#hachichimitsu’s cognitive function series
hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
so are stan and kyle in anyway similar then?
They both share Se and Ni, so they perceive the world pretty much the same. It’s the actions they do that greatly differs (Stan’s Fi-Te vs Kyle’s Fe-Ti)! I’ll do a post about how similar and different these two are real soon, so look forward to that! ;)
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
A compilation of my favorite Craig Tucker (ISTP) moments (w/ cognitive functions)
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Curious to hear your thoughts on Tweek's MBTI being an ISFJ in a Ne grip (the current consensus on PDB).
Hello anon! I’ve actually been wrestling with his type for years now! Previously, I assumed he is an ENFP with really unhealthy Ne-dom traits, but ISFJ and Inferior Ne is slowly starting to make sense to me. However, on one hand, Tweek seems like a very obvious Inferior Ne user with how he uses Ne to catastrophize all the negative possibilities to a situation, but “Put it Down” sort of shows Inferior Si in display, with him needing Craig to redirect and organize his initial feelings and perceptions to bring forth a call to action. Generally, Tweek is an unorganized, forgetful individual. In fact, he often forgets to ground himself, often relying on external reminders (Craig, his dad telling him to find his center, etc.) to remind him to partake in mindfulness and calming, meditative exercises. He even forgot the phrase “Hammer Time” until the very last minute, and his current room is littered with clutter of fairly interesting hobbies and empty coffee cups. However, whether that’s related to Inferior Si or just mental health issues are hard to distinguish. It’s harder to type characters when they have an unhealthy balance of the way they use their functions.
The only thing that’s got me conflicted are his Fi/Te or Fe/Ti axis. Tweek definitely has Fx higher than his Tx, due to his aversion to Craig’s Ti sometimes. His aversion to Craig’s Ti could either stem from Ti being his POLR function OR Tweek being a high stack Fe user finding Craig’s Inferior Fe emotionally invalidating. There’s also Tweek being honest to a fault, in which, yeah, both Fe and Fi users can be vocal about their values, but Tweek seems to be the type of person that is unapologetically himself even if it isn’t “appropriate” or “socially comfortable” for others to hear. It also feels like he constantly needs to *do* something to gain some semblance of control. Sitting around and letting things happen gives him more stress than taking action by his own hands. With that, it seems like he uses Te more than Ti due to how he solves problems and make decisions, in which any problem he faces seems to be an “urgent” matter that needs to be rectified. He doesn’t want to sit down and pick out and analyze the problem. He wants to reaffirm his internal feelings first and then want the problem gone for good (Fi-Te?).
In the Fractured but Whole, we see Tweek being more vocal and defiant (when he’s not a nervous wreck). Besides TFBW, he calls out on people and swallows his fears to do the right thing eventually. In Post-COVID, he is still clearly vocal about his authentic feelings even when Kyle literally just asked him a “how are you” (“Aghh, I’m getting anxiety back from being with all these people”). This could all constitute as either Fi or Fe though, but Fe values don’t really seem to be something he prioritizes.
Thus, im inclined to say ENFP for now (?) but ISFJ is also very befitting for him. Honestly, I could be missing something, so if anyone has anything to add, please feel free to share them. If there were more Fe arguments, I’d probably lean towards ISFJ, but I haven’t seen much that’s completely sold me yet.
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
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OMG i didnt expect my quiz to gain that much traction. ty so much to everyone who took my silly mbti quiz. im hoping to revamp my south park mbti guide and transfer my stan marsh and kyle broflovski mbti twitter threads into a reasonable tumblr format while im still in xmas break!
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hachichimitsu · 1 year
In your test there’s a link when you get your answer for your type, I was gonna ask if you could post them all in a doc or a post so I can read them all :0
Hello anon! I’m truly sorry for the super long overdue reply! I’ve been inactive on Tumblr for quite some time now, so this ask has been sitting away in the vaults without me even realizing it 😭 
You know what? I’m actually surprised I haven’t done that yet, so thanks for the reminder!! I’m sure others are also curious as to know how the other results fare, so I hope this helps! :) 
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Cartman (ENTJ) and his reliance of Introverted Intuition.
(tl;dr This is the trait within him that predicts the most likely outcome to any given scenario. It’s a future-oriented way of processing things that help him become “two steps ahead” of his opponents. “I knew you were going to do that” and “This plan can’t possibly fail” are the inner mantras of anyone who uses introverted intuition (NJ + SP types). He likes to silently and secretly do things until it’s the “right time” to reveal that it’s all according to plan.)
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Howdy Southparkatiers! I just made an MBTI quiz for newbies and newcomers who need help figuring out their personality type! Are you a mistype from 16Personalities? Only one way to find out! https://uquiz.com/RpxkI8
I’m not an MBTI practitioner nor a typology expert by any means, so if you see any flaws in regards to cognitive functions in my test, please let me know!! I truly aim for this test to help others get into mbti (cognitive functions) themselves!! Feel free to share this with your friends or use this to help type fictional characters. I tried my best to use simple, easy to read language here, but I do use some pretty big words on my end, so take your time and read through carefully to get the most “accurate” results!!
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Butters (INFP) and his stellar usage of Introverted Sensing.
(tl;dr This is the trait within him that prioritizes and preserves past experiences and memories. Often chronological, detail-oriented and systematic in his thought process, explanations, story-telling and methodology, while also being the one to help others remember things in great detail.)
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
hello gang! i made a full-length thread of almost every single signature ISFP Stan Marsh moment on Twitter, filled with brief commentary, additional clips to accentuate my points and a deep dive into his cognitive functions. Feel free to check it out here: (x)
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
hello gang! i made ANOTHER full-length thread of almost every single signature INFJ Kyle Broflovski moment on Twitter because I currently have COVID and nothing else better to do!! it’s the same drill of it being a video thread compilation with added extensive commentary. feel free to check it out here: (x)
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
Considering the fact that you’re an INFJ and Kyle’s an INFJ, do you relate to Kyle is any way? do you relate to any other characters?
Yeah, I definitely do. Usually the characters I relate to the most are NEVER my favorite because they remind me too much of myself 😂 I definitely relate to Kyle’s neuroticism and his desire to be sociable with others. Watching The List, Cartmanland, Toilet Paper and Passion of the Jew is like peering through a mirror. In real life though, my friends often compare me a lot to Wendy since I look like her and I was the student council president in my school too lmao but sadly I’m not as extroverted as she is. I’m really quiet irl.
I don’t really relate to Stan personality-wise, but he’s my absolute favorite character purely because his familial situation is eeeeeerily similar to mine. My parents are sort of like a healthier version of Randy and Sharon. His struggles with clinical depression heavily resonated a lot with me, especially in my teenage years. I don’t think I’ve ever come across a character that’s impacted me as hard as he did. I was just like him back in the 8th grade :(
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
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Hello South Park community! Please don’t scroll away. I assure you that there isn’t any science or technical mumbo-jumbo involved. Are you interested in learning how to read people and / or verify if your interpretation of a character correlates to in-canon material? Well then read on ahead!
As I peruse through this community, I realized that there is always a debate on whether the fandom’s portrayal of the characters are ooc or a severe misinterpretation of their personality. While I definitely respect people in the way they interpret media and characters since art is inherently what “you” get out of it rather than just the mere technicalities and creator’s intent, I can’t help but wonder if how I perceive a certain character is somehow flanderdized or misrepresented from the actual source material itself. Not that it should be of great concern because it isn’t that deep if you think about it, but I realize there are a good few in this community who has the same thought in their head, and are intended to make sure that they are “non-biased” in the way they discuss the characters. “Non-biased” specifically in quotation marks because, let’s be real, the only people who truly know the characters inside-out is Matt and Trey themselves, and even they don’t take ooc portrayals all that seriously.
If only there was a system that can help us pinpoint common character patterns and the inner mechanisms of a character’s mind, such as the way they perceive the world, how they process information, the way they take action and their overall personality? Oh wait, there is!
Cognitive functions is a personality system designed by Carl Jung that specifies the way we perceive the world (how we take in information) and how we judge the world (how we make decisions). You know the common labels such as ENFP, INFJ, INFP, etc.? Yup, they are all related to Jung’s cognitive functions theory!
But wait, wasn’t it the famous mother-daughter duo Myers-Briggs or 16Personalities that created the system? Nope, more so ripped off of his work and flanderdized the hell out of his research and theories. I want to make it absolutely clear that whatever you learned from 16Personalities ISN’T what Jungian cognitive functions is all about. Cognitive functions is a whole lot more multi-faceted and nuanced than mere schematic classification. There’s a REASON why you get a different result every time you retake the 16Personalities test, and it all boils down to 16Personalities and MBTI being an inherently flawed system. There’s a wonderful, well-researched Carrd that discusses about the problematic aspects regarding Myers-Briggs over here if you want any more clarifications: (link) Unfortunately, while I’d love to discuss more about it, this post would be way too long, and this link has a lot more sufficient data and credibility than anything I’d produce regarding this topic, so I suggest checking it out!
For now, forget everything you knew about MBTI from 16Personalities, and let’s learn about cognitive functions instead! If this is your first time hearing about MBTI in general, then you’re in luck. You might actually have an easier time digesting this than if you learned about 16Personalities beforehand.
The 4-letter system, such as ENTJ, INFP, etc., is actually a code in finding out what cognitive functions someone uses. It not only helps us understand how someone perceives and judges the world, but also in turn helps us figure out a person’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s a useful tool in learning how to read and understand people, and it’s especially a wonderful tool in analyzing and writing fictional characters!
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Source: Nerdy Creator
The photo above portrays the cognitive functions per personality type. I know this looks pretty overwhelming, but I promise you it’s easier than it looks! According to cognitive functions, we perceive things and judge things in our day-to-day life, and the way we perceive and judge things can differ from person to person. In fact, there are 4 ways of perceiving things and 4 ways of judging things, making it a summation of 8 cognitive functions:
The Judging Functions (How We Make Decisions):
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
The Perceiving Functions (How We Absorb Info):
Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Despite there being 8 cognitive functions, we heavily rely on 4. You should have at least one feeling function, one thinking function, one intuition function and one sensing function in your Top 4. This never ever changes.
For example, if you look at the chart above, the cognitive functions for an INFP are:
Introverted Feeling (Fi): One Feeling Function
Extroverted Intuition (Ne): One Intuition Function
Introverted Sensing (Si): One Sensing Function
Extroverted Thinking (Te): One Thinking Function
The order of these functions are also extremely important! The first function is the function you use the most, while the fourth function is the function you use the least! In short, the first function can arguably be your greatest strength, while the fourth function can arguably be your greatest weakness. For an INFP, their greatest strength is their Introverted Feeling while their greatest weakness is their Extroverted Thinking.
Because cognitive functions focuses more on the inner mechanisms of the mind rather than just mere personality unlike MBTI, it’s impossible to change your personality type. Each personality type is truly different from the other. You can’t be an INFJ one day, and then become an INFP in the next because surprisingly, these 2 types don’t share any of the same perceiving and judging processes at all! Our 4-letters never change, it’s only the way we use and develop our functions that does.
Does that sound restricting? Believe me, it’s not. It’s almost synonymous to the essence of our soul. Yes, we change and grow as we get older, but there will always be that special something that makes you “you”. These 4-letters don’t define you, but it does provide an explanation as to why you are the way that you are.
As a rule, you’ll always have 2 extroverted functions and 2 introverted functions. This is because Carl Jung believes we all have introverted aspects of our personality, as well as extroverted aspects. For easy convenience, if a function is introverted, it means that you internalize that function. If a function is extroverted, it means that you externalize that function.
Now, what do each of these functions mean? Let’s start with the easiest ones to digest: the feeling functions!
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Introverted Feeling is all about authenticity and being true to the self. It’s identity-based where its decision-making is based off of the personal values, morals, beliefs and truths of the person. Everything an Introverted Feeler does is supposedly “what feels right to them.” Because of this, introverted feelers categorize people according to their strengths and weaknesses, as its those aspects that make them unique and special. They are all about appreciating a person for their flaws and imperfections since its those traits that make them “human” and “real”.
Introverted feelers, like Stan, are individualistic. It doesn’t matter if he’s out of a fad (You Have 0 Friends), gets exiled from the town (Douche and Turd) or is villified for saying the honest truth (Trapped in the Closet). What matters to him is that he fights for what he believes to be right, and would never trade his authentic self for the demands of societal peer pressure. A great example of this is “Band in China”. While Stan has the opportunity to sell himself out in order to go back to his old life, his core identity, morals and beliefs refuse to let him change who he is as a person in order to appease to the Chinese government. Stan will always do what he “feels” to be the right thing to do, because it all inevitably ties down to adhering for his own “personal truth”.
Stan also greatly dislikes people who lie to him. In “Future Self n’ Me”, Stan feels disrespected that his parents lied to him about his future self, to the point that he’s constantly trying to get them to admit that they’re lying. He felt so disrespected that he actually turns to Cartman (who is also an introverted feeler) for help in plotting a payback against them. Fi users will always advocate for the truth and authenticity as they find that it’s pointless believing in something if it isn’t true to them.
Stan only commits actions because he *wants* to do them. It doesn’t need to have any logical explanation as to *why* he wants to do it all the time, but it has to come down to *him* wanting to do it in the end. In the episode, “Scause for Applause”, when the town and reporter questions him on why he’s still wearing the “What Will Jesus Do” bracelet, he just responds, “…I don’t know. I like it.” Introverted feelers don’t understand or relate as to why you have to logically rationalize and justify your reasons for doing something. Just the fact that they “feel like doing it” is their main motivator in doing it.
Examples of Introverted Feeling Within Stan:
“No. You know what I think? I think this is all an elaborate hoax! And I think that whoever is doing it doesn't have very much respect for me! >See, the best way to try to motivate somebody is by being direct with them, to be honest with them. I think the whole future self thing is a lie, and lies are never the right way to get your message across.<” – “Future Self n’ Me”
“Yeah, but I can't sell my soul like this. I want to get away from that farm, more than anything, but it's not worth living in a world where China controls my country's art. >I don't care how many people you have! I've got something in me that just won't let me be a part of all this. I wanna be proud of who we are, guys! And anybody who would betray their ideals just to make money in China isn't worth a lick of spit.<” – “Band in China”
Other Characters that Possess Introverted Feeling:
Eric Cartman (“ >If you want some quality friends, you gotta wade through all the dicks first.<”)
Butters Stotch (“I love life...Yeah, I'm sad, but at the same time, I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. >It's like...It makes me feel alive, you know. It makes me feel human.< The only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt something really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good. So I guess what I'm feeling is like a beautiful sadness.”)
Randy Marsh (“No...No, I can't do this. You wanna know what really happened? The President...sent me his lawyer, and his lawyer told me what to say to get off and gave me a joint in prison. And then I smoked that joint! And you know what I thought?! I thought "this is some shitty-ass weed." It wasn't Tegridy. It barely even changed my mental state. >The reason I got into the marijuana business was to make quality, simple weed that came from the heart. Weed that was strong, and pure. Somewhere on that journey I lost my way.< Tegridy weed is about community. It's a sunrise. It's the smile on a baby. But most of all, Tegridy weed is about family. I had forgotten I have a loving wife, and son, and I'm not gonna forget them anymore. So I'm not gonna fight this. I'll do my time and... maybe someday I'll be back. Making marijuana that's simple. Marijuana that's Tegridy. Because, >when you do the right thing, good things happen<.”)
Let’s now move on to extroverted feeling. Extroverted Feeling is all about putting the feelings of others as an important factor in decision-making. It’s collective-based where its decision-making is based off of the values, emotions, morals, beliefs and truths of those around them. Everything an Extroverted Feeler does is supposedly “for the good of others, or in accordance as to how others “feel” about them. Because of this, extroverted feelers view people as “cut from the same cloth”, where everyone is equal and therefore, everyone should be treated the same. They are all about understanding social rules and “working together and doing your part” in order to achieve a solution that benefits or adheres to everyone.
Extroverted feelers, like Kyle, are “collective”. Unlike Stan, Kyle is sensitive as to how people view him (The List), will partake in fads in order to achieve a sense of belonging (You Have 0 Friends, Chinpokomon, South Park is Gay), and is all about considering how his actions are affecting people (Ginger Cow). However, while that does sound like people-pleasing territory, that isn’t what extroverted feeling primarily pertains to. There’s a reason as to why it’s so collective-based. An extroverted feeler’s system of what’s right or wrong is constantly being shaped by society or other people’s perspectives. Unlike Stan, Kyle believes in the universal truth, which is constantly changing as the world changes. Sure, he gets his head wrapped up in fads and what others feel about him, but his receptiveness to feedback, outside perspectives and critique from his peers help fuel his internal logic, which helps him deduce what the mass majority deems to be the most accurate of information. Kyle, most certainly thinks for himself, but he needs a basis of objectivity by reconfirming, reaffirming and asking others on their thoughts and opinions on things in order to do so.
Extroverted feelers tend to be an amalgamation of everyone’s opinions, but once they learn or continue to “think for themselves”, they can trim and tailor it down in order to have the most accurate, sensible opinion that aligns with their logical blueprints. Kyle often feels responsible for other people's feelings because outside influences and societal expectations and the opinions of his loved ones help carve Kyle’s identity. Without a stable support group to lean onto, Kyle often feels lost and without an individualistic identity to turn to. This makes Kyle have a harder time formulating his own opinion that he “feels” strongly about. However, in turn, this makes Kyle the type of person to support, uplift and protect others, especially with his speeches as sort of subconscious gratitude. A great example of this is “Margaritaville”. As a leader, Kyle mostly serves as a preacher or educator, unifying people harmoniously under the same cause and showing compassion to those who have made mistakes. To Kyle, it’s all about working together as a society when it comes to confronting problems head-on. This is most often the reason why Kyle is notorious for his speeches, often acting as a selfless motivator to others.
Kyle is also really good at reading people’s emotions. While Stan can read people if they’re scamming, manipulating or tricking him, Kyle can read people in regards to how they’re feeling. In “Butterballs”, while Butters said it was “fine” that he’s the literal “poster child” of the rally, Kyle can read Butters based off of pure observation and objective reasoning to know that he’s lying and suppressing himself due to fear. Kyle can also see through Stan’s charade of his *real* reasons for making the anti-bullying campaign. No matter how much you try to lie to Kyle, he will eventually see the truth of it all. While Kyle is also susceptible to being fooled by others, it’s mostly stemmed from his feelings of trust and support. Erase that aspect of trust and support in the situation, then he’s most likely able to read people accurately in an objective sense at face value.
Examples of Extroverted Feeling Within Kyle:
“>Ju-just have a little compassion, huh? I mean, everyone's gone out and bought something stupid. It's not so bad.< Whichever of you guys has never bought anything frivolous, go ahead and huck the next squirrel.” – “Margaritaville”
“I know that I often have serious moral objections to the things that you do, but... this time I think you really need to reconsider, because if you do this, I believe you will go to hell. >So I feel it is my responsibility, as your friend, to tell people what you're doing, and to put a stop to it!<” – “Up the Down Steroid”
Other Characters that Possess Extroverted Feeling:
Kenny McCormick (“>Sometimes, people do stupid things. Sometimes they don't realize what should have come first.< Until it's too late.”)
Wendy Testaburger (“What the fuck is your problem?! Are you just an asshole?! Is that it?! Lisa Berger asked you out and you called her fat?! >Do you have any idea how you made her feel?! She's a really nice girl!”< )
Mr. Mackey (“Yeah, you're right. You're a good kid, Kenny. I always thought so. >I know we kind of all forget about you sometimes, but you're smart, compassionate, and you might even make a good counselor someday<.”)
Now that we went over the feeling functions, let’s now proceed to the thinking functions! As a general rule, if you’re an introverted feeler, you’re automatically an extroverted thinker. If you’re an extroverted feeler, you’re automatically an introverted thinker. Remember, you internalize one function and you externalize the other. You can’t be both an introverted feeler and extroverted feeler. There has to always be a contrasting dichotomy within the self.
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Extroverted thinking is all about efficiency and getting things done. It’s group-oriented where its decision-making and thought process is based on concrete statistics, facts and empirical data from the common consensus. Extroverted thinkers are more likely to believe in something if there’s empirical or concrete evidence to back it up. To them, there’s no need to question data. The facts are the facts.
Extroverted thinkers, like Stan, are usually the one that can unify others in order to push people to finish and execute problems in the fastest, most efficient way possible. There’s a reason why Stan is often the leader of not only just the Main 4 on occasion, but also to adults, strangers and fellow schoolmates. He is often the commander of the entire operation, delegating tasks per person and making sure everyone is doing their part in accomplishing what they were set out to do. To Stan, It’s all about execution when it comes to confronting problems head-on. If his plan happens to fall out, what’s ultimately important to him in the end is that he at least tried. A great example of this is “Whale Whores”. Stan immediately took on the leadership position in order to swiftly get rid of the real problem at hand, which was the Japanese killing whales. Stan was the one to formulate a plan, to distribute parts towards his team members and to motivate them to take action in eliminating the cause of the threat. It’s hard, anti-emotional and effective way to get the job done. To Stan, there’s no time in overanalyzing problems, what matters is that the ends justify the means.
Stan doesn’t like people influencing or forcing him to conform to unattainable standards. He especially doesn’t like it when you’re lying to him, or that you’re “fucking” with him. He has a no-nonsense approach to life, where he wants the honest truth in order to move forward. Because of this, Stan can be totally confrontational if you were to ever violate his morals, beliefs and convictions, and isn’t afraid to utilize an anti-emotional facade while doing so. He’s been misled before, so to him, if something doesn’t have good solid data and evidence to back it up, it makes it harder for him to believe it. Stan is often the spokesperson or the main character in episodes that tackle religion, scams and cults, which is most likely due to his skepticism on subject matter that doesn’t have good empirical data to back it up.
Examples of Extroverted Thinking Within Stan:
“No, I actually have a way to be sure. >I'm going to cut off my hand. If he is my future self, then his hand will disappear.<” – “Future Self n’ Me”
“ >No, it's a matter of logic!< If you're gonna say things that have been proven wrong, like that the first man and woman lived in Missouri, and that Native Americans came from Jerusalem, > then you'd better have something to back it up <. All you've got are a bunch of stories about some asswipe who read plates nobody ever saw out of a hat, and then couldn't do it again when the translations were hidden!” – “All About Mormons”
Other Characters that Possess Extroverted Thinking:
Eric Cartman (“What the hell are you guys doing?? Don't tell me you all quit playing World of Warcraft too?! > Guys, when things look bad, you can't just give up on the world. Of Warcraft. I have a solution, you guys. That guy can kill us so easily because he's a super-high level, right? What if we were super-high level too? (…) Yes. Sixty-five million three hundred and forty thousand two hundred and eighty five. Which should take us seven weeks five days thirteen hours and twenty minutes, giving ourselves three hours a night to sleep. What do you say, guys? You can just...you can just hang outside in the sun all day tossin' a ball around, or you can sit at your computer and do somethin' that matters. <”)
Butters Stotch (“All right. All right that does it! I am sick and tired of everyone telling me I'm confused! I wasn't confused until other people started tellin' me I was! You know what I think? I think maybe you are the ones who are confused! >I'm not gonna be confused anymore just because you say I should be! <)
Randy Marsh (“Stan, it's not right that people celebrate a man who wiped out millions of people for his own glory! (…) >You have to overdo it in today's society Stan. You can't be nuanced and subtle anymore or else critics go "Wow, what was the point of that?< (…) If you guys found those pictures online, it's only a matter of time before everyone else does. >People won't care about what I do now. They'll just see me as a thoughtless, indigenous son of a bitch.<”)
Let’s now move on to introverted thinking. Introverted thinking is all about validity and logical consistency. It’s identity-based where its decision-making and thought process is based on what makes sense to one’s own theoretical blueprints. Introverted thinkers are more likely to believe in something based on internal reasoning. They don’t just blindly believe in empirical data. For them, it’s important to always question and constantly verify data and facts for any logical inconsistencies. The facts need to make sense in order to believe in it.
Introverted thinkers, like Kyle, are more so the type of person to question if what they’re really doing will truly derive the best possible outcome. He’s always the one to step back and question if a plan will truly work out in the end. Usually Stan and Cartman (since both are extroverted thinkers) often view Kyle as an “overthinker”, a person who would rather think through everything before actually taking any sort of action. However, unlike Stan and Cartman, that method in overcoming problems and setbacks efficiently and quickly as possible just isn’t the way Kyle is naturally comfortable with. Even if the process is slow, even if it ultimately goes nowhere, it helps lead him to the most accurate, valid and logical conclusion. To him, it’s important that he “think things through” first before taking action.
Kyle is all about dissecting, deconstructing and analyzing a problem once he encounters one, in which he eventually discovers a breakthrough. Whether it’s questioning the validity of his existence or pondering why he got a hemorrhoid despite being a good person, Kyle is always searching for answers, even if it hinders him in his daily life. To Kyle, making sense of life is what helps him move forward.
Introverted thinkers are only able to think for themselves due to listening to the consensus of how others are feeling. Remember, extroverted feelers tend to be an amalgamation of everyone’s opinions, but with their Introverted Thinking, they can trim and tailor it down in order to have the most accurate, sensible opinion that it aligns with their logical blueprints. This is also the sole reason why Kyle often justifies and rationalizes his feelings. He can’t relate to people who makes decisions because they “feel like it”. To him, there should always be a justifiable explanation as to why people do the things that they do. It’s just how he makes sense of the world.
Examples of Introverted Thinking Within Kyle:
“I don't get it. I just really don't get it. How is she still supporting him? (…) But he clearly sucks! She has to know he sucks. What the hell is going on?! It is our problem. This is affecting us! Our whole school. >There's got to be a reason she sticks by him?<” – “Doubling Down”
“Do you?! Do you, Stan?! Because all my life I was raised to believe in Jehovah! To believe that we should all behave a certain way and good things will come to us. I make mistakes, but every week I try to better myself. I'm always saying, "You know, I learned something today..." and what does this so-called God give me in return? A hemorrhoid. >He doesn't make sense! What is your logic?!<” – “Cartmanland”
Other Characters that Possess Introverted Thinking:
Kenny McCormick (“>Why did I agree to this? I don't even have a machine to play Fallen Order on.<”)
Wendy Testaburger (“Mom, Dad, I'm growing concerned about the role models young women have in today's society. >It seems that lewdness and shallowness are being exalted, while intellectualism is looked down upon. I think young women are being marketed to by corrupt, moral-less corporations.<”)
Mr. Mackey (“But there must have been some motive. >Nobody would just dook in the urinal for no reason.<”)
Both Ti and Fi are identity-based functions so both are bound to be confused for the other, but the main primary difference is that Fi is correlated to “what feels right to me” while Ti is correlated to “what makes sense to me”.
Both Te and Fe are group-oriented functions so both are bound to be confused for the other, but the main primary difference is that Te is correlated to empirical data from the consensus while Fe is correlated to social values from the consensus.
Now that we went over the judging functions (thinking and feeling), let’s now proceed to the perceiving functions! Unlike the judging functions that mostly pertain to the way we make decisions, the perceiving functions mostly pertain to the way we absorb and process new information. Let’s start with the function easiest to understand: the Sensing functions!
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Extroverted sensing is all about being super present in the physical realm while utilizing your bodily senses. It’s sensory-oriented where you absorb and gather information from external stimuli. Extroverted sensors are more likely to be observational realists, where they see the present and even little minor observational details at face value. They’re often the ones to comment the things that are happening around them and are hyper aware of current trends, events and news in order to use it to their advantage. Extroverted sensors are arguably those who crave new experiences, and it’s being able to experience new things in life where they can craft and formulate a future they can see themselves in.
Extroverted sensors, like Cartman, are quick-witted, reckless and a little bit impulsive if unchecked. Cartman is always quick on his feet with any business venture he lays his eyes on. If he notices that people are having anxiety, he’ll patent an invention that eliminates that problem. If he notices that crack babies are becoming a common occurrence on TV, he’ll organize a crack baby athletic association. If he notices that stem cells are good at replicating pre-existing material, he immediately uses that idea in order to make a second Shakey’s. It’s how Cartman absorbs information, which eventually leads him to make a decision.
Cartman constantly comments on the things he’s noticed among people from a purely observational lens. He’s often like, “Wait, wait, hold on. I just noticed something, and no one’s saying anything about it?” He’s greatly concerned about the state of the world and how its affecting him (coming from a purely selfish lens though, keep in mind). In “Mexican Joker”, Cartman was heavily impacted with the way things were going on with the world, to the point that he internally paints a depressing future on where things are headed: “This sucks balls. Ever since you guys moved, everything just keeps changing. I mean, how are all of us kids supposed to have any hope anymore? All I think about is all the problems our generation is inheriting: climate change, overfishing, Kyle. I mean, how are we supposed to get happy about anything?”
It’s only when he found out about the ICE and detention camps where Cartman was surprised that he missed such a significant happenstance, “Detention centers? Now this is nice! When did we start doing this? (…) So anyone can make an anonymous tip and you can round up families and send them away? Nobody told me about this! I thought everything sucked now! Do you have a card?”
Examples of Extroverted Sensing Within Cartman:
“>Wait waitwait whoa whoa whoa. You're telling me there's an illness that makes you blurt out obscenities?< (…) >All right, hold on just a second here: Are you telling me that if you have this Tourette's Syndrome you can say whatever you want, all the time, and never get in trouble?< (…) >I don't need the toy! I've found something better!< 'Cause I've got a golden ticket! I've got a golden chance to make my way!” – “Le Petit Tourette”
“Butters, you've gotta learn to chill. >Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, and do whatever you want all the time, you could miss it.<” – “Super Fun Time”
Other Characters that Possess Extroverted Sensing:
Stan Marsh (“I don't want everything to go back to the way it was! I, I don't. You were right, Kyle. Sometimes, the only way to go forward, is to take a big left turn. I've been resisting it, but I'm ready now. I want you to stay with Cartman Burger, dude. It's okay. You're gonna do this and I'm gonna do my thing and ...my mom and dad aren't getting back together. But you know what? It's okay. In fact, it's better. >Change is gonna bring new things to all of us. Where will Cartman Burger go from here? That'll be cool to see. And it opens me up to a whole new adventure, exploring... new relationships with all new people in town.< Maybe this kid will become my new best friend. Or maybe this kid will. Maybe it won't be like before, but... at least it'll all be new. And that's what's gonna make it so that I can keep going. For the first time in a long time, I'm really excited.”)
Kyle Broflovski (“>Yes. Yes, I do, Dad. Now let me tell you how it works in the real world.< In the real world, I can either get a Chinpokomon, or I can be the only kid without one, which singles me out, and causes the other kids to make fun of me and kick my ass.
Kenny McCormick (“I've been having a lot of problems with my friends. It just seems like the pandemic exposed problems we didn't even know were there. >To be honest, I'm not sure that I even see a future with these guys.”< )
Now that we got extroverted sensing down, let’s move on to introverted sensing. Introverted sensing is all about experiencing things in the present realm and comparing those internal sensations to something similar that happened in the past. It’s sensory-oriented where you can look back at your past in a surprisingly vivid, chronological and specific detail. Introverted sensors are more likely to be memory hoarders, where they can instantly pinpoint a past event and relay it as accurately as they perceived it. They’re often the ones to comment if something has already happened before in order for history not to repeat itself. They highly value the traditions and foundations that were laid out for them and are comfortable in partaking in methods they knew have “worked before”.
Introverted sensors, like Butters, are highly nostalgic and sentimental, as they appreciate how their past experiences formulate and shape them to be the person that they are today. Even if a memory hurts them, it’s a memory not worth forgetting. Such as the case in “Raisins”. Even after being significantly heartbroken after the breakup, he still appreciates the lessons and past experiences he earned from that relationship, and that’s how he essentially moves forward. If you noticed, Butters seems to have a knack of descriptive and succinct storytelling. He can easily recount how his upcoming experience at Bennigans will be like to the truck driver, saying every single minuscule detail with ease: “Have you ever been to Bennigan's, Mister? Oh, it sure is great. I'm goin' to Bennigan's tomorrow night with my family. Oh, I can just see it now. We'll walk in the front doors, and the nice Bennigan's hostess lady will take us to our cozy booth. Then we'll order some mozzarella sticks, for appetizers. Dad will open his present, and Mom will open hers. Uh then the Bennigan's wait staff will sing “Happy Happy Anniversary from everyone at Bennigan's!””
Butters also seems to have stellar memory in contrast to the Main 4. Note that having perfect memory doesn’t automatically correlate to Si, but Butters certainly remembers the littlest of details, trivia and facts that he has learned from other people, which supplements his decision-making process. He’s well gifted in mental math, can recite what a person has said to him verbatim and if given any rules, he can follow them to a T. It’s because of his great long-term memory that he is often skeptical of new experiences that goes against what he’s learned in the past: “Well you guys have already got me in Dutch for gettin' fat, and then I got in double-Dutch for... havin' liposuction, and now you're askin' me to be in triple Dutch?! Nuh-uh! I'll never be that Dutch!”
It’s also because of his vivid long-term memory that Butters can easily be haunted by his past. In “You Got F’d in the A”, Butters refused to continue tap-dancing after his traumatic incident. While anyone who has experienced a traumatic incident such as his can be haunted by the past, introverted sensors are the type to pick apart every single detail and let it consume them to the point that they don’t want to every retry things again, in fear that history will repeat itself. Extroverted sensors are more likely to view the past in an objective sense because their view on the past is more impressionistic and are more highly focused on the present. Extroverted sensors are more likely to do it all over again if they noticed that times have changed since then, as a hopes to achieve a different result every time.
Examples of Introverted Sensing Within Butters:
“The world isn't fair. I do everything people ask me to. >I stand in the lunch line for them, I buy tampons at the store for them, I go on Maury Povich with balls on my chin for them.<” – “Professor Chaos”
“Hm, okay. Let's see. Oh, my parents don't know, but sometimes I get picked on by this one kid at school; his name is Eric Cartman, and he always tries to play jokes on me and stuff. Yeah. >One time he made me think a meteor had hit the earth, and convinced me to stay down in a bomb shelter for three days. And then this other time, he pretended to be me on the phone to my dad and called him a pussy, so my dad came home and beat me.< ” – “AWESOM-O”
“>Serves me right! Puttin' balls on my chin and lyin' about it. Why I, I should be grounded for a month!< Why do I do these things? Why can't I behave myself?” – “Freak Strike”
Other Characters that Possess Introverted Sensing
Craig Tucker (“Was there ever a moment when you guys first came up with the genius plan to become a Peruvian flute band that any of you said; 'Hey, you know? This plan might backfire.' No, that never occurred to you. Because you guys are jerks. >And you never learn from your mistakes<. And that's why everyone at school thinks you guys are assholes.”)
Randy Marsh (“I didn't want you to know. Because now I'm a joke. >Ever since then, I've wished every single day that I could go back to that moment when I was offered the job and say, "No!"< Because all the fame and the money, the women... All it did was build me up, so that I could be knocked down harder than anybody in the world. That is what being in a boy band is all about, Stanley. It's people smothering you and embracing you and loving you and then spitting you out and throwing you away like you were last night's pork chops. Now we wander the Earth in disarray—us, New Kids on the Block, the Osmonds... We're all the same. And that... is why you can't go to the mall. (…) Stan, it was wrong of me to try and stop you from joining a boy band without explaining why. >I've made some mistakes in my life, and now... I have to let you make your own mistakes<.”
We are finally on the last two functions: the Intuition functions!
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Introverted Intuition is centered around inevitability. Based on silently observing their surroundings, they can easily predict what will most likely happen to any given situation. Because of this, they are the type of people to be aware that their actions have important consequences to the future. Everything they do is deliberate and “on purpose” in order to achieve the future that they have always envisioned. Their intuition is all built up due to Se. Remember how Se is all about being super present and aware of your surroundings? Having that function helps them use their Ni in being able to see their desired outcome in a linear fashion. After all, how can you possibly predict the next course of action if you aren’t present to what’s currently happening right now? With Ni, you can notice the patterns that are frequently happening in the present reality to be able to realistically see where things might go from here.
Introverted intuitives, like Cartman, are always asking “Where will things go from here?”. He isn’t the type of person that will entertain other type of potential possibilities if they can’t realistically happen in the real world. He likes to filter out all the scenarios that are least likely to happen and focus more on the scenarios that will most likely happen. A great example of this is “Scott Tenorman Must Die”. With Cartman, he focuses on a future where he successfully gets revenge on Scott Tenorman. He then crafts a plan that will lead to a simple cause-and-effect chain reaction of the events leading up to that result, purely by formulating what sort of deliberate actions he must enact in order for his desired outcome to happen. Oh, Cartman messed his whole plan up by telling Stan and Kyle how he’s going to have a horse bite off Scott’s wiener? Well, that was on purpose. Oh, Scott laced the chili Cartman is eating with pubes? He was already two steps ahead of him on that route. To Cartman, everything is going accordingly to plan and was only willing to share about it at the very end.
However, just because Cartman can predict what’s most likely going to happen, doesn’t mean it’s 100% accurate all the time. If you neglect your Se in favor of your Ni way too much, you can easily be entrapped in tunnel vision. Such as the case in “Cartman Sucks”. Cartman starts veering off the realistic, pragmatic Se-oriented way of seeing the world in favor of Ni. Realistically, there’s no way that Kyle would have stolen his photo, but Cartman veered out of the pragmatic reality in favor of getting back at Kyle with his Ni (tunnel vision). He’s so obsessed with getting the outcome he desired that he greatly neglected the realistic implications, which was to thoroughly search his room before making assumptions. Obviously, it ended up biting him in the ass eventually. However, Ni has always been Cartman’s right-hand man, and in most cases, never truly fails him which is why he is more inclined to using it a lot. Without Se, however, introverted intuitives might have a habit of jumping into conclusions. They need Se in order to ground themselves of assumptions.
Examples of Introverted Intuition Within Cartman:
“Do you really think information like this will just die down? There's Internet! There's Eavesdropper! You might be worried Pete Melman is gonna kill himself, but the truth is, >he was dead the second the crapped his pants<.” – “Bass to Mouth”
“Okay, Butters, let's start with you. I think I've found a great way to get revenge on your parents. >Just... tell me if I'm going in the right direction here.< What we're going to do, Butters, is we're going to wait for your parents to leave the house, and then, smear all the walls... with poop. (…) Thanks. But you know, all this talk about future selves has made me think, maybe I should ...take better care of myself. >I mean, maybe I should think about who I'm going to become.<” – “Future Self n’ Me”
Other Characters that Possess Introverted Intuition:
Stan Marsh (“Right, but it's not. It's a trick you do and I need you to just let my friend Kyle know that so he can go on with his life. >Yes. We all hear voices in our heads. It's called "intuition."< Get over yourself and tell my friend it's just for fun. (…) See, Kyle? I just started with something really vague. I chose an older man because I'm betting that, based on this woman's age, her father is most likely dead. But if her father wasn't dead, I could still say it was some other older man. (…) I didn't start by saying Peter is dead! I started by saying, "They want me to acknowledge Peter." That could have meant Peter was in the audience or that Peter was somebody's friend, or Peter had died. >I couldn't be wrong, see?< Now, I can look at this woman and see that she's fairly young, so >odds are< her husband was fairly young when he died.”)
Kyle Broflovski (“Because, if we go to the tobacco company, >I know exactly what'll happen.< They'll take us in, and then Rob Reiner will show up with all the townspeople, holding torches or something, and there'll be a big showdown until we talk about what we learned, and change everyone's minds - >this is all following a formula!<”)
Now that we got introverted intuitiom down, let’s move on to extroverted intuition. Extroverted Intuition is centered around potentiality. Based on looking back at the past and adhering to traditions, they can easily think outside-of-the-box and generate new possibilities that go outside the realms of reality. Because of this, they are the type of people to be open to original, innovative ideas purely for the sake of ingenuity rather than practicality. To them, life is so unpredictable that anything is possible. Their intuition is all built up due to Si. You know the phrase learn the rules before you break them? That is the entire perceiving framework for extroverted intuitives. Having that function helps them use their Ne in order to see connections in things you would never have expected and produce multiple possibilities, theories and outcomes on the limitations of what life can bring to the table. After all, how can you generate new ideas and theories if you don’t look back on what worked before? With Ne, the future is unpredictable, but that in turn helps them reframe the conventional and be open to unconventionality.
Extroverted intuitives, like Butters, are always asking “What if?”. What if this were to happen, or this? Unlike Introverted Intuitives, Extroverted Intuitives are more likely to entertain a whole range of potential possibilities even if it’s unlikely to apply in real life. He likes to brainstorm and bounce these ideas around with other people. Butters isn’t the type to keep his intuitive deductions to himself. He always wants to see the perspective on others and share these possibilities in order to generate a new, fresh lens on life.
A great example of this is “Professor Chaos”. Butters is always creatively experimenting on the different aspects of his own alter-egos. If “City Sushi” didn’t portray just how many alter-egos he formulated for creative, make-believe purposes, then “Professor Chaos” truly exemplifies just how dedicated Butters is to his own ideas. Generally, a lot of his “nefarious” schemes never really pan out realistically in real life. Whether it’s wanting to flood the world with a garden hose, creating an almost pointless elaborate scheme just to steal the classroom eraser or using aerosol cans to deplete the Earth’s ozone layer, Butters is quite creative in his pursuits, even if it doesn’t pan out as much as he hoped it to.
Butters is also quite sensitive if he realizes that an idea of his has been used already. Extroverted intuitives are driven by ideas that have never been implemented before and are fueled by innovation and ingenuity. It doesn’t matter if an idea seems pointless or stupid at first. The fact that this idea has been brought to fruition in these certain circumstances is something to be content about. It’s a good idea because it’s something that can only be made with the given facts and present situations that are happening in the moment. If replicated, it loses its charm. Which is why in the “Simpsons Already Did It”, Butters starts experiencing an existential nightmare that his ideas will never be original. However, it wasn’t until he grounds himself with his Si is when he realizes that it doesn’t matter if an idea has been used before since most ideas have been in the “past”. He then finds a fresher perspective on life and isn’t afraid to try new things again.
Examples of Extroverted Intuition Within Butters:
“>Yes. Look around for your precious eraser. You won't find it. That eraser's in my back yard, buried three feet below the surface of the earth. And do you even suspect me?? No! Now we shall all see how you all like your dear chalkboard without an eraser. And information, it just keeps pilin' up and pilin' up, until your minuscule brains can take it no longer!<” – “Professor Chaos”
“>Really? So I shouldn't care if I come up with an idea, and the Simpsons already did it. It... uh...doesn't... matter.< Everything is back to normal, a, I think... I think I can go back to tryin' to destroy the world again.” – “The Simpsons Already Did It”
Other Characters that Possess Extroverted Intuition:
Tweek Tweak (“>But what if I put it in the wrong place? (…) GARH. But what if, while I'm putting on the nose, the snowman comes to life and tries to kill me?<”)
Randy Marsh (“Oh come on! You can't block your parents from watching informative murder porn! >What? You, you think if we watch shows about married people killing each other all the time we're gonna go out and do it?! That's stupid! I'm not gonna go out and kill your mom just because I watch Investigate Discovery, Stan! It'd be impossible to clear away all the DNA evidence anyway! Even if I hired someone else to kill her, I'd have to kill that person too, because 96% of the time that person eventually tells the truth! I thought this through a lot! Stan? You're a lousy kid! I wish Jaden Smith was my son!<”)
Both Se and Ne are driven by external stimuli so both are bound to be confused for the other, but the main primary difference is that Se craves new experiences in the physical world while Ne craves new ideas that have yet to be brought to the world.
Both Si and Ni plans about the future so both are bound to be confused for the other, but the main primary difference is that Si plans based on past experiences and what worked before while Ni plans based on the patterns they noticed in the present reality and how it will affect the future.
Finally, we established all 8 functions!! You’re probably thinking to yourself, “I know what functions each character is likely to possess, but I still don’t know what type they are. It looks like INFP and ENFP both share the same functions, how do I distinguish them?” Well, if you notice in the cognitive functions chart from the beginning of the post, there are 4 types that carry the same set of 4 functions in each group:
If you got mostly Ti, Fe, Se, Ni you’re either an INFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ESTP
If you got mostly Ti, Fe, Si, Ne, you’re either an ISFJ, ESFJ, INTP, ENTP
If you got mostly Te, Fi, Si, Ne, you’re either an ISTJ, ESTJ, INFP, ENFP
If you got mostly Te, Fi, Se, Ni, you’re either an INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP, ESFP
To determine the difference between each of them, you must understand the function stack. Remember I mentioned how the order of the functions is important? Well, that’s how you distinguish them from each other. Each type has a dominant function (first function), auxiliary function (second function), tertiary function (third function) and inferior function (fourth function). As a hard and fast rule, your first function is the strongest function you use the most, with your second being the second strongest, your third being the third strongest and your fourth being your weakest one. This is why even though Stan has Te, it isn’t as strong as Cartman’s. It’s the order of the function stack that determines someone’s type.
But wait? Tertiary? Auxiliary? You promised there won’t be any technical mumbo-jumbo. What do any of these words mean exactly? Well, let’s break it down. To get a better grasp of this, I suggest looking at the cognitive functions chart over here. I’d post it here again, but the photo limit has all been used up. (x)
Dominant Function: This is your heroic function, and your 1st function. This could arguably be your greatest strength, to the point that you use it so much unconsciously without even realizing it. To you, this function is almost second nature, such as breathing and blinking, and you usually don’t even exert any effort when using it. While you believe this function is “no big deal”, some would actually wish they had that aspect of themselves as developed as yours.
Auxiliary Function: This is your parent function, and your 2nd function. If your dominant function is a perceiving function, then your auxiliary is a judging function. This could arguably be your second greatest strength, but unlike your dominant function, this time you use this one consciously. If the usage of your dominant function is synonymous to blinking or breathing, then the usage of your auxiliary function is synonymous to brushing your teeth or chewing your food properly. This function helps your dominant function balance itself out. If your dominant function is the superhero, then your auxiliary function is your sidekick. Almost like pilot and co-pilot. Your auxiliary function is like a parent because it’s the more responsible function that makes sure you don’t overuse your dominant. We can often times get “too comfortable” using our dominant function that we stay in our comfort zone, so our auxiliary function makes sure that doesn’t happen. If your dominant function is introverted, then this is the extroverted side of you. If your dominant function is extroverted, then this is the introverted side of you. Your dominant-auxiliary pair shouldn’t both be perceiving or both be judging functions. There should be at least one judging and one perceiving.
Tertiary Function: This is your child function, and your 3rd function. It’s called the child function because you don’t primarily use this function all the time, but when you do, it's mainly for fun or for experimentation purposes. There's still room for development on the way you use it since you might use this in an immature way. The older you get, the more you understand and appreciate this function more. This function could arguably be your hidden strength, and it could be the side of you that people will actually be surprised about. If you noticed, this function is the exact opposite of your auxiliary function. You can consider this the parent-child pair, with your auxiliary function being the responsible parent side of you and your tertiary function being the immature child of you.
Inferior Function: This is your fearful / aspirational function, and your 4th function. This could arguably be your greatest weakness, and this is the area you need to improve on. When you’re stressed, you might use this function in an unhealthy way if you’re not careful. However, the more you develop this function, the more you can become a mature, well-rounded person. You typically admire people who have this function as their dominant because you *aspire* to be just like them. If you noticed, this function is the exact opposite of your dominant function. This is because Carl Jung believed that your greatest strength will, in turn, also be your greatest weakness, such as a double-edged sword. You must try to develop this function as you work on improving yourself.
Let’s use an example. Stan Marsh uses Fi, Te, Se and Ni. The types who have all 4 in their function stack is INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP and ESFP. To find which one of these he uses more, we also have to take into account how it parallels with his core weakness.
Let’s start with Se. If Se is Stan’s dominant function, then that means Ni is automatically his inferior function. Judging from the show, Stan’s usage of Ni is way too good for it to be a true weakness of his due to how he can easily see through facades and scams and his insights are rarely ever wrong, so he is unlikely to have Se as his dominant. Plus, Stan isn’t constantly reactive, spontaneous and quick-witted, which is what a person who has Se as their dominant is like. Therefore, Stan is not an ESFP.
What about Ni then? If Ni is Stan’s dominant function, then that means Se is automatically his inferior function. Judging from the show, Stan uses Se way more than he does with Ni, considering how in touch with nature he is and how he greatly values aspects and ideas in life that are grounded to reality, so he is unlikely to have Ni as his dominant. Plus, Stan doesn’t always predict where “things will go from here” unlike Kyle, so it’s highly unlikely it’s his dominant. Therefore, Stan is not an INTJ.
What about Te then? If Te is Stan’s dominant function, then that means Fi is automatically his inferior function. Judging from the show, Stan’s usage of Fi is way too good for it to be a true weakness of his due to how much he values and upholds to his own standards of beliefs and morals, so he is unlikely to have Te as his dominant. Plus, Stan isn’t as domineering, tactical and anti-emotional unlike Cartman, which is what a person who has Te as their dominant is like. Therefore, Stan is not an ENTJ.
Well, what about Fi then? If Fi is Stan’s dominant function, then that means Te is automatically his inferior function. Judging from the show, Stan’s usage of Fi is what constantly guides him in life. He is individualistic and is always doing whatever he feels is the right thing to do. Te being his inferior function is also highly likely. While Stan certainly does use his Te in leadership positions, there are times where he just can’t maintain that anti-emotional facade to execute things, such as “The Scoots” when the gang had to tell Kenny that he can’t trick-or-treat with them. Stan is also deeply afraid of being seen as incompetent by others, which fuels his deep-seated shame within himself. Stan would often suppress his emotions in order to maintain this tough, competent front, but having that front isn’t naturally inclined within him. He’s an emotional boy that’s afraid of getting his feelings hurt, even when he doesn’t want to admit it. Therefore, Stan is highly likely to be an ISFP.
You can easily do this with any type of character and even yourself! Just choose the 4 likely functions you or that character uses, and determine which of those 4 you or that character uses the most or the least.
As for my speculation on the character’s types, here are my assumptions. Of course, these types are in accordance as to how I view the characters, so I’m likely to be wrong! What’s fun about typology is that you can discuss with others their own interpretation of a character and see if it correlates to canon. The last thing I want is for people to use typology as a means to discredit other people’s opinions or perspective of a character. It’s just a tool to further explain your stance in an easier way:
Stan Marsh: ISFP
Kyle Broflovski: INFJ
Eric Cartman: ENTJ
Kenny McCormick: ISTP
Butters Stotch: INFP (Also open to ENFP interpretations)
Craig Tucker: ISTJ (Also open to INTJ interpretations)
Tweek Tweak: ENFP (A really unhealthy one at that ;-;)
Randy Marsh: ENFP
There’s also this website that lists the MBTI types for almost any fictional character and celebrity you can name. It’s extremely important to know that it isn’t 100% accurate since the types are selected by majority vote of the community (in which you can also join yourself), so proceed with caution. What’s nifty is that they have a comment section for each profile, in which users can discuss about why they think a character is a certain type, so I highly recommend checking it out to study the way most view functions: https://www.personality-database.com
That is the entire jist or basic information regarding cognitive functions! Hopefully it was simple enough to understand! It’s a lot to take in at first, but the more you study the functions and see how it applies in real life, the easier it is to type people!
Here are some great character / personality analysis to consider reading that might help you in reading people. I hope you don’t mind the tag. I want to give proper credit on analysis I personally find interesting that indirectly pertains to cognitive functions, even when it isn’t the main subject matter:
@south-park-meta : https://south-park-meta.tumblr.com/post/654443248900833280/south-park-meta (The subject matter of the post doesn’t pertain to cognitive functions, mostly about how religion and upbringing can shape how Stan and Kyle react to things, but it’s also highly applicable to fe-ti vs fi-te. Also greatly highlights just how differently Stan and Kyle are in terms of identity and value system.)
@south-park-meta meta : https://south-park-meta.tumblr.com/post/657419044282138624/would-you-say-that-kyle-thinks-more-rational-but (Fi vs Ti within Stan and Kyle)
@spuuniverse : https://spuuniverse.tumblr.com/post/617972947365265408/typology-masterlist (The only South Park user I know that actually did a cognitive functions analysis for almost every main character in the show! Amazing breakdowns that are well-researched and even explores shadow functions! I agree a lot with her points)
@spuuniverse: https://spuuniverse.tumblr.com/post/189115278847/im-struggling-a-little-with-differentiating (Amazing Fe vs Fi analysis)
@parti-pooper : https://south-park-fandom-database.tumblr.com/post/183061352095/is-kyle-a-leader-type (The subject matter of the post doesn’t pertain to cognitive functions at all, but I like this post because it indirectly explains why Kyle is unlikely to be a Te user)
I would love to add more South Park posts pertaining to the perceiving functions, but I can’t really recall any. The majority of the analysis within the community primarily focuses on the decision-making processes of the characters rather than how these characters take in information and their methods of doing so. If I find any, I’ll gladly add them!
If you’re interested in more sources regarding cognitive functions, here are a few that have tremendously helped me:
YouTube Videos:
https://youtube.com/c/VisualPersonalitywithEricWen (For a basic guide to cognitive functions)
https://youtube.com/c/EricWen (Same YouTuber as above. This YouTuber demonstrates how to type people in an easy, simple way that even a young tot can understand. Frequently types celebrities)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQp_TacwPmCU8YZIVHFDLHgoPWou9Baaw (This YouTuber also demonstrates how to type people in an easy way to understand. Frequently types celebrities and analyzes movie type dynamics. Wanna know how an INFP and ENFJ couple interacts with each other? She is your best bet.)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHMV4tyL4PozoDTzgxMbSolyGBv1PXyCK (Cognitive functions and MBTI types in a nutshell.)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo0hph_vdC9MvzTZWl2xEzUcAjWfiu0ep (Another great YouTuber that will help you in your typing escapades)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBq6gHqGs9vOil-UTy0pN5EjCM1pXK4Yv (Funny cognitive function type skits! Also really useful information)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKqKfzlttzkhwxm7xiKtOyy4dQxxGwfQ3 (No-nonsense, almost tough love approach to cognitive functions)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCPzIFw2QJDchH64EMt_aVn-4fqE1mjAE (Honestly, CS Joseph is either a hit-or-a-miss when it comes to typing, but I do agree with him when it comes to function placements. Also discusses about shadow functions, which I personally find intriguing.)
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXSEPM58cSUy54rxsST4eVRDbK726MJCA (He’s the most popular MBTI YouTuber by far, but this playlist is a compilation of him talking about cognitive functions)
Blog Articles & Posts:
https://my-mbti.tumblr.com/post/136060482986/how-to-recognize-each-myers-briggs-personality?is_related_post=1 (For those who want to know how to recognize each personality type)
https://twitter.com/okeydokidoki/status/1276962618004197377?s=21 (Cool Twitter thread that serves as an ELI5 version of cognitive functions for newbies)
https://practicaltyping.com/2019/03/12/5-main-differences-between-si-and-ni/ (For those who want to know the difference between Si and Ni)
https://practicaltyping.com/2018/08/27/ixtp-ixfp-am-i-an-n-or-an-s/ (For those who want to know the difference between Se and Ne)
https://practicaltyping.com/2018/09/10/11-differences-between-te-and-ti-users/ (For those who want to know the difference between Te and Ti)
https://practicaltyping.com/2020/01/13/11-differences-between-si-and-se-users/ (For those who want to know the difference between Si and Se)
https://practicaltyping.com/2020/02/24/7-differences-between-ne-and-ni-users/ (For those who want to know the difference between Ne and Ni)
https://functionaxes.carrd.co/ (Well-researched, detailed Carrd in regards to function axes within cognitive functions)
https://justpaste.it/5d2qm (Debunking common cognitive function stereotypes)
Still unsure about your type? Why not take a cognitive functions personality test. Try to compare results between each of them:
http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm (Most accurate test, but the phrasing of the questions can easily be confusing or misinterpreted by most people. It’s recommended that you use a dictionary)
Now this took weeks for me to finish, so if you made it this far, I’m truly grateful! I genuinely hope I was able to educate you guys regarding cognitive functions. It’s a great interest of mine, and I think it’s truly a fun, life-changing tool to use that can help others tremendously. If I made any factual errors, or if you generally have any questions that need to be cleared up, please don’t hesitate on providing feedback. I’ll be doing posts like these for a great while, so expect a lot of MBTI dynamic analysis regarding South Park, Rick and Morty, and a lot of my other favorite shows!
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Important Stan Marsh ISFP Moments : Quote Compilation
Upholds Essence of Authenticity & Extreme Aversion to Lies due to Fi (Introverted Feeling) : XXFP
Stan is morally driven in his decision-making. He has core values that he upholds to a very standard, even if the consensus were to condemn him for it. He is authentic, real and unfiltered. Conformity for a cause that he doesn’t believe in is the last thing he would ever do as a person. He will always advocate for justice and truth.
Stan: I can't do it anymore, you guys. I can't even think with the Chinese government censoring everything I write.
Butters: So there's not gonna be a biopic movie for us?
Stan: It's so wrong. You know, I mean, we live in a time when the only movies us American kids go see are ones that are approved by China.
Jimmy: Yeah. It' like China is the new MPAA.
Butters: Stinks to say goodbye to all that biopic money and glory.
Stan: We just gotta face it. A death metal band is never gonna make real money anymore. The only band that would get approved by China would be all vanilla and cheesy.
Stan: Cut. Cut, cut! [the special effects disappear and the green screen in the gym is shown] This is all wrong.
Producer: No, it's good, kids! They're loving it!
Stan: Yeah, but I can't sell my soul like this. I want to get away from that farm, more than anything, but it's not worth living in a world where China controls my country's art. [one of the censor's protests] I don't care how many people you have! I've got something in me that just won't let me be a part of all this.
Butters: Yeah! Whatever it is, I got it too!
The Others: Yeah!
Stan: I wanna be proud of who we are, guys! And anybody who would betray their ideals just to make money in China isn't worth a lick of spit
Stan: I'm saying this to you, John Edward, you are a liar, you are a fake, and you are the biggest douche ever!
John Edward: Everything I tell people is positive and gives them hope! How does that make me a douche?!
Stan: Because the big questions in life are tough: Why are we here? Where are we from? Where are we going? But if people believe in asshole douchey liars like you, we're never gonna find the real answer to those questions. You aren't just lying, you're slowing down the progress of all mankind, you douche!
John Edward: I'M NOT A DOUCHE! And I challenge you to a psychic showdown! I'll prove to the world that I'm psychic and you're not!
Stan: Fine, douche! [slams one door on him...]
Kyle: Hey Stan. Dude, I want you to have this. It's the twenty bucks I owed you plus thirty dollars interest.
Stan: Wow, really? [takes the money and starts counting it]
Kyle: I got a job, Stan. I am making tons of money doing some really cool stuff.
Stan: Doing what?
Kyle: Crack baby... basketball.
Stan: [somewhat startled] ...Dude.
Kyle: No no, it's n-it's not like it sounds. Here, check it out. [leads Kyle inside and to his room, then gets on the computer and goes to a Web site.] See look, we just video the babies fighting over a ball full of crack. It's really getting popular! [soon, babies are heard. Kyle is showing Stan one of the Crack Baby Fight videos] I mean it, it's cool because like the commercial said, the crack babies had nothing before. [Stan stays quiet] It, it's great, because everyone wins, you know? You see that? Two million hits. [Stan stays quiet] Did you know they're putting bacon inside of pancakes at Denny's
Stan: I guess not, but... What is it exactly you're trying to do?
Kyle: Just, you know, make some money off him. Like Honey Boo Boo.
Stan: [alarmed, gets up and walks up to Kyle] Dude! Dude, not cool!
Kyle: What?
Stan: Haven't you heard what happened? Honey Boo Boo's heart gave out.
Kyle: [a bit shocked] What? Oh my God.
Stan: Yeah dude. It's really serious
Stan: (…) What you do is sort of, unjustifiable? And you know it's unjustifiable? And you don't care? You're the definition of evil? Kill yourself?
Dean: Okay, we're gonna sell this ring for just thirty-seven ninety five. [$3,795.00 onscreen] How's that? [puts the ring onto a woman's right ring finger.]
Stan: I just read that the day shopping networks make most of their money is on the day seniors pick up Social Security checks? Kill yourself.
Stan: I don't care what happens to me, I care about my grandfather, you morally empty corrupted maggot!
Stan: Okay. [finishes up and seals his ballot, then walks away]
Kyle: Woah... wait, what are you doing?
Stan: I'm voting.
Kyle: No, no, you... you wrote down Turd Sandwich.
Stan: Yeah, I know.
Kyle: ...Dude, you're supposed to vote for Giant Douche.
Stan: [annoyed] I thought I was supposed to make my own decision.
Kyle: Well yeah, but not if your decision is for Turd Sandwich! What the hell is wrong with you?!
Stan: Wait a minute, you didn't want me to vote, you wanted me to vote for your guy!
Kyle: Well, I just figured you'd vote for my guy! Who's fuckin' friend are you?! [calls out to] Puffy!
Cartman: [interrupts] Hey, fuck off, Kyle. [aside, about Puffy and his crew] Don't let them intimidate you, Stan. I'll help walk you to the booth. And then I'm gonna buy you a nice steak dinner with all the trimmings.
Stan: Oh, forget it! I'm not gonna be persuaded into voting and I'm and I'm not gonna be threatened into voting if I don't feel comfortable with it! I'm not gonna vote and you can all just live with it
Profile Stan Marsh: [gets down on one knee to Stan's eye level] Why do you think I brought you in here? The fact of the matter is I'm up and running now with almost a million friends. I don't need you anymore. I have more friends than you'll ever have in the real world.
Stan: Who cares? Friends shouldn't be some kind of... commodity for a person's status
Future Stan: Oh, dude, how's it goin', man? Ey, you wanna go upstairs and play hide and go seek?
Stan: [takes a seat at the table] Hide and go seek, huh?!
Randy: Yeah, Stan, why don't you go upstairs and play with yourself?
Stan: I don't believe that he's my future self!
Randy: Yeah, but we can't be sure, so we'd better assume he is and never try that first marijuana cigarette, huh?
Stan: No, I actually have a way to be sure. [whips out a meat cleaver in his right hand and places his left wrist on the table] I'm going to cut off my hand. If he is my future self, then his hand will disappear.
Sharon: [rises frantically] S-stanley you don't need to do that. He-he is your future self.
Stan: But I have to know for sure. [readies the cleaver]
Randy: [stammers] Don't be silly, Stan. You don't wanna go through life without one of your hands. [Sharon is fearful]
Stan: Maybe it's the hand I smoked that first joint with. Here I go. I'm gonna do it
Stan: Mom, Dad, I don't think that guy is from the future. [Sharon and Randy shift in their chairs]
Randy: Oh. You. You don't?
Stan: No. [plants his hands along the table's edge] You know what I think? I think this is all an elaborate hoax! [crosses his arms again] And I think that whoever is doing it doesn't have very much respect for me! [uncrosses his arms] See, the best way to try to motivate somebody is by being direct with them, to be honest with them. I think the whole future self thing is a lie, and lies are never the right way to get your message across
Kyle: Dude, they've been doing that for a long time.
Stan: So? Dude, don't you guys care? We have to do something.
Kyle: What are we gonna do, Stan? It's, it's not like we can change the way an entire country thinks. I don't like it, but it's just the way they are.
Stan: It seems like everyone has an attitude of "that's just the way they are" or "that's just the way it is"! Nobody likes it, but everybody's too busy to do anything about it!
Cartman: I'm not too busy, Stan.
Stan: You're not?
Cartman: No, I just don't care. At all.
Kenny: (Yeah, me neither.)
Stan: Kenny? You don't care about whales and dolphins being slaughtered?
Cartman: [speaking into the mic] Stan, me and Kenny don't give two shits about stupid-ass whaaales!
Stan: You know, when all the whales and dolphins in the world are gone, people are gonna wish that at some point they had taken a little time to care just a little goddamn bit! [turns and walks out the front door. The boys don't move for a few seconds, then Cartman launches back into "Poker Face".
Stan: Oh what? So now that I have a hit TV show you guys care about dolphins and whales?
Cartman: We always have.
Kenny: (Yeah, totally!)
Stan: I asked you guys to help me and you said no!
Cartman: That's not what we said.
Stan: You said "Stan, me and Kenny don't give two shits about stupid-ass whales!"
Cartman: We were talking about Wales the country.
Stan: Look, if you admit that you're only doing this because you wanna be on TV, then I'll consider it! Admit you just wanna be on TV
Stan: And uh, oh, [hopeful faces look back at him] ...I ...I can't do this.
President: Huh, what?
Stan: Look, everybody, we're all looking for answer, you know. We all want to understand who we are and where we come from, but... sometimes we want to know the answers so badly that we... believe just about anything.
Man 2: Huh?
Woman: What?
Stan: [takes off his laurel] I'm not the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. And... Scientology is just a big fat global scam
Stan: No!
Randy: Stan, you're behaving like a kid!
Stan: You're the ones who made me eat veal without telling me what it was! You're the ones who knew we were making little baby animals suffer! [walks off to his right]
Sharon: Open this door, now!
Stan: [pushing his dresser into place against the door] Kiss my ass
Usage of “Poetic” Terminology and Self-Expression due to Fi (Introverted Feeling) : XXFP
Stan has a knack of describing his emotions and hardships through artistic language. Due to his authentic nature, he can easily express himself through lyrical or literary outlets. 
Stan: You guys have no idea how this feels. It's like, you always hear songs about a broken heart and you think it's just a figure of speech? But it's true. My chest hurts. I feel this like, sinking feeling where my heart is. It's broken..
Stan: Uuummm, it was about two weeks ago.
Butters: Yeah. As a matter of fact, two and a half, three weeks ago, I'd say.
Stan: I hah, I hah, I hadn't seen my friend Kyle, and I hate living on a farm, so I started writing songs.
Producer: That's good, that's good. [writes under Act I] "Lost a close friend. Put loneliness into lyrics.
Needs and Provides Fi-Fueled Motivation : XXFP
Stan prefers to give and take advice on a one-on-one basis. Often his choice of words are that of empathetic understanding (Fi), practical reasoning (Se) or even the “tough love” approach (Te). He also prefers to take in advice that are Fi-Oriented, rarely does he ever use or feel resonant with Ti-based reasoning. 
Butters: Uh, uhm no thanks. I I love life.
Stan: Huh? But you just got dumped.
Butters: Wuh-ell yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that somethin' could make me feel that sad. It's like, [sobs] it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid...
Pete: Yeah.
Stan: No. No, Butters, that doesn't sound stupid at all
Butters: Well, thanks for offerin' to let me in your clique, guys, uh but, to be honest, I'd rather be a cryin' little pussy than a faggy Goth kid. Well see ya, Stan. [walks off]
Stan: He's right. I don't even know who I am anymore. I like liking life a whole lot more than hating it. Screw you guys, I'm goin' home. [walks off]
Kyle: What happened? Aren't you still wallowing in pain?
Stan: Yeah, it still hurts a lot, but ...I just realized that there's gonna be a lot of painful times in life, so, I'd better learn to deal with it the right way. 
Stan: Hey Kyle.
Kyle: Hey.
Stan: Kyle, there's peace in the Middle East. They're saying maybe it's gonna lead to peace all over the world. Everyone's really happy. You should be too.
Kyle: I am happy, Stan. I'm thrilled.
Stan: ...Dude, we've been friends a long time. Can you just tell me why you like Cartman's farts so much?
Kyle: [gets emotional] I just do, Stan.
Stan: You like... how they smell? How they taste?
Kyle: Yes.
Stan: They're really that good?
Kyle: Yes.
Stan: Should I try them?
Kyle: NO.
Stan: ...Kyle, maybe you should get some help.
Kyle: Please, just, just leave it alone, Stan. Everything is as it has to be
Stan: Dude, don't be nervous.
Kyle: How can I not be nervous? Trying out for the All-State team has been my dream for years.
Stan: You're the best player at our school, dude. You'll make the team for sure
Dude, you were awesome, Kyle. [no response. Stan looks at Kenny, then looks back at Kyle] Look, y-you gave it your best shot, right? That's all you could do. [looks at Kenny, shrugs, and walks away. Kenny walks over, puts his hand on Kyle's shoulder for consolation, then walks away. Cartman looks a bit concerned, walks over to Kyle... and taunts him!]
Butters: What do you want?
Stan: I came to ask you one more time to join the crew. Everyone is practicing really hard, but... I don't think we have any kind of shot without you.
Butters: Sorry, Stan, I'm not a dancer anymore. [leaves his chair and walks up to his Lego box] I gave that up.
Stan: Your mom says you were one of the best dancers in the country.
Butters: [rummaging for Lego blocks to take back to his desk] Did she also tell you my dancing got eight people killed?
Stan: Yeah. She said your shoe came off. It wasn't your fault.
Butters: Yeah well, you tell that to their families. [returns to his desk with a new batch of blocks]
Stan: Look, Butters, accidents happen. We all have to live with that.
Butters: [whirls around] I let those people down! Don't you get it, man?! Eight people died!
Stan: Well, it was nine, actually. One of the women was pregnant.
Butters: What?
Stan: And eleven if you count the two family members that killed themselves afterward.
Butters: [cups his hear so he hears no more] Aaaah!
Stan: But that isn't the point, Butters! [Butters resumes building his tiny town] The point is that this is now! It's on! And there are people who need you to step up! Look, nobody likes having to rise to a challenge. But competing against other people and getting in their faces saying "Haha! I'm better than you!" is part of life. And if you can't face that, then you might as well sit here and play Legos until you're an old man.
Butters: Get out of my room, Stan.
Stan: [Firmly] Fine. [walks to the door and opens it] But someday you're gonna have to stop running from what happened and start dealing with it. Otherwise, you might as well move to France with all the other pussies. [leaves and closes the door. Butters, angered, tosses some blocks into his town, then wipes the town off the desk.
Stan: Kyle. [Kyle doesn't reply. Stan sighs, closes the door and approaches him] Kyle, you can't keep doing this. You know what, at some point, you've got to let this go.
Kyle: Yeah? Well... maybe you can forget what happened, but I... can't.
Stan: Look, what happened, happened. We can't change it now. We have to move on.
Kyle: [leaves his desk angrily and faces Stan] Move on?! Our friend was raped, Stan! He was raped, and we all stood there and did [takes his hands, puts them side by side, and sweeps them out away from each other] nothing!
Stan: There was nothing we could do, Kyle! [Kyle walks away. Stan says softly] There was nothing we could do. We had to get out of there.
Kyle: [turns around and faces Stan] Did we?! Maybe we could have stopped them!
Stan: How?
Kyle: [turns away again] I dream about it every night. Every time I close my eyes I see us just running away, running while they ray-rape him over and over again. [clenches his fists at the thought of it, then loosens the grips and turns around] And because we did nothing... they got away.
Stan: You can't keep torturing yourself like this, Kyle. Let it... go.
Kyle: [wipes something from his forehead] I'm... glad... that you guys can just keep living. I don't think I can. [walks out of the room. Stan watches him leave, then sighs]
Stan: [puts his hands in his jacket pockets] God damn it
Stan: Cartman, lay off! You're next to last.
Cartman: So? I'm hotter than Kyle. [makes his way through the crowd and out of the bathroom] I'm better looking than Kyyyle! [the other boys join him out except for Stan and Kyle] Yes! I'm hotter than Kyyyle! I'm hotter than Kyyyle!
Kyle: I'm last? Last?
Stan: Dude, it's just a stupid list, remember?
Kyle: I got voted the ugliest boy in the whole class?
Stan: Who cares what dumb girls think, right? [realizes there's no consolation now and walks away.] 
Lack of Fe (Extroverted Feeling) or Ti (Introverted Thinking) in Social Situations : XXFP
Stan doesn’t exhibit any Fe or Ti, which disproves any implications that he is a TP or FJ type. He isn’t so emotionally expressive, often either feigning interest or rarely ever conforming to a socially acceptable reaction to things. He doesn’t match his energy with others, mostly just acts like himself no matter who he’s talking to. He also struggles with understanding the emotions of others externally, more so would rather connect with others one-on-one. May say or do things in an awkward or blunt manner with lack of social awareness unintentionally. 
Clerk: Okay, just follow me over to the waiting room and we'll have you take a seat with the others.
Stan: [being interviewed] And we were like, "Others? We have to do this with other people?" [a shot of the boys entering the waiting room, where there are seven other people waiting]
Woman 1: Hi there.
Man 1: Hello.
Woman 2: Hi
Narrator: The boys have just made a sobering discovery. [a shot of Stan's internal organs and spine] For ten year old Stan Marsh, the realization that he will be with a tour group has caused his adrenal glands to slow down. [this is shown] The average human acts a certain way when surrounded by friends and family. [Stan's brain and skull are shown] But, in a tour group, the brain has to work overtime, acting nice and pretending to care about people on the tour.
Woman 2: [quite pregnant] Hey, how are you?
Stan: [feigned interest] Good. How are you
Butters: We came over to cheer you up, Stan!
Stan: [softly, creaking] ...Go away
Stan: Jesus, how long before they start this Goddamned thing?! [apparently trailers are still playing]
Cartman: Oh cool, the movie trailers!
Announcer: Adam Sandler is Jack. Adam Sandler is Jill. [Jack and Jill are at a well, and Jill poops on Jack... and they both look like turds]
Stan: Awww God! [squeezes his eyes shut and puts his hand over them]
Kyle: Dude, you said you wouldn't say everything looked like shit!
Stan: Sorry if I see things for what they are! Ok- okay, okay, I'm sorry.
Announcer: [a toilet bowl spews out shit] This November, Adam Sandler shits in your eyes, ears, and mouth. [Some eyes, ear, and mouth are shown separately, and poop lands on each of them] It's Adam Sandler in Pbbbbbt, rated Arg for pirates. Fuck you!
Cartman: That looks pretty good.
Stan: How can you say that looks good?!
Kyle: Shhh, you're doing it again!
Announcer: Jim Carrey has a bunch of turds in his apartment. [dancing turds that create turd sounds, at that]
Stan: [shields his eyes from the shit] Ugh.
Cartman: Stan, knock it off!
Stan: But it's just crap.
Kyle: No, they're penguins! Stop it
Charlie Rose: Stan, after everything that's come out, after all the facts have been proven, why do you still wear the wristband?
Stan: I don't know, [looks at his wristband] I just like it.
Charlie Rose: You just like it.
Stan: Yeah. I donno. I've had it a long time, I just don't feel like cutting it off.
Charlie Rose: Well joining us now is just one of the billions of people who think that anyone who still wears their "What Would Jesus Do" wristband is doing all of society a disservice. Chris Martin you say that Stan Marsh is... a dick?
Chris Martin: Yeah, yeah, thanks Charlie. My problem with this kid is he doesn't care about the truth! Okay, if Jesus rose from the dead with the help of drugs, that's fine, but then he went on to say it was a miracle, and that is where it became dangerous! What about the Incas?! What about the Aztecs?! Millions of people who were murdered in Jesus's name, and then Jesus turns out to be a fraud! Wearing that bracelet is a slap in the face to everyone!
Charlie Rose: What do you say about that, Stan?
Stan: ...I don't know. [checks his wristband again] I like it
Kyle: Oh, God. [grabs his head and stumbles away, then falls on all fours] Wuh. Aah. [waves his hand at Stan and Kenny] Get out of here!
Stan: [flatly] Why? [Kyle continues writhing and groaning, before throwing his hat away
Nelson: Yeah, it's a pretty bad time for me, coach. I'm only five and I'm dying. [Stan walks up to him] Coach, what's it like when you die?
Stan: Wugh, I'm not sure. I would... think that... it's a lot like it was before you were born?
Nelson: How come I have to die now?
Stan: Ogh.
Nelson: I mean, how come I don't get to grow up?
Stan: Goddammit, dude, I don't know.
Nelson: I'm sorry.
Stan: No, what I mean is, nobody really knows, see? But everyone does it. I mean, it's not like everyone else gets to live and only you have to die. Everyone's gonna die. You feel better now?
Nelson: I think so.
Stan: Okay, great. Look, I, I gotta get to the stadium, but uh... hang in there? All right? [gives him a thumbs up and walks away
Stan: What's up, Kyle? Why are you trying to trash-talk our theatrical release?
Kyle: Do you really think that this is good for Butters? To have his face put all over signs as the poster child for bullying?
Stan: Butters is totally fine with it, dude.
Kyle: Yeah? Well Butters is ten! He doesn't exactly know what's best for him, and neither do you
Reliance on Se (Extroverted Sensing) + Te (Extroverted Thinking) for Comebacks, Humor, Rational Thinking & Realist Attitude : XSFP 
Stan’s humor within the show is both reliant on observational quips (Se) and clear-cut honesty (Te). Stan is and will always be a realist, in a sense that he can only truly believe in something that’s both concrete and applicable to reality. Stan is quick to react in making a comment on things that he notices.
PC Principal: I just saw a copy of the school newspaper in which a student used the word "r*tarded" to refer to our cafeteria lunch policy! The word "r*tarded" does not belong in our school!! Who is in charge of the school paper?! 'Cause I'm about to break their fuckin' legs!
Stan: Aaah, he's in charge of the school paper. [points to his right. PC Principal turns left and faces... Jimmy. PC Principal is speechless.] You gonna break his legs, PC Principal
The Coon: I can't believe your dad was dumb enough to lend you his tools, Toolshed.
Toolshed: At least I have a dad.
Kyle: These are the terms for your surrender. One, you will be the elves personal slave for…
Stan: A month.
Kyle: One month! Two, you agree that Elves are masters of the stick for all time. Three, you a-
Stan: Hey, hand me the mic for a sec (…) Three, the so-called Grand Wizard has to jump up and down continuously for 3 straight days. If he stops early, he has to start over.
Kyle: *giggles*
[a shot of the PC babies crying as a stoned Strong Woman holds one of them up in her arms]
Stan: I guess they are offensive.
Kyle: *laughs*
Stan: You guys are ten years old and you just figured out that Slash isn't real? Oh my God. [leaves the table]
Cartman: You knew about this??
Stan: [stands next to Craig and Clyde] My parents told me Slash wasn't real when I was five. Je-hesus Christ. [blinks his eyes and walks away. The others are dumbstruck for several seconds]
Stan: [moving off slowly] That's us. Come on
Kyle: Four white birds!
Stan: Huh?
Kyle: There's four white birds! [Sees a sign for Jewleeard, a private school for young Jews. The sign has four birds in flight above a small school, two stars of David flanking the building, and two traditional Jewish men in overcoats, one at each end of the sign. A phone number is shown underneath. Kyle and Stan walk closer to the sign] This is what Grandma wants? She wants me to attend Jewleeard.
Stan: Dude, you were going to see four white birds eventually.
Kyle: So is it a coincidence that Grandma DID talk to me about going to Jewleeard someday?
Stan: Yes. Now, come on. Our plane is gonna leave. [walks off]
Kyle: I'm not going back.
Stan: [stops and looks at Kyle, astonished] What??
Kyle: I have to join Jewleeard and make Grandma proud! [drops his ticket on the ground] Tell my parents I'll call them. [hurries away]
Stan: Kyle. No, Kyle! Aw crap! [slaps his left palm on his face]
Stan: Look, my friend Kyle won't fly back home to Colorado. All I need you to do is just talk to him and tell him, you know, the whole talking to dead people isn't for real.
John Edward: Maybe it is for real.
Stan: Right, but it's not. It's a trick you do and I need you to just let my friend Kyle know that so he can go on with his life.
John Edward: Look, people have the right to be skeptical. I really hear voices in my head.
Stan: Yes. We all hear voices in our heads. It's called "intuition." Get over yourself and tell my friend it's just for fun.
John Edward: Look, what I do doesn't hurt anybody. I give people closure and help them cope with life
Stan: No, you give them false hope and a belief in something that isn't real
John Edward: But I'm a psychic.
Stan: No dude, you're a douche.
John Edward: I'm not a douche! What if I really believe that dead people talk to me?
Stan: Then you're a stupid douche.
John Edward: I think I've had of your bullying me! Get out of my house or I'll runs upstairs, lock myself in my panic room and call the police!
Stan: I'm nine years old
Kyle: Dude, what actually makes total sense about it, if you look at it, is that the crack babies are finally getting some attention and the care that they need. [glances at Stan] Yeah. It's pretty cool, dude. Because most of these babies would normally not even get out, you know? Huh, or be able to do anything. [glances at Stan again] Just because we are making money doesn't mean that those babies aren't benefiting. It isn't exploiting them. They're finding a useful place in society. What's so unethical about that? [glances at Stan and waits a bit longer for a reply]
Stan: ...You sound like Cartman. 
Kyle: [puts his right hand on his stomach as if punched there] Ooogh. Dude, the thing is, we're not the ones that made them crack babies. That's their moms' goddamned fault!
Stan: Yeah, I'm sure that's what Cartman would say too.
Kyle: I do not sound like Cartman goddamnit! [frightens himself and glances at Stan, then look away] Okay, so, see ya. [goes out the front door and closes it behind him
Stan: No, it proves he DID make it all up. Are you blind?
Mark: Well, Stan, it's all a matter of faith.
Stan: No, it's a matter of logic! If you're gonna say things that have been proven wrong, like that the first man and woman lived in Missouri, and that Native Americans came from Jerusalem, then you'd better have something to back it up. All you've got are a bunch of stories about some asswipe who read plates nobody ever saw out of a hat, and then couldn't do it again when the translations were hidden
Stan: Hey, we want our money back.
Ticket Salesman: Huh?
Stan: That movie sucked ass. Give us back our eighteen dollars.
Ticket Salesman: I can't refund your money. You sat through the whole movie.
Stan: That wasn't a movie, that was a snuff film!
Kenny: (Yeah!)
Stan: You can't charge people to watch a guy get tortured for two hours!
Ticket Salesman: That guy happened to be Jesus, and he went through all that to pay for your sins!
Stan: We go to church to learn that stuff! We go to movies to be entertained! We weren't entertained, and we want our money back!
Ticket Salesman: I'm not allowed to give you your money back after you sat through the whole movie! You'd have to take your complaint up with the film's producers.
Stan: W-what? Mel Gibson? You're saying we have to get our money back from Mel Gibson?
Ticket Salesman: Yeah. I'd like to see you try.
Stan: Oh, we will! This is America! And in America, if something sucks, you're supposed to be able to get your money back! Come on, Kenny! [he and Kenny storm off
Stan: Just put it between its eyes.
Tweek: GARH. But what if, while I'm putting on the nose, the snowman comes to life and tries to kill me?
Stan: Tweek, when has that ever happened, except for that one time?
Spontaneity and Down-to-Earth Se (Extroverted Sensing) Nature : XSXP 
Stan is always up for improvising and doing things on the spot. He can easily drop whatever he’s doing and engage with his environment without question or a clear, solid plan yet. 
Kyle: Dude, we're gonna go sneak into Cartman's and change him back into a non-ginger!
Stan: Huh? Why?
Kyle: Because now he's acting like gingers are awesome. And all his friends are gingers. When he wakes up tomorrow and realizes he isn't really ginger, it'll be hysterical!
Kenny: (Hehe, yeah. Hehe)
Kyle: Are you in?
Stan: ...totally.
Kyle: Dude, they're gonna kill Kenny!
Stan: I can't let them do it. [comes out from under the table] I've got to make the ultimate sacrifice. [turns and heads for the door, then exits the building]
Kyle: Stan?
Wendy: [leans out] Where are you going, Stan?
Stan: Wendy, I have to do something. Please look away. [turns around, grabs some dirt, rubs it on his face, and walks to the hostage area]
Franz: All right, that does it! [jabs the tip of the gun up against Kenny's hood. Kenny just looks at him] On the count of three this child dies! One! Two!
Kenny: (Give them the freaking door code!)
Stan: [walks up] Well howdy there, strangers. [everyone looks at him as he approaches] Sorry to interrupt ye, but I done come from Pagosa Springs to buy me some wares an' sich..
Pioneer Paul: Ohhh, welcome, partner. [the other employees welcome him as well.]
Franz: Wha-what are you doing?
Stan: I heard you all had some difficulty with a criminal getsin' out of your jail.
Pioneer Paul: That's right, Murderin' Murphy. He's crazy 'cause someone killed his pa.
Murderin’ Murphy: They killed my pahr!
Stan: I reckon that maybe you could make a jail door that opened with numbers instead of keys. You know, like a biiiiig safe.
Pioneer Paul: Y-y-yeah, I understand that.
Clerk: Finally, a fella that talks some sense.
Stan: If'n you all was to have such a giant safe, what would you villagers want the number to be to unlock that thar jail door shuckamuck?
Pioneer Paul: Oh, well uh, I reckon the easiest number to remember for any big safe door lock would be... 1864.
Relatively Easy Usage of Ni (Introverted Intuition) for Pattern-Spotting, Probability-Based Predictions and Planning : XSXP
Stan can easily predict people’s intentions and outcomes by utilizing real-world patterns and cause-and-effect systems. Often does things by a “hunch” through probability (“What is most likely going to happen in this situation?”). Has shown signs of being laser-focused on getting the outcome he anticipates. 
Stan: See, Kyle? I just started with something really vague. I chose an older man because I'm betting that, based on this woman's age, her father is most likely dead. But if her father wasn't dead, I could still say it was some other older man.
Man 2: Well then how'd you know her birthday was in November?
Stan: I didn't. I just asked her if November meant anything. Her father could have died in November, or Thanksgiving could have been really special for them. But I go with the birthday and validate it now, as if I knew, by saying "He wishes you a Happy Birthday.
Stan: [getting annoyed] Stop it! I didn't do anything!
Man 9: [rises and accuses] You knew Peter was dead!
Stan: [reminding] I didn't start by saying Peter is dead! I started by saying, "They want me to acknowledge Peter." That could have meant Peter was in the audience or that Peter was somebody's friend, or Peter had died. I couldn't be wrong, see? Now, I can look at this woman and see that she's fairly young, so odds are her husband was fairly young when he died. So I can say something like, "I'm getting that Peter's death was very untimely."
Woman 5: [sobbing] Yes, it was.
Audience: Wow!! [begins to clap]
Man 10: Amazing!
Woman 7: Ask Peter if he knows my little Billy.
Stan: [frustrated, with right hand over his clenched eyelids] Okay. Let's back up. [each audience row backs up to the one behind it] Not literally
Stan: How come you couldn't just go home, dude? That's all we had to do!
Kyle: Stan! What the fuck?!
Stan: It was all planned out!
Kyle: You knew this whole time? Why?
Stan: Because it was me. I'm the one who took a dump in the urinal.
Kyle: [backs away a bit] What??
Stan: The stalls were full and I didn't wanna miss recess! I didn't think it would turn into such a big deal!
Kyle: So you blamed the government?
Fi-Ni Loops : ISFP
Stan can often get stuck in a Fi-Ni loop, a negative thinking cycle that causes him to view life in a depressing lens. When he is subjected to emotionally distressing situations (Fi), he has the tendency to project a negative future on his life (Ni). It’s a sense of catastrophizing wherein an ISFP will continually predict a negative trajectory of events until they feel a sense of hopelessness and an inability to escape from their situation. In short, Stan gets in this state when feels trapped in his situation, and things will only go downhill from here. To get out of this loop, Stan needs to use his Se, the function that will help him view situations realistically and objectively. He needs to welcome change and external experience in order to feel fulfilled. Stan needs the freedom to experience things and not remain stagnant. Being cooped up is his greatest fear. 
Jimmy: Well, Stan. Do you feel, uhb- better now?
Stan: No, dude, I feel worse!
Kyle: Look, we're just trying to show you there's other girls out there.
Stan: Dude, I don't have time to start over with other girls. I'm nine years old, dude! If I don't work things out with Wendy, I could be alone my whole life
Stan: I don't want everything to go back to the way it was! [suddenly calm] I, I don't. [he steps over the broken bottle, leaves and joins the other kids, who have returned] You were right, Kyle. Sometimes, the only way to go forward, is to take a big left turn. I've been resisting it, but I'm ready now. I want you to stay with Cartman Burger, dude. It's okay. You're gonna do this and I'm gonna do my thing and ...my mom and dad aren't getting back together. But you know what? It's okay. In fact, it's better. Change is gonna bring new things to all of us. Where will Cartman Burger go from here? That'll be cool to see. And it opens me up to a whole new adventure, exploring... new relationships with all new people in town. [approaches one boy] Maybe this kid will become my new best friend. [then another] Or maybe this kid will.
Douglas: Wow. [smiles]
Stan: Maybe it won't be like before, but... at least it'll all be new. And that's what's gonna make it so that I can keep going. For the first time in a long time, I'm really excited. [a horn and the sound of wheels stopping are heard
Stan: Is that really it? Because I, I just feel like we kind of threw Grandpa away and forgot about him.
Randy: Oh really? Do you have any idea how much money we pay to have Grandpa in that place? Your grandpa is stylin'! Can you imagine being able to just sit around all day and not have to do anything but eat and watch TV?
Stan: Yeah. I'd probably go crazy and wanna kill myself.
Randy: Jesus, Stan! It's not like he's in jail!
Stan: Yeah, it's kind of like jail. You should go visit him.
Mr. Mackey: M'kay, Stan, you, you've gotta try and pull yourself out of this, m'kay? I know that... your parents recently got divorced. M'kay, that's gotta be hard. I know that's... that's bad. But when you walk around all mopey, m'kay, and sayin' everything is... just shitty, well, that's called bein' a Debbie Downer, Stan. And nobody likes a Debbie Downer, m'kay. ...I mean you've gotta, you've gotta snap out of it, Debbie. Come on, Debbie, you're even bummin' me out now, m'kay? Your attitude just- just sucks.
Stan: [after a few seconds' silence] I just want everything to go back to the way it was
Mr. Mackey: Okay, well, that's not gonna happen, Debbie. Okay, you know, uh life, life has to change, m'kay?
Stan: How?... When all the things that made you laugh, just make you sick. How do you go on when nothing makes you happy? [tears start to well up around his eyes]
Inferior Te Suppressions and Meltdowns: IXFP
Stan often suppresses emotions that he finds to be too weak or embarrassing to share. He would rather do something reckless than to ever be vulnerable with his feelings unprompted. He tends to bottle things up until they explode, due to looking at these feelings with shame. 
Stan: Cartman, please! We have to stop this show! Lorde is going to do something horrible and corrupt little girls everywhere!
Cartman: Why does that matter?
Stan: Because Lorde is my dad, alright?! [walks forward as his anger drains away] Lorde is my dad.
Cartman: What?
Kyle: What are you talking about, Stan?
Stan: He does it all with computers and processors... He got discovered on the Internet. He's like the PewDiePie of music. And he played live last week. Rubbed his clit and started trending more than ever. I thought he had learned his lesson... but it's like he doesn't care.
Cartman: Sorry guys, I gotta go. The world needs CartmanBrah. [the commenter window disappears]
Kyle: Why didn't you tell me, Stan? I would've helped.
Stan: It just all seemed so... stupid
Cartman: Did you guys know there's actually a disease called Assburgers? [Stan is hearing everything as if from a distance]
Mr. Garrison: Sit down boys, we'll talk about this later. Right now we're talking about vaginal warts.
Wendy: This isn't fair! How can the school make us get vaccinated?
Butters: You mean little hamburgers grow in your butthole?
Cartman: That's right, it's a butt fungus.
Butters: Well I don't want burgers comin' out of my butt!
Stan: [in an angry outburst] God, shut up! Everyone just shut the fuck up! [looks around glaring at everyone, who look back at him, stunned
Tolkien: Stan... Are you ok? You've just been acting kind of strange the last few days.
Stan: Yeah, I'm good. I'm... No, I'm not... Tolkien, I have something I have to tell you.
Tolkien: Okay.
Stan: This whole time, I thought your name was "Token". Like... the token black person.
Tolkien: Wow.
Stan: Yeah.
Tolkien: Wow... Why would my parents name me something that means the only black person?
Stan: I don't know. So I understand if you don't wanna be around me anymore
Sharon: How was school, Stanley?
Stan: It's not school! It's a freakin' joke. We're not even learning anything.
Sharon: I know this has all been really hard on you, Stanley. Do you wanna talk about it?
Stan: No, I'm fine, Mom! You know, I'm strong. I'm just worried about how this is all affecting weaker kids like, you know, like Butters
Stan: God dammit! [looks out the window and sees Death there. Stan tries one more time to fill the shell, but the gust of air knocks him to the ground. Stan gets right back up to try again]
Kyle: Dude, just let it go.
Stan: No, Kyle, we can't let Butters down!
Kyle: [walks up to Stan] Stan, are you sure this is about Butters? 'Cause you seem really desperate to build a bear
Stan: You guys were right, okay? This hasn't been about Butters. I've been acting like this because I can't take these shutdowns anymore, and I'm scared what it's doing to me! I'm looking for whom to blame. Saying I'm trying to help people to make myself feel better because the truth is... I just wanna have fun again. [Cartman looks at him] I wanted to see that I could go out in the world and do things that I used to do, but I can't. I'm not any better, and I don't care any more than anyone else. And I did all this [tears well up in his eyes] because I just want my life back! I just want my life back... [begins to weep silently. Cartman's look softens. He looks at the shredder, at the boys, then steps down from the shredder, carries the pangolin out of the store, and gives it to the Chief Scientist]
Trouble with Confrontation +  Trouble with Suppressing Heavy Subject Matter due to Inferior Te : IXFP
Stan would sometimes have trouble with confrontation and being direct with his loved ones. While he has exhibited great Te when he’s leading a group and pointing out irrational takes within others, he has a hard time shutting down his emotions when he’s in specific situations that genuinely make him emotionally uncomfortable. 
Kyle: What are you doing?
Stan: Something I should have done a long time ago. [walks out the door and into the night]
Bebe's house, night. Stan walks towards the front door, looks around, and knocks three times. No response, so he knocks again. The door opens and Bebe appears
Stan: Bebe, you need to go talk to Wendy for me right now! [Bebe rolls her eyes and sighs] All this time I've been trying to have my friends do all the talking for me! Now I realize I need her friends to do it! Tell her I love her!
Bebe: Stan, why don't you show her you love her? If you really want Wendy back, try doing the most romantic thing you can think of.
Stan: [thinks] Okay, so what's the most romantic thing I can think of?
Cartman: It's probably best you trick or treat with someone else this year.
Kenny: (But we always trick or treat together)
Stan: (nervously) Yeah, but that's just it, Kenny. To use a scooter, you have to have a (quivering) phone and... I mean, if we're waiting for you, we're gonna be as slow as all the other kids. It's... like, you know?
Kenny: (Guys, please.)
Cartman: Look, Kenny, I always told you that one day, being poor was gonna catch up with you. Okay? But you didn't wanna listen. You just kept on being poor, and now it's Halloween and you don't have a cell phone.
Kyle: Okay, okay. Cartman, that's not the point.
Cartman: He needs to hear this, Kyle. You know, people are just poor, and they think it's not gonna come back to bite them in the ass.
Kyle: That's enough, dude!
Stan: We're sorry, Kenny. It's just... This awesome plan to get shitloads of candy doesn't... work with... you. [Kenny looks around and reads the mood, then takes his pail and leaves the house
Kyle: [looks around] Stan? [sees him and follows] Stan, where are you going?
Stan: I can't, I just can't.
Kyle: Dude, he needs us right now.
Stan: [turns around] I can't see him like that, Kyle. All those hoses and wires. He's a kid, dude. He's s'posed to be running around and laughing.
Kyle: I, I know it's tough but- [Stan turns away] Look at me! [turns him back around] I know it's tough, okay?! I know! But we have to be tough right now!
Stan: And what are we supposed to do, huh?! Stand in that room and keep making small talk?! Make believe like everything's okay?! I CAN'T DO IT!
Kyle: Look, however hard you think it for you, it's a lot harder for him!
Stan: [turns around and walks away] Just leave me alone!
Kyle: Stan, you can't leave!
Stan: [turns once more, with tears in his eyes] I'm not the one who's leaving, he is! [turns and leaves. Kyle turns to go back to the hospital, but sighs silently
Stan: All right, I'm gonna go kick his ass. [leaves]
Cartman: Yeah! Go Stan! Go Stan! [then, when Stan is gone, softly] All right, I've got five bucks on the other kid. Who wants in?
Gary: [looks up as Stan approaches] Oh hey there! You wanna kick the ball around with me?
Stan: No. I'm... I'm gonna kick your ass.
Gary: Excuse me?
Stan: I'm gonna kick your ass... [glances back] bitch
Gary: How come you wanna fight me? ...Oh, I get it. I'm the new kid. [sigh] Yeah, I guess maybe I deserve it.
Stan: [off guard] Huh?
Gary: It's really tough being in a totally new place, but I think all you guys are really cool so... I understand if there's initiation rites.
Stan: Dude, stop it
Kyle: What happened? [Stan glances back, then looks at Kyle]
Stan: I'm... [stares back at Gary] going over to his house for dinner tonight.
Tolkien: What?! How did that happen?
Stan: [stammering] He's a really nice kid.
Cartman: You were supposed to kick his ass, not lick his butthole
Great Leadership Skills due to Te (Extroverted Thinking) : XXFP
Has exhibited stellar results-oriented leadership. 
Cherokee Hair Tampons: Was successfully able to get the whole town to help him steal Cartman’s kidney.
Fun with Veal: Was successfully able to shut down the veal industry with his friends, with Cartman’s assistance (who is also a Te user). 
Whale Whores: Was a well-respected, effective pirate leader for a group of adults. 
Butterballs: Despite its downfall, he *was* able to get the entire school to work together to create an anti-bullying video with a surprising amount of choreography, camera work, vocal arrangements and staging. Props to him. 
His roleplaying fantasies and even superhero persona is grounded in reality (Se). He rarely ever entertains Ne-based fantasies, more so likely to be critical of it. 
Stan’s addictive traits *could* be Se-related, but it’s important to make the distinction that having addictions doesn’t automaticaly mean that one’s a Se user.
Stan and Cartman share the exact same functions but in reverse, so it’s interesting seeing how Cartman brings out Stan’s inferior function in morally questionable situations. 
Stan’s hoarding tendencies *could* be tied down to his Fi, but like I said before, functions don’t automatically correlate to mental health symptoms. 
Stan’s constant search of his identity is very Fi-fueled, not Fe. 
Stan would sometimes get in tunnel vision (Fi + Ni) as shown in Butterballs and Scause for Applause. 
Stan’s protective nature over Kyle and loved ones is indeed very Fi-motivated.
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
*sighs* i was wrong. kenny is an estp. 🧎‍♀️
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
wendy/bebe, stutters!
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I find Bendy to be cute! As a sapphic, they were like my default wlw ship back in the day. I appreciate seeing Bendy fanart and fan content, and I absolutely love jock Wendy with Bebe and Wendyl and Bebe. I haven’t read any Bendy fics so far that have really gripped me yet, which is understandable since their friendship isn’t really shown all that much in-canon, but I think there is enough material to go by to make some good potential scenarios between the two. People tend to re-write them as a female version of Style, but I’d love some Bendy interpretations where they act more like “themselves”. Like, imagine the type of hi-jinks these two usually get into like in “Tom’s Rhinoplasty”, where they worked together to send Miss Ellen away. Or the little interesting rivalry they had in “The List”. Or the fact that they seem to tell each other everything in “Chef Goes Nanners”. Or the amount of times Wendy and Bebe talked behind each other’s back for the sake of ego, which has good potential angst and could also be used as commentary on how mean-spirited female cliques can be and how it affects little girls and their view on relationships / womanhood. Or how they took care of their egg together and succeeded. I feel like there’s a lot you can do with them, sooooo I like ‘em.
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God, I have such a major soft spot for Stutters 😭 I’m surprised it’s not as popular in the fandom considering these two share a lot of moments with each other. Their personalities contrast with each other so perfectly. Stan is always trying to run away and suppress his emotions, which is why I think Butters would be a good influence on him to get in touch with these feelings in a healthy manner. I speculate that Butters is an INFP and Stan is an ISFP, so they would both have this IXFP (Fi-dom) unspoken connection of knowing what words to say to get each other out of a depressive funk. Butters did so with Stan by giving his “beautiful sadness” speech, and Stan did so with Butters by convincing him to dance again and to deal with his trauma (though that backfired terribly). They’re also…so hilarious together. “Future Self n’ Me” is like a perfect encapsulation to their entire dynamic. Stan is a stark cold realist, a skeptical cynic who takes things seriously and doesn’t like wasting time. Butters is more like a kind-hearted simpleton, an idealist wearing rose-colored glasses and misinterprets a lot of things in the real world that fucks him over eventually. I think they would balance each other out. You know how Kyle is a positive influence on Stan in a rational manner? Butters is a positive influence on Stan in an idealistic manner. Butters helps Stan explore unrealistic possibilities in the world while Stan helps Butters be grounded in his way of thinking. I think it’s great!
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
For those who read my post regarding South Park and cognitive functions, there’s a great website that lists the MBTI types for almost any fictional character and celebrity you can name, including South Park characters! I legit forgot to include this in my original long post, but I edited it in. 😅 It’s extremely important to know that it isn’t 100% accurate since the types are selected by majority vote of the community (in which you can also join yourself), so proceed with caution. What’s nifty is that they have a comment section for each profile, in which users can discuss about why they think a character is a certain type, so I highly recommend checking it out to study the way most view functions. Here’s the South Park section of the site. Go nuts. https://www.personality-database.com/subcategory/153/south-park-1997-cartoons-mbti-personality-type
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