#had to reduce the quailty a bit
akpopmeme · 5 months
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gegenji · 4 years
Merchant (MER) as a FFXIV Job
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A while back (almost a year and a half now, in fact) I wrote a dissertation on how one could implement Beastmaster as a tank job using concepts taken primarily from how Summoner was being handled at the time. Given how things have gone since that point with the Arcanist-based pet jobs, its base concept seems all the more possible... though it's just as likely to become a Limited Job like Blue Mage just to allow for the full actualization of taming something and using it as your companion. Still, it was a fun thing to do and I’ve been mulling over doing another.
This is the actualization of that, albeit a rather spur of the moment one. Like before, it’s - as the title implies - the idea of a "Merchant" combat class that is actually an attempt at providing that Chemist-like job folks have been wanting. Just with some inspiration from the Bravely Default job of the same name, and some other gil-based concepts like Zenniage.
As for how it came about? It all just sort of... clicked into place during a conversation, honestly. Hopefully it all makes sense, too!
Disclaimer: As with the BST theorycraft post, this whole idea is just speculation and ideas presented for fun and as a mental exercise. There's likely to be gaping holes in the concept that would need to be dealt with to be executed properly, and things like potency and cooldown timers won't be delved into at all. This is all theorycrafting and spitballing, after all. Don't expect much else to come out of it other than perhaps some smiles on the part of the reader.
And, also like the Beastmaster post, this will likely get unnecessarily in-depth and wordy (as is my wont). So it will be put under a Read More just like the last.
High Concept: Merchant as an "Item"-Based Healer Job
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As mentioned above, one of the abilities I've seen people lamenting not being able to do in FFXIV is throw potions at people, a la the Chemist in Tactics (though the job is also in FFV in a much more broken capacity) or - honestly - like what you can do in any single-player RPG like the non-MMO Final Fantasies. Of course, I’ve always had the mental block on actually thinking too deeply on it because the Alchemist already exists as a Disciple of the Hand class. Why would they make a Chemist job that would just confuse people?
There were other issues as well, of course. Most folks also wanted this Chemist job to use a gun too - another design decision taken from Tactics, since Chemist was among the three jobs that could use one (the other being Mustadio’s titular Machinist - a Squire replacement - and Mediator). This, of course, would step on the toes of FFXIV’s own Machinist job without some sort of variation to set it apart..Using two smaller pistols at once, for example. But I wanted to avoid as much overlap as possible - giving the job its own kind of unique identity - and that meant a unique weapon as well.
Then there's the problem that if the character actually had to use items, then that would require this job to have to carry around materials much like how Hunters had to carry around arrows or a Rogue their poisons in WoW. It would attach a cost to playing the job that - while fitting for the flavour - would be detrimental to the player since they would have to spend more gil than any other job. So, of course, the obvious solution for this is to nix that for the sake of gameplay.
With all this ironed out, the overall concept became one of the idea of a healer that uses "items" as a method of healing and support, where said "items" are just cooldowns like anything else. Like what you'd see with some NPCs or use yourself when playing as them. Just with some fun little additions to add a bit of mercantile flair to the job as a whole, all of which I'll delve into here.
General Information
Job Role: Healer Primary Stat: Mind Weapon: Bag
You read that right! Bags! These were actually a weapon in Final Fantasy Tactics. Normally only usable by female characters, they had a random damage range like axes. However, for someone who is using items to heal, it also seemed fitting that they use the very bag they carry everything in as a weapon in a pinch.
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Job Gauge: Profit Gauge
The Profit Gauge is a meter to display how much "profit" the Merchant has gained during the course of combat. Profit is used to increase the efficacy many of the Merchant's moves, allowing for big bursts of healing or damage at the cost of the resource. It also has a section to indicate whether they are in a Nald or a Thal Market.
Limit Break: Defibrillation
Taking all the energy gathered from the fight and funneling it into an experimental device, the Merchant jolts downed allies to life and heals everyone up to full.
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Expendable Resource - "Profit"
(The name for this resource has gone through a few revisions. First was Currency or Wealth, and then started moving away to the more abstract Gratuity before ending up as Profit.)
All things are made from aether. People, plants, animals, the land itself. As such, this also extends to the various concoctions made by (and oftentimes out of) these things. However, such things are never a perfect one-to-one ratio. And there's always some degree of excess.
The Merchant skims this excess from the potions and tinctures they use, gathering each extra little bit of aether in the crystal focus clasp set in their Bag. From there, they can infuse it right back into the next item they use - giving an extra little kick to the healing or damage that it might do.
This allows a Merchant to suddenly bolster the power of their abilities, but each use eats into that Profit. If they spend too much of it or use it too frivolously, they might not have enough saved up for when they actually need it, considering...
Nald/Thal Market
On the side of the gauge, there is a circle that is usually empty. However, after hitting a certain level, this field activates to symbolize the Merchant’s ability to identify the ebb and flow of the aether that is coursing about the battlefield. This is represented by a symbol of Nald'thal with an up arrow, a down arrow or a line along with a timer. These, in order, identify a Nald, Thal, or Even Market.
During a Nald Market, there is extra aether to be had - leading to a boost in the amount of Profit gained from each action taken. Conversely, a Thal Market means a dearth of aether, resulting in less Profit being gained with each action. An Even Market means no change to the Profit gained at all, and is the default when out of combat.
Once combat begins, a timer appears for the Even Market, and then it cycles into a Nald or Thal Market. After that subsequent timer runs out, it can refresh as the same Market or switch to the opposite. It takes a wily Merchant to capitalize on a Nald Market, gaining and spending Profit freely. But they should also make sure to keep some left over should it become a Thal Market.
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Combat and Mechanics
As mentioned above, the main idea of this type of healer is a healer that can - in times of necessity - have a sudden spike of healing or damage by utilizing the Profit Gauge. It's not unlike how a Scholar can use their Aetherflow stacks for a sudden Lustrate or Indomitability. However, a Merchant can constantly gain their resource unlike a Scholar, and thus their healing is more deeply tied with having this resource on hand to be spent.
The gain of Profit, however, is not a constant thing thanks to the shifting of the Nald/Thal Market. As such, playing a Merchant is about using their abilities to seek to properly utilize and cultivate this flighty resource. There are, of course, some abilities to allow them to circumvent or even ignore their Profit Gauge, but these are mainly for emergencies.
The overall idea is to be utilizing your basic attacks and heals to generate Profit at all times. These are generally low potency, however, and will require usage of your gathered Profit in order to put out any meaningful numbers. So, just getting a full Profit Gauge and then sitting on it until you need a big heal is technically a viable strategy, actively utilizing your Profit and the abilities that manipulate it will maximize both the Merchant's damage and healing capabilities.
And, due to the ability to burst damage as well as healing, the Merchant would likely end up one of the more damaging Healer options. However, this comes at the cost of eating far more into its healing. The other healers would likely be preferable for their consistent healing and damage numbers over the peaks and valleys of a Merchant. However, a properly played one makes a perfectly serviceable healer.
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Actions & Traits
Much like the BST section of the same name, the items listed are not in level order and are instead grouped as I feel would work best. The overall goal to show the items in each part of the kit for an overall whole. Potency, cooldown timers, and Profit costs are not included either and will instead be given in vague terms. I'm sure concrete values could be figured out for these, but that is a bit beyond the scope of this theorycraft.
Attack Items
Dark Potion - Deals unaspected damage.
Poison Breath  - Deals unaspected damage over time.
TNT - Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it.
Zenniage - Deals unaspected damage, potency increases with Profit. Uses all Profit bar.
Support Items
Aqua Vitae - Restores target's HP.
Caligo Vitae - Restores own HP and HP of all nearby party members.
Savium Vitae - Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Iron Draft - Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage. Does not actually heal.
Samson Power - Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 3%.
Goliath Tonic - Restores target’s HP, percentage matches Profit. Uses all Profit bar.
Market Abilities
Poor Quailty - Reduces the potency of the next Item used, but increases the amount of Profit gained off it.
Good Quality - Increases the potency of the next Item used by 50%, but uses a decent amount of Profit (~25-50).
Great Quality - Increases the potency of the next Item used by 100%, but uses a large amount of Profit (~50-100).
Speculate - Force a reroll of the Market, making it a Nald, Thal, or Even.
Ether Loan - Increase Profit Gauge by 30. Long cooldown.
Deep Pockets - Allows usage of Good Quality without Profit cost for 15s.
Pharmacology - Increases base action damage and restoration by 10%.
Pharmacology II - Increases base action damage and restoration by 30%.
Market Sense - Adds the Market indicator to your Profit Gauge.
Deeper Pockets - Changes Deep Pockets to Deeper Pockets, allowing usage of Great Quality without Profit cost for 15s.
Potions Mastery - Upgrades Dark Potion to Dark Hi-Potion and Poison Breath to Morbol Breath .
Potions Mastery II - Upgrades Dark Hi-Potion to Dark X-Potion and Morbol Breath to Dragon Breath .
Potions Mastery III - Upgrades Dark X-Potion to Dark Elixir and Dragon Breath to Dark Breath .
Mix Mastery - Upgrades Samson Power to Dragon Power, increasing the boost from 3% to 6%.
Long-Term Speculation - Allows accumulation of charges for Speculation. Maximum Charges: 2.
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Things have changed a lot since the last theorycraft I did. A whole new expansion has changed up how the jobs are laid out, their traits, and added whole new aspects and angles to them I didn't know about before. I had thought to update my Beastmaster theorycraft to match that, but I also felt that it might be best left as it is as a testament to the idea wrought at the time I put it to paper.
So, instead, I decided a new job was needed instead. I had been musing on how a job like Mime would work in FFXIV, mostly focused around expanding on the concept of Aetherial Mimicry and the Aetheryte Earring from the Shadowbringers Special Edition. Something involving having a basic set of moves, and then some others that changed based on the target you mimicked. And then possibly the idea of its gear shifting stats to match whatever they're mimicking (an idea brought on by a debate about alternate roles for existing jobs).
But I didn't think I had enough of a concept put together for a full on theorycrafting diatribe like I had done for Beastmaster. And then, when talking to some friends about the aforementioned debate and musing on what jobs were left... what jobs people still wanted... and some abilities that had been used in Final Fantasy games but not yet in FFXIV. And this is what came out.
Of course, even as I started writing, things shifted around. The concept of the Profit Gauge solidified with some lore to go with it, along with the addition of the Nald/Thal Market idea (for good or for ill). I was originally musing over trying to include a Slots-style system like Setzer has that would randomly boost (or hinder) the Items used for the next 15 seconds or something... but that seemed a bit too random for a job that already had this amount of variance, and a healer at that.
... Though maybe it can be a third part of the gauge in the future. With a button to spin it for varying positive effects.
Still, all in all, it was a fun exercise. Even if it came crashing into existence much more quickly than the slow formulation that was my Beastmaster concept. Do you like it better? Worse? Have any ideas of your own? Want me to try taking a crack at Mime anyway? Let me know!  
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7 Tricks About Most Expensive Soccer Cleats In The World You Wish You Knew Before
It is sheltered to state that you are looking for reviews of the Top 10 most exorbitant soccer spikes on earth for some admonishment? We are examining the Top 10 most expensive soccer spikes on earth.
Despite giving the players the best order over the ball, it also makes it less difficult to continue running on fragile surfaces. As you can expect, there are various sorts of expensive soccer spikes on the planet – some continuously searched for after. For example, while you can buy to some degree not exactly $ 100 from your close by games store, some can without a lot of a stretch buy numerous dollars (most by far of which are in compelled discharge).
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Underneath we see ten of the most expensive soccer cleats on earth. What makes them so uncommon? How solid are their retail costs? Enable's find to out.
The thing has the going with subtleties
One thing that makes Nike Superfly incredible is the multi-ground plate and stud position. This projection is made of a produced upper material got together with a ground-breaking lower material to give a compelling fit and incredible touch.
This Nike Superfly soccer fitting is remarkable among other soccer spikes for the midfielder. This shoe is organized with a scratched bend that gives most extraordinary assistance during the genuine game. The multi-ground plate plan and stud configuration offer reviving and balance on trademark grass and fake grass ground.
Sensitive inner covering and standard shape
Staggering expense
Brisk and spry projection
Heaps of styles available
To some degree overpowering for a winger's fitting
Nike Men's Phantom Vision Elite DF
The thing has the going with points of interest
Beyond question, one of the most noteworthy component of the Phantom Vision is Ghost groups. In perspective on the structure, there is no genuine method to see what's under, paying little heed to whether you pull the layers as wide as would be reasonable. PhantomVSN is planned for suffering segments with ACC (All Condition Control) covering and to verify the last thing. So you understand they are set up for use in each and every atmosphere condition.
The general target of the balance model is to oblige smart cuts in all the heading, and it plays out very well in the game. One of the most remarkable contemplations is a movement of rotational front lines straightforwardly under the tremendous toe territory. Each sharp edge is balanced as to get the surface through an advancement that encourages the weight on your foot and empowers you to concentrate on quick expanding pace.
Extraordinary hang on the ball
Lightweight and genuinely versatile
Upper material is fragile
Comfortable anyway not exorbitantly tight fit
Doesn't run long
Dynamic Fit Collar doesn't give incredible weight
Adidas Copa 19.1
The thing has the going with subtleties
While the fitting offers a comparable name as the OG Copa Mundial, COPA 19.1 is worked off the ground with bleeding edge development. Adidas endeavored to draw out the best calfskin boots (pleasant fit, fragile padded touch) with progressively momentum features, for instance, a strong match and reduced water ingestion. COPA 19.1 is maybe the mildest projection in the market. It similarly marries its ideal shape with one of the gentlest, most superb pillowy calfskin upper I've anytime had. In any case, to ensure the thin shape is taken care of, Adidas has presented a "burrito tongue". It similarly diminishes any mass as an untimely idea and trim zone and verifies it your feet.
The effect of burrito tongue is of most extraordinary essentialness as it imitates the weight of Nike Tiempo Legend 7's Flyknit tongue. The adaptable band of burrito tongue didn't expand unnecessarily and kept the feet to some degree secure. Regardless, I had a nice space for my fingers, and perhaps I was brushing myself against sensitive fogs.
Best calfskin spikes
Diminished water ingestion
Mildest projection
Engaging arrangement
Low solidness
Doesn't have a by and large phenomenal ground balance
Nike Tiempo Legend 7
The thing has the going with specifics
It has an ensured, verified fit, ensuring your feet don't turn out as you keep running with the exception of in the event that you get it in the right size. The fit is extremely tight in any case. The Nike Tiempo Legend 7 has a supple cowhide upper, which gives extraordinary comfort and control.
One explanation we've included such an enormous number of kangaroo cowhide spikes in this summary is in light of the fact that this material is the best choice for a huge bit of the defenders. It's totally pleasant, offers a splendid first touch, and feels wonderful when you pass the ball. As opposed to strikers and midfielders, you don't by and large need to have a super-light shoe that is expected for shooting or running at top speed (disregarding the way that adroitness can be useful for fullbacks).
Nevertheless, the material isn't the primary remarkable thing about the Tiempos. They incorporate an extraordinarily created heel that incorporates sponsorship and protection, and the lower leg trustworthiness is mind boggling. Like most Nike spikes, these are a great option for central defenders. Nevertheless, they're not unassuming, and the outsole can isolate after some time, especially on the off chance that you're on and on shooting.
Really pleasing
Incredibly fragile upper
Versatile anyway stable arrangement
No slippage by virtue of perfect fit
Not really tough
Adidas Men's Nemeziz 19+
The thing has the going with judgments
Adidas is to be certain the rulers of central midfielder spikes. Players, for instance, David Silva, Paul Pogba and Toni Kroos use their things for the straightforwardness and control they offer.
Nemeziz 19 is exceptional in light of the way that it packs most of Adidas' best advancement into a single pair of spikes. You get semi-round spikes that give incredible spryness, which makes sharp cuts and turns less complex. For further help while spilling, these spikes go with the authorized "status work" outer material, that improves contact and control. The surface also holds the ball while passing and shooting, making it a breeze to put the ball definitely.
As you envision from Nemeziz's line, 19 is completely extreme, it should in any occasion one full season, dependent upon how consistently you play. Furthermore, they have reasonable expenses and landed in a heap of spectacular tones. You really can not switch Nemeziz 19 as a central midfielder.
Unprecedented control
Incredibly cleaned
Light and facilitated
Reasonable expense
Poor clamminess confirmation
Adidas Men's Predator 18+
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The thing has the going with judgments
While Adidas Copa Mundial prevails because of its gem and undying arrangement. The Adidas Predator 18+ addresses the contrary side of the range: the latest projection advancement in soccer. The Adidas Predator course of action is the best choice for an extensive parcel of the world's most observable footballers.
David Beckham, Mesut Ozil and Dele Alli consider as a piece of Adidas Predator customers, so you understand you will be in a respectable association. This "Primeknit" adaptation, made of first rate built material, gives a customer more comfort and a spikes affiliation that isn't just found in standard spikes. This stand-out component makes Adidas Predator 18+ one of the most pleasant of the bleeding edge time, similarly as one of the best laceless spikes for this game.
Incredible and ever-enduring structure
Used by top soccer players
Genuinely pleasant
High quailty
Poor moistness confirmation
Low strength
Nike Hypervenom Phantom III DF SE
The thing has the going with conclusions
Reliable with its name, the Nike Hypervenom Phantom III FG Soccer Cleats causes you to seem, by all accounts, to be extraordinary from your opponents and a deadly power on the field. The Flyknit upper offers breathing, sponsorship, and comfort. In addition, the Flywire connections wrap the feet, giving them a feeling of verified.
The fitting contains foam cases that reduction the impact of running and returning essentialness during the game. This head soccer fitting has a cross breed plate with a versatile forefoot for included security and a blend of hexagonal studs and chevron that give the availability you can depend on.
Flyknit upper
Really pleasing
It has a complete outsole
Not solid
High weight on the heel sewing
Adidas Men's X 17+ Purespeed
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The thing has the going with subtleties
The PURECUT laceless sock forefoot has no edges or groups that would disturb the general stream to cause an off course strike on the ball. The front line weight fit is ideal for your feet, giving it a versatile, pleasing feel when playing. The SPRINTFRAME FG outsole is lightweight and gives speed and strong ground balance, while the X effect point covering gives a verified and solid fit.
These ten are the most expensive soccer spikes starting at now available in 2019. It incorporates all the best soccer spikes with each best component, materials and is in like manner sensible. 
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