#haladriel kinktober bingo
demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 10.5k | 5.3k chapter [2/3]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
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myfavouritelunatic · 11 months
And Horror And Madness Walked - Chapter Three
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The water was warmer than she’d expected, and felt just as beautiful as Halbrand had said. She wandered in, clothed only in the raiment she was born with, and let the river welcome her with grace. As she submerged herself, Galadriel felt glad that Halbrand, despite his insufferable nature, did not turn around to catch a glimpse of her vulnerable state. She came back above the water with a smile on her face, and a feeling of calm like she had not felt in so very long. He had been right, this respite was a wise decision. But then he splashed her. And he was doing so well. Halbrand's laughter filled the air as he gaped at her irritated expression. Such a sweet sound like she had never heard. Galadriel was compelled only to splash him back. It wasn’t long before her laughter joined his and the two beings let the river become a place of joy. The darkness that encroached upon them didn’t exist, as if the ripples of their making were keeping it at bay, as if the sun itself was on their side to ensure their happiness. Galadriel let herself feel all of it. The bliss and the affections, the way her stomach swirled and flew like forest birds every time Halbrand held her gaze. And she began to sense it in him too. Realising that this unspoken bond they had forged, it was more than trust and perseverance. It was in their limbs, their hearts that began to sing the same music, with verses that were crescendoing into a mighty chorus that bellowed out one ardent harmony. Love.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Welcome to the smut chapter AKA the Kinktober chapter! Halbrand teaches Galadriel to become accustomed to matters of the flesh... 😏
Tagging: @pursuitseternal @denzit @gil-galadhwen @scriberated @youwearfinethingswellwriter @theriverwild @thrillofhope @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @marimosalad @jhalya @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @rebelrebelwrites @hikarielizabethbloom @hazelmaines @yletylyf @princessfantaghiro @demonscantgothere @mamanmae @eowyn7023
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Announcement #1. Our First Event! Tolkien Monster Mash & Kinktober Bingo
Hello everyone & Happy October!
We at the Collective have put together some fun bingo cards for Halloween and Kinktober respectively, and we encourage everyone to use them as they see fit (even if they aren't strictly Haladriel!).
Each card has it's own collection on Ao3, and if you use the card at all, please feel free to add your fic/art to the collection & tag us here on Tumblr using the #haladrielfancollective tag so we can share it! This event has no word count requirements or restrictions, and runs the whole month of October. If you wish your fanwork to be included in the collections on Ao3, please submit it by November 1st at the latest as that will be when the collections close.
We understand that there are several amazing events also occurring this month (Hellghoul Week & Rings of Power Week 2023 to name just two, please check them out if you haven't already) and that people may be busy with those as well.
Our event, such as it is, is meant to be no-pressure and low-key. Fill as many or as few prompts as you like, or follow the official rules to win and win bragging rights when you cry Bingo!
No matter what you choose to do, or how much, the most important thing is to have fun, and be kind to yourselves and each other. We're all here to have fun and enjoy fandom!
You can find the links to the bingo cards & their instructions below!
Thanks!! Tolkien Monster Smash Bingo Haladriel Kinktober Bingo
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 5.2k [1/2]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags. First submission for Haladriel Kinktober 2023.
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 15k | 4.5k chapter [3/3]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags.
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myfavouritelunatic · 11 months
And Horror And Madness Walked - Chapter One
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Sadly, she did not need a bed to succumb to sleep. It crept over her before she had time to register what was happening, and she slunk slowly down to the stone floor, a pool of gold and silver hair and sparkling elven dress. She had been pulled back into the dark forest. Galadriel began to run, screaming, searching for a way out. A way to wake up. But the bush and branches only thickened the deeper in she went. And she knew… she was being followed. “Leave me be!” She cried, trying not to let her fear overcome her. The princess held great power in her spirit, but it certainly felt diminished here. Then, for the first time, she heard the thing that would stalk her. It laughed. A malicious and unearthly laugh that seemed to echo from all directions, as if Galadriel was surrounded by multiple creatures. “Afraid not… Galadriel… once I have you… I cannot let you go…” The voice was female, that much was clear, but it did not sound of elf or man or dwarf. It was something else. “Reveal yourself! I command it!” More laughter. “You won’t be commanding anything much longer…” Suddenly, the coldest of chills swept through Galadriel’s body. The wind she had seen in past dreams… she felt it on her now. She felt her hair move, as if swept off her shoulder by a hand. And now that hand was upon her. Galadriel cast her eyes down and saw something horrible. A monstrous hand, void of colour and warmth. Grey and leathered, fading into the blackest of talons at the end of each finger. They glistened as if dipped in water. Or blood.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: For this first chapter, nightmares, spooky forests, and stalking creatures. Straight up horror vibes! Oh and a tiny bit of violence towards the end.
May I present my offering for both the Tolkien Monster Mash and Haladriel Kinktober Bingo! A tale told over four parts. A mash-up of The Rings of Power and The Silmarillion, set in the first age where Galadriel meets Halbrand waaaaaaaay earlier. Sauron was tired of waiting I guess? :P I hope you all enjoy!
Tagging: @pursuitseternal @denzit @heronamedhawks @gil-galadhwen @scriberated @youwearfinethingswellwriter @theriverwild @thrillofhope @klynnvakarian @marimosalad @90shaladriel @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @hazelmaines @hikarielizabethbloom @yletylyf @princessfantaghiro @eowyn7023 @mamanmae @demonscantgothere @jhalya @vellichormybeloved
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myfavouritelunatic · 11 months
And Horror And Madness Walked - The Final Chapter
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Slowly, she sat herself up and turned to see her surroundings. And sure enough, beyond the heads of the orcs that pulled them along, on the darkest of horizons, was the great island fortress. Tol-in-Gaurhoth. They were being taken directly to Sauron himself. Galadriel’s head filled with pain, and she winced, collapsing back down in the cart. Halbrand scooted over to her, attempting to comfort her however he could despite his chained arms. “Rest, my love. You will need to regain your strength if we are to escape what’s to come.” “Good thing… I have someone experienced with escapes then.” Her lips trembled into a smile and Halbrand couldn’t help but laugh at her little jest. “Filled with such light… even in the darkness.” He spoke with adoration, leaning down albeit a little awkwardly to steal a quick taste of her lips. “Oi! Knock that off!” An orc growled at them, smacking Halbrand’s leg with his sword. The man glared at the vile creature as he reluctantly moved away from his elf. “Halbrand… why am I not chained like you?” She found it rather curious that she was not shackled also, despite being in the same circumstance. “The orcs thought… I thought… you were dying. I assume they didn’t see the point. Some small miracle. But I suppose that will change once we are stowed away in the dungeons.” “We’ll be alright, Halbrand. I’m certain of it.” Galadriel smiled, reaching across to cover one of his hands with her own. “Yes, Galadriel. We will.”
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Nothing new to report, except the emergence of orcs and werewolves...
And now I can officially cry BINGO!!! On both the Tolkien Monster Mash and Haladriel Kinktober cards! 🥳
This story was such a pleasure to write, so happy to get the chance to return to the canonverse, even if it is a TROP x Silm mash-up hehe.
Thank you for reading, and Happy Halloween! 🖤🎃
Tagging: @pursuitseternal @denzit @heronamedhawks @gil-galadhwen @scriberated @theriverwild @thrillofhope @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @jhalya @tmwillson3 @rebelrebelwrites @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @marimosalad @mamanmae @hikarielizabethbloom @hazelmaines @yletylyf @demonscantgothere @princessfantaghiro @eowyn7023
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