afriworld2400 · 2 years
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overlanderafrica999 · 11 months
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disabled-battlekukku · 4 months
Drawing Sonic british book characters part 3.2: Zone Rangers. Next up in the line are the warthogs and crocodiles!
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Ps: I am not a professional on african culture, I did my best to desigm these characters based on the limited research I have. If I did something particularly offensive in the design, please say it.
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Whew, so, those guys, huh... In the novel they're kind of generic "jungle people" and it's quite clear the writers didn't really do any research to portray any particular culture. Based on just the very obviously african-inspired mask on the second picture, I decided to base them on african cultures. Maybe they even live next to Mazuri (I REFUSE to call the Sonic Earth's version of Africa "Efrika"). Since my version of Zone Rangers takes place right after Sonic Unleashed, perhaps some Dark Gaia energy (substituting the corrupted Chaos Energy from the british lore) still lingered for a short awhile after Dark Gaia was sealed alongside Chip again. Maybe some of that Dark Gaia energy made the crocodiles aggressive instead of them being mean and aggressive for the sake of it. For specific inspirations, the warthogs were mainly based on the Maasai and Dogon people, while the crocodiles were based on the Fang and Hadzabe people
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holyartisanking · 11 months
Hadzabe Tribe | Catching and Eating Wild Cats
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moneeb0930 · 2 years
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Hadzabe Tribe Of Tanzanian 🇹🇿
The Hadzabe tribe is one of the last tribes in the world of hunters and gatherers. They are linked to the Bushman tribes and is the last remnant of a vanishing world. Those of you who are lucky enough to visit their tribes will have the opportunity to get a rare glimpse into a lifestyle that has hardly changed since the days of ancient man.
As a tribe of hunters and gatherers, they are not based on agriculture. The women gather food from wild plants, legumes, fruits, vegetables. While males hunt small animals like birds, mice, snakes and more.
Each hunter marks his or her arrows uniquely so that it is possible to identify which one hit the hunt. Although the spoils are shared among all the members of the tribe, a better hunter is considered a stronger and higher quality man, and his chances of finding a match are higher.
The members of the Hadzabe tribe are without a permanent estate - this means that they sleep in the field. Inside the giant trunks of the baobab trees, bushes and caves.
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tanzania2023 · 1 year
20 de juliol - Hadzabe i Detonga
A les 7:00 del matí, ja esmorzats, marxem direcció al llac Eyasi. Vaig quedar ja fa uns mesos amb el Gorjo, que es el guía / contacte amb els Hadzabe. L'Stanley el coneix, aquí tots es coneixen.
Els Hadzabe es una tribu dels últims que queden al món com a caçadors-recolectors. No conreuen ni tenen ramats, només cacen (els homes) i recolecten (les dones).
La carretera deixa anar molta pols però és una mica millor que la d'ahir.
Trobem el Gorjo, que ens espera al punt de control, ens saludem i puja al cotxe. Es molt simpàtic i porta unes rastes que li queden de conya.
Seguim endins per una carretera més difícil fins que arribem a una esplanada amb un arbre on estan els Hadzabe esperant. Fem les presentacions xocant els punys i un d'ells, força jove, ens explica coses que el Gorjo va traduint. Ens ensenya fletxes i ens explica per a que serveix cadascuna. Una pels monos, un altre per ocells, un altre pels Pumba, etc. Ho explica rient i fent una mica el tonto. El llenguatge que fan servir es molt similar al dels bosquimans de Namíbia, amb sons fets amb la llengua sonant "clec". Es quasi impossible de reproduir.
Després el Gorjo ens diu que anem a caçar. Marxem amb tres d'ells per l'estepa, i els anem seguint. Ells van a la seva i molt simpàtics no semblen. Un es un nen d'uns 10 anys.
Anem caminant buscant algo per caçar fins que el nen, uns 20 minuts després, arriba amb un ocellet de color groc que ha caçat.
Se'l penja al coll i anem fins una ombra on fan foc amb un pal, hi posen l'ocellet al damunt i se'l jalen amb quasi totes les plumes i tot. Apa, ja han esmorzat. Ens n'han ofert però hem declinat amablement.
Havent-se fotut el pobre ocell, es lien un porret de marihuana i se'l fumen. El Gorjo diu que tot el dia fumen herba, tant homes com dones.
Tornem a l'esplanada on hi ha les dones assegudes al terra i unes quantes criatures petites. Les fotografiem (ens fa cosa però és deixen). Una nena petita porta un vestit de princesa com la de Frozen que ves a saber d'on l'han tret. La Joana es fixa amb una altra nena d'uns dos o tres anys, li pregunta com es diu però no entenem que diu, fins que el Gorjo ens diu que ha dit "María" i es posa a riure. Diu que alguns noms els treuen dels turistes.
La nena li pregunta al Gorjo si ell va amb els homes blancs (que som nosaltres) i desprès li diu que ella també té una persona blanca a casa (es una nina, entenem). Ens posem a riure i ens mira com extranyada. La Joana li dóna una samarreta, l'hi posa i li queda com si fos un vestit. La nena sembla contenta, però la mare ni fu ni fa.
Després s'ajunten tots i fan un ball. Per acabar, passem per una zona on tenen una mica d'artesania i els hi comprem algunes cosetes. Una de les noies es guapíssima. Paguem amb dòlars i el Gorjo s'encarrega d'explicar quin valor tenen els bitllets i de comptar-los.
Després els canviaran per Shillings (moneda de Tanzania) als conductors dels turistes.
Ens acomiadem i el Gorjo ens porta ara a veure els Detonga, que son ferrers. En arribar ens esperen unes cinc o sis dones més elegants i netes que les Hadzabe, i més guapes. Saludem dient "Seiyu" i donant la mà a tothom, literalment.
Hi ha tres nens petits, un es diu "Diners" i l'altra "Pneumàtics". Tal qual.
Entrem a una cabana i ens pregunten coses com ara quantes vaques vaig pagar per la meva dona, si tenía més dones, quants fills i si erem tots quatre la mateixa família o erem dues families.
Després es posen a batre blat de moro per fer farina amb una pedra i fan que la Joana i la Montse ho facin també. Tot això, cantant i donant palmades. Qualsevol cosa que diuen o diem ho acaben aplaudint.
Ens miren constantment i nosaltres les mirem constantment. El Manel els ensenya fotos del Pol i l'Aina i riuen encantades.
Després vesteixen la Joana i la Montse amb vestits i joies i ens fem fotos a la sortida.
A continuació anem a una altra zona on hi ha els homes fent puntes de fletxa. Agafen ferralla que han trobat (canonades velles, aixetes, candaus, etc) i ho fonen allà mateix. Amb un clau llarg fan una punta de fletxa en 10 minuts. Aquests puntes després les compren els Hadzabe per caçar, amb els diners que fan aguantant els turistes.
Comprem algunes coses més pagant més diners del que valen però fent-ho a gust. Es el que cal fer.
Finalment ens acomiadem dient "ezebé" i anem al càmping del Gorjo (es el propietari) i dinem allà el picnic. El Gorjo ha portat polenta, que es típic, i vedella feta a trossos que està boníssima. Ens la mengem amb les mans, com déu mana.
Acabem fent un cafè molt bo a Karatu, al Lilac cafè.
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OVERVIEW OF THE SAFARI TARANGIRE NGORONGORO FOR TWO DAYS             This two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the incredible Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have time to explore wildlife and interact with animals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. Visiting the crater will bring back memories because there are so many animals to see.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: The national park of Tarangire is well-known for having a large population of elephants and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can view sizable herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which lasts from June to November. Other typical inhabitants include giraffes, dik diks, sea antelopes, Grant's antelopes, vervet monkeys, banded mongoose, and olive baboons. Predators in the Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. The oldest elephant to give birth to twins is in Tarangire. An excellent illustration of how the birth of two healthy, thriving twin elephants may overcome all obstacles is the recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park. 550 different species of birds live there. 2 days ngorongoro
A birder's paradise, the park. Another well-known feature of the area are the numerous termite mounds. Wildlife study mostly focuses on Masai giraffes and African woodland elephants. The protected area has been recognized as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005.
June and October are the best months to visit Tarangire. Animals move from nearby locations into the park. When they are close to a river, wild animals are easier to see. nice and sunny conditions The risk of malaria is decreased and there are fewer mosquitoes. From June through August, warm clothing is necessary due to the chilly morning matches. OCTOBER AND MAY The vegetation is gorgeous and lush. Due of the low season, prices are low. Because migratory birds are here now, it's the greatest time to go bird watching. Since many animals leave the park during migration, the dry season is the best time to see wildlife. The height of the rainy season occurs from March through May. 2 days ngorongoro
NGORONGORO'S HISTORY One of the top locations in Africa to watch wildlife is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Additionally, it is among the top tourist destinations in Tanzania. The primary activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area include crater rim hikes to view wildlife (which can take up to 6 hours), visiting nearby Maasai settlements, and playing the game of driving around and in the crater. He is who he is. One can also go to the Hadzabe tribe and see Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, and Ol Doinyo Lengai. A shallow lake with alkaline water, Lake Magadi is well-liked by flamingos.
Other birds including flamingos appreciate the lake's seclusion, salt water, and profusion of algae. Hyenas and jackals are two other creatures that frequent the lake to add salt to their diet. One uncommon, slender, pale yellow acacia tree makes up the Lerai fever forest. These trees are loved by animals like rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. Ash from Mount Ol Dionyo is what causes quicksand.
Visitors to the area will enjoy the stunning sight of this ash slowly moving across the broad plains. In addition to Ngorongoro, other significant craters in the region include Olmoti and Empakaai. These two craters are great for taking nature hikes, seeing wildlife, and seeing Maasai herders take care of their animals. It proceeds along Thousands of zebras and wildebeest use this area as a main migration path as they go to and from the Serengeti grasslands. An old shelter was found by the Leakey family during one of their digs in the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains, which are close to the Kenyan border. Daring climbers flock to these isolated mountains, which are still active, to view the main crater filled with lava. travel to Maasai land Visit the villages of the Hadzabe tribe near Lake Eyasi for an amazing cultural trip in Tanzania. These bushmen still rely on hunting and gathering for their survival. Whistles and clicks make up the majority of their language. Near by Datoga and the Mbulu, who depend on farming and pastoralism for a living, dwell the Hadzabe. You might love our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package if you're soon planning a vacation to the Ngorongoro Crater. We also provide a wonderful 6-day gorilla tour and a safari package that includes the Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO AT ITS BEST The greatest time to visit Ngorongoro Crater is in JANUARY since that is when the wildebeests are laying their eggs. The newborn animals struggling to stand up have fantastic photo chances because the herds are "mass spawning" on the lush plains just outside the crater. Between the two rainy seasons in the area, January and February might generate a dry season between "short rains" and "long rains.
February is one of the driest months at the crater before the rainy season begins in late March. It's a great time to view the wildlife, especially lion and hyena predators getting ready to hunt dense herds. In order to avoid crowds and enjoy a fair price, March is recognized as one of the finest months to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The crater is transformed into an emerald wonderland by the "long rains," which start in late March and last through April and May
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is best visited in the month of June. There are fewer people on game drives now that the "long rains" have stopped. Peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition doesn't start until late June or early July. The colder weather this month makes it the perfect time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a well-liked addition. for the hunting expedition to Ngorongoro Crater
The months of JULY and AUGUST are the busiest for visitors to Ngorongoro Crater, and lodging in the area is typically very empty during these times. During the dry season, the visibility of wildlife along the arid plains and their frequent excursions to waterholes draw tourists from all over the world. Leopards, lions, rhinos, buffaloes, and other animals are frequently seen at this time of year.
Although SEPTEMBER is the beginning of spring, it still falls in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area's typical dry season. It can get chilly in Crater at this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have gone yellow. October is a transitional month for the weather at Ngorongoro Crater, with the long dry season's peak occurring at the beginning of the month and the "brief rains" starting shortly before November.
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Off-The-Beaten-Path Tanzania Safari Packages You Need To Experience
Off-the-beaten-path Tanzania Safari Packages offer travelers a chance to explore some of the country's lesser-known parks and reserves. These isolated and little-known places are as impressive, if not more, as the other popular Tanzania destinations.
Far away from crowds, these safari packages allow visitors to experience Tanzania's wilderness in a more secluded setting. They take visitors to some of the country's most beautiful and remote locations. Wildlife enthusiasts and adventurers are bound to get a unique and unforgettable experience when visiting these locations. These locations let you witness the true wild side of Tanzania that remains undisturbed by human activity.  Let’s see what these off–the–beaten Tanzania Safari Packages have in store for you.
Multi-Day Walking Safaris In Tanzania
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Tanzania offers a variety of multi-day walking safaris that allow visitors to experience the beauty and wildlife of the country on foot. These safaris can range from a few days to several weeks. They offer an immersive experience of the local landscape and wildlife while taking you to some of the remote locations.
Some of our popular multiday walking safaris include:
Walking Safari In Serengeti allows visitors to observe wildlife like lions, elephants, and giraffes on foot. The safari is led by an experienced guide and offers a unique perspective on the Serengeti ecosystem.
Ngorongoro Highlands Walking Safari takes visitors through the Ngorongoro Crater area, where they can observe the diverse wildlife and stunning scenery of the area. The safari also includes visits to local villages and cultural experiences.
Cultural Experiences On Off-The-Beaten-Path Tanzania Safaris
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Off-the-beaten-path Safaris In Tanzania offer unique cultural experiences for visitors looking to immerse themselves in the local way of life. Here are some examples of cultural experiences that can be included in these types of safaris:
Maasai Cultural Experience
The Maasai people are one of the most well-known ethnic groups in East Africa.  Visitors to Safaris Tanzania can learn about their unique way of life. The experience includes visiting Maasai village, where visitors can watch as the tribe goes about their daily routines.  They can participate in activities like herding cattle, making traditional crafts, and participating in cultural dances.
Hadzabe Bushmen Experience
The Hadzabe people are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in Africa. Our off-the-beaten safaris include a visit to their villages.  This gives an insight into their daily routines, including hunting, gathering, and making traditional crafts.
Meeting with Local Artisans and craftspeople
Travelers to Tanzania can take the unique opportunity to meet with local artisans and learn about their craft. Visits to traditional textile weavers, woodcarvers, and jewellery makers are all included in the Tanzania Safari Tours. You can also purchase these items as souvenirs when visiting the local artisans.
Cultural Village Tours
Cultural tours to local villages are a great way to learn about the daily life and customs of the local people. These tours often include traditional dance performances, food tastings, and visits to local schools and community centres.
Adventure Activities On Off-The-Beaten-Path Tanzania Safaris
Traveling off the beaten track in Tanzania gives adventure enthusiasts a chance to participate in many activities. Some of the adventure activities included in our off-the-beaten Tanzania Safari Packages are mentioned below.
Hot Air Balloon Safaris
The hot air balloon safaris are a unique and unforgettable way to experience the wildlife and landscapes of Tanzania. You get to see some stunning views the while soaring high up in the sky. These rides are the best option to get a different perspective of the parking area.
Mount Meru Trekking
Mount Meru is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania, which offers travellers a challenging trekking experience. These 3-4 days trek up the mountains is a great warm-up for those planning to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
Canoeing on Lake Duluti
A canoeing- ride in the tranquil water of Lake Duluti lets you experience the wide variety of bird species and other wildlife in and around the lake.
Discover the chimpanzees of Mhale
A day trip to the Mhale Mountains near the shore of Tanganyika lets you encounter the wild chimpanzees.
See the “Big Five” at Saadani National Park
Avoid the crowds at bigger national parks in Tanzania and visit the lesser-known Saadani National Park to see Africa’s Big Five.
Luxury Off-The-Beaten-Path Tanzania Safaris
Luxury off-the-beaten-path Safaris In Tanzania offer a range of experiences, including private luxury camping, private luxury villas, fly-in safaris, and private game reserves. These high-end lodges and game reserves include luxurious amenities and services including private chefs, spa treatments, and private game drives
Our off-the-beaten Luxury Tanzania Safari Packages are designed to provide a more secluded and personalized experience in some remote locations in the country. So, create memories in some luxurious locations during the Tanzania Safari Tour with our luxury packages.
Family-Friendly Off-The-Beaten-Path Tanzania Safaris
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Family-friendly off-the-beaten-path safaris cater to families with children of all ages. They provide a range of activities and accommodations tailored to families' needs and preferences.
The all-inclusive Tanzania Safari Packages offers safari activities that can be enjoyed by all the members of the family together. These safari activities include game drives, walking safaris, cultural experiences, and adventure activities. Especially cultural interactions can be a great learning experience for both children and elders in families.
Accommodations on family-friendly off-the-beaten-path Safaris in Tanzania are designed to cater to the needs of families. We have got you options, including private villas, luxury camps, and lodges. So, choose the accommodations wisely as per the needs of your family. 
Keeping in mind the needs of the families, amenities such as swimming pools and game rooms are also provided. Also, meals are often tailored to the preferences of children. Special attention is also given to picky eaters, and special diets are taken care of.
Get The Best Tanzania Safari Packages
Tanzania Safaris Packages offer a wealth of benefits that set them apart from traditional safari packages. Here you get more opportunities to explore lesser-known regions. You also encounter wildlife in a more natural setting and get a chance to immerse in the local culture.
So, for a truly immersive and unforgettable experience, opt for our off-the-beaten Safaris in Tanzania with us.  We at African Scenic Safaris have customized itineraries for a unique and worthwhile experience in the wildest places of Tanzania.
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africanforktales · 1 month
The Hadzabe Tribe That Eat Monkeys #history #tales #africanstories
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cleverreviewstudent · 1 month
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Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Tanzania with our 2 days Hadzabe Tribe Bushmen experience. Spend time with one of Africa's last hunter-gatherer tribes, learning about their traditional way of life and ancient customs. This cultural immersion is perfect for travelers seeking authentic and meaningful experiences.
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maraexpeditions1 · 5 months
Discover Tanzania: Mara Expeditions Safari Tours
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Mara Expeditions' Tanzania safari tours packages, where the wild embraces you in its purest form. Tanzania, a land of awe-inspiring landscapes and abundant wildlife, offers a plethora of experiences that will leave you spellbound.
Mara Expeditions curates meticulously crafted safari packages that cater to every traveler's dream. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking an adventure-filled getaway, there's something for everyone in Tanzania.
Imagine waking up to the majestic sight of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, as the sun paints the sky in hues of orange and gold. Our tours take you to iconic national parks like the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire, and Manyara, where you can witness the Great Migration, a spectacle unlike any other on the planet.
Experience the thrill of spotting the Big Five – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos – in their natural habitat. Our expert guides, with their wealth of knowledge and passion for wildlife, ensure that every game drive is an unforgettable adventure.
But Tanzania is not just about wildlife; it's also a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions. Our cultural tours immerse you in the vibrant Maasai and Hadzabe communities, where you can learn about their rich heritage, traditions, and way of life.
At Mara Expeditions, we believe in responsible and sustainable tourism. Our eco-friendly practices and partnerships with local communities ensure that your journey not only leaves a lasting impression on you but also contributes positively to the preservation of Tanzania's natural and cultural heritage.
Whether you choose a luxury safari, a family-friendly adventure, or a customized private tour, Mara Expeditions guarantees an authentic Tanzanian experience that will stay with you long after you've left this enchanting land. Join us and let Tanzania's magic unfold before your eyes.
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overlanderafrica999 · 11 months
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riverkwailifestyle · 5 months
Hunters Of The Hadzabe: Exploring Their Raw Meat Cooking And Hunting Tra...#HTML
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fkyumerica · 6 months
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sprachventilblog · 7 months
Vom Ursprung der Sprache
Dieser Artikel wurde zuerst 2019 veröffentlicht. Da ich mich aber gerade mit dem Thema Sprachwandel beschäftige, möchte ich euch diesen Beitrag zum Thema nicht vorenthalten.
Das Jahr 2019 wurde von der Unesco zum “Jahr der indigenen Sprachen” ausgerufen. Weltweit existieren noch rund 90 Länder, in denen insgesamt mehr als 5000 indigene Völker und Gemeinschaften leben. Allerdings ist die Anzahl der Völker und ihrer Sprachen bedroht. Rund 2700 Sprachen aus den indigenen Kulturen sind vom Aussterben bedroht. Eine dieser Sprachen ist Hadzane, eine Sprache die im Norden Tansanias vom Volk der Hadzabe gesprochen wird, einem Jäger- und Sammlervolk mit noch rund 700 bis 800 Mitgliedern. Weiterlesen
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tanzania2023 · 1 year
19 juliol - Lake Manyara
La Joana i jo ens hem llevat per anar a correr per la vora del llac. Són les 7:00 del matí i el sol ja ha sortit. Hi ha núvols negres a l'horitzó. Correm pels camins del Lodge fins la piscina i d'allà entrem a l'estepa, fins el llac. La llum del sol fa que la l'herba tingui un color groc preciós. Hi ha pumbas a uns 300 metres. Correm una estona en direcció nord fins que veiem un ñu que corra en direcció cap a nosaltres. Per si de cas, canviem de direcció.
Després esmorzem i enfilem cap el Llac Manyara, carretera avall. Arribem al punt més al sud del llac i girem cap a l'oest, per una carretera rollo Dragón Khan sense asfaltar. Travessem poblets de casetes molt petites, pobres i brutes. Hi ha un munt de nens per tot arreu, tots ens saluden. Parem per saludar a uns de molt petits i quan anàvem a donar-els-hi 1 dólar l'Stanley ens diu que no ho fem, perquè llavors s'acostumen i no volen anar a escola, si al carrer guanyen diners. Doncs els hi donem uns sucs que portem.
Seguim la carretera donant bots a tort i a dret, ara en direcció nord per l'altra banda del llac. La zona és molt boscosa i costa veure elefants i animals, però algun en veiem. La veritat és que la carretera es dura i pesada.
Dinem a prop d'una font termal sulfurosa, amb aigua molt calenta.
Cap a la tarda, parem a un parell de botigues de souvenirs i en arribar a Karatu pugem per una carretera de color vermell cap el Foresight Lodge.
Ens reben cantant el Jambo Bwana uns quants del servei i ens ofereixen un suc. El Lodge es ecològic i va amb energia solar, per la qual cosa no podem fer servir l'assecador de cabell. Vés per on. A sobre fa fred, estem a uns 1600 metres d'alçada. Es com si fóssim a un refugi del Pirineu.
Sopem a la 7 de la tarda, alguns van tapats amb mantes a les taules i demanem si poden posar una mica de calefacció a les habitacions, que són rodones, aïllades, amb sostre de palla i amb una terrasseta amb una vista xula. I en comptes de calefacció, ens posen botelles d'aigua calenta al llot. Com quan érem petits. Quan anem a dormir, una de les ampolles perd aigua i tenim el llit mullat.
Demà ens aixequem a les 6 per anar a veure una tribu, els Hadzabe.
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