#hakeem ajmal dawakhana
ajmalherbaldawakhana · 11 months
How to Keep Your Heart Healthy: Simple Steps to Prevent Problems
At Ajmal Herbal, we are committed to helping you lead a heart-healthy lifestyle. In this comprehensive guide, we will share invaluable insights on how to keep your heart healthy and prevent potential problems. With our expert advice and practical tips, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to prioritize your cardiovascular health and make informed decisions for a long and fulfilling life.
Understanding the Importance of Heart Health
Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for overall well-being. The heart, a powerful muscle responsible for pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, is at the core of your cardiovascular system. By adopting a proactive approach to heart health, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart-related issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
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Nutrition for a Healthy Heart
A balanced diet is key to maintaining optimal heart health. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods that promote heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Here are some dietary recommendations to consider:
1. Emphasize a Plant-Based Diet
Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts into your daily meals. These plant-based foods are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to heart health. Aim for a colorful plate, as different colored fruits and vegetables provide distinct health benefits.
2. Limit Saturated and Trans Fats
Reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats, commonly found in processed snacks, fried foods, and fatty cuts of meat. Opt for healthier fats, such as those found in avocados, olive oil, and nuts, which can help lower cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart disease.
3. Choose Lean Protein Sources
Opt for lean protein sources like skinless poultry, fish, beans, and legumes. These options are low in saturated fat and provide essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which can help maintain Heart Health.
4. Moderate Sodium Intake
Excessive sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure. Be mindful of your sodium consumption by limiting processed and packaged foods, as they often contain high amounts of sodium. Instead, season your meals with herbs, spices, or natural flavorings to enhance taste without compromising heart health.
Physical Activity for a Strong Heart
Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of heart health. Engaging in exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, lowers blood pressure, and improves cardiovascular fitness. Here are some recommendations for incorporating physical activity into your routine:
1. Aim for at Least 150 Minutes of Moderate Aerobic Exercise Weekly
Engage in activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming to get your heart rate up and improve cardiovascular endurance. Spread your exercise sessions throughout the week for consistent benefits.
2. Incorporate Strength Training Exercises
Include strength training exercises at least twice a week to build muscle and improve overall body composition. Strengthening your muscles can help support your cardiovascular system and enhance physical performance.
3. Stay Active Throughout the Day
In addition to dedicated exercise sessions, find opportunities to stay active throughout the day. Take breaks from sitting, opt for stairs instead of elevators, and engage in activities that require movement, such as gardening or dancing.
Managing Stress and Prioritizing Mental Well-Being
Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on heart health. It's important to manage stress effectively and prioritize mental well-being. Consider the following strategies:
1. Practice Stress-Relieving Techniques
Explore stress-relieving techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness. These practices can help calm the mind, reduce stress hormone levels, and promote relaxation.
2. Foster a Supportive Social Network
Maintaining strong social connections and nurturing positive relationships can provide emotional support during challenging times. Surround yourself with a network of friends and loved ones who uplift and encourage you.
3. Prioritize Adequate Sleep
Sleep is essential for heart health and overall well-being. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and create a sleep-friendly environment to promote restful sleep.
Regular Health Check-ups and Screenings
To proactively manage your heart health, it's crucial to schedule regular check-ups and screenings. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine appropriate screenings based on your age, medical history, and risk factors. Common heart-related screenings include blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, and electrocardiograms (ECGs).
By implementing the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you are taking significant steps toward keeping your heart healthy and preventing potential problems. Remember, it's essential to prioritize a balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress management, and regular check-ups. By making these habits a part of your daily life, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a healthy heart and a vibrant future.
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herbaltreatment · 3 years
The Benefits of Buying Herbal Products Online
If you are considering purchasing herbal supplements to benefit from their healing powers, you must have a good understanding of the herbal medicine store where you will purchase these products. Unlike conventional medical practices, the basic principles behind Traditional Chinese herbal medicine follow the theory of yin and yang or energy channels.
According to this belief, herbal plants can be used for various illnesses or other health problems depending on the existence and deficiency of these channels. This type of belief has been incorporated into the formulation of these herbal products since the time it was developed by the ancient Chinese. Since these medicinal herbs have their own characteristic and properties, they can only be acquired from qualified herbal medicine stores.
Amazing Benefits of Herbal Products:
Some herbs have the property to treat different illnesses depending on the presence of other elements found in the herb. For instance, if you find chamomile as your favorite herbal medicine, it can be used to treat insomnia, stress, and other disorders related to your nerves and emotions. In addition, if you want to use chamomile as a natural remedy for colds and flu, then you must look for a Chinese herbal medicine store that offers the highest quality chamomile. The highest quality of this plant will help you get the maximum benefit out of your purchase.
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These stores are also known to sell herbal products that are not prepared from natural herbs but are instead laboratory-prepared. These products may contain minimal amounts of active ingredients as compared to natural products manufactured from herbs. However, if you are an herbal enthusiast, it is not advisable to disregard synthetic products because they offer similar benefits with fewer risks and side effects. You must consider the safety factors and cons of using these products before making a purchase.
Another important factor that you should take into consideration when purchasing Chinese medicinal herbs is their labels. Some herbal plants do not have standard names in English. Their names are simply listed according to where they are grown, and they may even have a generic name that is not appropriate for the plant. This means that buying synthetic or lab-produced herbs could be dangerous.
Natural Herbal Products for Health:
In fact, there are some instances when the labels of Chinese herbal products are so ambiguous that it could be concluded that the product is synthetic. For instance, you could buy a bottle of Chinese medicine that says it is a Chinese medicinal herb that has Cucurbitacin in the title. The most common Cucurbitacin in these kinds of medicines is not the Cucurbitacin that comes from medicinal plants at all. Instead, the compound is commonly referred to as "bitter melon," which is not a standard ingredient used to create Cucurbitacin, and its bitter taste does not necessarily have anything to do with the health benefits derived from Cucurbitacin.
The label may also indicate the brand of the herbs, rather than identifying the specific herbs used to create the medicine. When you walk into a reputable Chinese best herbal products in Pakistan, you will notice that they all use the same label, "Xu Xing medicine." This is the highest quality label that they use, and the highest quality herbs that they can produce. When you choose to purchase Chinese herbs online, you can rest assured that you are purchasing the highest quality ingredients and that the herbs you purchase will bring you the most health benefits.
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Best Online Herbal Medicine in Pakistan:
Many online herbal medicine stores also offer bulk herbs. Bulk herbs are basically just large quantities of one type of herbs, such as capsicum or peppermint. Because many people find these types of products delightful and want to try them in their own kitchens, many herbalists recommend that people purchase these bulk herbs in a Chinese Ajmal herbal. This way, they can enjoy the great tastes of the herbs, without having to worry about whether they are using real Chinese medicinal plants, or if they are simply purchasing fake supplements.
There are a lot of benefits to purchasing Chinese medicinal herbs online. The first benefit is that you will choose from a wide array of different Chinese herbal products, including essential oils, dyes, essential extracts, teas, and dried herbs. Many herbalists recommend that you make your purchase through Chinese herbal products manufacturers that are reputable because then you can be sure that you are buying only authentic herbal products.
Another benefit is that you get to experience the comfort of shopping from the comforts of home. By shopping online, you do not have to worry about driving to the store, finding a parking space, standing in line, and getting the courage to buy the things that you want to buy. When you shop in a Chinese herbal medicine store, you can simply sit down, relax, close your eyes, and choose the items that you want to buy from the comfort of home.
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davidson456 · 2 years
Top 2 Reasons for Vitiligo and Natural Treatments
Read More: https://bit.ly/33s2L7C . . . . .
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healthur · 3 years
Herbal Remedies for Health - Best Herbal Remedies Benefits
Some natural treatments may be more affordable and reachable than traditional medicines, and many humans prefer using them because they align with their personal fitness ideologies . All of the same, you could marvel whether or not natural options are powerful. Right here are nine of the sector’s maximum popular herbal medicines, inclusive of their important advantages, uses, and applicable safety records.
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healthproductlist · 3 years
Where to Buy Pakistan Herbal Medicine
If you're thinking about visiting Pakistan, or are already here on vacation and need to purchase some herbal products for your next trip to take advantage of Pakistan's herbal medicine benefits, I have some suggestions for where to buy. You can either buy from an individual vendor who grows their own herbs, or you can buy online from a company that ships products from different countries all over the world to one centralized location. Either way, please consider this before heading out:
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Quality standards vary greatly among various Pakistan herbal medicine manufacturers. Individual vendors tend to sell their herbal products cheaply, which increases the risk that some of the herbs will not live up to their claims. Individual vendors also have no system to ensure quality standards, which leaves buyers with a big red flag.
One thing I like about bulk buying from a distributor is that prices tend to be better than individual vendors. Some bulk distributors in Pakistan do process their herbal medicines through a recognized national laboratory, but there are also distributors who do not. When buying on the internet, you have the ability to search for a "distributor" with high quality standards. If a vendor has not been accredited by a national laboratory, look elsewhere for your product.
Most of the Pakistan herbal medicine distributors online are highly-professional companies that you can trust. They provide detailed information about the herbs they sell, how they process them, how they package them, and the quality of their herbs and Pakistan tea. Their websites often offer pricing structure charts for customers. Some even give you the option of buying in bulk, or ordering in large quantities. These larger orders will likely come with a higher price tag, but it will be worth it to buy a large quantity of Pakistan tea and herbs.
In my experience, the best way to buy Pakistan herbal products in bulk is to buy them directly from a distributor. This will ensure that you are getting only the highest quality products. Distributors that are licensed by the government usually follow stringent quality standards. They also guarantee their products to be of the highest quality.
Before ordering in bulk, you should make sure that you are getting a quality product. Do some research and see what other buyers thought about the vendor. If the buyer does not have a positive review, then look elsewhere for a more reputable vendor. Pakistan is an extremely busy country, so you may not be able to find someone who can order for you in time to accommodate your needs.
I prefer buying my Pakistan herbal medicines online from a distributor that has been in business for at least a few years like dawakhana near me. That way, I am guaranteed to be getting a consistent product and excellent service. Plus, when you buy online, you don't have to deal with middlemen or other hassles. Just one easy payment can do it all, along with the assurance that you will receive top-notch service.
Once you know where to buy your products in bulk, then the choice is yours. There is no reason why you can't enjoy great quality and value for your money. Instead of investing a small fortune on a few pills, bulk purchase your products and treat yourself to incredible savings. It's the smart consumer's decision.
Many distributors offer free samples to encourage your bulk purchase. Of course, you get what you pay for. This won't apply to all bulk purchases, but some companies will ship samples right to your door. You'll never know until you try! Try to avoid any company that sends you large quantities unless they have a good reputation.
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One of the most important things to consider before ordering herbal medications is how they are made. Make sure you know how they are tested and manufactured. Most Pakistani herbal remedies and supplements are made using pharmaceutical grade ingredients and procedures. If at all possible, stay away from those that are made in developing countries. These products often lack quality control and may result in you or a loved one becoming ill from using a substandard remedy. It's your responsibility to research any herbal medicine and supplement you wish to use.
If you are thinking about buying a product, make sure it's a good fit for you and your lifestyle or simply visit Ajmal Dawakhana Uk. Shop around and find a reputable vendor. Ask questions and do a little bit of research to make sure you're getting a quality product. Remember, most herbal medicines aren't available over the counter, so you'll need a prescription to get them. Talk with your doctor about any concerns or queries you may have.
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dawakhanaajmal · 3 years
Sharbat Bazuri Barad a Unani remedy produced by Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan for the treatment of liver, kidney and bladder ailments. It works as a diuretic, helps in dropping the liquid in your veins and provides normal vital sign . It additionally keeps your heart from pumping blood successfully all through your body.
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apkisahet · 3 years
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Roghan Badam Shirin is a pure extract of Prunus Amygdalus (Almonds) prepared by Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan for eliminating constipation and strengthening brain and nerve function. Roghan Badam Shirin is effective for constipation and dryness of intestines. It regulates the bowel movement. The active ingredient of Roghan Badam Shirin is Badam (Prunus Amygdalus), which is effective for strengthening nerves, insomnia and mental weakness.
Rogan Badam is a good source of Vitamin E, Manganese & Iron. It acts as a natural skin tonic, protecting from free radicals, aging and blemishes on skin. Vitamin E protects damage of healthy cells by an excess of molecules known as free radicals. Manganese is a versatile trace mineral, part of Roghan Badam Shirin, used as skin supplement for premature aging, irritations and blemishes. It is also use for eliminating dandruff from human body and skull.
One tablespoon mixed with a cup of hot milk at bedtime is a brain tonic, cures insomnia, makes hair grow and strengthens roots. Roghan Badam Shirin cures constipation and removes dryness from inside.
Apply around 5 ml to your scalp, massage well. This will help you get rid of dandruff and get lustrous hair.
Apply a few drops to the face and body with gentle strokes. You will definitely get younger looking, radiating skin.
Keeps body warm in winter
Good for heart
Effective for constipation and dryness of intestines
Regulates the bowel movement
Strengthens brain power
Relieves tension
Helps build stronger bones and good for infants
Effective for strengthening nerves, insomnia and mental weakness
Useful for dandruff
To be applied on the scalp
In constipation, 1-2teaspoon in Luke warm milk before sleep after 2 hours of dinner
2 drops light warm oil to be instilled in nose and ears
For dark circles massage on eyes in circular movement with ring finger
Badam (Prunus Amygdalus)
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healthserviceblr · 3 years
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Mardana Kamzorim ka Ilaaj  Mardana kamzori bohat si bimaariyon ka majmua hai aur isi baat ko madd-e-nazar rakhty hue hum isy chand sawalaat main samaitny ki koshis karty hain. Agar aap in main sy kisi aik bhe masly sy dochar hain to aaj he apny qareebi Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan ki branch se apna Shabab Awar Shadi Course hasil karain
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herbalmedicien · 3 years
Yeh waja aisi hai k aap kisi sy keh bhe nahe sakty. Lekin ab ghabranay ya pareshan hony ki koi zarurat nahe kiunkay Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan khasusi tor par aap ke liye la raha hai “Shabab Awar Shadi Course”.
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herbs302 · 3 years
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Roghan Badam Shirin is a pure extract of Prunus Amygdalus (Almonds) prepared by Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan for eliminating constipation and strengthening brain and nerve function.
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usmanperviez · 3 years
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Dawakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan formulates it as the best herbal remedy for backache and joint pain problems by adding some other herbs in it.
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Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana: Unlock the Power of Natural Remedies
In today's fast-paced world, where modern medicine is readily available, it's easy to overlook the incredible healing potential of nature's remedies. An renowned institution dedicated to harnessing the power of natural herbs to promote health and well-being. With a rich history spanning several decades, this esteemed herbal clinic has become a beacon of hope for individuals seeking effective and holistic treatment options.
Embracing the Essence of Herbal Remedies
The Wonders of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, lies at the core of Ajmal Dawakhana approach. This time-honored tradition emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in maintaining optimal health. By incorporating carefully selected herbs and natural ingredients, Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments that target the root causes of ailments rather than merely alleviating symptoms.
Unleashing Nature's Pharmacy
Nature's bounty is an abundant source of remedies, and Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana taps into this vast pharmacy to provide effective solutions. From revitalizing tonics to soothing balms, their extensive range of herbal products is designed to address a wide array of health concerns. By leveraging the power of plants and herbs, Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana offers natural alternatives that are often free from the side effects commonly associated with synthetic drugs.
The Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana Difference
Holistic Approach to Wellness
At Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana, the focus extends beyond treating individual ailments. They believe in nurturing overall well-being by adopting a holistic approach. By considering physical, mental, and emotional aspects, their experienced practitioners provide personalized treatments that promote harmony and restore balance in the body.
Expertise Rooted in Tradition
With a legacy spanning generations, Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana has amassed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of herbal medicine. Their dedicated team of professionals combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific advancements, ensuring that each treatment is backed by research and delivered with precision.
Quality and Purity Guaranteed
Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana places utmost importance on quality and purity. Each herbal formulation undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its effectiveness and safety. By adhering to strict quality control measures, they provide their patients with the confidence and reassurance they deserve.
Supporting a Healthier Future
Empowering Individuals
Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana not only aims to heal but also strives to educate individuals on the power of natural remedies. Through informative workshops and seminars, they empower people to take charge of their health and make informed choices.
Preserving Tradition, Embracing Innovation
While deeply rooted in tradition, Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana embraces innovation to enhance their offerings continually. By blending age-old wisdom with modern techniques, they are at the forefront of herbal medicine, catering to the evolving needs of their patients.
Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana stands as a testament to the incredible potential of herbal remedies. By unlocking nature's secrets and blending them with expertise, this esteemed institution has transformed countless lives. Whether you seek relief from a specific ailment or wish to embark on a holistic wellness journey, Ajmal Herbal Dawakhana is your trusted partner in harnessing the power of natural healing.
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herbaltreatment · 3 years
Amazing Healthy Living Facts That Can Change Your Life
According to Hakeem Ajmal khan it is important to choose the right water to drink; however, the best option is using filtered water. With the help of filters, you can get the amazing benefits of purified water and enjoy delicious water. It is important to maintain a healthy weight through a healthy diet. Many people struggle with this particular fact of healthy living because they feel that they don't have the time or energy to dedicate to eating healthy foods and exercising. However, healthy living facts indicate that it doesn't take much time and energy to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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davidson456 · 3 years
Recent Prospective and Trends of Herbal Medicinal Products Usage
Read More: https://bit.ly/3D6X5vV . . . . .
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yshabbir49 · 4 years
Hakeem Ajmal Khan Ki Tibbi Khidmat By Roshan Sitare || حکیم اجمل خان کی ...
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risingpakistan · 11 years
Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan
The Hamdard University in Faisalabad, Pakistan 
Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan, is a private non-profit research laboratory famous for its Unani and ayurvedic medicine. Hamdard Dawakhana originated in undivided India in 1906. After the Partition of India a branch was established in Karachi, Pakistan by Hakim Mohammed Saeed, named Hamdard Laboratories.
In 1953, Hamdard Laboratories was converted into a Waqf (Islamic irrevocable trust) and renamed Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan. Profits of Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan were made over to the trust, for use in the development of health, education and other nation-building and philanthropic activities. Hamdard Foundation Pakistan was created to manage these funds.
Hakim Abdul Majeed (1883–1922) founded an organization called Hamdard Dawakhana in Delhi in 1906. At that time, it was a small clinic and herbal medicine shop. Abdul Majeed had come from a family that included many herbal doctors, and he joined the herbal pharmacy of the renowned Unani physician Hakim Ajmal Khan. As he developed his knowledge of medicine, he became aHakim and decided to establish his own pharmacy and clinic, which he called Hamdard Dawakhana.
As a result of Hamdard's success, it moved to a larger building in 1922. Unfortunately, Abdul suffered a serious illness and died that year. Mrs. Rabia, his widow, took responsibility until son Hakeem Abdul Hameed assumed leadership.
In 1940, Abdul's youngest son Hakim Mohammed Saeed joined Hamdard Dawakhana. By 1947, Hamdard became a prominent manufacturer of herbal products and medicines in the Indian subcontinent.
After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, Saeed, at the age of 29, migrated to Pakistan. The following year, he established Hamdard Laboratories Pakistan in Karachi on a modest scale.
Saeed was able to make Hamdard the leading manufacturer of herbal medicines and products in Pakistan in six years.
In 1953, when Hamdard had become a big pharmaceutical company, Saeed declared it a Waqf (Islamic irrevocable trust).
Charitable activities
Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan was established in 1964 in order to separate the charitable and philanthropic work from the business unit. It was the first NGO of its nature that came into being in Pakistan.
Hamdard Laboratories produces more than six hundred (600) Herbal Products.
Hamdard has a full range of medicines for digestive disorders of stomach and intestine, abdominal cramps, hyper-acidity etc., anemia, jaundice, purification of blood from impurities, liver ailments, female ailments like leucorrhoea, menstrual irregularities and for protection of pregnancy. Products are also available for naturally strengthening the nervous system and mental health, heart and other vital organs. Hormonal and sexual insufficiency in men, general debility, mental and physical exhaustion, rheumatism and joints diseases, skin diseases, common cold, and a wide range of other physical problems are addressed with Hardard products.
Some of the company's most common products are Rooh Afza, Safi and Carmina.
Research and development
Hamdard Laboratories central structure is based in Karachi, consisting of fully automated pharmaceutical manufacturing and research units, manufacturing a wide spectrum of herbal products. Recently, a new industrial complex has been set up about 40 km from Karachi.
Apart from Karachi, manufacturingasfsafsdf sadfsafsaf sadfsafsaf sadasdf sda units operate in other Pakistani cities. In Lahore a factory produces syrups and medicines.
A factory at Peshawar makes syrups, extractive distillates, semi-solid and solid preparations.
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