shipme · 7 years
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Credits to @haethers-01
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Credits to Diane Maris
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Credits to M.Guitard
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Credits to Salomé Juin
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Credits to M.Carteau
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Credits to H.André
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Credits to @lachtitela
I want to thank all the amazing persons who accepted to pay tribute to Jonghyun by writing or submitting a drawing or a poem. I know it’s not much but it meant a lot to me to try and do something to honour Jonghyun’s memory. 
I also wanted to let everyone know that it’s okay to grieve, it’s okay to still be suffering, we have the right to feel pain, we have the right to be hurt over what happened, even if it was a month ago. I can’t seem to be sleeping alright and I’m still crying. I’m not able to get over it. And I try to remember we can take it at our own pace. It’s hard because our family isn’t always supportive, we may not have friends to talk about it... Just take care of you lovelies, because if we aren’t doing this for us, we are doing this for Jonghyun. He wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to us, he would want us to try and breathe. We cant’ do anything to keep him with us anymore but we can still keep his memory living, that’s our only mission concerning him.
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kreacts · 7 years
Getting To Know Me Tag!
We were tagged by @anayzae! We don’t know 20 people either so... we’ll just tag a few!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people 
Nicknames  Iris: Bubs (my dad calls me this because I have chubby cheeks... bubbles... yeah...) and Willis. Indigo: Uhh, I have a nickname for my first name and most people treat it like my real name 
Gender Both: Female
Star Sign Iris: Gemini Indigo: Capricorn
Height Iris: 5′8′’ Indigo: Sigh, 5′3′’
Time Iris: 21:10 Indigo: 4:02
Birthday Iris: 11th June Indigo: 9th January
Favourite Bands Iris: Seventeen, NCT, SHINee, GOT7, Bastille, The 1975, ASTRO, BTS Indigo: Seventeen, NCT, SHINee, EXO, GOT7, BTS, Red, The Raven Age
Favourite Solo Artists Iris: Ed Sheeran,Bridget Mendler, Taemin, Jonghyun, Sewoon Indigo: Sunmi, Hyuna, Sewoon, Samuel 
Song Stuck in My Head Iris: Run Away- Pentagon and Peek-A-Boo- Red Velvet Indigo: Peek-A-Boo- Red Velvet and Shall We Dance- Block B
Last Movie Watched  Iris: Pirates of the Caribbean- Dead Man’s Chest Indigo: Shoot My Heart
Last Show Watched Iris: Riverdale Indigo: Tunnel 
When Did I Create my Blog Lord I’ve forgotten already... this summer?
What do I post Kpop stuff: Imagines, scenarios, moodboards, hcs, aus, reactions
Last Thing You Googled Iris: “When is BTS on Ellen airing” lmao Indigo: Eng subs for a thai drama I want to watch hehe 
Do you have another blog Iris: yeah, I reblog stuff to it :) Indigo: yeah, but I kinda forgot the password and can’t be bothered to change it again 
Do you get asks? We mostly get requests, but sometimes people send us nice messages or interact with us for games!
Why did you choose your url: It pretty neatly sums up what we offer here! Kpop reactions :D
Following - 68
Followers - 1255 (asdfghjkl we are so touched tysm we are so thankful!)
Favourite colours Iris: Yellow, white, silver, gold, green Indigo: Turquoise, grey, black, purple 
Average hours sleep Iris: ... 10.... don’t judge me Indigo: Like 8 or 7 sometimes less
Lucky Numbers Iris: I like 11, I wouldn’t say it was lucky though Indigo: I think 9
Instruments  Iris: I’m pretty nifty at finger tapping! ;) Indigo: I played the keyboard once 
What are you wearing Iris: baggy black trousers with white flowers and a blue/green shirt with spaghetti straps (I’m ready for bed!) Indigo: I’m in my pjs, I’m wearing a grey night dress that has a panda on that says “hug me” 
How many blankets you sleep with Iris: 1, I mostly just hug it though. I can’t sleep when I’m warm :) Indigo: it’s summer right now so 1
Dream Job Iris: I have 0 clue about my future. I’d like to be an author but, who knows Indigo: Possibly a grief counselor, idk or maybe going into criminal pyshcology
Dream Trip  Iris: I would swing by South Africa for a couple of months to hang out with Indigo and have her show me around, then we’d move to South Korea and never move back xD Indigo: Same, I wanna visit Iris and then we can have a great time in South Korea and travel to Egypt too cause yes. 
Favourite Food Iris: I like chicken, chocolate, marshmallows, vegetables, fruit... literally everything, tbh Indigo: I’m hella picky, my fave is like mac and cheese and I love chicken and steak is hella good 
Ethnicity Iris: Caucasian Indigo: Indian 
Favourite Song Right Now Iris: Peek-A-Boo- Red Velvet Indigo: Same as Iris 
We tag: @sungjaesgf (we tag you in everything, sorry xD), @multiphandomunnies @fornarniaandforthefandom @whiger-01 @haethers-01
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captainfamousmonk · 5 years
Hey Haether Randall thanks for the follow!
Hey Haether Randall thanks for the follow!
— An Imperfect Utopian (@famousmonk) July 1, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/famousmonk July 01, 2019 at 10:09PM
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shipme · 7 years
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Hi everyone! 💫
As we said before, both of us admins wanted to thank you for being 50 to follow us and as a way to celebrate the occasion, admin Haethers (aka @haethers-01 ) made this drawing to express our thankfulness. We didn’t expect to reach this number in such a short span of time and we were taken aback, explaining the fact that we couldn’t post it on the exact day. Thanks again, we hope you’re all doing well! 💗
Don’t forget: REQUESTS ARE CLOSING ON  02/09 so don’t hesitate to send everything you want in our inbox before (we don’t know when we will re-open them so that’s your chance!)
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shipme · 7 years
Hello to all of you,
Myself and @haethers-01 have been really affected by Jonghyun’s death and, as there is nothing held in our country to pay tribute to him, we decided to take the matter into our hands. We thought that we could try and ask all the artists and all the persons that feel concerned if they want to draw a rose on a white paper. It can be seen as a way to grieve (for myself, looking through pictures of him is too difficult right now) and pay our homage to the incredible person he was. 
Here are some links if you want some inspiration but you can draw it as you want, the goal is that everyone is free to represent it the way they want to: the picture that created the choice of the rose, the rose (credit to @bunnymiele ) and the new one created especially after his death (credits to @Yaizham).
Thank you very much for your attention. We will, of course, give credits to the artists and the final objective would be to publish a record of all the drawings (the ideal would be to publish it before Christmas but it really isn’t a deadline, we will always add your drawings later). I hope that many persons will participate, it would really be heartwarming but we will never hold it against anyone if you don’t want to. Thank you once again and good luck during those harsh moments... 
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shipme · 7 years
Day 19
Sorrowful Playlist 
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Blinking Game -Jonghyun
Forever Love -JB  (you should take a look at the lyrics)
Adore -Z.Tao
I Love You -Jin 
Don’t Listen In Secret -Seventeen (Vocal Team)
Our Tomorrow -Luhan
So That I Love You -Jungkook and RM
Letting Go -Day6
What My Heart Tells Me To Do -B.A.P
Nothing Like Us -Jungkook 
Heaven -EXO-K (EXO-M version here)
Playboy -Jonghyun (he was the original songwriter of the song)
Take you Home -Baekhyun
Trauma -Seventeen (Hip-Hop Team)
The 7th Sense -NCT U
Your Love -ASTRO
Moonlight -EXO-M (EXO-K version here)
Paper Hearts -Jungkook 
There Is A Place -Kris Wu
Sleepless Night -SHINee
If You -BigBang
My Light -VIXX LR
Moon -Jonghyun
Hello to you guys... I and Haethers both talked about our advent calendar and we came to the conclusion that, even if we are suffering, we won’t let you down and we won’t drop the idea -because we don’t think that Jonghyun would have wanted everyone to stop because of what happened... Still, we can’t find it in us to post some Christmas reactions, it seems inappropriate for us right now. As for now, I don’t have any idea what we will post tomorrow but we promise to come up with something for you. I hope you can understand both our decisions. I created this playlist today (at first, I had created a more happy one but with the events of yesterday, I totally changed the overall idea, I’m sorry if some songs are disconnected). Stay strong in those moments and take care of you, don’t forget you can always contact @whiger-01 and @haethers-01 if you want to talk about this issue, we are open to conversation. Good luck... -Admin Whiger
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shipme · 7 years
Day 18
Good evening to all of you. As you already know, both of us admins are posting a Christmas advent calendar.  Tonight, we won't post anything. We can't post anything when we have lost someone. 
Instead of falling into despair, we hope that us, all of the kpop fans, whatever band you prefer, may grow from this death. In those times, we all are a family, united in the same pain. And we hope that this feeling will not leave us, we hope that from his death, we may finally learn to stop our fan wars, stop the hate.  Remember, what matters isn't the group, what matters isn't the number of trophies, what matters isn't the popularity. 
What matters is the person. All of the idols, they are human beings before all, and they feel the same emotions as us, they feel happiness, they laugh, they smile... And they are also confronted with loneliness, sadness, they cry... We can't help that, we can't always be there for them and stop their emotions. What we can do is show them our support to the best of our ability, show them our love for them. What we can do is stop spreading hate on every group, stop spreading hate on members.
Today will stay in our memory as an awful moment, as we lost a bright star, SHINee's Jong Hyun, we hope he will find peace, he deserved it.   We all need to stay strong in that moment, have a thought for his family, his friends, his members, Shawols... Today can be the start of something new, and we hope it will be.
Remember to care about your family, your friends, and don't forget to care about yourself as well, don’t let yourself go. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to contact us through our inbox and/or our personal blogs as well  @haethers-01 and  @whiger-01 . -Whiger and Haethers
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