Ivnarlii most popular is "rot away" with 45k views (the only one with that) but I love the soft airy tones from some of their songs! Hope you look more into em :]
I actually know this one! lvnarlii has such good music - their newest song, 'alive', got me almost crying. I absolutely adore their music! They've been added to a thursday timeslot in February.
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in light of recent events in the vocaloid scene, i think it goes without saying that i will not be accepting artists that use AI art in their videos. I'm dearly sorry! I don't want to have to make this rule, but I cannot in good faith promote somebody stealing the work of an artist.
on that note, i am also very sorry if I've promoted an artist in the past and they've turned out to use AI art nowadays. i'm conflicted on whether to delete these from my blog, but i don't think it'll be necessary. just be sure to always do your research!
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Hi!! Theres this producer that goes by the name ‘iju’, and ive recently gone back to check their stuff after some time, and they absolutely blew me away :o Their channel link is (https://www.youtube.com/@ijuuu) If i remember, they used to do vocaloid videos back in the day like, 5/6 years ago (under a different name, 'xeddd’) but ever since then they wanted to focus on their music and it makes me sad bc it doesnt get enough recognition as it should be getting, like their old videos :(( They make music in Spanish and English too !!! Which i really love !! I really hope you give them a chance🙏 -- iju has been added to a special saturday slot to catch up with requests! I love the idea of the DIVA group, it’s super fun. I always love when producers do gimmicks like that. Thank you for your submission!
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how to find obscure artists of your own!
In recent years of the vocaloid community, I feel as if it’s good now more than ever to shine light on the artists that don’t get recognition for their work. There’s people who’ve been doing this for years and never get any love! So, for my birthday, I would like to give this present to you guys instead.
1) Look at competition submissions!
Are you wondering who made that remix of a Pinocchio-P song? Or maybe there’s a version of ±0 you thought deserved more love! Well, what better way to support the artist than looking into their other works!
Some of the most creative artists that are on the list have been put there because I found them through a remix or song festivals. They’re a very good way to find artists that deserve more love! Always remember that vocadb is your friend. People who work on vocadb are CRAZY diligent at tracking artists, songs, anything, ESPECIALLY if its for a competition. A fun Saturday for me is going through old vocacolle stuff and going down a rabbit hole of who made what.
2) Tweak your youtube experience
Youtube is admittedly not the best when it comes to algorithm. It tends to bury artists unless they’re already skyrocketing in popularity, and even then finding new artists is regularly hard! So, here’s how I do it so that I get recommended artists in the single-digit thousands;
a) Search Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, or any other vocal / genre / etc. that you are specifically looking for! (preferrably in japanese! this is just so that people understand what i’m saying)
b) Filter for “Upload date” and only look for songs that were uploaded “This week”. Don’t be discouraged that it might be a bunch of weird shorts instead of songs, just scroll a bit and see what you find!
c) Listen to the artists, like, subscribe, even comment if you think it’s that good! Youtube cares about engagement the most, so if it thinks you like these things, then it’ll start recommending you smaller artists.
3) Look in tags on Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
The tags #vocaloPost or #vocanew or even just as simple as #ボカロ are great ways to find artists who are trying to get recognition for their work! Go lurk on twitter and see what you find! Admittedly I can’t say the same for Tumblr - I’m unsure if people promote their works as much here, seeing as fame isn’t really a big thing (thank god) - but go search around in the vocaloid artists tag and you might come across somebody you’ve never heard before!
The most important part of this is that Music is your friend. Don’t be scared about listening to “Bad music”. Most people carry a weird fear of objectively “bad music” when there is practically no such thing! This world always always always needs more creativity! Please encourage it!
Thank you guys for listening! <3
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Hello! All with their YT urls (remove slash). Only checked YT so idk if they meet viewcount req on other platforms: myth (@/myth2918), 夕(yu) (@/yu__uxx) (also has tumblr @/tatatabun), Mass (@/Massbox), Beta Boy (@/BoyBeta), 照射なな (@/shosha_nana), R's Factory (@/R's_Factory), GoBS (@/GoBSOfficial) (yeah they did Spheric Ocean but they haven't broken 30k on anything else)
thank you so much! they have all been added to the list <3
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I might be changing up the format in a bit? Nothing major, all of the components will be here, but the banners might change (to something actually representing the artist in question instead of just small banners) and some other tweaks might be made to make it a little easier on me to produce these. I keep apologizing for delays, but I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing me saying the same three things that’s making it hard to put these out LOL. Just know that I feel constantly bad for skipping deadlines
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thank you!!
i hope im not clogging your notifs with this!!
but anyways i just wanted to express my love for your blog!!
ive been looking for a vocaloid blog that didnt exclusively focus on major producers and voicebanks for a while. as much as i love them, it gets tiring hearing about them all the time yk?? 
so imagine my surprise when i stumble upon your blog!! i kid you not, i literally (speed)ran to text my friend about it. you give songs by the producers, link their socials and probably the best part for me are your in-depth descriptions of the producers. its all so neat and nice and tied up into a little bow. i can FEEL the love and care you put into these posts--right down to the little details like the banners at the top of the post, or you finding out the exact subgenre a producer focuses on. however many followers you have, its not enough.
with that being said, happy new year!! to many more!!
stay safe, ily!!
(submitted by @iloveleeks2) -----
oh my gosh, how do i even begin to say how nice this is!!! truly you are so so so kind, thank you so much for liking the blog!!! i cannot tell you how much this means to me, thank you so so much for submitting this, it seriously means the world <33 i hope your new year has gone great and will continue to go amazingly! thank you <3
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hello! apologies i follow a lot of small producers so i’m really excited to recommend some!! please consider (all on youtube): syare/syare official (they’ve used other names in the past), 故やす子, たけ, Asyolica アシオリカ, blue usa, Duck With a Knife, Kkiquu, CATTS S, あすたりすく, Antena, 惑井, ちから, noroikikku, シキドール, picdo, mikomiko (mostly guitar covers but they also make music) apologies for the long list and thank you for your time ^^
please never apologize for giving me a bunch of artists! I appreciate it, it helps keep the queue running ^_^ artists that have been added and prioritized: -syare official -ko_yasuko (故やす子) -Asyolica アシオリカ -blue usa -duck with a knife -kkiquu -CATTS S -惑井 -シキドール missing artists / could not find: -たけ -Antena artists i will have to double check before allowance: -あすたりすく (looks like a lot of non-sequitur or clickbaity, this won't absolutely rule them out but i want to take a closer look) -mikomiko (unsure if they meet the requirements for our blog) artists that will not make it as of now (sorry!): - picdo (they are relatively small, but the songs they do put out usually are well-known in the vocaloid community!) - noroikikku (does not have 4 original songs to my knowledge, will consider once they do!)
thank you for your suggestions! <3
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to keep the submitter anonymous i wont post the submission itself, but i will definitely consider adding monstrosity to the list! I actually knew this artist (not personally, just knew their stuff) back in the day and their stuff is quality, so either way i wouldn't mind :D
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Hellooo, I was wondering if I could request Ryo Ogawa! They do both human ans Vocaloid things and they seem to fall under obscure criteria :o they seem to use ken more currently but they’ve used yohioloid a lot before! Here’s their channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCErzG0QBQn9Tgyj4D5DWnIQ
ryo ogawa has been added to the queue! very nice music, thank you for requesting!
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hello! i am so so sorry for the hiatus, i know i said i’d return and then...didn’t LOL. a lot has happened with the holidays and school and stuff and i just needed a break. here’s some updates:
- as i’ve stated, i will be implementing a tag system! this way you can filter through a certain genre, a certain vocaloid in use, etc. i’ll also be cleaning up a few tags just so i can be more concise with the listing!
- the schedule might be a bit iffy for the next few days. mondays and thursdays are both days where i have to attend to scheduled activities, so the queue might change from sunday to wednesday or from tuesday to friday, i’m not sure. i’ll update whenever i’ve made a solid decision!
- mod apps might open soon - as much as i love doing this, i am...admittedly really bad with genres, LOL. i need somebody who’s good with identifying them and working behind the scenes to make sure everything's all squared away (and that the queue doesn’t stop up on itself again). I don’t have a big following on here, so I want to wait until I become more consistent with this blog, but just announcing that in case anybody is interested!
thank you all so much! <3
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i would love to do like...flash rounds at the end of each month or do something vgperson style where i gather my favorite songs i’ve heard this month for the people that haven’t reached 4 OG songs yet but i don’t want to be unfaithful to my own rules...theres just a lot of good producers that have only put out one song as of now i’d like to showcase LOL
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you guys did NOT see me accidentally reblog kaito burger to this account instead of my main
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and with that last ask’s batch added, i am temporarily turning off asks! this is just so i can square away the ones already finished :) you can still submit, but please keep them to a minimum of one producer.
also i know i say this in my FAQ but i would love if you guys would submit some of your own channels :) i know i don't have many followers here but trust me when i say i love hearing people’s music!
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kkiquu is back on! they’ll be moved back to the timeslot after n0n53n53.
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