#hair vagueblogging 2k18
- final rehearsal was a success!!!!
- Claude has this one line like ‘I’m just gonna be off with my pretty little daffodils’ but someone forget to set the flowers before the scene so he had to go ‘just me and my imaginary daffodils….aren’t they pretty?’ and everyone was actively dying lmao
- Margaret Mead’s coat FINALLY opened up all the way....it hasn’t been doing that
- we are VERY CLOSE to finally running the show with lights!!!!!
- lmao the poor guy I think this is like? the fourth? maybe fifth? attempt at lighting and it’s hectic but I have faith 
- Woof still does not have a consistent wig 
- omfg so for after the final ‘Ain’t Got No’ s there’s a blackout so Claude can get off stage and then the tribe comes out and starts up their protest chants right but today everyone got in place before the lights came up and they brought up the lights behind them first so they were silhouetted and I said ‘ Fuck that looks so cool’ out loud lmao I hope they keep it like that!!!!!
- there was a dog in the theater....just cause? No one would let her walk she was so cute omfg
- I was wearing my Chicago(tm) shirt bc it was the first thing I saw before leaving the house but when I was backstage for mics Every Single Child Who Saw Me started singing the Chicago song from Victorious lol
- Berger handed me his mic and it was absolutely covered in hair....and I know you’re thinking ‘well duh Molly you’re doing Hair’ but here’s the thing....his mic is kept in a bag, attached to a mic belt, strapped around his waist.....the hair was stuck all over the mic itself, under the tape that was still stuck to the mic.....and his extensions only come to a little past his shoulders.....so how on earth did this loser manage that
- I don’t know wtf happened to Claude during ‘I Got Life’ like all the sudden he just....malfunctioned asdwfghb idk if he lost his voice or forgot the notes so just panicked and went into a higher pitch but MAN was it weird 
- Could you imagine if Claude lost his voice during the show??? holy shit
- I need Berger to calm down ever so slightly because while I do appreciate he has a lot of high energy songs literally EVERY TIME he finishes the song all you can hear, even over dialogue, is him panting as though he’s aware he’s about to take his final breath. Sweetie. Dork. Ration you breathing. You Know This. 
- lmao
- Claude’s wig fell off during the ‘Hair’ number again and he and a girl had to duck behind the other actors to try and fix it lol
- Margaret Mead made ‘My Conviction’ his BITCH
- also more jokes about real-life Margaret having Big Dick Energy
- after the finale scene ended the assistant director screamed ‘that was IMPACTFUL, BITCH!!!!!’
- I cried during ‘Frank Mills’ and like it’s not even a sad song but the girl is just that good of a performer wtf
- “okay guys so your best performance of the night was definitely ‘Sodomy’ in my opinion” 
- a 16 year old finding out that Aquarius is in fact an astrological thing and not just a word the hippies all really like 
- “what if I just.....played A Chorus Line music instead?”
- oh my God so the set right they have this big rainbow cardboard-cutout peace signs like, the actual peace symbol and then also hands doing the peace sign right and this one hand just....does NOT want to stay standing up lmao it fell over in pretty much every scene
- this one kids mic was somehow tangled around his body and clothes in like five different ways and it took f o r  e v e r to get it off him and when he was finally free he’s like ‘you’re so patient, thank you for being an amazing person’ asdfgrhj what a sweetheart 
- I don’t even mean musically like. there’s a lot of being in the aisles right, it’s Hair, you know. so you’d figure him......22 people in this cast....maybe 11 in one aisle and 11 on the other....that could make sense EXCEPT everyone wants to be stage right for some reason!!!!!
- Like you’d think....if one side has 17 people and the other only has 5.....a few of them might realize that’s a problem and go to the other place,,,,,,,,,,but no,
- I almost passed out like 3 separate times bc I was so hungry rip
- the directors husband asked me very seriously if I thought we could make it through the show without him having to buy more batteries and something on my face must’ve been gd hilarious because he lost it after I said no lmao
- but overall??? I’m pretty excited to see how opening night goes this Thursday???? Fingers crossed!!!!
- Beads, flowers, freedom and happiness 💖
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- We got all thru act 1 and in act 2 up to '3500' before rehearsal ended....shook
- I was worried it was gonna be the sound guy from Music Man who didn't let me do anything but REJOICE it's the old guy that doesn't like me but still lets me help out lmao
- anyway the kid playing Berger, I know him and met him a million years ago when we were in another production of Hair, he's now taller than me and he's so good, I'm v emo about it
- the light board.....broke
- like fully fried
- there were just no lights all day idk what they're gonna do about it lol
- lot of slipping and sliding on stage
- the guitarist is just completely going off it's gr8
- there's 22 kids in the cast but there's only 16-18 mics please send prayers
- The girl playing Chrissy's mic was....an Issue but she still managed to make her song gorgeous
- Poor Margaret Mead's life was in shambles like. Wig didn't fit. Hat kept falling off. Mic belt didn't fit. Mic wouldn't stay taped to the face. Buttons on jacket getting caught. Nearly strangled by an scarf. Just narrowly avoided a dick slip in front of everyone....poor kid lmao
- uhhh.....we're stanning Dione in this household that girl can SING
- lmao at the end of 'Dead End' she started doing a little riff and the girl standing next to her stopped singing and went 'oh my God????'
- during the power outage scene Berger yelled 'what the.........FUCK', then left stage, came back, asked the director if he was in trouble, then dialed it back to 'what the HECK' lmao
- Me, who's sung 'Easy To Be Hard' many times before, trying not to be a judgy bitch when I heard it,
- lmao she was great tho really
- So like they're definitely going into the audience during songs but they aren't going in during the 'Hair' number....why....
- They handed out some Be-In flyers to me and the other sound people and one guy was like 'there's no time or date on these...how am I supposed to know when the Be-In's happening' and I'm like 'You'll feel it inside of you. You'll just Know' and one of the actors started cracking tf up
- at the break I went backstage to handle batteries and every time I told an actor they were like 'Okay Sis :)' lol
- at least they arent all obsessed with James Charles like the music man kids 😂
- there was one single wig loose in the audience seats and people kept petting it idk who it's supposed to be for
- she barely censored anything I'm so shook....
- the only things I noticed were the absence of 'Sodomy' and 'Black Boys/White Boys', which are always out of the school version, the nude scene being gone is an obvious given, and the lyrics in '3500' are changed to 'prisoners in Vietnam' but like other than that...like last time the director did this show she tried her level best to censor all the drug references lmao but not this time....character development
- oh my God during 'Don't Put It Down' these poor boys....they just could not figure out how to fold a flag properly 😂 they looked so stressed about it
- they weren't loud enough when they sung my favorite song from the show I'm gonna sue
- but overall!!! A really good and promising rehearsal!! Let's hope tomorrow goes good as well!!!
- ✌✌✌
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-They ran the full show!!! And then some!!
- Claude's wig completely flew off during the 'Hair' number
- Woof was given like...4 different wigs throughout the night and they all look awful lmao
- we are now on the third light board but it seems to be working!!
- BITCH during the finale 'Ain't Got No' s every time the gunshot sound effect went off the guitarist played like this aggresive dying chord and like.....hot
- everyone was singing Chicago songs all night
- we had like a 40 minute break to eat brownies and like a couple moments after I finished mine I was like hmm.....brownies at Hair.....maybe not the smartest plan actually..
- oh by the way I am being ATTACKED because the director ordered a Mick Jager poster right but it's not gonna be delivered in time so she is using the Micky J poster we used in the show 8 years ago....which the whole cast had autographed.....and my signature, in giant lettering, is right smack on Mick's cheek.....farewell
- Berger was given fake extensions even tho he already had long hair
- it took them 50 minutes to agree on a game plan for the after-bows bit where they pull people onstage to dance
- the entire trip scene is actually hell because we have to turn peoples mics on right except WE DONT KNOW WHO TF ANYONE IS
- the show seems pretty great but I am....critical of the final scene
- like 1) he's not laying ontop of the flag for some reason and 2) everyone stays on stage for WAY too long and 3) they are absolutely not giving Berger enough time to really drive the emotion through. By the time everyone's finally offstage the song is already over??? So he only had time to really cover him with his vest and get in a pose. Like. Idk why she's doing it like that? When we did it in 2011 everyone was still singing offstage while Berger wept for like a solid minute. It was very impactful??? What happened???
- also....tell me why Claude was grinning for like half of 'Where Do I Go'??? wild
- this poor kid was struggling to get his mic off and he's like 'it feels like I'm ripping a heart moniter off' or something and when we told him mic tape and surgical tape are the same thing....his eyes almost jumped out agshdbsn
- "Okay but the real Margaret Mead wasn't trans right??? So what's the point of her opening her coat and flashing a penis at the audience???" "Dumbass.......she had Big Dick Energy" 😂😂😂😂😂
- I love the music director lol I asked him if they had cut part of 'Electric Blues' bc we got really confused there with the sound effect yesterday and he let out a dramatic gasp, eyes wide, before grabbing his libretto and sprinting to the back of the theater to personally edit the song in our script instead of just answering 'yes' lol
- only 3 mic changes and they all happen at intermission........what on Earth
- the directors husband is a Vietnam vet and he gave a whole speech about it to the kids and two moms sitting in the audience in front of me started crying
- the director expected me to remember my monolgue from working, a show I was in literally 7 years ago
- they also requested for me to sing my part from Les Mis and do my lines from Into The Woods.....like what was happening ashdhdjs I just wanted to collect microphones
- Narrowly avoided an angry fox running @ me when I left the theater so that's always fun
- a lot of mics are missing windscreens for some reason and those things are IMPOSSIBLE to get on and this poor girl already had her mic on by the time I noticed itnwas missing so I just had to. Stand uncomfortably in her personal space for 10 solid minutes so that was fun I guess
- thats all I can really remember right now because I forgot to make this post 4 and a half hours ago whoops but overall! I think the show will be really good!!
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- so good!!!!
- I mean the second shows are always a little....safer? so no one went crazy or anything. but it was great!
- the audience was LOVING IT!!!! every time a song started out we’d get a bunch of ‘woooos!’ lol they were really into it
- two girls who were in the cast when I was in it (one of their’s sister is in the show) were sitting like...right in front of me and dancing nonstop lol
- the ex-musical director of the company showed up to see the show: drama
- also, for the like...six plus years he worked at this company, all he ever really wore....was a ‘Hair’ tshirt…..but he rolled up to this production.....not wearing that
- idk what poor Claude did to himself but when I went backstage at intermission he was bandaging his feet 
- the sound guy had to be ESPECIALLY frustrating for some God damn reason tonight
- like he decided I Wasn’t Doing My Job Right (all because he’s incapable of listening to a single word I say), so he got the music director to go through the script and write down the mic numbers of everyone during songs “so that way you can just yell numbers at me!” (EXACTLY WHAT I’VE BEEN DOING ALL WEEK), and then the music director got some of it wrong so literally while the show was going on I had to go through the script and edit that so they wouldn’t be lost tomorrow, and then STILL, yes STILL, the soundboard guy refused to listen to a single word I said, so every time I’d be like ‘bring 9 up’ he’d fucking triple check and then we’d miss the first line or so like!!!! what the fuck!!!! there was one part where I was like ‘2′s coming on now’ and he was like ‘10?? 10??’ and I was like ‘2! 2! 2!’ and this WENT ON until Berger’s line was just lost and this guy tries to justify it with ‘well he’s always onstage how should I have known’ SO UH ONE) NO HE’S NOT ALWAYS ONSTAGE, 2) YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BECAUSE I TOLD YOU FIVE GOD DAMN TIMES!!!
- like honestly I’m very impressed I didn’t just scream out in the middle of the show. My desperate inner need to always be polite and helpful fully left my body. It was literally just me not wanting to ruin anything for the kids that held me strong fully rip me
- I almost Died during intermission because I have to be back there when they’re changing mics to make sure nothing gets messed up and help with tape and stuff but they took f o r e v e r because they wouldn’t stop talking I really thought my stupid bladder was gonna explode 😂
- the director continues to Adore me and I won’t lie it’s v validating lol
- when Margaret Mead ripped his coat open the audience did not make A Sound and then he said ‘oh, thank you’ anyway which got people laughing but when he did the ‘he doesn’t know’ bit they d i e d lmao
- the possessed horror doll Tina got some more star time lmao
- you know when Berger, Sheila and Claude are all in a big pile and then Sheila gets up to talk about the boys but they stay cuddling or whatever??? I didn’t notice if they did it last night but Berger and Claude straight up looked like they were making out while Sheila was talking 😂
- after ‘Going Down’ you could only hear panting for a solid two minutes lmao
- the smoke machine didn’t go rogue tonight! but it did start up way too late lol. Same with the snow machine
- the 30 minute search for the last microphone. always fun.
- I told everyone I couldn’t be there tomorrow and they were so nice thanking me and everything like we love polite icons 😂
- but overall it was such a good show and I’m still bummed to miss the finale but I actually mostly had fun helping out at this one!!! I hope it’s a great show tomorrow they definitely deserve it
- <3
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So after like, a year, I just found my Hair shirt....the moon must be in the seventh house or some shit
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- IT!!! WAS!!! SO GOOD!!!
- LIGHTS!!!! We had almost all the lights!!!!
- fucking though....there has not been a SINGLE situation with mics and speakers all week. not one problem.
- fucking Aquarius, the opening number, starts and we hear the crackling...and it was BERGER!!! We literally had to turn his mic off when he was singing ‘Donna’!!! At least the kids already ridiculously loud but like....come on 😂
- and then like halfway through act 1 Jeanie’s stupid mic was like ‘hmmm let me join this party’ honestly rip. we literally couldn’ t even figure out what was going on with hers. at least with Berger we could tell he just messed it up putting his extensions on ugh
- but all the singing was so good!!! no one forgot any lines!
- a Brand New Mick Jager poster came in today so I didn’t have to be personally attacked by seeing my 14-year-old-self’s signature on his face under the stage lights lmao
- asdfghjk remember Tom from the batb/ith/pippin posts??? well he was Margaret Mead when we did Hair in 2011 and during intermission I ran into my friend Annika in the bathroom and she went ‘Tom is QUAKING’ (bc the kid in this show did ‘My Conviction’ so well) and I honestly started wheezing 
- you know what true terror is....someone handing you a windscreen they found on the floor 2 minutes before curtain opens for act 2. holy shit
- Couldn’t find who it belonged to!!!! It’s not fine but we Survived 
- for some reason they were playing ‘Uptown Girl’ on a loop when people were getting into their seats???
- I found my 2009 revival Hair shirt today completely on accident...it was a SIGN lol
- the assistant director showed up in like a turquoise spaghetti strapped jumpsuit with a tie-dyed shirt underneath, a full wig, those circle sunglasses, and a bunch of sixties-ish jewelry and like....honestly he’s the real icon of our time lmao
- God so the director likes to have a whole ‘circle’ with the kids before the house opens and at the end she always wants them to like put your hands in and then yell one word to get hype you know and all the kids were campaigning to yell ‘snatched’ because of all the wigs in the show asdfghjk
- speaking of....Woof received his 5th (fifth) hair piece today. Wonder if that’ll stay lol
- I was collecting mics from these two ensemble featured-singers and they were complaining about the roles asdfgh I was trying to cheer them up like ‘hey at least you’re good enough to get mic-d’ but God they’re so young....they probably don’t know that nothing will ever change for them 😂😂😂
- I couldn’t stop myself from singing along I won’t lie. I’ve been fighting it all week. I just couldn’t go on anymore 😂
- I was joking about the kid playing Berger when I was backstage at intermission bc I’ve known him since he was 10 so I will take any given opportunity to lovingly make fun of him and the girls were like Shocked like how do you know him and I was like ‘Our first show together was Hair! He played Hubert!’ and APPARENTLY while they all knew he was in the show he was???? refusing to tell them who he played for some reason??? because they all started freaking out lmao 
- also speaking of that loser: roamed the theater for 2 hours before the show playing the ukulele and singing nonstop 
- GOD when we did the show before the director brought in this fucking...possessed doll from hell that she’s had her whole life and made the girl playing Claude’s sister hold it lmao the poor girl was terrified of the thing but fucking!!! I got to the theater today and it was just sitting in the center of the stage!!!!! why!!!!!!
- lmao the smoke machine went Rogue(tm) and just....kept turning on during the trip scene when it wasn’t supposed to. I guess it thought ‘3-5-0-0′ needed a little flair 😂
- Claude’s voice cracked....on his VERY LAST LINE...….that final ‘that’s meeeee!’ in Flesh Failures....I cringed so hard for the kid omfg. I hope he doesn’ t take it too hard, but at intermission I told him ‘great job’ and he looked like he was about to cry, so he seems like the type to focus in on that stuff rip
- (he’s SUCH a good singer tho!!!)
- the audience was So Small since it’s a Thursday night I felt so bad 😂 but they gave a lot of applause!!! 
- How Many Rolls Of Tape Can One Small Cast Lose
- but yeah overall!!! it was a really good opening night!!! Sad I won’t be able to get to see the final performance Saturday but here’s to hoping tomorrow’s spectacular!!! 
- Beads, flowers, freedom, happiness!
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I got some video of the final song but tumblr wont let me post it 😭😭
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oh btw I’m working on hair all week starting tomorrow so get ready for me to go full fucking hippie on here 
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