#had a lotta fun w this one so i hope yall like it! gonna slowly but surely post more art on here
yrdnzz · 10 months
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BAROU SHOEI, king of the field AND karaoke
reference image cred to horikoshi kohei
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taesthetes · 7 years
Hi! It's jilt anon again ,, and I forgot to mention (even tho this is smth in the medical field) I've always loved the idea of being a psychological therapist. A lotta ppl who are in therapy always say that they hate their therapist or that they don't need it, but I've always loved the idea of helping people. I've gone thru tough times , and I still am , I'm very insecure and some people might say "wow you think you're ugly big deal" but it's resorted to some ways that I'm not very proud of- 1/1
(omg I put 1/1 it’s supposed to be a ? Apologies) 2/? -nowadays, people my age are going thru tough times, and I’ve always wanted to help people who struggle too. Since I’m probably never ever gonna come off anon, I’ll just rant on here (if that’s okay if it’s not just say so) I’m only 13 and ppl might think I’m over acting or whatever but what I think so what I think so screw yall haters. I’m a very self conscious person, and I used to have an eating disorder -
(3/?) - its not super extreme where I starved myself to the bone, I’ve never had the will to do that to myself, I’ve resorted to not eating breakfast and if I do, I bring it w me into the car and to school and I throw it away once class starts, I skipped lunch, and I ate less than half of my plate during dinner. I’ve stopped that, but I’m still insecure and only eat dinner everyday. I have monsters in my head, and nothing is worse than waking up in morning to realize that its another day-
(4/?)-to hide myself. At first I started to wear makeup to hide my face , but after a year Its become my passion, and I actually love applying it. I still get shit for wearing it bc apparently I “try too hard” but I do my best to igngote it. I’ve never thought I was good enough, and honestly I still don’t. I’m only 13 but people my age are going thru stuff like this too, and it’s hard. My parents don’t know, and the only person I can talk to is my friend who knows what I’m going thru -
(5/?) I’ve never really had a best friend too?? Or I’ve never been anyone’s best friend. Something like that, I have a lot of regular friends, but I don’t know what it’s like to be able to talk to someone in the middle of the night, to have a sleep over w someone other than my cousin, to tell secrets to someone, I’ve never known what that’s like. I’m sorry if I seem like I’m trying to get a pity party, but I just wanted to rant. Sometimes the thoughts in my head become to much -
(6/6) and I have to break a razor. And omg I feel like an attention whore but thank you so much for taking time to respond and read. Idk what the world would do w/o ppl like you 😦 have an amazing day!! (I saw your selfies and omfg you’re beautiful!!) -jilt anon
hey, sunflower!! how have you been? i’m gonna put my answer under the cut because it got really long oops
oooh, that’s a great major; two of my friends are majoring in psychology and want to become therapists as well! and being a psychological therapist is definitely a wonderful way to help people. but oh sunflower, i’m sorry you had to go through insecurities and having insensitive people be unkind ): that’s really rude of them to say such things, and i really hope they stopped being hurtful.
(and that’s ok!! 1/1 just reminds me of shinee’s 1 of 1 so it’s all good aha) but yes, i agree; everyone i know is incredibly stressed out and going through their personal issues, so therapists are really helpful. and yes, you’re always welcome to rant to me! i’m always here to listen if you ever want to talk :) i don’t think you’re overacting at all. regardless of age, everyone has their battles.
first off, i’m so sorry you had to go through all this. eating disorders are awful, and i had thoughts about starving myself when i was younger, but i’m thankful my past self never did it in the end. and, i’m really glad you’re getting better. it’s great that you’ve taken the step of fully eating during dinner time, and i really hope you start to eat for breakfast and lunch as well. it doesn’t have to be a big meal; start small with maybe a banana for breakfast? or a fruit smoothie? and maybe some carrots and dip for lunch? and slowly expand your lunch from there? i really don’t want you skipping meals ): it’s not good for your body, but i’m proud that you are now eating dinner! keep going! you can get through this, sunflower!! 
i know it’s hard to get rid of your insecurities immediately, but it’s a gradual process of building up your self esteem. something i like to do is to give myself one compliment every day or accomplish something everyday. it doesn’t have to be something grand. you can say something like “i took a shower today. i took care of myself well today.” i too have those monster thoughts sometimes, and it takes baby steps to build up your confidence, but i know, one day, you’ll wake up and feel proud of yourself.
and that’s amazing!! i think it’s so cool that you love makeup. i always think it would be fun to be able to blend and create different looks, but i’m not very good at makeup unfortunately. usually, my sister or my friends do it for me if it gets fancier than eyeliner and mascara. just ignore all those people, sunflower /: you do you, and wear all the makeup you want if you love it. i’m proud of you for doing what makes you happy and paying no attention to those people. 
i know you might not want to do this, but i really think you should talk to your parents about this if you’re struggling a lot. your parents will want to help you, and they can get you help if you need it. but i’m glad you have someone to talk to about this!
having close friends and not a best friend is good, too. and you have your cousin! you mentioned that she was your best friend before, i believe? so you are having sleepovers and sharing secrets with your best friend :D and there’s no need to apologize! i’m always here to listen to whatever you’d like to say. and omg please don’t use a razor. please, please, please, if you ever have thoughts of using a razor, please come and talk to me instead. i’m always here for you.
and please don’t think of yourself that way! thank YOU for always stopping by and talking to me! i enjoy talking to you :) asdkjhfas you’re too kind omg thank you so much and i hope you have a lovely day, too!! 😦 (and thank you adjkfahsdf i’m sure you’re just as gorgeous if not more!)
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