eideticspider · 1 year
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@halfxspider didn't ask for this but i did it anyway
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{✗} Her house didn't smell like a BURNING tire, so she'd consider this evening a success based solely on that. An evening alone with her lover, actually ALONE. Even if he had properly destroyed her cooking. (Which...VALID. But I will never tell him that.) Cindy had thrown her hair back into a ponytail, the window in the living room lit with the setting evening sun, and her iPod hooked in the dock playing music softly in the background.
"Are you ever going to tell me where you LEARNED to cook?" Her question came with a soft kiss pressed to his shoulder, delicately moving around him to set the table with plates. "I mean, isn't a trope for Spider-Man to suck at COOKING?" Hence, her inability to boil water. "How do I even know you can COOK?" She teased, a playful grin on her lips.
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clvric · 10 months
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❝ It's not like he was getting in the way, you're the big dog in the situation, I'm just here for backup... Don't tell me you got a bit jealous that someone else was talking me up ~ ?? ❞
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chiromutt · 9 months
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This child is staring.
While eating nachos.
With metal flakes on them.
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aslyfcx · 11 months
@halfxspider || continued from here
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"Look here, I'm not threatened by your words. I've dealt with a lot of bull-headed people, and you, my friend, are awfully being bull-headed." Nick tched with his lips. "I need your help to get me home."
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whomuses · 1 year
@halfxspider very loosely plotted! "Hey! You're, um - you're - the guy, right? The important guy?" Peter pulled his mask off, peering towards the shape there. "You're - like me, right?" he added, after a moment. The guy was tall and broad and imposing, all the things that Peter just - couldn't seem to manage to pull off, even with his wings, which now were held tight and strong against his back, a nervous habit. but - "Because, I mean, I'm -" he awkwardly reached up and pulled his lip up just slightly, although it wasn't particularly necessary, because he already had his own fully extended. Only the top two canines extended into long, sharp points, when he was feeling... defensive. The nerves and the desperate need to have someone who understood this part of him that he so hated -
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adventures-written · 11 months
@halfxspider || Continued from here.
"Just one of these new juice things I got for Mayday. It definitely has a distinct flavor of chemical. No wonder she doesn't like them..." He was holding up a juice box of sorts. Some sort of off-brand orange flavor.
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He offered it out to Miguel, "Wanna try?"
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finncomet · 1 year
"And people wonder why I act the way I do…"
☄️ "Um."
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"How do you act?" 🦋
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@halfxspider asked:🩸 peter b mayhaps? pokes my fingers together. ⤷ Send 🩸 to find a wound that my muse was trying to hide
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"Hey- hey. Hands to yourself, O'Hara. Jeeze." He dramatically - obviously, that's who he was - pulled his coat back over the smudged blood on his shirt. "I'm good. Come on, don't look at me like that."
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symbioteburnout · 1 year
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"The fuck is this? A Spider-man and Tron crossover?" If he pulled out a lightcycle, that would just confirm it.
All Mania knew was another one of those interdimensional portals opened up, causing her to expect she was going to be dragged into another big Venom team-up event. Something she never wanted to do again after the last one. Only instead of a different group of various cross dimensional Venoms leaping from the portal, a man in a dark suit with bright neon red accents emerged instead.
"Can we make this quick? I gotta work in the morning."
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itsybitsyparker · 1 year
Peter had swiped another day pass and a muffin from the commissary and was on his way to the holding cells to sneak them to a Doc Connors variant who was having particularly painful-looking glitches.
Maybe it was because it was Doc Connors, and well...in his universe, he TA'd for the man, he had inside jokes with him, and he'd helped him edit his first book. Watching him shrink into himself, wracked by glitches was hard.
He didn't understand why they had day passes here if they couldn't give them out to the people they locked in little bubbles.
He'd just rounded the final corner and then had to skid to a stop to avoid slamming face-first into Miguel's abs. The man scowled down at him and Peter cringed.
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"Heeey Miguel, fancy seeing you here. I'm just, taking a stroll..."
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@halfxspider ♡’d for a starter
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{✗} "Will you just...HOLD still?" She smiles, shaking her head with mild annoyance glimmering in her eyes. Her hand reaches over and adjusts his chin once more, tilting her head as she examines his face in this new LIGHT. "You promised you would sit still for ONE picture," Cindy reminded him, her gaze returning to the sketchbook in her lap. She picked up her pencil and resumed her sketching, light STROKES of lead against the off-white paper.
"Mayday was EASIER to sketch and she's a TODDLER," she grinned a little, pushing her glasses back up her nose.
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clvric · 10 months
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❝ What. ❞
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burnweaverlive · 1 year
"Hey, do you like baked goods? Sweets? If yes, what kinds? I sort of went overboard for a charity thing the other day and I can't eat everything left before it goes to waste.." They pause and shift a little, fussing with their oversized sleeves. "And, uh. If not, do you.. Know anybody who does? Maybe..?"
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balladofaspider · 1 year
@halfxspider | cont. from here
The tech of earth-928's year 2099 never failed to astound her. Interactable holograms, entirely self driving cars, a train to the moon. It was hard to imagine her own dimension ever reaching this level of futuristic. Sometimes she had to wonder if he or any of 928's residents wished to go back to more simpler times, but it was hard to imagine anyone would want to give up the comforts and ease their technology granted them.
"Mmhmm..." Holly sounded entirely unconvinced, eyes scanning over the many holo screens the man had pulled up around him. Miguel worked with a seeming swift ease and had his AI to help him, but he was still only one man. "So, is that why this alert about another anomaly showing up has been going unacknowledged for the past three minutes?" she reached over to the screen and swiped it over in his direction, watching as it glided along nothing and came to a stop before him. "Earth-76's got itself a second Kraven now, apparently."
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whomuses · 1 year
@halfxspider loosely plotted
Peter - didn't look like himself, right now. His eyes were wide, glassy, his breathing rapid and ragged. One hand had sunk into the ground, driving down through the surface and clinging to the internals, his strength forgotten in the panic. Wings half spread, feathers fluffed, making himself look bigger. And his mouth hung open, the two long fangs fully extended, sticky strands of drool running off them. It was hissing where it hit the floor, the potency ramped up in his panicked state, and when someone approached, he would jolt back, hissing loudly and yet seemingly unable to break out of his panicked state...
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4r4chn10-archived · 1 year
@halfxspider started following
".... You didn't see that, did you?"
He had just snatched up a donut from a passing person in the street below. They have two dozen, they wouldn't miss one, right? Besides, he'd just stopped a dude dressed as a big green bird. He earned a treat.
Lionel had been halfway through the donut when he noticed the other Spider standing nearby. Yes, that would be his luck today. On top of that villain damaging his custom jacket, he might be in trouble with another vigilante.
He slowly hid the remaining piece of the snack behind him as he stood up. Hopefully this guy was cool.
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