#halekulan i
rainbow or orange? :)
((Have an LGBTQIA+ Memory since we're still in Pride Month~))
Okay. He can do this. Its just a short sentence, four words tops. And he very purposefully chose Dick to talk to first knowing that the guy also was very much not straight. Just knock on his bedroom door, say the thing, go back to his own room and finish off some homework.
Or run back to his parents place if it didnt go well...
No. Stop it. He's fourteen and Dick is pretty fond of him and Tim loves hanging out with him especially when he's in one of his chaotic spiteful moods towards Bruce. It's going to be fine. Deep breaths. Just knock.
"H-Hey. Can we talk?"
That was not the script, what are you doing?!
"Soooo uh. I was wondering-" Fingers tapping away behind his back. Calm down, Jesus Christ. "-How exactly did you figure out you didn't just like girls? Cause. I uh. Might be in the same boat?"
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Who is your favorite customer?
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"Whoever gives me the least amount of hassle." Khare can barely hide her grin as she answers but it's the honest truth. It was hard to pick favourites since there were quite a few customers she liked and choosing just one seemed unfair to all the others, but those who were easy to please were well up there, making regular visits to the diner and generally being a joy to serve. "You didn't hear this from me, but Gilda Dent? She's an absolute sweetheart, both she and her husband. It's not often you see that kind of love and passion so... it's nice to see, you know? Especially here in Gotham." She saw and heard a lot while working in Pauli's Diner, often hearing more than she'd have liked to know. The amount of venom some men had for their wives and partners was beyond depressing; the things they had to say about the people who were meant to be so special to them made her skin crawl. Harvey and Gilda were nothing like them. The love they held for one another shone brighter than any neon sign to be found in the city, outshining any star one might be lucky enough to glimpse past those smog-filled skies. She briefly wondered how they were doing and whether or not they were having a good week. Khare hoped so. They deserved all that and more, looking forwards to their next visit.
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skullkxd · 2 years
Examine! : Professor Sycamore's Garchomp, Chompy!
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them. (Accepting!)
she’s just a big puppy!! Even if she looks scary, she’s gentle and sweet. Don’t judge a book by its cover. she loves her trainer more and more every day, and might actually be more perceptive than you’d expect…
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personae-obscura · 8 months
Secret Histories / Grail!
Secret Histories - An event from the muse's past whether it be fleetin reminiscence or a grand event There's a knock at the door of her flat and Imogen answers with a polite "Yes officer?" They tell her of a murder on the other side of the city and ask if she's familiar with a certain Dr Dekker. "I've heard the name once or twice but I don't believe we've ever met." They explain the situation. Dr Dekker has been murdered and they need someone to go in for them and help figure out who did it. She came highly recommended. "I feel I should inform you, officer, that I only fully qualified in the last few months. Shouldn't you be reaching out to someone more qualified?" Should be fine. There's going to be supervision the entire time. "...alright fine, I'll do it." Privately, she felt they were making a huge mistake hiring someone who had only just qualified and graduated and had no undercover or interrogation training.
Grail - What are the muses desires? Imogen is a simple woman. Her only desire to get by in the world and she happens to find some satisfaction in helping people work through their problems. Working as a therapist pays well enough, it's still a downgrade from what she grew up with but she has savings and she gets by without trouble. And in more recent months, there's the desire to get through life completely ignoring the Elder Patron she was chained to without her permission.
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chaserainbows · 2 years
tea meme for platanc, maybe?
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes!
Chamomile Tranquilitea
A drink brought to you by the professor after a long day of work, made with a specific combination of chamomile, honey and mint that he discovered through trial and error. You find that sipping it slowly with a side platter of cookies really does make you feel much more at ease!
+ Restored 130 HP!
+ Applies Safeguard!
+ Applies Light Screen!
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question-marked · 6 months
💬 + I heard you tear it up at Karaoke!
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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"That rumor is true! I'm great at it, especially when me and Harv are singing together. Him, Two-Face and I are great together during karaoke."
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masquenoire · 9 months
Smash or Pass + Harvey Dent / Two-Face ;P
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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"Little Goodie-Two Shoes Harvey Dent? Pass please, as in pass me the sick bag! Always scampering after Bruce like a lost little shadow, tch!" Roman hisses. If he hated Bruce Wayne, he hated Harvey Dent half - or twice - as much. Roman was never sure which but together the two rubbed him the wrong way, and all he wanted to do was find ways to get them into trouble back when they were kids. But then the attack happened, that day in court. Roman remembered it like it was yesterday, when Gotham's beloved pretty boy got a nasty wake-up call thanks to Maroni. Now he wasn't so pretty anymore, his good looks only half what they used to be but it had brought out a whole other side in the District Attorny, the one he knew existed if somebody poked and prodded him long enough. "Two-Face on the other hand, now there I might be convinced. And no, I ain't afraid of that mug, not when I look at my own every day in the mirror but Two-Face... yeah, he knows what's up. He's the one who knows how to have a good time without a care in the world, so I'd say smash if only everything he did didn't rely on a goddamn coin toss. Pass."
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red-hemlock · 6 months
what was your character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else? :)
Sweets Headcanons! @halekulan-i
15. What was my character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else?
"Hmph! Regular old food was something you had to be grateful for at my humble home, so my siblings and I had to get creative when it came to 'treats'."
What memories. Probably one of the few times her brother and sisters ever got along were when they were stuck in the kitchen making this sin against snack-kind, "First, we'd slap a big, hefty helping of PB on the table. Then, we took a big pile of whatever we had on hand: usually granola, nuts, and some dried fruits, and just-... Roll it all up into a log shape, and let it set in the fridge for a bit. Voila."
River grins, "If you wanted to be extra-daring, darling, you could even add a little sugar pre-roll! We used to call the thing a Slog Log, because it was so ugly and annoying to make; But sometimes, it felt like heaven in a sea of bland."
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"...I'd rather never eat it again, but I've a feeling my daughter would love it!" And would no doubt request it just as much, which is why that 'secret family recipe' will firmly remain as such, "Give me a good, red velvet cake any day or some of those fluffy sugar cookies, and I'm golden!"
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dramatisperscnae · 9 months
Talk about Harvey/Two-Face for Dick :))))
['Talk About' (insert character here) || accepting]
He doesn't like the assignment, but he'll do it.
"Harvey Dent was probably one of the best DAs Gotham could have had. I never really met the man, but I've heard the way both Commissioner Gordon and Batman spoke about him. Harvey Dent was a good man in a bad position trying to make a difference. Had his problems - still does - but he was trying to do the right thing in a city almost as corrupt as Bludhaven. If it hadn't been for that attack in the courtroom during the Holiday killings he might actually have succeeded, who knows?"
Then his eyes narrow.
"Two-Face is a monster. There is nothing good, nothing redeemable, about that man. I'd argue he barely counts as human. He's unpredictable, holds to absolutely no code except the flip of a coin which - despite what he'd insist on telling you - is not the fair chance he makes it seem. Sure, flip a coin enough times and it comes out to something approaching 50/50, but you can't judge a single coin flip based on that. The odds are skewed, and if you know what you're doing you can absolutely rig the flip in your favor. The only good thing that monster ever did was teach me one thing."
Dick's eyes flash coldly.
"Sometimes the only way to win is not to play at all."
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enignoema-a · 1 year
@halekulan-i (@twcfaces) replied for a starter
Ed was sure that Two Face would be pleased if he knew the man had two very differing opinions on the man. On one hand Two Face was a very interesting, clever, and successful villain. On the other, lawyers were liars and there was nothing Ed hated more than a liar and a cheat.
He taps his fingers on the table as he observes the man... men? Man. "What has a head and a tail, but no body?" he finally speaks up
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arobinwithoutbatman · 1 month
What sticks out about your portrayal? Everything! Tim is funny, unapologetically weird, sensitive, and learning and we love that here. Sometimes I wanna hug him, sometimes I wonder why he's such a little gremlin.
And?! He changes people! Two-Face has gone from Tim's first Really Bad Guy to bring just ... a guy that's cool with him visiting every once in a while. And that's cool! :) Love him for that, tbh.
((I'm just gonna sit here in my feelings all day over this I adore you))
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
👫- twcfaces? bc i like that our interactions revolve around two bagels.
Send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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When it's late at night and Harvey needs somewhere quiet (or a bite to eat), Pauli's Diner is the place to go. Not only is there food, coffee and a private booth whenever he wants it, he can also find impartial advice from the waitress who served him two bagels during his first visit. A box of dessert and the honest truth that Harvey had simply lost track of time recently went over well in smoothing any tensions back home with Gilda, making Harvey a repeat customer during those trials that run long into the night.
Khare didn't actually learn he was the Harvey Dent, Gotham's most celebrated Defense Attorney until his third or forth visit, always treating him just like she would any other customer. Other prestigious lawyers in his position might have been offended by such behaviour but having somebody treat him so... normally is as amusing as it is a relief.
I like to think it was Harvey that helped Khare realize she was being grossly taken advantage of by the landlord she was renting from? Not only is it highly illegal to spike rent so suddenly without advance warning, there's a dozen other rules and regulations he overhears being broken such as failure to uphold maintenance, unsanitary living conditions and many more, causing his lawyer senses to come to life.
When Harvey was disfigured by Vincent Maroni, Khare was genuinely upset to hear the news and sent flowers to his ward. They were a little sad and limp since it was all she could afford and as a result, she never signed the get well soon card that accompanied them. The only indication it came from her was because it was food-themed saying "You're one tough cookie!" Harvey never said a word to anyone but he had a hunch as to who sent them.
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skullkxd · 2 years
🙊💬 + Prof. Sycamore?
Send 🙊💬 + a name, and my muse will share their true, unfiltered opinion of that person! No sugarcoating! (Accepting!)
“isn’t he tired?
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like … being nice? Being thoughtful? Being optimistic like that? believing in the best of people even when they let you down again and again? It’s exhausting. Isn’t it? How the fuck does he do it? He’s …
he says he understands me. He says he wants to understand me. That he gets it, being unwanted, being rejected, but … I don’t know. I don’t know how to get close to that type of kindness. I don’t know if it’s allowed… I’m sorry, mr sycamore. I wish I could be what you expect of me. What you… hope for me.
but I’m tired of being tired.”
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personae-obscura · 8 months
🐶 - any pets? (past or present) for Imogen!
"Just the family cat. Very proud, bit of a temper when I was younger. British blue, we called Watson. She's getting on in years now so she's mellowed out quite a bit. She is currently still with my parents. I don't have the time for pets currently though I wouldn't mind a reptile of some kind."
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question-marked · 7 months
Rumor has it that you still visit Harvey Dent in Arkham Asylum! Care to comment? :)
Send "Rumor Has It…" And a rumor about my muse and see how they respond.
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"Yeah of course, that's very true. Harvey is a man that I love deeply and I want to support him in any way I can."
"I want him to remember that there are people who still love and support him, and I will always love him...Arkham is a terrible place to stay at, I know since I've been there many times. At times you feel like you're alone, and I never want Harv to think that."
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chaserainbows · 2 years
ice beam & pay day - for whatever characters you want!
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
ice beam — is your muse usually cold to others? if so, what does it take for them to warm up? if not, what could make them turn cold?
Haruki's the kind of person that always has a smile on his face, so he doesn't really seem cold at first glance, but he doesn't have a very good innate understanding of other people's feelings and has a very calm disposition, so if something doesn't bother him he doesn't immediately understand why it would bother anyone else.
Because of that, he's good at creating the kind of environment that makes people feel welcome but isn't necessarily the most comforting or understanding. There's a surprising amount of coldness in this sunny bitch.
pay day — if your muse had unlimited funds, what’s the first thing that they would buy?
Well, to be more specific he'd buy nice gifts for his parents and siblings, then he'd spend a fuckton of money on food. Haruki's pretty easy to please.
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