#haley trike
ramrodd · 8 months
Tina Nguyen — The MAGA Diaries- with David Frum
This woman's experience how the Nazification of the GOP by William F. Buckley's Conservatism. Buckley's campaign to convince the world that he was a charter member of the John Birch Society and that the John Birch Society hijacked Barry Goldwater's Conservative brand as campaign workers and campus activists that came to DC with Reagan and is the mother board of the January 6 insurgency that Mike Pence derailed. The leading edge of the John Birch Society of Movement Conservatism was the Plumbers who fucked up Nixon's presidency and now have bet the ranch on Trump.
The Reagan Cult of Personality that can be quantified by every mention of Ronald Reagan National Airport. Regan did nothing but fuck up commercial aviation with PATCO and the white supremacist economics of the John Birch Society, Elon Musk is the Archetype of the superior commercial executive according to George Gilder's Wealth and Poverty. Ayn Rand's Aryan ideal contained in the character of John Galt. This is what the Studio-SAG trike was all about. The Studio executives share Elon Musk's passion for management by fear while the leadership model of the Quality Assurance business model of Fran Dresher's workers is the Cooperate and Graduate  leadership model of the Army Ranger School and the Starship Troopers of Vietnam,
The score card is easy to understand: everybody who voted to expel George Santos, Republoicans and Democraats are constitutionally woke and all the January 6 coalition of the House Freedom Caucus who voted to keep him on the Island are the leading edge of the John Birsch Society's legacy of the Nazification of America. with Trump at the head of the 76 Trombones of the Anti-Christ.
This is easy to fix, The first thing is, newly woke Republicans are are authentically repentant of their moral blindness in the manner of Nicole Wallace and the MSNBC cockpit of the Prty of Lincoln Coalition to drop kink the John Birch Society through the goal posts of due process and into the cess pool of their own Nazification, like Satan in Paradise Lost, into the Outer Darness
The things you believed in as a Eisenhower or Jack Kemp Republican that have been hijacked by the William F. Buckley's insurgency to overthrow the US Constitution and cause the collapse of the US economy like in Atlas Shrugged, That's what the January 6 Nazification is all about. That's happening and came very close to working except for Mike Pence.
In Indiana, Mike Pence is noted universally as being dumber than a box of rocks, but family money can cure all sorts of social handicaps. Like Matt Gaetz.
The good news is, this is fixable, If you want to restore the Party of Lincoln Coalition as the dominant leadership coalition of the GOP, get behind Nikki Haley at the moment and begin a write in campaign starting with South Caroline for Party of Lincoln candidates for the GOP Convention and re=claim the Party of Lincoln from the John Birch Society. Get behind Nikki Haley: she has the dagger the convictions against Trump as a dirty old man has turned him into a Archie Bumler punch line. .
Here's the irony: Biden's Build Back Better capital budget will complete the  implementation of Reagan's New Federalism which will complete Stage 2 of Eisenhower's 3 Stage process to transform the social infrastructure for the Manhattan Project to the Star Wars economics of 2001: A Space Odyssey, An objective of William F. Buckley's Nazification insurgency was to prevent Eisenhower's 1956 Presidential Platform from working in order to achieve the Atlas Shrugged outcome he wanted to create in order to seize control of America. We have been a cunt hair away from triggering the final paradigm shift of Stage 3 that will end up as Starship America since 19 January 1981 and that cunt hair is all things associated with William F. Buckley and the John Birch Society.
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daveofcamelot · 4 years
Waking up the alarm went off at 6:30 at the time I set it at I wanted to get up at that time to get myself on that sleep schedule for work but I ended up on back to sleep until 10:30 so I pretty much failed but tomorrow is another day triking and I also have to work tomorrow so that helps I have to get up. I got a timer for an hour trying to cut back on cigarettes by only smoking one it rings but I already have three and I'm about to light up another smoke too much I need to stop just got done with a wall mom wasn't home so went on a walking trail I guess I'll go back over there see how she's doing before I go home and start cleaning when to stop by moms I didn't see mom's car there so I turned around left no I just made it home I get started on some cleaning finish up some cleaning watching some Amazing Atheist mostly political talkin about a black lives matter in the latest cop that killed that man trying to get into his car world's gone insane man you just got done watching The Dictator had some good talks with Nathan during the movie Austin just woke up KJ left for work and I'm going ready to call Mom to see if I can come over there get my laundry talk with her for a bit what's helping Austin Nathan and Haley dig up some change for some more food get by the rest of this week did make it moms here now chilled with Mom a little bit more got me another Sunday watch the news the world is really has gotten scary I got home Debbie call me dad don't remember Weston he still thinks that me and Debbie is together there's that much gone that hurts me so bad and it really hurts knowing that one day I will be that way come already Escapes Me all loose track all the time that's who I will be in one day it's okay it just hurts but that's what feelings does you know and now that's it for me I'm done with my day
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Extending ‘Healthspan’: Brain Scientists Tap Into The Secrets Of Living Well Longer
AUSTIN, Texas — Retired state employees Vickey Benford, 63, and Joan Caldwell, 61, are Golden Rollers, a group of the over-50 set that gets out on assorted bikes — including trikes for adults they call “three wheels of awesome” — for an hour of trail riding and camaraderie.
“I love to exercise, and I like to stay fit,” said Caldwell, who tried out a recumbent bike, a low-impact option that can be easier on the back. “It keeps me young.”
Benford encouraged Caldwell to join the organized rides, which have attracted more than 225 riders at city rec centers and senior activity centers. The cyclists can choose from a small, donated fleet of recumbent bikes, tandem recumbents and tricycles.
“With seniors, it’s less about transportation and more about access to the outdoors, social engagement and quality of life,” said Christopher Stanton, whose idea for Golden Rollers grew out of the Ghisallo Cycling Initiative, a youth biking nonprofit he founded in 2011.
But that’s not all, according to brain scientists. They point to another important benefit: Exercising both body and brain can help people stay healthier longer.
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The new thinking about aging considers not just how long one lives, but how vibrant one stays later in life.
“If you’re living, you want to be living well,” said Tim Peterson, an assistant professor of internal medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Most people who were interested in life span and were studying genes — which control life span — switched to ‘healthspan.’” 
“Healthspan,” a coinage now gaining traction, refers to the years that a person can expect to live in generally good health — free of chronic illnesses and cognitive decline that can emerge near life’s end. Although there’s only so much a person can do to delay the onset of disease, there’s plenty that scientists are learning to improve your chances of a better healthspan.
Golden Rollers group rides help Mario Treviño (left) relieve pressure and increase circulation while recovering from toe surgery.(Julia Robinson for KHN)
The work takes on special resonance in light of a new report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showing that life expectancy in the United States has decreased in recent years. A rise in midlife mortality (ages 25 to 64) has dragged down the overall expectancy.
“The idea is to make people productive, healthier and happier longer and more capable taking care of themselves,” said Andreana Haley, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin who is among this breed of researchers working to understand healthspan. “We now live a long time with a lot of chronic diseases, and it’s not fun. It’s costly — in terms of productivity, caregiving responsibilities, cost of health care.”
Haley, who collaborates with exercise physiologists, nutritionists, behavioral neuroscientists and physicians, said researchers from many other disciplines are also studying healthspan, such as nurses, speech pathologists and pharmacists.
Their work is inspired by an aging U.S. population with changing needs. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10,000 people a day turn 65, the nation’s fastest-growing population segment.
“We have a lot of people who will need to be taken care of in the next 50 years,” she said, “and fewer young people to do the care.” 
Mary Lyons shows off her agility before a Golden Rollers ride in December.(Julia Robinson for KHN)
Haley, with UT’s Aging and Longevity Center, focuses her work on midlife, which she defines as ages 40 to 60, a time when health choices can have a big impact on older years. She’s especially interested in brain health.
Her team is collaborating with UT’s Human Laser Lab to pilot the use of low-level light therapy to increase brain energy and improve cognitive performance.
Because of this close brain-body connection, any degeneration in the brain affects not only cognitive function but also areas that control weight, appetite, personality, mood and blood pressure.
Online games and brain-training exercises have become popular as another way to keep the brain sharp.
However, research on brain training reflects mixed results, including a study published last year in the journal Neuropsychologia, which “calls into question the benefit of cognitive training beyond practice effects.”
Still, aging experts urge people as they age to work to keep mentally active, as well as physically active, to lengthen their healthspan.
“With seniors, it’s less about transportation and more about access to the outdoors, social engagement and quality of life,” says Christopher Stanton, whose idea for Golden Rollers grew out of the Ghisallo Cycling Initiative, a youth biking nonprofit he founded in 2011.(Julia Robinson for KHN)
Ghisallo instructor Alexandria Russell (right) hugs Golden Rollers rider Mary Lyons after a group trail ride. (Julia Robinson for KHN)
One of the country’s largest continuing-care companies, Acts Retirement Communities, offers residents weekly social-based classes for brain fitness and memory developed by Cynthia Green, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai in New York City. Green said her brain health approach, available since 2015, is offered at 150 retirement communities around the country.
Some of the Acts communities are participating in a two-year study about memory improvement supervised by a researcher at the University of Alabama.
Helen Marner and her husband, Jim, both 76, are study participants at Indian River Estates, an Acts community in Vero Beach, Fla.
“I’m always interested in bettering my health, my brain and my body,” Helen Marner said. “I’m interested in keeping myself as alive and current and bright as I can.”
Marner bikes, swims and attends exercise classes. The former kindergarten teacher also sings in two choirs, designs and sews quilts, and is active around town as well as at Indian River Estates.
Exercising both body and brain can help people stay healthier longer.(Julia Robinson for KHN)
Mary Beth Vallar, 74, and her husband, Bill, 88, joined the study at Vero Beach.
“We figured it couldn’t hurt,” Mary Beth Vallar said. “They’re teaching us certain techniques to remember people’s names and remember lists and remember sequences. Their techniques are very helpful.”
To remember a list, techniques include taking a mental snapshot of it, organizing the items into categories or linking one word on the list to another. As for names, said Robin Leatherow, the Vero Beach community’s fitness director, a creative strategy could be making up a story in your mind about the name or repeating it to yourself.
“There’s a lot of different things you can do for brain health,” said Theresa Perry, Acts’ corporate director of wellness services. “One is to engage with other people. We thought it would be good for our residents and better than sitting in front of a computer and playing games by yourself.”
Because research shows that people who stay active and exercise their brain “tend to be healthier and have better brain function and will be physically healthier because of the brain-body circuitry,” the recent shift to improve healthspan makes sense, said Peterson, of Washington University.
“It’s quality of life versus quantity of life,” he said. “It’s probably as simple as that.”
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/extending-healthspan-brain-scientists-tap-into-the-secrets-of-living-well-longer/
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