#half of it is to mess with Madi and half is solidly to distract Clarke from falling too hard into an empty nest sniffle zone
butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Imagine Clarke and Lexa dropping off Madi at school and yelling the same embarrassing goodbye to her 🥺
First day off to college 👀
Finn and Clarke and, of course, Lexa are there. She's not exactly a stepmom figure but she is important in Madi's life by then. It a chaotic day; a rag tag team effort to move Madi out of Clarke's old house that's mostly sat empty now and into her dorm.
Lexa being the only one of the 3 who went away to college in her youth really enjoys experiencing everything from the other perspective. The whole dropping someone off on the beginning of this news chapter of their life. Madi may not be her kid but she loves her, and wants to help her get settled, but God, more than anything she absolutely 110% enjoys helping her girlfriend embarrass the living shit out of that kid 💕🥰
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