#idk why i dedicated my time doing this instead of drawing but
secretsecretbunny · 7 months
idk if you do drabble requests but I love your writing so much! you really have a way with words so i was wondering if maybe you'd do a drabble about new!idol fem reader (can be solo or group w/e) who really looks up to and admires BTS and they meet her before watching her perform for the first time? also maybe there's some flirting? (idc which members I'm ot7) just one of my lil day dreams I wanna get out there 🥺 anyway! keep writing, you're genuinely really good 🫶🏻
I do now!! This sounded too cute to pass up 💕
Title: "Run."
Genre: drabble, one-shot, casual??? fluff??? idk how to describe this one lmao. I hope you enjoy!
Notes: y/s/n = "your stage name". Things that are underlined are links to the outfits described.
Your nerves had you literally shaking with anticipation as you waited behind the scenes of the show. So many incredible talents were performing today and here you were, an unknown newbie who was about to take the stage in front of a live audience. Why did they even want you to debut at this big of an event in the first place? Your manager reassured you it was because they believed in your talent and knew that taking a chance on you and letting your first performance be somewhere as prestigious as this would draw in fans, who would appreciate the unique sound you bring to the table. In particular, if the responses of other idols who are more famous and well-known were captured on camera and shared with their fanbase through broadcasts or similar media channels.
The way they styled you had you feeling nervous as well, with a form-fitting pink mini skirt that hugged your curves and a white button up top that was tucked in with a black and pink tie, adding a touch of elegance to your look. The cropped black blazer and black gogo boots with heels made you feel like you were going to fall at any moment, but the white leather garter with a chain on one of your thighs added a bold touch to your outfit. You felt a little exposed but you took a moment to be silently appreciative of the safety shorts you wore beneath your skirt.
You had always dreamed of being part of a group, working together towards a common goal. That's why you were initially brought on as a trainee for the company in the first place. However, after careful consideration and evaluation of your skills and strengths, it was ultimately decided that your talents would be best utilized flying solo. But you deeply wished you had people to lean on, members who could offer support and distract from your potential mistakes. You tugged at your skirt awkwardly as you stood around waiting for your time to perform. You still had nearly 30 minutes but you were too nervous to sit, instead you opted for watching the screen positioned on the wall, showing the current performers on stage.
You smiled at the screen at the talent being shown. BTS. You had a deep admiration for the group and enjoyed watching them perform their song DNA. The members exuded confidence and comfort on stage, making it seem like they never worried about mistakes at this point in their career. You watched as they moved fluidly across the stage, perfectly in sync with one another. 
A close up of Jimin had you grinning like an idiot. God he was pretty. Fuck, they all were. Hoseok with his vibrant smile, Namjoon with his unique features and buff build, Yoongi and his piercing eyes, Taehyung sporting the flirtiest looks you had ever seen, Jungkook somehow looking both innocent and dangerously delicious, and Jin with his world wide handsome face. And even more than their looks, they were so incredibly talented and hardworking.
You had heard the detailed story of how they rose to the top, overcoming numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. Their journey was filled with both good and bad experiences, but through it all, they showed great dedication and strength. And here you were, you hadn't even had your first performance yet and you had been ready to give up multiple times just during your 4 years of being a trainee. Working for the same label as the musicians who inspired you to pursue music in the first place left you feeling both grateful and slightly out of place, as if you hadn't earned your spot there yet.
You completely dismissed those thoughts and made your way towards the snack and beverage area, specifically designated for idols and staff members. You were in dire need of water and something sweet to give you an energy boost. As the boys finished their performance, the booming cheers from the crowd echoed through the air. You froze in surprise when you heard the seven of them laughing and panting out of breath as they entered the same room you were in. You attempted to seem nonchalant as they eagerly grabbed water bottles and snacks for themselves, while you discreetly tucked your hair behind your ear and reached for a water bottle too, all the while listening intently as Jungkook and Hoseok laughed uncontrollably about some unknown joke or incident.
In their fit of laughter Jungkook backed up into you, making you stumble back a bit. He whipped around suddenly "shit, sorry!" he apologized with a small bow. "Kookie you've gotta be more careful!" came a voice from behind you. The voice placed a hand on your shoulder. "You okay?" As you turned your head, you caught sight of Jimin with a gentle smile on his face. You quickly nodded in response, your eyes wide, causing him to let out a soft chuckle. "Hey! We making new friends?" Came Hoseok's voice as he reached his hand out to you. "I'm Hoseok. Or Hobi, J-Hope, whatever's fine." he said. His signature smile was contagious, spreading warmth to the pit of your stomach as he spoke. You took his hand lightly, stifling a giggle. "I uh, I know who you are. I'm y/n. Or y/s/n. Whatever's fine." You mimicked with a warm smile. He laughed. "Nice to meet you, y/n!" His hand was warm, and making your head swim, prompting you to let go.
"Wait, y/s/n?" Yoongi asked, stepping into the conversation. "The new girl? You're debuting today, right?" As you glanced in his direction, your nervousness was evident in the rapid nodding of your head. "Mhmm! In uh.." you checked the time on your phone. "shit.. 15 minutes actually." You said, taking a shaky breath in. "Nervous?" came Taehyung's voice from behind Yoongi.
You were now the center of attention for the seven boys, who were anxiously anticipating your next words. "Incredibly so.." you replied, making them all smile at you. "Hey I'm sure you're going to do great!" Namjoon chimed in "yeah, you're going to sound amazing!" Said Jin. They all nodded as you laughed
"you guys have never even heard me sing, how would you know?" You asked with a playful lilt in your voice. "Well, you're beautiful, so I'm sure your voice matches." God. Jimin was just as flirty as people described him, with a playful smile and a wink that could light up the room. You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "Smooth, pretty boy." You chuckled out, making him smirk. Jungkook looked you up and down for a moment "Your outfit looks great, your stylists did an amazing job." You took a moment to examine your outfit, making sure every piece was in its place and smoothing out any wrinkles on your skirt.
"Thanks, I actually had to beg them to add black into the theme. They originally wanted me in all pink and white and that's just... really not my vibe." This had Hoseok raising a brow. "What's not your vibe? ...sweet and innocent?" He asked with a smirk and the tilt of his head.
For just an instant, your eyes flickered with something that looked almost like mischief before settling back into their usual serenity; however fleeting this transformation may have been, its impact left ripples. Luckily you were saved by staff running up to you. "Y/n you have 10 minutes! Please come get your hair and makeup touched up!" The girl sounded almost panicked. You gave her a sweet smile. "Be right there!" You said, putting your sweet and shy persona back on. "I should run. Thanks for the pep talk, boys!" you said with a small bow. "You got this!" Namjoon said as you turned to leave. Jin's voice stopped you "would it make you more or less nervous if we said we'll be watching?" You paused for a moment in thought. "Hmm, well, I think I'd be more motivated not to fall on my ass if I knew THE Bangtan was watching my every move." This made them smirk. "We'll have our eyes glued to you then." Hoseok said with a subtle wink, his voice low. "You better." You replied amorously as you walked away.
With you fully out of earshot now, the boys spoke. "she's cute as hell."  Jungkook said. "Hm, she acts cute, but I think she's a little darker than that." Hoseok laughed. "Her and Jimin have the same vibes" Taehyung said playfully. "Oh, so I'm cute AND sexy? Thanks Taetae." Jimin retorted playfully, making the man roll his eyes. "Alright guys keep it in your pants." Yoongi commented. "Right, let's just go watch her performance like we promised, yeah?" Namjoon stated as they headed towards the changing room to switch outfits before returning to the audience.
As you stepped onto the stage, your nerves seemed to vanish into thin air as you effortlessly slipped into your performance persona. The song you performed was sultry, sassy, and sensual. Your manager referred to it as 'the triple S.' You found that you fell into the role easier than you thought you would since you discovered that with how bright the stage's colorful lights were, you could barely even see the crowd, but you could feel their energy and passion.
As your performance was coming to a close, one of your backup dancers suddenly fell near your feet. Despite knowing you needed to continue with the choreography, it felt wrong to simply step around her and ignore her situation. So, you decided to help her up while still singing and dancing, offering a reassuring smile and squeezing her hand gently when she looked panicked. She quickly fell back into the routine and the rest of the performance went on without another issue. 
As soon as you left the stage, you were immediately ushered off to change into more appropriate clothing for sitting in the audience with the other idols who either weren't performing or had already finished their performances. A simple long black dress with two high slits on either side, though you still wore a leather garter with a chain, this time in black though. Your seat was just a row behind the bts boys, you gave a small bow and a smile as you passed them. Once you sat down, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook all turned around to give you a thumbs up or small claps, telling you that you had done a good job. Despite your best efforts you couldn't fight the bright smile that took over your features.
No more than 2 hours later you were at the after party being reprimanded by your manager for stopping mid performance to help your backup dancer. "You know you're supposed to keep going in instances like that!" She barked out. "I technically did keep going! I wasn't just going to ignore her while she was struggling!" You spat back with an eye roll, arms crossed over your chest. She let out a deep sigh, her shoulders sagging in resignation.
However, before she could continue with whatever she was going to say, you abruptly turned and started walking away from her. Unfortunately for you though, your hasty retreat led you straight into the path of an oncoming person - or more specifically, their chest - resulting in a jarring impact that sent you stumbling backward several steps. "fuck! I mean, augh... sorry!" you bowed. "We're just always bumping into each other, huh? Now we're even." you looked up to see Jungkook with a couple of the boys not far behind. You let out a small laugh "I guess we are." as Hoseok walked up, he peeked around you for a moment, eyeing your manager as she huffed and stomped away.
"You get in trouble for something?" he asked. You nodded with another eye roll. "She's upset that I stopped to help my backup dancer when she fell." His eyebrows furrowed "she's mad at you for being a kind a decent human being?" You smiled "that's one way to put it I suppose." you replied. Jimin, hearing the conversation being had, pouted "I thought it made you look cool and likeable!" he said with a tilt of his head. You anxiously fiddled with your fingers, feeling a bit nervous. "Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I really hope it didn't ruin the performance." Hoseok shook his head. "Not at all! You were amazing up there!" Jungkook and Jimin nodded, agreeing. "Let me get you something to drink to get your mind off it, yeah?" He added. You smiled "sure, that'd be great."
As Jimin and Jungkook started mingling with the crowd, you and Hoseok headed towards the bar, located at the distant end of the room. The venue had arranged for an assortment of drinks to be served, and the bartender was busy filling orders.
He ordered you your drink of choice and something for himself as well. You two engaged in a casual conversation for nearly half an hour, exploring various topics and discovering shared interests such as music, movies, and hobbies. The ice in your second round of drinks had mostly melted, indicating they were nearing completion when he posed the question "you wanna get out of here?"
Halting your speech mid-sentence, you turned to face him with an inquiring gaze before your expression shifted into a sly grin that showed your true intentions. "Absolutely." You responded. He grinned widely as he grabbed your hand, his grip firm and confident, leading you towards the exit with purpose.
As you walked, he waved goodbye to his members, a gesture that seemed almost automatic. You spotted your manager heading towards you, her expression written in annoyance, causing your heart to race in anticipation. You gave Hoseok's hand a stern warning squeeze as your manager approached, making him raise an eyebrow at you in confusion. However, the mischievous grin spreading across your features told him everything he needed to know - you had no intention of being deterred by anyone.
You said before pulling him into a dash towards the exit. You both burst into a fit of laughter as you rapidly made your way out of the building, the sound of your hurried footsteps on the hard floor growing fainter with each passing second until you were no longer in sight.
Tonight might be fun after all, you decided.
aaaa okay how was that? Thoughts? Critiques? Requests? Let me know what's up. Love you!! 🩷
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usuratongaychi · 6 months
Drawings + Rants + Headcanons/Naruto AU
i finally had some time to draw my versions of tean seven (minus kakashi). im gonna detail more of my AU later in the post but here are the designs and some notes.
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For sasuke, in one of my other posts i had the theory that sasuke keeps his hair short to avoid resembling itachi, and thats why it is longer in time skip, because he is coming to terms with his trauma and still loves itachi. I also gave him similar creases to itachi, just from stress.
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tbh im not too sure about this naruto design…but at least he isnt balding like before💀.
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for sakura, i actually really like her older design, so i just drew her working. she would have her hair up and i gave her sakura blossom hair pins and eyeshadow.
also i havent drawn in forever so..thats why its messy.
(the rest of this is me rambling on..)
Now for changes i made to the story:
1. Narusasu endgame (yk im a stan)
I would have both of them be joint hokages, so technically both are the 7th. I know Sasuke is referred to as the shadow hokage, but that doesn’t really entail anything. I think it’s important because Sasuke would know just how important reform is for the village and shinobi system, but since people are still suspicious of Uchihas, Naruto would be the face. This fulfills Naruto’s dream, which when you really think about it, his dream was just to be loved, not really to be a politician. Naruto has seen how unfair and corrupt their society is, so he would completely work with Sasuke to make sure things like Danzo and Hiruzen’s corruption, child soldiers, hyuuga slavery and the “Uchiha Incident” dont happen again. I could explain more of this in a later post.
2. I would have Hinata look up to Sakura more, instead of Naruto.
I think it makes a bit more sense, Sakura is brave, outspoken and independent, just like Hinata wants to be. I would have Sakura be her first friend, since she can’t stand to see people be excluded or alone. That leads me into changes I would make for Sakura’s story.
3. Sakura. In the original, I would keep her kind of bratty attitude until things get serious in the Zabuza arc. Seeing her close friends so close to death, while not being able to help much would challenge her to become a protector. This also gives motivation for her to learn healing and medicine when Tsunade comes around. Sakura would be the “rock” or “glue” of team seven, which makes sense because she is the only one of them that came from a stable home.
Sakura initially resents Sasuke for betraying the team, but seeing how dedicated Naruto is to saving him, she decides its worth it to help bring him back. Besides if she didn’t, naruto would just endager himself trying.
4. Sasuke. I would have Sasuke after he realizes Itachi was manipulated into a genocide to protect the village, still go through him “i’m gonna destroy the village” phase, but when Naruto defeats him, they make a promise to change things, so no one else will have to suffer like that. I would also show more of the psychological effects of witnessing Itachi’s murders. One of my headcanons is that he’s pretty thin, since trauma survivors tend to have chronic stomach pains. He’s probably pretty paranoid about others betraying him, so he does it to them first (probably why he pushes naruto away so much). Sasuke is also probably still ostracized or “othered” for being an uchiha, since that is what the village is told about them. People still pity him, but dont come near him.
5. Naruto. 😭I actually made up a whole theory on why Hiruzen didn’t take great care of naruto, bc to me it just doesn’t make sense. it’s kinda a dumb theory and doesn’t rlly have anything to do with canon, but- what if Minato wanted to expose the corruption in the hidden leaf and get rid of the foundation, so as a sort of revenge, or just general distaste for Minato, Hiruzen doesn’t really provide for Naruto. 🤷‍♀️idk. A change I would make is to have naruto mature more to match his age. Like ofc it makes sense for him to act out for attention esp when he was younger, but i feel like past shippuden..he didn’t really mature at all? maybe thats just me. I’ll probably have more stuff to add for him, i’ll think of it later or put it in my headcanons post.
😭im so tired yall i will make a better post later on.
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lil--nuggett · 7 months
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Hey guys, so if you know Baldur's Gate 3 this is an AU for that with Hardenshipping but it's really fucked up. I will explain why it's fucked up below the cut.
Maxie is a High Half-Elf Warlock (his patron is Groudon), and Archie's a Human Fighter <3
Also I just realized this is the first time you have seen me draw Archie seriously lmao my bad guys I'll try to draw him again soon
I took a ton of inspiration for various things for these designs, including Guile for Archie's armor bc I love Guile sm!!
(More info and our dumb AU lore under here - No BG3 Spoilers I promise <3)
I'm going to tell you this now... this gets really fucking crazy and honest to god I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining this. It WILL be quite long and I WILL be yapping.
This AU is really just something we did on impulse and it's really fun to mess around with, so I'm hoping you all will enjoy the concept as well :)
I'll try to explain it simply as I can. I thank you in advance to all who sit here and read this ily sm if you read it all <3333
Anyways, okay so imagine how one could do a bg3 AU for these two fuckers...
And throw it right out the window because you'll never guess how me and my friend have done it.
The Backstory:
This all started when my friend decided to play BG3 for the first time, and he jokingly said to me "Should I make Maxie our main character??" and I replied "I you want, but I won't force you" and thus BG3 Maxie was created, and his misadventures began.
Now your probably wondering (if you've played the game) what about the guardian?? Who did we make the guardian?? Well, we made Archie the guardian. However, I did not know just how wild this idea would get within the next few days.
So, eventually we realized how crazy the BG3 lore actually is (it's a like fucking DnD campaign idk how we didn't realize this beforehand), and so, we jokingly started our own "AU Lore" that ties in with the BG3 Lore.
If you really want to know, I have an entire note in my notes app dedicated to keeping track of what happens. It is very long.
The Parasite:
Now, if you've played the game or know anything about it, you know about the Mindflayer parasites. Well, one fateful day, me and my friend joked that the Parasite in Maxie's head was this little freak who looks like Archie.
The two have no correlation other than looks, its completely coincidence and it's not a mimic situation. The Parasite "Archie" does nothing but talk nonsense to Maxie all the time, and initially the bit was that he only talked about Fortnite. All because I made the joke that the dream realm in game looked like a fortnite update. By now, that bit has fallen off (thank god), replaced by just general nonsense and lies.
Also he fucking looks like this:
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Weird little freak. This is just one of his talk sprites I have, this is just his neutral expression.
So basically it's:
- Maxie was supposed to be on a Geology research trip, but instead he got dragged into the Parasite issue with the rest of the companions. He really just wants to get home to Archie.
I am the one who handles everything for Maxie in this AU, I do his voice, I handle his lore, etc.
- Parasite Archie is this 1 foot tall, neco arc-esque version of Archie that sits on Maxie's shoulder and tells him nonsensical things. He also says Maxie's name wrong, he says Maxie's full first name and pronounces it as "Maximilliam" instead of the "N" at the end. For Maxie it's like handling a toddler but the toddler fights back, doesn't shut up, and threatens your life. He also has a ton of his own lore that my friend continously adds on to, so I can make another post with just the parasite's part of things.
My friend handles everything with the Parasite himself, comes up with the lore, does the voice, etc. I simply keep track of it.
- The "dream visitor" version of Archie is not real either. It's linked to the Parasite in ways that if I get into it, I will spoil a good chunk of the game. Sorry. Just know you can consider this and Parasite Archie kind of as one in the same almost.
- The REAL Archie is still at home, completely unaware of what's happening, while Maxie is fighting for his life. He does miss him, though, and hopes he gets home soon. He and Maxie are only boyfriends, they haven't gotten married yet. (They also haven't been through their rivalry yet, as this all takes place before that happens.)
Sorry for the convoluted yap sesh, I just have more art planned for this stupid AU and- God I cannot possibly just post this shit with no context. Like, I'd have to explain it eventually so I might as well do it now beforehand yk 😭😭
I might do separate posts with our HCs and some silly conversations that have happened between Parasite Archie and Maxie if you guys would want that :)
Also, I do have all of the sessions from where my friend plays the game recorded and I'll be sure to post some clips of what Parasite Archie sounds like eventually, possibly with snippets of my shitty Maxie voice in there as well. You'll get to see the talk sprites in action with that, too.
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anonymooose · 5 months
==== Spoilers for Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi! ====
Ok, so, I randomly saw a post by @corvidonia about Falin!Hypnos.
So, I thought to myself, y'know I just started watching too and this seems like a fun mini-project so I started it. Then I subsequently got way too into it and accidently made a whole rendered scene and au concept... welp! It's here now!
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For this little crossover Au whatever you wanna call it I did this main drawing but also came up with a bit of background stuff.
In this Meg would be a tall-man paladin in a sort of Chilchuck situation where she's mostly here because it's her job (and bonus, Dusa's here) and she'd be a paladin. Paladin might be an odd choice (?) but I felt it made sense due to her dedication and none of the other martial classes really stuck out to me like paladin.
Zagreus would be the party's Laios of sorts and a fighter tall-man, I imagine that the reason why they went through all the trouble for Hypnos is 50% Zagreus being friends with him and 49% Than not wanting his brother dead and 1% pity. I don't know if there would still be the culinary focus in this Au, probably not, so maybe instead it'd be more about just general monster knowledge. Like Zag and the gang filling out the codex?
Dusa would be a Half-foot, probably the farthest from their Dungeon Meshi inspo character, Senshi, only really sharing the fact that they came into the party late. I imagine that she's kind of in an "I'm the only monster around that has any sentience or emotion??" type situation though I don't really have a worked out reason why. She's also friends with Meg prior to joining and comes because of her.
I translated Thanatos and Hypnos' godhood into having a particular magical ability as elves, so they're elf twins. Than being a sorcerer rouge mostly for the vibes but also because sorcerer powers are innate to their being. Instead of a wand/staff I think he'd just use his scythe as a casting focus. I figure he'd be sort of like a mix of Chilchuck and Marcille, not bound to the party by a job but still kind of obligated to help Hypnos since they're family and all. I don't think he'd be thrilled about having to risk his life to save Hypnos from another screw up though, but he would and I do think he'd be relieved to have him back after the ordeal. (does Falin ever actually 100% come back? I've only watched the anime so idk actually, I like to think Hypnos would here though because I like my happy endings)
Hypnos is obviously the sort of Falin stand-in, but in a very different way I think. I do think he'd be a sort of magic prodigy like Falin but in more of an intuitive way compared to Than/Marcille's book smarts. I definitely think that the connection to the strange would remain but instead of ghosts it'd be personified dreams in the form of something like the Oneiroi. In this Au the starting incident with the monster would be the same but it'd probably be some sort of big bird/sheep to explain the bird/sheep design I went with for the Chimera design and it'd be Than in place of Laios. I also think that he'd be a cleric type situation like Falin sort of is, I like to think he'd excel at healing magic. I do kind of like the idea of Hypnos not being really encouraged to partake in adventuring due to his lack of physical ability but he'd go against that to spend time with Than and try to look out for him. As for Chimeros (As I've been calling it) I think it'd be accompanied by fog from Lethe rather than the harpies in the original and it'd have a similarly blank personality like Faligon (which'd be especially off-putting from him). Added angst potential, I figure his powerset would be very different from Faligon's and revolve around putting everyone to sleep (go figure) and memory erasure, so maybe the main party wouldn't even remember their first encounter with them?
I do actually have ideas for the remaining party, I'll keep it to one bullet though. I think Achille's would be a paladin/fighter or something like that and would be similar to Namari as a weapons expert, probably leaving for a different reason though maybe to join Pat's party? I don't have a particular idea for Shuro's stand-in, maybe switch the Shuro Falin romance thing to Charon Hypnos brotherhood thing and it could work? Idk though.
I did also make a full design for Hypnos as an elf/not Chimeros and here that is. The staff is inspired by actual myth where Hypnos sometimes has a wand dipped in Lethe to induce sleep.
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Ramble over!! Congrats if you were able to push through my incessant yapping to actually get here. First Tumblr post btw, who would've thunk it'd be for this. If anyone is interested in using these designs or ideas for art/writing feel free, I'm probably not going to do anything else with this idea but if you want to I'd be very interested in seeing/hearing it! Also, really sorry if this isn't properly spoilered?? I'm not exactly sure what the proper spoiler etiquette is so I tried.
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Instead of the saying, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" This blog's version of Arlecchino, the correct version, is "The more dom-coded she is in-game, the more bottom she is in reality." or something like that.
I was gonna say "The taller the high heels, the more bottom she is" or something like that. Because those shoes give her like an extra 5cm(I had to convert this from the freedom units because I forget you're in the UK) to her height. Talk about overcompensating. (But size difference will always be top 5 best tropes for me)
Just sayin, she would 100% have her bedroom be covered in the drawings the children drew for her, or atleast have a dedicated drawer, because the fridge was already completely covered. She would also be either really proud or really embarrassed explaining this to you when you enter into her room for the first time.
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I cropped it bc I wasn't sure if you wanted your public acc to be exposed out of anon or not but anyway THE AMOUNT OF FEIXIAO??? 😭😭😭😭BRO'S PREPARED FOR ME TO BE UNLEASHED AHAHAAH bro's goated 💪
This absolutely is how it's worked in this blog though. There is NO person I can't subify bc my imagination runs in overdrive CONSTANTLY sooo obvs I'd find Some way 🥰 if there's a will there's a way soooooo
I shit you not I'd have even themed this fuckass blog with Arlecchino but I can't see red so I'd be kinda doomed. It's why my blog palette is mostly blue and puple, with the red and orange highlighted names being bc I've memorised which colours to use from constantly asking which circle's red and which one's orange LMAO
It's so fucking funny how Arle's actually like at LEAST average height or less though 😭😭😭😭 like girl no WONDER your shoes high and impractical as hell like I think my ankles would BREAK......but also idk how to use heels so it'd break anyway. But it's so. So funny cuz girl I'll just pull you down you may as well ditch it
SHE ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE ALL HER DRAWINGS ON HER WALLS THOUGH 😭😭😭😭😭😭 "cold and unfeeling father" and then she plasters them on her bedroom walls bc she never really expected she'd bring ANYONE in there so she thinks it'd be safe to do so without tarnishing her self-made image. Then when you get there, she's so embarrassed but she tries so hard not to look it 💀
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the aliens from the show are difficult, I have a reboot in my head but I'll separate them for hopefully a more digestible read I also haven't seen the show in a long time so my memory is blahhh
General Headcanons
Coverton gives me amphibious vibes, tho I do think those cheek "flaps" are like. gills or something, not exactly. his chrysalis rejuvenation molting whatever is ?? helps keep his skin squishy soft and get rid of skin disease. human equivalent of a "birthday" but he only does it every 6¾ (earth) years, he's also 180 so you do the math for his human age
"Coverton" is not his real name, that's a title, as is "Coverlord" for leader of the interstellar conquering empire
loves a good mocha, I also think he would like boba tea. idk I like to imagine the aliens just trying earth drinks, I'm gonna project more and say he doesn't like soda, or champagne but does appreciate wine. the lemonade he had from the pilot was meh, whatever
from what I understand Sta'abi doesn't have a home anymore? she's a survivor of some horrid giant beast's rampage. at some point she left her planet to join an interspecies group of warriors that travel the stars, which has some association to the Coverlord Empire. so her position under this council of warriors is.. a monster hunter
her favourite kind of food is from the sea, enjoys shellfish & cephalopods the most (because her usual hunt is on land, seafood is fancy). she likes to dance despite not being very elegant, but her priority is "the mission" which excludes "having fun" (tho her idea of fun is tag)
Sqweep's skin is like. dry slime. or putty texture. she is like a sterilised marshmallow if that makes any sense. smells like roasted walnuts or a burnt almond cookie
Reboot Headcanons
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concept art I love better than the og + sketches of inspired slight redesign from my ig (and a drawing I forgor)
Coverton's legs are pretty weak compared to even the average of his species, Earth's atmosphere & gravity doesn't help either. so while he can stand, it's only for a brief time, it also fluctuates how long depending on the weather. he'd use his hoverchair or just put the spacesuit on, especially for going outdoors
‌can't stand saltwater, lousy swimmer, afraid of Earth's ocean & easily seasick
‌unlike show canon, his telekinesis is artificial & enhanced with technology
weighs like a bunch of grapes, flexible & hypermobile, near-sighted so he may wear contact lense
he carries out his rejuvenation cycle in a secure chamber, symptoms include excessive sliming ("sweat"), bubbling skin (boils), and flaking (desquamation is just the beginning). like the rest of his species, he was grown in a lab
I honestly have no idea if that's natural hair or a wig lmao
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concept art where I'd just combine the best ones imo
Sqweep is a nickname! she gets it from the "eep" sounds she makes when excited or surprised
idk why I feel like she has a hundred or more siblings, not many are close to each other. perhaps several parents too, at least 5
like her parents and grandparents and great grandparents she's a super rich adult scientist that works as part of an interstellar organisation dedicated to protecting life harbouring star systems
a field researcher therefore planetary explorer, her job is to document & study life on Earth
likes romantic comedies, and loves all animals on Earth, but she's allergic to fur, which is devastating
since she does have a face and therefore is able to emote, I think the antenna colour coded light emoting is unnecessary. I'd like to find another place for it in relation to her but not her biology itself. she sparkles instead
pretty sure no bones (therefore no teeth), light as a cloud so a gust of wind could send her off like a tumbleweed, but I feel the density of her own body can regulate itself, depending on certain conditions? covered in fine fuzz, her nubby hands (tentacles?) hold things like itty bitty hooks
can't digest foods unless in the form of fluids, probably likes bland foods tbh. anything too flavorful would make her head explode
y'know maybe her species is. delicious. their "flesh" tastes like space mango, but cotton candy weight & texture 💀
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some of the concepts I refer to for the most challenging and frustrating of the alien bunch, and today's look of her as I also went through & played with various designs
this version of Sta'abi is dropped on Earth to manage her "anger issues". her peers decided she needed to chill out, which is coincidentally the same day a vornicarn is brought into the world. as a hunter, she would've killed on sight, but after helping to capture it and being held captive by Area 5X herself, she starts to empathize with and eventually befriend the creature
Coverton eventually gets her to somewhat roam free in the facility and offers her a way off world but only if she helps him with his plans. he's not completely transparent about them and Sta'abi just wants to leave, she's already familiar with the empire he works for so there's some trust in his word
the males of her species have wings? is that canon? I feel like it's canon.. but in modern days they're just for show, can't fly but can glide and catch wind to hover, though only for so long as they're mostly small
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none of these concept art belong to me btw if that wasn't obvious I just took them from the wiki
came from the only egg that survived the initial meteor crash & wasn't frozen to death, laid dormant and got covered in the antartic ice until global warming exposed it millions of years later (which scientists soon discover but let the monster agents investigate as they have alien consultants)
instead of Link's nose I really hammed up the alien parody for my own indulgence haha (blood cw; initial drawings + non-canon chest bursting)
steals coverton's chocolate either when he's not looking or right in his face, probably doesn't like baths, loves chin/neck scratches & belly rubs (only from Sta'abi)
smells with the tip of his tongue, bipedal & quadrupedal, not great at hearing
skin is scaly like a snake, full of muscle
can and will survive in all extreme environments except the desert? for heat & hydration reasons mayhaps as he can't withstand both at once
some of these may change with time and I'd love to read everyone else's hcs! or how you'd rewrite them perhaps :]
since you made it to the very end you're obligated to tell me your favourite alien 🫵
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poohwhin · 1 year
|| My Ocs From Different Fandoms
tagged by: @fruit-of-infidelity
tagging: no one bc my friends have all already been tagged >:( but if you see this: DO IT 🔫
Also this art I’ve found is OLD. eat my ass /lh
Also (x2)! A few of these were made in sort of a story I’d sometimes talk abt with a friend! But since we don’t talk much anymore, I’ve kind reworked my ocs into their own thing. (or made an attempt to without just completely redoing them).
(I won’t ramble too much these it but I want to pls enable me to do so)
I. Virek Sutcliffe (Diabolik Lovers)
Are: 18
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/Him
Desc. AHHHH MY SWEET BABY BOY. Probably my most known oc idk. BUT YEAH. he acts as an alternate protagonist after you complete all the contact in the More, Blood game :D He’s a former experiment, who ended up in Kaminashi completely by chance. It’s the similar case of “wrong place, wrong time”, except with Virek comes a lot more chaos than usual. My entire purpose for him was to incite more animosity between the families, and indirectly cause Karl’s plans to absolutely fail. (which in the end he’s happy about bc he hates that guy).
but yeah. he’s a silent, odd, and downright IRRELEVANT and MISSABLE character, but so much so that he attracts chaos and eeriness and just freaks some of these guys out in the worst way. yeah :) (no art bc im still redesigning him).
II. Rowhin (Diabolik Lovers)
Age: 19
Species: Questionable!
Pronouns: They/Them
Desc. It’s a self insert imma be so honest. Its a s/i for richter bc i am down TREMENDOUSLY and delusional 😞 They act as a servant for them bc they met him at a convenient time. Technically they’re supposed to be helping him advance his plans to reunite with Cordelia. But you know. things don’t go that way and those two silly fucks end up catching a tiny teaspoon of feelings. (In which Richter will never actually admit bc it’s RICHTER. but i’m delusional and greedy so i can do what i want 🙄🤷)
(no art bc i hate my previous designs; drawing myself makes me so picky).
III. Avard (Genshin Impact)
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Age: Not specific (between 20 and 30)
Species: Human
Vision: Anemo
Origins: Khaenri’ah (birth), Monstadt (raised)
Desc: Yes ik I said his vision is anemo but in the photo is cryo. there’s a reason for that its bc he’s faking that’s not his. ANYWAYS. Bro’s technically from Khaenri’ah, but remembers absolutely nothing (and probably never will)— So he doesn’t consider it home since he has no connection to it.
Instead he was raised by a father and son in Springvale. But unfortunately after getting in between a father/son quarrel and trying to prevent it from escalating, he obtained a vision ‼️ and ofc nothing goes right and he couldn’t actually gain control over it, so he did de-escalate it. his adoptive father and newfound best friend died 🤷
so he ran away, changed his appearance and his name, and became sort of a scholar?? not really. he just wants to find some kind of answer as to why he feels out of place. he’s one of those characters that’s on the road with traveler a lot, but doesnt actually get involved unless it’s useful for him.
IV. Khalid (Genshin Impact)
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Age: Not specific (mid 20s — early 30s)
Origins: Sumeru
Vision: Electro
Pronouns: Hey/They
Desc: Bro’s a ghost. Okay not like. Fr a ghost. But he’s like. NEVER SEEN?? He had one terrible day during early akademiya days and said “guess i’ll die” /j. He’s technically a Haravatat scholar, despite his methods of doing things being more fitted for Rtawahist; he just joined the former bc it had the least amount of students to worry about.
He keeps to himself mostly, rarely every actually being seen at the Akademiya. (he’s there he just. doesn’t wanna be noticed 😭 people do NOT like this man). People also refuse to believe that he’s the author behind all of these genuinely well done and thought out articles bc they think he’s a wacko, whatever. 😭 Bro refuses most of his summons unless he feels like coming, and just spends time stargazing, thats if. Bro’s a nerd 😞
Oh also his vision story is very stupid. Bro electrocuted himself with a toaster one day, said fuck it, and found his vision lying on his doorstep whenever he went outside again.
V. Zone (One Piece)
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Age: Late 20s
Species: Human
Affiliation: Marines
Devil Fruit: None
Pronouns: He/They
Desc. Bro’s just a marine idk what to tell you. NAH BUT ‼️ He used to be affiliated w Doflamingo’s crew. But after a friend he made turned him over to the marines as a kid (they didn’t wanna see him grow up to be like Doffy. as they should’ve) Zone was just raised to be a marine.
Which is like cool whatever. Yada yada bro grows up training w them. BUT THEN WHENEVER HE TURNS LIKE?? 23?? BRO GETS DRAFTED INTO THE SAME DIVISION SMOKER IS IN AND LOSES HIS MIND 😭 Bro is aggressively homosexual for captain smoker and that is his ONLY personality trait /j
nah but he’s one of those people who’s super loud, energetic, and obnoxious. but then when he’s fighting or focused he’s eerily quiet. everyone’s like “damn i guess he can be serious.” (they take those words back as soon as work is finished).
VI. Nero (Fandomless)
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Age: Unknown, (early to mid 20s physically)
Species: Vampire
Pronouns: They/He
Desc. Previously a DL oc, i made him fandomless just for my own mental health. BUT! Nero is a Vampire & an artist. He specialises in painting and sculpting, and has made some of the most beautiful things the underworld has ever seen. Except none are marketed as his.
He was taken in by a prominent family of artists, who are going through a dilemma when the eldest son just ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. So in exchange for a home, and the ability to do what he likes, he acts as a secret proxy for the eldest. But yada yada things happen and an ‘accident’ ends up taking place, and Nero is taken in by someone else. Bro has to regain his love for the arts again, while also learning to be treated as something MORE than just a set of hands to make things :). (also i hate this design sm i wanna change it).
VII. Rook (Fandomless)
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Age: Unknown
Species: Also Unknown
Pronouns: Literally make them up Rook does NOT care
Desc. There’s not much too Rook other than them being a jester who pulls lethal silly pranks by trapping people in playing cards and swapping them around! Nah but to be completely serious, i love playing around w just full fantastical and magical characters, and Rook is one of them. Bro is technically a criminal, but hey they’re a jester you can’t arrest them!!!! it’s just a joke!!!
They wander around to every which place and just have a grand ‘ole time toying with people. But sometimes they will trap you inside of a playing card and use you for a trick! You may die! But it’s fine it’s just a joke!!!—
Oh! And they don’t speak. They only jingle. They got jingly shoes, jingly hat. Yeah. (also idk if that is a mask, or just their face. Make smth up).
IX. Bonnie (Fandomless)
Age: mid 20s
Species: Human
Pronouns: They/Them
Desc: I don’t have a drawn out design for them, but I do have some general thoughts!! They live on a planet who’s population is incredibly advanced. BUT! Their basically a nobleman im a highly futuristic society, that has a general distaste of cyborgs. (Even minor things like bionic limbs). Unfortunately for them, they have a bionic eye (well its more like those things you see in dragon ball. but whatever) 🤷. Oops, big ‘ole issue when you’re the child of a man who has to run an entire planet’s population‼️
VIII. Pyro (Fandomless)
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Age: 26-ish (probably older??)
Species: Alien (humanoid, technically. but he is supposed to be a fire guy)
Pronouns: Hey/They (wouldn’t care if any others are used though).
Companion: Kalixo (added him bc i love this little dude and him and Pyro are a PACKAGE DEAL)
Desc: In the same universe as Bonnie ‼️ He’s a fire-oriented alien from a planet of different elemental guys, who each specialise in their own type of art. His specifically being welding/engineering. Unfortunately bro’s planet was DECIMATED when he was a child, BUT DON’T LOSE HOPE— he can just rebuild it 🙄 bc building is what he does 🙄 he’s just a funny, silly, heart on his sleeve guy who adores building.
Like Bonnie, he also has bionic body parts :D specifically mechanical legs! As a kid, he had a condition that made his legs increasingly weaker as he grew, so being the amateur master craftsman he was, he just made himself new ones. AND they’re fire powered because he’s cool 🤷 ( also his human form isnt what he actually looks like. his family specifically just chooses it bc fire is scary to others!)
ALSO! HE HAS A CAT. bro has a cat named Kalixo, who’s just a wandering spirit that likes being a cat form and being lazy and doted on. bro met pyro bc pyro was DUMB and ran into him (kicked him) by accident and cried for hours. Now he follows him around and acts as a voice of reason to keep pyro from being too STUPID.
X. Ezekiel (Fandomless)
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Age: Unknown (thousands of years old)
Species: Vampire
Pronouns: He/Him
Desc. A lot of my followers came here from DL, so vampires should be your thing. HOWEVER! EZEKIEL HERE IS A BIG ‘OLE BABY. A vampire who refuses to drink blood from humans, because be doesn’t want to put himself, or anyone else, in that kind of vulnerable position. He also: is a recluse. Seriously, a HERMIT. He holds himself up in an abandoned library that full of spirits and ghosts, and does not LEAVE.
He also doesn’t speak. He passes notes. And if you somehow stumble in he will HIDE FROM YOU and maybe throw paper balls at you until you leave :3
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Thoughts on volume 1 (disorganized and very sparse, I don’t have the brain capacity for meta this week)
Greetings everybody! I probably won’t be super insightful or anything but I’d really like to have conversations with people (can’t convert my irl friends no matter how hard I try). I’ve really enjoyed reading about people’s thoughts in the tags this week.
Thank god for the people at trigun overhaul they are saving my ass so much time and money right now. It’s really accessible and I appreciate it very much, that shit could NOT have been easy or quick.
I was really iffy on Nightow’s style for a long time, but it’s growing on me pretty quickly. There’s something about that 90s style of manga I was never quite sure about, but Vash’s babygirl eyes are winning me over.
Manga Vash just kind of feels different already? He’s still Vash obv but he feels more blue as opposed to maybe a warmer color. There’s a palpable melancholy about him and it’s making me feel weird. Kind of like I’m seeing the reality of his character and situation? (*I should mention that I’m basing my picture of him on all animated material + a decent amount of manga spoilers.) Maybe part of that is the kind of baby face he has here. He looks younger but seems older? His eyes feel different. It’s the lashes, probably. He looks like a wet cat in a lot of these drawings because of those eyes.
Odds are decent that I’m just weird emotionally right now lol. Probably good this is scheduled to be read slowly instead of all at once. Maybe this is just putting into perspective that his Antics are for his own sanity as much as his image. I, too, make jokes to ignore the Existential Dread. He is more often visibly upset without the theatrics.
WAHOO! (<- obligatory Dante comparison)
Gonna flat color some pages. I have to get it out of my system. It’s killing me they’re like coloring pages I MUST.
The Plants are good and proper fucked up here, aren’t they. I see why Trimax people make Vash an eldritch monstrosity. Very excited to see how much of that is based in canon. Also, wings! (I am going to be normal about this (<- lying)).
Not to homestuck post on the trigun blog but Vash and Knives are so hope/rage coded. Could make an argument for like 4 different classpects for both of them but I’m not that dedicated. This isn’t related to the specific thing we’re reading, it's just on the brain right now. It’s a fun way to think about how character philosophies/personalities interact with each other.
Volume 1 complete! I like Meryl a lot more here. 98 gave me the wrong impression, I think, so seeing this stuff in its original context makes more sense. More often I find myself thinking “oh, that’s more reasonable than I thought.”
Overall I'm enjoying the manga more than I enjoyed my 98 rewatch so far. Once we get into the Meat I’ll probably like it more than Stampede (idk we’ll find out). It’s generally pretty rare for me to like manga more on account of whatever flavor of neurodivergent I am making it fucking impossible to focus on reading long enough for it to not be word soup. Knowing as much as I do about the adaptations is definitely helping with the reading comprehension.
Anyway, I've started coloring a few pages and I might start doing at least one or two per volume if time permits. Got carried away with these ones though. I’ll post them to the tag later.
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
i saw some people bitching on tiktok about art/commission prices again and i feel like ranting
idk why someone got it in their heads all artists are upper class rich folk trying to scam you out of something that isn't hard at all for us to make. art takes time and energy--time and energy we could literally spend doing ANYTHING else. we could be spending time with our loved ones, working a regular job with reliable pay and better benefits, or even just making art WE want to see. most of us are working class or poor.
"but you could charge less and get more customers" who the hell wants to work more for less pay. genuinely. would you rather work 90 hours for 10 bucks an hour or 40 hours for 35 bucks an hour? like get real. past a certain point of popularity you will be literally unable to keep up with commissions bc you cannot physically make them fast enough and stay healthy so higher prices mean you can dedicate more time to people who want it more
"well your art isnt even GOOD" if someone's art isnt your taste or technically worth it to you then dont buy it. to really get good at commissions you do have to build an audience and if they havent then they'll figure out they need to improve or network/promote more. you bitching about it isnt helping them figure it out any faster, and you bitching to artists who DO reliably get commissions at that price makes you look like a whiny brat
"but you COULD charge less and still survive. that means youre scamming people" listen i know you are used to be catered to by large corporations who can use literal slave labor to make things dirt fucking cheap but ethical labor costs more. we are not large corporations with big art machines shitting out subpar garbage you can buy off the rack. you are asking for handmade, customized things from someone in a place with a higher cost of living. we cannot and will not bend over backwards to appeal to the lowest common denominator. see above: we have better things to be doing with our time and this shit costs time and labor to produce. if you dont want a handmade custom art piece or dress or jewelry consider buying from shein then you cheapskate and get out of this market.
because, see above: we have better things to be doing. you are the one asking me to spend my free time making you something because you want it supposedly. i could instead be making things i like. i have the luxury too where if i dont wanna do something i dont have to. i dont have to pick up extra work for you. other artists can find other customers that arent you. if YOU want something you should make it worth the artists wild. no i dont wanna do a full custom painting for you for 40 dollars. i would barely get out of bed for 40 dollars. if i told you to clean my whole house for 10 dollars and deep clean it you would probably tell me im insane and you're not gonna do all that work for 10 god damn dollars. 10 dollars wont even pay for the cleaning supplies.
i dont take commissions anymore specifically bc i kept getting burnt out. i felt i had to make it cheaper to get more when in reality all it did was make more work with little reward. i didnt feel happy making art anymore. it became a chore, and i didnt wanna make anything for myself after i spent hours and hours making other stuff for other ppl. im lucky enough now to have a corporate job with more free time so i can get paid enough to survive and still make art. if i ever decided to again i would probably price it rly high bc tbh. if you want me to make you a custom piece i dont rly wanna draw you had better make it worth the soul crushing work that is turning a passion of mine into a profit.
and lastily with the "you could charge less and still survive" artists deserve to not only survive but thrive. artists deserve free time to make what they enjoy and have other hobbies. artists deserve to not have to work overtime to have stuff in savings. you do too in fact as a non-artist, but attacking artists for wanting that and trying to make it a reality that they get paid not just a survival wage but a FAIR wage is not actually helping anyone.
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chknbzkt · 1 year
Oh gosh I just read your comic where Sun falls(also unrelated but I love the way you draw them all), poor Moon(and probably Monty when he finds out) seeing that, will Sun be okay? Or is he...Well...Dead?
Oooo gentle yoink right in the heartstrings hereee we goooo
It was a Really high fall, and poor Sun landed right on his head where all his memory bits are
It’s bad. Those kids weren’t exaggerating, they’re screaming in horror at the mechanical equivalent to watching someone crack their head open like an egg after falling from the third story
And to say the damage was mostly irreparable would be underselling things a wee bit
It’s a Ship of Theseus situation, his engineers and idk, robot neurologists?? do what they can, but the majority of Sun’s memories and personality were destroyed alongside his old head. When they’re done he looks brand spanking new, but at what cost?
Moon and Monty are heartbroken. Monty has put a ton of dedication into his relationship with both of them, but it hits Moon harder because they’ve been there from the very start. When the first thing Sun asked upon seeing Moon for the first time in 2 months was “Heeello! My name is Sundrop! What’s yours?” it killed him. It ached, the sudden feeling of hollow loneliness. And the knowledge that they’d have to explain this to Monty.
Now this all seems depressing as shit, but this story carries themes revolving around togetherness and mutuality in the face of the worst circumstances.
Sun may be a blank slate for the most part, but he’s not naive or anything. Much more, I said a majority of his memories went kaput. Sunny has always been a social butterfly (it’s in his programming for goodness sake of course he would be), and despite how new everything feels everything in this daycare has this subtle but palpable sense of familiarity and nostalgia.
Which is to say nothing of the odd habits and compulsions to do things for reasons he doesn’t understand immediately. Things he can’t explain, but they feel right. Like ignoring his directive to tidy up balls of paper left by the kids because Moon likes batting them around and cleaning up after. Or pinning back the blankets draped over the back entrance to their room because Monty uses it and, bless his heart, keeps getting his scutes hung in them like a dumbass
It’s intriguing. Moreso whenever he gets the warm and fuzzies on the odd occasions he catches his shy and strangely avoidant moon-themed twin outside of working hours.
Not the warm and fuzzies he gets when his charges for the day flood through the daycare doors. A more personal and deep-rooted warm and fuzzies. A biting feeling that he knows this person, but he only met them briefly a few days ago.
And don’t get me started on the nifty gator that sneaks in during the wee hours of the night. He can’t make heads or tails of what they’re saying but he Knows there’s connections and he wants to know What.
I may never get around to drawing it, who knows we’ll se about story snippets here and there, but Sun essentially refamiliarizes himself with Moon and rebuilds the bond he shared with his sibling (he wants to know them SO BAD but they want space to process all the MEMORIES BETWEEN THEM THEYVE LOST AGSJSGSJSG), and on the other hand he falls in love with Monty all over again, this time instead of Monty vying for his attention, it goes the other way
Sun eventually learning the full scope of what caused all this. Him being drained, but also… relieved. But all throughout his journey to rediscover what was lost… finally relearning what made Moon so important to him and vice versa. Finally relearning why they both feel in love with this stupid gator and his stupid dumb lopsided smile and his stupid dumb glasses-
Him sitting them down and asking, begging to let him know them again. Because he feels so disjointed and off and he knows it’s because of them and he wants to fill the holes their absence has left. He wants to love them all over again.
You have rekindled many thoughts about this comic I made in a single night during a single discord livestream oh noooooo 😭💖
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also i am deeply in pain because of two reasons: my phone is out of juice and ALSO i took so many screenshots of the Saga comic panels but then accidentally deleted all my screenshots because apple likes to destroy me with the existence of duplicates in albums (like WHY??? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE??? it's so much more efficient and CLEAR if u were to be able to solidly organize your pictures into *one spot* instead of it just being like. did i add this to this album already. shit. i've got to scroll through 10k photos to find these ones for this specific category and no it will not lessen as i sort them into boxes. THE JOY OF PHOTO ALBUMS! GONE! KAPUT! it's so rude idk what they were thinking but. agh i just. saga is--i don't know what i can really say to quality because i have come to doubt my taste after several friends have declared it bad, lmao, but the art can be so poignant at times,so much so that you will kind of just have to stop and put it down and sit there for a while, and then also there are three entire panels in one of the issues that are dedicated to a drunk cyclops alien who is an author of books that started a rebellion pausing dramatically and then vomiting on an infant. so like.
Gotta be honest I have no clue what you're talking about with that photo thing, but I hope everything sorts itself out and is not annoying anymore! This actually reminds me I need to go through my photos; I take a lot of photos/screenshots for immediate/very soon use (e.g. meme I made to be immediately posting) and then just don't delete them. So my phone is full of photos I don't actually need or want
but anyway! this has actually told me nothing about what saga is but you know what? I like that. I don't want to know what it's about I want to know the nuances of how it feels, what it makes you feel, the details are what draw you in. this is how I feel explaining a chorus of dragons. I cannot tell you what the series is about without at least 2 hours set aside, but I can tell you that I start vibrating every time I think about it and that the world is so complex you don't know what's going on your first ride through but then all of the sudden you do understand what's happening and you look back and everything at the beginning makes so much sense out of nowhere. a ridiculous amount of sense given how confused you used to be. and that once this one guy blew up a volcano to fake his death because this dragon wanted him so so bad. and did so successfully. and then he died for real except he got better. and that's just one event in one book
I can make no promises that I will read saga but. my curiosity is the slightest bit piqued, so there is that.
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artsartblog · 1 year
Not really art, but just an au idea that's been swirling around in my head. The idea comes from the movie/musical The King and I. The au is of JTTW. The King would be Wukong and Anne would be Reader (since I'm thinking of this a reader insert story but I can have Bao shoved in instead lol).
It wouldn't completely follow the story, but key points would still be there like Reader becoming the teacher for Wukong's children (aka all the monkeys on FFM), Reader and Wukong would butt-heads over things because of their stubbornness, Marshal Ma, Marshal Liu, General Beng and General Ba would warn Reader of the ways of their king though it never swayed her from leaving, etc. Though unlike the ending in the movie/play, Wukong and Reader would end up together or at least slowly showing how much they actually like each other. Also Reader wouldn't threaten to leave the mountain, mostly because it's a rather difficult task, but she would threaten to go get lost (though ultimately wouldn't because of the cute little children).
To be completely honest, the song Shall I Tell You What I Think of You? is why I thought of this au idea. I felt like it would in a way fit (not exactly every line, but the whole "I'm free person to do what I please and I will not tolerate how you treat me" kind of vibe).
I'll probably keep swirling around this idea in my head. I do have some things thought out, but I should probably write them out (though I personally want to draw it, but idk... might draw some Bao and Wukong au art of this).
Actually, on a completely separate note. I was thinking about another au idea based on an au I've already seen done with Wukong. It's a Fake Marriage AU, but instead it's like "fake marriage" in quotes lol.
The whole idea is that Bao, still being on the younger side of the celestials in heaven, is kind of alone most of the time because others are usually busy with other things or she just finds them boring (or too much of a stick in the mud). Then, when Wukong is given a position in heaven by her father, Bao decides to become friends with the monkey. She'd be the one who ends up breaking the news to Wukong that his job and title are one of the lowest ones. Of course this doesn't initially go well for the Jade Emperor, but as in JTTW Wukong is given a fake title and eventually given a job over the peach orchards. This would lead to Bao visiting the orchards often because she enjoyed the time spent with Wukong before and considered him a friend. The two get along rather well and spend a lot of time together.
Until one day, Bao finds out her father is looking for a suitor for her to marry. This annoys and frightens her because she doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't know, so she goes to Wukong to ask him to marry her. Which, as anyone would assume, confuses the monkey, but she's quick to explain why. Since Wukong isn't a fan of the Jade Emperor but really enjoys Bao's company, he accepts the offer of being her "fake" husband only for things to go downhill from there.
The Jade Emperor is completely against it, as well as Bao's mother, but Bao won't back down. So after some fighting between parent and child, the Jade Emperor relents and allows the marriage. However, not long after, Wukong finds out (again from Bao, who learned upon it after marrying him) that his title is fake and goes on a rampage. Bao tries to calm Wukong but only gets ignored by him. Buddha arrives and Wukong gets trapped under a mountain (basically everything that happened happens). Bao, distraught at losing her friend and husband, leaves heaven and goes to Wukong's home, Flower Fruit Mountain, and informs his people of what happened and swears to protect them until the return of their king.
Bao doesn't see Wukong for centuries, having dedicated her time to his/their people and kingdom because she felt like she had to protect them until he returned. Until he does return after no longer being a disciple of Tang Sanzang. She's absolutely ecstatic to see him after all these years and is quick to give him a hug (doing her best not to cry). She has a banquet thrown in honor of his return and tells him all about what she's done to protect his home and asks about his journey (mostly if he's finished, since she's heard about it from Guanyin herself).
When she learns that he hasn't finished it, but instead has been banished by his master, Bao is ready to go have a chat with the monk, but Wukong stops her. Instead, he has her stay by his side as he praises her for being a wonderful queen while he was gone. This becomes sort of the first moment Bao realizes that she is truly in love with her "fake" husband (I say fake in quotes since they are actually married, but they never really treat it as a fake marriage). She's also the one that ends up convincing him to go back to the monk Tang Sanzang and complete his journey after Bajie appears to ask him to come back. Wukong doesn't want to leave again, not now that he knows that she's safe and has been acting as queen while he's been gone, but she promises him that she'll still be there when he comes back.
....and that's where I'm going to leave this because I just kept rambling on lol. If you want to hear more about either of these au ideas just drop your questions in my ask box ^w^ as always have a wonderful day and stay creative!
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trappedward · 2 years
In a deep, dark forest
To begin this blog, I felt it only appropriate to address one of the topics that was the main reason I started this in the first place.
That's right baby we are starting off strong with Kikuo. It should be of no surprise then that Kikuo is my favourite artist, considering I partially dedicated this blog to him and my first post is about his latest song (that you were going to discover as you read on).
So, In a Deep, Dark Forest has finally been uploaded to Spotify after being teased on his Instagram and formally released 2 weeks ago! To be honest, it's felt way more like a month than 2 weeks but also my concept of time has been so fucked up recently. Regardless of that, let's move on to what I really want to say about this song.
(Feel free to give it a listen if you're a passerby or a fan that hasn't heard the song yet so you can gather your own opinions before reading mine)
Again, to no surprise, I LOVE THIS SONG. I never listen to songs on repeat, usually I'll put a few songs in between and then re-listen. HOWEVER I could not help but put it on repeat a few times when It released on Spotify just a little bit ago.
It's classic Kikuo; upbeat yet distorted tempo and whacky little sound effects if you listen carefully. It's why I love his music so much. I've rarely found music artists quite like him and every time I listen to his music, I either find something new or find that I listen to it differently than I last did - if that even makes sense?
But I'm not here to just summarise. After all, I've DEDICATED this blog to my interests. That means I'm doing this properly baby - I'm breaking down every aspect of THIS ONE SONG that I feel like talking about for my own sick pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, let's properly start the blog.
For this song Kikuo diverted from his usual use of Hatsune Miku and instead decided to use Qi Xuan as his vocalist. Now I'm fully aware that this is not the first time Kikuo has used Qi Xuan's or another Vocaloid's voice bank - he has dabbled with Stardust Infinity and his song ローディーローディー/ Roadie Roadie features Qi Xuan. I just felt the need to point this out because for the past few years we have seen KIKUOMIKU 1-6 so I was interested to see that he had tried something else for the first time in a while (aside from collabs with Si_ku and Hanatan, etc). Anyway... Qi xuan! I personally think her vocals were amazing for this song. Don't get me wrong, I adore Miku and I absolutely understand why she is one of the most liked vocaloids. She's always amazing for Kikuo's music. This time though Qi Xuan just seemed like a more obvious choice in hindsight. While her voice is still soft (just like Miku), it sounded a bit more lively in somes parts as opposed to Kikuo's Miku usually being pretty deadpan or emotionless. Qi's smooth, more exasperated vocal seems to fit the flowy aspects of this song and make it sound sort of like a tide. Drawing out and then back in. She just has a bit more emotion at parts idk... maybe I'm just way too used to the atypical Kikuo Miku that hearing something different feels more realistic in terms of making it sound like an actual person.
From what I understand from Kikuo's description on the youtube upload of this song, the artwork was a collaboration between him and Si_ku. Which like.... HELLO?! When was the last time Kikuo drew one of his own album or single covers? And to do a collab with his star artist Si_ku? MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN I say. I absolutely adore Si_ku and her artstyle and that she is constantly working with Kikuo. Having them work together to make the artwork is just... it's incredible to me. It's got the usual style of Si_ku mixed with that "grimeieness" that Kikuo usually exploits. I've stared at it for so long just looking at the intricate details and colours hidden within all the lines spewing out from the main subject. Imagining Kikuo and Si_ku in the same room making this is so cool to me and IDK MAN I'M JUST FAN-GIRLING SO HARD RN.
I follow Kikuo on Instagram. As much as it is an annoyance to me, I use Instagram a lot (more than Twitter). Can you imagine my surprise when I saw Kikuo's icon at the top of my screen in the stories bar? The speed at which I clicked was that of mach 20. I. WAS. NOT. DISAPPOINTED. This is probably not the right spot for this segment of the blog but do I care? No. Anywayssss seeing his behind the scenes process and getting casual updates throughout the week was awesome. I've always enjoyed watching him deconstruct his process especially since he doesn't actually know anything about music theory. He just does whatever sounds good to him and it's so garbled but insanely interesting as he explains why he makes the choices he does, how it isn't based on any logic in regards to making music but because of some reason that is akin to his creative process. If that makes sense. I'm sorry if my speech is hard to understand because I'm multi-tasking atm and rereading my sentences doesn't always help me edit. Ok I digress for the millionth time. Kikuo's instagram stories were not something I thought he'd take interest in starting considering that he really just works at his own pace being the NPC he is. Not complaining though and I will happily eat my meal.
I would love to continue but I have lost track of my thoughts because I had a 2 hour interval at one point when writing this because I got distracted ACK. I may do a part two but that is only if I can get my shit together and not have like 5 different people trying to message me at once (I'm grateful for all of you though FR). For anyone who somehow is interested in this or has made it to the end of this post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts on the topic / this song! I would love to discuss it even if only briefly in the notes. That's all, bye bye.
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willoftrees · 2 months
part of why i don't game or draw as much as i used to is that it doesn't feel tangible i think it's why i have come to prefer making lil sculpts in my dab oil to get my art fix out
but also my hobbies have def shifted - i dedicate a lot of my time and energy to experimenting with what i can grow and doing research and fiend work on native edible foods (mostly IDing and well, taste-testing myself). video games for me, have reached a point where i feel like they don't do anything in real life - all the time and work i put into them, and they get me nowhere *here* where i am living and breathing. so it's hard for me to not feel like they are a complete waste of time and for me to enjoy them i guess my cynicism is getting worse... idk what to do about this rly. maybe i just need to find the right kinds of games - ones that are more engaging. but in the end, games still won't give me what i want - tangible, quantifiable change around me and in my life. video games won't put food on my table. they won't work out my body, they won't make me any friends. they won't clean my house for me. they feel... pointless to me. :/ even games i do enjoy from time to time, like minecraft - i get burnout real quick because again, nothing i do in there effects the world here. all my building and gathering and crafting does NOTHING to help me irl. maybe if i was a twitch streamer or some shit and made a living off it, it would feel more fulfilling. but otherwise.... games are just time killers. they're placeholders when my brain is tired and needs to unplug from my work+hobbies and i just default. (because the way i play is so completely casual and not in pursuit of winning or advancing - it's just to create. even tho i play survival. (it just seems more boring to create my stuff in creative mode - i do enjoy a BIT of the challenge)) same with drawing - like, i know i kinda missed the mark because i've been so chronically offline and not even creating all these years, but when i /did/, there was such a lack of audience that if u think of me as sand and the internet as hands, well, i slipped thru its fingers. my art can't fulfil me either, creating does cure the itch i have for making art, but it's not really fulfilling and idk how to.... get that out of anything i do really. except growing plants and foraging and catching my food. those things... those are real rewards. things i can put my hands on and be like "i did this. this would not have happened if i didn't do the thing and now i can reap the benefits of my work" i can spend hundreds of hours in minecraft and well.... instead of feeding me or filling me with the same sense of wonder we get out of scavenger hunts (why i love foraging and catching fish so much), it drains me, in a way.
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nakadoo · 2 years
omg sorry i keep talking about kao hehahehe holds he, my son, my boy, who i have projected most of my interests and hobbies on except i let him be an expert on them
his fake name is kaoru nakaoka and, well, his nickname is kao. but when he signs up for things or whatever he just uses “kao” and he also writes it as “顔” (face) so people think its weird. when i created kao i thought i was being so slick by making his name kao (face) because his fake name kao i meant it to be like its his mask hahahaha
his fake ID has him 2 years older than his actual age so that he can get places. he still gets carded often because he looks so young and hes also really short so he gets mistaken for a teen often. thats why when i write him interacting with the teens from drrr!! they never refer to him as a senpai, or -san, they just call him kao-kun or kao-chan because they think he cute. he never corrects them though
he can read tarot really well and its weird because sometimes he doesnt understand what his cards are trying to tell him, he just repeats what they show him. sometimes he gets it completely but other times he’s confused about it but his cards have never been wrong.
he and izaya are sneaky sometimes because when kao offer’s izaya’s clients some tea he leaves it with the tea leaves in and the clients are like “boy wtf dont u know how to make tea” and then kao will talk to them in tagalog, confused, and izaya will say “oh sorry my assistant cant speak japanese he’s still learning.” but once the client leaves, kao reads their tea leaves and tells izaya about it. izaya’s files on people now also has a section dedicated to kao’s readings on them. [[EDIT, additional: he can also use coffee too instead of tea]]
he can do scrying too but he prefers not to because it creeps him out. for him, it feels like an out of body experience and yeah it spooks him out even more so in ikebukuro because if celty, a real life dullahan, exists right there, as well as the demon sword saika, what other spirits might be lingering around too?? what if while he’s scrying, something goes into his body? no thank you. looking into a mirror or reflective surface for too long when hes alone he gets spooked.
hes a virgo. hes an astrology kid HAHA. he likes to joke with izaya that they’re both old men (because virgo card is the hermit, an old man, while taurus card is the hierophant). “but izaya,,,, what if we were,,,,, old men,,,, with each other???  🥺👉👈 “
idk what if magical creatures/creatures in tune with magic all draw to each other like how stand users do LOL. kao will see someone on the street and just KNOW. i see you, i know what you are.
anyway yeah lol more stuff about him when i think about it
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
Howdy Southparkatiers! I just made an MBTI quiz for newbies and newcomers who need help figuring out their personality type! Are you a mistype from 16Personalities? Only one way to find out! https://uquiz.com/RpxkI8
I’m not an MBTI practitioner nor a typology expert by any means, so if you see any flaws in regards to cognitive functions in my test, please let me know!! I truly aim for this test to help others get into mbti (cognitive functions) themselves!! Feel free to share this with your friends or use this to help type fictional characters. I tried my best to use simple, easy to read language here, but I do use some pretty big words on my end, so take your time and read through carefully to get the most “accurate” results!!
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