#tanzania travel
Top Most Guide to Experience the Wildlife at Lake Manyara National Park
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Being the seventh largest lake in Tanzania, Lake Manyara National Park is ample in wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Undoubtedly Lake Manyara is one of Northern Tanzania’s best safari destinations.
The total area is 330 sq. km out of which 200 sq. km is covered by Lake Manyara. Lake Manyara National Park is home to over 2 million flamingos, which come here every summer for breeding. The center of attraction is Lake Manyar, a National Park.
If you are wondering why Tanzania Safari Tours is on your bucket list, here are some reasons to visit!
Top Reasons to Visit Lake Manyara National Park!
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It’s an Uncrowded Park
The best thing about Lake Manyara National Park, unlike any others, is that it is not very crowded. Fewer crowds mean you get a more peaceful environment.
Witness the Flamingo’s Paradise!
Lake Manyara is home to over 1.9 million flamingos. The lake is an alkaline lake, so a huge number of flamingos come here to feed algae.
Typically, the flamingos that can be seen here are pink-hued and lesser and greater.
Apart from flamingos, Lake Manyara is also home to more than 250 bird species. Some of the names are –African Spoonbill, crowned eagle, Silver cheeked hornbills, Gray-crowned cranes, Martial Eagles, Barbets, Pelican, and so many others.
Lake Manyara National Park is a dream place for birding. The best month to spot all these bird species is March and April.
An Abundant Number of Animals
Lake Manyara National Park is not only a flamingo paradise but it is also home to a large variety of wild animals. The animals that can be seen here are –lions, leopards, buffaloes, hippos, zebras, impalas, wildebeest, bushbucks, squirrels, monkeys, waterbucks, and mongooses.
Besides Lake Manyara National Park Wildlife, tree-climbing is also a major attraction to tourists.
How You Can Get Into Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara National Park is highly accessible both by road and air.
By road- Lake Manyara National Park is located southwest of Arusha town. The distance between Lake Manyara National Park and Arusha town is 126 km, just a 90-minute drive.
By Air –The nearest airport that connects to Lake Manyara National Park is Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). This airport is just 46 km away from the town of Arusha.
Tourists can also come from Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR) Dar-es-Salam to Arusha Airport (ARK).
The other option is you can choose charter flights that connect Manyara Airport (LKY) to Arusha town.
Flights Options For US Citizens
Visitors coming from the US can come to Lake Manyara by choosing Turkish Airlines or Amsterdam Airport. 
Best Time to Visit Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara is a year-round destination. Still, we recommend you transform it from June to March (Dry Season).
During this season rainfall keeps the road in good condition. It’s the perfect year to experience canoeing and bird watching.
The dry season is also considered the ask season as the number of visitors is high. During the dry season, a large number of wildlife can be seen across the lake near the water holes.
Activities to Experience in Lake Manyara Park
Despite being a small lake, Lake Manyara offers a wide range of activities that includes a game drive, canoe ride, fishing, a photographic safari, birding, nature walks, cultural tours, and many more.
Game Drive In Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara is an excellent destination for a game drive where tourists can here enjoy morning game drive and afternoon game drive.
The morning game drive usually starts at dusk, near about 6 am, it lasts at 11 pm. The breakfast can take their breakfast before the gamer drive or they can return to the lodge for it.
The wildlife that can be seen on morning game drives are Zebras, elephants, hippos, monkeys, hyenas, and baboons.
Night Game Drive In Lake Manyara National Park
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Yes, tourists can go on a night game drive in Lake Manyara National Park. On a night game drive, tourists can spot animals like Lions, leopards, genets, civet cats, and hippopotamus.
Meet The Masai People During Lake Manyara Safari
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Visitors can also interact with the Maasi People during their cultural visit. Tourists can also visit the nearby town Mto wa- mbu, where they can buy the handicraft items of the Masai tribe.
The activities that are included in Masai Village are visiting local markets and visiting craft shops.
Tourists can also ride local taxis popularly known as Tuk Tuk. Interaction with the Masai people is also a part of your Lake Manyara visit.
Experience A Canoe Ride At Lake Manyara National Park  
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If you are visiting Lake Manyara National Park, you should not miss the canoe ride. It is a unique way to witness thousands of flamingos that live on this lake.
Tourists can also see the elephants, hippos, giraffes, and other animals on the shore of Lake Manyara. On the calm water of Lake Manyara, a canoe ride feels like time has slowed down.
Now if you’re thinking canoe ride is safe or not it is safe. The answer is yes, a canoe ride is safe. An experienced poler will always be standing on the edge of the canoe. He will not just show you the wildlife, but also he will explain the ecosystem to you. 
Visitors have to pay an amount of 24 USD for a canoe ride. For children, the fee is 11 USD.
Go On a Nature Walk At Lake Manyara
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A nature walk at Lake Manyara is also an integral part of wildlife safari in Tanzania.
Visitors can explore the vast wildlife of this park on foot. They will be accompanied by a ranger guide.
This is the best way to explore the different and the best wildlife of Lake Manyara.
To plan your Tanzania safari tour to Lake Manyara National park, contact us today at- +255 (0) 784 413 801 or email:  info@africanscenicsafaris.
Lake Manyara National Park is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Tanzania. What makes this national park unique is the richly diverse wildlife, best game drive, and other adventure activities. It is also the perfect destination for those who love birding. If you want to witness Tanzania’s authentic wildlife there can be no better place than Lake Manyara.
For more information, you can visit our website African Scenic Safaris. We provide an unbeatable Tanzania Safari experience. Our team is ready to make your safari experience as unique as you are!
You can also check our other Tanzania safari blogs for more information-
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Dive into the heart of Africa with our Tanzania camping safari podcast. Join Kei Tours and Safaris on a journey through the Serengeti, climb Kilimanjaro, and float above it all on a Tanzania balloon safari. Perfect for families seeking adventure.
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delusionalbubble · 4 months
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Discover The Wonders of Tanzania Safari with Our Local Experts
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Explore your Tanzania Safari Vacations, a captivating East African gem, boasts a diverse tapestry of landscapes, from the iconic Serengeti plains to the stunning beaches of Zanzibar. Choosing the right time to visit is crucial to make the most of your Tanzanian adventure.
For wildlife enthusiasts, the dry season from June to October is the prime time to witness the awe-inspiring Great Migration Serengeti. Millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals traverse the plains in search of greener pastures, creating a spectacle like no other. The dry season also provides optimal conditions for game viewing, as animals congregate around water sources, making them easier to spot.
If you're a birdwatcher, the wet season, which spans from November to May, might be more appealing. During this time, migratory birds flock to Safari in Tanzania , adding a burst of color and diversity to the landscape. The lush greenery and vibrant flowers create a picturesque setting for nature lovers.
For those yearning for a beach escape, the dry season is ideal for exploring Tanzania Safari Vacations coastline. The islands of Zanzibar and Pemba offer pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Snorkeling, diving, and relaxing under the swaying palms are just a few of the activities that await you in this tropical paradise.
It's essential to consider your preferences and priorities when planning your Tanzanian Safari getaway. If you're focused on wildlife, aim for the dry season, but if you crave a more lush and green landscape, the wet season might be your preferred choice.
Keep in mind that Tanzania's climate can vary across regions, so it's advisable to check the specific conditions for the areas you plan to visit. Whether you're captivated by the thrill of a safari, the tranquility of the beaches, or the cultural richness of the local communities, Tanzania promises an unforgettable experience. So, pack your bags, choose your season, and get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of this East African wonderland.
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Exploring Hidden Wonders - Tanzania Safari Packages Off the Beaten Path
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Off-the-beaten-path Tanzania Safari Packages offer travellers a chance to explore some of the country’s lesser-known parks and reserves. These isolated and little-known places are as impressive, if not more, as the other popular Tanzania destinations.
Far away from crowds, these safari packages allow visitors to experience Tanzania’s wilderness in a more secluded setting. They take visitors to some of the country’s most beautiful and remote locations. Wildlife enthusiasts and adventurers will get a unique and unforgettable experience when visiting these locations.
These locations let you witness the true wild side of Tanzania that remains undisturbed by human activity.  Let’s see what these off–the–beaten Tanzania Safari Packages have in store for you.
For more information visit this blog
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loveblackculture · 2 years
Watch "family vlog vacation to Ghana, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar" on YouTube
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safarideal · 2 years
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mo-mode · 5 months
Okay so now that we have more satyr lore in the show, I’m gonna need an in-universe documentary about all of the magical creatures and monsters narrated by minor god of nature himself David Attenborough and filmed by a crew of brave satyrs but it always goes horribly wrong. every time they try to document a monster in its natural habitat, the monster’s just reading a book or like eating a churro or something until either it tries to eat the crew or a demigod child appears and then they turn into a living nightmare and David is like “oh dear” in his posh British accent and they cut to some b-roll footage of centaurs galloping or something. And then when they try to get some cute footage of magical creatures, either the satyrs almost die or there’s a tragic death of the creatures like hippocampus babies traveling in a pod with their family, but then one of them gets eaten by a sea serpent and you see a satyr wailing in the corner as we hear David say something like “oh what a shame but that’s the circle of life” and they just keep on going. the satyrs keep trying to give the animals satyr’s blessings but that’s not allowed cuz they can’t interfere like normal documentarians can’t so it’s just them trying and failing to protect the animals while the omniscient god David Attenborough keeps narrating without pause. But it’s also their duty as satyrs to preserve nature so they still need to make the best show possible
It’s a Need. I will write the script myself, okay? Don’t tempt me. Rick Riordan hire me PLEASE
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travelthisworld · 9 months
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wanderlust ➵
via instagram
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africanscenicsafaris · 6 months
Unearth the Beauty of Tanzania: Your Ultimate Safari Guide
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Tanzania, a land of awe-inspiring landscapes and remarkable wildlife, stands as one of the world's premier safari destinations. From the endless plains of the Serengeti to the breathtaking Ngorongoro Crater, this East African gem promises an unforgettable adventure. In this ultimate Tanzania Safari Packages , we'll delve into what makes Tanzania a must-visit for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.
Wildlife Extravaganza:
Tanzania is renowned for its rich biodiversity. The country is home to the famous Big Five – lions, elephants, leopards, buffalos, and rhinos – and a myriad of other species. Witnessing these animals in their natural habitat is an experience like no other. Whether you're capturing the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti or watching elephants in Tarangire National Park, the thrill of encountering these magnificent creatures up close is truly exceptional.
Stunning Landscapes:
Tanzania's varied landscapes are as diverse as its wildlife. The Serengeti's vast plains, with their endless horizons and golden grasslands, are the stage for the Great Migration, a spectacle that should be on every traveler's bucket list. The Ngorongoro Crater, often called the "African Eden," offers a unique ecosystem with a stunningly high density of wildlife.
Expert Guides:
Tanzania Safari Packages offer more than just a journey; they offer a comprehensive experience. Knowledgeable guides share their insights about the local flora and fauna, turning each game drive into an educational adventure. Their expertise ensures you won't miss any hidden treasures during your safari.
Comfortable Accommodations:
While the days are spent exploring the wild, the nights bring relaxation in well-appointed lodges and camps. These accommodations provide a luxurious yet immersive experience, often designed to harmonize with the natural surroundings. Imagine falling asleep to the sounds of the African night, knowing you're in the heart of the wilderness.
Capture Timeless Memories:
Tanzania's stunning beauty offers numerous opportunities for photography. Every moment on safari is a chance to capture the essence of the wild – from dramatic sunsets on the savannah to the graceful movements of cheetahs. These photographs become tangible memories of an adventure that will stay with you forever.
Tanzania Safari experiences are unparalleled, making it the ultimate destination for wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time safari-goer, the allure of Tanzania's natural wonders promises an experience you'll cherish for a lifetime. So, pack your bags and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime in the heart of Africa. Tanzania is waiting to be explored, and it's a journey you'll never forget.
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Luxury Tanzania Safari Packages: Embark on an Exclusive Adventure in Style
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A luxury Tanzania Safari Packages offers travelers the ultimate experience in comfort, style, and adventure. With high-end lodges, private safari vehicles, and experienced guides, you can enjoy the country's breathtaking landscapes and wildlife in style.
The package includes some of Tanzania's most iconic destinations, including the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, and Tarangire National Park, with the added bonus of exclusive experiences such as hot air balloon rides and guided walks. The luxury Tanzania Safari Packages provides an unforgettable experience, with unparalleled luxury and personalized service that will create memories to last a lifetime. It is the perfect choice for travelers who want to experience the best of Tanzania in style.
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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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