#ha i didnt proofread prepare to cringe
thoughtfulseason · 7 years
Tagged by @childofdustandashes ily <333
Rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
@kailaurens @reguluz @kentclarks @lupins @linemie @stuckwith-harry @ronaldswheezy @arwenundomiel @znanyjany @cabin-girl @potterrj @theheirofillea @thisonestargazer
1. Drink: water

2. Phone call: my grandma

3. Text message: “ok”

4. Song you listened to: Billie Eilish - Fingers Crossed
5. Time you cried: five days ago (woah that was long ago lmao)
6. Dated someone twice?: never
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I’ve never kissed anyone

8. Been cheated on: no

9. Lost someone special: my grandma’s second husband. i was only six at the time and it wasnt SUCH a big loss back then but i really miss him :’(
10. Been depressed: like literally ten minutes ago
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink
Fave colours;
12. blue

13. light pink
14. white etc etc etc
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: no
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: today during lithuanian lecture cause the teacher was looking at me and like provoking to laugh....so yeah couldnt hold back....i literally wiped my tears afterwards....and i always laugh during french (the teacher is super wonderful and she is so funny so it’s unavoidable)

18. Found out someone was talking about you: not so sure?
19. Met someone who changed you: only the person i met in 2016 (lmao not hard to guess who)

20. Found out who your friends are: not really.... :(
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: haha lmao no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: the majority
23. Do you have any pets: two cats
24. Do you want to change your name: when i was small i wanted my name to be emily (my sister’s name) and i really hated my name but now ive really grown to love it and i wouldnt trade it to anything (even if i hate how without my teaching non lithuanians would pronounce it)
25. What did you do for your last birthday: cried (and went on a guided city tour but on the exact birthday day went to dine with my family)

26. What time did you wake up today: 7 i think

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping

28. What is something you cant wait for: to meet egle on wednesday and talk to her (im begging for us to meet pls god)

30. What are you listening to right now: Billie Eilish - Bellyache
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes. my aunt’s husband is tom and our family’s ex friends family’s one member was tom (a year younger than me)

32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: when people shout

33. Most visited website: tumblr, instagram, youtube
34. Hair colour: dark blonde

35. Long or short hair: medium. reaches my chest
36. Do you have a crush on someone: platonic 
37. What do you like about yourself: i like the two freckles behind my left eye (i dont have freckles, its just very tiny moles?? so theyre freckles), my talents, that i feel very strongly (not sth i should be proud of but i like it) but the most of all - my ability to get better and better
38. Want any piercings?: no
39. Blood type: i always forget it and need to ask my mom haha

40. Nicknames: Rad by a couple of users here, but i prefer my full name

41. Relationship status: single (thank god)
42. Zodiac: aries

43. Pronouns: she/her

44. Fave tv shows: dont have much time for that now but i guess anne with an e, a series of unfortunate events, skam, atla (these are literally the best but i watch more when i have time)

45. Tattoos: none
46. Right or left handed: left
47. Ever had surgery: apendicitis when i was 13
48. Piercings: none

49. Sport: skiing, tennis, swimming
50. Vacation: Scotland or Ireland, but literally anywhere i guess
51. Trainers: idek
More general;
52. Eating: i just ate three chocolate candies oops
53. Drinking: water or tea
 (but normal tea, without milk)
54. I’m about to watch: olympics ice skating with my family
55. Waiting for: egle to understand what interesting person i am
56. Want: to become friends with egle (and call the informal you ffs)
57. Get married: someday

58. Career: i want to be a translator and a writer 
Which is better;
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs

60. Lips or eye: eyes! im slut for looking person i love in the eyes for a long time but why do i look at egle’s lips (like i look at all her face and like the eyeliner but not the eye colour why am i like this)
61. Shorter or taller: shorter
62. Older or younger: idk

63. Nice arms or stomach: both (like id say stomach but i have really nice arms and id better keep them than stomach, but ive been exercising in order to be healthy and have a better stomach)

64. Hookup or relationship: relationship!

65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant (cause thats what i am lol)
Have you ever;
66. Kissed a stranger: no

67. Drank hard liquor: i dont think so
68. Lost glasses: i never used them 

69. Turned someone down: no
70. Sex on first date: no

71. Broken someones heart: I don’t know, but never on purpose

72. Had your heart broken: yes
73. Been arrested: no

74. Cried when someone died: yes

75. Fallen for a friend: no
Do you believe in;
76. Yourself: I try to
 love myself and im getting better at this
77. Miracles: yes!

78. Love at first sight: yes, cause my parents were like this

79. Santa claus: I used to
, but i saw him so he exists just doesnt bring presents
80. Kiss on a first date: idek but i think thats just the movie scenario hahaha
81. Angels: i think so
82. Best friend’s name: i wish it was egle
83. Eye colour: blue

84. Fave movie: this question is too difficult
85. Fave actor: Emma Watson, Felicity Jones, Alicia Vikander etc etc
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