#hades greekk god
iereiaio · 3 years
𝖀𝖓𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕬𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘
So the last couple days i’ve been a little behind on getting my shit together. Yesterday i woke up late (by accident) and today ilet myself sleep in about 45 minutes because i went to bed about 30 minutes later than i should have and was really tired when i woke up this morning. i think it’s okay to allow myself to sleep in if i am up later than expected, but i also can’t let that become a habit, as im not doing meditations that i enjoy, just quick easy ones in order to not fall behind. 
yesterday, i was sick for a good chunk of the day, and ended up trying to take the day to relax and get my stomach back on track. i don’t really know why im so anxious lately, but i’ve been getting to a point where i’m almost dry heaving over everything, and i don’t know if it’s because of my agoraphobia or if its because im un-repressing trauma. 
so im gonna hop right into the tarot reading, i wanna get to work on other projects here in a bit, so we’re just jumping right in. 
 so, once again, 6 cards even though i wanted 2. 
for today, I pulled:
The Empress (fallout, will be represented as FO)
10 of Cups
3 of Wands (R)
The Devil (R, FO)
9 of Wands
4 of Cups (R)
i feel like this is Haides reminding me that while, yes I am accomplishing things, and that im doing well, these last couple days are kind of a warning that i may fall into old habits and old ways of doing things. Which isn’t good. I was accomplishing nothing with how I was doing stuff before (i’d maybe get 1-2 things done a day if i was lucky)
I need to keep working on moving myself away from that mindset an get back into my sleep schedule, and back into my waking up schedule as well. Accidents happen, but habits can’t be formed as a result of accidents. Im gonna be tired as a result, and things are gonna be hard to maintain, but I need to keep on and get myself back on my feet. Because this is what will be best for me and my future. 
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List of Greek Gods/Notable Figures I Wish to See in Lore Olympus:
1. Iris: Goddess of Rainbows
- She’s basically Hera’s personal assistant
- Like Hermes, she is another messenger god
Amazing character design!!
She has wings and as the goddess of rainbows, I’m sure it would be incorporated into the design.
2. Hermaphroditus: God of Adrogyny, Sexuality, Marriage, and Fertilty
- Assosiated with Eros for being a god of a form of love
- Protects people from sexual harassment
We could get a canon LGBTQ+ Greekk God!! (I think it’s discussed that Eros might be, but it’s not clear)
Hermaphroditus actually went through something very similar in the myths that Persephone is going through in Lore Olympus. [Hint: Apollo] They could help each other out!
3. Pan: God of Nature, the Wild, Rustic Music, and Goats
- Half goat!
- Learned to play instruments just to spite Apollo
- The only Greek God known to ever die!
I don’t know? He just seems like he would be a cool dude in Lore Olympus. In canon, he’s kind of gross, but I think Rachel wouldn’t discuss that and change his story. I just imagine Hozier.
4. Achilles and Patroclus: Important figures during the Trojan War
- Achilles is the son of Thetis
- Achilles and Patroclus were known as lovers
More gay characters!!
Works with the theory of Thetis getting pregnant to affect Zeus and Hera’s marriage.
5. Macaria [Makaria], Zagreus, and Melinoe: Goddess of Blessed Death, God of Mysteries and Hunting, and Goddess of Ghosts and Nightmares
- The children of Persephone and Hades
- Macaria’s SO is Thanatos and ‘Blessed Death’ basically means she represents good people who have died
- Zagreus is associated with Dionysus and is basically the Artemis of the underworld
- Melinoe has a half and half appearance, which some might argue is vitiligo.
If Persephone and Hades decide to have kids, it would be nice if Rachel could stay true to their canon kids, but that’s up to her.
Melinoe could have a cool character design.
Macaria and Thanatos’s relationship is comedic gold.
Zagreus is surrounded by such powerful women and would respect them so much!!
If they are not triplets (which would have a funny reaction from Hades and Persephone), I think the order of their births would be Macaria, Zagreus, then Melinoe. In time they might also have Ploutos who was also a child of Persephone and Hades in some myths, though they have a sad back story.
6. Dionysus: God of Wine, Parties, and Madness
- Son of Zeus and Semele
- Has a YOLO life style
With the way this story is going, he will probably be born soon!
He is going to be so fucking funny. He just doesn’t given a shit bro!
Friendly reminder there are different versions of the myths. Some gods have different parentage or roles.
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