#hahaaaa work is killing me this year
mayoiayasep · 2 months
yatora yaguchi when i fucking get you
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razersketches · 2 years
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Not bad for a 30 min sketch on my lunch break at work, I miss being creative
Ko-fi Fanfiction Old Fic: ”Just Like Me” (Tekken ft OC) More On Deviantart
Might do more lunch sketches
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especiallyhaytham · 2 years
So yk how Shay like... gets shot and falls off a cliff. And then a couple years later all the assassins find out he’s alive and they’re like “Omg no way???”
Did they just like... not check????? Like they assumed his corpse was hanging out somewhere in the bay and they were just like  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tough luck, ig he lives there now, we’re not gonna get that thing back
Even if they did check and he was already gone, there’s only so many places a dead body could GO. If he wasn’t on land, im telling u right now (citing personal experience) it’s not very hard to find a corpse in a bay/harbor/inlet in the middle of winter, humans tend to float and hang around for awhile. assassins definitely know how dead people work, like u think they’d at least be suspicious after finding nothing at all.
which is why it’s so fucking funny to me that they’re all like “how dare u be alive” meaning they had no clue, meaning they probably didn’t check, meaning they really just didn’t give a fuck and left his ass there. meaning he was also laying around half-alive for whatever indiscernible amount of time until Monro showed up, because all his friends were like “even if he is alive we’re just gonna let him bleed out down there with all his bones broken.” they didn’t even care enough to go get their manuscript back.
so in conclusion, it’s really no fucking wonder Shay rolls back up on all their asses 2 years later, immediately after he sees kesegowaase and is reminded that that is a thing that happened. and all his new templar buddies are just there to egg him on like “yes king u deserve better,,, what if u just like,,,,, killed them all hahaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
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Time for my feels dump thoughts on Diabolical Box...! y’all, this game. this game. I don’t think people give it enough credit for... a lot of what it does, despite the messiness of the plot reveals... but it’s so special and unique, in ways I’m only now appreciating. also this is gonna be really REALLY fucking long I am so sorry, but I have a Lot to say about the ending parts... i just love this game so much...... so i wrote a fucking novel bc of course i did.
also i played this in October, completely unintentionally, so that’s noice.
The amount of voice acting and cutcenes in this compared to CV is amazing, I love it so much, even if it is funny sometimes the dialogue they choose to voice and then abruptly cut off a few lines later.
I had COMPLETELY forgotten about Luke jumping on Chelmey and trying to rip his face off and it’s just the funniest fucking thing omg; Hershel in the background going “NO LUKE THAT’S HIS FACE” is comedic gold.
Will we ever know what Hershel was going to say when Chelmey asked him what Luke’s relationship to him was... dammit Luke why’d you have to cut him off.
Hershel calling the hamster “generously proportioned” is amazing. also “I’ve always said that helping rodents in need is among the duties of every true gentleman” Hershel... please tell me what other situations have made you say that... please...
Why is there an entire subplot about finding this Karen’s dog, just to make Chelmey look like even more of an idiot? if they needed to pad the game out more, they definitely could have done it with flashbacks or in places that I’m... ahem... emotionally invested in
Flora’s treatment in this game is so infuriating to me, like... why did they think this was a good idea? What was the point of bringing her into the plot for NO other reason than to be kidnapped and impersonated? Was it literally just because they needed a way for Hershel and Luke to run into Don Paolo and get the box back from him??? Why couldn’t, idk, Katia run into him in Dropstone and get the box from him and save Flora, that would still get the box to her and keep Flora in the group, and it would tip them off to Katia being related to all this even earlier, and Don Paolo could still be shown there if he absolutely has to make an appearance in each game. I know it’s because he has to be built up and then revealed, and because Hershel always has to have a dramatic point-n’-reveal every game, but whyyyyyy does it have to be at the expense of Flora. :))))) It would have been interesting to see her reactions to Folsense and Anton and everything, and not have Katia be the only female involved in all this; maybe she could, you know, actually have a personality!! hahaaaa who am I kidding...
beluga: “it’s already been a year since she passed away” me: whythehellyoucryingsodamnloud.jpg
Anderson talking about Dropstone and the sacrifices made to found it and how it can’t die out like “other towns”... with the song playing... whythehellyoucryingsodamnloud.jpg
The sheer coincidence of Katia going to Folsense on the same day that Hershel and Luke would end up in Dropstone and then there, and on the 50th anniversary of the town... not a likely one.
Didn’t some versions of the game come with a real version of the train ticket to Folsense? I want it D:
i also want a real Elysian Box, like can i commission someone to make one minus the whole you know actual gold, please, i’ll pay aNYTHING- *sobs*
Hershel to “Flora”: “you’re as white as a sheet!” Don Paolo, minutes ago while the others aren’t looking: *furiously powdering his face mask or some shit*
Why was Anton’s diary lying in the street though... it doesn’t make sense that Katia or Beluga would have it, and they couldn’t open it anyhow. probably just a gameplay thing that should go unquestioned but I want to knowwww lol. Also wish Hershel and Luke had reactions to the entries.
Ilyana tho. Also bootleg Clive asdfghjkl
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand the obsession with the tea set... like yeah it’s fun to serve tea when you actually get it right, but I’m stuck with like two recipes missing and getting frustrated just trying and trying countless ingredient combinations on end because some of the npcs are NOT helpful enough in telling what to make :))))
Obviously Katia can’t reveal anything or say anything about why she’s there at all to keep the suspense till the end, but it would have been cool to see her working together with them and making a plan to get into the castle and help Anton aka I just wanted more scenes with Anton being nice and not flying into a rage over a misunderstanding ugh
It’s honestly pretty impressive some of the deductions/connections Chelmey makes in this game, despite his... other incredibly stupid ones lol
“iSnT iT oBvIoUs?”
WHY DOES HERSHEL RISK KILLING LUKE (AGAIN) WITH THE BOX. And why tf does it not do anything to them since they assumed it would...?
The biggest mystery of the series is how Pavel gets where he does, truly
The music in the forest is truly one of the best osts, god I love it. I also adore the Herzen Castle ost now, I never really noticed it before but it is WONDERFULLY creepy and heavy and melancholic and just... idk, those harpsicords go hard. damn.
Opening the Elysian Box is the best puzzle in the series, because of the meaning behind it. Or at least, it’s my favorite for that reason :^)
Alright folks so I’m gonna be completely, unabashedly honest here, and reveal myself to be the superficial, shallow fucker I am lmao: Anton is super hot and I’m still attracted to him even now, and I hate that we get so little time with younger him dklslskdfkflssd I AM SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT OKAY. BLAME THE VOICE ACTOR, HE HAD NO RIGHT TO SOUND SO UNEXPECTEDLY DEEP AND INCREASE ANTON’S HOTNESS LEVEL BY 1000%... just. god damn. damn. the dining room scene. the lighting. the way he puts his hands down and closes his eyes at one point. the way he says Herzen. the freaking sass with “chalk it up to my bad taste then.” the little clap. his entire design which just oozes Victorian era anime bishie beauty. kudos to the character designer who was like “well they said make someone cool and handsome and i wasn’t sure what to do but i tried and i guess it worked out” GOOD SIR BOY DID YOU SUCCEED. how dare this man turn me on so much, fUCK. And I know it’s super shitty of me to not like his old design as much!!! but just!!! why the beak nose.... why.... he was so gorgeous and then you give him the Bronev nose treatment..... i’m already so sad over the ending but you make him look so much sADDER, THE SADDEST POSSIBLE DESIGN FOR OLDER ANTON. It’s not that I mind him being old, I just wish he looked more like himself... there didn’t need to be such a drastic change. But I know I’m just being petty lmao. anyway stan Anton for most beautiful PL character always 🙏 Descole and Clive’s hotness have nothing on this man
*ahem* But to get back to serious topics, replaying this now when I’m older, with the ones after it in mind, I think I finally realize why this game stands out to me so much from the others, making it my favorite. To put it as best I can, Diabolical Box, to me at least, just has a different feel from all the other PL games. Yes, it’s still definitely a Layton game, you still investigate a mystery, there’s still puzzles everywhere, it still has a relaxing city or country feel to the atmosphere, there’s still lots of charm, but once you hit Folsense and the climax and the ending reveals, the tone sort of... shifts? Not drastically, but enough that’s different from any point in all the other games that I can remember; I feel like Last Spector might have the closest kind of atmosphere to Folsense at certain parts, but even then the plot of that game is nowhere near to having the same tone as this one. Diabolical Box, when you really look close at it and think about it, is dark. Dark in a way that none of the other games are, despite the darkness some of the others do have. And I think part of that is because almost every other game/movie is connected to the overarching story involving Hershel’s past and people involved with him, and so the drama and angst is very much grounded in London or other places Hershel would be/was, and in his time, but Diabolical Box is unique in that the story and characters in it have nothing to do with him. And to reflect this, Anton and Sophia’s story is based in the early 1900′s, the Victorian era, in a city so far separated from, again, everything to do with Hershel, that if you were to just watch their story by itself and take the professor and Luke out of it, and you knew nothing about the series, you could reasonably argue that it isn’t from a Professor Layton game at all. What I mean is that Anton’s story could be an entire anime all on its own surely it’s not obvious how badly I want that, nope, not at all, completely separate from this series, and it would work; it could be its own period era-esque drama series, still with all the supernatural shit intact later on. I can think of a few existing anime similar to what I’m imagining. 
And I really do think it would be amazing, because like I said this story is terribly, terribly dark, and sad; as a PL game, like a lot of the other ones, it can’t go deep into the nitty gritty of what makes Anton’s story so fucking depressing, but just like... Imagine it. Imagine being alone, for so long in that castle, so long that you don’t even know how long it’s been anymore, with virtually no one, after having your heart broken and being abandoned by the person you loved the most, and who you thought loved you, and getting no closure about it. This long post goes a ton of detail about Anton’s character and things he was probably feeling/reasons for his behavior, but in short, Anton’s mother is never mentioned, so combined with how distant he was from his father and the fact that he feels alone in his role in society and that no one truly sees him as a real person, it’s quite possible that he clung to Sophia unconsciously as a mother figure, and, in general, she was the only person who made him feel seen, and loved. The only exception was Beluga, but Beluga leaves the town and Anton behind after quarreling with their father, so... It’s just extremely apparent when you read the diary entries and his dialogue (with the voice acting) that Anton was always alone and terribly insecure, and that Sophia made him the happiest he ever was - and so her leaving him was devastating to him. He was alone for fifty years (and who knows how long it actually felt, to him), in a lonely castle and emptying town, his entire family either left or dead, his body slowly aging without him even knowing it, while he had a daughter and granddaughter born without even knowing it, and all the while he’s left with the misunderstanding that Sophia might have loved someone “better” than him all along, never getting answers, having to live with all that grief and guilt and blame and jealousy and self-hatred over a situation that wasn’t even entirely true. Imagine what your MENTAL STATE would be like, jfc it’s a miracle he’s as sane as he is in the game!! Not to mention everything that crashes down on him within TEN MINUTES AT THE END. Yes, Unwound Future and the prequels very purposefully heap the angst on with Clive/Dimitri and Descole respectively, like “we are trying so hard to make you feel for this guy cry cry cry” and I fall for it like the trash i am love them too, don’t get me wrong, but Anton’s tragedy is much more understated but in my opinion is by far the absolute saddest of them all. I just... i’m crying y’all, this poor man. give him a fucking HUG. Anton Did Nothing Wrong 2k20; he doesn’t even hurt the people he lures in with his vampire scheme!! he lets them go without a scratch!!! what a guy... give him a hug and blankets please i love him so much, him and Sophia- *sobs*
and also as a side note, I honestly think Descole/Desmond would fit perfectly into this game for a lot of these reasons, in the trend of “trying to fit Descole into the first trilogy”; he’s got the right Aesthetic™ for one thing, but mainly just he and Anton have a LOT in common...! actually, now that I think about it, Randall and Anton do too, but I much prefer the notion of Descole and Anton interacting. honestly, I’m toying with the idea of an AU where Desmond and resurrected Aurora end up in Folsense and solve that mystery themselves instead of Hershel and Luke; i think it’d be fascinating.
However, by the same token, as much as I LOVE this game and characters for all of those reasons... it also makes no fucking sense ahaha. How the FUCK does the gas work. The illness that started killing people when the ore was first unearthed and is the reason everyone starts leaving, is THAT from the gas I assume?? but like why?? cause eventually it just turns to making the town appear as it was years ago and keeping people young, so...? ARE ALL THE TOWNSPEOPLE NOT ACTUALLY THERE, OR THEY ARE AND ARE JUST YOUNG LIKE ANTON; I’m still not clear on this!! because Hershel at the end says they’re illusions, and yet when you talk to the npcs so many of them complain about being tired and feeling old, so what is the truth!! It would make sense if newcomers see the town as it is in the pictures, but there’s no reason for them to not age... in fact, I don’t understand where the not aging thing comes from at ALL, since if the idea is that the gas makes what you think will happen happen, how tf did that even come about in the first place??? There’s no way everyone who inhaled the gas would think the exact same things and have the exact same hallucination. And if fifty years passed in reality, how long did it feel like to Anton/others; surely it couldn’t have been that long if they never questioned why they weren’t aging? If the gas in the box put Schrader in a coma, what was his theory about what would happen? Why does nothing happen to Hershel and Luke upon opening it when they clearly assume something will happen? Related to other things, how does the box become the source of a rumor, and how does Schrader even get it? Do people just assume Anton is dead or otherwise gone, or do they know/assume he’s still in the castle but don’t try to see him because of the vampire? Does Beluga know Anton is still there, if he does it’s pretty shitty of him to ignore him, and why does he think the box has to do with the fortune of all things if he possibly knew Sophia wanted it and knew it had something to do with her and Anton (seriously I don’t understand Beluga, I really wish they’d done more with him; he looks so shitty even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he knew the least amount possible)??? Did Sammy know that the drugged flowers related to getting into Folsense? Did Katia know how to get into Folsense, and what was she planning to do if she never found the box in order to prove she was who she said she was? Why do some of the npcs act like they know the deep dark secret of Folsense and keep saying Hershel and Luke don’t need to know, and keep talking about the town being cursed, like do they really know the truth?? Or not??? LEVEL-5 I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AND I’M TOO DUMB TO FIGURE OUT THE ANSWERS. EVEN LAYTON VS. WRIGHT’S STUPID REVEALS MAKE MORE SENSE THAN THIS AAAAAHHHH
anyway DB best game anton hot Even with all the weirdness though that makes this game the most Layton the Layton series has ever Layton’d lmao, I still love Diabolical Box so damn much. I love it so much, guys. It’s not part of a huge narrative, it’s not connected to the main characters; it tells its own little story and it does that perfectly. It’s so unique from all the rest, like I said, the plot has so much depth I don’t really see talked about, Anton and Sophia’s story is so beautifully tragic and underrated on a mature level that none of the other games really reach, and despite how upset I am we don’t get to see more of them, their love story is so impactful and emotional just from what little we do see, despite some of the oddities of how it plays out... they’re so sweet together and I cry so damn much over them ಥ⌣ಥ Iris is one of the most beautiful and touching songs in the series, too, and my favorite. And I’m a sucker for the Victorian era and cute romance lmao, so it just gets me like nothing else does... it’s so wonderful. saddest PL game, I will die on this hill. Even if I seem to talk a lot more about some of the other games/characters simply because there’s more content to talk about and there’s more to say about the more flawed content. you can’t improve perfection *chef’s kiss*, deep down, I think, this game will always be my favorite. ❤️
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shinrasfirst · 4 years
Lottie’s chain of sweetness.
It’s hot, we’re all irritated, some of us are having a shitty time of it lately. Repost this to your dash!
I have a bunch of characters, so I’ll give you one thing for 5 of them instead!
ONE Let’s start with my boy Zack. I like a lot about him, but one thing I really like is his optimism and his faith in people and the good in the world. That’s very not me, so I guess I find it inspiring to see someone who manages to remain so positive and driven despite all the bad things that happen to him. (I also really like how he approaches people, his kindness and contagious joy about life which makes him so hard to dislike, I’d argue.)
TWO Next up is Johnny, one of my latest muses. There’s a lot about him that I don’t know from canon and also a lot I haven’t hc’d about him yet, but from the things I have seen/decided on what I like the most is how genuine he is. He’s kind of a dumb dumb, but he is not a bad guy. He doesn’t do bad things just because he can, he’s even pretty outspoken about not doing them. He might be annoying Tifa with his love confessions, but he isn’t pushing himself on her, doesn’t touch her or ask inappropriate things. He will help you if you ask him, even if you’re not super close friends (AFTERWARDS you’ll be his friend tho, whether you want to or not u.u). He says what he thinks and he isn’t fake or lies.
THREE What I like about Rufus is that he really has a lot of shit happen to him, actually, but doesn’t give up. Of course he’s a spoiled rich bitch and he pulls a lot of shit himself, but still. He has the worst father in this entire franchise I’d argue, he almost dies a few times, he works hard for world domination and ends up with a lot of nothing in AC. Still he seems as sure as ever in AC and doesn’t break down or gives up. He still wants things and goes after them, and that strength is really admirable. (Detached from his actual goals lol).
FOUR I like Angeal because he’s so honorable it’s almost annoying. But every good story needs a guy like that; someone you roll your eyes at sometimes but at the same time wish you had around in real life. He’s a really good guy, he struggles but tries to be the best version of himself. He’s a tragedy because of it, but that’s part of what makes it so special.
FIVE I like Rude (my version of him, I suppose) for being steadfast, in who he is and what he wants. Sure, he also has days where he struggles with what he and Reno are asked to do for the company, but overall he isn’t a man plagued by doubt. He is confident in himself and stands by his values and opinions, and in that sense it’s not easy to unsettle him. Also, he has a big heart and he doesn’t think letting it guide his actions is a sign of weakness.
that’s really rough. i might mention some more okay?
ONE one of the first people i found on here and thoroughly fell in love with is @rcdwrxck. kay is just amazing. she’s funny and smart, great to talk to, great to plot with, write with, ship with. she is kind and caring and genuine. she has the floofiest dog in existence and i wish every day i could pet him. she’s also a huuuuge reno x rude shipper, who would have thought? heheheheehEHEHEHEHhhehhe. ---but seriously, kay you’re so precious, i’m keeping you forever. and i adore your reno and our threads and i’m not letting you go again. <33
TWO obligatory mention of course is @dogof-war. han is very high on the list of people i talk to the most in this fandom (if not THE person i talk to the most). talking to her is a blast, i have a lot of fun and i’m always happy to see messages from her. we keep plotting new nonsense all the time and all of it is quality shit 👌 her writing is swell and her portrayal of heidegger is really unique and wonderful. i was super intimidated by her when i first made this blog and followed, but now that we’re friends i find it hard to remember how that felt. i really appreciate her for just saying what she thinks relatively unfiltered, for indulging my weirder kinks and interests in rp (like the best ship in history rufus x heidegger, go home if you can’t handle it), and for occasionally salting with me about this and that. <33
THREE another person i talk to a lot (tho not as much as we used to) is @solnyeo / @persephina. first of all panda’s writing is incredible - the feeling and detail that go into it blow my mind *chef’s kiss*. secondly, panda is such a lovely person. full of creativity and kindness and always giving out positive energy for everyone. (i often get some sad vibes from you and i wish i knew how to cheer you up, but i hope you know i’m always around if you want to talk to me :) ) panda is so amazing to plot with. every little idea we share hatches into some beautiful butterfly of a story (that we end up not writing but--) and it’s pure joy to imagine worlds together :) aerith or not, i absolutely love seeing them around on my dash (& hopefully writing with them again soon). <33
FOUR another gem i have to mention is mari, @stingslikeabee. i don’t often bond so easily with ocs on tumblr but mari is a godsend. not only is her character amazing, well-developed, and fitting beautifully into the story; mari also manages to continuously blow me away with fabulous verse ideas, drabbles, meme or regular replies. she’s so creative and such a great writer - and on top of that a really kind, funny, genuine, caring, special person. the internet is a dark place full of weirdos and creeps but sometimes in this sea of coals you find pure gold and that’s mari. i’m really glad we found each other and i enjoy talking to her so much <33
FIVE of course i also have to mention @giftofthegodess because !!! i love rave. such an amazing genesis. an absolute highlight to plot with, full of creative ideas and beautiful headcanons. also sharing my hobby of making rare pairs, apparently, hehehe. also a fellow bts fan now, HEHEHHE. talking to rave is just so.. easy. they’re chill, funny, active, laid-back, and full of passions and thoughts they love to share. also enjoy throwing people under the bus by calling them out with discord screenshots. 👀 i feel really lucky to have met them in this fandom and i really love our ships and hope to see them going far <33
SIX I want an honorary mention for @hiislegacy because they’re one of my fave writers in this fandom. We don’t talk that often but it’s always fun when we do. I just feel like we’re on the same wavelength, and we’re both kinda old-school in our views on ships and writing and fanfics and such? Also they portray any muse they set their mind on really really really amazingly well. Love <33
SEVEN another person i appreciate immensely on here is @lifedxbt. they write a lot of muses but the one i interact with the most is definitely tseng. i really enjoy the way they write him, the continuity in their portrayal, their endless headcanons that keep giving this character more depth - and are so good it’s hard to remember that they’re not actually canon facts from the game. they’re one of the few people i even read some threads of that i’m not part of. they’re just hella amazing and i hope we get to write more in the future :)
EIGHT + some other people I adore and want to mention: @presidentiial (first of all thank you for this meme game, second of all you’re so kind and lovely like.. ALWAYS, i appreciate you a ton; and i always admire the effort and passion you put into your muses and blogs, you’re truly someone to look up to), @hautevaux (another oc in this fandom that’s just so well established and developed it’s easy to forget vaux isn’t a canon character; your writing is wonderful and somehow you manage to turn every situation and thread into something special with your magic tailor dust), @sweettifalockhart (we don’t talk as much as we should but i want you to know that i think very highly of you; i think your writing is next level, and you’re a joy to plot and write with), @devilreno (i sometimes feel like we’re those two people who kinda know each other from accidentally running into each other in the street, and we greet each other and cheer at each other from a bit of a distance but never really sit down together for a drink?? does that make any sense. have a drink with me is what i’m saying--- or, you know, let’s be friends. you’re amazeballs - and your writing and art are 👌👌👌), @makostamp / @reflectingchaos (we have sooo many threads together and i adore all of them!! you really write all your muses so well, it’s a joy to plot and write with you. i know you have your doubts sometimes, but you’re a really great rp partner and you come with everything one needs for having a great time in an rpc!!), @fraxcxccl (literally i’m your FAN. i’m blown away by your art, AND your writing AND the fact that you made up this amazing oc that ALSO feels like a canon character like, shut the front door. i’m not really a shy person but with you i still feel like i need to come up with something GOOD to approach you with before i’m worthy of writing with you. i’d love to though.), @turkoftheslums (you’re precious. i know you only love me for my dog but that’s okay, she’s the best part of me. we should write more because i really enjoy seeing you around and i feel like we could be good friends :) )
AND ANYONE I WRITE WITH AND HAVEN’T MENTIONED NOW, please don’t read anything into it. I’ve had this post in my drafts for weeks now and I kept going back to change it, add more people--- at some point I have to stop. I’m following you? That means I think your writing & portrayal are great. We’re probably one conversation away from being friends. <33333
these are all nonsense songs, all of which are guilty pleasures (if at all) of ME, not my muses. 
ONE Lol okay, so there’s definitely this song, which I found at 3 in the morning while browsing youtube and sent to Han as a joke about our ship, but I’ve listened to it so often by now that I’ve had to begrudgingly admit that it’s actually not so bad. The lyrics still kill me, but it’s such a good smut writing song.
TWO HAHAAAA, okay this one is hilarious. Haven’t thought of that one in years, my sister reminded me when I told her about this meme. It’s super dumb, be glad if you can’t understand the lyrics (I’m guessing only one person I’ve talked to on here will be able to understand). It’s basically about “playing doctor” in a sexual way and the shit she sings, let me tell you. But the beat is kinda nice, haha.
THREE Let’s stay with the German songs for a moment, because I remember loving this song SO much when it came out (in my defense I was like 14) and even now I have to admit it’s not awful. I also remember not knowing it the twins are girls or boys when I first watched it, because honestly his voice is like ??? And he kinda looks like a female singer that’s quite popular in my country.
FOUR Also I’m a trashcan so I like club music, especially for working out, and I’ve been weirdly obsessed with this one. It’s repetitive af and really only good for running but ?? I love it?? (You have to fast forward a bit, the beginning is only beat).
FIVE This needs to be on this list as well. Because it’s a bit ?? but also it’s hella great. Anyone who says they can’t feel it, is lying.
Tagged: if you’re seeing this and haven’t done it yet, please do it. i can’t tell anymore who’s done it already and who hasn’t!!
Tagged by: @madamdirectcr​
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So 5x18...
...Well hot d*mn.
Man when Supergirl fires on all cylinders...HOO BOY.
Case in point: *gestures to all of 5x18*
To be clear: I liked this one.
Not that I disliked 5x17, necessarily. It’s just that 5x18 was more... Entertaining? ...I dunno. I dunno how to explain it.
...Okay yes I do and that explanation is: Someone remarked on Kara’s use of language and Kara overcompensated on the ‘NOooOOooOO I’m totally 100% normal!’ AND there was a musical quote AND it was WHILE TEAMING UP WITH ALEX TO FOLLOW A LEAD.
But I’m getting ahead of myself let’s backtrack...
June Foray voice: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?!?!?!
I know I’m not the first person to make that reference but it’s always fitting and, for real, recurring character status WHEN. (I mean. Obviously I would prefer series regular but that feels like a big ask considering that all future TV production is...uh. Ah. Erm....
...Up in the air. At the moment.)
And then we check in with the Luthors and Non Nocere isn’t working???
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I am shocked! Shocked, I say!
And then we’ve got Obsidian doing something ill-advised which is basically the company’s MO at this point but KELLY AND WILLIAM ARE ON THE CASE REGARDLESS.
(So that’s kinda the one thing I’m sad about re: the Crisis reset; Andrea’s character development. But she’s sticking around for next season so I’m not too upset that she remains...kinda...one note for now.)
And THEN the library scene. 
It was so gooooood.
Then Leviathan and okay. Alright. Okay. Huge points in this episode’s favor: Rama Khan feels like a far more significant threat. And I feel like 80% of that is the fact that they just let him wear normal clothes. Thank you, show. Thank. You.
Also the rock effects were way better in this episode because they weren’t footing the bill for a giant crossover episode this time around
I am a little confused, though, by what has and has not happened with regards to Rama Khan on Earth Prime. Did the pre-Crisis stuff...happen? The dialogue...kinda made it hard to decide one way or the other. ‘He hasn’t been seen on this Earth for 100s of years’ but then also, ‘a chilly place you know quite well.’ So...he...did go to the Fortress. And fight Kara? But...all that stuff before Crisis...???
...Not gonna bother with that right now.
POINT IS...Leviathan is finally like...invested in killing Supergirl* and menacing in a very real way which both raises the stakes and makes it personal and that’s way more interesting than ‘nebulous evil organization that must be stopped.’
*I know they kinda sorta already did the whole, ‘let’s kill the Kryptonian!’ and invaded the Fortress but I don’t know what to tell ya, it was just lackluster.
I am firmly in camp: I don’t care if they’re never green again I love seeing them in the super suits with their human faces IT’S GREAT.
Love that Nia’s snoring interrupts the moment.
Also love the deck of Rama Khan playing cards, that must’ve been a fun project for the graphic designers.
Then we’ve got William and Kara at CatCo and it’s baked goods! A hilarious line delivery by Staz! A ridiculous fabrication involving a shy, violent cat!
...Now I want Alex to actually own a shy, violent cat!
“Cats love me, for some reason.” “Of course they do.”
Side note: Love Kara’s blazer.
We love to see it.
The interrogation scene is good n’ tense and ramps up to a very impressive showdown in the DEO (but BEFORE the sparks really start flying we get that rad shot of Kara leaping through the window and doing the superhero landing and it’s just
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Also perfect? Lex playing a game of transmatter pickle with the prisoners.
Then we jump back to the DEO where things are not going well!
Like, really really bad! 
But J’onn and M’gann save the day! If not the building!
RIP DEO. 2016-2020
Obituary: The DEO headquarters is survived by its elder sibling, the DEO desert base.
Look none of the favs work there anymore save for Kara and Brainy and they’re both gonna be better off working freelance for J’onn but I do expect Brainy to at least pick up some additional cash by working as a Lyft driver next season.
Me, watching the characters struggle to make it in the gig economy: I feel so seen.
The final portion of the episode is just ALL ACTING and I must say...good stuff.
Like. This cast, man. They take the plot points I’ve been ‘meh’ about all season and they turn in some stellar performances and suddenly I’m like STANDING OVATION, CAN’T WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES.
Also, reason #342 I love Jon Cryer’s Lex: that scene with Lena.
Full disclosure: I went in to this episode fully prepared to be really annoyed with whatever was going to happen with Lena and I still don’t...love the trajectory of this season, being so tied up in her personal drama but. 
Katie McGrath’s performance...went an awful long way here. In making this...not as bad as it could have been.
Like tearfully admitting she was hurt? And that hurt was the basis of all the nonsense she pulled? Finally owning up to the fact that this was never truly about the greater good but that it was all rooted in some personal issues and OUTRIGHT STATING SHE WAS BEHAVING LIKE A VILLAIN????
I am. Extremely impressed.
EVEN MORE IMPRESSIVE THOUGH: Kara remaining distant both physically and emotionally throughout that scene! Not in like, a cold uncaring way, but in a, ‘I have emotions and I have a right to feel them and set boundaries in regards to my trusting you right now given all that has transpired’ kind of way.
(Lex’s outburst has that kind of same Nice Guy undertone--albeit more pronounced and rage-y--as Lena’s in the Fortress. Like, ‘I supported you and you still rejected my plot to take over the world’ and ‘I was kind to you and you still messed up my mind control’ which...I dunno I might just be digging in too deep here in order to further justify the character turn but I think Cryer’s performance regardless is a really sobering wake up call for Lena, different than Lex stuff we’ve seen before. It’s close and intense and uncomfortable in a way that really sells the motivation.)
“You’re a monster...but that doesn’t mean I have to be one too.”
Wow. Might be...the first time I’ve liked Lena all season.
...whispers: might be the first time I’ve liked her ever at all
For real: credit where it’s due, that was an excellent line read.
*insert applause here*
But, look, it’s a little undermined by the fact that they both gotta try and embrace in those bulky super suits, I’m sorry, it’s true
...Maybe it’s more endearing that way?
HEY remember how I foolishly assumed that the now-unemployed Alex would simply continue to work with J’onn in an investigative capacity and, ya know, NOT jump straight back into costumed badassery? 
Those leaked set photos make sense now.
Real glad Staz confirmed he’s returning. Otherwise I would not be able to DEAL WITH THE STRESS.
I already talked a little bit about the loft scene but some additional points! Beautiful lighting. Wonderful score. Excellent performances all around.
A truly great end to a truly great episode.
Like, it makes me retroactively sad, that we’re only getting 5x19, as opposed to 5x19 and 5x20 because I wish that the crew/writers/actors had a little more space to let all of this good work they’ve done settle and breathe. 
(But also, it was good that they stopped production, from a safety standpoint, so. Can’t be too upset.)
And, regardless of how the next episode goes down (b/c I’m gonna be real, SG always does really great set-ups for their season finales and then kinda...rushes to the finish line and that can only be further exacerbated in this particular case) I’m just really impressed with this effort here.  
...but also LET’S TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE SOME WILD GUESSES. Specifically, what is Alex’s vigilante name gonna be??? 
Alright I generally try to avoid addressing specific fandom complaints in these things b/c I generally try to avoid the fandom itself but of course some stuff has already leaked through all of my blocks/muting so:
‘Lena didn’t apologize!’ The words ‘I’m sorry’ were not said, sure, but 1.) season’s not over and 2.) for Lena, admitting she was wrong is huge. HUUUUUUUGE. It’s solid character growth and I really wish various subsets of fandom would recognize that it’s not fun, when fans hold on to negative stuff from characters’ past and refuse to acknowledge that the characters have changed.
‘Brainy should have seen this coming!’ This one is kind of more down to personal preference I guess but I feel like they’ve established that Brainy’s got a bit of a blindspot due to his feelings about his friends, so I don’t take this as a knock against his intelligence so much as him being stretched fairly thin because he’s playing all sides, and worried about the people he loves. YMMV, though. 
All the ‘fix-it’ stuff re: the last scene, by making Kara immediately forgive Lena. Lose me with that nonsense, bleh. 
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Oh, great HEAVENS and HELLS and All the Skies ABOVE!
I sang my heart out. And I actually really LIKED the way my voice is sounding! I’ve been teaching myself to sing with More Emphasis on Where Notes Change (cleaning up my pitch especially), but ALSO a lot on EXPRESSION. Bright and happy, warm crescendos for a Happy Moment, and the longer, smoother lullaby sort of legato for the sadder, dismal songs. Sweeter note swings for adoration and mournful keening in a song of loss. I’m learning how to stay not only On Key, but how to Adjust my Tones within that pitch to express more emotion!
And I’m learning, mind you I’m using technical training I received in choir and show choir and senior choir and music theory classes, I’m learning the difference between Purely Scientific Breath Support, and a PASSIONATE all-in huff of the diaphragm!! Theoretically I knew how to RECOGNIZE it, but actually capturing that Feeling was something I always struggled with.
I’ve done a lot of work in the past few years to Unlock my Emotions. I’m getting better at letting them out into the world verbally, and I’m getting better at doing that vocally as well.
Something magical happened. Long story short? Someone enthusiastically, sincerely, 100% honestly COMPLIMENTED my singing!
Last week, Wednesday I think?, I had gone out for a walk. I intended it to take 45 minutes, maybe an hour. Just, enough to get some exercise. But as I was walking, I was singing. And I found something in myself, I can’t quite put a name to it. But that fear of others hearing me? It just.... wasn’t there, as anything more than the faintest shadow faded by the bright light of... some kind of CONFIDENCE!
Now, mind you, I was singing along to songs from Tarja’s Into the Raw album, which I only half-know. (I’m learning them quickly, but I don’t listen to music as much as I used to... hmm. I think I’m in the midst of changing that, actually.) But my point is, I haven’t listened to it many times (Serene aside), and I have sung it even fewer. I wasn’t entirely certain where all of the notes fall, the keys change. But I was singing along as best I could. Not quite a full-on belt, but a sweet lullaby sort of singing to myself, really.
I introduced her to Ghost Love Score. Which she wound up ENJOYING! Hahaaaa, score one for the symphonic metal group. 
So between her and the other neighbor listening with her, I found out that I have to look into Electric Light Orchestra and Mannheim Steamroller, both of which are names I’ve seen, but not musicians I’ve heard. (I still have to give them a listen, whoops. Tomorrow, maybe...)
Anyways, singing came up, turns out she’s quite a trained singer, and I said I could sing this song, if she liked. So I started singing along a bit. Conversation drifted and it petered out; I wasn’t positioned so they could hear me very well over the speakers, anyways. But she did say I have a nice voice.
At some point she decided to sing a karaoke song. No, sing isn’t right-- she PERFORMED it!
I forget exactly what I said; she performed it so WELL, and I gushed With Specific Things I Loved (as I tend to do because it’s good to let people know Exactly What You Noticed), and she said something like “You know something about music!” And we started talking about our choir experiences, the music in our lives. And at one point, she decided she had to play something for me to sing.
So I requested the song I’d been working on, Serene. And she played it. And I sang.
I sang my HEART out! Despite being a bit out of breath from walking uphill (and a few of my notes slipping Too High), and missing a couple lines, I had the capacity to PUSH for those soprano notes, and softened for the bridge, I was swaying, my head dancing a bit, and I was SMILING so, so much! I sang with PASSION, with DELIGHT, and my voice came out so WELL! It sounded like ME, not Tarja or Simone or Floor or Dianne, but ME! Fully ME.
Her response? “I have to get a mic behind you.” She said she loved that my voice had that opera quality, and though I know I’m no classically-trained opera singer, it was just so REFRESHING and RELIEVING and ENERGIZING to hear someone that actually APPRECIATES that!
I’ve spent so many years living with a family that called my music “that crap”, that told me not to sing, that made fun of me for singing with the opera-influenced style that I think brings out the best in my voice. The one year I was with my mother, she was never home, so I was often singing to myself... Sure, in the time I’ve been back with them, both of my younger siblings have complimented my voice. My little brother said he could sing as well as me, and my little sister has told me she likes hearing my voice when I’m singing. But it’s hard to let two little positive comments . After she called Within Temptation “crap”, and got angry that I played it while cleaning, I started wearing headphones, but I still sang along. At least, I did until she berated me for using headphones while I was doing the dishes, because “The whole point of headphones is to not hear the music”. When I would be on the long drive to visit my mother with my siblings, my oldest younger sister would often snap at me to stop singing along with whatever I was listening to. When you’re young and self-conscious, little things like, peppered constantly over your life, that destroy your confidence.
But especially through working with my mother and my organization, I’ve been getting that confidence back, and finding my voice. Quite literally, I’ve used my actual speaking voice more in the past three years than I probably have my entire LIFE. Talking with my siblings, talking with my mentors, voice-chatting with friends... Just, gaining strength in my actual vocal muscles that I never had before. My speaking voice has changed DRAMATICALLY; it used to be higher, further forward, and a whole lot less steady. Certainly less expressive of anything but an underlying sense of worry or tension or questioning or dead cynicism.
So what I’m trying to say is, hearing someone so DELIGHTED by my singing, actually WANT to magnify my voice, just to hear me “free my soul”, which she said exactly because I was a touch hesitant, telling her I wasn’t really warmed up so it might not sound “as good”, but she was adamant that I so it. And I’m so, so glad she was so determined. So reassuring. So delighted!
Employing gloves I’ve been carrying and a separate microphone, she pulled up a karaoke version of Whisper for me to sing. I didn’t perform that one quite as well as Serene, for some reason? Though I NAILED a few of the notes, and I absolutely KILLED the soaring vocalizations after Certain Choruses (the one right before the guitar solo, and the ones in the final verses of the song that I added Some Personal Flair to because I just FELT it). It took me awhile to find My Voice in that song; I think it’s the key, I don’t do nearly as well with alto notes.
Although I seem to have found my “chest voice” with SOME kind of strength tonight, whew! That’s another thing I’ve been working on; I sing quite well in the s2 range, and I can go quite high and still sound refined, but once we start sinking into the alto ranges, I start having trouble with pitch and projection.
But anyways, we talked quite a bit after that, I wound up making a friend, and my confidence in my voice is now shining brighter than ever. I can’t express how much of a gift it is to have someone who’s far more educated in music than me (in a musical profession!) say that she LOVED my VOICE, even though the operatic style isn’t exactly “in style”, you know? It was AMAZING. She said I was welcome to karaoke party with her any time, and she walked me home. 
So tonight, even though it was 1 and 2 and 3 a.m, I sang to the fullest extent of my abilities. The first song I sang was Ghost Love Score, and at first I was timidly shying away from Going All Out because Wow Some of Those Notes are High and require a LOUD and POWERFUL voice to prettify! But by 3 songs in, I was like “FUCK it, it’s my BIRTHDAY, this is my treat to myself, and if they’re awake to hear it, that’s their problem.” 
So I sang the FUCK out of Phantom of the Opera, Sancta Terra, Sound of Silence, Over the Hills and Far Away, Bless the Child, Supremacy, Paradise (What About Us), and Serene, just to round off another triumphant session of singing.~
Difficult ranges and notes that swan-dive and slides and staccato exhalations I struggled most with, but for the most part? Oh my stars. I was SO PROUD of my voice! (The first few videos I was watching were vocal coaches reacting to my singing idols, and some of the things she said? Even if I don’t know exactly where the larynx is, the stuff about the soft palate and note slides and starting high notes strongly... I’ve got some of it down! And it’s quite a glowy feeling when a professional singer compliments a sound that you just made Very Successfully.
I can’t claim I sounded as good as Tarja or Simone; of course not! There were plenty of places I added my own style. My notes aren’t as clean or QUITE so strong in some places. But there were also places I absolutely SHINED, and I would actually be flattered to find out someone heard me tomorrow, because that means I’m really getting good at projecting a strong, solid sound!!
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oh-kaaay · 5 years
1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 17, 21, 35
ohoho! thank you dear friend! a chance to talk about my children is ALWAYS appreciated!
1. A favourite character you have played.
well, this should be easy. tyshvan copperhelm is the character i play the most, after all. but... thing is, i’ve had the most fun playing more chaotic characters. so, for this answer, i’m gonna say fwoosh. he’s my kenku who sounds like mean owen wilson! but if you mean just my overall favourite character? it’s tyshvan. it’ll always be tyshvan. she’s a cleric-bard dwarf and basically the party mom
2. Your favourite character that someone else has played.
okay. okay hands down, 100%, tenny c, elven bard-with-a-secret-rogue-side. he’s tyshvan’s best friend, and he’s played by my lovely gf, @shfcapb! he’s honestly iconic. i can’t get into it all here, but ask her about him sometime and you’ll get some real gems. he’s married to @scottidols‘s half-elf half-vampire ranger emardo trex, and is teaching him how to read (’:
6. Favourite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
hahaaaa, fun fact, my main campaign, the sauce, has a negative death count. so npcs and player characters don’t just NOT die, sometimes npcs that WERE dead come right back due to absolute shenanigans. it’s never just “ah, we might as well resurrect X”, it’s always like... something no one expects? so uhh, i guess, out of the enemies we’ve killed, i really loved how we tackled a toschar chilling in a mage tower. we couldn’t go up to face him, so we just decided to start looting the tower while we waited for him to come down and face us. then we laid a trap for him, involving grease, invisibility, a griffon, and a severed hand. good times.
10. Your favourite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
hm. tough question. technically, those would be the same enemy for me, bc i live for good enemies, but like... probably the enemy i hate the most is the lack of communication between our characters, so the drama builds! but, i also love it, so like... it’s fine. my favourite enemy we actually fought is probably our current arc’s boss, a bard named lakat. we met him for the first time the other day and literally demolished his army and would have killed him, if he wasn’t just an illusion on the battlefield. but like, we bumped into him for the second time and basically jumped him in his own house, almost wrecked his whole plan, and then took the captain of his bugbear army’s boots as payment to leave his base and let him like... live another day. this is particularly funny when you consider it took us an in-game year to even THINK about tackling kalarel, a nasty necromancer. probably an irl year too, if we’re honest.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
ohhhh boy, too many of those. but let’s go with some of the highlights!
firstly, halfling as a language? it’s just memes and jokes. halflings be like “haha lit” (dabs) and other races are like.... what the Fuck.
dm: alright, when last we left our heroes... who would like to do the recap?everyone: (dead silent for 30 seconds)
“hm. but that would be very interestingggg...”
“don’t worry guys, i think this is gonna be a chill session” (10 minutes later, we burn down a tavern, accidentally kill a single mother but save her kid, and resolve a bunch of character drama between a vampire and a god whilst almost dying ourselves) (next time) “i think this is gonna be a ch--” “NO DON’T CURSE THE SESSION” (even now, typing it out, i get shivers. it’s like our version of a scottish play. we have a session later today and i am fearful i’ve already cursed it by uttering the phrase)
“you wanna learn about... dwarven anatomy~?” 
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
if you “bard to bard” (ie, sing/play music as a bard) you get hella inspiration dice. once, we had a crossover session with some other campaigns in a big boss battle, meaning we had 4 bards who could bard to bard. we wrote a HUGE song with a bunch of different parts. it ended up being like 5+ minutes long? and got us all like 4d100 insp dice. per bard. we ended up needing them all.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
in-game or irl? bc irl, im a basket of anxiety so i absolutely regret a lot of stuff, bc like, “oh no, that was not in-character, that was not a good decision, etc etc” until the cows come home. i’ve learnt to try to chill out, but it’s kinda a constant noise in the back of my mind.
in-game, tyshvan regrets not being able to save the mother that died in the original, classic “chill session”. she regrets her entire approach to her will-they-won’t-they maybe-relationship with the npc wizard, equus. she has a lot of regrets, really. but she’s working to get over them!!
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
oh man. if i could JUST roleplay for an entire session, i would. which is funny bc that was not the case in the beginning. but as i’ve grown alongside tyshvan, she’s really come into her own. and with the help of the party, she’s been able to relax a bit more and be more like... real, as opposed to just churning out inspirational speeches. but that’s still her number one activity!
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
Life updates for 12:10pm, Monday, June 8th of 2020:
I am severely depressed, hahaaaa.
Every day is a huge struggle to even get out of bed. It gets better, eventually.
A large chunk of my friends are either nonbinary, spiritual, gender non-conforming, or (sadly) experienced similar trauma as I have. The last one sucks, but it still counts as a collective, "Oh awesome, everyone I know relates to me on niche things that others usually can't relate all too heavily too". Do you know how nice it is having other friends that do manifesting and are out here buying crystals and Florida Water? Yall are such bad bitches. I love yall. If I do ever travel to another state or vice versa, me and one of my online homies are gonna go to a spa together. Fuck yeah, gang gang in this bitch yall. (LMFAOOOO why must i say this.)
Also had an interesting talk about gender bias with a cis fellow. He was just like "they had a WOMENS ONLY job opportunity class that I WANTED TO, like, why do they get resources that i dont???", which lead to a bit of a winded talk, but all in all, we both got the collective gist of "gender biasing anything and excluding people from work and jobs in industries all for a certain bro culture is idiotic and ridiculous". And how gender restrictions for certain jobs are stupid, and literally lead to tons of people having restricted lives due to refusing basic ass access. (Like how strong men and women exist, but refusing to let women work due to a bias in construction or police work is idiotic.) So yknow, glad we hit the same page. Nice fellow, making a lot of international buddies these days.
Also it reminded me of my old job, where my boss saw me and my other young female coworker as useless, and often had "bro time" where he and six other men took ages to figure out how to set up a SINGLE computer. I got paid either way, but still gross. Since for fucks sake, I HAD VALID EXPERIENCE WITH CORDS AND SETTING UP TVS, but nooooo, let the very old and blind easily winded old misogynists sit around talking about the 60s. Smh. My boss was divorced three times and his personality always shows why.
Anyway, making more friends. I try to be as supportive of peeps transitioning as possible, since people are ridiculously out of pocket or vicious to those who dont conform to gendered looks. I already get enough shit from people who hate how anti-feminine I look from time to time, AND how aggressive or entitled others can get when I do.... So, I wanna help those who although might be physically stronger or whatever be safer, since the world is cruel. And if enough people become comfortable with transgender people or cis peeps who just like clothing not inherently gendered for them, then I feel like the world becomes a better place. I still feel terrible knowing some people get treated like total shit or even killed for their sexuality or whatnot, and not everyone is next to SF where this shit is normalized.... I just wanna support those who I can, fam.
Got to send my friend Kieran a bunch of tutorials for things like T-shirt upcycle DIYs and circle skirts from alt youtubers and whatnot. Been broke, been awkwardly transitioning into a more feminine or androgynous style with champagne tastes and a public water fountain with 99 cent crystal lite packet budget. I know how thats like. Hope they make some fly ass looks with that.
And my other friend José is doing well. We haven't talked in awhile, but they're still a great friend/acquaintance. A nice buddy of mine. Talked today, felt great.
I'm also inspired by recent protests to restart up a certain project of mine. Feels good, even if I struggle to finish a project; just happy that my room is completed, and to now be able to do whatever I feel for myself.
0 notes
randoreviews · 7 years
“Oh my god... You guys?... Guess what... IT’S FRIDAAAAYY... WHO’S GOING TO THE CLUUUUUB... Yes... Got my man Billy Bojangles right here with me, Billy, what’s good with you?” “What up what up what up.” “And you know it’s ya girl, Tiffany Jam. Billy B, what’s goin on though?” “Chillin chillin chillin.” “Wait a minute though, hold up... How do you feel about the fact that it’s FRIDAAAAY.” “It’s crazy, it’s crazy. I feel blessed right now.” “Riiiiiiiight? Ya girl Tiffany cannot WAIT to get a little white wine spritzer in her, what have you, get my little, you know, dance oooon. You know what I’m saying, Billy B.” “Hahaaaa.” “To see what I get up to this lovely Friday evening, you already know, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TripAdvisor at xTiffanyJamBadBitchx. Billy, what’s up, can I get a little help with the plug?” “HEY, LISTEN UP RIGHT NOW, EVERYONE OUT THERE FOLLOW MY GIRL X TIFFANY JAM BAD BITCH X.” “Aww, thanks, boo. You’re the best. Real quick, shout out your own handle!” “You already know, people, flippin stories like I’m flippin pies, my handle is billybojanglessnowflake43, and I am most active on Zillow.”  “You ain’t even telling a lie, Billy, I checked out your Zillow the other night and I was like, daaamn, Billy’s getting it iiin. Look at how much fun Billy Bojangs is having.” “People know the daily.” “But maybe follow me first because, duh, Friday, maybe one or two or three or four crotch shots... what?... in my IG stories cuz what does it matter, goes away after twenty-four houweeeerrrs.” “True true true.” “We have the latest hits burning up the charts for you to help you get ready for the weekend, here’s one from Zayn and Lil Ruh Roh called ‘Slave 2 the D,’ only on KISS 104.7.” ... “Oh my god, don’t you just want to mess Zayn’s hair up and then straddle him and take inappropriate Instagram stories to get your followers up and make people jealous and then drain him of all his sexual essence, don’t you want to, Billy?” “I mean, not me personally cuz I don’t get down with other dudes like that...” “...” “But I gotta admit the guy has a sexy voice.”  “Riiiiiiight? Ruh Roh does his thing too on that one, let’s not forget Ruh Roh.”  “Oh, definitely, definitely.” “You guys. Guess what? Look at the calendar. It’s the day we’ve been working towards all week, just counting every SECOND until we get here, not one enjoyable moment during the week, just every millisecond a soul-sucking grind and an extended slow death, for the majority of our lives, IT’S FRIDAAAAAY.”  *sound effect of a bomb exploding* “Billy Bo Baggins, what will you be sippin on on this LOVELY Friday evening? Are people even gonna be ready for what you’re about to tell them?” “For real? Probably not. But you know I gotta go with that Laphroaig... mixed with Dimetapp... mixed with some echinacea for my immune systems.” “Daaaamn... Is that why your Zillow is so abstract and thought-provoking but also healthy at the same time?”  “No doubt.” “All right, hashtag Friday, we got a little question for our WONDERFUL listeners out there... Do women prefer a guy with a six-pack... or an eight-pack... or just, after one drink do you lose your morals and does it not matter? We’ll take your answers after this absolutely litty banger by Nicki Minaj and Willie Nelson called ‘Stick It in My Eye.’” ... “Two words for you... one syllable... FRI... DAY. You guys. How do we feel about that new Nicki/Willie banger? Billy, how do you feel about it?” “Honestly? That little banjo over that 808? That sound right to me.” “Nicki and Willie, killing it. Okay, our question before the break was, Ladies, all you ladiiies out there, do you prefer a guy with a) a six-pack, b) an EIGHT-pack, or c) doesn’t matter, morals out the window on a Friday after one drink. Jill in Point Springs, what’s up, girl?” “Oh, hello, yes, first of all I had have to say, a), morals out the window.” “Is that a breeze I feel? Okay, girl! Like they say, girl, honesty is the best policy. Unless you’re trying to mindmess him and mess him over. But us ladies have to do what we have to do. Zoozoo in Rockwell, six-pack, eight-pack, or no-pack but some Parrots Bay?” “Please someone help me! I’m old and I’ve fallen and hurt my hip! I live at...” “Ayyye, okay, we keepin it fresh today, please disregard that last call... Billy, I know you got, like, minimum eighteen-pack. I’m seein your stories and I’m like, okay, okay!, Billy’s really putting in the work right now.” “Yeah, you know I like to live record my whole workout for people to see, try to be an inspiration to others.” “I’m like, daaaamn, I gotta do my little crunches and lunges and drink my little booty-building detox tea.” “As a man, you know what I’m saying, I can say, I appreciate the work you put in.” “Aww, thanks, boo. Who’s better than you? We’re in the Friday mix, peopaaaaaaal. Friday Friday Friday... Friday Friday Friday... Parrots Bay and bad decisions. The quiet desperation of living. Whaaaat? Billy Blanks Bojangs! There is a new survey... done by the Peabody Parks Association... that says ninety-five percent of women would choose to be with a total a-hole who makes five hundred k a year... or no money a year... over only five percent of women who would choose a nice guy who makes somewhere in the sixty thousand dollar range.” “Woooooooow. Woooooooow.” “Men, keep your paper up. We don’t want no scrubs. I have no respect for myself. Here’s a new track by Selena Gomez featuring Chumbawamba called ‘Liquid Starburst,’ oh, but, illy-ism, I almost got ahead of myself, let’s take one more caller to see how they feel about this new song on a Friday.” “Please someone help. I’m terribly old and scared and confused. My dog Biscuits isn’t here anymore. I’m afraid I might die alo...” “WEEEEEKEEEEEEEEEEEEND.” “Oh baby, the way you touch me is like liquid starbursts in my mooouth” 
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