elizabethmasen · 7 years
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I believe, I believe in the things you do.
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
For weeks on end Magnus and Alec had both been battling eachother to see who could out-do each other on dates. 
During their first date,they had talked over coffee and found they both had a love for an Ethiopianrestaurant that was nearby. So obviously, Magnus had taken Alec there for theirsecond date. Ever since then, a silent competition had settled among the coupleas they got to know each other.
Alec hit back by taking Magnus to a fancy restaurant that hecould barely afford and had to bend over backwards to get reservations for. Butit was worth it when Alec saw the look on Magnus’ face, and he thought he had wononce Magnus kissed him for the very first time.
But, oh, how wronghe was.
Magnus had taken Alec to a fun fair that was in town,remembering how Alec mentioned he had never been to one. And when they wereboth cuddled up on the Ferris wheel, watching the fireworks in the sky reflectin each other’s eyes, Alec knew he had to step up his game. He whisked Magnusaway for a weekend away, going down to the beach and having a hotel room all tothemselves. And being pressed up to Magnus him, no clothes in their way, for anentire day, he was sure he had won.
That was until Magnus took him to see his favourite band.Not only that, he managed to get them front row tickets. Alec had thankedMagnus very well for it the samenight. And he could see that Magnus thought he had won. But Alec Lightwood wasnot one to back down from a challenge.
Magnus stepped into his apartment, letting out an exhaustedbreath of air. He had a long day at work, and all he wanted to do was fall intobed and sleep.  However, as soon as thedoor shut, Magnus looked up and noticed it.
The room was dimmed to a low light, and across the floor wasa trail of rose petals which led to the open doors of his balcony. There in themiddle of his balcony, was a table with a candle sat in the middle of it.Magnus stepped forward to run his hands along the cloth, smiling at themismatched cutlery placed on top of it. Arms wrapped around his waist, and hefelt his boyfriend nuzzle into his neck.
“What’s all this for?” Magnus leant back to rest againstAlec’s chest.
“You deserve nice things. And I love you.” And. That was thefirst time Alec had ever said that to him. He turned around to face him,getting lost in the warm hue of his hazel eyes.
“I love you too, Alexander.” Neither of them could stop thegrins on their faces as they continued to stare, their eyes gleaming withadoration. Magnus peeled his eyes off his boyfriend to look at what he had setup for them and remembering their silent competition, he threw his head backand laughed.
“You win. There’s noway I’m gonna top this.”
(Except he did, three years later when he proposed to Alecon the same balcony.)
jodie’s 6k prompt extravaganza
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