#admin haethers
shipme · 7 years
Day 8
BTS reaction: you are a trainee at BigHit Entertainment and you have to spend Christmas evening alone
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Jin  “What don’t tell me you are going to spend Christmas evening ALONE ?!” He yelled, completely shook. “Hum, that’s exactly what I just told you sooo, yes I will ?” You answered, chuckling at the face your friend made. “Nope. I am going to stay with you” he stated. It was your turn to be shocked, you quite didn’t expect this reaction. “What ?!” You somehow managed to exclaim “No way Jin! You said you were going to see your family !” You refused. “They will understand, and I know you Y/N, you would not even be able to prepare yourself a decent dinner for Christmas”
Namjoon  You had told him you were going to stay alone at BigHit for Christmas on a really random occasion, as you didn’t care that much about it. But this guy didn’t stop worrying about you for YEARS. He even asked Jin to prepare you a whole dinner even if you had said him multiple times you were OKAY. “Oh my gosh, I should stay with you…” he said for the hundredth time. You rolled your eyes and cut him: “I’m fine Joon, just let me in peace” you affirmed, pushing him outside of your apartment. After having read a little, you decided to eat and you found a little note from Namjoon in your fridge. You smiled and made your way towards the table only to see another paper, he had put little notes all over the flat to act like if he was with you. You found it cute. A bit creepy, maybe, but still cute.
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Yoongi  “You are staying alone at BigHit for Christmas?” He asked after you told him that your family was too far away for you to visit them and that all of your friends had family Christmas’ dinner, including the one in front of you. “Good luck then” he added. You thanked him, grateful that he didn’t treat you pitifully like all the others did (like: oooh poor you, I’m so, so, so, sorry for you *sob*) and he left after saying you goodbye. You decided to practice a bit your lines (at least this evening would have been useful) when you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to see Yoongi, carrying a champagne bottle and a Christmas cake. “Yoongi ?! Why the hell are you here ?” You shouted, eyes wide. “They cancelled the dinner, too bad, I’ll have to stay with you” he lied while bypassing you to enter.
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Hoseok  “And you? What will you do for Christmas?” He asked on the phone. “Uh…nothing in particular, just staying back here and depress all alone” you half-joked, a bit sad because you would not be able to see your family this year… “Whaaaaaaat ?! Oh my…” he screamed, making you cringe and moving the phone away from your ear, “Wait…but this is super great !” He exclaimed after a short silence. “This is actually not what I would have called ‘super great’ but I guess you have had an idea ?” You grumbled. “Yep! It means I can invite you to my family’s dinner! Get ready, I’ll be at BigHit in 15 minutes !” He exclaimed, overhyped, and he hung up before you could say anything to dissuade him. You started panicking; knowing him, he was highly serious when he said that so you really did have to prepare yourself in 15 minutes, and it was as hard as it sounded. He arrived exactly 15 minutes later, a huge smile plastered all over his face : “I’m so happy you can meet my family, Y/N” he said wearing a huge smile on his face.
This little mochi would just be so sorry when hearing you had to spend Christmas alone. He would try to cancel his dinner but he couldn’t and had to go there at the end. You were just relaxing, deciding that this evening was really not the one for working and practising, so you just made yourself a good dinner before heading right to your bed. So, you were just peacefully sleeping when a loud knock on your door woke you up. You jumped off your bed, kinda grumpy at the fact that someone actually dared to damage your sleep at this indecent hour. You opened your door to see Jimin hanging out with a present: “Heyooo! Santa Claus has come !!” He exclaimed happily before seeing your state of dishevelment: “OMO, were you sleeping? Aish, I’m sorry! But it’s only 10 pm so I thought…” You had to stop himself from apologizing as it seems he couldn’t stop from doing so.
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Taehyung  “Nah, you are spending Christmas evening alone?!” He exclaimed. “Yep” you awkwardly responded, as you didn’t think of another reply. A blank was installing itself and you could tell by seeing Tae’s face that he was up to something. “Yaaaay it’s a good idea! What do you think about it Y/N?” He suddenly asked, looking really happy. “Huh? I could say what I think about it if you eventually did tell me what was your idea. I know I’m fairly amazing, but, for now, I can’t read people’s mind Taetae.” You answered, giggling at the same time. “Ah sorry! I was thinking…you could come with me to celebrate Christmas!” He proposed, looking like an excited puppy. “With your family? Won’t it be a little awkward?” You asked, sceptic. “Of course not! So, are you okay?” He asked, using his best aegyo. “I guess…” you accepted, unable to resist to such a cute face
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Jungkook  You didn’t tell him you were going to spend Christmas all alone. Knowing him, he would have cancelled his plans to stay with you. You had to admit the idea of spending Christmas with him wasn’t exactly the worst you could think of, you didn’t want him to sacrifice himself for you. So there you were, staying in your sofa and re-watching old Christmas movies while thinking about the infinity of the universe (why not ?). You were slowly beginning to fall asleep (not that universe was not interesting but…yeah, it was not interesting) when a loud noise informed you that you received a message. JK: Heeeey ! R u spending a good time? At this point, you decided that it was alright to tell him the truth, he was already stuck in his dinner and he couldn’t leave it right in the middle of it…so you thought. “Omg, thank god I came, I didn’t know you were at the point of looking that !” He exclaimed, seeing the movie you were watching. “Actually, you kinda gave me an excuse to leave this boring dinner” he explained himself before you could ask a single question.
Kinda ended up looking like drabbles, I hope it won’t bother you😅, also, you can imagine Y/N is the best friend of the BTS member or the girlfriend (I started writing this like if they were friends but it looks more like they are already dating for some). -Admin Haethers And just a quick apologize from me (admin whiger) because I couldn’t post on time but I wasn’t home and I’m really sick so please forgive me if I’m unable to post tomorrow, I really don’t feel well...)
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shipme · 7 years
Day 20
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“Have some courage today Get under the blanket and scream” -Seventeen, Clap
Well, once again, admin Haethers propose you a drawing inspired by a M/V. Here it’s Clap by Seventeen (you may recognise the scene with some differences), we hope you’ll like it.
Tomorrow, we will be back to post reactions, not because we are feeling any better but because we promised to keep the advent calendar going and we cant’ let you down. We hope you’re doing well, please take care of yourself and if you ever need to talk to someone we are always available. Love you 💜
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shipme · 7 years
Day 18
Good evening to all of you. As you already know, both of us admins are posting a Christmas advent calendar.  Tonight, we won't post anything. We can't post anything when we have lost someone. 
Instead of falling into despair, we hope that us, all of the kpop fans, whatever band you prefer, may grow from this death. In those times, we all are a family, united in the same pain. And we hope that this feeling will not leave us, we hope that from his death, we may finally learn to stop our fan wars, stop the hate.  Remember, what matters isn't the group, what matters isn't the number of trophies, what matters isn't the popularity. 
What matters is the person. All of the idols, they are human beings before all, and they feel the same emotions as us, they feel happiness, they laugh, they smile... And they are also confronted with loneliness, sadness, they cry... We can't help that, we can't always be there for them and stop their emotions. What we can do is show them our support to the best of our ability, show them our love for them. What we can do is stop spreading hate on every group, stop spreading hate on members.
Today will stay in our memory as an awful moment, as we lost a bright star, SHINee's Jong Hyun, we hope he will find peace, he deserved it.   We all need to stay strong in that moment, have a thought for his family, his friends, his members, Shawols... Today can be the start of something new, and we hope it will be.
Remember to care about your family, your friends, and don't forget to care about yourself as well, don’t let yourself go. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to contact us through our inbox and/or our personal blogs as well  @haethers-01 and  @whiger-01 . -Whiger and Haethers
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shipme · 7 years
Day 14
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“Paint it on a little thicker This night is deeply spreading So I can’t escape”
-VIXX Shangri-La
Admin Haethers you once again a paint inspired, this time, by the song Shangri-La by VIXX, one both of us admins enjoy (the M/V is so aesthetically pleasing and soothing) Last week, we posted Cherry Bomb by NCT127 if you wish to see. We want to thank you for bearing with us, it’s already been 14 days, which means we only have 11 days to wait until Christmas! We hope you will enjoy what we will post next, see you soon! And admin Haethers is sick, let’s hope she gets better...
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shipme · 7 years
Day Two
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Hiiii! Well, second post, today we propose you a recipe (to change a bit but don’t worry, we do have some kpop related posts on the way!) Hope you enjoy it as much as we do, we loooove you!
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shipme · 7 years
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Hello to everyone of you! As Christmas is coming, we decided to celebrate this moment with you. For this, we created an Advent Calendar for you, as a way to thank you for your patience and for your support. We hope you will be looking forward to it! 
We know we had some problems uploading new contents recently -sadly- but we really wanted to thank you -each one of you who trusted us when we debuted, the persons that just recently followed us, the one still waiting for your ships (we can promise we have most of the work done, we’ll take care of it during the holidays). I, admin Whiger, personally apologise if some posts are late, sadly I have a tone of homework to do and may not be able to post on time, in that case, I really am sorry... Thanks again for believing in us, we will try our best not to disappoint you 💙
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shipme · 7 years
Platonic ship for @the-dreamer-doer
Request: Hi again! Thank you So much for my previous ship! 💕 I was wondering if I could please get a platonic ship with bts? 😊
I’m 155 cm tall, have long straight dark hair and brown eyes. I’m usually dressed pretty casually in something like black skinny jeans and knitted shirts. I’m openminded, polite, creative, softspoken, kind, friendly, introverted, calm & quiet(I can be pretty quiet even when I’m close to someone, but I also have days when I’m very talkative). At first, I can seem cold/awkward because I’m shy/quiet/in my own world.  I’ve been told that I seem like someone who has a responsible, calm, sweet and gentle personality. I’m pretty independent and value authenticity and dislike burdening people with my problems. I always try to be friendly but sometimes get slightly anxious in some social situations as I find it difficult to make conversation with new people (I try to hide that, though).Also, I’m kind of easily distracted and don’t always notice things in my surroundings. I like to paint (actually just art in general, like photography, etc), play piano (I’ve mostly played classical, though), travel, read, be w/friends, sleep, watch movies, listen to music & dance. I’m a major homebody but I do like going outside on adventures and I love travelling. I’m a huge procrastinator but I’m also pretty ambitious and perfectionistic so I’m often feeling like I’m not working hard enough whilst like… procrastinating, haha.I dislike inconsiderate and judgmental people who cannot/don’t care to put themselves in other people’s shoes. I really like skinship and cuddling but only when I’m close to someone. Thank you!
Hello sugar, thank you so much for requesting again and thanks for your patience, we hope your ship will be worth the wait! Enjoy the reading!
-Admin Haether
BTS Platonic ship
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In BTS, your best friend would be… Jin!! I feel like you two would get on really well as your personality is quite similar. First, you would be kinda shy with each other, but after seeing that you laughed to one of his jokes (at the beginning, you started laughing because you found his laugh was funny and communicative, not because of the joke, but anyway) you would become true friends. So you would overcome each other's shyness fairly easily. You might be kinda surprised by how much your personality is similar; being kind and friendly with everyone so it would be one of the reasons why you would become such great friends. You would care a lot about each other, talking and laughing together a lot, because you would understand each other really well so you would have private jokes others can’t understand (and might probably find weird). You would basically tell everything to each other, as you would feel really comfortable together and might not have any worries because you know you can trust Jin with your life (but not your food). So, prepare yourself to hear Jin discussing cooking during hours or asking you advice on how to date Whiger😇(sorryyyyyyyy I had to do this, I just ship them together😆). As you are a girl, you could eventually help him on guessing what could happen in a woman’s brain or heart. I totally imagine you taking it very seriously - although you may not be an expert on the subject - so you would help him preparing everything and be over-hyped about it. Jin would also joke about how easily you can get distracted (right now I don’t have any example but I would trust him to find one 😂) but would surely help you with that and try to avoid awkward situations you could get because of that, he is not your best friend for nothing^^ *so he might tell you when Jimin would be trying to flirt with you while you don’t pay him any attention ‘cause you would be distracted*(Nah I didn’t forget your previous ship)). I kinda easily imagine Jin liking photography so I would totally see you two having “beautiful-landscapes-to-take-picture-of-treasure-hunt” afternoons that would end up with the two of you taking weird selfies and laughing a lot. Also, I think it would be amazing you playing the piano and Jin singing *^* (*dying at the idea*). In fact, you would be doing lots of things together, most of the time just staying at home, him preparing food and you talking (even if he says that your discussion is disturbing him from his cooking and that he would fail) or going outside with all your other friends and have a lot of fun. He would jokingly give you advice when you start dancing to a song you like but you wouldn’t listen to him😁. You would also be great friends because of your common considerate personalities and you would be happy to be similar on this point.
Hope you enjoyed !!^^ It is really fun to see the same persons asking for more ships, and it makes us really happy, Whiger and me, to see that you like our work!😁 
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shipme · 7 years
Ayo Ladies and Gentlemen!
How are you doing? I (admin Whiger) take all the blame for the name of this post but I had no inspiration! Secondly, thanks to @kreacts for tagging us once again -and sorry for answering so laaate, we didn’t have time to post it before today (and we will do the moodboards this weekend but we have to adapt ourselves with our schedules, we’re sorry)
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: @ships-allday-errday , @diannajasanders-love , @thatkpopaesthetic ,  @namjoonismybias (well, there is nothing forbiding us to tag some of our followers), @infinitywinter (thanks for your support!), @peculiargirls (thank you too darling, it’s always a pleasure to see that you liked our posts) and whoever wants to do it basically, tag us so we can see your answers!
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: ·         I am 5'7" or taller ·         I wear glasses {or contacts} ·         I have at least one tattoo ·         I have at least one piercing ·         I have blonde hair ·         I have brown eyes ·         I have short hair ·         My abs are at least somewhat defined ·         I have or had had braces
PERSONALITY: ·         I love meeting new people on internet only, apart from that, I’m an introvert   ·         People tell me that I’m funny ·        Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me ·         I enjoy physical challenges ·         I enjoy mental challenges ·        I’m playfully rude with people I know well ·         I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ·        There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: ·         I can sing well (some people have said this but im not sure) ·         I can play an instrument ·         I can do over 30 pushups without stopping ·         I’m a fast runner ·        I can draw well (kinda) ·         I have a good memory ·         I’m good at doing math in my head ·         I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute ·         I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling ·         I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch ·         I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: ·         I enjoy playing sports ·         I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else ·         I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else ·        I have learned a new song in the past week ·         I work out at least once a week ·         I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months ·         I have drawn something in the past month ·         I enjoy writing ·         fandoms are my #1 passion ·         I do or have done martial arts 
EXPERIENCES: ·         I have had my first kiss ·        I have had alcohol ·         I have scored the winning goal in a sports game ·        I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting ·         I have been at an overnight event ·         I have been in a taxi ·         I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year ·         I have beaten a video game in one day ·         I have visited another country ·        I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: ·         I’m in a relationship ·        I have a crush on a celebrity ·        I have a crush on someone I know ·         I have been in at least 3 relationships ·         I have never been in a relationship ·         I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them ·         I get crushes easily ·         I had a crush on someone for over a year ·         I have been in a relationship for at least a year ·         I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: ·         I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” ·         I live close to my school ·         My parents are still together ·         I have at least one sibling ·         I live in the United States ·         There is snow right now where I live ·        I have hung out with a friend in the past month ·         I have a smartphone ·         I have at least 15 CDs ·        I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: ·         I have breakdanced ·         I know a person named Jamie ·         I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce ·         I have dyed my hair ·         I’m listening to one song on repeat right now ·         I have punched someone in the past week ·         I know someone who has gone to jail ·         I have broken a bone ·         I have eaten a waffle today ·        I know what I want to do with my life ·         I speak at least 2 languages ·         I have made a new friend in the past year
·         I am 5'7" or taller  ·         I wear glasses {or contacts} ·         I have at least one tattoo ·         I have at least one piercing ·         I have blonde hair  ·         I have brown eyes ·         I have short hair ·         My abs are at least somewhat defined ·         I have or had had braces
PERSONALITY: ·         I love meeting new people ·         People tell me that I’m funny ·        Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me ·         I enjoy physical challenges ·         I enjoy mental challenges ·        I’m playfully rude with people I know well  ·         I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it  ·        There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: ·         I can sing well (some people have said this but im not sure) ·         I can play an instrument ·         I can do over 30 pushups without stopping ·         I’m a fast runner  ·        I can draw well (kinda) ·         I have a good memory ·         I’m good at doing math in my head ·         I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute ·         I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling ·         I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch ·         I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: ·         I enjoy playing sports ·         I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else ·         I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else ·        I have learned a new song in the past week ·         I work out at least once a week ·         I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months  ·         I have drawn something in the past month ·         I enjoy writing ·         fandoms are my #1 passion ·         I do or have done martial arts 
EXPERIENCES: ·         I have had my first kiss ·        I have had alcohol  ·         I have scored the winning goal in a sports game  ·        I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting ·         I have been at an overnight event  ·         I have been in a taxi ·         I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year ·         I have beaten a video game in one day ·         I have visited another country ·        I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: ·         I’m in a relationship ·        I have a crush on a celebrity  ·        I have a crush on someone I know ·         I have been in at least 3 relationships ·         I have never been in a relationship  ·         I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them ·         I get crushes easily ·         I have had a crush on someone for over a year  ·         I have been in a relationship for at least a year ·         I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: ·         I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” ·         I live close to my school ·         My parents are still together ·         I have at least one sibling ·         I live in the United States ·         There is snow right now where I live ·        I have hung out with a friend in the past month ·         I have a smartphone ·         I have at least 15 CDs ·        I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: ·         I have breakdanced  ·         I know a person named Jamie ·         I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce ·         I have dyed my hair ·         I’m listening to one song on repeat right now ·         I have punched someone in the past week ·         I know someone who has gone to jail ·         I have broken a bone ·         I have eaten a waffle today ·        I know what I want to do with my life ·         I speak at least 2 languages  ·         I have made a new friend in the past year
Aaaand that’s it! Thanks for the persons that read it til the end! We’re working on your requests right now don’t worry, sorry for the time we’re taking, we promise we will do them all eventually but you’ll have to be patient with us... Hope you spend a nice week!
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shipme · 7 years
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Hi everyone! 💫
As we said before, both of us admins wanted to thank you for being 50 to follow us and as a way to celebrate the occasion, admin Haethers (aka @haethers-01 ) made this drawing to express our thankfulness. We didn’t expect to reach this number in such a short span of time and we were taken aback, explaining the fact that we couldn’t post it on the exact day. Thanks again, we hope you’re all doing well! 💗
Don’t forget: REQUESTS ARE CLOSING ON  02/09 so don’t hesitate to send everything you want in our inbox before (we don’t know when we will re-open them so that’s your chance!)
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shipme · 7 years
We just wanted to thank all of you guys for being more than 50 to follow us, we never expected such a reaction from you, it’s really heartwarming for us, we never had plans to have followers and especially not that much (not even to add in such a short amount of time). So thank you for following and supporting us, it means a lot to us 💙💙💙
It is a coincidence we reached this number on Jungkook 21st anniversary but it’s a better way to remember this day! He released an amazing cover of 2U, if you haven’t already checkd it on Soundcoulnd, don’t forget to check it out (and send your love to our international playboy ^^)
Thanks to all the persons that sent us requests those past few days and before, we promise we’re going through it little by little (we actuaccly have 5 writtends ships done but I -admin Whiger- can’t seem to find the time to make all the edits as I must pack my things up because I’m moving out and I also have to prepare going back to highschool -sadly, but I promise you guys we have not forgotten you! 😊
Don’t forget to send us all your requests for ships (written, selca, MTL’s, MBTI, Zodiac) and reactions (pleeeeeease, we really want to write reactions so if you have something in mind, anything, don’t hesitate, we will gladly do it!) We will make another post to remind you that all the requests are closing on 02/09 for an unknown amout of time as we have to go back to highschool and prepare for the exams... 
To end this, thanks again to all of you, thanks to the persons that welcomed us (and thanks to @kreacts admins for being so awesome and tagging us as part of your favourites blogs, that’ s just so incredible, thank you very much). 
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shipme · 7 years
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SELCA MTL ship for @janiivelo
Hi!!! Can I ask for a MTL ship with BTS please? TYSM ❤
Hi, Well, you’re the first person to ask for a MTL, we hope you’ll like it ^^ Your fringe is just perfect by the way and I love your smile 
Most .Taehyung .J-Hope .Jimin .Jungkook .Suga .Jin .Namjoon Least
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shipme · 7 years
30 Questions Tag
 Rule: Answer the questions and tag 30 followers that you would like to know better
Helloooooo! We were tagged on this challenge by @kpopreacts and we really enjoyed answering those questions, thanks for always thinking of us girls! (And we’re still writing your requests as a lot of persons requested at the same time, sorry it’s taking so long). 
Nicknames: Haethers Whiger
Gender:  Both females
Star sign: Haethers: Gemini Whiger: Taurus
Height:  Haethers:  5'7" (175 cm) Whiger: 5’6’’ (172cm)
Time:  Haethers: 3 PM Whiger: I wrote this at 1:02 AM but posting it around 3 PM
Birthday: Haethers: June 1st Whiger: May 3rd
Favorite bands: Haethers:  Big Bang, BTS, Got7, EXO, Twenty-one pilots, IKON, VIXX Whiger: Big Bang, BTS, EXO, VIXX, Got7, IKON, Twenty-Øne Piløts, Nirvana
Favorite solo artist(s): Haethers: Sia Whiger: Bruno Mars, G-Dragon (but can he be considered a solo artist?) … And that's it.
Song stuck in my head: Haethers:  Transformer by EXO Whiger: Arirang  by BTS
Last movie I watched: Haethers:  Valerian Whiger: Zombieland (which I quite disliked because there is no actual story)
Last show I watched:  Haethers:  ...huh...I can't remember 😅, maybe Mr. Robot? Whiger: Game of Thrones!!!
When did I create my blog: 20th June 2017
What do I post: K-pop ships! (It wasn’t exactly evident) Eventually fanfictions (#adminwhiger: I may try myself at reactions someday?) and fan arts (but only from Haethers because your other admin can’t even seem to draw a stickman right) ^^
Last thing I googled:  Haethers: J-Hope x reader 😂(seriously, I have no life 😅) Whiger: Korean lessons -as I’m learning and want to progress but often lack motivation so maybe actually having real lessons will force me to work ^
Do you have other blogs:  Haethers:  Yup, one where I sometimes put drawings, but not often Whiger: Yep, a personal one that I use to post scenarios absolutely not related to K-pop (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Mr Robot…)
Why did you choose this blog name: Because…*drums roll* We do ships! You didn't see that coming, right?
Following: 40
Followers: 10 (thanks for supporting us guys!!)
Favorite colors: Haethers:  Blue, green and pink, in this order Whiger: Light blue, turquoise, black
Average hours of sleep: Haethers:  5? Anyway, that would always be more than Whiger😂 Whiger: 2-5h max (it’s a tad bit problematic when I have school because I’m always tired but I can’t seem to be able to sleep)
Lucky number: Haethers:  6 Whiger:  3 (and if I’m playing a game and someone has already taken 3, it’s then 7 and 21 -in this order, I’m not joking with numbers ^^' )
Instruments: Haethers:  Used to play cello but I stopped (I was baaaaad) Whiger: If sarcasm was an instrument, I could write something but it isn’t soooooo nope
What am I wearing: Haethers:  white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and bright pink shoes Whiger: Navy blue jean, sky blue top, turquoise blue shoes with a gray metallic stripe and my glasses (plus my headphones)
How many blankets I sleep with: Haethers: 1 Whiger: Well, I’ll obviously need to sleep before answering so I can actually pass the question! More seriously, none as the temperature is too hot for me
Dream job: Haethers:  Illustrator or concept artist but this will stay a dream lol Whiger: Something dealing with geopolitics and languages (with traveling involved)  
Dream trip: Haethers:  A world tour! (Including at least Egypt, Greece, South Korea, Japan, the USA, South America also...) Whiger: Yaaaa, so long! South Korea (the originality is killing me), Japan, northern Europe countries, Greece, Egypt, South America (Mexico in priority)
Favorite food: Haethers:  I love fruits (and ice-cream but this is less healthy ^^') Whiger: Fruits, Ben and Jerry’s (Coffee for Democracy is the best) and drinks (like Starbucks? I’m a sucker for drinks, it’s one of my passion in life, not even kidding)  Nationality: Haethers:  French! Whiger: French (so if my English is strange, you know why ^^) 
Favorite song right now: Haethers:  Diamond (다이아몬드) by EXO Whiger: Walk On Memories  by EXO (it makes me so emotional, I have “old” exo feelings -I’m not even sure I’m making sense but I really love them when they are singing ballads and calm songs)
As for the tags, we are interested in getting to know more about our followers (but don’t feel obligated to answer all the questions ^^): @sassocrates, @dracxmalfxy , @jennyyyyuuu , @academiahs, @namjoonismybias , @lovrofallthingstae, @shoookith , @the-dreamer-doer , @effyguhne . We’ d also like to add @ships-allday-errday to this list considering you seem nice (and check her account out, she is just starting with ships -selca and written- with all groups!) 
Hope everyone of you spends a nice day!
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shipme · 7 years
Admin Haethers
Who is Haethers ?
That’s simple. Wait… That’s not !
Sooo Haethers is a girl passionated by a lot of things, like drawing and writing, that’s why she is here, we guess. Daydreamer forever, she is sometimes -often- lost in her thoughts, ‘cause that’s really wonderful there, she said. She thinks a lot, though, before forgetting what she was thinking about, because, yeah, her memory is bad. What were we talking about ? She also tends to be sarcastic and she absolutely loves to laugh ! (And she might like talking of her with the third person sometimes too, don’t mind her 🙄)
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shipme · 7 years
Ships for @diannajasanders-love
Request: Hey lovlie, can I request a bts and big bang written ship along w/ drabble?  
I’m a caramel skinned shorty, slightly chubby waist, long hair in braids and cheekbones. I also have thick thighs that sometimes I feel insecure about. My sign is a Leo and my mbti is a infp. When I first meet people, I show my shy, innocent and quiet side. Once the right person cone around, it’ll take me awhile to open up. I slowly reveal my sweet, caring, silly and EXTRA side. I get creative and love making my own art work, playing multiple instruments like the drums, singing song covers, taking photos and reading. Sometimes I can get sensitive and overthink when things go wrong. When I go out, I like to go to amusement parks, all kinds of restaurants, carnivals, arcades, and parks. That’s all I got, but hops it was enough, thanks✨
Hi lovely! Sorry for the time you had to wait before having your ships posted, I -admin Haethers- hope you will like them. For the drabbles, we only add them if you request an ultimate ship so if you really want some, don’t hesitate to send in another request. Hope you spend a nice day!
Big Bang ship
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I ship you with Daesung! You two would be actually so cute omg ☺️. Would love your shy, innocent and quiet side and will soon become a great friend of you, discovering more and more about your personality each passing day. He already loved the first side you showed him but he would like even more your other side when you’ll be enough confident to reveal it to him. He would not be surprised because you look way more yourself when you are not blocked by your shyness. Daesung would love that you are so sweet and caring, just like him, finally. I think seeing you so nice and generous would make him even more protective towards you, knowing how you can forget yourself for the benefit of others. Daesung would be just so happy when learning that you love making your own art, especially this one; playing drums! (No, this is absolutely not the thing that finally made me choose Dae for you🙄). I can totally imagine you both playing it together and doing so much noise that all your neighbors would start complaining about you😂. But you wouldn’t really care because you would enjoy so much being together (false, actually you two are nice so you would care about it and would make sure of not disturbing anyone buuut this was too fun to imagine this) ; singing, taking photos of you both that would flood your privates Facebook accounts or just read by each other side, sometimes making comments about the books…. And your neighbors would not complain THAT much because they could tell you both are talented, wishing for you to begin a singing career as well as Daesung. This last would always be here when something bad happens to you because he knows you need support during those moments. I can totally imagine him being really good at comforting people so that would be quite useful for you and you would trust him very much, knowing that he is not the kind of people to betray you, so you might not overthink about this, that would be relaxing for you. Daesung would love going out with you and discover what you like, although he would not enjoy ghost houses or roller coasters, he would stay with you anyway because he couldn’t refuse you anything (but he would really, really regret it after😂😂😂(and your ears too). Might watch for the different restaurants of the area you are living in to take you to one different each time. I can totally imagine you both taking some walks in the park, hands held and discuss anything.
BTS ship
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I ship you with Jungkook! I think you are quite similar so that was an evident ship aha ^^. Soooo, maybe it was a quite bad idea to put you two together because both of you would be extra shy and quiet at first, but I think you would get closer once you’ll be habituated to each other presence, slowly opening up. And then, nobody would be able to separate you two😆. Jungkook would be really impressed by how sweet and caring you are and would act the same towards you (because I can easily imagine him being like that with his friends,…when he wants) so you two would be actually soo cute, really fusional and supporting. When one of the two has a problem, the other immediately comes to help him, it would be quite good for you as you tend to get sensitive and to overthink, and I think he might have the same problems sometimes (who doesn’t 🙄?) so you could really understand each other and advise well. For your silly side? No problem; Jungkook IS silly (and his friends ARE silly too (without rancor Jimin and V)) so I can easily imagine you two doing silly jokes to other persons (like V and Jimin, at random ?). Jungkook would love that you are as creative and multi-talented as him, although not in the same domains, but this is the reason why you could also complete each other well, you playing various instruments, like drums, and him singing. He would insist very much to produce songs with you ^^. Your passion for photography would be really precious for him, especially for drawing (being myself a drawer I know how much references pictures are useful, so you could take some for him), although he might laugh a bit at first when discovering the huge amount pictures of him you would have taken. He would probably enjoy reading with you or play video games while you are immersed in your new book and he would not disturb you because he would let you some space, as you two would be more than fusional the rest of the time. You have quite the same interests in activities to do when going out, so it might be quite fun for you, the two of you always wanting to do the worst roller coasters of the amusement parks, or trying restaurants that look unusual, wearing matching disguises during carnivals… Or just simply walking together in parks, enjoying each other presence. Aaaand going to arcades, both of you being really determined to beat the other, it would be a real competition! ^^
Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you liked your ships!
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shipme · 7 years
Hey! How many requests do you guys have in your inbox? I'd love to send one in but I wanted to ask cause I don't want to pile on too much 😅
Hi sugar!
We only have one request left -just a little scenarii to write- so feel free to ask because it’s kind of empty right now ^^ Thanks for your concern and see you soon! 
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shipme · 7 years
Me listening to Bigbang’s Bang bang bang, because this song (and this group) is actually so great and makes me happy each time I hear it.
Drawn by admin Haethers. Ships are open btw☺️
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