#hailyuu!! imagines
oomisluvr · 2 years
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synopsis: one should not attend the end of the world without a good breakfast. thankfully, its just sunday.
warnings: exactly one (1) swear, mentions of food, sfw!
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It was a simple spread, according to Kiyoomi.
Vibrant strawberry jam filling the airy pockets of fresh ciabatta, smothered in dandelion-yellow butter and warmed comfortably. Fluffy eggs sprinkled with fragrant black pepper and fat flakes of himalayan salt, dazzled with parsley and green onions cut from the small windowsill garden. Rows of thick, fatty slices of bacon; crispy on the edges but softened everywhere else. Orange juice so bright it mimics the sun, thin pieces of pulp dancing alongside the cool ice chips.
You think you might cry.
Sakusa floats around the kitchen, his shirtless torso pressed against the cool granite counter as he mixes ingredients in a pale plastic bowl, flannel pajama pants hanging low on his hips. He hears you before he sees you, throwing a look over his shoulder to take in your appearance, his face softening into something that looks a lot like love.
“Good morning,” He hums by way of greeting, “Rest well?”
“How could I not?” You joke, tossing yourself onto the counter stools and swiveling around just because you can, “Your thread count is in the millions. Where are your sheets from? Dubai? Honduras? Fucking Mars?”
“Egypt, actually. And they’re only a 1500 thread count.” He corrects playfully, breathing out a quiet laugh, “But I’ll take the compliment, I’m glad you slept well.”
“Only a 1500 thread count.” You mutter to yourself, toying with the hem of your faded club shorts you’ve had for years, “Practice today?”
“Hmm? Oh, no, not today. Meian’s letting us have the day off.“ He says, idly scratching an itch on his torso, a gentle smile pushing the apples of his cheeks, “Just us today.”
Between the two of you, quality time is worth more than gold. Breakfast, especially, has become a ritual of sorts. And Sunday brunch is always holy. You hum sleepily, happily, thinking of all the tasks you won't do today. You watch him shelter the food from your prying eyes, and you nearly call him out for it. He acts like you can’t smell the flavor profiles of every individual dish; like the pile of dishes in the sink and colorful spices on the countertop aren’t giving away his not-so-secret recipes.
“What’s for breakfast?” You say instead, just to make him happy.
“It’s a surprise,” He grins, flour dried across his cheek like a phantom kiss, “But I’m almost done.”
It continues like this. Him defending the food as you try and knab a bite. Lazily waving around the hard plastic spatula as he talks, and ignoring the speck of egg that flies off to save himself the embarrassment. Playfully flirting with him as he tries not to lose focus. 
“Close your eyes,” He whispers, as he flicks off the gas stove, “Food’s ready.”
You push your hands over your eyes, spreading your fingers to take peaks at him. He plates your food, heaping portions that nearly topple off the plate. You grin, promising yourself to finish it all. 
At one point, his eyes meet yours and you snap your fingers shut with a squeak. Whoops. He laughs, and you both pretend you weren't peaking. 
“Okay, open your eyes now.” He mumbles, wiping his hands on a dish towel, “And tell me what you think.”
Removing your hands from your eyes, you gaze down at the plate below you. It’s a confession, a declaration of love. All of it.
A heavy porcelain plate, a housewarming gift you gave him when the two of you were just friends. The edge is chipped from dropping it in the sink one too many times. The memory makes you feel warm.
The food itself is plated with enough space between each dish that it doesn’t touch, remembering your disdain for mixed textures. You never mentioned anything, but he picked up on it.
Your favorite fork, one of the prongs bent a bit abnormally. You joke that the weight of the metal is just right – you didn't think he’d remember.
Your heart melts out of your chest, raw feelings pooling on the floor. Every dish is an offering, a sacrifice. You stuff your face full of it. 
“Good?” He smirks, flirtatious and knowing. You nod with a mouthful of egg and bread and bacon and jam. “Then slow down. Breakfast is not to be rushed.”
Your heart beats a little faster when you notice the satisfaction on his face. Kiyoomi’s glowing, shining with a happiness that only shows around you. “It’s just us today. Take it easy.”
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based on my core belief that breakfast is the absolute Most Important Meal of the Day. take care of yourself <33
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spir1tfar3r · 3 years
𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬
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prompt: “Wait stop talking for two seconds I need to say something – I love you.” from @thecowardwrites fluff prompt list
summary: Samu had a crush, but he was a little scared to tell you until you asked Atsumu what his brother’s opinion about you was.
warning(s): this hasnt been edited so it’s probably really bad. Sorry.
words: 871
book eight of kairi’s library event
special tag: @missjenniek
Reblog if you liked this please <33 support your creators <33
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You couldn’t remember a time where you didn’t have Osamu in your life. He and Atsumu have been by your side since you were children, though you weren’t as close to Atsumu, gravitating more towards his brother. You didn’t think Atsumu minded, just shrugging off the way you’d prefer to walk next to Osamu or how you’d tease him for wanting you to do something but will happily do it for his brother. Not that he cared, his brother seemed happy to have someone like you in his life so that’s all that mattered to him.
Your bond with Osamu never broke as the two of you got through middle school and into highschool. In fact it was probably stronger than before. Your friendship was a bit humorous, always being asked if you were dating by people that didn’t know you. The two of you laughed, unsure how to react in this situation. You had to admit, you had thought about it but convinced yourself that it was just because of how often it was brought up.
From what you could tell Osamu didn’t have feelings for you. Any signs you would’ve got from others that did like you, he had done the same for years but you hadn’t thought anything of it. Figuring that he was just being friendly. You frowned, wondering if maybe you had just been oblivious but you couldn’t think peacefully for much longer when you heard atsumu settle into his seat next to you before class started.
“Any reason why you’re frowning?” His voice was a bit softer than normal, showing that he was a bit tired than usual. “I hope your face gets stuck like that.” He adds before you had a change to open your mouth. You shoved him, dramatizing how hurt you were.
“I was thinking—”
“Shut up!” The room filled with Atsumu’s laughter before the teacher told the two of you to quiet down, signaling the class had started. “Anyways… I was wondering if you knew what Samu thinks of me..”
Atsumu couldn’t help but stare at you in disbelief. Wasn’t he obvious enough on how he felt? He would always steal glances and had been caught by you on multiple occasions. Hell he even would only allow you to hold his hand and when you did, he always made sure to place a kiss on the back of it.
“Just— come to the gym before practice. He’ll be telling you something when you get there.” Before you could ask what he meant, the bell had rang and he was quick to leave his seat and go to his next class.
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You were a little worried, not wanting to somehow interrupt their practice. Atsumu’s words had replayed in your head the entire day and your friends were a little worried when you weren’t as focused as usual. When you made it to the gym, Atsumu was busy talking to his sibling who looked rather nervous. You almost left, the way your chest tightened scarring you. It didn’t happen though, Atsumu had caught sight of you and was very quick to push his brother to you muttering a ‘thank me later.’
Osamu had nearly tripped but caught himself before he had the chance to even embarrass himself in front of you. Biting your lip nervously, you wondered who would speak first. Eventually you said fuck it and spoke before he had gotten his thoughts together. “I don’t know what Atsumu told you but please don’t tell me anything you aren’t comfortable with. I only asked him my question because I—”
“Wait stop talking for two seconds I need to say something” Samu felt bad for interrupting you but he was worried that you’d run off before he had the chance to talk. “– I love you.” The words were very rushed but he didn’t care. He waited so long to say that to you that he even let out a sigh of relief. You didn’t speak, too busy staring at him in disbelief.
“I didn’t want to say it yet but Tsumu told me what you asked him so I figured I may as well. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same but I have liked you since our last year of junior high, specifically after you threw that volleyball at Atsumu for being a jerk to me. I wanted to ask you on a proper date for a while but I’ve been way too nervous.” Great, you’re rambling, he thought land was sure you’d walk away. But when you finally spoke, he was a little confused.
“Yes.” You realized that he may need a bit more when he titled his head to the side in silent question. “I’ll go on a date with you.” He smiled, ready to reply but being stopped when Kita’s voice called him back into the gym for their practice.
He groaned before placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll text you after practice. By Y/n.” He mumbled before going in. As you went to leave, you caught a glimpse of him holding his fists up slightly in a small victory and Atsumu had done it back. You were glad that he loved you too.
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@celestialfoxess-main @satan5-chi1d @sinister-chaos @6sakusa @volexis @lxvelylevi @tendous-queen @chiefest-and-greatest-calamity
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sunasbabie · 3 years
hey babie 😽😽 may i request #10 from the fluffy prompts with kenma, osamu, and kita?? (lmfaoo who else could it have been) thank you!! <3
anything for u babiee,, also i had so much fun with these !! i hope you like them !! <3
prompt: i’m going to marry you one day
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kenma kozume
you never really had a problem with your boyfriend when he was streaming, it brought him happiness also you loved seeing him play and get all riled up when he loses a round. you always find it so funny when he would scratch his head when he was frustrated when he couldn’t defeat the boss in a certain game, you even filmed him sometimes and posted it on your story to let people see the real kenma kozume.
it was a cold saturday night, the perfect time to be cuddling with your boyfriend but tonight he had an important stream to do, it was for charity so you didn’t mind, you knew your boyfriend had a soft spot for charities.
you were sitting in his game room beside him while he was answering some questions his fans sent him.
“kenma is that y/n beside you” he read the comment out loud “yeah y/n staying over tonight, we’re going to watch some of my volleyball games in high school after this” the fans awed.
you were scrolling on your when you heard your name, you looked at kenma questioning him “why what’s up?” putting your phone away.
“the fans are asking what you love about me”
“hmmm what i love about kenma is that he’s really patient, one time he was teaching me how to play this game and an hour had already passed and i still didn’t get it but he still taught me and by the end of the night i actually started to get the hang of it. he also makes time for me even with his busy schedule so yeah i love that about him” you entangled one of your arms on kenma’s arm and kissed his cheek. he blushed at this not being used to fans seeing you and him do coupley stuff.
you removed your arm around him and stood up “you want some hot chocolate kenma? i’m going to make some?”
“yes please”
“okay i’ll be back don’t miss me too much okay” you giggled leaving the room. kenma just shook his head and laughed.
the comments were saying
“y/n is adorable”
“i wish i had kenma and y/n’s relationship”
he started to answer some questions again “how did you and y/n meet”
“we met in high school when i accidentally threw a ball at lev but ended up missing and hitting y/n in the back of the head” he laughed at the memory
“do you see y/n with you in the future” one of his fans asked
“yeah i’m going to marry y/n one day” the comments went wild when kenma said this which was also the time you came back holding two mugs of hot chocolate”
you saw the comments going crazy, you read one of them “i wish i was y/n 😭”
“what happened while i was gone” you sat down beside him again.
“nothing for you to worry about babe”
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miya osamu
you were not the best at the kitchen that is what you and osamu have agreed on but that didn’t stop you from trying to cook for your beloved boyfriend. He loved to cook for you, making you try out new recipes that he made for his shop, your opinions would always matter the most to osamu. you knew how osamu loved onigiris so you decided to make one from scratch, something really simple that doesn’t require too much ingredients.
osamu was out for the day to manage his store so you decided to surprise him with some homemade onigiris. you followed the steps that you would see osamu do when he was cooking it in your shared apartment, you first washed the rice and placed it on the stove, then you chopped up some of the other ingredients that you needed for the dish. to your surprise you did fairly well in chopping them now all you needed was to wait for the rice to be finished cooking. you checked on it and noticed that there was still a lot of water in the pot so you thought that this was going to take a while, so you decided to sit on the couch while waiting for the rice to be done. you didn’t know how hard it actually was to make this and you felt sleep creep upon you.
when osamu was close to the door of your guy’s apartment he could smell something burning so he hurried inside making sure that the smell wasn’t coming from there. when he opened the door there was smoke coming from the kitchen, he yelled out “y/n, where are ya?” and when you heard this you immediately woke up noticing a burning smell inside the room then you remember the rice, now you’ve fucked up how could you burn something as simple as rice but it was your fault for accidentally falling asleep.
osamu turned off the stove before the fire alarms could go off, he grabbed the pot with a holder and placed it on the sink under the running water. he turned to you, looking guilty that you almost burned down your apartment.
he walked up to you and grabbed you by the waist, “so mind telling me what happened”.
you looked at him with a pout not wanting to tell him your burned the rice you were cooking for the two of you but you still did “i was cooking some rice and i accidentally fell asleep” you murmured looking at him with your puppy dog eyes, hoping he would find you cute and forgive you for your little mishap in the kitchen.
he threw his head back and laughed at you, you were offended that he laughed so you slapped his chest and tried to get away from his hold but you struggled because of how strong osamu was.
“ya know y/n, i’m going to marry ya one day so ya won’t have to starve trying to cook for yerself”
you looked at him with shock both from the indirect proposal and the insult “shut up ‘samu, you’re not going to marry me because of that”
“yer right, i’m going to marry ya because i love ya”
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kita shinsuke
kita had always been so supportive of everything that you do, whether it was trying out a new recipe or trying out a new haircut, he was always there to give you his opinions. he was also the one you went to when you wanted to tell someone about your day and how great it was. and he would also be the one you would cry to when you were feeling low, you get a low score on a test, you go to kita explaining how you studied hard for it but still didn’t get a good score and he would always tell you that you did your best and that he would help you study for it next time.
so here you were, supporting your boyfriend at nationals. you knew that the team had been seeded and skipped the first round and during the second day you sat in the audience cheering for the team and your boyfriend. you especially yelled extra loud when he was put in the game, kita could recognise your voice in the crowd of scream because he always got to hear you talk which motivated him to work harder on court.
you cheered so loud during the second set because they had won it and you were on the edge of your seat during the third set because it was a neck and neck battle it was anyone’s game. but sadly they ended up losing to karasuno and underdog team.
you approached kita after his talk with the team, and when he saw you he immediately pulled you in for a hug. tucking his head in the crook of your neck. you let me let out all his feelings into you while you stroked his back. kita felt relieved that you were there for him.
“i’m proud of my team and i don’t regret anything we did today, i just wished i could have said my teammates are amazing for a longer while” kita muttered to you when he pulled away.
“i know shin, you did your best, you all did your best but karasuno did better, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t great. you guys did everything you could to win and you all tried your best and that’s what matters right” you cupped his cheek stroking his cheek with your thumb.
“i know y/n, i know”. even though kita already knew this it felt good hearing it from you, you were always one of the persons he could count on no matter what. and hearing your words lifted up his spirits a bit. and he said “i’m going to marry you one day y/n”
you looked at him and smiled “and i’m going to say yes without a doubt”
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riotgirl21 · 3 years
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Osamu: Hot and Cold
For @haikyutiehoe who requested this. Warnings: some dub-con, fingering, kissing, oral, implied multiple orgasms, mentions of jerking off (m)
"'Samu, stop touching me."
"Because it's annoying."
"Because I said so."
"For fuck sake Osamu. Just get your hands off me."
For the last 30 minutes that you had sat in the restaurant office working on the finances, Osamu had been touching you just to piss you off. It started with him tucking a piece of wayward hair back when he couldn't read something over your shoulder. Then reaching around to grab snacks on your right hand side, him running his fingers across your back between your shoulder blades. He discovered that you weren't wearing tights and started putting his hand on your knee for longer than necessary. Hand trailing higher, edging your skirt up until he was caressing your soft thighs.
Each time you moved his hand, slapped it away or returned it to his own lap he had just laughed and carried on. Turning your head to glare at him, you were met with a wide grin as his grey hair flopped into his eyes. His hair was slicked back, cap discarded on the table and he was wearing a tight black t-shirt that stretched well over his toned and hard body. You could see his arms flex each time he wrote something down, the pen lid in his mouth being licked and nibbled..
"Like what you see, babygirl."
"What? No. I'm just thinking about how unkempt you look like that."
A chuckle as he turned and started working again, pen twirling in his hand before settling in his mouth.
"Mhmm. Of course."
A few more minutes passed, you had finished organising the order forms for the last 3 weeks and wanted to get started on the wage slips for the employees. Reaching down to the floor, you placed the folders that you had organised before picking up the one that you needed, suddenly a hand cupped your ass making you jump and hit your knee on the underside of the table.
"Fuck! 'Samu... what the fuck are you doing? Get your hands off me."
A chuckle as he crouched down on the floor, spinning you around so your knees were on each side of his wide shoulders. Hands moving your away as your tried to slap him, holding them away from your when you tried to smack his face. One hand holding you open while the other held your two hands in place. You tried to move back, get up from the chair as he tugged you forward, his hand moving up and down your thighs, slapping them when you tried to scoot back again.
"Lemme kiss it better, huh?"
His lips pressed against your skin, tongue tracing the red mark as his creeped his hand up your skirt. Your breath hitched as he traced the edge of your underwear, along the seam and then reaching up to your top and groping your chest. Your hands still held tight as he inched your skirt up, a moan left your mouth as he began kissing the sensitive area between your legs, your head dropping back as he blew against the now-wet underwear. You could feel the slick gather in your pussy, imagining a small wet patch forming on your panties where his tongue was now tracing. Letting your hands go, he put them on his head, hands intertwining in his grey locks as he pushed the skirt up to your hips as he tugged your soaked underwear down.
"It's ok, babygirl. 'S just me. Ya know me, right? Lemme make ya feel good, sweet girl."
Your body hot as he spread your legs wider, thumbs opening your pussy to his gaze even when you tried to close your legs but his large shoulders stopped it. A loud moan when he attached his mouth over your clit and began sucking, wet noises as he ran his tongue down your slit. Tugging your ass to the edge of the chair, Osamu pushed your legs up and out, you gasped as the cold air hit you but it quickly morphed into a hiss when he pushed two fingers inside you.
Osamu had been wanting to do this for weeks. The idea of you working in his shop, so close and not being able to have you was driving him to distraction. He could have kicked himself when the uniform fit your body the way it did, t-shirt clinging to the swell of your breasts and skirt moulded to your pretty ass. Not that he was a pervert, he wasn't. But you wanted you something fierce. And then you had decided to help him with the finances and he almost jumped for joy. He couldn't keep his hands off you, every time you found an anomaly you would bite your lip, when you got a kink in your back you would stretch it out and his gaze was glued on the small slither of skin exposed on your stomach.
And right now? Having you spread open under him? He was able to taste your sweet pussy and he sucked and licked it, finger fucking you and hitting that spongy spot inside you that made you twitch. Looking up, he marvelled at the way you had your lips caught in your teeth, head thrown back as he devoured you. There were small beads of sweat running down your body, he could see the trail into your work top. Your hands threaded through his hair as he was pulled closer, humming as he heard you moan his name.
"'Samu.... 'Samu please. Oh god. Please."
Crying out as your hips began moving of their own accord, chasing his fingers as his thumb began rubbing your needy clit while his free hand pulled off your work uniform until you were left naked. Tits bouncing, chest heaving as he took one erect nipple in his mouth, pulling it into his mouth until you were squirming from overstimulation. Fingers still moving inside you while he gave the other breast the same treatment, the feeling zapping all the way to your pussy. The familiar feeling tingling through your body, you could feel you pussy clench and unclench around his fingers, spasming around them as you came. Your hand grabbing his forearm to stop him, sobbing when he ignored you and chose to fuck you through it instead. His face buried in your neck, words of encouragement and praise as you lost yourself in the feeling.
Chest rising and falling as he pulled them free, moving back and bringing them up to his mouth as he sucked them clean with a evil glint in his eye. The same fingers holding your chin as he forced you to look at him, kissing you once lightly before taking your mouth in a hard kiss.
"That was one."
"Four long weeks I've been walking around with a hard on, babygirl. I want you as boneless and exhausted as I was when I went home and stroked my cock thinking of you every night."
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Emotional Support || K. Kenma
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: I was again inspired to write a fic after hearing a song which totally matched to today’s cuddle weather 🥰 I hope you enjoy this one even though its short 😊 Below is the somg which inspired me. It is entitled “Fall” by Ben&Ben
It was a rainy Friday night as you and Kenma huddle up the couch, it was an unwritten tradition to you and your boyfriend where you would go watch movies together, and sometimes with Kuroo third-wheeling . But now that Kuroo is busy with uni stuffs and he’s rarely home, it was down to only you and Kenma having all the time alone.
“What movie should we watch first?” You asked your best friend as you scrolled down the movie choices
“Anything you like is fine.” He said eyes still glued on the console in his hands.
“Will you stop playing? How can you focus on the movie if you keep that thing on your grasp?” You reprimanded him. Kenma just gave you an eye roll as he put his console down. “Fine”
You chose a romantic anime movie this time. Kenma’s brows furrowed at your selection of movie.
“Really Y/N? Romance?”
You slapped his shoulder. “Hey! You said anything I like is fine!”
You were about to play the movie when you remembered that the popcorn is still on the microwave
“Oh! Wait! The popcorn!” And you hurriedly stood up and stomped your way to the kitchen to retrieve the popcorn
“How can you forget something important at times like this?” You heard your boyfriend from the living room.
You just groaned at his antics as you took two bowls from the cupboard and divided the popcorn into two equal parts.
“Here your highness!” You said as you handed him his bowl and plopped yourself on the couch then played the movie. The chosen movie was “Ride Your Wave”
The movie started as you happily munch on the popcorn, not until you were 20 minutes through the movie when Kenma noticed your body was shaking. When he turned to you, your tears were illuminated by the TV screen. This was not new to him but he really couldn’t look away. You looked so fragile just by crying because of the scene where the male lead died. He just want to cradle you and protect you at all cost.
He slowly moved in closer and ghosted an arm around your shoulder as he laid your head onto his chest as to soothe your cries. He just wished the movie wouldn’t end soon so you could stay like that within his arms a bit longer or forever rather. He loves it when you relied on him. Where he can be your emotional support.
The both of you stayed like that until the ending credits rolled on the screen. You were still sobbing, still feeling empty about the romance movie which you have no idea that would make you totally cry so hard all through out.
Kenma turned you to face him as he gently wiped your tears away. You abruptly held his hands making him a bit confused. “Don’t you ever leave me like that okay?” You said as you stifle another sob.
Kenma just looked into your eyes lovingly then pulled you even closer to his chest. “Never.” He caressed the back of your head. “Never in a million years.”
You nuzzled on his chest, feeling his every heartbeat that was beating only for you..
@gabbywubby @madskaay @mrs-kuroojinguji @turquoiselace @churochuu @tsukeijii
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hq-vbc · 4 years
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it’s you thirty three
a/n: I don’t even know what that chat between reader and bokuto is, sorry for everyone who had to suffer while reading that 😔👊🏻
part 32 < part 34
taglist! wanna be added? sure!
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starno-senpai · 4 years
fem nishinoya 🤲🏻🌱
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simpysap · 4 years
Hello people,
its 2020 and we just began doing this blog... A little bit late some would but here we are
so the ask box is open for every ask!
Just ask for hc or scenarios with your favorite characters
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tantei-armin · 6 years
Haikyuu 331
I had a crazy week and no time so I just read Hailyuus chapter 331.
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