#had breakfast while posting this twas nice
madbuns · 11 months
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Comm for @illogicals-blog this was fun to make ehehe :3
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alia15 · 6 years
February 16, 2019
“You want me to run out and get you breakfast?”
We hadn’t gone food shopping in a while, so our fridge was pathetically empty. No half and half for coffee, no eggs, expired turkey bacon.
“Suuuuuuure, if you’re going to the bagel place I’ll take my usual,” I told him.
Whole wheat everything bagel with cream cheese. 
I love that breakfast so much, in fact, I decided to take to Instagram to post about it:
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IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER? Well, yeah. Turns out there was.
Leo and I were heading into Manhattan for “Valentine’s Day plans” which consisted of going to one of our favorite steakhouses and then staying overnight in a hotel. We’ve done both things before; it’s nice to go out to dinner in the city and not have to schlep home on the train or get in the car afterwards.  We figured if it was a nice day -- and it most certainly was -- we’d head in earlier and stop in Central Park and even visit a brewery near the area. 
Since the plan involved potentially walking through the park, I peered into my closet. I had an outfit for the steakhouse that night, but I wasn’t going to parade around all day in that so I threw on a sweater, some jeans, and my Steve Madden gray high-top sneakers. 
Leo walked in wearing something much nicer.
“Wait,” I said. “You’re dressed way nicer than me.”
“No I’m not! This is how I always dress.” And it’s true: Leo is usually in some kind of button down shirt with a sweater over it. He had nicer shoes on instead of sneakers, but I decided to stay what I was in.  Didn’t matter.
We drive into the city: a perfect February afternoon; no traffic. As we approached the Manhattan skyline, “I Got You Babe” came on my Spotify playlist. I took video of us in the car in that moment:
They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow Well I don't know if all that's true 'Cause you got me, and baby I got you
We get to the hotel, check our bags and decide not to waste any time, so we head uptown on the subway so we can enter the park in our favorite area; around 72nd Street. In this particular spot in the park you’ll find the John Lennon “Imagine” memorial and my ABSOLUTE favorite spot: the Bow Bridge: 
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We stop in a bar on the Upper East side so Leo can use the restroom and grab a beer. I show him the apartment I used to live in on 71st and 1st. And then? We walk west.
We get to the park entrance and Leo is texting frantically. “Who are you texting?!” I ask him. It looks intense. I’m pretty sure he told me it was his job; I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes or made a face like... boyyyy if you don’t put that phone down; this is our day. 
We walk towards the famous San Remo building and see the Bow Bridge. The place Leo and I had been months earlier and took this photo:
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The place we’d visited the year before THAT and probably where I first told him, “I’m in love with this bridge.”
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I stared at the water and let the sun beat on my face. We hadn’t had this kind of weather in weeks; it felt nice to feel and see sunshine. I took a photo, as I often do.
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I turned back to Leo and he looked... stiff? Uncomfortable? Nervous? Before I could even THINK about why....
He was down on his knee.
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All I remember saying in my state of pure SHOCK was:
“Is this real? Is this real? IS THIS REAL????”
‘Twas very real. 
The surprises didn’t stop there. We DID in fact head to that brewery Leo mentioned wanting to go to after all, except we were met by both our incredible families there: parents, siblings, nieces & nephews. It was an incredibly special day and nothing made us happier than to celebrate it with those we love most. In the bar we toasted to our engagement, called, FaceTimed and texted people in our lives with the big news, and I just kept catching myself thinking the same thought I had when Leo proposed to me hours earlier:
Is this real?
I’ll be honest, before I met Leo I really didn’t know if this would happen for me. I didn’t know if I wanted it, if I’d find it, or if I’d ever know what it was like to feel how I’ve felt every day since I met Leo almost two years ago. He always finds a way -- big or small -- to make me feel important, special and loved. He may send me “just because” flowers, leave me a sweet note on the kitchen counter, and yes: even go out and get me my morning bagel.  
He planned every detail of this day from getting the ring (it’s perfect), planning the entire schedule and timeline from the car ride to the hotel check-in to arriving at the park, to getting his sister to hide on the bridge and take those proposal photos you see above. That all would have been more than enough, but he topped it off with having our families all there to greet us after one of the biggest days in our lives. 
A week later, I’m still on cloud nine. I still look down at my left hand and don’t recognize it. I’ve enjoyed the beginning stages of planning and celebrating this happy time with my favorite people (I’ve never FaceTimed with friends so much in my life). But above all, I’m trying to enjoy the moment and take it all in.
I haven’t really been blogging anymore and that’s a decision I’m A-OK with, but the truth is I occasionally come back and read old posts of mine and truly take myself back to the time and mental state I was in when I wrote it. And for that reason, I want this story documented somewhere. 
Because I always want to remember February 16. 
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beardedd0nut · 7 years
Fine layer of human mist
Let's start this off with an explanation on the post title. For the last few days NYC has been having a ridiculous heat wave totally out of season. This coupled with like 60% humidity has meant that no matter what I've been covered in a fine layer of human mist for about 3 days. I'm not complaining about the amazing weather, it's made sightseeing an absolute joy. It has however reawakened my disdain for humid climates, and general sweat related discomfort. Long story short chewbacca doesn't deal well in the heat. Now onto a recount of the fourth and fifths days shenanigans across New York. I started my fourth day with a nice big 3egg omelette at Pershing square, for it had dawned on me that for three days I had only consumed 4 slices of pizza and a handful of breakfast bars. Turns out breakfast is the most important meal of the day... well any meal is an important one when you haven't eaten for three days. And the omelette was delicious, even if I did forget how to tip. After breakfast I'd decided to head to the parley centre for media, however I was to early and instead wandered up to Central Park to bide my time. At this stage it was but 11am and 28degrees. So a nice sit in the shade was most welcome while I read parts of Fahrenheit 451 and listened to Soundgarden in he aftermath of Cornell's tragic death. It took about two hours for me to get off my relaxed behind and trek back to Paley. Now I thought that it was a regular museum for media and such, but it is actually more akin to a catalogue or archive allowing you to search television or radio media from about the 1940's onwards. The lobby had a display of Tony Bennetts artwork, much of which was really quite impressive. I had never realised he was a painter and if hung alongside any number of artworks in a museum would blend in perfectly. I sat in Paley and watched parts of the moon landing and moon walk from the original broadcast. To think this feat was achieved and shown all over the world is beyond comprehension when only a few decades before the world was in turmoil. The vision still holds its awe inspiring grip upon a viewer and I could only imagine what it was like to sit in a classroom and watch it happen in real time. After the moon landing I just sort of fumbled through different things not really focusing too much on what it was I was watching. If I went back I'd make sure to have a list of programs to search for. Afterwards it was back to the hostel for a quick rest before trundling off to Brooklyn in the heat to see the rick and morty don't even trip road trip, and of course the huge rickmobile. It was warm, and I was moist as the sweat dropped down my back and into thine crack as I made my way across to Brooklyn. I saw the giant ass of a hunched over Rick and thought "oh jeez, that's one big poopy butthole" arriving a half hour early I thought surely I'll be apart of the main line. Oh no, I was in the secondary line, to be precise halfway down the block in the secondary line. Managed to meet some lovely locals and shot the shit while we stood going nowhere fast. Politics is fun, especially in liberal states like New York, I almost watched someone punch their friend in the face over Hilary Clinton. Just as the conversations were getting good and the company enjoyable my compatriots bitched out despite us now being in sight of the magnificent machine. I bid them a due and stood silently behind what I can only assume was two 18 year old lesbian women's studies majors bitching about the world and the education system. How I wish I was with the bros in front of them instead. Eventually the magic wardens let us through to join the heard and get our merchandise. Alas no blow up doll, but a mighty fine hoodie was purchased alongside a tshirt for a mate. Now almost 8pm, two and a half hours after I had first lined up in what many will call an act of despicable capitalist bullshit (something I won't disagree with) I was back on my way to manhattan. I found a nice little jazz club not far from my hostel and sat down for a set as they played classics from the 60's and 70's. ''twas a glorious evening. The style was much slower and sadder than the Dixieland style I saw in New Orleans a few years back, and the singer was like a lispyer, gayer Barry Manilow but it was still good music. My final day in the city was the most relaxed by far, but still packed full of activities. I began at the top of the rock for one last high up view of the city. Whilst not as tall as the Empire State, the top of the rock could arguably hold a better view if only for the way it watches over Central Park. It was once again a strange sight to see the view I had seen once before encased by darkness, but just as spectacular. Downstairs there was a huge line next to the building that turned out to be the standby ticket line for the season final of SNL that night. With the knee now aching a little and strapped up I wondered down to Times Square to retrieve my ticket for the evening show before going down town to Raclette. If you didn't see the video I'll just have to explain it to you. Raclette is a melted cheese lovers dream. With a selection of cheeses and meals to place upon, they scrape melted cheese straight from the wheel onto your meal. The burger was divine, fresh as fuck and smothered with the delectable cheese concoction, I'm not sure how or if it will be beaten. I spent the rest of the arvo packing before going to a bar for a sneaky pint before "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical" the bar was alright, but the musical was amazing. I didn't realise how much music she had written and how much her early writing and music was embedded within pop culture and music culture alike. The lead actress was full of emotion and the second act really shines through as you hear the music you know and love come to a crescendo alongside her life story. I highly recommend seeing it if you can, the rendition of "It's too late" brought a tear to my eye. It was a really beautiful (pun intended) way to end the week. I'm currently riding the rails to my next destination: Boston, where I'm excited to see the history of the town, finally make it to Salem and catch the red sox at Fenway park. I'll catch you all soon on the next instalment of the now hopefully slightly less sweat covered ramblings of a shaved yeti.
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crashpaddiaries · 7 years
Dear Crashpad Diary #30
Yoooooo beeeasts!! =)
What´s the craic?? hehehe
Hope you had a great time and enjoyed your life since my last post! The time is now right!?!?!?!?  =)
Today I´m gonna tell yous about some funny things that happened in the rest of our Balinese days and the adventure until we get to El Nido (In the awesome Philippines), place from where I´m writing it right now! =)
The topics are: Hotel hopping with Agoda / push up fail / incenses / the incredible omelet case / Annoying peeps / Pizza Hut blind date / sleeping and wrestling / Bullied by the police
Good advice for travelers in Indonesia… check the deals online in Agoda… you´ll be amazed by the number of deals and the money you can save!! As soon as we learned that we started getting deals in different places to seize the prices… with our hotel hopping, we stayed in some sweet places that would be quite rare not to say impossible… in our backpacker budget… some hotels with swimming pool and all hehehe so… go ahead and check it out!! =)
The surf those days was great!! Luh had taught me loads and now I can stand up and enjoy the waves more often… when they don´t break in my head though!! haha
I´ve never considered surfing a tiring sport… but holy fuck man…. you get wrecked!! After few hours avoiding waves.. swimming… diving… paddling… standing…. falling…. there was this time when I got the timing…. paddled… got the flow of the wave… was perfect to stand up and….. my arms didn’t work!! hahaha I could not get a pushup done to stand!! haha in that moment I came to a conclusion that surfers are freaking strong on their resistance!! hahahahah I could use some of these skills on my climbing defo!! hehe But first I had to get out of the water and rest for few days!! hahahaha
While in Bali… one must be careful with all the incenses they light up every day few times a day!! I like the smell of it I must say…. but they put the offers to their gods on the floor and it feels like a minefield!! haha Don´t look up or you´ll step on one of the incenses as my brother did at least 5 times hahahah And you know… in a 40º C weather… you´ll be wearing flip flops and certainly will burn your feet… hahahaha Twas quite funny seen him swearing at something someone put there, praying, few mins earlier…. two sides of the same coin right!?!?!?! hahahahah
Luh has problems stepping and kicking things on the way… I, as a vegetarian in a meat eaters land, have a problem to find food hehehe but now and then some crazy stuff comes up and I can’t help it… it´s just too funny!!
Right… I get to a restaurant… lunch time… I ask for a tomato cheese omelet… the waitress says… No omelet.. only during the breakfast!
Well… fine… let´s check the menu again… Do you have sth with eggs??
As she replied: Yes… Omelet!
What?¿?¿?¿? hahahahahaha another reason why people say some Indonesians are weird! heheheh
Dunno if I agree, but sth that I totally agree is that the street sales people are the worse ever… so annoying! They see you coming and always use the same format to approach, does not matter what they are offering:
Yes, motorbike? Yes, accommodation? Yes, where you go? Yes, raxixe? Yes, weed? Yes, money exchange? Yes, no? Yes, tees? Yes, hats? Yes, surfboards?
hahahahahah but they try to be the most annoying possible!! hahaha
After almost a month there we no-ing them even before the first “Yes”… hehe
Don´t get me wrong… I loved them! The Indonesian people are kind and smiley! But the ones selling on the streets are evil!! hahaha
Weird people you´ll find everywhere! However… there… even the huge fast food chains are awkward! Imagine that… you go to a place that is well known because the amount of tourists and foreigners all year round… you decide to kill your hunger for western food… lets grab some pizza at Pizza Hut… you get the menu and it´s all written in their language… you ask for one in english and learn that it does not exist there…. haha
Well… I´d rather eat something I know… Let´s go to Mc Donald’s!! hahaha just kidding!!
And that´s all folks… one month has flown and our Indonesian trip has come to an end! Time to get a flight to Malaysia, as Kuala Lumpur seems to be one destination for transit in SEA.
But this time we had a flight getting there around 10 pm… and the next one would be at 7 in the morning. So, we did what every single backpacker would do. Slept at the airport! Tell you what… the airport in KUL is great… clean and suits a traveler on a budget, but don´t make the same mistake we did!
Try to grab a space just under the escalators as soon as you get there… they are quite dark and quiet! Anyways… we got there late and these spots were taken… looking for some place to sleep we found some places like the movie lounge and we hang a little there and watched a bit of Dead Pool… but were wrecked and decide for sleeping somewhere else… the later you go the harder it gets to find a nice spot on the floor but we found a hidden gem inside the airport… the sports lounge… twas quite empty and cool… perfect!!
Well… until the time they put the crazy American wrestling and it´s host… yep… that mad guy that yells and shouts as if his audience were a bunch of deaf people!! haha The result? Luh didn’t sleep at all and we left the sports lounge few ours later… tired, with our backs squared and not hearing much!! hahahahahah  
Sweeeeet… made it to the Philippines!! One more fantastic place checked! =)
Arriving to the country, we had already a hint of how funny this place will be when passing the customs and immigration… I handle my passport to the policewoman as she suddenly tells me: You´re so sensual!!
Haha… that escalated quickly!! hahahahah I took few secs to understand what had just happened… thanked her for both… the compliment and for checking my passport in… and left.
Cooooolio! And that was our adventure arriving to the Philippines… the place I found the best mangos and bananas ever… so far!!!
Next posts I´ll tell yas about all the great trip we are having here and the unreal landscapes this country has! Stay tuned and keep smiling!
All the best vibes and positivity beasts!! I still love yas loads!!
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my-world-in-silence · 8 years
Breaking my weekend routine.
Days pass by unnoticed. They’re like scenes in my dreams from which I was awoken. Twas just a week ago when I was babbling about how I was requesting God to let summer pass without it needing to be felt. I wish! Like how the first two months gave a drive-by-hi.
Secondth day of the first summer month today. Last weekend was still fresh. Twas a time I made a decision to engage with mother nature after a long while of staying in. I wasn’t expecting I’d have fun because I wasn’t up for it. Truth is, twas a last minute decision, literally. Past midnight when I was convinced to join and assembly time was 2am. Considering how slowly I move and I was totally not prepared. No stuff was packed. All I had to do in less than one and a half hours. Then, the rest of the happenings during the first hours were giving me more reasons to be disinterested.
But the greens and the mountains...the animals in the fields...they have their way of bringing a smile to my face and adding joy to my heart. The Sierra Madre was like within reach. Inviting me to run to it and climb. The trees were captivating to the eyes I longed to be sitting under them. Seeing things not common in the city added amusement. Like this thing they call, “Cooliglig.”
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Photo credit to Watcher. Read their post about this interesting vehicle.
Our early morning trip hyped me, instead of my expected automatic response to traveling -- nausea. Singing along with the car stereo kept me from complaining about getting stuck inside a metal object run by an engine fueled by gas. I knew twas God granting my prayer to make the trip worthwhile, though my heart’s against it. So I commanded my body to enjoy the moment and totally leave my life in my cave for a day.
We reached the city, Alaminos, just a few minutes before noon. And boy the sun was furious! I was determined to stay anywhere possible just not to do the island hop. To my disappointment, there is nothing to do in the area and there is nowhere to stay either. No choice for me. But, I didn’t feel any protest in me. I went along empty of any emotion, which helped a lot as I was able to just experience each moment. Just dealt with whatever’s handed to me at a given time.
First was the walking on the floating bridge to get to the boat. There’s really nothing so awesome with being on it, but I did had fun! *big smile* My whole body going along as the float sways while my eyes are on the clear waters that surround us.
Second was the getting on the boat. I didn’t bring any clothes for getting wet. I was wearing a sun dress and my fave pair of wedge sandals. And there I was required to stretch one leg on to the boat and pushing the rest of my weight on to the boat next! Little adventures excite me.
Third was the ride... the tour around the islands. The islands didn’t fascinate me as much, though. It did make me wonder if they’re inhabitable. Am convinced I’d love to stay in any of those islands if given the chance. Oh, and it crossed my mind the question if all islands have names. The tourist guide-slash-boat driver said they’re all with names. Thought we could pick any island of our choice and name it MiX’Ns island. Heh The sight before us was simply a visual feast! God’s creation is simply wondrous.
Fourth was the stops at the islands. I think that was just two stops before the last, the Quezon Island, where we stayed the rest of the aftie and had our late lunch. Governor’s Island was the first stop. We were all challenged by the steep climb to the top. I was surprised I did it without much difficulty except that I had to catch my breath. *big smile* We only stayed there for maybe a total of 15 minutes. And then I remember we went inside a small cave. I’ve seen a cave for real! Not the one I refer to as my elevated cave back in the metro. hehe There we purchased pricey popsicles worth 25 Philippine Pesos. When in the city (Metro Manila), they’re the cheaper ones at only 5-10 Pesos. Great business to sell items there!
Fifth was our late lunch. Nothing so grand with the food on the table, it’s more of the sharing them with people who have become so dear to you that makes it truly special. Twas still really sunny that time. Am thankful to God for the shawl I brought which protected me throughout the sunny Saturday island hopping. I didn’t even had migraine attacks! God’s favor, I must say. But, I stayed in the gazebo. I’d no plans of getting a tan and I didn’t have a lotta spare clothes so...I just enjoyed the view from the top and took the chance to have a short nap. I haven’t had sleep the night before as I prepared the group’s sandwiches and beef steak.
I was still pumped up even in our ride back to the main tourist center. Enjoyed the strong swaying of the boat as the waves gone higher and stronger. Saying my last greetings to the islands I might not see for a long time again...or maybe not anymore. It’s my first, but if God willing, hope will not be the last. It’s great to think there might be a chance to start a biz there so I’ll be required to frequent the place, but that’s all dependent on whether God will approve of it or He might have something better to give. What’s important is, I’ve once seen and stepped foot on the well celebrated Hundred Islands.
Another long drive back to Dagupan to the hometown of our good friend, Dareel, who accommodated us for the night. Pa Primo, his dad, even prepared us delectable late dinner! There’s grilled Bangus, which I really love, and the Bulalo. They’re my personal faves since I don’t eat veggies. heh But, am sure everyone enjoyed everything served.  We all had a fill. So, though I was really sleepy, I stayed up for a lil more til I can’t hold my eyes up anymore. Twas a nice, clean bed prepared for us. I can’t stop being thankful.
Sunday morning waking up to a totally different environment is another awesome experience. It’s the corn field that greeted me first. The water was not cold nor warm. It’s just perfect for a morning shower. I was ready by 7am. We had our fellowship before the most awaited breakfast. Strengthened each other for we are going back to reality in the next hours. Breakfast menu include: fried fish, longanisa, sunny side up, and steamed eggplants.
Then, we went our way back to Manila as I had to make it to our Leaders Group meeting at 1:30pm. I think that’s the only time I felt the physical tiredness. Most of the trip I was just snoozing. Twas a seriously long drive and we had to make a stop over at Jollibee. We’ve been loyal to Jollibee during our weekend trip, in fact. While Sundays, it’s McDonald’s that became our hang out place.
Somehow I regret I didn’t take snaps of the whole trip. My phones batts’ easily drain so I chose not to. I only have three! But, I wish I took snaps of the trees, the hammock, the sand, the cooliglig, the islands from some distance while on the boat...But, it’s fine. It’s the feeling I carry from the trip that matters more. I can see all them clearly in my mind, anyway.
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