#hades/persephone inspired shite
writeshite · 3 years
Spring and Death
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It is said the god of death holds no love for anyone, that a demon befell from the heavens and tarnished the death god. At least that’s what your mother said.
Eddie Brock x Male!Reader
Words: 2093
Author's Note:
It has come to my attention that Eddie and Venom have no Hades/Persephone fics, which has left me, quite frankly disappointed. Disclaimer, this doesn't really stick to the mythos, I've borrowed a few things and changed them around. This is basically 2000 words of fluff because the little gremlin in me is saddened that Eddie & Venom have no Hades/Persephone fics. 😤
Reader is the god of spring, Eddie is the god of death, Venom is basically a demon of sorts that's tied to Eddie.
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It is said the god of death holds no love for anyone, that a demon befell from the heavens and tarnished the death god. This demon took hold of the god and held his soul, staining it beyond recognition. At least that’s what your mother said. Then again, she may have been biased on that. You’ve never really met the death god; your mother forbade it, going as far as banning his name in her presence. ‘He steals young virgins like yourself,’ she often loved to say, ‘Stay far from the fallen fields, lest he takes you away, my son.’
The warnings had done well to keep you away, but after centuries, your curiosity had peaked. The fallen fields were on the edge of your mother’s domain; they sat at the edge of your mother’s territory and belonged to the death god. Very few dared to enter them; it was often said the god of the dead traversed the fields. There wasn’t a gate to stop you from going; besides, you’d be back before your mother knew you were gone. These thoughts played in your head as you stood at the edge of your mother’s domain; the divide between it and the fields was as clear as day. The grass stopped being green at the border and carried on over in a dull tone. Most of the trees on the field appeared to be in a state of decay. You glanced over your shoulder and stepped through.
The fields were, despite your mother’s stories, quite lovely. Despite their initial appearance, the trees were far from dead; they hummed with life and welcomed you all the same as the other trees over the edge. The animals were also as odd; instead of flesh and fur, they were bones, skeleton ghosts living their lives as they would anywhere else. You held your hand up as a raven flew towards you, it landed on your hand, and you brought it closer for examination. Its outer body was a fine ghost-like form, with the visible skeleton underneath. It tilted its head at you and nuzzled into your other hand as it came to stroke the head. Whatever tales your mother had of this place were mistaken. More creatures came up to you; they directed you towards a clearing; they gathered around you as soon as you sat down. You must’ve dozed off at some point, as the next thing you knew, you awoke in the field.
The animals had moved from around to behind you as if shielding themselves from something ahead. You glanced towards the trees ahead of you; a dark shadow hung among them, emitting a low growl; the animals quivered behind you as the growl escalated. Now, a sensible person would undoubtedly turn tail and run; you, unfortunately, were not a rational person. Your response to this situation was to growl back at the shadow, which, surprisingly, worked. The shadow stopped growling before it spoke in a deep voice.
“Interesting.” it said, “you don’t fear me.”
“Should I?” you dared. There was a chuckle from the shadows before it dispersed. You barely had time to think about the interaction before the sound of your name resonated through the fields; your mother’s agitated voice had the animals moving away and back to the trees. You brushed off your apparel, sighed, and left the clearing.
To say your mother had been angry would be an understatement; as you approached her, you could make out the tell-tale signs of rage around her. Although her demeanor appeared calm, several of the trees nearby were twisting themselves into unnatural shapes; the ground underneath her was cracked, as though an earthquake had just occurred. As soon as you were in her reach, she grabbed you and dragged you over from the fields, inspecting you as though you’d been hurt. Once she’d been satisfied, she brought you into her arms for a hug.
“Promise me you won’t do that again.”’
“I promise.”
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You’d like to say that you kept the promise and stayed away, you’d like to, but you didn’t. The shadow had been at the forefront of your mind since that day. Any time you could, you would sneak off to the fields and make your way back to the clearing; every time you were there, the shadow was as well. It hid in the trees; the only part of it you ever saw was its eyes.
“Why don’t you show yourself?”
“I have no desire to taint your perception of me.”
You tilted your head at the answer, “I have no perception of you; how can I when you insist on hiding away in the trees.”
The shadow chuckled, “You are a strange morsel,” it said before disappearing, this time, leaving a man in its place. The man appeared nervous, his hands wringing around each other as he exited the trees and approached you. Like with the shadow, the animals around you moved away; as he got closer, your eyes zeroed in on his neck where a medallion with the sigil of death hung. “I take it you are my shadow,” you amusingly said. “Tell me, death god, do you often take to keeping others company as you did with me?”
“Not really. People aren’t too fond of my other half,” at the words other half, a shadow emerged from the man’s shoulder.
“They’re not too fond of you either.” the voice it spoke in no doubt the same as your shadow. Turning to you, it extended from the man and came up directly to your face, “Scared yet morsel?”
“Not a chance,” you responded, drawing a happy laugh from the shadow and the man. After that, your visits to the field became more frequent, so much so your friendship grew. Eddie and Venom were the man and shadow pair and were nothing like what your mother had described. As you glanced down at Eddie, you felt the fond smile on your face, his head lay on your lap, as you both enjoyed the sun. His eyes opened and focused on you, “What?”
“We were thinking of inviting you to our castle,” he answered.
“Never pegged you for a castle person,” you teased.
Eddie rolled his eyes, “It was built for me when the fields were given to me, not a fan of it. Why do you think I’m always out here?”
“Thought you came out here for me.”
“And if I did?”
You lowered yourself to kiss him, drawing back you chuckled at the expression on his face, “I wouldn’t say I’d mind.”
You tilted your head as Eddie remained shocked; Venom emerged from Eddie in a wisp of shadow, laughing, “I think you broke him.”
“If that’s the case, would you do me the honor of showing me the castle?” Venom took over from Eddie; he stood from your lap and carried you in his arms.
The castle was quite a sight; Eddie and Venom had done little to personalize their home, unlike the other gods. Venom had huffed when you pointed that out, ‘If you want it decorated, then you can do it yourself, he’d muttered, which you took as an unofficial go-ahead to do so. By the time you were bound to leave for the day, their throne room was laden with flowers; you made sure to bring something new to add to the castle every visit. Books, baskets, trinkets, just about anything you could get your hands on.
“What is that?”
You turned away from the embroidery you’d brought in to Eddie, who was pointing at the dog you’d gotten him. “It’s a dog, dear.”
“No, it’s not,” he said, “last time I checked, dogs only had one head and weren’t the size of elephants.” He moved back as the dog yawned and bounded over towards you. “Where did you find him?”
“I didn’t find him; he found me,” Eddie said nothing else and watched in confusion as you rubbed the creature’s stomach. “His name’s Cerberus, by the way.” Eddie was in awe of you. His interaction with the other gods was little to none, with most of them terrified of Venom, the humans even more so; he barely had any company, if any. You brought life to his world and loved him and Venom.
‘If he brings life to our world, why not wed him.’ Venom had been criticizing him on that matter for days now; Eddie would love nothing more than to have you as his husband, but there was the matter of your mother. He doesn’t know what he did to her, but the woman just did not like him; come to think of it, Eddie doubts he’s even exchanged any words with her. ‘Elope then.’ Venom suggested.
‘Great idea, then she’d have a real reason to go after my head.’
Though now as he gazed at you, he weighed his chances, worst case scenario you say no - ‘Why would he say no? He loved us! - Venom interrupted his thoughts. Eddie didn’t say anything else and carried on weighing his options; the best-case scenario is you and him elope and live happily ever after. But he didn’t have a ring, which he might need. He felt Venom groan in frustration as he carried on his thinking; without warning, he found himself in the back seat as Venom took over.
You turned at the sound of Venom taking over, greeting him with a warm smile. The shadow took your hand and went down on one knee, “We know we’re not the best of the gods, nor are we the most beloved, but with you, we feel all that and more. We have no ring to offer. Instead, we give you our love,” he brought you closer and placed your foreheads together, “and a guarantee of loyalty for eternity.”
You were speechless at the declaration; tears welled in your eyes as you rapidly nodded, your response causing a happy purr to come from Venom. You didn’t return home that night, as the three of you eloped under the stars, with mother moon as your witness.
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Like all good things, your happy little bubble with your husbands came to an end when your mother stormed the castle. After eloping, you’d chosen to stay in the fallen fields; admittedly, you’d forgotten to mention anything to anyone. Your mother paused as she caught sight of you and Eddie’s intertwined hands; the ground shook as her rage boiled over. Several arguments and an earthquake later, your mother left in a fury.
“Are you ok?” Venom asked, surfacing from Eddie.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because your mother just disowned you,” Eddie replied, “You-you don’t have to stay; not being with me gets you that.” Venom swiveled to face the god; you called out to them and drew their attention t you before they could start an argument. “Remember our vows?”
“We offer you our heart, our love, and eternity, as we handfast this night, in the eyes of the mother moon,” Eddie recited.
“We promise to stand together as equals, husband, and husband.” you finished off. “I chose you and Venom, I won’t leave your side, and if my mother or any other god has anything to say about it, well, then they can kiss my ass.”
Venom wrapped himself around you, “Only we get the privilege of kissing your ass.” he proudly declared; his declaration made you burst into laughter.
It is said the god of death and his demon only hold love for the god of spring and that no one, not even the other gods, dare come between them. Mother moon gave her blessing, and later on, she would bless them again by delivering a child.
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“Is the child me?” your son asked, glancing between you and Eddie.
“Yes, it is,”
“Did mother moon really deliver me to you?”
You chuckled at your son’s question, “That she did. Didn’t even bother warning us; one moment we were dancing together, the next we heard a baby’s cries.” you told him, “You stole our hearts the second you opened your eyes.”
He yawned, and you to smile softly at him. “I think that’s enough stories for tonight; get some rest, see you in the morning.” Eddie ruffled the kid’s hair; both of you tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. You closed the door behind you, taking Eddie’s hand in yours; you led him back to your room; that night, you fell asleep in the arms of your husbands.
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Bonjour my Croissants 🥐
I hope you enjoyed this shite, don't forget to drop your thoughts and if you have a request for something you want me to write, go ahead, Requests are Open.
Credit to @firefly-graphics , it's where I got the orange text dividers from, their blog has lots of dividers that are beautiful and amazing, I highly recommend checking it out.
Stay Hydrated.
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