.hite literary academics:
“So anyway haha he could be wh.ite......maybe tanned.....haha maybe not.....but shhhh...”
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1. Only thing scarier than angry Heath.cliff is positive/welcoming Heat.hcliff.
2. I have literally been this cringe about someone else’s suffering and now In my old age I see Bro.ntë was like “u dumb”
3. He.athcliff just went “oh no! Anyway”
4. Cath.y 2 should have said “L.inton blink thrice if you are under duress.”
5. Yes I know Lin.Ton is suffering abu.se and his whole purpose of surviving is to be used etc etc but also he’s problematic and makes fun of Har.eton for being illiterate and has the snobbery of the Li.ntons which everyone seems to ignore but whatever lol.
H.eathcliff has two brain cells to his name and isn’t really fit to run a bath let alone an estate or two, plus children. He really doesn’t have the ability to suffer fools (he never did really) and his impulsivity is clear with how enraged he becomes with his son’s unchad like behaviour and demeanour.
I’ve seen it said that because he acts somewhat “normal” such as running estates, renting properties etc. that somehow he is a cold calculating whatever. Yes, he is calculating in the revenge plot TM but that doesn’t really negate the fact that he’s clearly dealing with unresolved trauma on multiple fronts and is clearly impulsive, might have brain damage from all the beatings and thrashings, or might have happened while he was away.
He’s problematic which is why I’ve gravitated towards him but like lol “he’s a monster” is a little 🥱 to me because it sounds pretty biased.
Imagine threatening and beating up a discriminated orphaned 7 year old when you’re 14 🤪 because you’re jealous and then having Stans in the 21st century.
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Remember that time Is.abella L.inton was openly sobbing and Cat.hy was like
“There’s only room for 1 drama queen in this house wtf is wrong problem”
And I.sabella was like 😭😭😭 “I’m in love with mr. H.eathcliff and you’re a doodoo head and wouldn’t let me hang
And the canonically verbatim of C.atherine Earn.shaw L.inton was
“Is she sane?”
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somehow i was fine with h.eathcliff and i.sabella doing the nasty on screen 
but seeing Ed.gar’s pasty ass body sent me to another world of uncomfy lol
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