aberrantceramics · 1 year
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Hagmoth Larva Cup
AKA the monkey slug.
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hagposting · 2 years
The Soup Wizard paid me a visit
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His offering was chicken jalapeño soup, which I found satisfactory. I will not bake him into gingerbread this day
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natsudragneelgf · 8 months
@scary-hagmother tagged me to post the first 10 songs that came on shuffle ♥️
Tagging my spouses @desmondhume @philcollinsenjoyer my biological brother @sarcasticpotatoz AND the Tumblrina reading this 🫵🫶
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heyzebulon · 1 year
I am so happy with this Moodboard I made for my D&D character. Suddenly had the idea of doing them as cards "in-situ" and it unlocked so much for me. I've been wanting to finish this for aaaages and in two days of hyper-focus it's now something I'm super proud of. I love making moodboards for characters and this is definitely my best one.
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This is Dragoslava, the hexblood rune knight in search of her Hagmother. As a Witch's adoptive daughter she was trained as a Blade Maiden to guard her Hagmother from the occasional angry mob of disgruntled peasants. As part of this pact though, should the Hagmother die so too does the Daughter. So there is some urgency in Dragoslava's search.
Original art is not my own. I just spend a lot of time in Photoshop cutting stuff together and too many hours hunting in Pinterest.
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meremere21 · 2 years
Is Nana Mori the Hagmother.
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imdorianbacelis · 7 years
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Avoid littering up the rest of your life🍃 #phobetronpithecium #limacodidae #monkeyslug #hagmoth #moth #caterpillar #larva #insect #animal #weird #exotic #natureperfection #naturepic #nature #naturephotography #naturepic #instagood #instagram #instadaily #ilovemylife #iloveit (at Jardin Zoologico Payo Obispo)
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wiiowrazz · 3 years
Hawkmoth has every miraculous including the rabbit aside from the cat ladybug and peacock
there are 3 rabbit miraculouses in their universe, and Hagmoth only has one. present bunnyx probably won't appear, but future bunnyx might. since alix gave her watch to the future bunnyx, she can probably still use her miraculous
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darksteel-relic · 3 years
I love worldbuilding, I really do. Something about drawing connections between everything really gets to me. But the whole process is very stream of consciousness and I end up with results that are way cleverer than where they came from.
I've been brainstorming a hypothetical D&D setting that I'll probably never run for a while, and filling in the gaps where I felt like D&D was either boring or lacking with my own ideas. One area that felt underdeveloped was the Fey, and even across multiple editions the felt like an afterthought most of the time so they were perfect for a total overhaul. So I got started on making some Archfey. Here's my process:
- Hags... They're probably the type of Fey most players actually fight I better have something representing them them...
- I really don't like the way they reproduce by eating children then birthing new hags afterwards. I should change that.
- They need to keep what makes them threatening though. Child disappearances would be concerning no matter what the actual fate is. But why? Why is 'your firstborn child' a common thing Fey seem to want in general?
- Ok, I've got it. Baby teeth! The Hagmother collects teeth and uses them to grow more Hags. Any children sold to fey ultimately fall into her care, she makes sure they're well cared for until they've lost their final tooth.
- She'll then set the child lose somewhere where they'll hopefully be found, she'll even give them a portion of her power to make them a Warlock.
- Her Warlocks can then be tasked with gathering even more teeth for her!
- *Spends next week thinking about Wolpertingers* wait... Phyodont the Hagmother is basically The Tooth Fairy. I already gave The Raven Queen a wife (The Stork Queen) and Wolpertinger is basically the Easter Bunny... Huh. Guess I have a theme.
- *months later* *thinking about Werehouse jokes* wait a minute this is basically just a Baba Hut. One the Hsgmother's Warlocks can be a Werehouse I guess.
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reformedvillain · 8 years
Aggripa: 1-5 and Aldith: 10-15 :D
1.Their physical weak spots
He’s allergic to chocolate and peanuts. I’m not sure if that counts as a physical weakspot but I guess it falls in the description ?
2.Their emotional/moral weak spots
The fact his tribe gave up on him. It pains to remember that he will probably never be welcomed here anymore, that his mother mourned him along with his father because the others had the decency to tell her he was dead instead of saying he was a traitor. He does not want her to know the truth, he distorts what his past was so much he just can’t seem to see her forgive him.
3.Scars or painful spots
Aggripa has a little lot of scars from fighting. The most visible one he has is the one on his face, he got it during his escape from the human camp, he nearly lost his eye. From the same escape he has a bullet wound in his right shoulder, it’s still pretty painful, he had to pull the bullet himself and it did not heal well. He has claw marks on his left arm and right flank from a Sphinx attack when he was still working with the humans. He has a burn mark on his left leg from a time a human ‘accidentally’ dropped his boiling tea on him. And he has another one, slightly painful from another fight he got himself into when he left the camp to find another job and some guy tried to mug him.
4.Best places to kiss on their body
He’s not used to kisses, either platonic or romantic. He would enjoy neck and shoulder kisses because it tickles. Usually he would rather be kissed on his human parts but he would feel uncomfortable being kissed in a more... intimate way I guess ?
5.Guilty pleasures
Flowers. He loves flowers S O M U C H. But he doesn’t dare say it out loud since the humans used to make fun of him for liking flowers and he’s scared other people will too. He just likes the softness of the petals, the sweet smell coming from it, the bright colours, flowers are so nice, why people don’t like flowers more ?
Becoming a hagmother. He is terrified about being stripped of his identity aboyut being bound to turn into this pale and shapeless thing that looks nothing like him. Most of his nightmares turn around this. It’s even worse for him to know he actually loves water, swimming, fishing, things that his mother do and is linked to. It makes his self loathing even more intense in these moments.
Bad or petty habits
He scratches things in tables with his claws nails. It annoyed Don Seran a lot when he was still alive, because the said tables often costed a lot of money and carving a dickbutt or crude jokes in it is not appropriate.
Grudges and vendettas
Basically anyone who pissed Don Seran at one point or another, Don Seran’s daughter but in a mixed way (feel free to ask me more about it). Also anyone who would misgender him, call him feminine, or try to shame him in anyway. I certainely would not advise pissing off the guy with extensive knowledge of poisons and hexes, Aldith is petty as hell and does not give a shit about your social status.
What gets them flustered
Anything that can be interpreted as sexual or flirty will have zero effect on him. It’s more likely to be percieved as a challenge and he will flirt even harder with you. If you want to really confuse and make him flustered then just do genuine, platonic acts of kindness. Say you’re proud to be his friend or give him something and say ‘it made me think about you’ just like that. It would get him crazy.
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
He adjusts his glasses a lot, most of the time for dramatic/posing effect. He also likes to hum for no other reason than looking cryptic or smart. He just likes to make people think they missed something when he’s around.
What it takes to make them cry
Kill Don Seran Deny his identity, insist on misgendering him, call him worthless, betray him, but it’s more likely to be rage tears which would lead him to act physically. Sadness tears are most likely to be caused by a mental breakdown without direct external influence, they are often linked to hormonal bullshit, his bipolarity, and violent dysphoria.
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nanosart · 11 years
I just found a #monkeySlug in my yard! This guy grows up to be a pretty awesome moth called #hagMoth such a weird little guy.
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heyzebulon · 1 year
Continuing the Tarot card theme for my D&D character, I made a set for all the runes of the Rune Knight subclass. This for my Witch-y character, Dragoslava who will be joining a Curse of Strahd campaign. I'm treating the runic magic of Giants similar to Witcher series treating it as quick magic for fighters, which really fits the Rune Knight class.
This same character had the Ritual Spellcaster feat though as she's trying to learn "real" Witchcraft from her hagmother's spellbook.
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darksteel-relic · 5 years
Some ideas for Archfey
The Sand Bear: he guards to domain of dreams, helping others sleep soundly. He is part of the Winter Court and helps animals hibernate.
The Stork Queen: she is part of both the Spring and Winter Courts, as well as being part of the Council of Nine as Emissary to the Positive Energy Plane. She helps guide souls to their new lives on the Prime Material Plane, and married The Raven Queen.
Worpeltinger: A member of the Spring Court. The are an egg laying, winged rabbit with Antlers. They are the lord of bird and beast.
Prince of Frost: Speaker of the Winter Court, and part of the Council of Nine. The Prince is known for his abilities surrounding the snow and cold. Few know that Frost is actually his surname. Fewer know that his first name is Jack.
Phyodont: The Hagmother and member of the Autumn Court. She is known to send out agents to collect teeth, which she uses to grow what eventually become Hags.
I have other ideas, but please feel free to send me some.
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darksteel-relic · 4 years
Canon D&D Archfey a really under developed, so I made a few of my own:
Worpeltinger is a rabbit with antlers and dove-like wings. She enjoys playing tricks and hiding things, especially her own brightly colored eggs.
Bolotnik is a frog who specializes in the application and removal of cursed, most notably of the Polymorph variety. He dislikes royalty, speaks in a Russian accent, and will gladly enchant any trans or nonbinary person who asks politely.
Phyodont is the Hagmother. In dealings with her, be mindful of courtesy and be careful what you agree to. She collects teeth, which she uses to grow Hags. Many lost or abandoned children find their way into her care, those children are released with a small portion of her power as compensation after they have lost all their baby teeth. If you ever sell your firstborn to the fey, they will probably end up in Phyodont's care.
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