lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
“Hey, you okay?”
Magnus turned around from where he was stood, Alec’s voice pulling him out of the trance he was in. Alec was stood in the doorway between the entrance and the living room, slowly buttoning up his shirt as he looked at Magnus with creased brows.
A smile broke onto Magnus’ face as he stepped forward and captured Alec’s hands in his, stopping his from buttoning up the last few buttons of the shirt. “I’m fine darling. And might I say, you look very handsome this morning.”
The corner of Alec’s lips twitched as he ducked his head slightly. “Thanks babe. You look very handsome too.” Alec’s hand came to rest on Magnus waist, pulling him in closer. Magnus was absentmindedly running his hands across Alec’s chest, straightening out the shirt, when Alec’s thumb started to stroke his cheek.
“You sure you’re okay? You know you can tell me anything right?”
Magnus met Alec’s eye, drowning in the love that was swimming through them. “I know. And I promise, I’m okay. Especially here with you.”
“You’re a sap.”
“Mm, you love me though.” Magnus cupped Alec’s cheek, their faces getting closer and their eyes closing as breath brushed over lips.
“Always and forever.”
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malecsecretsanta · 7 years
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— hell is just a meeting room for the forgotten and the abandoned (j.p.)
Merry Christmas. @dandymot!
Kit, you wished for badass!Magnus and battle!couple Malec, here it is. I hope you like it. Happy Holidays!
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actuallyadhd · 7 years
hi! i’m taking part in the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition this year, and i’m doing a study on stim toys, and the advantages and disadvantages of their normalization. i was wondering if you could share my survey for me!
the people whom i’m looking for to fill this out are ideally people with adhd, autism, or anyone who knows somebody with adhd or autism (this also includes people who are self diagnosed), who are currently attending school. the survey is on google forms, and contains 13 yes/no questions.
thank you in advance!!
link to the survey here.
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magnus/alec | 1/? | rated t | 2,6k+
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear, nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.”
(Excerpt from “Walden”, by Henry David Thoreau.)
or, the one where Magnus Bane teaches English at high school, and Alexander Lightwood is the recently graduated, beautiful art teacher.
(read on ao3)
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iconiczuko · 7 years
i refuse to go into the notes of all the trans peter headcanon posts (for fear of absolute idiots) so ima just say i love your headcanons and i love my son peter parker, a trans boy, the best superhero in the mcu
the year is not important. i am standing in the wreckage of the trans peter headcanon posts. the notes are a post-apocalyptic wasteland. a tumblrweed rolls by in the breeze. the few survivors must fight for resources. an innocent cishet cries out, “no! not spiderman! dont take my precious cisgender superhero!” but it is too late. i have already captured the spiderman. i shoot the cishet, killing it instantly. freedom
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alecsimon · 7 years
for me, i definitely think intimacy plays a big role in differentiating a romantic relationship and a friendship, but then you also have to factor platonic relationships into that. i think just being that close with somebody and letting them to see the parts of you that you wouldn't necessarily share with family and friends is important. there can be sex in a romantic relationship, sure, but there has to be that trust, allowing yourself to be completely open and vulnerable (1/3 woops)
with the person you love, if that makes sense? like, that factors in all the ups and down, all the good times and bad. i don’t think romantic love is more important, even though it might end up more central to some people’s lives than friendships, for better or worse. friendships, to me, are more about the level of comfort you feel around the other person/people. you love them and it can be intimate, but again, i think there’s another level when it becomes romantic. i also find this discussion interesting because ive known that im bi for a year or so, and going to an all-girls school, i lumped my feelings into the ‘it’s just platonic, we’re just friends’ pile for years! i think i keep saying there’s another level regarding platonic love because it takes me a long time to figure out if what im feeling is romantic or platonic. i’ve gone so long being confused that i have to rely on that overwhelming feeling to tell that it’s different to everything else 
do you not feel completely open and vulnerable with your best friend? which parts of yourself do you feel like you hide from your family and friends that isn’t sex related? i’ve definitely gotten a lot of different asks from different gender identities and sexualities and i think it plays a factor into what you identify love as due to ur growing relationship with the idea of love itself. 
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bipeterparker · 7 years
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tbh that might be the final straw for me aksnsksnsk they pull the shut instagram and facebook do i gotta delete
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spiderbarnes-blog · 7 years
dandymot replied to your post: @ the people watching defenders: can i watch it...
im on episode 6 rn and i havent seen iron fist, but i’ve kinda grasped the basics of what went on, who he’s worked with, stuff like that (i’ll probably go and look up the summary of the plot when i rewatch, but you should be good!!)
oh awesome!!!! im glad someone is in the same boat as me!!! thank you for letting me know :-)
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
“What’s this?”
Magnus turned his torso round to look at Alec who was sat on top of his desk, a photo frame in his hands. Magnus’ eyes flickered down, seeing over the top of the frame to get a glimpse at the picture. A soft smile filtered to his lips when he realised what it was. 
The frame held a picture of them both.
It was a selfie they had taken one morning when they didn’t have any obligations except to themselves. In the picture Alec was facing the camera, but his eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was open in a laugh. Magnus was behind him, his chin hooked over Alec’s shoulder and he was pressing a kiss to his cheek, causing the smile on Alec’s face. Magnus’ own face was scrunched up in happiness, his smile evident in the crinkles by his eyes.
Magnus loved that photo. They both looked unapologetically happy and in love. And whenever he looked at that photo, he always remembered that morning when Alec had opened the camera on his phone. He can still hear the laugh that had erupted from Alec as he spontaneously kissed him. He can still remember how Alec had dropped the phone to the mattress and turned to kiss him properly, their selfie long forgotten.
He loved that photo, because he loved the man in it, and he loved the man that he himself had become. He loved how happy a simple photo could make him. So really, it was no question when he set it as his phone wallpaper and printed it off. He looked up at Alec who was no longer looking at the frame, but instead was looking straight at him, the same look of love in his eyes.
“Mm, just a little something to remind me of your beautiful face.”
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leoxpika · 7 years
Three words Though not the ones you might expect Three words Dancing on the end of his tongue Three words Until they fall off one after the other Three words Tumbling out into the open Three words That cannot be taken back Three words Which alter his perception Three words Not a lie, but not the whole truth Three words Spoken in a strange privacy Three words That don’t mean what he really means Three words And the nerve to even say them Three words And the nerve not to say what he should have Three words And the repercussions of the truth
I love you isn’t always pronounced that way
@supernaturalpoetrychallenge | bennyandthevamps vs @dandymot
prompt: “I need you”- Dean | pairing: destiel
(a/n: thank you so much for the extension!! this is for the March challenge!)
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18 and 20!!! x
18: What’s easier, dialogue or description?
dialogue all the way. i obviously don’t write the way i speak when i’m writing descriptions, but when i write dialogues, i can like switch off my brain and just say everything in the casual and untidy way i speak all the time. also it’s just more fun to think of the way characters speak than to describe things.
20: Post a brief excerpt. (i was gonna put an excerpt of a malec fic but i realized it’s all boring but necessary description by now, so have the protagonist of my novel being sexually frustrated and kinda creepy)
He hoped the moonlight was enough, and he got closer to the wardrobe. He rummaged inside it and took a shirt, and then a pair of suit trousers that looked very much like his own. It looked like it was his, actually: even if he didn’t remember having left it there, Elises would have never worn something like that; his style was way more extravagant. The fabric of the shirt was soft under his touch. He hid his face in it; it had Elises’ smell, as if he had worn it not so long ago. He delighted himself with that image in his head, shamelessly; after all, the most possible thing was that they’d never see each other again. He folded the clothes again.
wip ask game!!
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semirahrose · 8 years
note: in the new episode, was the whole 'broken ribs' thing ever addressed before??? i'm pretty sure sam's talking about his own injuries but unless i skipped over it by accident, i had no idea that he had broken ribs. and it's annoying me, because i could've written so much coda on that point (i'm gonna write a heckton of coda for this episode anyway, because *clenches fist* i will not let sams torture only matter when it's relevant to the plot, dammit!)
Nope! It was never mentioned before this episode. I guess people could argue otherwise, but it certainly seemed like he was referencing his own injuries. Honestly, I figured he’d have mentioned that they actually shot him, but apparently broken ribs were also a thing.
Also yes please to all coda fic. ♥♥♥ I am always here for coda fic. My heart is a desert and it needs to be watered with Sam love and acknowledgement.
Edit: the fantastic @themegalosaurus said this:
i wondered if dean got the broken rib? didn’t he get hit in the chest or stomach area? maybe i imagined that. i thought that was part of sam downplaying his own experience/it felt plausible to me that he’d feel more confident raising the issue if he was including dean as well
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dot totally did madzie's hair and now im crying all over again brb
ejgjsjfjsivjskfn pleAse that makes me so emotional
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alecsimon · 7 years
i think that love and being in love are two different things, but i also can't judge much since i don't think i've actually been in love yet. for me general love is about things like wellbeing and safety, security and comfort. being in love is on another level, where everything from above is there but amplified + mixed with attraction. it's where you find somebody who you love, but there's something about them that is different from the rest. (1/2)
i also think that sometimes general love isn’t reciprocated, but when you’re in love with somebody, it’s coming from both sides which also builds a better level of trust and happiness!! like, if you had an unrequited crush on somebody, i’d put that under general love rather than being in love with somebody, because it’s mainly one-sided and there isn’t that trust anymore (this is so long sorry!!) (2/2)
don’t be sorry thank you so much for participating!! i agree i’m someone who’s never been in a romantic relationship. i’ve been talking to @daddariossmile and @magnusbaene about this and i can definitely see how attraction comes into play here. my question to you is still, how is it different? experience be damned, what do you see as different and does that make romantic love more important? 
i will disagree on your point that if there is a difference, being in love doesn’t necessarily mean it’s reciprocated, though it’d be nice. you can say “that couple’s in love” but you can also say “a is in love with b, and b doesn’t notice/care.” 
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vildflower · 8 years
i went back and watched taxi driver and now i rlly....wanna write some deanbenny stuff....i'm being sucked back down the rabbithole
*hands you a rope,,, and pulls you further down the rabbithole* welcome to the club, we got jerseys abd lemonade
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snugglejensen · 8 years
i, for one, would like to thank richard speight jr for existing, and would gladly give up my life for him to direct every episode from here on out (also if davy perez could write them????? the dream team would be assembled)
also dont forget steve yockey, and if god does exist, we would get robbie back! now THAT would be a dream team
i can sell my soul for this to happen honestly
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