#half of the reason im even attempting gifs is this scene
petrichoraline · 2 years
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jackie5656 · 3 years
With; Luke Patterson
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A/n: IM BACK! Been very busy but I’m happy I could write again. A little out of left field with this character but I watched JATP when it first came out. I just rewatched it and had to write something for it. So here we are, enjoy! 💜
Warnings: None
It’s early afternoon when you’re watching Clueless with Alex in the Melina’s garage. Having found the vhs amongst your box of old clothes and setting up the loft so it was no longer a storage space and instead a makeshift living room. It was pretty difficult trying to move a lot of the objects, as a lot of the times things would simply fall through your hands. Which is why you had convinced Julie to help you. You’re saddened at the memory, knowing the girl was mad at the four of you for having blown off your gig at her school dance. You’re drawn away from the thought when you see Paul Rudd enter the screen, longing eyes watching her dance during the party scene. You always found it funny that the two main characters were blind to their own affection for each other for half of the film.
“Where’s our Paul Rudd? I mean, what’s a girl gotta do to get one?” You whine dramatically, brows raising to inquire Alex’s scoff from the couch across you.
“Hello? You have one, you’re both just too stupid to see it.” He quips instantly, amused by your astonishment.
“I wish. Can we ignore my one-sided pining for one of my best friends and instead discuss your ghostly romance? I’m waiting for you and Willie to finally come clean.” You defend, triumphant smirk etching your face when he chucks a throw pillow at you.
“Y/n, if even the afterlife doesn’t give you enough reason to confess your feelings, then you’re really a lost cause”
“I’m not confessing anything! If he really felt the same he would have said something. I can’t jeopardize the band, or more importantly the group, with whatever crush I have on him.” You argue, sadness lacing your tone as you continue. “Besides, it’s pretty obvious he has an eye for Julie.”
“He’s not in love with Julie, he’s wants you! Why do you think he’s always all over you?”
“Because he likes to torture me.” You counter, smirking when the blonde groans dramatically. Throwing his head against the cushions to signify his distaste of your delusions.
“You two are helpless. I mean, Luke-“
As if on cue, the two missing band members poof into the garage with looks of defeat. Looking at Alex expectantly at the mention of Luke’s name. You look to each other in a panic, not sure what to say since they’ve caught you in the middle of conversation.
“Luke, totally loved this movie back in the day. That’s what we were talking about, the cultural impact Clueless had during our time!” You cringe at his attempt of a cover, relieved when the boys seem to buy it.
“What’s up with you two?” You question in hopes of changing the subject.
“Trying to come up with a way for Julie to forgive us.” Reggie mutters helplessly, sitting beside Alex on the longer couch as Luke throws himself to lay on top of you, head resting in your stomach as he sighs. You try to remain calm, after all, it’s common for Luke to be affectionate. Alex smirks, and you do your best not to lunge at him from across the room.
“It’s helpless, we got so caught up with Caleb and totally ditched her. I feel awful.” The brunette above you adds, the concern for the girl lacing his tone sets off a pang in your heart. Of course you’re also upset about the fight with Julie, but can’t help but feel a bit of jealousy. Luke grabs your wrist, placing your hand atop his head to signal you to run your fingers through his hair. A common occurrence between you two. You want to scream, having him so close was too much. You look to the blonde across the room, eyebrows raised with an expectant look that reads “set boundaries, dumbass.” And hes right, it’s not fair to yourself if you let him be so clingy if he doesn’t feel the same.
“Well, let’s brainstorm then.” You announce, moving out from under luke and getting into a sitting position. The distaste on his face from your absence is adamant, and he almost looks hurt at your actions. Enough for even Reggie to pick up on, rejoining the conversation when you turn off the television he was just entranced by. “What if we booked a gig for tonight, show her that we’re committed to the band?” You suggest simply, holding back a laugh when they all seem astonished at the notion.
“That’s a great idea! We could check for clubs with open mics around town, just like we used to!” Luke scrambles from his seat at the idea. “You’re a genius.” Hes softer this time, attention fully on you before he plants a swift peck to the top of your head and poofing out as quick as he came. Instantly, you grab a throw pillow amongst the cushions and put it up to your face, screaming into the fabric to let out all the pent up frustration at his actions.
“What’s up with her?” Reggie questions carefully, stunned at your outburst.
“You know girls and their…Hormones. Mood swings and all that. Let’s go before we become the brunt of it!” Alex replies, grabbing Reggie so they can both leave before you can stop them.
“I don’t know man, sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage.” Reggie argues as the three band members rehearse. Y/n having gone to julie’s room to search for an outfit for the upcoming performance. “Like you and y/n” the boy continues.
“Wh-what is thag supposed to mean?” Luke forced a smirk whilst shifting in his stance, cheeks red at the comment.
“Cmon, everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. Or, when you’re not singing. Basically all the time. You guys ooze chemistry.” He babbles on, Alex just as amused at Luke’s struggling defense.
“You should never say ooze again but yeah, I agree.” Alex chimes in, taking the opportunity to put in a good word for the girl.
“Okay, no. I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with.” The boy panics at their accusation. “Seriously, uh watch!” Going on to serenade Reggie with tonight’s chorus.
“Wow, I see chemistry.”
“That was pretty hot.”
“See, it’s not just with her.” Luke assures the two, annoyed with their looks of disbelief. “Whatever, even if I did want to have chemistry with her, and I don’t. She doesn’t, or wouldn’t, share the same feelings. And on top of that, we can’t jeopardize the band.” The brunette rambles on, eye brown raised when Alex abruptly stands from behind his drum set and grabs his band mate by the collar. Poofing out of the room to leave a very confused Reggie.
In an instant, the two boys appear in Julie’s room, having terrified the girl searching for an outfit. Luke and y/n scream simultaneously, y/n having just pulled a new shirt over her head when they arrived. Alex, having seen it all before, awaits their dramatic responses to end. They had only seen the bottom half of her bra before the shirt was pulled down, but it’s enough to have Luke covering his eyes and attempting to scramble out of the room. Effectively bumping into the door frame in his blind, flustered state.
“What the hell?”
“Sorry! So sorry! It was Alex, it was Alex!” The blonde in question holds back a smirk, the sheer panic of the pair would almost be endearing had they stopped bothering him with their pining.
“ENOUGH!” He announces to the pair, their panic subsiding at his yelling. Luke rubbing the forming bump on his head with a pout. “Ya know what? This has gone on FAR too long. So much so that I’m starting to think THIS is our unfinished business! So I’m forcing you two to sit down and talk about your feelings or so help me GOD I’ll find a way to bring you back to life just so I can kill you again!” With that, he disappears from the room to leave them in silence.
“He’s in a mood.” You mutter simultaneously, giggling awkwardly at the situation.
“What was he going on about anyway?” Luke moves to sit on the bed as he speaks, you following suit.
“Who knows.” You shrug, left to contemplate the situation your fellow bandmate has forced you into. “Is your head okay? Took a pretty hard hit.”
He forces an amused huff at your comment, nodding with a roll of his eyes. “I’m fine, sorry for barging in on you.”
“No worries, it was worth watching you panic.”
“I didn’t panic!”
“Right, lemme see if there’s a bump.” You shift closer in your knelt position to run your hand through his hair. Lifting the strands to study the red mark on the boy’s forehead.
“You’ll survive.” You mutter teasingly, placing a soft peck to the abused skin without thinking. Leaning back onto your legs once becoming aware of the close proximity. You’re both silent, studying each other’s faces and basking in the unspoken confessions. Luke takes a deep breath, eyes trained on your lips before he bites his own in frustration and scrambles off of the bed. Your heart breaks at the action. You were stupid, to think he’d choose you.
“Listen, we can’t do this! I can’t, I can’t be near you like that.” Is all he says, pulling his beanie farther over his head whilst pacing the room.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean, what do I mean? I mean, when you’re all close and you smell good and your lips are just like, there! If I do it and you don’t like it then it’ll be weird and the band would be weird and-”
“If you do what?” You question loud enough over his rambling, stunned by his outburst. He freezes, suddenly feeling too exposed under your eyes.
“You know…” He scratches the back of his neck, motioning back and forth in the space between you and sighing when you still look puzzled. He groans, frustrated by the overwhelming emotions and miscommunication. He lessens the space between you. Crouching down so he’s at your level, searching your eyes before putting his lips onto yours. You’re shocked at first, taken aback by his forward-ness. He senses your hesitation, starting to pull away before you put your hand at the back of his neck to pull him closer. His cocky ass starts to smirk, and you put more passion into it to fluster him. He’s leaning over you on the bed now, too caught up in the feeling of you against him to want to stop for air.
“Told you he’d make the first move! Ouch!” Reggies muffled voice separates the both of you, you crane your neck to follow Luke’s glare at the window behind you. The boy above you chucking a pillow at the glass to warn away your other bandmates.
“Really?” Luke shakes his head in question at the two boys as they shrug. He ignores your attempt to push him off of you, looking down and smirking triumphantly at your flustered state. “You weren’t as shy a second ago.” He mutters so only you can hear, chuckling when you hit his chest in annoyance.
“Don’t be mad! We’ve been waiting years for this. Alex owes me and Julie ten bucks!”
“You bet on us?” The pair of you shout at the window, watching as the two clumsily climb in the room.
“That doesn’t matter! What matters is that I’m 20 bucks down the drain because I put too much faith in y/n.” Alex has the audacity to look disappointed in you.
“Get out!” Luke finally leans back so you can get up, attempting to usher the other two out of the room.
“Am I interrupting something in my own room?” Julie sets her backpack on the ground, surveying the situation as a smile slowly forms on her face.
“They kissed, didn’t they? Oh my god I cannot wait to tell Flynn! Did me and Reggie win the bet?” Her excitement falters at you and Luke’s glares. “Did I say bet? I meant set! We have to go rehearse for our set tonight, so the three of us will go set up and leave you two for a second!” With that, they’re out of the room in seconds.
You put your hands over your face with a groan, overwhelmed with all that’s just happened.
“Hey, you alright?” Luke’s hands go to your wrists to gently pull them from your face. You roll your eyes, hitting his chest at that same shit-eating smirk that somehow always makes your heart flutter.
“Stop that!”
“Stop what?”
“Smiling like that, all cocky.”
“Can you blame me? I got the girl and I won the bet for them.”
“I would have made the move before you ran off of the bed all flustered!”
“I do not get flustered, ever.”
“Tell that to the golf ball on your forehead.” That’s all it takes for him to charge you. Your attempt of backing away no match for his speed when he pulls you up and over his shoulder. Poofing into the garage and throwing you onto the couch. Attacking your face with a few quick kisses before turning towards the gushing band mates and acting as though nothing just happened.
“Alright, let’s rehearse!”
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I’m Not Letting You Go | Genshin Impact | Dainsleif
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A.N. im back :) and now im rewriting a scene from outlander instead of focusing on finals because im tired. hope yall enjoy. this is... really rough. i havent written anything in a good while so be honest in the comments
Word Count. 1747 words
Page Count. 5 pages
Description. After leaving Teyvat for only a few years, you return to your husband, finding over 500 years have past- and your home has fallen into ruin. Many things change as time goes on, and some of these changes can cause us to fall, and become overwhelmed when thrown into the fray. 
Reader. fem!reader, afab!reader in mind when writing
Warnings. yandere-ish themes, mentions of pregnancy 
        But now? You don't think home was in Teyvat. It wasn't with Dain. Not when everything had changed, even if he hadn't, too much had molded your place in the world into a lost memory, lost to 500 years of time. Of the shattering of a Kingdom, the corruption of its people, and the fight to live from its survivors. You barely care for the creak of the heavy door, opening and closing, smooth yet uncertain footsteps make their way near the bed.
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        The blind noise of laughter and dinning was minimal in the scene you were captivated in. Women and men together in the first floor of the sizable Inn, uncaring of the crisis your mind and heart were going through, your room being one of the many meant to be spent in with a partner. The oak wood of your room was dark, contrasting heavily with the soft candlelight, the fireplace from across the bed creating most of your ability to see. Rushing between one end of the room to another, you just needed to leave, your mind racing with everything and nothing at all. You were coming back, back home, back to him-
        "Let me explain, Starlight."
         "It's a little late for that." You huffed, throwing your clothes into a bag, some matching the land of Teyvat, others matching your own modern time. With hair a mess, unkept and in no particular style, the natural flow was interrupted with your erratic movements. The fire that warmed the room was the loudest thing at the moment, other than the rush of your blood deafening your ears to the worried huff Dain let out, a poor attempt to calm himself. His cape was thrown on the bed from earlier in the day, with the rest of his uniform, leaving him in nothing up his black shirt and pants. He feels exposed, unworthy, unable to keep himself together in this moment. Everything was moving too quickly. 
        "I didn't live with her. This was before Khaenri'ah, before it fell, for her safety. Nothing happened." He starts, with hesitant steps, moving towards you as you continued to stuff the bag with everything that came to your mind.
        "It... was a great mistake. The marriage. Between Lumine and I." His voice is steady, calm, wanting to make things right.
        "With a child? A bit late, don't you think?" You're huffing, rolling your socks into your feet before moving to fin your boots, thrown somewhere from your earlier excitement to be with Dain. Your thoughts weren't in the right place, only half listening to him, the other half telling you to leave, the thought of him leaving you for someone else left you damaged you never thought was possible- and your sense and logic were paying for it especially with all the emotion that overtook you at the moment.
        "Child? You mean Klee? She's not mine, I'm not her father." 
        "Really?" Exhaustion came from your voice, the tears from the news of his second marriage, and to Lumine of all people. "The little girl with the blonde hair?" Dainsleif chuckles to himself, mainly from disbelief, before going to his usual tone.
        "Well there's other blonde haired men in Mondstadt, Starlight." He reasons, and the nickname he's chosen for you slips off his tongue so naturally, like breathing air or letting the comfort of sleep overwhelm you- the name he's given you ever since you fell into his life half a millennia ago, giving light like no other. The light that not even stars could compare to. You saw it before you had left, so why couldn't you see it now? His love for you was undying, never lessening in all your time apart, but you simply ignored him as you picked up your shirts and dress. You continued on your desire to run. 
        To run from him. It pained his heart, and his mood molded into something slightly panicked, wanting you to just stop trying to leave. He couldn't handle anymore time apart. Especially from a misunderstanding. One that meant nothing to him when compared to the prospect that is you. 
        "Please- it was only for a short time. Before Khaenri'ah fell and the monarchs demanded she'd be wed into close rank, especially after they suspected her ties to Celestia. It was before the war, and we've been at odds since the Abyss came to be, Hell, I didn't even sleep in the same room as her." He voiced his panic, a hand reaching forward in some sense to soothe, for you or him he wasn't quite sure.
        "And that makes this alright? Huh?" You paused to look at Dain, the shock in his face was evident of your distress, your belongings piled in your arms as your own pain shone through the dark. His heart fell at the sight, wanting to rid you of the distress immediately, but he knew it wouldn't be easy. The situation he was in after you had left Teyvat wasn't any easier either. This world was much different from yours, and with his kinder heart at the time, he didn't wish for even Lumine to be condemned. Teyvat was in harsher times, ancient and less accepting.
        "It's Lumine. She tried to have me killed!" Dainsleif rattled your words, before moving back to your bag, Dain following you closely. Your breathing is heavy, unable to look at him in the moment.
        "You're the one that told me to be kind to her." The shock made you stop, his confusion only made your anger rise, eyes wide and looking him up and down.
        "I said to thank her. Not marry her." You continued to your bag, Dainsleifs figure stepping into your way, his hands gripping at your arms to keep you in place.
        "You're not going anywhere." He's firm, unyielding. His eyes are narrowed, dangerous, daring you to stand against him and his need for you.
        "You're not stopping me... you lied to me. You said you never loved anyone else." You started strong, only to slowly break. The tears started to spill ever so slowly, the weakness in your voice made his knees nearly give out, to simply fall to the ground and hold onto you. To beg you to stay, keeping your being with him, the embodiment of his sanity.
        "I did not fall in love." He softened at your pain, his grip easing immediately.
        "You told me about Kaeya, why couldn't you tell me about this?" Dain fell silent, his jaw clenching, brows furrowed in thought for a clear second. His mask was nowhere to be seen on his face, allowing corruption to pulse in the poorly lit room, the light only shared between the two of you.
        "Why? Because, I am a coward. That's why." He slowly stepped away, unable to face you.
        "I couldn't tell you in fear of losing you. And... I couldn't bare the thought of losing you again." His voice became harsh, in a whisper that feared becoming too loud.
        "I wanted you so bad nothing else mattered. I would sacrifice Hell on Earth, our family, life itself to see you again- to lay with you again. Even though you left me!" Dains voice started quiet and strong, building in temperament and volume as he continued.
        "Left you? Left you! You forced me to go back! I would have died, gladly, in the fall with you... and now you want to blame me for that?" Your tears fell freely now, unable to mask the pain, the items in your hands falling to the ground immediately.
        "I'd never blame you for that. You had to go, for Freyja and Odinns sake, I can't regret that." He shot back, not wanting you to feel as if leaving was your fault. The back and forth between the both of you left you tired, whiplash taking its affect on your mind, the emotions just kept rushing up no matter how hard you attempted to contain yourself.
        "But you blame me for coming back?" You cried, taking a step back from Dain.
        "No... yes... no." His voice and mind shook, unable to comprehend what even he wanted to say, hands moving as he spoke, his mannerisms becoming less refined and more emotional- something he hadn't been able to be in such a long time. 
        "Gods no. Do you know what it's like to live 500 years without your heart? To live half a man and accustom yourself to the bit that's left?" He starts off, heart bleeding for you.
        "Do I know? Do I know? Yes! I do know how that feels, yes, you bastard I know! Or did you think that I went back to Morax and lived happily ever after?"
        "Sometimes I hoped you did." A growl slips through his throat, warning, touching an anger held deep and locked away for years on end. His chest was heaving, shoulders tense, as if he was holding himself back from screaming.
        "But sometimes... I could see it. Lying with you day and night, taking your body, holding my bairns?! Gods, I could kill you for it!" He's nearly snarling at this point, his entire body moving as he took steps forward. 
        "Well I don't have to imagine Lumine!" You shot back.
        "Lumine?!" He yells, turning to throw the small table near him to the wall, cursing loudly before going back to you just as quickly.
        "I don't care about Lumine! I never have!"
        "Oh? So you marry a woman you don't even want and just discard her the second you're done with her?!" 
        "Well, I'm damned one way or the other! If I felt anything for her I'm a faithless fuck of a husband and I didn't I'm a heartless beast!"
        "Well you should have told me." You finished, turning to walk away before he grabbed you by the arm, pulling you in close to meet face to face once again.
        "And if I had you would have turned on your heel and left without a word, but having seen you again? I would do far worse than lie to keep you." He said in a low voice, eyes digging into your own, but your own anger started to leak through the sadness that had overtaken you. The silence was deafening, and your glare was blank compared to his sharp one. It was detachment against focus, a promise settling into your bones, and a shaky breath leaves you once again.
        "Then I'll stay."
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fatelesschild · 3 years
omg im so psyched you posted that echoes deleted scene, i love this series so much, do you have any other scenes you can post? x
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Oh wow! Thanks for asking!
I have a lot of deleted scenes I've preserved for future use, but I just had a look through and there are actually so many from Insurgent it's unreal. Here's a very long one for you. I can't remember why I deleted it (different direction, I assume?) but I think it started chapter 7. Enjoy!:
The Doctor was slowly but surely driving Rose out of her mind.
It wasn’t his fault, she repeatedly tried to tell herself. He was bored. She could always tell when he was bored. A bored Doctor would begin to get slightly twitchy and jumpy, and take an obsessive interest in everything as if unconsciously trying to find a problem he could solve even if it wasn't there. Once, when he had been bored and stuck in Torchwood on his own, he’d ended up finding, cleaning, and upgrading every mug in the kitchen so they had integrated Wi-Fi for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
A bored Doctor would talk even faster than usual, and would regularly attempt to convince Rose that she needed to take up some weird alien hobby just so he could waste time teaching her. When temporarily bedridden, he’d once attempted to convince her that she’d needed Venusian Zumba and she’d nearly broken her back, before the Doctor sheepishly admitted he forgot that Venusian Zumba was too intense for human physiology.
A bored Doctor would constantly offer to do everything for her to excessive lengths and make missions out of the tiniest tasks. One time when they'd been travelling she'd become ill, he had offered to go and fetch her the best chicken soup in the universe from the TARDIS food stocks. He'd left and had returned fourteen hours later covered in bruises and scratches, handing over the soup before proceeding to tell her about his entire venture - a venture which had more place in the Odyssey than a trip to the TARDIS food banks.
Now, cut off from his ship, without his usual messy, busy life, and unable to move much due to his leg and no Jack to keep him amused, he was like a hamster without a wheel and she felt sorry for him. As the dead hours passed he only became more erratic and she was trying very hard to be patient with him.
On the morning of the fifth day, he was already awake and dressed by the time she woke up, and much to her alarm he was sitting beside the bed, staring at her.
'Jesus!' she yelped in alarm as soon as her eyes opened.
'Doctor,' the Doctor corrected, pointing at himself and grinning. 'Breakfast?'
'I got you breakfast,' he said, indicating the bedside table, where there was a pile of jam-smeared toast and a cup of coffee.
Still half-conscious, Rose looked across the bed where she could see her two children fast asleep. ‘How long have you been waitin’ for me to wake up?’ she asked him.
‘Forty minutes,’ he replied.
‘You’ve been here starin' at me for forty minutes?’
She sighed. ‘Look, I know you’re bored but you’ve gotta find somethin’. Go and see if the Brigadier needs help, yeah?’
‘He doesn’t,’ the Doctor replied. ‘Dropped in earlier. Told me to naff off.’
‘Harry? Harry’s gotta need some help.’
‘Has the morning off.’
‘Sarah Jane?’
‘What about helpin’ out at the hospital?’
‘Checked. They don’t need anyone.’
‘Someone. Someone somewhere needs some help.’
‘Nothing’s open yet.’
Rose frowned. ‘What’s the time?’
‘What!? You’ve woken me up at 5am?’
‘Daddy, Mummy,’ Leah moaned, opening her eyes. ‘Tryna sleep.’
‘Sorry, sweetheart,’ Rose told her, and looked at the Doctor. ‘Get into bed and sleep, yeah?’
‘I’m not tired,’ he said.
‘Well, do your physiotherapy.’
‘Did it.’
‘I did!’ he protested.
‘Well, I dunno, go to the gym or somethin’. Work off the energy.’
He pointed at his leg, which was on the mend but still damaged. ‘I can’t.'
‘Do weights or somethin’!’ she said, then abruptly remembered that doing that would probably expose his alien nature with how freakishly strong he was, despite his lanky frame. ‘No, wait, don’t do that, just … Oh god, I’ll get up, okay?’
He grinned, drew out his sonic and pointed it at the mug of coffee, where it instantaneously boiled to be piping hot again.
Rose wasn’t quite sure whether to be relieved or worried when the Doctor disappeared at 8am for two hours. She wouldn’t normally think about it, but a human population and a bored Doctor never usually made for a happy combination so she had to find him and make sure he wasn’t doing anything stupid.
She didn’t have to look hard, eventually coming across him standing in the communal area holding a cup of tea chatting animatedly with a beautiful young brunette woman who was wearing a low-cut top. The woman was clearly infatuated with him, smiling sweetly and periodically flicking back her hair, trying to be alluring. Women and men had flirted with him before and although Rose had used to be hugely jealous when she was younger, she had now realised that when it came to the Doctor and flirting there was utterly no danger of anything happening. With his staggering amount of biological ignorance of most things to do with human attraction, anyone attempting to flirt with him usually left the conversation wondering just how they’d gone from trying to get his number to discussing particle physics. And sure enough, as she neared, she heard him in the midst of one of his mini-lectures.
‘And of course, lamda radiation too, and rho,’ he was saying. ‘Rho is particularly spectacular. They slightly shrivel, there's a small pause, and then they explode.’
The woman looked horrified. ‘Really?’
‘Oh, yes. I like xi the best though. Xi radiation makes them glow every colour across the spectrum, then they slowly swell up to the size of beach balls over one week and then pop! Sort of like when you puncture a balloon.’
Rose sighed. He was on the topic of breast implants again. She decided she was just going to watch this one.
‘So, um, where is this radiation thingy?’ the woman asked.
‘Oh, don’t worry. Xi’s not around here. It’s psi radiation you need to worry about, because that’s in mobile phones.’
‘Phones?’ the woman repeated, wide-eyed.
‘Oh, yes. Four hours of mobile phone usage per day is about a fifty millisievert dosage. It’s not much, but you’ll start seeing the effects by the time you’re about seventy if you’re an excessive phone user. The trouble is, psi is ionising and doesn’t work like gamma or alpha, which makes it harder to measure without accurate instruments. But eventually when your dosage is around a lifetime total of three sieverts then you’re a ticking bomb of psi. One morning you could wake up and your breast implants’ll be in Aberdeen.’
The woman looked nothing short of traumatised, and Rose decided to step in to save her from becoming hysterical. ‘Doctor.’
‘Rose!’ the Doctor greeted, smiling. ‘This is Tracy, she’s …’ He trailed off as he looked around, and realised she had vanished. ‘Oh. Well that was Tracy.’
Rose smirked. ‘You havin’ fun?’
He swigged the last of his tea and got rid of the cup on a nearby table, dropping into the chair. ‘No,’ he replied honestly. ‘I’m bored, Rose.’
‘I know.’
‘Have I ever taught you how to do Squalian cartwheels?’ he suddenly asked eagerly, his eyes lighting up.
‘Um, yeah. We both ended up in the infirmary for eight days. I needed a blood transfusion.’
‘Oh, yeah,’ he muttered.
She sighed and sat next to him. She was his wife. She had to do something to help him. ‘Okay, pop quiz. Um, what's the square root of 487?’
‘22.0680764907,’ he replied without hesitation.
‘Err … How many number ones did the Beatles have?’
‘Seventeen in the UK, twenty in the US.’
‘Um, who was the Prime Minister in … err ... 1769?’
‘Augustus Fitzroy, third Duke of Grafton. In office 1768 to 1770. Nice guy. Liked plum pudding a lot.’
‘What's the, err, 1467th line of ... Romeo and Juliet?’
‘These violent delights have violent ends,’ he replied, before continuing, 'and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness. And in the taste confounds the appetite: therefore love moderately; long love doth so; too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.’
‘Tell me somethin’ I don’t know.’
‘Blue whale fart bubbles are big enough to enclose a horse.’
She snorted with laughter. ‘Okay, I’m out.’
‘I was enjoying that,’ he said, grinning.
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
welcommee back to my review and ranking of my forever slowly dying hyperfixation, ive left a link on the top to the previous post incase this is your first time seeing this, but anyhooo onto the first half of season 3 under da cut >:D
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forced family fun part 1
the hecks go camping, hijinks ensue while also being partly a flashback episode. i enjoy brick and mike bonding while fishing, it's cute. even ray romano makes an appearance at the end and almost entirely throughout the next part. also i found an error with the subtitles, when brick and mike go fishing, brick says:
"my pole is all bendy."
but the subtitles put it as:
"m pole is all bendy."
forced family fun part 2
i love how they make jokes of nicky, ray romano, and frankie, patricia heaton, cuz they were also on everybody loves raymond together, also playing as a married couple with two sons and one daughter. when i first watched this though i was very confused why this nicky dude was in it but now since im cultured, aka watched 2 seasons of everybody loves raymond, i understand. i love how axl angrily trots off to his tent, it's hilarious. i kinda love nicky, he's a funnyman, also ive noticed how many depressing characters are in this show like they all got problems. good episode, above the first half.
hecking order
after countless annoyances by sue, axl decides to get his revenge by suggesting sue should try out for swimming which is on the other side of their campus, while brick has issues with his new teacher even though his teacher is really cool. the ending was very sweet, good episode, above forced family fun part 2. off topic but i just want to note while in writing this one of my besties is explaining chuck e cheese lore to me.
"may i be excused to go step in front of a moving train?"
"it's a family dinner, stuff with the rest of us."
major changes
after frankie accidentally eats axl's toenails while trying to watch wheel of fortune, frankie leaves the hecks, never to be seen again. this episode foreshadows pam staggs, who we seem later in... season 9. see? this is how you do a somewhat funny mental breakdown, especially when it shows frankie in the car, even more of a reason to hate the royal wedding. good episode, above forced family fun part 2.
the test
brick gets harassed by a bully, sue tries out to be a cheerleader, and axl attempts to do his psats. brick "getting out" of the trash is hilarious. i love how they forshadow really weird things like axl's dragon dream being his collage's mascot later. brick is such a smart kid, i love when he explains why bullies bully and how mike starts actually thinking about it, he's a smartass. good episode, above hecking order.
"oh, the bully might be winning right now, but my time will come. [whispering] time will come."
bad choices
axl fakes being sick so he doesn't have to do a test, sue and brad start a play and brick quotes shakespeare. my bobby apears for a bit to suggest frankie to hickory arms, a place he also lives in... with his mom, and is it only me or does his outfit in this episode reminds me a lot of shaggy? frankie being impressed by the most basic of shit at hickory arms is funny but also kinda depressing. i adore the don't text and drive song from sue and brad, it's always amazing even after countless rewatches. i love this episode, it's so good, the top of the list.
"that's democracy in action, jackson!"
halloween 2
sue grows up for a halloween party, brick and frankie got trick-or-treating with his support group, while axl, sean and darrin also go trick-or-treating for a money scam. i adore the ax-men in this episode, they're literally ed, edd n eddy with their level of scams. i also really love the scenes with brick's support group, it's fun as hell. i absolutely love how mike still isn't ready for sue to grow up, and tries to tell her how he feels but fails constantly. another really great halloween episode, top of the list.
heck's best thing
a recuiter for east Indiana state comes to interview axl while sue and brick accidentally gets aunt edie's phone. this weird obsession sue and brick get over this one jesus lighter is humorous. also bob randomly apears again for frankie to vent to while he's trying to put something up for ehlert which just shows how smol he is, i love my short boy. good episode, above hecking order.
"what would jesus lighter say?"
the play
mike grounds axl for being an idiot, brick and rusty bond after rusty stood him up, while frankie, sue and bob try out for a wizard of oz play. i adore all scenes at the play, maybe only because of bob but still- i love the scene where rusty just lets brick drive his automobile, dude, i love rusty, he's absolutely hilarious. great episode, above the test.
"dad let us drive, we turned out okay."
"you wanna rephrase that?"
"okay, uh, dad let we drive, us turned out okay."
thanksgiving 3
the hecks stay over to frankie's family side's place for thanksgiving. axl basically faceplants when it comes to flirting with the registrar girl and it's hilarious, i love it, especially when mike tries to teach axl how to flirt only to look like such a creep. i don't personally like the scene with frankie and janet fighting, it's a bit too realistic for my taste but other than that, good episode, below major changes.
a christmas gift
after frankie sends out an drunken invitation, the hecks with a bunch of other random people celebrate christmas eve while brick becomes an atheist after finally reading the bible and sue tries to stop him.  i really really enjoy all the scenes with reverend timtom, he's so unbelievably cool. i absolutely love loVE LOVE all the scenes with axl and bob, how bob processes the fact that axl calls him bro once and then thinks that they're besties, i love him so much, i love him so so unbelievably much, i would say more but then this would turn into a fictional other gushing post instead of a somewhat in depth ranking post. great episode, above the play.
"[screams quietly]"
year of the hecks
for the new year frankie suggests that everyone should make a new year resolution for each other. i love brad becoming a wrestler, im not even surprised because wrestling is probably the most gayest sport i can imagine, that's not an insult. also in this the wrestlerettes become a thing, i love how they just completely block the view of the actual wrestling. mike trying to smile reminds me of those "cursed images" of weird cats smiling. rereading this i realize how much of a boomer i sounded, i am 15 im not out of touch yet- i love ashley wyman, she's a phineas and ferb stan. axl handing in his late homework thingy and being asked to spell "there" is very hilarious. i absolutely love when frankie and brick hang out at ehlert motors and actually start to bond, it's very nice even if frankie accidentally leaves him at work. another really great episode, above the play.
ranks so far
this season so far has been good, not much else to say, just hopefully the stream will keep on going for this like it has done for the past two.
12. forced family fun part 1
11. forced family fun part 2
10. thanksgiving 3
9. major changes
8. hecking order
7. heck's best thing
6. the test
5. the play
4. year of the hecks
3. a christmas gift
2. bad choices
1. halloween 2
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
The Heart of Admiration
Black Sails Fic: Charles Vane x Reader
Drabble combining two requests: “Imagine the moment Charles Vane realizes he’s fallen for you” and “ Vane falls for a highly competent female pirate, maybe from a rival crew? Maybe some mutual pining before they get together?”
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There it is. That way you bite your lip, when you pause to consider your next words. That plump little lip bounces free as you take a breath to answer Jack’s question, and Vane feels his body warm. That must be the reason he’s so drawn to you.
“But the manufactured items are harder to fence,” you’re telling Jack now, your fine brows knitting together adorably as you haggle with the Ranger’s quartermaster. “So despite what you’re saying about the division of the plunder, the value is not in fact equal, not in practice, because the factory stamps make them easier to trace. Especially the silverware. My contacts don’t pay well for that sort of trouble, those that would even take them at all.”
You’re smart, too. Captain Fisher was quite fortunate to have landed you as his quartermaster, Vane muses as he nurses his ale, running his thumb back and forth across the edge of his cup. It’s always a pleasure to listen to you negotiate. Perhaps you’re even the reason why Vane agreed to work with your crew on this job in the first place.
Not that his own quartermaster isn’t quick-witted, too. “Melt down the bloody silver then,” Jack snaps at your quibbling.
“Another expense,” you retort, “see what I mean?” You sit back, adjusting your coat. The brocade is quite fetching, and flatters you well as you lean arrogantly on one jaunty elbow. Just feminine enough to stir a man’s loins, but there’s nothing that looks weak about you. Vane knows that’s something that draws him to you, too. “We’ll take the tobacco, instead. Easy enough to ‘damage’ the customs stamps.”
Jack scowls. Vane has half a mind to lift you into his lap right here, though he knows you’d strike him directly across the face for it. And probably try to call off the whole deal, at that.
Not that you’re negotiating from a position of strength. “Why should we give you the more profitable portion of the take?” Vane asks, leaning forward and regarding you from under his brow. He sees your eyes widen for just a moment after they meet his. He’s not sure what the reaction means, but it’s something, and Vane thrills at having the power to shake you. “We were the ones that emptied our hold to haul it all back. A rushed job, that wasn’t without loss of value.”
You take a deep breath before answering him, your breasts swelling tight and high above your corset. God, his palms are just itching to cover them and then make you do that again. “That,” you arch one perfect brow, “is not my problem. You have the bigger ship, it made sense that you would carry the plunder back to Nassau, but we have just as many guns as you, and just as many fighters.”
“Is that a threat?” Vane growls. Not because he’s truly feeling belligerent, mostly just because he enjoys riling you up.
“Charles, please,” Jack interrupts with placating hands, before you can respond to the escalation with more than a dark flash of your eyes. “Two against one is hardly sporting, for a civilized negotiation such as the one we are having right here. Why don’t we just order another round, and wait for Captain Fisher to arrive.” One expressive eyebrow raised, he flashes a look at you. “Your captain is joining us, is he not?”
Vane barely suppresses a shark’s smile. Everyone here knows that your captain is currently otherwise engaged. Though, outmaneuvered little thing that you are, you do not know that Jack and Vane are already wise to the reason for your captain’s absence, and have already taken measures. All Vane is waiting for now is a signal from his men.
“Of course,” you say in a clipped tone. “I can’t imagine what the delay might be.” Your eyes flit from Jack to Vane and back again. “Shall I go fetch him?”
You start to rise and Vane’s hand shoots out, clamping your wrist into the table. “No need for that, love.” He holds on a little longer than is necessary, even as you sit back down. He finds that he is both aroused and ashamed at his ability to make you nervous. If he wants a woman, he wants to conquer her, but some small voice inside him is whispering that with you, this should not be the way. He lets your hand go. “We can negotiate without him.”
You fix him with a level look, gathering your confidence as your posture straightens before him again. You nod. "What I was saying was, regardless of the larger size of your ship and the logistical consequences on the cargo storage, we were equal partners in the take. I am simply making certain we are compensated as such. The Ranger would not have been able to subdue the merchant’s escort without us.” There’s that fire in your belly again. That, that’s what it really is, Vane muses as he watches your lips form hot words. The reason that he cannot stop thinking of you at night. “Which brings me to my next point: adjusting the shares based on my crew’s heavier losses.”
Jack’s brows knit together again. “Are you suggesting we should be creating something other than an equal split now, after the job is already done?” He looks to his captain for support.
Vane sits back, taking a long pull off his tankard of ale. None of this matters anyway, not if Jack’s hunch about Captain Fisher turns out to be right. And look, there’s his man now, giving him the high sign from the doorway of the tavern. Vane stands up abruptly, letting his body crowd your personal space. “Let’s take a walk, shall we? And then we’ll come back to the idea of what kind of shares your crew deserves.”
He looks down to see the blood draining from your face as you follow his eye to the ugly grin on his crewman’s face. He offers you his arm, and you have no choice but to take it.
“Don’t be afraid, dove,” he says as he marches you to the front door, though he regrets the condescension of the pet name instantly. You are much more than a shivering bird. “Jack and I are open to striking up new negotiations with you, personally. Your captain, however…” he trails off as the two of you step out into the street, Jack close behind. Several of the Ranger’s best men have your captain held between them, his bloodied head drooping in defeat.
“Caught ‘im and his crew sneaking onto the Ranger, Captain,” Vane’s man reports. “Just like you said.”
Captain Fisher coughs, a wet and ugly sound that suggest internal damage. Vane smirks at the justice of that, and turns to you.
You are scowling up at him, that delicious lip thrust out in a last defiant effort. “Couldn’t let you hold all the chips while we quibbled over how they’d be split up,” you explain. There is very little remorse in your voice. “The captain was only attempting to secure our fair share.”
Vane presses a hand to his heart, pretending to feel a wound. “You didn’t think you could trust me?” He had already told himself it didn’t hurt, hours ago when he had figured out what you crew was up to. Why should you behave any differently than anyone he had ever met? You were only protecting your own, as any good leader should. His grip on your arm tightens.
“We were, in point of fact, going to deal fairly with you,” Jack interposes. The anger is showing on his face as well. “But now…”
“Now you get the monster you were expecting,” Vane finishes for him, voice low, purring over the rage that always feels so good to indulge. He nods toward his men. “Kill everyone that was caught boarding our ship. Don’t make a scene, but don’t take too long with it. Then board the Starling and seize her. No one takes over Fisher’s crew. The men that are left will have to find work elsewhere.”
Vane sees real fear in your eyes now. You swallow it, and face him calmly. “Am I to die too?”
Your bravery. Your spirit. Perhaps that, that is what is at the heart of his admiration for you. Warmth tempers the high of Vane’s rage, the spiraling emotions conspiring into a rushing feeling he hopes will never end.
“I believe there is room to talk about that,” Jack says to you, stepping closer and making Vane realize you two have been locking eyes without speaking for a potentially awkward length of time. “Seeing as your attempt to distract us with a false negotiation here in this tavern did not, in fact, distract or mislead us at all, given that we were wise to the ploy all along, a case could be made that you have not, in fact, done us any ill that must be answered.”
You tear your eyes away from Vane’s to regard Jack with suspicion. “Why?” Your voice is sharp and true. Shrewd even when others would be begging and desperate. What a woman Vane has found in you.
“Join us,” Vane blurts, feeling like his tongue is tripping over his heavy need for you to say yes. “You deserve a better crew than that one.”
Part Two
Black Sails Masterlist
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Hate Gay People
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-hate-gay-people/
Why Do Republicans Hate Gay People
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Presidency Of George W Bush
George W. Bush did not repeal President Clinton’s Executive Order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the federal civilian government, but Bush’s critics felt as if he failed to enforce the executive order. He retained Clinton’s Office of National AIDS Policy and was the first Republican president to appoint an openly man to serve in his administration, Scott Evertz as director of the Office of National AIDS Policy. Bush also became the second President, after President Clinton, to select openly gay appointees to his administration. Bush’s nominee as ambassador to Romania, Michael E. Guest, became the second openly gay man U.S. Ambassador and the first to be confirmed by the Senate. He did not repeal any of the spousal benefits that Clinton had introduced for same-sex federal employees. He did not attempt to repeal Don’t ask, don’t tell, nor make an effort to change it.
In April 2002, White House officials held an unannounced briefing in April for the Log Cabin Republicans. On June 27, 2002, President Bush has signed a bill allowing death benefits to be paid to domestic partners of firefighters and police officers who die in the line of duty, permanently extending a federal death benefit to same-sex couples for the first time.
The 2004 Republican Party platform removed both parts of that language from the platform and stated that the party supports anti-discrimination legislation.
Two Reasons Why The Bathroom Bill Targeting Trans People Is Flawed
We believe this bill is flawed for two reasons. First, as conservatives who believe in liberty and in supporting small businesses, we do not think that government should single out businesses for special public censure if they do not enforce the governments current social views.
Americans are still sorting out how they feel about trans people and how they can be tolerant or hospitable neighbors even if they disagree. Government should not use private businesses as pawns in an ongoing culture war, especially with something as private as their customers genitalia.
Second, the bill is counterproductive. We understand that the legislature wants to give parents peace of mind that their daughters will not use the same restroom as biological males. Parents want to make sure their kids are safe this is a completely reasonable concern. But forcing trans women to use the same restroom as young boys can be more disturbing and disruptive to businesses.
Hear more Tennessee Voices:
Dads: imagine walking into the mens room with your son and seeing Caitlyn Jenner, in a dress, fixing her makeup.
More disturbing still is when trans men who are far along in their transition  people who look, act, and identify as male  must use the same restroom as young girls.
More:Tennessee Voices, Episode 118: Chris Sanders, Tennessee Equality Project
The Fairness For All Act Is A Republican Response To The Equality Act
In March, House Democrats introduced the Equality Act, the first comprehensive LGBTQ civil rights bill to pass the House. While it has been stalled in the GOP-controlled Senate, it would provide sweeping non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people in the US in housing, employment, public accommodations, education, and health care for the first time under federal law.
At the time, there were that some conservative groups were working on a compromise bill, and it appears the Fairness For All Act is that compromise.
A small coalition of religious conservative groups led by the American Unity Fund and including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1st Amendment Partnership, Center for Public Justice, and Council for Christian Colleges and Universities have rallied behind the bill.
Im excited about the solutions that are embodied in the legislation, because I think that those are the exact ideas that were going to need to pass federal civil rights for LGBTQ people, said Tyler Deaton, senior adviser at the American Unity Fund.
The Fairness For All Act would provide many of the same protections for LGBTQ Americans, but it also provides ample exceptions for churches and religious organizations to continue to discriminate against queer people.
What we like about it is the stated intentional desire for fairness and a proposed process that will encourage collaboration because weve seen that work in our state, he said.
Republicans May Begin To Embrace Gay Rights
As Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus pointed out, gay marriage and gay rights are platforms that a higher and higher percentage of Americans support. Priebus warns Republicans to be more open to other views on the issue, and less set in their ways. However, Republican strategist Ed Rogers points out the catch-22 in this situation. Most current Republicans still oppose gay marriage. Where 58 percent of Americans now support gay marriage, only 39 percent of Republicans support it, with 59 percent of Republicans opposing it. This leaves the Republican Party in a tough spot. They must either reform their views to bring in new members and gain support in coming elections, which would risk pushing away those that have stuck with the Party through the years, or stand by their age-old platform, and risk continuing to lose support throughout the nation.
The Disney Vault Is Annoying
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Disney has drawn the ire of many adoring fans because it only releases its movies to the public for home consumption for a limited amount of time. They even coined a term for this tactic, The Disney Vault. Audiences think this is corporate greed at its ugliest. Disney has a commodity, and they try to build fervor and revenue by only letting the consumer have access to it for a short period. Its basically the same business model McDonalds uses with the McRib and we all know how much everyone hates that. Can you imagine if the Star Wars movies were only sold periodically? Thatd be an outrage, right? Well, you can expect it to happen since Disney bought the rights in 2012 to all things Star Wars, from George Lucas for over $4 billion. Its no wonder why Disney movies have been pirated since VCRs came on the scene in the 1980s.
American Views Of Transgender People: The Impact Of Politics Personal Contact And Religion
As the Supreme Court examines cases it has already heard this term about the rights of gay and transgender people, the American public in the latest Economist/YouGov poll are for the most part tolerant and supportive of transgender employment rights. However, Republicans take different positions.
The overall public supports laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, with Republicans closely divided.
More than one in three people know someone who is transgender, and the probability of this is even higher among Democrats and younger adults. Those with personal contact are more likely to believe there is a great deal or a fair amount of discrimination against transgender people. Half of Republicans and 88 percent of Democrats say there is a fair amount or a great deal of discrimination against transgender people.
One in five adults believes employers should be able to fire transgender workers who wear work clothes that match their gender identity. About three times that percentage disagree. Republicans are more closely divided on this question: a third say employers should be able to fire those employees, while 44 percent say that should not be allowed.
There appears to be greater acceptance of female to male transitions than male to female ones. Men generally accept a female to male as male , but also believe that someone transitioning male to female is still male .
Image: Getty 
Here’s Where We Stand On Different Lgbt Issues
LGBT leftists tend to hate us because we put our principles first. We believe in religious liberty, free speech, God-given human dignity, limited government, and economic opportunity. 
For that reason we frequently oppose radical gender theory and leftist policies like the Equality Act. We support a nuanced, science-based approach to transgender policy issues. 
We recently spoke out in support of the legislature’s initiative to keep youth sports organized according to biological sex we find the effort to let biological males play girls’ sports anti-science and offensive.
As a result of stances like these, LGBT leftists regularly picket us, ban us, destroy our property, and call us ugly names.
Recently, our entire leadership team was kicked out of Nashvilles primary LGBT networking Facebook group, in contravention of that groups written rules, because the admins hated us.
We hope this background demonstrates our conservative bona fides. If we oppose a Republican LGBT bill, it is out of principle, not identity politics or blind devotion to those in the LGBT community who reject us. We were not asked to comment on the bill before it was passed, but we feel we would be remiss not to offer our perspective.
More:Tennessee’s anti-LGBTQ bills target vulnerable citizens who are worthy of dignity | Plazas
Views On Religion Its Role In Policy
When it comes to religion and morality, most Americans say that belief in God is not necessary in order to be moral and have good values; 42% say it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values.
The share of the public that says belief in God is not morally necessary has edged higher over the past six years. In 2011, about as many said it was necessary to believe in God to be a moral person as said it was not . This shift in attitudes has been accompanied by a rise in the share of Americans who do not identify with any organized religion.
Republicans are roughly divided over whether belief in God is necessary to be moral , little changed over the 15 years since the Center first asked the question. But the share of Democrats who say belief in God is not a condition for morality has increased over this period.
About two-thirds of Democrats and Democratic leaners say it is not necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values, up from 51% who said this in 2011.
The growing partisan divide on this question parallels the widening partisan gap in religious affiliation.
About six-in-ten whites think belief in God is not necessary in order to be a moral person. By contrast, roughly six-in-ten blacks and 55% of Hispanics say believing in God is a necessary part of being a moral person with good values.
International AffairsEconomic ConditionsTrust, Facts & DemocracyClimate, Energy & EnvironmentRace & EthnicitySame-Sex Marriage
Lgbt Conservatism In The United States
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LGBT conservatism in the United States is a social and political ideology within the community that largely aligns with the American conservative movement. LGBT conservatism is generally more moderate on social issues from social conservatism, instead emphasizing values associated with fiscal conservatism, libertarian conservatism, and .
Changing Views On Acceptance Of Homosexuality
Seven-in-ten now say homosexuality should be accepted by society, compared with just 24% who say it should be discouraged by society. The share saying homosexuality should be accepted by society is up 7 percentage points in the past year and up 19 points from 11 years ago.
Growing acceptance of homosexuality has paralleled an increase in public support for same-sex marriage. About six-in-ten Americans now say they favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally.
While there has been an increase in acceptance of homosexuality across all partisan and demographic groups, Democrats remain more likely than Republicans to say homosexuality should be accepted by society.
Overall, 83% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say homosexuality should be accepted by society, while only 13% say it should be discouraged. The share of Democrats who say homosexuality should be accepted by society is up 20 points since 2006 and up from 54% who held this view in 1994.
Among Republicans and Republican leaners, more say homosexuality should be accepted than discouraged by society. This is the first time a majority of Republicans have said homosexuality should be accepted by society in Pew Research Center surveys dating to 1994. Ten years ago, just 35% of Republicans held this view, little different than the 38% who said this in 1994.
Acceptance is greater among those with postgraduate and bachelors degrees than among those with some or no college experience .
Reasons Why Conservatives Hate Democrats
November 5, 2014 by Samuel WardeNo Comments
20 Reasons Why Conservatives Hate Democrats
1. Democrats believe in higher education.2. Democrats believe in preserving the environment.3. Democrats believe in science.4. Democrats believe that carbon dioxide is dangerous.5. Democrats do not believe that minimum wage created our nations unemployment.
6. Democrats do not believe armed rebellion is a viable alternative to elections.7. Democrats do not believe that corporations are people too.8. Democrats do not believe that the sexual revolution created AIDS.9. Democrats do not know the proper height for trees.10. Democrats do not understand decent God-fearing Americans need missile launchers at home.
11. Democrats do not understand that banning abortions for high risk pregnancies can be a positive experience for women.12. Democrats do not understand that intelligent design is a proven scientific theory.13. Democrats do not understand that marriage is related to national security.14. Democrats do not understand that the media is a threat to national security.15. Democrats forgot that Hitler coined the phrase separation of church and state.
16. Democrats seem oblivious to the fact that most good Americans oppose gay marriage.17. Democrats seldom bring guns to crowded public events.18. Democrats want to force innocent multi-millionaires to pay taxes.19. Democrats want to let gays vote.20. Democrats want to let immigrants vote.
Log Cabins Better Record On Gay Issues
While Stonewall was cheerleading Obamas do-nothing Democrats, Log Cabin sued the government to kill DADT. In 2010, Log Cabin won an injunction preventing the administration from enforcing DADT. Only after fighting that injunction, and losing, did Obama finally repeal the law.
Log Cabin has also withheld its endorsement from high-profile Republican candidates who opposed marriage equality unlike Stonewall, we resist partisan groupthink, even when it costs us. We wouldnt be endorsing President Trump in 2020 if he werent truly an ally.
Trump openly supported LGBT equality before any of Stonewalls endorsees did. In 1999, while Democrats defended DADT, Trump opined that gays and lesbians serving openly was not something that would disturb me. In 2000, Trump proposed an amendment of civil rights law to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, which would have rendered moot the employment discrimination case currently before the Supreme Court.
In 2015, though Trump needed religious conservative votes to win the Republican primary, he nevertheless stated publicly that religious freedom and LGBT rights are not mutually exclusive. He even rebuked his running mate-to-be, Mike Pence, for initially undervaluing LGBT interests in Indianas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, on which Pence ultimately reversed. Today, President Trump still has our back.
Stonewall Incorrectly Attacks President Trump
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Stonewalls article censures Russia for orchestrating an industrial-scale genocide of gay men in Chechnya. Russias behavior is indeed alarming. So President Trump, collaborating with his Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, has launched a historic initiative to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide. Basham conveniently omits this fact.
Stonewall calls Trumps plan to reduce HIV/AIDS transmission by 90 percent within 10 years lip service because HIV+ immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border are separated from other immigrants. But this policy is intended to provide HIV+ immigrants, some of whom face untreated AIDS, with needed medical care. Stonewall also neglects to mention that Trumps budget included $291 million to fight HIV in 2020 alone. Trump also convinced the antiviral research group Gilead to donate billions of dollars of HIV prevention medication for 200,000 people. That is hardly lip service.
Stonewall further insinuates, ludicrously, that Trump is bigoted for halting Obama-era attempts to tell public schools which bathroom transgender students can use. We say, good: The well-being of children who do not identify with their biological sex is vitally important, but it does not fall under the originally intended purview of Title IX and would thus be better explored at the state and local level without federal intervention. Executive overreach in the name of LGBT rights does nothing to recommend our cause.
Relies On Star Power Not Plotlines
Back in the day, Disney movies sold themselves because their plots were incredible. They showcased fairytales and chronicled the rise of the underdog. This worked in Disneys animated and live-action movies, and the company was untouchable for decades. Then, they had a string of flops like Mulan, Pocahontas and Hercules. Suddenly, Disney was fallible. So, instead of hiring better writers, they took the easy way out they started to hire big name talent to headline its projects. And they havent looked back. Disney has hired giants in the film industry to voice its characters, like Miley Cyrus and . And of course, Disney puts the most popular celebs in its live action movies, like Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.
Disney even has upcoming projects with Emma Stone, Reese Witherspoon and Emma Watson. But what good is it to have a big star in a movie if the plot is weak? The only good thing about this change in direction is that it finally steered Disney away from cramming cultural sensitivity down everyones throats. There was a period of time when it made sure to give every minority group its own movie, from Hawaiians in Lilo and Stitch to African Americans in The Princess and the Frog. Audiences perceived this to be the pandering that it was.
How Out Of Step Is The Republican Party On Gay Rights
The wedding wasnt the only reason conservatives targeted Rep. Denver Riggleman in a party convention , but it was the driving one. Which raises the question: How out of step with the nation is the Republican Party on same-sex rights?
Its an especially pertinent question on Monday, now that the Supreme Court, with the support of one of President Trumps nominees, just voted 6-3 that existing federal law protects gay and transgender workers from discrimination based on sex.
Thats a sea change in the legal landscape of protections for LGBTQ Americans. Before this ruling, in about half of the states, you could be legally fired for being gay or transgender. Now, you cant under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which the court ruled extends to LGBTQ Americans because it prevents discrimination on the basis of sex.
But like the Republican voters in Virginia who ousted Riggleman in favor of social conservative Bob Good, there is an active wing of the Republican Party seeking to push back on the march toward expanding legal protections for gay and transgender Americans. And they have powerful allies.
The Trump administration opposed interpreting the Civil Rights Act to encompass LGBTQ workers. The leader of the conservative Judicial Crisis Network called the six justices who supported this ruling, one of whom was Trump appointee Neil M. Gorsuch, activists, implying the court got ahead of where the public is on the issue.
Emily Guskin contributed to this report.
Mike Pence Accidentally Admits The Real Reason Republicans Hate Democrats So Much
Common Dreams
The grassroots organization People for Bernie on Tuesday advised the Democratic Party to take a page from an unlikely sourceright-wing Vice President Mike Penceafter Pence told a rally crowd in Florida that progressives and Democrats “want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable.”
“Good message,” tweeted the group, alerting the Democratic National Committee to adopt the vice president’s simple, straightforward description of how the party can prioritize working people over corporations and the rich.
Suggesting that a progressive approach to the economy will harm the countrydespite the fact that other wealthy nations already invest heavily in making low- and middle-income “more comfortable” by taxing corporations and very high earnersPence touted the Republicans’ aim to “cut taxes” and “roll back regulations.”
The vice president didn’t mention how the Trump administration’s 2017 tax cuts overwhelmingly benefited wealthy households and powerful corporations, with corporate income tax rates slashed from 35% to 21%, corporate tax revenues plummeting, and a surge in stock buybacks while workers saw “no discernible wage increase” according to a report released last year by the Economic Policy Institute and the Center for Popular Democracy.
Pence’s description of progressive goals was “exactly” correct, author and commentator Anand Giridharadas tweeted.
“Yes, and what’s wrong with making poor people more comfortable?” asked Rep. Ilhan Omar .
Gw College Republicans Invite Log Cabin Republicans And Lgbt Conservatives To Talk About What It Means To Be Gay And Conservative
Kicking off a discussion on the inclusion of LGBT people in the Republican Party, Charles Moran, the managing director of the conservative gay group the Log Cabin Republicans, told George Washington University students that they dont have to be a Democrat because youre gay.
The forum at the Marvin Center Amphitheater Tuesday night, hosted by GW College Republicans, brought together what Josh Kutner, director of political affairs for the group, described as an all-star panel of Republican and conservative political and media consultants: Dave McCulloch, managing partner at Capitol Media Partners; Brad Polumbo, an editor and columnist at The Washington Examiner; and Edith Jorge-Tunon, political director for the Republican State Leadership Committee.
Mr. Moran, who has 14 years of experience managing local and national Republican political races, started the discussion by asking panelists to explain how they came out as conservative and where they fit on the conservative spectrum.
Mr. Polumbo said he realized he was a conservative when he was dropped into the liberal bastion of the University of Massachusetts and wound up persona non grata in the gay community.
A Rand Paul libertarian and technically not a Republican, he said, I definitely have a very right-wing philosophy. I am more than willing to punch at both sides.
Live your life honestly, Mr. Moran advised. Be present. Share and be aware. Accept them for who they are and who they are not.
We’re Portrayed As A Perversion
From the left, right, and even a few biased researchers, people accuse transgender people of being perverts, fetishists, and likely rapists. This is in great part why the right-wing tactics against non-discrimination ordinances have been so successful: the right wing tells people that it’s a choice between protecting their wives and daughters or a tiny group of perverts.
Many Trump Supporters Are Lgbt
So Stonewall is wrong. But something more important is going on here. What really infuriates Basham is that Log Cabin has given cover for the presidents claim that some of biggest supporters are LGBT. As if saying so were a crime Trump commits in secrecy while his fabulous gay accomplices at Log Cabin run interference. But its just a fact: Many of Trumps most fervent supporters are LGBT people.
Left-wing gay activists, however, depend on creating the impression that all LGBT people are Democrats. Democrats then use this false narrative to consolidate unearned moral authority. That is why, when the prominent gay billionaire Peter Thiel expressed support for Trump, The Advocate promptly ran a piece arguing he isnt actually gay he just has sex with men.
The point of such chicanery is to insinuate that all Republicans are homophobes, and all homophobes are Republicans. That only works if Democrats speak for all gays. So just one prominent gay or trans Republican punctures the lie that the left has a monopoly on gay rights.
Log Cabin Republicans stand to disabuse the public of that lie. The Stonewall Democrats dont want you to know we exist. But we do, our ideas are better than theirs, and were not going anywhere.
Trans Rights: A Perplexing Issue
Like many other gay conservatives, however, he seems to disconnect gay rights and transgender rights. Kabel recalled a recent article with a quotation from the conservative activist Tony Perkins that contrasted the Democratic and Republican platforms in 2016.
“The only issue Perkins raised was the transgender bathroom issue,” Kabel said. “And I thought, ‘That means we won.'”
Kabel called transgender equality “one of the most perplexing issues going.”
“Transgender people deserve support and protection just like anybody else, but it’s a very complex issue,” he said. “It’s remarkable when you hear their stories, but it’s just a very perplexing issue about how to really address it and do it so that they’re protected but other people aren’t hurt, so that people’s religious views are actually taken into consideration.”
Transgender visibility is all but absent in the Log Cabin Republicans, from their leadership to their messaging.
An OUTSpoken Instagram post compares the LGBT left to the LGBT right by putting an image of a person who appears to be transgender or gender-nonconforming next to a shirtless picture of former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, while the campaigns store sells T-shirts bearing slogans like “gay for Tucker” “gay for Melania” and “gay not stupid.
OUTspoken sent Brokeback Patriot, who has stated trans women are not women, to New Orleans Southern Decadence party to ask passersby if they think Trump is pro-gay.
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ducktracy · 4 years
129. plane dippy (1936)
release date: april 30th, 1936
series: looney tunes
director: tex avery
starring: joe dougherty (porky), billy bletcher (sergeant, professor blotz), bernice hansen (kitty)
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the first cartoon to proudly display “featuring porky”—a trend that would continue on for years and years (my favorites are cartoons that explicitly have daffy in the title, yet the title card still says something like the daffy doc featuring porky or tom turk and daffy featuring porky.) beans makes his last ever appearance for real this time, reduced to cameo, kitty also bids goodbye by possessing a small role, and a glasses wearing dog with an overbite makes an appearance and would reappear once more in shanghaied shipmates. ham and/or ex are the last to survive, making a small cameo in porky’s pet. porky’s time has finally arrived. our hero wishes to enlist in the air force, but quickly discovers he isn’t much good at it. instead, he’s sent to clean a voice operated airplane, and things quickly turn sour—and destructive.
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we begin with our hero strolling down the street. he comes across a poster: JOIN THE ARMY — INFANTRY DIVISION. porky thinks it over with careful decision, yet decides it’s not for him. another: SEE THE WORLD — JOIN THE NAVY. the same thoughtful mulling, the same rejection. and finally: LEARN TO FLY — JOIN THE AIR CORPS. the perfect job. porky gives his affirmation with a dutiful salute, and marches inside to speak about the job.
right away, he approaches a burly (and surly) general, who is scribbling away at his desk. porky wordlessly salutes at attention, and is blown back from the impact as the sarge growls “WELL?” porkys says “i wanna learn to f-fl—i wanna learn to f-f-f—“ he can’t quite get it out, and instead resorts to making airplane noises while imitating a plane with his arms.
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the sergeant grunts “what’s your name, bud?” and once more porky gets tripped up in his words. the sarge instead hands him a slate and some chalk and instructs him to write his name. a gag too good for words as porky physically writes out “P-P-P-P-P-“ as he continues to stutter his name. to get him to spit it out, the sarge whistles—a common dougherty era gag as i mentioned previously—and porky gives us his easy to remember, alliterative name that rolls so easily off the tongue: “porky cornelius washington otis lincoln abner aloysius casper jefferson filbert horatius narcissus pig.” a fantastic joke that hits really well with the timing. i wonder how many takes that took dougherty—he only stutters a few times. i don’t even have a stutter and i certainly couldn’t spit that out to save my life.
instead, the sarge drags porky by the arm and throws a uniform in his arms. he tosses porky into the changing room and waits patiently for a few seconds. out comes a giant lump of clothes, much to the sarge’s surprise. to assert he’s dealing with the same stuttering pig from before, the sergeant pokes his head inside the oversized collar, and a “hello!” responds from the abyss of fabric. porky’s “hello!” is hysterically out of place and sounds nothing like him, and was likely used for that reason. it’s incoherent, and slightly confusing at first, but it also enhances the gag. to remedy the situation, the sergeant picks up the mass of clothes and dunks it in a nearby barrel of water. the clothes gradually shrink, and we’re reunited with porky as he now dons a suitable uniform.
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tex’s love of typography gags is prominently displayed as we get white text on a black background: DIZZINESS TEST. the words whirl around in a circle as we transition to the next scene, the sergeant winding porky up like a top with some duct tape. with a whip of the tape (or ribbon, up to interpretation), porky whirls around the room tasmanian devil style. the sarge stops him and picks him up, just in time for beans to make a cameo by drawing a straight line on the floor. the sarge places porky back down on the line, and he zips uncontrollably around the room.
bullets spell out our next test: TARGET PRACTICE. porky and the sarge are in a different room, both positioned behind a gun on a tripod. the sarge provides a demo by propelling a toy plane into the air and shooting the gun at the plane, hitting it in one go. he grins at his handiwork and offers porky the gun to do the same. the sarge tosses another toy plane in the air, and porky attempts to shoot it. instead, he has great difficulty controlling the gun, shooting everywhere BUT the plane and nearly taking out the sergeant himself. a cloud of smoke fills the scene. once the smoke clears, porky’s left standing on a wooden floor, now finding him outside as the entire building is reduced to debris and bricks around him. the gun and the plane survive the wreckage, and porky gives the gun a frustrated kick. to his befuddlement, the kick prompts the gun to shoot, and it hits the plane perfectly.
READY FOR DUTY. now, the sergeant tosses rifles into the hands of aspiring soldiers, the force of the throw so strong that they each stumble backwards (fittingly accompanied by a gunshot sound effect.) dutiful porky prepares to receive his honor... and a duster is thrust into his possession (still hilariously accompanied by the gunshot sound.) as porky ogles at the duster, the sarge thrusts a paper that merely reads “ORDERS” into his grip and points to a nearby shed. outside of the shed reads a sign: “ROBOT PLANE — KEEP OUT!” perfect for porky to wander into.
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porky obeys captain’s orders, and meanders into the shed. he gives a few whistles to alert his presence, and he’s met with nothing. suddenly, a monkey whips a cloth off of a covered object, spinning porky around like a top from the impact. thusly uncovers said robotic plane as the monkey inquires “well?” porky hands him the orders with a loyal solute. “to professor blotz — this helper O.K. for your robot plane tests.”
professor blotz wastes no time interrogating porky, instead showing him his new invention. he drags over a radio and microphone, ordering “get ready!” into the microphone. a signal is sent directly to the robot plane, the propellor whirring to life. “take off!” porky runs out of the way as the plane zooms into the air. professor blotz shows off his fancy voice activated plane, much to the fascination of porky. loops, nosedives, ascensions... there’s nothing the plane can’t do.
now the professor offers the microphone to porky, coercing him with “try it!” porky struggles to get his command out, and the plane comically shudders and jitters in conjunction with porky’s stuttering. the plane does an uncertain l-l-lo-loop d-de l-lo-loo-lo-loop and hastily g-go-goes u-u-up. the plane inches closer and closer to a nearby hot air balloon, and porky manages to order it down just in time. professor blotz yanks the microphone out of porky’s grip as the plane parks itself outside, growling “ooooh, get to work!” and thrusting the feather duster in porky’s hands.
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while porky starts his cleaning duties, the professor haughtily places his radio in the window of the shed. out come little kitty, a puppy, and the unnamed dog with an overbite from i haven’t got a hat. kitty giggles as the puppy licks her and asks the dog (a goofy and pluto situation going on it seems) “does he do tricks?” of course! the dog orders his pup to sit up. of course, the microphone picks up on his voice, and porky, who’s dutifully dusting the plane, now finds himself clinging onto the plane which is now sitting on its hind legs.
“wag your tail!” the plane shakes its rear wings to the befuddlement of porky. now kitty tries, armed with a balloon. “get the balloon!” she tosses her balloon and giggles as the puppy chases it. and, of course, porky is thrown into the seat of the plane as it takes off at frightening speeds and immediately pops the hot air balloon, the gag made even more amusing with the detail of two figures floating with parachutes after the accident.
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porky is now stuck in a shanghaied plane. kitty orders the pup to chase his tail, and the plane spirals towards the ground in an attempt to chase its own tail. in the midst of the game gone horrible wrong, porky reduces a clock tower to debris as he rams into each “level”. he finds himself flying through a nearby circus. he pops out of the other side of the tent, acrobats performing their routine as they hang from the bottom of the plane.
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now led towards the ocean, porky’s plane serves as a speedboat as the acrobats transition into water skiers. the timing of all of these scenes is very well done. just the right sense of urgency conveyed, yet executed so the gags have time to settle in as well. a swordfish leaps out of the waters and cuts the line connecting the acrobats to the plane, and they’re left behind as porky is sent underwater, desperately trying not to cut the fish into sushi. some nice camera angles as porky chases a fish in and out of the foreground.
the plane leaps in and out of the waves like a dolphin, chasing the hapless victim fish. eventually, porky resurfaces with an intimidatingly huge whale hot on his tail. elsewhere, the dog overbite orders his pup to chase a cat (“sick ‘im!”), and porky is sent hurtling straight towards an innocent victim flying in his own plane. the two planes tussle, the poor pilot clinging onto a lone propellor as he sinks towards the sea below. porky tears into a blimp. once advertising “SMOKE ROPO CIGARS”, the blimp is cleverly reduced to “SOS” thanks to porky cutting up half of said blimp.
even the clouds fear porky, taking form of an anthropomorphic human running away from the destructive blades of the plane’s propellor. the cloud man seeks refuge in his cloud house, slamming the door on porky. porky is then launched into a nosedive, shredding a farmer’s stack of hay into a shower of already made straw hats. a group of planes zip out of frame so as to avoid porky and zip right back up into their leisurely positions, the timing spot on and making a seemingly pointless gag much funnier.
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a whole crowd of children have congregated around the pup causing so much trouble. all of the kids shout various conflicting commands, all picked up by the receiver. porky’s plane is all but in control, at one point doing back hand springs and zigzagging all throughout the screen. the little puppy has tired itself out, and his owner coos “you’ve had enough”, summoning him home.
good news for porky as the microphone picks up the “come on home” command. the plane skids to an uneasy halt, animation light, delicate, and floaty as the wings scrape the grass. the plane skids right through the shed, and porky is launched out as it crashes into the window. and, with amazing speeds, porky propels himself to the registration office. a sign on the outside advertises the army as porky declares “i wanna learn to march!”
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finally, our happy little soldier gets the ending he’s always wanted. bob clampett animates an eager porky marching in the infantry, intermittently flashing hilariously ecstatic grins at the audience. perhaps even funnier is that he isn’t even in time with everyone else’s march, doing a much more hurried speed walk (speed waddle?) slightly out of time. a happy end as we iris out.
while this isn’t my favorite tex porky short, it’s undoubtedly entertaining. speed is a big factor to tex’s cartoons, and it certainly plays a big role in this one, conveying the urgency and out of control nature of porky’s shanghaied plane. the opening almost feels a little TOO fast, with porky getting registered right away and doing all his tests one after the other. it’s a minor complaint, and it isn’t even that noticeable. my ADHD would much rather prefer too fast than too slow. also amazing how, for lack of a better word, relevant this cartoon is today, where voice control becomes more and more popular. not in a durrr technology bad way, but just in a comical way that makes you draw comparisons. a highly amusing short that’s worth a watch, just because.
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thelocalshooter · 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. AR$XNN JARIUS
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(LS) Good afternoon thanks for being able to be a part of a great come up, how about we start with a little introduction for the people that aren’t familiar, where are you from, who are you, how old are you and what do you do?
(AJ) Thank you for having me. I go by Ar$xnn Jarius, I'm from Wichita Falls, TX born & raised, I'm 23, and I'm an artist
(LS) Being from Texas how has music inspired you? Obviously you have many greats from there all the way from Paul Wall To Sauce Walka, who were some people that you grew up listening to that inspired your sound?
(AJ) The people that inspired my music I would have to go with Eminem, Lil Wayne, Tech N9ne, Busta Rhymes, Kid Cudi and Gorillaz. Growing up in my hometown I really never paid attention to the Texas scene like that but i would listened to like Paul Wall, Mike Jones, Chamillonaire and other artists from the state that would be TV at the time. Growing up I had to listen to the radio or the TV, and now having the internet it feels so much better finding the music that fits your playlists.
(LS) We see last year you dropped your project “Don’t Wait Til I’m Dead” which is an underrated project name, why did you choose to go with that title? What was the whole project like for creating that project cause after a listen myself it’s so raw, so much passionate and fired up energy, do you feel you were just tired of holding back or?
(AJ) When I made "Don't Wait Til Im Dead", living in Wichita Falls where its a lot of favoritism and barley having support they never gave me the recognition that I been deserving, after going through being used and taken advantage of, moving out of my childhood home, suicide attempt, getting locked up for the first time, and my first rap beef (which is based on the track "Lucas Mode") I thought about all that has happened so far at the time I put all that anger into making this album. The reason I came with the project title is because I mostly tired of being slept on, most people don't pay attention until someone's death is all over social media. People don't actually f*ck with someone until its too late, I feel that people don't show love until someone's 6 feet in the earth, yeah people say they really care but how much? Things like that made me hit them with the DWTID title there's also a dark vibe with it.
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(LS) How has being in the Texas music scene affected you? What has changed from when you first started up to now? What are looking forward to in the future? Any tours? Any shows?
(AJ) My brother is the reason that I do music I remember seeing him on stage with 2 other people in the school talent show rapping I been in the scene since I was younger from talent shows to venues now everybody around school knew i rap. I went to a studio for the first time when i was 13, one of my brother's friends had equipment at the time I wasnt thinking about looking for my sound that fact that I was young and being a kid I remember watching the first mic pass that they had in the city on Youtube half of them I don't hear from them now days. I remember recording songs on the phone it sucked and it was trash, shortly after that i started working on a mixtape around the time of my last year in high school. After high school I was part of a movement called YB$ (Young Boss Status) with 2 of my friends i went to school with and another friend that was down the from road from us. We had a show opening for Mike Jones the next year we disbanded the movement me and the homies were still on good terms no matter what we moved on was best for us. A year after that one of our friends had passed away due to health issues it made me a stronger person in music, you can tell the fired energy that's in my art, my friend Nappii was one of the best people that anyone could be around from school to studio sessions to shows around town, the best memory I had with him was when I helped him out with an issue, I want to go far with my passion to honor it for him. There's a lot of talent where I'm from. At the time I would always go out to places go meet people around my age and under with a lot of talent that I came across in WF, the fun part about it is doing shows with them and get to know who they are, I remember going to a party there was a show in the backyard, it was really lit but it would've been more lit if i grabbed that mic (that comes from the inspiration of the track "Go All Out Like Its 2017") Im looking forward to meeting fans, making new fans, and meeting more artists through this journey, Im working a few EPs for 2020 shit load of fire and no tour dates for at the moment but I have a couple shows coming up February 22nd in Grand Prairie, TX its a part in Dallas opening for 500GwapGang and March 14th in my hometown Wichita Falls, TX at the Deep End. Those are my 2 main focus, making more music & doing more shows!
(LS) Are there any artist you look forward to working with? Can anyone work with AR$XNN JARIUS or are you picky about your work? Have you expanded throughout Texas at all?
(AJ) Famous wise I would like to work with Tech N9ne, $uicideBoy$, Denzel Curry, & J.I.D, just artists that I enjoy listening to, Im down to work with any artist that are also on the come up I just got to feel and know the vibes, I done shows in a other couple places so far I been making connects out in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and many more to come. I'm growing more everyday, my goal is to do shows in 10 places by the end of 2020.
(LS) Besides music is there anywhere else where you’d like to get your foot in? Or is music you’re sole passion and main focus?
(AJ) Music is all got, its the only resort I have, there's nothing else that I'm good at to be honest, I been dealing with music for all my life now, it's my way only way of fun. If it wasn't for this I would be dead right now.
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(LS) We see you’re on many platforms, apple, Spotify and even a couple channels on YouTube have covered some of your tracks like “No Hook” and “Turbo” which are both fire tracks also! Do you plan on dropping any visuals yourself this year or what’s the plan with that?
(AJ) I will be dropping a visual next month for sure. And more to come!
(LS) What’s your long term goal as far as music? Are you looking to be signed one day and really go pop or are you wanting to stay independent, and work as you see fit?
(AJ) My long term goal is keep going til the wheels fall off. Constantly drop that heat for the people! Far as I'm concern I'll stay independent unless if i get signed to labels like Top Dawg Ent. or Dreamville. As an artist my goal is to reach out to every audience of different parts and merge them together.
(LS) What’s the creative process like for you? Do you need a big studio? An engineer etc, or can you just get a mic and do it yourself so you can bring your vision to life?
(AJ) I definitely take my time with music than i ever had before. I treat myself like its homework I'm not done until I get it right, some of those got to understand that it takes time for everything, the longer it takes it'll come out perfect. I have my own studio in my room, I don't like working with somebody else's time for recording so i went out of my way to get my own so I can have all of it right there when I get ready to lay some vocals down.
(LS) Thank you again for being here today( anything else we should be expecting from you in 2020? Any links you’d like new listeners and viewers you’d like for them to check out, or any social media where they can reach you?
(AJ) You're welcome. Thank you for having me once again. Once again I'm Ar$xnn Jarius, anyone that's new to my music I'm on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud, Google Play, Amazon Music and Tidal. And for my social media outlets follow me on twitter is @arsxnn4lxrn, Instagram: @arsxnnnjarius, Facebook: Ar$xnn Jarius, Snapchat: hicks1596
The Local Shooter Vs. AR$XNN JARIUS
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