duffsmckagan · 2 months
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Baby Kirk and his sister Jennifer on her 7th birthday.
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iconsfinder · 3 months
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d1or3angel · 25 days
I'm in luv with a man in his sixties, so what?
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orions-choker · 2 months
Drink My Cherry Blood (Vampire!Kirk Hammett x Reader NSFW)
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Vampire Kirk, Rough sex, Oral Sex, Blood Drinking, Unprotected Sex.
Word Count: 4,557
Reader meets Kirk at a party and gets a lot more than she expected when he follows her home.
(Cross posted to AO3, this is just an excuse to write Vampire Kirk smut sorry <3)
The moon hung high in the midnight sky. Despite the darkness the California night was pleasantly warm against Y/N’s skin. It didn’t stop a shiver from running up her spine. Each step she took against the pavement brought with it the feeling of being followed. Each time she peaked behind her shoulder she was greeted with nothing. 
Her knuckles turned white, her grip on her crossbody purse deathly tight. Her pace hastened slightly. She was almost home, she could see the faint light from her house in the distance, like a beacon of hope in this small corner of suburbia. It took all her will power to avoid breaking into a sprint, not wanting to look like a fool when truly there was nothing following her. 
A sudden crack sounded behind her, a pebble hitting asphalt. It cried out like a strike of lightning on the otherwise silent street. Y/N stopped abruptly, whipping her body around to catch the perpetrator following her. Nothing. Her eyes trailed down the empty sidewalk, landing on the suspect stone that had startled her. Too far behind her to have accidentally been her. 
“Hello?” She called out, voice wavering as she desperately hoped for no reply. She waited a moment, and then a moment more before shaking her head. “I’m going crazy.” She mumbled to herself turning back towards her target, home, she just needed to get home. 
The sound of her worn converse scuffing against the ground suddenly seemed impossibly loud. An irrational part of her brain telling her the noise was bringing too much attention to herself, like prey being stalked through the forest. She swallowed hard, the lump in her throat getting stuck like a heavy weight in her chest. 
Home, Home, Home. It was the only thing she chanted. Somewhere in her mind she reprimanded herself for leaving the party so late, by herself. Her only saving grace was her choice to stay sober tonight, knowing she had work tomorrow she decided to be smart for once in her life. 
The party had been a goodbye party for a close friend, despite that Y/N seemingly knew no one there. Not a single mutual friend aside from the host, Y/N had found herself nursing a cola in the corner of the kitchen for most of the night. That was until she had been approached by Kirk. That was the name he had given her anyway. 
He was a cute thing, he had dark curly hair that cascaded down his shoulders, he was lean and lanky, not incredibly tall but towered over Y/N’s short stature nonetheless. He had these big brown eyes that oozed comfort and for that reason she had found herself chatting with him through the night. 
He was pleasant, in conversation and to look at. She was thoroughly endeared by his knowledge of music, games, comics and movies. He was a bit awkward at first, it was endearing the way he stuttered over his words, laughing at his own poorly timed jokes. Despite his charms there was a feeling she couldn’t shake around him, not fear, but anticipation. Something about the way he seemed to loom over her, the way his teeth, a little crooked, seemed impossibly sharp, like razors in his mouth. He felt..off. 
Still Y/N felt sad saying goodbye to him, exchanging numbers with him as she left the party around 11:30. He had offered to walk her home, insisting it wasn’t safe this late for a young woman such as herself. Suddenly she felt inclined to agree. 
Snapped out of her thoughts of the night earlier, Y/N heard it then, footsteps. Unmistakably against the ground behind her, someone was there, and gaining on her fast. Her breath hitched and without a second thought she broke into a panicked sprint. The ground seemed to shake and crumble away from her feet as she heard the person behind her gain speed. 
Then there was a hand on her arm, a grip so tight it felt bruising. She was stopped, yanked back with incredible strength. A scream ripped its way from her throat but died quickly, muffled by a warm hand against her mouth. She thrashed in the hold of her mystery assailant, teeth sinking into the flesh of his hand and nails scraping against his arm. Her efforts earned her nothing more than a pained hiss. 
“Hey shit calm down Y/N.” The voice in her ear, from earlier that night. Kirk? Her eyes rolled back trying to get a better look at the man behind her. She couldn’t see his face from this angle, but the curls falling around his shoulders and the dark fabric of his shirt confirmed it for her. She stopped for a moment, her body going limp as he pulled her down the alleyway. 
She was roughly turned around, body pressed against the brick wall behind her. His hand still covered her mouth as his body caged her in. She looked up at him with wide eyes full of fear. How stupid had she been to talk to this guy, he had seemed harmless enough. Oddly enough his eyes were elsewhere, darting towards the entrance of the alley as he shuffled them further into darkness. His body concealed her from view. 
Tears sprang to her eyes, this was how she died? In a dark alleyway, body disgraced by a man she had just met. She couldn't help the small sobs that came from her muffled mouth. Kirk's eyes widened as he looked down at her. He shook his head quickly. “No shh shh.” He whispered, his hand pressing down harder. “Please be quiet, this isn't what you think, just quiet.” He hissed urgently, eyes darting back towards the open road. 
Y/N was caught off guard by the interaction, stunned into silence again by the gentleness in her voice. They stood there for what seemed like an hour. Y/N pressed against the warmth of Kirk's body as he completely encased her there in the alleyway. She noticed he didn’t breathe a second of the time they spent there. Finally Kirk released a shaky sigh, stepping away from her, hand slowly falling from where it had gagged her. “Please please don't scream, let me explain.” He pleaded, a guilty look in his eyes. 
“What the fuck.” Y/N hissed, still speaking lowly as Kirk did. “What’s your deal dude, are you trying to kidnap me?” She asked, voice raising in fear and anger. Her back was still pressed against the wall trying to keep as much distance between him and her. She noticed in the glint of the moonlight his eyes seemed to almost glow a deep red color, his gaze on her still filled with worry. 
He shook his head frantically, looking like a kicked puppy at the accusation. “No god no!” He defended himself quickly. He ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. “Fuck, ahh how do I explain this?” He groaned.
“Explain attacking me in the middle of the night after I talked to you once at a party?” 
He winced at her acid laced words. “Look I’m sorry, I didn’t want to.” His hands came to his face, rubbing at his skin and gently pulling at his lower lash line as he struggled to find the words. “You were being followed, I was worried about you.” Kirk sighed, eyes desperately searching hers in hope she was willing to listen. 
Y/N’s face contorted, lips pulling into a tight line and eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Dude you were the one following me?” She slid down the wall slowly, exhausted by this whole interaction she let her body slump forward as she sat on the dirty pavement beneath her. 
Kirk followed her, crouching before her, keeping a good distance to not scare her further. “No, I mean yes, but to protect you.” He stumbled over his words. “You wouldn’t let me take you home, but you were being watched at the party and I couldn’t let you leave alone, you wouldn’t have made it home alive.” He tugged his bottom lip between his sharp canines. 
They seemed inhuman, those teeth. Y/N couldn’t pry her eyes away from them. “And how do you know that?” She asked him, voice softening a bit. There was just something about his demeanor that made her want to believe this stranger. “What was with you dragging me down here and keeping me silent.” 
“The guys that were following you, I know them, I didn’t want to fight them not in front of you.” He explained carefully, there was something else lurking beneath his words. “I just wanted us to keep low until they fucked off” 
His explanation came with more questions than answers. “I didn’t hear anyone out there, how do you know?” Y/N asked, pulling her knees to her chin as she stared at him in wonder. “And what do you mean fight them? It sounds like something you do often.” 
“God why do you have so many questions.” Kirk whined in defeat, his head hanging low. He picked gently at a small piece of gravel on the ground. He was unwilling to make eye contact again with her as he spoke slowly. “You aren't gonna believe what I’m gonna say.”   
“Try me.” 
With a final sigh Kirk dropped from his crouching position, sitting down in front of Y/N in the alleyway. “It’s a long story…I’m well i'm not human.” He began his explanation, taking note of the way Y/N’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping open to say something but shutting again as he shot her a glare. “The guys following you? Not human either. I’ve had a couple alterations with them before, they like picking fights. I made the mistake of chatting with you and just to piss me off they figure it would be fun to kill you…or worse.” 
As the words tumbled out Y/N shivered. Silence fell over them before she spoke again. “What do you mean, not human?” She asked, rather than disbelief she sounded curious. She leaned forward a little closer, eyes trailing to his teeth once again as they got caught on his lip. “Like…a vampire?” She whispered. 
Kirk hesitated before shrugging. He nodded his head “Something like that, yeah.” He whispered back. His eyes searched her own for any trace of fear, anger, anything really. Suddenly she was on her knees, crawling towards him. The dim light from the street lamp outside the alley illuminated her face, eyes wide and sparkling with interest, lips parted slightly as she studied him like a wild animal. 
“How can I believe you, can you turn into a bat or something?” She asked almost jokingly. She crawled between his legs, hands coming up to pry open his mouth and run her thumb along the sharp canines. Her touch barely ghosted over them yet she could feel the edge like a knife. A little more pressure and she would have nicked herself. 
Despite his surprise at the sudden boldness he allowed her curious hands to wander and study him. He chuckled awkwardly “Well uh no, I said like a vampire, not actually one like from the movies.” He tried to explain. One of his hands came to softly pry away her prodding hands as he smiled his best comforting smile at her. “I'm uh really strong? I guess…I drink blood, don't eat, sleep or breathe.” He hummed for a moment wondering how he could prove himself here. His eyebrows shot up. “Wait here, watch this.” 
Y/N’s eyes trained on him as he raised his own palm to his mouth, quickly he dragged the skin along his flesh, cleanly slicing open the flesh. He held his hand out to Y/N and she watched as the wound gushed blood, dripping onto the ground between them, then quickly..it stopped…and then the skin pinched together. It healed leaving no mark, no sign that the wound had ever been there. 
With a gasp Y/N leaned back, grabbing Kirk’s hand in her own as she examined it, looking for the secret to his trick. “No fucking way.” She mumbled, yanking his hand in every which way. It earned her a soft giggle from him. She looked up at him from where she was still sitting between his legs. “So like, are you immortal? How old are you?” 
Kirk’s smile widened a bit, a sense of relief flooding through him that she hadn’t run away screaming. “I think I am, I haven't really been around long enough to find out, this happened to me a couple years ago now, my twenty fourth birthday.” He chuckled “I'm twenty six now so not the best gauge on my immortality.” He slowly slid his fingers between her own, holding her hand gently. “You actually believe this?”
She gripped his hand a little tighter, her fingertips pressed against the back of his palm. She thought for a moment, pursing her lips. “Kinda hard to say no when I just watched your skin meld back together.” her body lurched forward suddenly, Kirk using his grip on her to bring her crashing forward into him. Her face pressed against his chest as his arm snaked its way around her waist. “Oh, hello.” She mumbled against him, craning her neck to look at him. 
Looking down, Kirk’s eyes locked onto her own, a flash of something predatory passing through them.. “And you aren't scared?” He punctuated his question with his grip tightening around her hand and waist, squeezing hard enough to earn a gasp from Y/N.
With a gulp Y/N shook her head slowly. “No, I don’t think so now, I was a bit before.” Her gaze settled on his lips. “Honestly, the whole thing is kind of hot.” She admitted, a deep red rising to her face. “Always had a thing for vampires.” 
“I wasn’t hot before?” He asked flirtatiously, his free hand came up to grip her chin, keeping her gaze steady. “Can I kiss you?” His tongue swiped along the points of his teeth, Y/N’s eyes following its movement. Silently she nodded, the look on her face desperate. Suddenly she was knocked off balance, Kirk’s leg hooking under her own and effortlessly flipping the two of them. 
She was left with her back pressed against the rough gravel. His arms caged either side of her head, knee pressed between her open thighs. Kirk’s hair tickled her face lightly as he swooped down. He kissed her feverishly, like he was devouring his last meal. It left her completely breathless, hands coming up to clutch at the back of his shirt. She gripped onto the fabric desperately as she was sucked in. 
Y/N’s back arched as she surged forward, chasing his touch. Her mouth parted open eagerly to feel the warmth of his tongue against hers. He swallowed each needy whine that left her. Kirk pulled away to allow her to breathe, nipping at her bottom lip and drawing blood as he did so. She hissed at the sudden sting of pain, fingernails digging into him. 
“Holy fuck.” She panted, lungs heaving as she searched for the air he had stolen from her. Her pupils were blown, leaving a sliver of color left on her irises as she looked up at him in wonder and adoration. “Do you want to fuck me?” She asked unabashedly, too high on the feeling of him surrounding her to bother being embarrassed. 
A laugh ripped its way from Kirk’s throat, it was a sweet noise that seemed to contrast the intensity between them. It brought a smile to Y/N’s lips. “Right here in the alley? I think you deserve better than that.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he tucked a wild strand of her hair behind her ear. 
She leaned into his soft touches, eyes fluttering closed in content. “My house is just down the road.” Y/N sighed. “I was almost home before I was so rudely kidnapped.” She joked. Her hand fell from his back, trailing to his chest and then neck. The chain hung there dangled between them and she gave it a teasing tug. “But with how bad I want this, the alley is fine too.” 
Suddenly she was tugged to her feet. It happened faster than her eyes could comprehend. One moment Kirk had been pressing her into the ground and the next she was standing, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, his chin resting against her shoulder. “Take me home then beautiful.” He whispered into her ear, teeth nipping at her lobe. A shiver rippled down her spine as she silently nodded. 
His arms left her waist to allow her movement. She reached behind her, gripping his hand and dragging him behind her. The two emerged back onto the empty street. Y/N’s legs wobbled as she led them down the block towards her house, her salvation. As the pair stumbled into the empty house, Y/N quickly tugged her shoes off before leading Kirk upstairs. 
Her room was pitch black as they entered but that didn’t seem to affect Kirk as he effortlessly moved them to the bed in the corner of the room. “Night Vision.” She asked him jokingly. He pushed her down against the mattress, his hands tugging on the bottom hem of her shirt. She lifted up allowing him to pull it over her head. She was left in her jeans and bra. 
Kirk stood between her legs, drinking in the sight of her sprawled beneath her. Skin glistening under the soft rays of moonlight that streamed in from her windows. “You know it baby.” He grinned crookedly at her. With a sudden urgency he tugged his own clothes off, stripping down to just his underwear. Y/N followed him, quickly unbuttoning her own jeans and shimming them down her legs. An appreciative sigh escaped his lips, the bed dipping under his weight as he crawled on top  of her. 
“Fuck you’re pretty.” He breathed out heavily. His fingertips gently ghosted down her skin from her jaw, down her neck, coming to rest at the swell of her breast. “Mind if this comes off baby?” He asked out of courtesy, his hands already going to work behind her back to unclip the fabric. 
At a loss for words, Y/N nodded. There was a sudden chill against her skin as Kirk tugged her bra away. Her nipples hardened as she shivered lightly. Kirk groaned at the sight, his head dipping down to her chest and sucking one of the hardened nubs into his mouth. Y/N gasped, hands coming to clutch at his shoulders. 
“Ahh fuck.” Her voice was whiny and pitchy as Kirk's thumb pressed into her other nipple. Even the slightest of his touches seemed intense to her. With a pop Kirk pulled back, looking up to lock eyes with her once again as his lips left soft wet marks against her skin down to the waistband of her panties. Y/N couldn’t look away, watching with wide eyes as he pressed his tongue flat against her through the fabric of her underwear. 
Her hands tangled into his dark curls with a moan, fingernails digging into his scalp. “Oh my god, Kirk.” She whined. Her thighs pressed against the sides of his head as he lapped at her core. His fingers curled around the edge of her underwear tugging them down slowly. Obediently Y/N lifted her hips off the bed to let him slide them down, coming to hang around her ankle as moved back in. 
The raw feeling of his tongue against her folds had Y/N’s head tossing back against the mattress. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She chanted breathlessly as his long fingers pressed against her entrance. The combination of Kirk’s tongue against her clit and his fingers pressing inside her had her thighs trembling around him. She could feel the sheets beneath her growing damp from his spit and her own arousal. 
“Please please, don’t wanna come without you inside of me.” She groaned, hands tugging at his hair in a desperate attempt to pull him back. “Please m’gonna.” Her words slurred together as he curled his fingers expertly, rubbing against her walls. 
Kirk pulled back only for a moment, a grin plastered against his shiny lips. He looked at home between her legs.”C’mon baby you can finish more than once, wanna taste you.” He denied her request and moved back in with more fervor than before. He sucked her in, teeth gently grazing her skin. His fingers moved so fast, Y/N belatedly thought it was a wonder his hand hadn’t cramped. 
“Fuck Kirk, I’m-” Her voice raised, being cut off by her own moan as she clenched around his fingers, body shaking as her release gushed across his tongue. The warmth and stickiness between her legs grew as she moved her hips against him, riding out her climax. Kirk let out his own muffled groan between her legs, eyes fluttering shut. Slowly her body came down from the high, going limp against the mattress, her hands falling from his hair. 
The feeling of cool air against her core as Kirk pulled away left her body twitching. He wiped his lips off on the back of his hand before moving up her body again, pressing a sweet kiss against her lips. “You okay for more?” He asked her kindly, pressing a few comforting kisses to her cheek. His hands rubbed up and down her sides soothingly. 
Y/N nodded, her hands weakly reaching for his underwear in a sad attempt to pull them down. “Really want you in me now.” She smiled as he quickly shed his last piece of clothing separating them. Her eyes trailed down, widening a bit in surprise as she saw the length of his cock, resting against her stomach. 
The head was a pretty deep red, glistening and dripping precum just beneath her bellybutton. He was thick too. “Fuck thats gonna’ hurt.” She whispered nervously. Looking back up to Kirk’s face, worry etched onto her pretty features. 
“You’ll be okay, don't worry baby.” He smiled at her, leaning down to capture her lips in distraction. She held onto his arms as he reached down. He grabbed the base, aligning it with her dripping warmth. He earned a surprised squeak as he pressed the head in, teasing her with just the tip. Pulling back just enough to have her suck him in again. “Deep breath baby.” He warned her as he began to fully sink into her. He leaned forward, breathing heavily into her ear as he bottomed out inside her. 
It was a near painful stretch, soothed only slightly by the work of his fingers earlier. Y/N hissed as her body adjusted to his large size. Her nails dug into his skin. “Kirk, ow, fuck, so full.” She moaned. It felt heavy against her walls as he finally reached the base, his hips fully pressed against her ass. “Can’t believe it fits.” 
Kirk let out a shaky laugh mixed with a moan. “Fuckin’ fits perfect, like you were made for me Y/N.” His words left Y/N’s skin feeling tingly. “Want to fucking destroy you, please can I move?” He begged impatiently. His hips bucked forward against her trying to bury himself deeper. 
“Yeah, yeah you can move now.” Y/N groaned, rolling her hips against him. At the confirmation Kirk’s hips pulled back and snapped forward violently. It shifted Y/N’s whole body up the bed, her tits bouncing obscenely with each thrust. All words escaped her, the only thing leaving her lips an endless string of moans. 
Kirk was incredibly vocal, whining into Y/N’s ear as he hammered his cock into her with reckless abandon, like an untamed animal. Predator finally devouring its elusive prey. He fully consumed her with each movement. He had gripped her hands in his own, pinning them down above her head. She thrashed helplessly against his grip as held her in place, using her body like a toy. 
Amongst her most incoherent ramblings Y/N begged him. “Kirk, please, fuck, bite me, want you to bite me.” Her head lolled to the side, exposing the smooth expanse of her neck. And who was Kirk to look a gift in the face and deny it? His lips pressed against the skin between her neck and her shoulder. He started slowly, sucking the skin into his mouth, leaving a pretty bruise in his wake. 
Her voice raised in pitch, her body pressing back down to meet each of his thrusts. Kirk could feel himself hitting so deep inside her, the head of his cock brushing against the wall of her cervix. He winced at the thought of the pain that must cause her but Y/N seemed unbothered. He opened his mouth, allowing his teeth to graze the skin of her neck before he sunk down. His canines effortlessly punctured the soft skin. 
Y/N screamed, tightening around him and he could feel the warmth of her second climax of the night around his cock, making his movements wetter and sloppier. The taste of iron against his tongue sent his hips stuttering, losing his pace as warm blood filled his mouth. She was sweet, sweeter than anyone he had drank from before. It dribbled past his lips, down her neck and collarbone. Small trails of blood mixed with saliva pooled around her chest. 
Kirk’s hand left her own, going down to grip onto her hips for better leverage. His thrusts grew sloppy as he chased his release. He sucked around the wound he created, moaning as he swallowed the sweet liquid. “Ah, hurts, too much Kirk.” Y/N gasped beneath him. 
He stopped mid thrust, pulling away from her neck to meet her gaze. A sheepish smile on his lips, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. “Shit sorry.” He mumbled, dipping back down to lick apologetically at the mark. Y/N giggled lightly, her hand coming to rest on his hair and tugging gently, giving him the go ahead to keep going. 
Kirk's thrusts were gentler now, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into her hips as he rocked into her, he moved up to kiss her sweetly. Skin to skin, hearts beating in time. They moved together like a well oiled machine, made to work in time with each other. With a final thrust Kirk stilled inside her. He groaned into her mouth, cock pulsing as he coated her insides with his release. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He sighed, his body weight resting on top of hers. A sheen of sweat and fluid coating their skin and making them stick together. Slowly he pulled out, Y/N shuddering at the feeling. Kirk rolled to the side, arms wrapped around her and pulling her in tight. “Thank you.” 
Y/N smiled, reaching up to push his curls away from his face. Her pale skin was tinted red, the wound on her neck already beginning to bruise, blood dried around the puncture wounds. Her words were barely above a whisper “Let's do that again sometime.” 
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thecitysgraveyard · 1 year
omg luv, i love the kirk cockwarming fic sm!! i was wonder if you can add on to it for me where he fucks you after? thank you, luv!! <3
ooh yesssssss hehe i'm glad you liked it :) and thank you for requesting and reblogging, sorry it took so long my writer's block still isn't completely gone <3
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"you're doing so good love" he coos as your gummy walls start tightening around him
you whine and says kirk please wan' you to fuck me so bad, he tuts and looks at you like you're a kid who isn't obeying their parents "aw well you said it so nicely, I'll give it to you then" he smiles and keeps his guitar to the side
as he does, he can call your gummy walls tighten around him in excitement
"hm bunny is very excited isn't she?" he says his voice was sweet but the tone was condescending, you didn't mind and mindlessly nodded already wanting to cum
he puts his hands on your waist and slowly starts thrusting into you, all you could do was moan as he sped up, all this waiting on his cock for this was all you wanted
you whimpered and begged him to go faster, he groaned softly and said "m'little bunny's a little whore isn't she huh?" he said as he sped up even more
your brain was completely broken now, all you could think was how good it felt, it had taken over your brain
"mhm good girl" he said as your eyes rolled back as ripples of pleasure shoot through for body, and you blurted it out m'gonna cum
"hm hold it f'me, you can do that much can't you?" he said as he sped up even more, you don't know how but he did
now your brain was completely fried, you couldn't even nod, you just bounced on his cock with drool coming out for mouth like the little dumb thing you were
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riemmetric · 12 days
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30 DAYS MUSIC CHALLENGE: 2024 edition Day 13: A song that is a cover by another artist Turn the page by Metallica (originally by Bob Seger)
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d3vil36 · 1 year
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garyholt · 11 months
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Metallica - ...And Justice For All (Live in Seattle, WA, 1989)
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themythecho · 3 months
Me omw to offer up my artistic services to my brother so he lets me play Hades 2 on his switch
(He was origionally gonna pay me to paint him bones on his black vans like Kirk Hammet's shoes, but I just wanna play Hades </333)
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psychotron1992 · 1 year
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floatinginthedunes · 1 year
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duffsmckagan · 3 days
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Kirk and his ex-wife Lani in the 90s.
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enterssandmans · 1 year
“obey your master”-metallica
(kirk hammett x reader)
(summary: it gets easier and your beloved guitarist will make sure of that)
(TW: Drug use, addiction, self-harm, angst)
(special message at the end </3)
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it never got easier,
that was the God’s honest truth.
no matter how hard you tried to stay away from the packs, they just kept coming back to you. it was routine, it was unhealthy, but you didn’t care or maybe you did, you were just blinded by the self-destruction.
kirk, your boyfriend, was always on the road preforming and what not but always kept you on his mind. he knew you were taking drugs but never confronted you about it.
he noticed the used needles in the trash can, he noticed the mood-swings in your behavior but most of all, he noticed your mental health circling the drain.
enough was enough.
you were doing it again, you could feel your death’s construction coming up and the drug destroying you. kirk walked into the bathroom, standing in the doorway as he just stared in sorrow which made you pause.
“baby” the guitarist began, walking up to you slowly. “please for the love of Christ, put the needle down”
you shook your head, still with the needle in your hand as the tip rested against your wrist but nothing was injected yet. “n-no i can’t”.
kirk walked closer to you, offering you a hand as he saw the tears pricking in your eyes which broke his heart but he needed to focus at the task at hand.
“it’s okay, y/n” he stated softly as if he was talking to a small child, opening his palm. “please put the needle down” he pleaded again.
you contemplated, your hands shook, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think, your mind was hooked. your strings were being pulled as you couldn’t betray your master.
yet somehow, looking at his brown eyes, the way he was so gentle with you even in your darkness moments finally let you put the needle down. your movement was forced as it was slammed onto the counter. you sobbed, uneven breaths escaping your mouth as kirk rushed over to your side, sliding the needle into the trash.
“shh, shh” he cooed in a hushed tone, placing his gentle hand onto your head and pulling you into his chest. “just breathe sweetheart, you’re gonna be okay”
“i don-dont know how to stop” you admitted breathlessly against him, his heartbeat slowly calming you down as you felt his hand rubbing soothing circles in your back as the other cradled your head gently.
“i know babe, i know” he responded, continuing his comforting movements which eventually made you stop shaking and stop the sobbing which died down to soft sniffles.
“but i hope you know that i’m gonna be with you every. single. step of the way and that’s a promise i’m forever willing to keep” he smiled, pulling you away gently and holding your cheeks in the palms of his hands.
“i love you sweetheart, you will make it out of this mess” he whispered, placing a warm kiss to your lips.
“i love you too” you whispered back against his lips, cracking a small smile, it was faint but it made kirk’s heart skip a beat just like when you guys first met.
no matter how tough life is,
no matter how tempting it is to go back,
you’ll be okay,
because kirk is by your side and you’ll get better.
it will get easier.
first lil oneshot!!! i wanted to do something special, i rlly wanted to connect and write something that people struggle with in this world, i wanna send a message for anyone struggling with this to just trust the process. find comfort in this little story, it really does get easier and you will be okay. you are never alone and my messages are always open to my loves <3 take care of urself bc you were made for something, don’t destroy yourself, you. are. precious
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d1or3angel · 25 days
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This specific shot so UGGHGFGGGGG I CANT
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endless7nameless · 3 months
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thecitysgraveyard · 1 year
Omggg could you do 90s kirk getting cockwarmed by reader or getting a blowjob while he’s practicing on his guitar
yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes YES DUDE i am in love with that and thank you for requesting nonnie <3
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you were whining about how much you needed him while he practiced on his guitar
he finally put his guitar away and he said with a slight amused tone in his voice "c'mere baby" he pats on his thigh
you sit on his thigh awaiting his next words, he had a smirk on his face as he told you to take his cock out
your hands rush towards his jeans, unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his jeans and finally pulling down his boxers
his face still had a cheeky grin as he said "be a good girl and warm my cock f'me"
you shifted and pulled up your skirt, revealing your panties
kirk pulls down your panties, coats his fingers with his spit and rubs it on your folds
"mhm now go on, warm my cock brat" he spat and looked at you with an almost devilish grin as you slowly push yourself onto his cock, his groaned softly as he enters you fully
he looks at you and smiles "good, now don't move stay like this" he says and picks up his guitar again, he starts to practice again and you stay still, just like he told you
"you're doing so good love" he coos as your gummy walls start tightening around him
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