#haga dmmd
heavensaid · 5 months
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dmmdconfessions · 8 months
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[Image text: Mr. Haga is the true king of DMMd. Business owner, kind, understanding, hires gays and helps said gay employee run from the police. I mean, who's doing it better than him? Four for you, Glenn Coco.]
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baked-bread · 8 months
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posting this edit simply because i think it's the funniest thing ever
original image made for this post: x
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transmasc-slykinnie · 4 months
I don't think I shared this during my break/hiatus but I just saw it so now everyone does
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noot-noot-shoot · 10 months
Come play Dramatical Murder we have (pt.3):
Just a silly man :)
Childhood trauma
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Granny my beloved
Can beat you up
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The blowjob brothers
Not actually brothers
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Lab experiment 2 (this one did not escape)
Magic eyes
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The police
Stop fucking screaming
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Where eyes?
Nice but also surprisingly scary
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Girlie.... I can't say much about you
Soap Opera lover
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Mister Monopoly
Little bitch :)
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slybluehologhost · 6 months
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DRAMAtical Murder > Sprites [JAST USA Release, 2021]
I'm quite sure other folks have pulled the sprites from this game before, but I figured I'd still do it anyway just for the sake of completion. Lots of different sizes & crops for these bad boys, so feel free to take your pick. (Clear even comes with a whole host of emotion assets that you can add to anyone else!) These are great for fan games, sprite edits, or making a big cardboard cutout to bring on dates.
Package details & links are under the cut, or you can click here for a static page.
Sprites — [ L I N K ] > Includes sprites for Aoba, major characters [Clear, Koujaku, Mink, Noiz, Ren, Trip, & Virus], other notable characters [Akushima, Alpha, Alpha-2, Haga, Kio, Mio, Mizuki, Nao, Ryuuhou, Sei, Tae, Toue, & Yoshie], Allmates [Beni, Clara, Junker, Tori, Usagimodoki, & Usui], & NPCs > Sprites are organized by character & categorized further by cropping, variant, &/or affiliation > These files contain spoilers for all routes — proceed with caution if you have not yet 100% completed the game
Looking for even more DMMd assets? > [ L I N K ]
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notadecepticon · 2 months
Usui's design makes me wanna make a HM/Story of Seasons dmmd AU... Fuck it:
Aoba - Player character therefore out unsuspecting farmer, gets left his parent's farm on the edge of town. Doesn't find out till he turns 23. Previously worked at Haga-san's general store. Can see forest sprites, which other people cannot.
Tae - Town Doctor who runs a small clinic that sells animal medicine as well. Aoba used to live with her at the clinic before moving out to live on the farm. Still comes by all the time to eat.
Haga - Runs the general store in town. Sells farming supplies and basic goods. The terrible trio still run amuck in this shop too.
Yoshie - Mayor and #1 nosey neighbor. Gives town improvement quests. Often sends Aoba treats and recipes in the mail. Akushima - Town's police. Constant harassing you about regulations and minor rule violations. Always patrolling around town.
Sei - Mysterious stranger that starts showing up in town after Aoba takes over the farm, seen in town only on sundays. Sometimes can be found in the forest clearing. Turns out he is actually a human form of the Harvest Goddess. Goddess form is Usui. Gives player farming quests to restore the town to balance with nature. Mizuki - Owns the town's only inn. The Black Needle, which is also a tavern that the townsfolk often gather at in the evening. Still does tattoo work in a private studio in the back. Sometime people come from out of town to seek out his skills.
Koujaku- A hairdresser who moved back to town a few years ago, used to play with Aoba as kids. Opens up a shop that- in addition to serving as a salon- sells new outfits. Very well liked in town and known for lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
Noiz - Moved to town somewhat recently and has a permanent room rented out at The Black Needle. He is barely seen out around the town, only at the occasional meal time in the tavern. No one knows him very well or why he moved here. Sticks out in the otherwise tight knit town. Said to be a programmer of some kind, working freelance.
Mink- Runs his own farm just outside of town. Lived here a long time but is fairly reclusive, but well respected. Comes to town to do carpentry work for the townsfolk. He offers to sells seeds from his farm to Aoba once he starts his farm. He can be commissioned to improve farm buildings as well.
Clear - Somewhat mysterious man who lives down near the ocean. Moved here after his grandfather passed away. Wanted to be near the ocean. Collects sea shells and baubles for a living. Gives the Aoba a fishing rod he bought but never figured out how to use (wanted to catch jellyfish). Can still be a secret robot, harvest moon get's wild sometimes. Ren - Basically the secret bachelor option in this game, like the witch/wizard character usually is. Forest sprite that is close to Aoba. Was in the form of a small fluffy talking dog that Aoba has known since he was a kid. Hangs out on the farm with Aoba. As part of doing a side harvest goddess quest line, Sei grants Ren a human body.
Allmates - Torn between keeping them as-is (minus ren) or making them all Forest sprites that start socializing with townsfolk as your progress the Harvest goddess quests and more people are able to see them again.
Virus and Trip - Weirdos who come to town on occasion and cause problems for Aoba. Interested in the the legend of the Harvest goddess and the power associated. Show up to hinder or help with the main questline depending on their mood.
Thank you for reading this far if you did lmao
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it's this fucking bitches birthday
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have a very (un)happy birthday
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eunbinppap · 4 years
listen, i know this fandom is dead as shit but to whoever is left in the dmmd fandom, consider this:
alternative universe where tae, haga-san and yoshie team up to fuck toue’s shit up
or even a spin-off game with them all just chilling together
i want my dream boomer team to have more of a spotlight gdi, its a shame they had one scene together
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kanna172014 · 6 years
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Look at Haga-san blushing! The people of Midorijima are very supportive of homosexuality.
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cyberpunkboytoy · 2 years
Fuck it, DMMD English dream casting
I doubt any of these actors would agree to provide an English dub for the game, but...I can dream. I can specifically dream of:
Sean Chiplock as Aoba
Ben Diskin as Noiz
Bryce Papenbrook as Clear (+ Alpha)
Chris Hackney as Koujaku
SungWon Cho as Ren
Linda Young as Tae
Johnny Yong Bosch as Virus 
Keith Silverstein as Trip
Max Mittelman as Beni
Robbie Daymond as Ryuuhou
Zeno Robinson as Akushima
Yuri Lownethal as Sei
Rambling justifications & voice examples below
Typed in order of how strong my feelings are about the idea:
This whole list is purely because I was going through Koujaku’s route and had the thought “Robbie Daymond would fucking Kill It as Ryuuhou.” I think Yuri Lownethal would also be very fitting, specifically to match the original seiyuu’s sweet, light voice, but I’d personally prefer to see Daymond’s interpretation more. He could perform the hell out of cloyingly sweet to slow, crazed theatrics. He’s like, too good for this role. God it’d rule so much.
I always imagine Tae with Linda Young’s voice, primarily based on her performance of Genkai from Yu Yu Hakusho. That’s the OG old lady voice for me, and it feels so fitting sometimes I forget it isn’t already canon.
Noiz as Benjamin Diskin is a very biased choice (he’s one of my favorite VAs), & not the one I think most people would choose for the character. But he has a massive vocal range, including some low vocal performances, and I think would add a hint of boyishness that would compliment Noiz well. (also he’s been the English counterpart for another Satoshi Hino role so I just think it’d be funny.)
I knew Ren needed a low voice that was incredible to listen to, so of course SungWon Cho is the perfect man for the job. Also he rules.
I originally had Johnny Yong Bosch and Sean Chiplock swapped, with Chiplock being Virus (if only because he’s a furry and therefore it’s funny). But the more I thought about it the more I realized Johnny Yong Bosch seemed to suit Virus more. His voice just feels right in the role.
It was very difficult to think of an actor for Aoba. He needs a fantastic voice to listen to, very nice sounding, but also be able to have some grit and anger, and also be able to play Sly as well. I originally thought Johnny Yong Bosch because he’s well known for playing very different roles in the same media, but eventually I decided Sean Chiplock would be better suited for capturing Aoba’s unique charm and attitude. Sean Chiplock has massive range, so I kind of want him to be...everybody? He and Yuri Lowenthal could just do every single male extra and I’d be happy. But also Chiplock’s acting rules so he can’t just be extras, but he can nail any role so it was hard to chose who? I thought Toue and Sei and Virus, but I think he deserves Aoba. Ultimately I don’t know of a voice he’s done that screams Aoba to me, but I’m sure he could find it.
Like Aoba, thinking of a voice for Clear was similarly tricky (especially to also act as Alpha, who doesn’t share a VA with Clear in the original Japanese but I think would be a neat choice), but Bryce Papenbrook has the acting chops. Not only do I think he could nail that silly, boyish comedy-relief vibe, but also put himself into the more melancholic moments of Clear’s arc. And then get completely crazed as Alpha. (Papenbrook is incredible at playing diametrically-different roles within the same series and I wanted to highlight that.)
Chris Hackney can do a laid back, casual sort of friendly voice, but also perform incredible growls and violent anger. If he found the right voice for Koujaku he’d absolutely kill the performance.
Keith Silverstein could do a good Trip. Simple as that.
Zeno Robinson could do a good Akushima and also I just. Want him in things. 
Max Mittelman could perform a really funny Beni, I think. The only similar role I’ve seen him do is Plagg but I bet he has more mascot character energy in him.
Yuri Lownethal could do a good Sei. Seems like a waste of his potential though. Have him do 50 extras as well, I need more Yuri Lowenthal.
You might notice Mink isn’t here. I am terrified to even begin the process of choosing an actor for Mink.
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zayzyemberwood · 4 years
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Has it been done yet?
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dmmdconfessions · 2 years
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[Image text: Haga-san best waifu]
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Noiz's route finished
idk how i didn't cry when Aoba went inside his head, that was so sad
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milkyway-ash · 7 years
Dmmd Would you rather
Would you rather.....
Let Sei be your senpai
Let Haga-san be your senpai
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theunstablejester · 2 years
cactus porfavor no juegues dmmd no te hagas eso
Guapo... lo he estado posponiendo desde que me topé con Drammatical Murder cuando era un chamaquito meado... un día tengo que ser desviado al cien y jugar juegos pendejos Yaoi, aún cuando me funda el cerebro y me sienta sucio de lo asqueroso que es... y yo sé que tiene cosas bien pasadas.
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