flock-keeper · 2 years
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“Augustine is definitely not a dom. I know that from personal experience.”
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amorfiducia · 2 years
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“Hate’s such a strong word.”
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
@platanc​ sent:
"Can I kiss you?" - platanc, of course!
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Meyer’s eyes widened in surprise as his cheeks burned up at the sudden question. “Yeah, of course! Only if you’d want to, Augustine!” He quickly added, seeming rather surprised and embarrassed.
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costofbeauty · 2 years
@platanc​ (x)​
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“Just the sheer audacity of some people. I thought telling a story that actually happened would make my point clearer.” Lysandre shook his head. “People are so cruel to those who simply want to help. The profane recordings from our customer service line proves it.”
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skullkxd · 2 years
💛 - platanc? :)
Send 💛 for a friendship headcanon I have for our muses!
Ree still feels bad about how they snapped at sycamore when the two first met. They also feel bad about how sad Augustine seems to be — especially when talking about Lysandre. Ree tries to find little snacks or knickknacks they think he’ll like, to make him smile
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chaserainbows · 2 years
"I have spent time in Galar as of late, and this little one insisted on following me home."
Professor Sycamore set down a Mime Jr.
"He's a little different than the Mime Jr. I've seen in this region, but apparently these ones from Galar evolve differently. I'm blanking on exactly how..."
Mime Jr. copied Professor Sycamore's thoughtful pose, complete with a little scratch under his chin.
"Why don't we figure it out together? He came all the way to Kalos, maybe you can take him with you to a few interesting places."
(platanc, for the pkmn meme)
As Calem looked at the Pokémon in front of him, Sycamore could see his eyes lighting up in joy. So cute, he loved it! He had a vague idea of the different forms that existed in Galar but had yet to see one up close, so he was really excited about the opportunity that presented itself.
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"Consider it done, professor!" Calem was ready to put all his brain cells to use.
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turojo · 2 years
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« " .. You speak passionately, Professor. " Almost fruitless to speak on indifference. Sycamore was someone incredibly optimistic about his outlook. That zeal shown in his work, something Turo greatly admires in detail. But there might be a few things they can disagree on outside of that.
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« " But if I may infer that while we can hope for altruism it doesn't change it's nature much I'm afraid. I'm not trying to dampen your spirits of course- " Dear Turo was always the pointed one, if not, maybe just a bit of a cynic. " - I'm more afraid you might be taken advantage of. You're very generous in your philanthropic work and in your studies. Aren't you afraid someone might exploit your good nature? "
@platanc - CONT'D
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blue-orb · 2 years
Professor Sycamore thoughtfully scratches his chin for a moment.
"I assume you live with a few water types, but I wouldn't be too surprised if you had gills, yourself." (platanc)
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"I do, actually!"
He pats, gently, the top of the white part of his uniform.
"Got six. Three on each side. One pair more than most of the people in my village except for my Grandpa, who has an extra one on his side. I think he lost a gill from his days as a soldier."
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afriendlymemory · 2 years
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Normal/Fairy, for sure
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endthewcrld · 2 years
Now that I understand a little more of what's happened, namely, my friend deactivating their account, I really don't feel like I belong here either, to be honest.
I've always been fine writing a version of Lysandre that was a little different, but that's not what anyone wants but me at this point.
So, I'm taking a break from this character, and probably Sycamore (@platanc) too.
I'm tired, my Real Life is complicated, and I'm not about this bullshit right now. I don't have the time.
Hugs and headpats.
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zamaxsu · 2 years
Hi! What other RP accounts do you have?
Assuming you're not intending to harass me or something :
Zamasu/GB/Gowasu :
Hearts :
Professor Sycamore
Misc :
The Batter (OFF)
Pending creation :
Otto Octavius / Dr. Octopus
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flock-keeper · 1 year
Professor Sycamore has brought over his best old mixtapes and his old tape player--- it's not much of a birthday present, but if it works, they can jam all night to some punk rock classics! - platanc
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Fearghas took a glance at the mixtapes and tape player that Sycamore brought and smiled at him. “Nice, Augustine! Mixtapes are pure quality, listening tae these with ya will be well fun! I wonder how many of these songs I will recognize…we're gonna have a fun night!”
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amorfiducia · 2 years
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“I know, I’m just the worst, darling.”
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
@platanc || x
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Meyer felt himself wincing slightly at Augustine’s apology as his face faltered slightly from anger into a solemn look. He didn’t mean to be angry as a sigh escapes from his mouth, he can’t make a promise and stick to that promsie but for Augustine, he will try. “I promise I’ll be more careful, Augustine.”
Augustine’s right. What if somebody worse comes along other than Lysandre?
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ardynzunia · 2 years
Ardyn is wearing a “Team Sycamore” shirt and cheering
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skullkxd · 2 years
@platanc said: “Sorry, Bulby just seems to really like you”
“well, it’s a good thing that I like bulby, then.”
Ree is sat down, ankles crossed, offering some beans to the little guy! They grin, before looking up at Augustine.
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“I guess I’m just a Pokémon whisperer.”
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