#handers bill cipher x reader
alex-rambles · 2 years
hi there! stumbled across your blog and thought I'd make a request :) could we get general yandere romantic hcs for belos, bill cipher, & maybe ford pines? assuming you write for them ofc!! thanks so much in advance :)
I'd be happy to write these hcs for you!
Emperor Belos
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✝Uses coven heads, abominations, and whatever he can to watch you
✝Pretends you're just a "really dangerous witch"
✝But he can't convince himself, though he tries
✝So, he kidnaps you
✝Asks the collector to tell him how to "cleanse" you
✝Now that you can't perform magic, you can't function in this world
✝If you act out, he will punish you
✝Threats, torture, forcing you to go outside while it's raining (chained, of course)
✝Don't try to escape. He will break your legs
✝"It's all for you, my dear"
Bill Cipher
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👁He took years to realize he loved you
👁How could he, an all-seeing, all-knowing, otherwordly being, love a human?
👁He is a yandere by default
👁Always. Watching.
👁And the way you have no idea, just going about your day. Adorable!
👁And he kidnaps you, the second he is free from the Nightmare Realm
👁Kills anyone you ever loved. Now you're totally dependent! No one to run to!
👁He will break you, through any means necessary
👁But never kill you. Just the worst of torture, until you're screaming for mercy
👁And he'll stop for a few days, and when you finally develop Stockholm, he's over the moon!
👁Treats you like a god from now on
👁Just don't forget who you belong to, or it's back to square one
Stanford Pines
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👓Realizes quickly he is in love
👓Unlike Bill and Belos, he considers himself a (mostly) normal human
👓So he stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓Until he works up the courage to speak to you
👓Doesn't kidnap you, but he might as well have. You're on a short leash
👓Sweet as can be, just stay near him, okay?
👓Guilt-trips you
👓"But I need your help with this project! I'd be upset if you didn't help!"
👓He's smart. He knows how to push your buttons
👓If you don't already love him, he'll change himself until he's the perfect suitor for you
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