electricea-a · 6 years
hallowsene replied to your post: Independent / Semi-Selective / Ryuji Sakamoto....
needs the fancy ass text you gotta copy paste off those sites for the tags and some emojis but you nailed it 11 / 10
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You mean like this? Also just throw in around a dozen of these 👌👌👌👌, some of these 👀👀👀 and throw in one of these 🤘.
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plcytowin · 6 years
                                                  @hallowsene // s.c.
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                         ❛ you may not like this--- but, i’m gonna                         try to agitate it. ❜
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burstrunner-blog · 6 years
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“Why do people keep effing asking us to fix their relationship issues? We’re the Phantom Thieves not your parents damn it!” Was the outburst necessary in a public location? Even more when the two were suppose to be studying in a diner? No of course not, but the delinquent didn’t really care to study, he already knew he was going to have trouble passing anyways. Thus why he was looking at the Phan-site instead of studying.
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masayoshiko · 6 years
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                                                       an   infiltration.   although   the   boy   had   his   reservations   ,   spending   his   last   year   of   high   school   surrounded   by   complete   strangers   --   he   had   a   job   to   do   ,   something   only   ken   could   take   care   of.    the   city   of   tokyo   was   vast   ,   the   cities   lights   bound   to   keep   the   boy   awake   at   night    in   search   for   shadows   that   lurked   in   the   dark.   
eyes   vacant   as   he   rode   the   subway   to   school   ,   shujin   academy   --   a   place   of   both   mystery   &   old   school   charm.   a   disciplinary   member   band   attached   to   his   sleeve   ,   a   hand   reaching   to   adjust   the   tag   he’d   given   to   himself   thanks   to   the   student   council   president   ----   only   to   stop   mid   reach   ,   eyes   catching   hint   of   a   ...   tail?
            ��                   ❛     --   .... e-...   excuse   me   ,   is   there   a   CAT   in   your   bag   ?     ❜
// @hallowsene // s.c //
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moruugana · 6 years
Make Your Own Muse Badge Tagged by: @missredtie( thank you! c: )
Tagging: Anyone who sees this! Here are some tags anyways! Sorry if you already did this ;; @downtomyunderboos @rebellejoker @gooselullaby @crossxskulled @hallowsene @lamovreux @adievs Badges under the cut!
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Human Morgana!! Annnd I did Miu just for fun!
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polttaa · 6 years
@hallowsene ||  sc. ( no longer accepting. )
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           “ Do you have anything planned for Halloween yet ?? ”
     WITH IT RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, Ann was trying to think of some fun things that could be done --- maybe they could all have a small party ?? They were too old to trick or treat ( but the idea put a smile on her face. ) She wanted to do SOMETHING, she just didn’t know what. 
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reprtr · 6 years
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     ❛     i’d  kill  for  an  INTERVIEW  with  a  phantom  thief  one  day.  an  actual  one  though  ---------  not  any  of  those  phonies.  that’d  make  for  a  good  article  !!     ❜     //  @hallowsene  ♥’d  !!
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electricea-a · 6 years
Closed starter for @hallowsene.
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“...You know, it kind of makes me wonder,” He sets his finished bowl of ramen to the side, now focusing on gently tearing at the sides of an unused napkin.
“Don’t you think that our Phantom Thief outfits would make pretty cool Halloween costumes...?” He turns to face the other male, beaming widely before quickly adding.  “Obviously, I get why no one can see them! But if all that didn’t matter, then they’d look pretty cool!
“I think we kind of look like superheroes, really.” He throws the napkin off to the side now, his tone visibly excited.  “Except we’re a hell of a lot better than superheroes!”
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electricea-a · 6 years
my url uwu ?
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you - Accepting.
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I think he’s an interesting Protagonist - he goes through a lot over the course of his series so it’s hard not to feel for him.  For an earlier URL, I described Ryuji as someone who kept getting back up in spite of life continually trying to kick him back down and I think that applies tenfold for Joker.  He’s someone who goes through so much crap and yet you can’t help but root for him.
How they play them: Hooly crap, where do I even begin? For starters, I like how you go into detail about things that were barely touched on or downright ignored by the game like the extent of his injuries from the interrogation and what sort of effect they would have on him - how he still suffers from ptsd long afterwards.  I like how you sort of fill in the gaps and expand on his character - you always know exactly what he would say or what he would do.
The Mun: You’re always a joy to plot with because it’s obvious you care so much - like it’s really nice listening to someone who’s so passionate about their muse and so passionate about their friendship.  You will not stand for your boy being shortchanged or treated unfairly and I respect the hell out of that.
Do I:
RP with them: Always.
Want to RP with them: You know it!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Honestly a really amazing Joker with no shortage of thought and care put into him and a mun who genuinely pours their heart and soul into their muse.
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