#haha how is jasper glowing if she’s shattered
jam-budz · 1 year
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didn’t feel like finishing it, so here have an uncompleted version of it
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Fragments but fluffy
This is a fluff fic (no ships, so please don’t tag as a ship) for the su episode fragments. Because fluff is my favourite thing to write haha
This is gonna be short, because I have to edit my novella and stuff, I’m just doing this to get the angst out of my system lol.
Again his fists smashed again her arms as Jasper covered her face and gem. She laughed a booming laugh, but her shaking hands gave her terror away.
“THAT’S MORE LIKE IT!” She said, excitement and fear mingling together. But Steven didn’t hear the fear slipping out as he knocked her back, and up into the sky.
Clouds masked and darkened the night sky, and the pink glow illuminated all on that overcast night. Jasper’s eyes widened, and the all consuming light sparked in them. She huddled in a tight defensive ball, trying not to think about how easily a diamond could shatter her. It was blatantly obvious he was a diamond now. His pupils where diamond shaped. His glow became more powerful by the second, as did his blows. Remorse had left his eyes, the same remorse that might have saved her.
He sent her flying to the ground, and in a matter of seconds she felt four thick shields slamming against her.
Steven let out a powerful laugh. His teeth ground together, and he shouted what she assumed would be the final words she would hear. A large spiked shield shot towards her, and she was fully aware of her fate.
She didn’t want to die.
She tried to be strong, but she couldn’t help a large tear rolling down her cheek. One fell, and then another, and then another.
A spike hurtled towards her gem. Jasper let out a shuddering breath, and accepted her fate.
And then the shield faded away. The ones that held her in place dissipated too. She fell to the floor, shaking like a leaf. She fought back tears of fear.
Steven approached her tentatively.
“Jasper, I’m-“ she noticed he was shaking too “I’m sorry”
Jasper pulled herself together, and gave a little chuckle. “You have the strength of a diamond for sure, but you’re weak willed, like a human”
Steven’s brow furrowed, but he looked at her and laughed. She nervously joined.
“Come on, that was a good rematch, let’s get some rest”
She almost tried to get him to fight her again, but looking at the diamond in front of her, she realised that may not be the best idea.
Jasper didn’t see why he stopped. It wasn’t weakness. He wasn’t weak.
She slept fitfully, nightmares about imminent death plaguing her.
The dawn was a beautiful swirl of gold and flaming red. But what woke Jasper were the loud steps and glow from outside her cave door. Bleary eyed, she stepped out the cave to greet a grinning Steven.
“What?” Her eye twitched.
“Are- huh- I- n” she looked at him, and remembered what he had almost done last night “yeah, I could use it”
“We’re doing something a little different”
They strolled towards a meadow a few miles away. It was full of dancing daisies and daffodils.
“Daisy chains.” Steven said in a firm voice.
“Huh?” Jasper grunted
“You heard me” he raised an eyebrow.
She didn’t dare argue with a diamond. She assumed it was a test of hand eye coordination.
She was clumsy, and kept on throwing the ruined chains to the ground. Steven had made five by the time she was halfway through one. She grumbled through her teeth.
She felt something and gentle being laid on her soft white hair. She snatched it off, and saw that it was one of Steven’s many crowns.
He grinned at her, healed the crushed chain, and popped it back on her head.
After a while of failing to make anything, Steven asked Jasper if she wanted to go.
“I won’t fail” she snarled.
“It’s not failing, it’s learning!” Steven smiled encouragingly.
“Pfft, NO!”
She fumbled around with the daisy chain, before it fell apart.
“Come on, at least let me help” he paused and thought, before adding “Connie helped me the first time I made them”
“Oh, that one that you fused with” she said bitterly.
“Yeah,” Steven said, drawing his legs in.
“One of your friends, I guess?”
“Uh, yeah” he slouched, but then perked up “let’s finish this!”
They wound the chain together, and Jasper held it up with pride.
“I did it!” She smirked.
“Yeah! Good job”
They walked for a bit in the kind mid day sun.
“Hm” she thought for a second “how was that training?”
Steven thought for a second of a good way to explain his thoughts.
“Well, your strength always came from physical power, yeah?”
“Yeah, what else is there?”
“Well, I always found strength in kindness?”
She didn’t even entertain it, instead laughing until she was bent double.
“You’ll see” he said
“I probably won’t” she smirked.
Days passed, and they kept up a routine of gentle sparring and helping trees regrow. They shared laughs, and it felt almost like they were friends. Jasper didn’t really know what having a friend felt like, but if this was it it felt nice
It was twilight, and a few stars had already started shining through. A question had been playing on Jasper’s mind, and so she blurted it out as they sat in front of the campfire.
“Huh, that human that you fused with, I wonder if she would make you more or less powerful now”
“Uhh, ok!” Steven pretended not to hear her. “What tree is that?”
“From what you told me, fusion only makes people stronger”
“I don’t really-“
“Huh, I wonder what it’s like to fuse with an organic life form”
“Could you STOP!”
The ground shook beneath Steven’s feet as he let out a guttural sob.
Jasper shuffled over to Steven.
“Is that why you came here?” Jasper said gravely. She’d laughed out of actual happiness the other day with Steven for the first time, and figured it was time to show the diamond the kindness he had taught.
“No. Well, a bit. I guess.” Steven muttered
Jasper thought for a second. “Did you fall out?”
Steven explained the proposal, the the growing and the glowing. He explained that his father was selfish, and his mother spoiled, and the gems used him as an emotional rock, and they never returned the favour.
Jasper was clueless. Why did someone so powerful show such weakness?
It clicked all of a sudden. His weakness was an opportunity for her to be kind; for her to be strong in his way.
She embraced him, and Steven let out a sob of relief and happiness. He rested his head on her shoulder, and they sat under the twilight sky with each other, and the glowing embers of the fire as their comfort.
Hope you liked that fluffy fragments one shot! I desperately want fluff, so I made it myself.
Sorry if this reads as being a little rushed, that’s probably because it is haha~
Btw this is not meant to read as a ship, sorry if it does, it was just meant to be them becoming less toxic friends :)
Have a lovely day, bye! :)
PS I don’t actually think Greg and Pink are selfish, it was meant to be his thoughts entirely, not mine 😅
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