#halloween in high school I was wearing a binder and wig and people thought I was one of my friends' boyfriend
ask-artsy-oncie · 8 months
I'm just so sick - I'm fucking ill.
I just want someone to look at me and see a man. Please. Even if it only happens just one more time.
Is that really too much to ask for?
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angelbabyszn · 5 years
4 Years (Ruby X Reader)
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OMB Masterlist
"Y/N, I heard a new student is here today." said Monse as you open up your binder and start doing the warm up on the board in math class. 
"Really? How come I never saw them today?" you asked.
"I don't know, you tell me. I heard it's a boy and cute." said Monse as she started doing the warm up in her notebook.
"You still think Cesar is cute, don't you?" you asked with a grin.
"Stop it." said Monse as playfully pushed you and made you chucked.
A few minutes later, the teacher closed the door and went up to the board to start explaining the warm up.
Somebody rushed into the classroom and everybody turned their attention to the door. You were too focused on correcting the warm up so you didn't look who was at the door.
"Oh look. It's the new student. Come up here." said the math teacher, Mr. Walker. The new boy slowly walked up to the front of the classroom.
"Everyone, I want you to introduce our new student of Freeridge High: Ruby Martinez." said Mr. Walker. You quickly looked up once you heard the new student's name and gasped.
"Ruby Martinez?! As in the same Ruby from elementary?!" you scream-thought as you looked at him with wide eyes.
"Y/N, are you okay?" asked Mr. Walker and everybody turned in their seats to look at you.
You quickly shake your head to get you out of your trance.
"Yeah. Um...can I use the bathroom?" you asked and you quickly left before Mr. Walker could respond. 
"I'll go after her." said Monse and quickly ran out of the classroom to catch up after you.
Monse quickly ran into the nearest girls bathroom and saw you pacing back and forth in the bathroom.
"Y/N." said Monse, making you stop and look at her with wide eyes.
"What was that about?" asked Monse and she checked the stalls to see if anyone else was in the bathroom but luckily nobody wasn't.
"Nothing." you said shyly and Monse walked up to you and crossed her arms against her chest with her signature serious face.
"Fine. I know him. A long time ago." you said.
"Ruby? The new student?" asked Monse and you nodded. Both of you walked to the bench that was inside the bathroom and sat on it.
"How?" asked Monse as she looked at you confused.
"Elementary. He used to be my best guy friend. Until he moved away for a while. We have each other's numbers and continue to contact each other til I guess he got a new phone. I'm guessing that because Ruby didn't respond back to my texts. He didn't bother to add me to his new phone so he kinda ghosted and forgot about me." you explained. 
"Our friendship lasted from first grade to fourth grade. I've had a crush on him but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Is that normal that I've been thinking about him ever since he left Freeridge cause I think it's not. To think about somebody from when you're really young up til now." you said and you bend down and put your head inside your hands. 
"It's normal. You let out your feelings built up inside all these years and haven’t haven't talked to him at all." said Monse and you looked at her crazy after you lifted your head again. 
"Since when did you become the love doctor?" you asked. 
"Since junior high. People make relationships way too hard when it's really simple." said Monse.
"You need to give love advice to yourself for Cesar." you said and Monse shoved you.
"What? You do. You liked him since that time. What's holding you back?" you asked.
"I like him but I just don't want to be hurt." said Monse.
"Well you should talk to him before you judge him." you said with a grin.
"Hey, stop switching it up on me! We in here cause of your stupid a*s for running out of the classroom." said Monse and your smile disappeared quickly.
"Y/N, you should go talk to him. Exchange numbers and then hang out. See? Simple." said Monse and she got up and she started to walk out of the bathroom.
"Easy for you to say. You should do the same thing with Cesar too."
"I’m going to kill you!" shouted Monse and you started to run out of the bathroom with Monse chasing after you going back to the classroom.
You and Monse slow down as you enter the classroom to see people working on math problems. Monse turned her head to the side and her jaw dropped a bit. 
"Y/N." said Monse and you quickly turned her direction to see what she was looking at and you gasped.
You two saw Olivia hitting up and working on math problems with Ruby and Cesar.
"B*tch." you and Monse said in sync and both of you quickly walked back to your seats.
"You know what?" said Monse as she turned back to you trying to be strong.
"We don't need them. We got each other and as long as we got each other, we will get over this." said Monse and you quickly nodded in agreement. Both of you did your signature handshake and started working on the math problems together.
What you didn't know is when you were laughing at Monse's joke a few minutes later, Ruby was looking at you and put on a warm smile on his face.
"Ruby?" said Olivia and Ruby quickly turned back to her.
"I was wondering if you and Cesar want to go to this Halloween party with me tomorrow. Will you?" asked Olivia.
Ruby nodded resulting Olivia smiling and she touched Ruby's arm. She slowly brought her hand down his arm till it reached the table and winked at him.
Ruby looked at Olivia surprised, making her giggled. she looked at Cesar and started talking to him. Ruby took a look at you again and went back to his math problems again in his notebook.
"Where's my buddy in crime?" you whine on the table as other students that were in your History class came in the next day.
You looked up and saw Jamal and then you smiled.
"Jamal!" you said excitedly as you hugged him tight once he sat down next to you.
"Hello to you too." said Jamal as he hugs you back.
The History teacher puts up the warm up and everybody including Jamal and you start doing your warm up.
"Anything new with Rollerworld?" you whispered to Jamal as you work.
"None. It seems like this money doesn't want to find me." whispered Jamal.
"I'm sure you'll find it. I'll help you after school." you whispered.
Jamal thanked you and continues working. You were almost finished when you heard the door open up quickly.
You looked up and saw Ruby making your heart skip a bit.
Ruby apologized for being late to the teacher, Ms. Patterson and sat down a few feet in front of you in the classroom.
"From elementary to now, he turned hot. He was cute back then but wow." you thought as you took a glance at him
"His hair grown, arms look more buff so he looks like he works out now. And his smile..." you thought going deep into your imagination.
"Y/N?" asked Jamal and you quickly got out of your trance and focused your attention to Jamal with a weird look on his face.
"I'm fine." you said quickly and try to finish up your warm up. Jamal shrugged and ignored it like it ever happened.
“There we go." you said to yourself after you finish zipping up your left red thigh high heel.
You walked out of your bedroom to your mirror in the bathroom and you screamed because you look different.
"Y/N, what's wrong?!" shouted your mom as she rushed into the bathroom.
You face her and you have on a cute nurse mini dress with your red heels, a cute mini nurse tiara and your long straight red hair wig on for Halloween.
"Aw, you look adorable honey." said your mom with a smile.
"Thank you." you said and a few minutes later, you arrived at your school and then into the gym.
You looked around to see people dancing, talking, eating, drinking, and making out.
When you entered the gym, people looked and started to stare as you walked to the dance floor.
Right before you can reach it, somebody grabbed you by the shoulders. You quickly turned around and punched whoever touched you.
"Y/N!" Jamal whined as your eyes widened when you knew that you punched Jamal. 
"Omg, I'm so sorry!" you said worried and Jamal touched his left cheek with his left hand.
"I told you you were going to get punched." said Monse as she shook your head in Jamal’s ridiculousness.
You looked at Monse to see her costume which looks like a lifeguard but halfway did it while Jamal was wearing a hospital gown you guessed and an arm cast.
"What are y'all wearing?" you asked, starting to laugh making them look at you crazy.
"Y/N, I'm a lifeguard and Jamal is a hospital patient for some odd reason." said Monse. 
"Hey! At least I got a costume on. All you got on is your sweatshirt and shorts from last summer job!" said Jamal and you laughed until a new song came on.
You quickly go to the dance circle to see Jasmine in the dance circle and everybody was hyping her up. Monse and Jamal finally caught up to you in the circle and they stand right beside you in the middle.
"You got to admit, Jasmine can dance." you said. 
"Yeah, but still annoying." said Monse with her serious face and you realized your favorite part was about to come on.
"My favorite part!" you shouted and you quickly pushed Jasmine out from the middle. You stood in the middle for a moment for your part to come up.
Your favorite part of the song came up and you start breaking it down once the beat hits, making everybody scream and hype you up.
You danced in the dance circle til you got tired and everybody cheered for you. The song changed and the dance circle deform.
Once nobody was around you no more, Jamal hugged you with a big grin on his face.
"Y/N, you killed it!" said Jamal.
"Thank you." you said with a smile and you felt a small tap on your shoulder.
You turned around and your heart instantly started beating fast. It was Ruby in a vampire costume.
"Hey Y/N." said Ruby.
"Hey Ruby." you said shyly. You were freaking out in your head because he remembers you.
"I just wanna say-"
"Ruby! Let's go dance!" shouted Olivia. Ruby turned around while you looked ahead to see Olivia walking up in her cowgirl outfit with shorts that was a bit too short for a school party.
Olivia quickly grabs Ruby's hand and pulls you away from you. 
You turned back around to Monse and Jamal but Jamal wasn't there and you obviously know why.
"Y/N?" asked Monse, feeling concerned.
"After four years thinking about him and now he just shows up and just says hey." you said upset and Monse touched your shoulder, confronting you. 
"I hate the fact I still want him and he doesn't know it at all." you said and tears start to come down your eyes.
"Come on, let's get out of here." said Monse and you nodded. You go back to your house with Monse and watch movies together while eating candy to make you feel better about the whole situation.
You arrived at school early next week to ease your mind about what happened at the party.
You went into the music room and then once you sit down on a chair with pen and paper, your thoughts start flowing onto the paper magically. 
A few minutes later, you have a complete song and you were surprised because you never wrote something this fast and sounded good.
You quickly grab the guitar standing at the corner of the room and sit there with your song on the paper. You make sure the guitar is in tone and start to play a few melodies but it doesn't sound right with your song. 
You stopped and looked at your lyrics and a moment later, your melody came into your head and you started playing it on the guitar.
After replaying the same melody four times you start singing.
'Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick "Hello," and you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years, oh
'Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near (you are near)
And it was just a quick "Hello," and you had to go (ooh)
And you probably will never know (oh)
You're still the one I'm after all these years
As you were singing and playing the guitar, you didn't realize that Ruby was standing there at the door looking at you and listening to your voice.
I never told you, I should've told you
I never told you after all these years
Told you, I never told you (told you)
Told you, I never told you
I never told you after all these years
You played the ending and you looked up and saw Ruby standing at the door. Immediately scared your soul from your body. You quickly got up and put the guitar back in the corner.
"Ruby, what are you doing here?" you said shyly. Ruby quickly ran up to you and just stood in front of you without words coming out of his mouth.
Right before you said something, Ruby grabbed your face and kissed you. You were surprised but you kissed him back. 
"You're the one I'm after all these years too." said Ruby and you quickly kissed him again and Ruby kissed you back passionately.
You were finally satisfied and happy that you started dating the guy you wanted to be with all these years.
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