#haha oops i forgot to post this too teehee
yongoflight · 1 year
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happy (late) chinese new year
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real-life-cloud · 11 months
:O mind reccing the fics? 👀
Oop I forgot to respond to this 😅 I'm almost certain this is about my tags on the post that was like "ever read a fic that makes you wanna write fic about it?"
I'm reading a fanfic of a fanfic atm and it's soooo good... And incredibly long. Literally the longest fanfic I've ever seen lol. That's part of the reason I even started it, like the summary looked good too but then I read the stats and it had a 1.5 million wordcount and I was like HUH???!?!? I MUST READ YOU!!!!
The Wards of UA by FeckedSpectrum on ao3
And now i will ramble about it teehee
It's an AU of another fic called The Last Resort by hotandcoldsoba on ao3! Which is about Shinsou being sold to this villain organization called The Miasma as a child after his quirk manifested. I've not read that one, and I'm pretty sure it's an unfinished fic? But the author of Wards encourages their readers to read that one as well, since it's basically canon backstory for the Shinou in Wards and is referenced all the time. It's not necessary to read it tho.
Wards is incredibly angsty! Pay attention to those tags and trigger warnings lol. Still, it manages to have a lot of fluff too hehe. It's about Shinsou being transferred from The Miasma to Chisaki, who wants him for his quirk so he can better control Eri. Shinsou becomes sort of a parent to Eri, and they get really attached to each other. The main chunk of the story is about after they've been rescued! They become wards of UA and live with Eraserhead and Present Mic. I'm always a sucker for fics of the four of them as family! It's about healing and trauma and how it's never linear and never the same for everyone. There's a lot of POV changes! And along the way there's a whole mystery unraveling about the Hero Commission and The Miasma. Aaaa it's so good but I don't wanna spoil it haha
I also appreciate that each chapter has a "previously on..." section at the start! It gives you all the relevant info you need for reading that chapter. Which is rly nice with how long this fic is lol. I'm aboutttt 500k in I would say? So not even halfway done teehee. But I would still recommend it!!!
I think about the Shinsou in Wards so often... He's attached to my brain now and l will not let go.. rotating in my head forever....... he's like an entirely different character than canon Shinsou in a lot of ways! He's just been through so much :( I'm constantly thinking abt him as an adult, hopefully doing a lot better mentally and emotionally.. with friends and family and a life..... Reading his POV can be so sad bc his view of things is so skewed and he never truly believes he's safe.. god I love him. GO READ WARDS!!!!!
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Can we have the day Michael told Jeremy he liked him?
Christine: Jeremyyyyy!! *is in play rehearsal duh*
Jeremy: whatttttt?
Christine: Are you ready for the auditions?? *:D*
Michael: *texts up jerem with keyspam ok*
Jeremy: Hell yes- *looks at his phone and calls the michael* I thought you were coming to auditions dude?
Michael: I got nervous? I also had a breakdown? I’m fine though- have fun with Christine or whatever
Jeremy: where are you dude? I can skip auditions if you want
Michael: no just be with Christine I’ll be fine brother
-after auditions-
Christine: you did too!! I gotta go get my brother from daycare so I’ll call you tonight byee!! *hugs Jeremy and runs out of the school*
Jeremy: byee!! *turns around* oh hey Michael!
Michael: um- hey- *:/*
Jeremy: are you okay dude..? From earlier?
Michael: I’m fine- it’s just- it’s nothing-
Jeremy: are you sur- *looks at Michael’s hoodie* is that a new patch? It’s a- wait- are you, gay?
Michael: I thought I told you in like- 9th grade-? I’m pretty sure I told you in 9th grade.
Jeremy: oh right! Sorry, I forgot- heh-
Michael: I- Jeremy- can I tell you something-?
Jeremy: yeah, sure!
Michael: I-I- uh- um- nevermindd-?
Jeremy: okay! Tell me when you remember- oh wanna come over to try and beat level 9 again?
Michael: yeah sure- *hahahhaaa awkwardly smiles at jerome*
Jeremy: cool! I got a whole new room set up too! I have this really cool pac-man light! I got one for you too!- I mean, if you want it
Michael: yeah- cool- rad- uh- are we leaving now or will I meet you there-?
Jeremy: we can go now! *grabs the Michael’s hand and runs outside*
Michael: *rrRRRED BOY* uH- jeremy-? could I like- tell you something- but like- please don’t hate me-?
Jeremy: oh you remembered! And yeah of course! How could I hate my best friend!
Michael: *i nhale* I kinda really really like you but you’re dating Christine and im so dumb and I’m sorry and I’m an idiot *tttalks v fast oop*
Jeremy: jeez calm down! I wouldn’t hate you for that! And you aren’n dumb and you aren’t an idiot, not to me *smiles at the michael*
Michael: *pulls his hood over his face* I wish I was dead *vvvvv red lad oop*
Jeremy: awe don’t say that! *still holding the Michael’s hand*
Michael: I feel like such an idiot you already have a girlfriend
Jeremy: Michael it’s fine, okay? *kisses the Michael’s cheek teehee*
Michael: *v v v v red ouch* jEREMY-!
Jenna: *;0000 epically records*
Jeremy: Chill! C’mon! *lets gonof the Michael’s hand* oh hi Jenna!
Jenna: teehee *ppputs the video on Instagram owo*
Michael: Jeremy can we just go to your house already-
Christine: *calls up the jeremy*
Jeremy: *picks up* oh Christine! What’s up?
Christine: I- uh- jeremy I don’t want to be rude or anything but what was the video Jenna posted?
Jeremy: okay so, *talks quiet so the michael can’t hear* Michael told me he liked me, and I did that just to make him feel better- I love you and you know that okay?
Christine: uh- okay-! Cool-! Talk to you later-! *hangs up*
Michael: Jeremy- I’m just- I’m gonna go home-
Jeremy: oh..okay *sad boye*
Michael: I’m really sorry- I just- don’t- don’t talk to me for a little-?
Jeremy: oh..um- okay..*starts walking away* cya later..player 1
Michael: *oop walks away*
Jeremy: *at home* UGH! *calls up the micheel*
Michael: *i gnore*
Jeremy: whyyyyyyyy! PICK UP MELL OH MY GOD!
Michael: *sister sobs ooooop* *also puts his phone on do not disturb duh*
Jeremy: *walks to the Michael’s house and let’s himself in Bc he has a key?* *walks to the Michael’s room and knocks on the door*
Michael: *sssssobs* leave me alone- I just want to be alone-
Jeremy: oh come on open the door Michael
Jeremy: I was just going to tell you I like you too..but um..bye
Michael: *cOUGH CouGh* wHat?? *vvvoicecrack epic noob*
Jeremy: nothing..it doesn’t matter
Michael: I might as well just die I’m so dumb i wish I was dead *sObs*
Jeremy: I don’t! I- I love you
Michael: you obviously love someone else more than me-!
Jeremy: I love you more god dammit! Okay? I love you!
Michael: you’re just saying that- *://*
Jeremy: no! I’m not! Christine had my heart in 7th grade but then I fell for you!
Michael: *oooopens the door* I’m sorry- I’m really really sorry-
Jeremy: *hugs the michael*
Michael: *clings onto the jerome* I’m so sorry- *sobs onto jeremo*
Jeremy: *rubs the Michael’s back* it’s okay
Michael: *leach* *sob* I ruined your lIFE
Jeremy: Michael look at me, you made my life so much better, I wouldn’t have made it through middle school without you
Michael: But you have Christine now- and- and- *ssSSSOB*
Jeremy: Michael calm down your fogging your glasses *laughs a little*
Michael: *ssssniffle* it’s the new style-
Jeremy: well the “new style” looks nice on you *smiles at the michael*
Michael: yeah thanks-
Christine: *cccalls up jerome*
Jeremy: *looks at his phone* I’ll call her later *decline haha*
Michael: I’m still sorry- *:((((*
Jeremy: there’s nothing to be sorry for, it’s okay Michael *hug*
Michael: *leach* are you sure??
Jeremy: I’m very sure
Michael: you- um- you can leave if you want- *fixes his glasses bc they’re all moist*
Jeremy: can I um..ask you something?
Michael: of course- what is it?
Jeremy: will you um..bemyboyfriend?
Michael: I uh- I would but you already have Christine-?
Jeremy: I told her earlier..we um.. aren’t together anymore- but! She’s fine with it- she knew I liked you she said “I could tell”
Michael: uh- cccoool?? *clings onto jerome*
Jeremy: I’m gonna do something and just kick me out of the house to stop- *kisses the michael*
Michael: *kisses the jerome uwuwuwu*
Jeremy: *v v v v v red* OH
Michael: ugh it isn’t FAIR *hugs jeremo*
Jeremy: what’s not fair?
Michael: you’re too cute and it isn’t fair
Jeremy: *even more red* you’re really cute too
Michael: you’re the cutest person ever to live I swear to god stop *lEach*
Jeremy: oh stop *big blush man*
Michael: I’ve been wanting to tell you this for like- 100000 years let me tell you how cute you are oh my god
Jeremy: Michael- my face can’t get more red than this-
Michael: or can it? *kisses the jerem’s forehead*
Jeremy: *v v v v v v v red* Michael I swear-
Michael: aww you’re so prettyyy *boop uwu*
Jeremy: *giggly boye*
Michael: you’re adorable *pats jerem’s hair*
Jeremy: *hugs the michael and doesn’t let go* I love you
Michael: *hugs the jerome* I love you more
Jeremy: wait! Can I um- wearyourhoodie
Michael: it’s going to make it more unfair uGH *gives jerem his hoodie* you’re gonna be cuter stoppp
Jeremy: *puts it on* this is huge on me-
Michael: uGH *clings onto the jerome*
Jeremy: whoopssss *plops on a beanbag*
Michael: *jumps on top of jerem*
Jeremy: oh hiiiii
Michael: helloooo
Jeremy: *kiss owo*
Michael: *kiss uwu* jeremy give me hugs n o w
Jeremy: so this is what it’s like dating Michael mell *cuddles*
Michael: yes I am very cold *cling* I’m so tireddd
Jeremy: go to sleep baby
Michael: But I wanna look at my new boyfrienddd
Jeremy: *big blush man* sleepppp
Michael: hhh *clings onto jerome and goes to sleep uwu*
Jeremy: *plays with the Michael’s hair*
Michael: *snatches Jerome’s arm*
-4 hours later-
Jeremy: *SL EEP*
Michael: *awaken* jeremyyyy
Jeremy: *awaken but v tired* yes Michael?
Michael: I love youuu *leach*
Jeremy: I love you toooo
Michael: I’m so tiredddd
Jeremy: *picks him up* I didn’t know I could do that- *puts him down on his bed* s l e e p
Michael: come next to meeee *clings onto jerem’s arm* pleaseeee
Jeremy: okayyy *gets under the blanket and lays down*
Michael: *hugs jerome* warm- *sllleep*
Jeremy: *sleep*
Later: hello
Michael: *sssleep*
Jeremy: michaaaa *kisses his forehead*
Michael: go aWAY I want slEEP
Jeremy: okay I’ll go awayyyy *gets up*
Michael: no I’m sorry come back it’s cold
Jeremy: *gets under the blanket and lays back down and hugs the michael* fineeee
Michael: *l each* it’s so cold jerome
Jeremy: *rubs the Michael’s back* I know Micha, just go back to sleep
Michael: *lea ch* *sleep uwuu*
Jeremy: *sleep*
Later: hi
Michael: *awoken*
Jeremy: *cuddling the michael*
Michael: jeremyyyy *poke*
Jeremy: *awake* whatttt
Michael: hiiii
Jeremy: hii babyyyy
Michael: *kkkkiss uwu*
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