#halloween kau
megamixter · 2 years
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I wanted to do an October drawing prompt this month, but I'm in a creative block and none of the prompts were really vibing with me.
So Halloween Neopets until further notice, huzzah! I had a good time messing with the watercolor brushes on FireAlpaca for this one.
[Image ID: A Halloween Kau from Neopets is walking along a grassy area. A blue and orange sky with implied clouds can be seen behind. The Kau has a happy expression and is looking back over its shoulder as it marches. /.End ID]
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tillytilli · 2 months
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my neopets ocs! i am so completely normal about them. and yes theyre all lesbians
jartsa the fire skeith | omppu-neiti the christmas kau
mimmi the darigan ixi | nakki the halloween kyrii
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zesty-goblin-trash · 10 months
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If you told me like, 15 years ago that in the year 2023 the day after my 32nd birthday I'd be posting on tumblr about how much I love my collection of Neopets I'd have probably scoffed at the very idea. Truthfully I'd probably have said "yea, sounds about right." but that's not as funny.
But man, I know I get really invested in some for chunks of time and then lose interest and stop doing things consistently a lot, such is the nature of hyper-fixations and ADHD, but there's just something so peaceful about doing my daily things on Neopets and poking around the Discord community. Being able to have achieved so many childhood goals this year has given me such an odd sense of accomplishment in a way. Like I'd posted about before, one of my original pets to this account (Not my very first account, that ones is long forgotten sadly. But this is the "new" account I'd made back in high school when I was in a nostalgic "I want to do shit I did as a kid" phase, kinda ahead of the nostalgic craze on that one eh?) is xSpifftasticx who was a yellow Lenny (5,939 days old) that I'd always wanted to paint Pink, but could never afford the paint brush. The older community surrounding Neopets now is so friendly and helpful and there's so much more information out there how to do activities and stuff that I never understood as a kid it's just. I don't even know how to word it. Just amazing to be able to actually work towards a goal in the game and achieve it.
The other OG to this account pets are oo_Chaos_oo the mutant Hissi (5,938 days old) and xx_Kryll_xx the Christmas Kyrii (5,475 days old), and their names are just so much a product of the time and I love it. So much so that I felt like not naming my other pets with some combination of underscores, x's, or other symbols would be an injustice to the whole vibe of my account 😂
I'm just so happy to have started playing again just before the whole Faerie Festival thing because completing the quests got me to get a bunch of fountain fairy dips that got me pretty much every other customized pet. Except for _JackTheLass_ who was a morphing potion gift from a user on the Discord, and x_NiteMare_x who was painted from getting a Halloween paint brush from the trick or treat bags.
This is a long pointless post tbh, and maybe I should just not add all this nonsense to it because it ruins the aesthetic of it but whatever. I'm far from an aesthetic blog lmao I'm just feeling sappy or some shit. I slapped a read more on it, good enough lmao Anyways, here's to 16 years on Neopets, and to 16+ more!
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PS. send me a neofriend request, if you want.
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halloweenacara · 12 days
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everyone so far! names & info under the cut
aske - halloween acara, he/they - horror artist & author, kinda the main character. he writes a horror-comedy comic, but his most famous work is a series of intense horror novels published under a pseudonym. he's secretly a huge scaredy-cat- unfortunate, given his housemates.
flora - mutant aisha, she/her - baker & activist. she runs a little bakery in the haunted woods that only employs other mutants. she's sweet as sugar, but you don't want to be on her bad side.
fossil - tyrannian elephante, he/him - anthropologist, museum curator, technically undead. he was found in a glacier on the border between tyrannia and terror mountain & revived. now, he has a special interest in tyrannian history, spending more time in the field than behind a desk. he will talk your ear off.
mu - burlap kau, he/they - fiber artist, gardener, ex-scarecrow. he used to live in a farm north of the haunted woods, then took himself off his stick and ran away. he sewed his legs himself, as he didn't have any originally, and has to fix them often. makes a lot of crochet plushies and blankets- stark contrast to the manor's otherwise spooky vibe.
pup - toy poogle, they/she - midi musician, streamer, sapient robot. they speak almost exclusively in internet memes and audio clips. she has a vast collection of expression stickers, one for every mood. recently, they've been visiting veknir's workshop every night…
maxie - ghost cybunny, she/her - tour guide/scam artist. she offers tours of the manor, even installing a little gift shop in the foyer. most of the 'haunted features' on the tour are fake. even if the others wanted her to leave (frankly, she's a rude, self-serving conwoman), she couldn't- she died in the manor. every time someone asks how she died she gives them a different story.
veknir - speckled grundo, he/him - alien, scientist, engineer. he keeps the manor running- repairing old appliances, fixing broken railing. of course, he did blow up the microwave trying to improve it. he crash-landed in the courtyard while fleeing someone and set up a workshop/lab in the basement. who knows what he gets up to down there? do we want to know?
alder - shadow skeith, she/her - groundskeeper. an intense individual, to say the least. she's been with the manor longer than anyone can recall. she mostly keeps to herself- she lives in a small cabin on the edge of the courtyard. she spends her time meticulously cleaning the tombstones, or lurking in the yard in the midst of heavy rain. aske is terrified of her.
rory - chocolate/halloween bori, he/it - some variety of candy-based creature. he only joined the group recently- previously he was known as the thing that howls and roars just past the fence line. he smells like candy corn and hot cocoa- apart from the bones, of course. those smell like death.
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
i know absolutely nothing about neopets but your reviews are really fun...
could you review your favorite neopet or color? (or one of your favorites if your favorite was reviewed already?)
(My favorite species is the Xweetok and my favorite color is probably Mutant, both of which have been done already. I was debating between Halloween, Chocolate, and Oil Paint as I like all three, but I think I'll go Chocolate as it has more species than Oil Paint and I haven't talked about it as much as Halloween.)
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Maybe it's just because I'm a chocolate lover in general, but I always really liked Chocolate as a colour. First, it's very coherent across the board, but leaves room for individual touches from species to species. Secondly, it's good a good amount of detail (how much varies from pet to pet), but doesn't tend to feel over-worked or stylistically jarring the way some modern pets do. And finally, it just plain looks pretty.
The only drawback to the Chocolate colour is that it's a lab ray exclusive. It kind of makes sense because it's a "weird" colour, but it's also annoying that it's such a pain to get in the first place.
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Chocolate, being a colour without unique poses, really didn't lose anything with customization. (There weren't that many Chocolate pets released before conversion anyway, so that helps.)
Favorite Species:
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Eyrie: An absolutely beautiful Chocolate pet, the Eyrie has a good amount of thought put into it. Chocolate-dipped wafers for wings, whipped cream fur, a milk chocolate body with white chocolate detailing, and icing "horns" make for a beautiful design. The detailing is just right and everything comes together very coherently.
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Kau: Another relatively complex colour, the Kau also has a lot of nice details—shaved chocolate around the hooves, detailing resembling a Kau's normal markings, striped white chocolate horns, and whipped cream accents. My only nitpick is that the stripes on the ears feel a bit overdone.
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Ogrin: Much simpler than the other two, the Chocolate Ogrin still looks really good. The white chocolate striping works really well with the Orgin's usual stripes, and is accented by the whipped cream and underbelly markings. The best part is the shaved chocolate mane, which is a great detail.
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BONUS: The Tonu is similar to the Ogrin in a way, but it adds sprinkles to its whipped cream and forgoes most of the white chocolate in favor of a waffle cone horn. Very nice looking and a fun concept all around.
Least Favorite Species:
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0/10 I don't think you tried at all.
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lavendertentacle · 7 months
Leah Stardewvalley (And any other Stardew Palleys you wish to add)
hmmmm I think I'd assign Leah a Plushie Kau or Woodlands Kau
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and as for other Stardew Palleys.... I'd give Abigail both an Ice Hissi and a Halloween Jubjub, because she can snack on quartz with the Hissi and she loves pumpkins
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fenneykindlefire · 2 years
Hey everyone, today, I'm going to talk about my ideas for the missing Halloween Neopets and Petpets. Yes, I know it's not October but better early than never.
To those of you who don't know, the Halloween colour was first released in late September 2000. Originally, the pets were dressed in simple costumes but late in October, they were changed to resembling monsters (and occasionally site characters) instead. The last Halloween pet was released in 2014. After this, they would focus on just releasing zombie pets instead. I'm not sure why they're doing this now, did they lose interest in releasing more Halloween pets? You may never know.
Again, it's not October, but I'm going to show off my ideas early:
- First off, let's make the Halloween Lutari a vampire wearing a purple vest and cape and having red eyes. But since there's plenty of those already, how about instead we have the Lutari be the Headless Horseman? The Headless Horseman has been around since the Middle Ages, so that means there should be a pet that is dressed like the Headless Horseman, complete with a pumpkin for a head. Plus it would go well with the Halloween Uni as its trusty steed.
- Next off, we can have the Halloween Ogrin be a skeleton like the Acara, Bori, Eyrie, Hissi, Kau, and Krawk. But instead of wearing a skeleton costume or makeup, the skeleton pattern would actually be part of its body like the Skeleton and Pink Skeleton colours from Petpet Park. Can you imagine having it wear Lacy Skeleton Gloves or a Glowing Skeleton Costume?
- Now for the Halloween Vandagyre, I think it’d be a good idea to have it dressed as Mr. Grimsby as a callback to Petpet Park. I know you want it be a mothman, but I personally prefer to make it Grimsby because the colour looked great on the Petpets and it would look great on the Vandagyre too.
- I also believe they should make more Halloween Petpets too. Maybe the Halloween Short Fuse can be based on a pumpkin, the Halloween Bearog can wear a cerberus costume, and the Halloween Psimouse can be a witch holding a broom. Other ideas include the Cadro being a spider, the Lutra being the headless horseman holding its pumpkin head (as a matching Petpet for the Lutari), the Fir being an autumnal tree, and the Quintilc having a cobweb pattern.
Now if only we can send this to the developers...
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mejakerani · 11 months
Phoebe Bridgers
1. lilin mencipta siluet-siluet ganjil di dinding kamar. aku yakin, kau tak mendengarkan Phoebe Bridgers. menguatkan sunyi, kuputar beberapa puisi gelapnya. anggap ini Halloween dan aku algojo, mengeksekusi keingkaran darah beliamu. kini, kita tak lebih dua tokoh yang dibicarakan dalam getir lirik.
apa ini adiksi pada temaram yang berpendar bagai citra kematian? kita saling mengutuk dalam bisu dan aku menyiksa kerumpangan yang asimetris di rupa kesendirianmu. barangkali benar, sebelum bertemu, kita sempat jadi dua hati. menggelandang dari pintu ke pintu rumah: tubuh-tubuh asing.
dari balik bantal, diselubungi gelap, kutarik pisau musim dingin dari puisi masa remaja yang kutulis ‘tuk mempersenjatai kesesatanku. kuhujam tepat ke ulu jantungmu: lenguh panjang menggetar wadah tinta seekor malaikat. aku ragu, ia benar-benar mencatat kita sebagai kesia-siaan.
2. bertahun terentang dari pembunuhan pertama itu, apa kau kini mati? dari dulu aku sudah jadi hantu dengan jisim yang belum dikuburkan. sebab itu, kuundang kau dalam upacara-upacara gelap di bawah temaram lilin.
baby, it's Halloween and we can be anything oh, come on, man we can be anything
baby, it's Halloween there's a time for everything oh, come on, man we can be anything*
dan pabila lagu itu tak sengaja terdengar, jangan lupa: seseorang pernah pura-pura membunuh dan membaptismu sebagai tokoh rahasia yang beredar sebagai sabak kabut di malam paling gigil.
Banjar, Januari 2023
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Phoebe Bridgers: Penyanyi wanita dan penulis lagu asal Amerika dengan genre musik alternatif. Merilis album berjudul Punisher--album yang paling banyak diulas pada tahun 2020.
*) lirik lagu “Halloween” karya Phoebe Bridgers
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k1spiegel · 1 year
the only pets i have rn thatll get repainted in the future are moses (fire kau -> golden kau [once vp gets golden kaus]) and orlok (electric blue grarrl -> halloween grarrl) but those could still b fun to draw
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nicepets · 3 years
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Pet: Kaulloween
Owner: cowshed
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megamixter · 9 months
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Gift art for my husband to ring in the new year! Here's to a better 2024!
[Image ID: A digital art drawing of an Umbreon and an Espeon from Pokemon. Both Pokemon are sitting in a field of grass under a blue sky. The Umbreon is laying on the ground with a love ball in it's mouth and looking at the Espeon in a playful way. The Espeon is standing up and looking at the Umbreon with a neutral expression. /. End ID]
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carmenpeach · 2 years
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my main neopets!
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
i already have one of my dream pets but my other two are these onessssssss
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diemondgrimm · 3 years
Don’t tell me your Zodiac and MBTI type, I wanna know what three neopets are your dream pets.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
I'd love to see a full-on review of Burlap from you! As a matter of personal taste, I do like it as a Plushie 2.0, but I also sympathize with your dissatisfaction in the loss of that creepy vibe. Which pets do you like best in it?
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Poor, poor Burlap. It was originally introduced as Burlap Doll alongside Steampunk, Toy, and Origami as part of a 2018 poll to pick a new colour, wherein it came in dead last, probably because it was by far the least cute option of the four. That said, us burlap lovers were annoying vocal enough that TNT eventually caved and released it anyway.
Unfortunately that was a small victory, as there's been a gradual shift in appearance and tone. Burlap's original intent, and the reason so many of us loved it, is that it was creepy. Burlap pets were supposed to be dolls haphazardly stitched together from sack cloth and whatever pieces of junk happened to be lying around, with dead button eyes and stitched-up mouths. It was a very distinct vibe, almost scarecrow-like, and that made it really stand out.
However, TNT has been softening the colour over the years. Bright colors were introduced; the junk and scrap materials concept was almost entirely dropped; straw-like elements were replaced with soft fuzzy tan fur; and so on and so forth. Compare the Burlap Usul, released in 2023, with the Burlap Ogrin, released in 2020:
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And just to be clear, the more plushie-like burlap pets are by no means inherently bad; a lot of them are downright adorable or have very pleasing designs. It's just that, for a site that celebrates Halloween each year and has an entire land dedicated to it, there's a strange lack of creepy colours available. There's Halloween, Mutant, Wraith, Ghost, Zombie, Darigan, and... well, that's it. Burlap was not only a welcome addition to this category, but it filled a very specific niche, as there were no other creepy doll colours. We already have plushie as a colour, but we definitely didn't have anything like the original burlap.
Favorite Species:
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Lenny: The original Burlap Doll design put up for voting, the Burlap Lenny is delightfully creepy. The fraying fabric on the wings is a great touch, and I love all the metal bits used here; some springs for the head feathers, random scrap parts for the legs. It's fun, distinct, and has a ton of personality. I also really like the eyes, which are not only black but have red string in the middle, something even the other creepy burlap pets didn't keep.
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Bori: The Burlap Bori has less scrap parts and fewer black accents, but it's still well done overall. There's lots of good details here, like the fraying fabric around the claws, the stitch work and material of the back plates, and the way the tail haphazardly tied together with some loose rope.
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Quiggle: This isn't quite as detailed as the other three burlap pets, but it still brings a lot to the table with its freaky twig fingers and casual rope around its neck. The texturing and warping of the burlap texture is truly well done here and the whole thing has a great sense of dimension. The only thing is that while I like the mismatched eyes in theory, the blue feels a little distracting; I feel like maybe a light brown or tan might've worked better.
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BONUS: Like I said, the plushie-style burlap pets are still very nice looking, and it wouldn't be fair of me to talk about only the creepy pets while not mentioning the non-creepy ones. The Burlap Kau is definitely the best of the crop, with super soft plush fur that reminds me a bit of Highland cows. There's nice detailing in things like the corduroy snout and iridescent eyes, and while there's some colour, it's kept to light earth-tones as to not feel jarring against the browns. Good stuff.
Least Favorite Species:
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Scorchio: Even by new-age burlap standards, the Burlap Scorchio is a trainwreck. The eye-searing teal underbelly is both over-saturated and too low-contrast relative to the brown, creating an eyesore that draws too much attention to a pointless part of the design. There's no real creativity in things like the spikes, and the eyes don't feel like they align to the face properly. The stitched-together wings are a little fun at least, but it's not enough to save this design.
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emo-boy-usuki · 4 years
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Just entered my chocolate kau into the BC :D
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