"I can't believe you!"
“That was literally not my fault. Didn’t you hear the people in the audience at that panel? They shouted ‘kiss him!’ What was I supposed to do? Deny the fans? That’s not who Noah Sharpe is. Telling them my favorite part of having you on board playing Neville in the sequel was that night we got drunk in my trailer and all the memories we made in the trailer without telling them how innocent those memories were was all on me, sure, but a little publicity boost from an on set flirtation never hurts and Lucy knows I am completely loyal, aside from that kiss which we’ve both agreed doesn’t count and wouldn’t be my fault if it did. I’m glad you agreed to back me up on this. ”
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✎: a journal entry about your muse written by my muse.
[This one confuses me because it seems like it should be “write a journal entry about my muse written by your muse” since I should be writing my own character. So that’s what I’m going to do, journal about Hal written by Olivier.]
3rd May  2024
Today I met an angel, if such creatures exist. I had met him before and mistook him for something earthly. I mistook him for his brother actually. I had heard a lot of talk about Professor Longbottom’s handsome, scoundrel son Frank so naturally when I saw this guy with the sparkling smile and distracting arms with his rolled up sleeves and he introduced himself as Longbottom’s son I thought he was Frank. His name is Hal. Too plain for him, but it does fit, something unassuming but when keeping saying it you can hear music. That is what convinced me he was an angel so I record and remember it here, though I don’t think I could ever forget. I heard him sing and play his guitar and there are no words to describe how it made me feel. Even living with musicians and skilled ones at that, I don’t think I ever had that experience of being transported to a different realm by simple chords and words, but maybe I am predisposed to be moved by this certain musician. I am dramatic. I am pathetic. I think I may be in love. His neck blushes when he does. I am going to have to really think and study different shades before I can record what color he blushes. For now I need to charm this book blank again and hide it away. But I’ll write more later as there are developments.
10th May 2024
I dropped my books today on my way back from the library and they were picked up by this very helpful prefect name Felix. He was more than just a helpful prefect though. I think [Page cuts of there]
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alkimean · 7 years
🎶 (From whoever you'd like)
the boy who blocked his own shot / brand new
If it makes you less sad, I will die by your handI hope you find out what you wantI already know what I amAnd if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking againAnd you can tell me how vile I already know that I amI'll grow old and start acting my ageI'll be a brand new day in a life that you hateA crown of goldA heart that's harder than stoneAnd it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's goneCall me a safe betI'm betting I'm notI'm glad that you can forgiveI'm only hoping as time goes, you can forgetIf it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the stateYou can keep to yourselfI'll keep out of your way
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lovely / twenty-one pilots
You say things with your mouthCobwebs and flies come outI hear a second voice behind your tongue somehowLuckily I can read your mindFlies and cobwebs unwindThey will not take you downThey will not cast you out, out.Dear friend, here we are again pretendingTo understand how you think your world is endingSending signals and red flags in wavesIt's hard to tell the difference between blood and water these daysI'll pray that one day you seeThe only difference between life and dyingIs one is trying, that's all we're gonna doSo try to love me and I'll try to save you.Won't you stay aliveI'll take you on a rideI will make you believe you are lovely.
bird set free / sia
Clipped wings, I was a broken thingHad a voice, had a voice but I could not singYou would wind me downI struggled on the ground, ohSo lost, the line had been crossedHad a voice, had a voice but I could not talkYou held me downI struggle to fly now, ohBut there's a scream inside that we all try to hideWe hold on so tight, we cannot denyEats us alive, oh it eats us alive, ohYes, there's a scream inside that we all try to hideWe hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, noI don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, yeahAnd I don't care if I sing off keyI find myself in my melodiesI sing for love, I sing for meI shout it out like a bird set free
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you’re missing it / jason walker
It's cold againI do not know what to doI need a friendBut all I really want is youWhere have you beenI haven't seen you for so longI guess you're goneYou're really goneSo long agoYou told me you'd never leaveBut do you knowThings have changed so suddenlyAnd here I amI am moving on without youWithout youAnd now the years have passed us byAnd I do not know whyBefore you triedYou chose to quitSo where are you tonightYou could make everything rightBut insteadYou're missing itYou're missing itThis is itAll the things that I have doneThis is itEverything I have becomeSo wave goodbyeCause you can never give it backNo you can'tYou really can't
blue jeans / lana del rey
Blue jeans, white shirtWalked into the room you know you made my eyes burnIt was like James Dean for sureYou're so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancerYou were sorta punk rock,I grew up on hip-hopBut you fit me betterThan my favourite sweater,And I know that love is mean,And love hurtsBut I still rememberThat day we met in December,Oh, baby!I will love you 'til the end of timeI would wait a million yearsPromise you'll remember that you're mineBaby, can you see through the tears?Love you moreThan those bitches beforeSay you'll remember, oh, baby, say you'll remember, oh, baby, oohI will love you 'til the end of time
let it go / the neighbourhood
I'm from a little city with expensive taste,Where the cars don't run until the engine breaks.Wasn't spending pennies on a mess of things,But invested in mess with this recipe.Couldn't quite see what the future heldAnd as days went by it would tell itself.Let it struggle just a little bit more,Let it struggle just a little bit more.[2x]Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better,Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and everDon't ever resent a letter inside a single word written,A little change can pave lanes with the right vision.Couldn't tell what would happen nextBut as weeks went by good would turn to best.Let it struggle just a little more,Let it struggle just a little bit more, mhm.[2x]Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.If what they said was all pretend then it'd be different,If it depended on if anyone was listening,And I was listening.And when they said that what I wanted was a figment,I had to turn the other cheek but I was listening,Yeah I was listening, listening to all. 
these boots are made for walking / nancy sinatra
You keep saying you got something for meSomething you call love but confessYou've been a'messin' where you shouldn't 've been a'messin'And now someone else is getting all your bestThese boots are made for walkingAnd that's just what they'll doOne of these days these boots are gonna walk all over youYou keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin'You keep losing when you oughta not betYou keep samin' when you oughta be a'changin'Now what's right is right but you ain't been right yet
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elementumchristmas · 7 years
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Dear Laura, 
I’m not your secret Santa but I think you deserve all the love and here’s a graphic for Hal. Merry Christmas!!
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question--marks · 7 years
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You are an institution in this RP and it would not be Elementum without you. You are endlessly motivating and inspiring and I look up to you a lot. And I have so much fun interacting with your dynamic and unforgettable characters- I would have made posters and album covers for all of them, but like Jo, I am a huge fan of Hal being a musician so this is what I made. Hope you like :) Have the best day ever because you deserve it!!!!
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hogwartselementumrp · 8 years
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Harry Longbottom @hal-lelujahlongbottom
Marlo Cintra @marvelousmarlo
Zhao Seungmin @zseungmin​ 
@letterofscarlet && @alexeidomitrov ( since they are now both dead )
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[text]: You thought you could get away with that, didn't you?
[text from you] Noah can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave a message.
[text from That Kid from the Place] You can’t pretend to be an answering machine over text.
[text from you] New phone, who dis?
[text from you] Text Lucy a galleon amount that will take care of it.
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“slurred words”
He’s just way too tightly wound and I tried to tell him I could help with that but he’s like noooo so it’s his loss, really.  He’s a decent guy. You got to love those. Solid dude. Good voice. I mean anyone can have a good voice. I have a good voice. But he’s like good good. Actually. It’s going to take a lot more than that though. There are better that haven’t made it. He should at least let me help with that. I mean Elsa’s great and all but, come on. I could help. 
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“slurred words”
I love ‘im. Of coursh ‘e...always like  my chest is spleet open. Like zah kind of love zat ‘urts constantly like you bruise your ‘eel and so, soooo every steep. Step not steep...Are you listening to me? Because I speaking and I do not feel you are lizzening. Every step...you are walking, and...I forget what I was...’AL! My ‘Al. Always mine, and now...not mine and not mine for so long I should not...but then I see ‘im and I do because ‘e still feels...so I still feel...and zeen it’s just all these feelings we are feeling, all tied up together. And I think--not to be boasting because I try nevah to be boasting...Okay, zat is a lie. I can do much boasting, but ‘Al, I know ‘e could be my ‘Al again. If I go and say ‘Al I love you and I don’t know ‘ow not to because it seems zah only thing I remember. I walk into zat green’ouse and I ‘ear you sing and za-bam I love you and nevah stop since so I think I should just love you forever and you love me and you be my ‘Al and zat is enough. 
So I say zat and I zeenk..yeah, ‘e would say yes I am your ‘Al again and it would be ‘appy but...I don’t want it. Because it’s all ‘appy surface and zen underneath I can forgive ‘im supporting zah..zah...zat zing...the attic...I can’t remember zah word but zah fighting people oo...malice.....une milice privée? [A vigilante squad] I could forgive zat...I could...if ‘e saw what zey were and admitted it and if ‘e was not a part of making more war. I could move on even wit’out every part of zat. But every time I think of ‘Al,  I also start zinking of ‘ow when Felix denied we ‘ad any relationship when I surprise ‘im at work zat summer everyone said ‘ow terrible ‘ow unforgivable it was, ‘ow I was right to be so ‘urt and Ailis and Lawrence and all of everyone say no, don’t forgive ‘im, ‘e does not deserve a second chance...and I zink, yes, I deserve betteh zen to be zumone’s secret swept undeh zah rug. I deserve to be betteh zen a ‘e’s nobody, because zat was my ‘ole life. Nobody. Nobody. 
And zen zare was ‘Al. Felix tried to warn me about ‘Al. Isn’t zat a funny thing to remember? Felix was zah only one zat saw it, zat knew, zat cared zat  ‘Al ...well ‘e was doing zah same unforgivable zing over and over much longer and I tried to forget zat it ‘urt. I tried to forget zat I was nuzzing. Because I felt I was so lucky ‘Al wanted me at all, even lying and ‘iding for months and months.Be patient I told myself. For seven months from ‘im saying ‘e wanted to be wit’ me...not just be wit’ me. ‘E wanted a relationship. ‘E wanted to try. It was zis ‘ole thing. ‘E’d already been telling me I was important, telling me what I deserved,  but zen seven months from wanting to try and it was seven months of...you know we ‘ad our New Year’s kiss in an alley next to a garbage can so nobody would see and we spent Valentine’s Day in an empty classroom? So seven months and zen ‘e says maybe we can tell a few people...but still not all zah people. Wouldn’t want everyone knowing ‘e was dating me. Because ‘e was ashamed of me or of ‘imself and aren’t both bad?
‘E got over it and we ‘ad...we ‘ad a lot of good times. We were public a lot longer zen seven months....if you add all zah different times we were off and on together.  It was a long time ago, but still...zat is what I remember now. Seven months of ‘im being ashamed and me telling ‘im ‘ow undehstandable it was to be ashamed...of me.
If Felix was unforgivable, zat is unforgivable. 
And I deserve better. 
But I do love ‘im from seventeen to twenty-one and I may still look back and find a memory and remember I love ‘im a four ‘undred and one....I do not think I will live zat long zo.
‘Is ‘air is so soft and ‘is voice makes me feel like I am blank sheet and zah world is a blank sheet and every time ‘e open ‘is mouth to sing ‘e just can paint everyzing and make a world..’is world and you are only just seeing it.  I love ‘is ‘eart...’ow much ‘e cares about small things with all zah passion of ‘is soul. I remember when ‘e blushes deeply it’s zah color of sumerwine acacia flowers. 
I neveh needed an extra blanket sharing a bed with ‘im. ‘E just radiates ‘eat like a little sun, but in a good, sunny way.
‘E’s not always a sun zo. ‘E was a...cloud. Yes, a cloud and ‘e just rained all kind of guilt and gloom and I’m sorry Mr. Cloud I don’t owe you anyzing and I should be ‘appy and try to forget...all zah everyzing!
I don’t forget zo.
I just....I don’t know. I don’t know very much of anyzing.
My mouth is dry. I talk too long.
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hogwartselementumrp · 7 years
Happy Timezone Appropriate Greetings, Elementals! I wanted to make sure none of you missed that there is a ball this weekend as announced HERE on our newest character Madison Hale’s blog. Party activity will be in dash threads and an in character chat we’ll keep open both Saturday and Sunday. The guest list is under the cut and plus ones are encouraged.
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hogwartselementumrp · 7 years
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Please Unfollow
The Following Characters Have Forty-Eight Hours to Contact the Main or Resume Activity
Expiring Hiatuses
Rea (Last day today, 6/5)
Beth (Last day today 6/5)
Active Hiatuses
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betternott · 9 years
"You’re pregnant and It’s mine" (did somebody say AAAAAAAU as heck :P)
“Don’t say that!” Diana whisper-yelled. “The test isn’t 100% correct. Right?” She hoped he would agree with her, the panic on her face quite obvious. She didn’t want to be pregnant. She wasn’t ready for a kid. 
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