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Hello everyone!
We return from the Halls of Waiting with a winter gift exchange in celebration of the new season of Rings of Power!
This is event is open to the entire Haladriel community and anyone can participate. Gifts can come in the form of fics (min. 2k words), fanart, fanvids, music, etc,. All prompts and ratings are accepted.
The Schedule:
September 16th: Sign-ups Open. September 30th: Sign-ups Close. October 1st-3rd: Assignments go out. October 11th: 1st Check-in. October 25th: 2nd Check-in. November 8th: 3rd Check-in. November 22nd: 4th Check-in. December 1st: All assignments are due. December 25th: Gifts revealed!
-> Sign-up Form -> Prompts List (if you need inspiration!) Have a question? Ask it here or send us a DM!
Notes About the Event:
We have carefully worded the questions on the sign-up sheet to take individual preferences regarding content/triggers/ratings etc,. into consideration. When you receive your assignment, please be mindful and respect the request of your recipients. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from future events. If you have any questions, please reach out to a mod - either @thrillofhope or @scriberated
This event does require communication with at least one of the Mods of the event. Failure to communicate effectively may result in disqualification.
Because we want this event to be as inclusive as possible, and we are aware of some uncomfortable dynamics within the fandom, we have included a question on the sign-up sheet to address this and ensure that anyone who wants to participate may do so safely, and have fun.
All gifts are due on December 1st. All gifts will be revealed on December 25th.
If you need to drop out of the exchange for any reason, please let the mods know as soon as possible. While we have allocated time within the event for pinch-hitters to make additional gifts as needed, the sooner we know the better.
Participants are not required to reveal themselves at the end of the event. If they wish to post their gift as Anonymous, they may do so.
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 10.5k | 5.3k chapter [2/3]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags.
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myfavouritelunatic · 11 months
And Horror And Madness Walked - The Final Chapter
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Slowly, she sat herself up and turned to see her surroundings. And sure enough, beyond the heads of the orcs that pulled them along, on the darkest of horizons, was the great island fortress. Tol-in-Gaurhoth. They were being taken directly to Sauron himself. Galadriel’s head filled with pain, and she winced, collapsing back down in the cart. Halbrand scooted over to her, attempting to comfort her however he could despite his chained arms. “Rest, my love. You will need to regain your strength if we are to escape what’s to come.” “Good thing… I have someone experienced with escapes then.” Her lips trembled into a smile and Halbrand couldn’t help but laugh at her little jest. “Filled with such light… even in the darkness.” He spoke with adoration, leaning down albeit a little awkwardly to steal a quick taste of her lips. “Oi! Knock that off!” An orc growled at them, smacking Halbrand’s leg with his sword. The man glared at the vile creature as he reluctantly moved away from his elf. “Halbrand… why am I not chained like you?” She found it rather curious that she was not shackled also, despite being in the same circumstance. “The orcs thought… I thought… you were dying. I assume they didn’t see the point. Some small miracle. But I suppose that will change once we are stowed away in the dungeons.” “We’ll be alright, Halbrand. I’m certain of it.” Galadriel smiled, reaching across to cover one of his hands with her own. “Yes, Galadriel. We will.”
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Nothing new to report, except the emergence of orcs and werewolves...
And now I can officially cry BINGO!!! On both the Tolkien Monster Mash and Haladriel Kinktober cards! 🥳
This story was such a pleasure to write, so happy to get the chance to return to the canonverse, even if it is a TROP x Silm mash-up hehe.
Thank you for reading, and Happy Halloween! 🖤🎃
Tagging: @pursuitseternal @denzit @heronamedhawks @gil-galadhwen @scriberated @theriverwild @thrillofhope @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @jhalya @tmwillson3 @rebelrebelwrites @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @marimosalad @mamanmae @hikarielizabethbloom @hazelmaines @yletylyf @demonscantgothere @princessfantaghiro @eowyn7023
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pursuitseternal · 11 months
“Something (wicked this way comes)” for Halloween, a modern Haladriel werewolf AU
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Haladriel Modern Werewolf AU |E| 4K
Summary: Gal finds herself more than what’s on her shopping list… a handsome stranger with golden green eyes and a magnetism she can’t resist… Good thing her brother isn’t anywhere near. He’s too busy hunting for that Monster, wherever he might be… Inspired by a local werewolf tale where I live.
Read on AO3
CW: some blood, A/B/O rules that are fast and loose, total stalker vibes, fated mates, star-crossed mates (sister of his enemy after all), naked Halbrand… 🌶️ spice and I don’t mean pumpkin pie seasoning 🎃
He will make you howl
Fuzzy. Aching. My head throbbed and cheeks burned, my eyes struggling to focus as they fluttered open to the warm orange light. I felt sick. Like the worst hangover of my life. Or like I was hurled unconsciously over miles. Wherever I was, something soft and warm cocooned around me.
It all came rushing back to me—the blood, the glistening skin, the howls and glowing eyes in the middle of the road. The dark Wolf, the sexy man, the familiar stranger. I was wherever Halbrand had taken me.
And this wherever it was a small, single room cabin, Franklin stove included that gave off the eerie orange glow. Better than the dungeon you thought a monster would inhabit. I laid on a mattress, covered in thick flannel quilts and soft downy pillows. All of which was just inundated with his scent.
Something stirred beside me in the shadows, in the darkest corner of the room, and Halbrand leaned his head into the light.
“Well, if the princess isn’t finally awake,” he taunted, a sharp, cruel edge to that baritone. Like gravel in his voice. “Took you long enough to come to…” he flexed his hand in the firelight, long dark claws extending from his fingers making me catch my breath. “Would have thought you stronger as Finrod’s sister, but…”
He shrugged, standing to his feet as he crossed the small distance, his bare feet silent on the wood planks of his floor. I realized with a clench of my gut and a heat in my body that he was still naked.
And he clearly liked what he saw in me. I had to look away from that cock. Bigger, thicker than any I had seen in pictures or online. Impossible. Monstrous. I forced my eyes away, even as it made the heat between my hips flare to agony as I did so.
Smooth, silent, the true beast he was, he sat on the mattress beside me, fluid as he framed my body between his arms, his face just hovering over my cheek, my hair, as he smelled me.
Read more on AO3
My entry for Monster Mash Bingo for @thehaladrielfancollective AND for “spice” for @hellghoulweek 🎃🎃
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makeshiftdraco · 11 months
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“So…what are you in for?” he asked, trying to ease the tension. Galadriel bristled. “That’s none of your business.” He shrugged his flannel clad shoulders, spinning in his chair. “Just trying to make conversation… If you’d rather sit here in silence until security returns, that’s fine by me.” She remained stubbornly quiet for a few moments before giving into temptation. “I punched one of the actors.” He let out a bark of laughter, and she glanced toward him in shock. He didn’t seem surprised by her confession. “I’m impressed. You’re a real hardened criminal after all.” Galadriel flushed, both angered and flattered by this reaction. “I am not a criminal. It was self-defense!” Her irritation melted under the warmth of the man’s grin, and she realized belatedly that he had been teasing her. “What about you?” she asked, trying to divert the attention away from herself. “What are you in for?” “Dispute about a woman…”
Beware the Wolf Behind the Mask
Halloween Haladriel fic by makeshiftdraco
Part One: Fight...Flight... has been posted!
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: The Rings of Power/Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Galadriel/Halbrand|Sauron
Status: In Progress
When Galadriel is detained for punching a handsy haunt actor, she finds herself trapped with a handsome stranger in security custody. When Halbrand offers her a chance to escape, she must decide whether the potential reward is worth the risk. Fear and desire struggle for dominance as Galadriel's instincts put her on a dangerous path, one that might lead right into Halbrand's awaiting arms. The theme park lights are bright, but danger lurks in the shadows of even the happiest places.
Can Galadriel trust Halbrand to mend her fragile heart...or is there a wolf hiding behind that charming smile?
(Check tags on AO3 for trigger warnings)
My entry for @thehaladrielfancollective Monster Mash Halloween Bingo. Barely managed to squeeze part one in before October ended... Bingo card is under the cut.
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cliffdivingsblog · 1 year
A Varda/Melkor romance
Chapter 3 • 11k words • Rated E
Using the @thehaladrielfancollective Kinktober Bingo prompts:
Blood play, Edge play, cuckholding, impact play, primal, hints of quirofilia and masochism (if you count him getting off on her nearly offing him)
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She is sobbing when her lips find his, sobbing into his mouth, the salt of her tears as bitter between them as all their regrets, her fingernails boring into his shoulders, as she presses herself against him, desperate for closeness despite it all.
“I hate you,” she presses out somewhere in between the madness.
I hate that I want you. I hate that I need you. I hate that… I love you.
“I know,” he answers, voice as rough as hers, taking everything she unleashes on him without complaint. “Maker, I know.”
Her hands tremble as she pulls the robe off his shoulders, kissing frantically down the pale line of his throat, then down his chest, finding only hard flesh beneath.
He is as efficient in undressing her, her cloak on the floor in moments, the glittering bodice joining it the moment he figured out how to open the clasp on her nape.
And then she is lifted up and gently deposited on the bed, her whole body shivering in such overwhelming need for him she feels as if she is going to die if she can’t have him right now.
“I want all of it tonight.” Melkor’s voice is soft as he crawls on top of her, the gentle rasp of a lover’s confession, intimate, needy, his eyes endless dark pools that suck her in. “All of you.”
A beat of silence, heavy with three endless ages filled with loneliness and longing. And then … “Please.”
Varda can sense how much that one word costs him, how he struggles with it, barely able to let it escape into the quiet between their minds where only she will ever hear it; she cannot remember him begging anyone else for anything ever before.
And she wants it, too. Wants it, needs it, craves it. So much that the persistent ache of that need eclipses everything else. Her doubts, her fears, her regrets.
She knows she shouldn’t. By the One she knows she shouldn’t.
But there is no hesitation in her as she reaches out to bridge the gap between them, her hand against his neck, catching the wild cadence of his pulse, of his life, not able to resist the urge to drown in it.
“Then take it all.”
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 5.2k [1/2]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags. First submission for Haladriel Kinktober 2023.
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Announcement #1. Our First Event! Tolkien Monster Mash & Kinktober Bingo
Hello everyone & Happy October!
We at the Collective have put together some fun bingo cards for Halloween and Kinktober respectively, and we encourage everyone to use them as they see fit (even if they aren't strictly Haladriel!).
Each card has it's own collection on Ao3, and if you use the card at all, please feel free to add your fic/art to the collection & tag us here on Tumblr using the #haladrielfancollective tag so we can share it! This event has no word count requirements or restrictions, and runs the whole month of October. If you wish your fanwork to be included in the collections on Ao3, please submit it by November 1st at the latest as that will be when the collections close.
We understand that there are several amazing events also occurring this month (Hellghoul Week & Rings of Power Week 2023 to name just two, please check them out if you haven't already) and that people may be busy with those as well.
Our event, such as it is, is meant to be no-pressure and low-key. Fill as many or as few prompts as you like, or follow the official rules to win and win bragging rights when you cry Bingo!
No matter what you choose to do, or how much, the most important thing is to have fun, and be kind to yourselves and each other. We're all here to have fun and enjoy fandom!
You can find the links to the bingo cards & their instructions below!
Thanks!! Tolkien Monster Smash Bingo Haladriel Kinktober Bingo
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 15k | 4.5k chapter [3/3]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags.
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Tolkien Monster Mash Bingo
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Fill as many or as few prompts as you like in whatever medium you prefer (Fic, Fanart, etc,.) These prompts can be combined into one submission or several. --Please feel free to use the cards even if it isn't Haladriel!
Go ham, have fun!
Cry Bingo! if you fill five prompts vertically or horizontally (Four prompts if you include the Free Space), or scattered (any 5 prompts from the board at all).
Share your fanwork and tag us @thehaladrielfancollective and use our tracked #haladrielfancollective tag so we can share your awesome work!
Add the work to our collection on Ao3, which can be found here.
Stay tuned for our next event!
Thanks so much & we hope everyone has fun!
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