#Yandere Emperor Belos x reader
alex-rambles · 2 years
hi there! stumbled across your blog and thought I'd make a request :) could we get general yandere romantic hcs for belos, bill cipher, & maybe ford pines? assuming you write for them ofc!! thanks so much in advance :)
I'd be happy to write these hcs for you!
Emperor Belos
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✝Uses coven heads, abominations, and whatever he can to watch you
✝Pretends you're just a "really dangerous witch"
✝But he can't convince himself, though he tries
✝So, he kidnaps you
✝Asks the collector to tell him how to "cleanse" you
✝Now that you can't perform magic, you can't function in this world
✝If you act out, he will punish you
✝Threats, torture, forcing you to go outside while it's raining (chained, of course)
✝Don't try to escape. He will break your legs
✝"It's all for you, my dear"
Bill Cipher
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👁He took years to realize he loved you
👁How could he, an all-seeing, all-knowing, otherwordly being, love a human?
👁He is a yandere by default
👁Always. Watching.
👁And the way you have no idea, just going about your day. Adorable!
👁And he kidnaps you, the second he is free from the Nightmare Realm
👁Kills anyone you ever loved. Now you're totally dependent! No one to run to!
👁He will break you, through any means necessary
👁But never kill you. Just the worst of torture, until you're screaming for mercy
👁And he'll stop for a few days, and when you finally develop Stockholm, he's over the moon!
👁Treats you like a god from now on
👁Just don't forget who you belong to, or it's back to square one
Stanford Pines
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👓Realizes quickly he is in love
👓Unlike Bill and Belos, he considers himself a (mostly) normal human
👓So he stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓Until he works up the courage to speak to you
👓Doesn't kidnap you, but he might as well have. You're on a short leash
👓Sweet as can be, just stay near him, okay?
👓Guilt-trips you
👓"But I need your help with this project! I'd be upset if you didn't help!"
👓He's smart. He knows how to push your buttons
👓If you don't already love him, he'll change himself until he's the perfect suitor for you
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speckle-meow-meow · 2 years
Philip and his human bethroted in the Boiling Isles?
Oh fuck-
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Okay okay okay okay
He would be INCREDIBLY protective of you
While he tries to find you to a way home you succumb to your new habitat and sorta look around
He doesn't like to say this but he hates it when you wonder around
Especially when your both in town
He's experienced first hand the harassment of those awful creatures
See unlike your beloved your more open minded you've talked to a lot of witches and explained your situation without revealing everything
They gladly helped you!
Over time Philip started to learn more about their culture and history of the boiling isles
First he became a priest.
Then he figured out the magic of the Talasments(?)
While Philip or as he liked to be called "Belos" used Talasments(?) To stay alive you found a better option
One that wouldn't turn you into a monster.
You tried convincing your beloved to use this method he simply told you that this was a better option.
After years of being in the Boling isles he became the emperor and created a coven
You became the Empress a being of ethereal beauty to the people of the isles
Although this life is very lavish and wonderful it get incredibly boring by each day
Your beloveds noticed and does everything in his power to keep that smile on your face
And he knows he can't do that with just gifts
So every night he takes you outside those castle walls and on a late night adventure
Looking and all the wild life and seeing what more this world has to offer
Your beloved loves you very much and will do anything in his power to keep you and him safe.
And I mean
{Hello anon! Thank you for requesting! And sorry this came out so late. I was hit with major writers block, so I'm updating little by little! But I hope you enjoyed this!! Comments, hearts, reblogs, requests, and questions are allowed!! }
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doodleferp · 2 years
Yo what if Belos and darling had possession sex? Like he possesses them and uses their body to pleasure himself
BRUH, that’s EXACTLY what @thirstyforlulu and I were talking about!
Ultimately, Belos possesses his darling because he now believes it to be the only way he can be with them. The best, most 100% effective way where he can have his darling all to himself, and never have to worry about them leaving him for anyone else.
He would ABSOLUTELY exploit this situation to his full advantage, forcing Darling to (depending on Darling’s preference) suddenly become celibate and refuse relationships with any hint of romance or even friendship in some cases. He laments that he can’t take them like a lover “truly” should, but he’s so happy to finally have them that only being able to self-pleasure is enough for him. Now he’s the ONLY one who can make his darling feel this good.
And he reminds them of it every single night.
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fearyandear · 1 year
No, I can't fix them.
But I can tragically die after being betrayed by them,
Killed by their own hand,
Leaving a wound in their heart that torments them for the rest of eternity and has them scrambling,
Driven mad,
Rushing to get rid of the pain,
To revive me by any means possible,
To hold me again and win back some form of forgiveness in my arms because they still loved me when they did it,
A journey that only compromises more of their rusting, ironclad morals
And ultimately causes them to destroy everything they thought they'd protect,
Becoming a villain that is worse than what they started as.
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jellyfishxxi · 1 year
Yandere belos but his partner is one of the demons representing the 7 deadly sins
Like Beelzebub, Satan, Asmodeus or Lucifer
Mainly because I think it'd be funny for this puritan man to not only fall for a witch but to fall for a witch with the same name and powers as a high ranking demon
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yandere-toons · 2 years
!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3OWL HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!
Platonic yandere possessed hunter and emperor belos scenario
WARNING: body horror, toxic mindsets.
* * *
The floorboards creaked underfoot as you slunk through the corridor like a mouse in search of cheese, taking care to walk on your tippy-toes and allow long pauses to fall between each step.
It was as if someone had dumped salt down your throat, for it had burned ever since you awoke from a dream of deer and rabbits with eyes aglow.
The door to the basement hung open in the soft pull of the air conditioning. The steady hum of the machine tucked away in a corner did little to muffle the whispers and grumbles that carried on the breeze.
You approached the kitchen on the promise of gathering a nice glass of tap water to wash the dryness out of your mouth.
As soon as you were near the entryway, the rancid stench of decay went up your nose. It was mixed with the earthy scents of moss and wet dirt, like a carcass rotting in the moors. It churned your stomach and singed your nostrils.
Your final steps to the kitchen were halted by a footfall, an abrupt sound that evolved into someone pacing across the tile floors.
The silvery glow of the moon shone through the window overlooking the sink, and it cast its light upon the blond head of Hunter. The curtains lapped the air around him and fluttered in the wind billowing into the home.
A gaunt shadow loomed at his side no matter how far he walked, whispering sentiments into his ear that clouded his mind. It had blue eyes like a will-'o-the-wisp drifting deep in the forest and a voice like velvet. “You wish they were as alone as you are.”
“You want it so badly that you can hardly contain yourself,” Belos spoke with the inviting tone that Hunter would have flocked to in his younger days.
The palms of his hands collided with the corners of the sink. His stomach swam in circles, and the tightness in his throat teased the rise of bile.
“But you're afraid of what the others will think.”
Belos allowed a moment of silence to pass, and he turned his head towards Hunter with the slowness of someone who revelled in the effect his words had. “Then again, you wish there weren't any others, don't you?”
Hunter dunked his hands in the stream of tap water and splashed his face until it became a waterfall in front of his eyes. The liquid was meant to cleanse the dark energy squeezing his heart as if to make the organ burst, but it merely inflamed his eyes and trickled into his mouth.
Streaks of water cascaded down his cheeks, framing the tears that were threatening to spill. “I'm not like you,” rasped Hunter, his teeth clenching while his fingers dug into the corners of the sink until they vibrated and his knuckles turned white.
The gangly figure of Belos hunched over him. “That's all you are, Hunter.”
Hunter had shut his eyes and balled his fists, but this made his eyes fly open and his fingers splay. His breathing was quickening by the second, exploding out of him as if every breath was torn from his lungs.
The babble of the tap water hitting the sink drew his attention to the water accumulating around the plugged drain. He saw his reflection—the glowing eyes and viny antlers sprouting from atop his head—on the surface of the liquid and recoiled.
With a desperate yelp, Hunter pushed himself away from the sink and backed into the kitchen island. The cold shock of the granite returned his senses enough for him to take a deep breath and slump his shoulders.
His back remained arched like that of a hissing cat, but the muscles were tensed further when a dark shape materialized before his eyes.
It was a living skeleton, an entity so emaciated that it had no room for guts. The outline of its ribcage protruded from its mossy flesh, which clung to the bones as if it were a skintight suit. It had the antlers of a deer but the clear eyes of a humanoid. The entity was taller than any one man and nearly scraped the ceiling.
“Here,” it hummed, speaking slack-jawed and lipless with what few rotten teeth still sat in its decaying mouth. “Let me help you.”
As you curled your fingers around the rough texture of the doorframe and leaned forward to sneak a peek, your big toe pressed against the floorboard.
The wood flexed with a piercing groan beneath the sudden weight, and the head of Hunter spun towards the entryway.
A glimpse of blue was all you dared to see before you ducked behind the safety of the wall. The blackness of the corridor stalked forward and seemed to absorb the oxygen in the air, constricting your chest in a way that shortened your breaths to nervous puffs.
You struggled to control your breathing and turned back to the kitchen.
Hunter was standing at the entrance, or at least, something that had taken his skin as its own was. His eyes gleamed with the colour blue rather than rose, half-closed and blazing in the chilliness of the night. Striping the right side of his neck and jaw was a piece of diseased flesh, its surface having the likeness of green wood.
A disproportionately long shadow stretched from his feet and crawled into the darkness. At its end, where the contour of his head was thrown across the floor like splattered paint, a pair of antlers were raised high.
“Looking for something?” His voice was slow, serene and lacked the anxious edge that often leaked into Hunter's voice. His pronunciation of the words overlapped with identical sounds as if two voices were speaking in tandem.
One was much quieter than the other, and the voice that filled your ears was honeyed in a way that did nothing to stop the pit of your stomach from dropping. “Water,” you blurted, lifting your arms from your sides and folding them.
Hunter let out a chuckle, an understated noise that was barely more than a hum. His shoulders and head bobbed as he did this, and then he fell still. Silence reigned supreme as he continued to make unwavering, unblinking eye contact with you.
His right arm extended towards the sink and disappeared behind the wall, but he had yet to leave his spot in the entryway. The sound of joints popping out of place and leafage stretching to unnatural lengths broke the quietude of the house.
The arm reappeared with a glass of water in hand, but the pale skin was tainted by splotches of green and wooden brown. The bumps and ridges of a log and branch had engraved themselves on the flesh.
You scrambled to keep a hold of the glass when it was pushed into your arms, with Hunter's hand retracting soon after. There was a smile on his face, yet the joy it held seemed as fake as the porcelain skin of a doll.
“He thinks he cares for you.” His smile fell to a straight line, taking the amusement out of his voice and replacing it with a deathly monotone. “How pathetic.” The blue light fled from his eyes, and the rose colour returned.
Hunter gasped for air and lurched forward, clutching his chest and digging his fingers into the fabric of his yellow shirt. His knees were bent as he fought the urge to collapse. He planted his free hand on his left knee and attempted to push himself up.
You watched him as though he had done something wrong, and Hunter found himself unable to look you in the eye.
“Good night.” He forced the words through gritted teeth.
Before you could say anything else, Hunter darted past you and marched down the corridor to the basement. The door slammed behind him, leaving you to peer into the blackness with the lingering thought that someone was looking back at you.
A light was flicked on at the opposite end of the space. A tired Camila shuffled out of her bedroom, and she rubbed her eyes with her knuckles before squinting at you. “¿Cariño? Is everything okay?”
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Belos with a human who’s a monster hunter
I made an OC who’s a vampire hunter, but I’m still developing them and making changes. I don’t want to post about them yet, but here are some of the ideas I’ve come up with. Although the OC I had in mind while writing this is a vampire hunter, this could apply to any self-insert or OC that hunts creatures from folklore, beasts from the demon realm, etc.
TW and CW for manipulation, gaslighting (literally altering/destroying memories), and isolation for Belos because what post about Belos isn’t going to have that? You could also consider it yandere if you want, but it's really just him being super manipulative and possessive. Also, warning for spoilers for Season 2, I guess. There's also nothing explicitly romantic in here, so this could be platonic.
He is so excited that you have something in common, or at least he thinks you do. If you want to add witch-hunting into the mix, he’s ecstatic.
He doesn't tell you that he's a witch hunter right away, just in case the Isles has warped your mind as well. He tests the waters with you. Depending on how you feel about the witches, it could take years for him to tell you, or he might never tell you.
No matter what, he isolates you. While it varies, depending on how secure he feels with you and whether he trusts you, he's not letting anything corrupt you. At the most, he might teach you some things to keep you safe, but he would show you the glyph rather than any concepts.
No matter how secure he feels, he's convinced that it's his duty to protect you. You got stuck in the demon realm for a reason, and that reason is to either help him fight or help him remember what he's fighting for.
Depending on whether or not he’s completely honest with you, he probably tries to convince you to join him through the fact that your goals overlap. If you hunt anything humanoid, they are probably witches as well. If you hunt the beast-like demons on the Boiling Isles, he’ll probably tell you that they will die off without the witches helping them, even if that’s not true.
While he is extremely protective of you and you will have to convince him to let you continue your hunting, it is possible. He encourages and praises you, regardless of the outcome. Before you leave to hunt, he makes sure you have all of your supplies and sends you with multiple scouts to make sure you’re safe. When you come back, he showers you in affection.
If you do want to start witch hunting or at least are indifferent to the lives of witches, consider the following:
Mr. Witch Hunter General is absolutely giving you a title. It'll mostly be up to you, but he might suggest general (if you want to be considered equal), aide-de-camp, or lieutenant general.
He absolutely teaches you all the tricks he knows and asks you to do the same. Traps, general knowledge, knots, and fighting techniques are all fair game between you two.
If you want to actively help, he’s so glad, but there’s a pretty high chance that he won’t let you. He’s super protective over you and hates the idea of you doing anything without him. He has his plan figured out, so he feels the most you can do to help is to keep him company. His puritan upbringing also doesn’t help with this, regardless of your gender and whether he’s moved on from that kind of thinking.
He hopes that he can help you with your monster-hunting once the witches are taken care of. Just like your monster-hunting skills translate to witch-hunting, his witch-hunting skills should translate to monster-hunting.
If not:
If he does decide to tell you that he's a witch hunter or human, he lies to you about other things since he realizes that his methods seem extreme and cruel, despite him being absolutely right.
Depending on what he thinks you would believe, he might tell you that the Day of Unity only leaves witches powerless, that it’s simply a way to open the portal, or he could tell a modified version of the lie he tells everyone else.
Also, if you find out something you weren't supposed to, he isn't above going into your mindscape or using magic to alter your memories. He'd prefer not to, and he'll try convincing you first. If you're so cross that you won't listen to him, he'll turn to that.
This dude is manipulative and will subtly manipulate you until you’re on his side about the witches. He’ll lie to you and the witches around you, just starting shit until he’s basically the only one you have good interactions with.
Kinda obvious since he uses a similar tactic in canon, but he will get witches to attack you. Sometimes, he will "protect" you, but at other times, he'll leave you to take care of it.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
love triangle with yandere hunter & yandere edric
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pairing: yandere!golden guard!hunter! x gn!reader x yandere!edric blight
tags: reader being locked away, mean!edric, reader crying, angst, minor mentions of murderous thoughts, overall toxic behaviour
a/n: i found this image as a repost, but if anyone has the artists name, then please let me know so i can credit them!
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hunter is a lot of things as a yandere that are all due to his upbringing by emperor belos
hunter is clingy, obsessive, possessive and overprotective of you, all because you are his favorite person! 
he even isolates you from the world around you, because he so desperately needs to have you for himself
growing up, he was never someone's favorite person and now that he has you, he can't lose being your favorite! 
hunter depends on you and needs to have you in his life, otherwise it would be completely meaningless…
he's only so overbearingly clingy, obsessive, overprotective and possessive because he couldn't live without being your favorite person
and to make sure he always stays your favorite, he keeps you hidden away from the world
but there is one boy who dares to defy hunter and force his way into your life; edric blight! 
edric had the wrong idea about your relationship from the start and always misread the signals you were giving him
you were just being polite when talking to him, but edric was convinced you were secretly in love with him and not hunter! 
because of that, edric is quite condescending and can come off as quite a douche, because he's just so convinced that you're in love with him
he's always flirting with you and playfully teasing, though sometimes he can come off more as a bully with his teasing
the way he talks about your relationship with hunter, mocking you for liking the golden guard, can often get you to tear up, only for edric to brush it off as him just making a joke and you being too sensitive
whenever edric makes you cry, he won't leave you alone until you assure him that you aren't mad at him, training you to say things like "i'm never mad at you" or "i still love you"
deep down, he knows he can't easily steal you away from hunter, so he has to condition you into loving him, by regularly training you to say that you love him
hunter and edric absolutely despise each other! 
hunter locks you away to keep you away from edric, yet edric still manages to sneak in and steal you away for a date outside
while hunter is the nice one out of the two, the one that makes you feel loved, edric is the one that makes you feel free! 
and you really do need both of those things; love and freedom
slowly, the two boys have to accept that, even if they'd rather be the only one in your life
they'd rather kill each other than have the other steal you away from them, but they know it would only make you sad if they died, so they don't hurt each other
after all, they both do want you to be happy…
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apollowhoo · 2 years
hello, this is my first request so i hope i don't say anything wrong.
fandom: The Owl House
May i request yandere!The Collector x Reader who is like one of the elite people please?
you can ignore if you want
(changed my profile a bit :D)
btw The Collector goers by he/them and i'll be going by ''him''
Yandere!The Collector x Reader
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I don't reallt know what you mean by the ''elite'' thing but i'm guessing the people from the Emperor's Castle???
so one day you were requested to bring ''supplies'' to Emperor Belos. You were pretty nervous but you were not showing it. When you came up to his room, you hear chattering but once you entered the room..there was only one person, who was Emperor Belos. You didn't really mind the situation, i mean he could've been talking to himself, who knows. He kindly asked you to leave the supplies on his table. The moment you putted the box, a lamp fell and almost crashed your fingers. You where obviously confused because that lamp wasn't there before and even if it was how did it fell over? You were certain that you didn't hit the table. You looked at the lamp confused then you started hearing giggling. This sounded like a little boy. You looked around to see no one other then the Emperor. The Emperor asked if you were okay. You answered with a simple nod and left. You waited in front of the door for a few seconds. You started hearing that similar chatting in the room. Perhaps there was someone else, that somebody was probably hiding or something. You didn't wanted to question the situation, you had more important stuff to do anyway.
a few weeks later that incident, your parents asked you to give a note to the Emperor. You (didn't had the right) couldn't say no to your parents. So you went back to the Emperor to give a simple note. This was the second time that you where going to face him. The first time didn't ended well and you know that this mistake shouldn't happen ever again. You knocked...no answer. You knocked again...no answer again. So you slowly opened the door to see that he wasn't there. You quickly came in his room and putted the note on his table. Once you where about to leave, you heard the similar giggle again. This time, you really needed to know who was there. You turned back to see no one. You looked into the empty room for a while. You really thought you were paranoid or something. You really were curious about the giggling but there wasn't anybody there. You decided to leave, you wouldn't want to be seen in the Emperor's room anyway. When you held to the door knob you heard the voice again. ''Aw c'mooon! I wanted to play with someone!''. You looked back confused. The only thing you could've said was ''what?''. You let go off the door knob and started coming back. You really wanted to know what you assumed a little boy. ''Okaaay...where are you then?'' you asked. ''That's for you to find out!'' , it answered. You started gazing the Emperor's room to find anything that might be a clue or something only too see a mirror? You weren't so sure if it was a mirror or not. You picked it up ans started looking at it. It had a moon on it. Then out of nowhere, you saw it. What you thought was a little boy. You weren't sure what it was. It looked like a soul or something. ''Yay! You found me!''.
Ever since then, you guys are friends. I mean you never really had friends because, in The Emperor's Castle there weren't any kids around your age and you're not allowed to leave the castle (for safety reasons). So The Collector was technically your first friend. Buy hey that wasn't something bad, was it? You guys always played games together, chatted, tried new and interesting stuff. You guys were like best friends!! He would often tell you about his memories before well, turned into this form. You really wanted to know his human form too. For obvious reasons, your friendship had to be secret from everybody in the castle, especially from The Emperor. The Collector always fantasied about being with you, only you. He adored you truly, you where is playmate after all! ''When i turn back into my human form, we will live a perfect life! Just you and i, no one else!!'' He didn't understood the point of having a ''crush'' but he certainly had one for you. He always felt the need to protect you. He adored you so much. He also would've got jealous of other people who were talking you, even your parents. He probably is clingy too and you don't have a problem with that, why should you have a problem with it?
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you where shocked. You didn't know what you where expecting but, it wasn't something like this. You hate to admit it but you kinda found him attractive. But you can't feel that way, he's you friend- best friend! This felt wrong and right at the same time. When he first saw you, he was exited! He immediately hugged you tightly. The hug felt very good. This was the first time you felt the heat of you friend. He always talked about how he would hug you when he turned into his human form and there it was. He's probably so exited to be back like this! He also has more control over you. Well you still think that he likes you as a friend and only as a friend but babe, that's not the case at all. He just starts talking about everything that you guys are going to do. You're pretty exited to be with him, you want to be with him forever, there's just that feeling. The Collector by know, realised his feelings as well but he doesn't want to lose his playmate. So after a while, The Collector just can't handle it. Your smile, voice, eyes, lips... everything about you was driving him insane. He needed to confess to you, he really didn't had any other choice. He just came up to you and told you. Simple as that. You where confused as to his confession. You really thought this dude was pulling a prank on you or something but no, he was being serious. After making sure that he was in fact serious, you accepted him with a bright smile!
when you both start dating, he's more obvious with his protective nature. He doesn't want you to be with anyone else. He's kinda selfish with you, doesn't like to share you. You're his and he makes it very clear to you. I think he has a very very soft side to you. He just loves cuddles! He would cuddle you anytime he can. He also kisses you a lot. He kisses your lips, cheeks, hands, neck anywhere he wants. He truly admires you, he's like your number one fan or something. I also think he just picks you up, and go all the way up to the sky and then both of you can watch the starts from a better view. He can be the big or the small spoon (mostly small though). He melts away when you do any kind of physical affection to him. He makes sure no one dares to hurt you. If someone does hurt you, they will suffer for the rest of their very lives. You guys probably play games as usual, nothing that different other than way more cuddling and kisses!
(oh wow i didn't expected to write this long)
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hunter-kitten · 2 years
Hello, Kitten! ✨️I have 11 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for Hunter (TOH) x female reader request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Q6: What are your thoughts on Hunter (TOH)?
Q7: What are your favorite The Owl House characters you admire? Mine is Hunter!!!! 💕
Q8: What are your least favorite The Owl House characters you hate? Mine is Emperor Belos!!! 😡
Q9: Can you accept fanfics with Hunter (TOH) x female reader like fanfics has more chapters than 20 chapters or 10 chapters for request?
Q10: Can you accept crossover fanfics with Hunter (TOH) x female reader for request?
Q11: Can you accept smut requests for ageup!Hunter (TOH)? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Hello! Thanks for the ask! I’ll be happy answer!
1) Yes it still is! I haven’t written anything as of now because I’ve been so busy with midterms. But I want to change that.
2) other than the main rules I posted (my pinned post) I don’t have much. I’m pretty chill.
4) definitely. Those sound fun to write hehe.
5) yes those are acceptable 🤭
6) oh!! He’s such a good character imo. When he was first introduced he instantly became one of my favorites. He’s just so bad-ass and cool. Not to mention his sad backstory (I’m a sucker for those) he’s just great!!
7) other than hunter, my other favorite character is Vee! She’s so cute and sweet. She deserves all the happiness.
8) Same!!! We should make a belos hate club >:D
9) of course definitely. If I’m going to be honest, I feel like Im better at writing long fanfics than short oneshots, just because I get alot of ideas when I write.
10) of course! I might have to do alot of research but those sound like it could be fun.
11) hehe, of course~ 😏
☆thanks for the ask!
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julianobungus · 2 years
Oooooh!! How about some Yandere!Hunter x reader 👀 (only if you feel like it, no pressure hehe)
Oh, surely~!
some NSFW ahead:
Literally can't stop thinking about you, at least not for very long. You're so inspiring and resourceful and smart and attractive to him. You're like an angel in his eyes.
He never learned a sense of boundaries from Belos, and he's not going to learn now.
If Flapjack is still around, he uses him to spy on you - the little guy doesn't approve, but doesn't want to disappoint Hunter either.
Since he has a history of tracking and covert behaviour back in the Emperor's Coven, he'll follow you around even in broad daylight as he pines for you.
He tried to use Willow as a replacement, but she was NOTHING compared to you. Doesn't think twice about dumping that pitiful excuse for a partner.
Touches himself to you near-constantly. You're perfect.
He gets insanely jealous whenever he sees someone being chummy with you, platonic or not. If you're already in a relationship with someone, then he HATES them.
Hunter will kill them. He tries to fight it, but it just... happens. He can't control himself by this point. He never could.
Is a lot stronger than he looks. He can pin you down.
He knows a place where he can keep you for as long as possible, where it'll take ages for others to find you.
It's long enough.
Try running from him when he can just zip towards you. Every attempt fails.
You WILL love him back, even if he has to beat it into you.
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alex-rambles · 2 years
PLEASE PLEASE do more Yandere Emperor Belos! I’m BEGGING YOU
†Once Belos has you "housebroken," he sees no need to torture you anymore. You're perfect now, torture was just to get you to behave
†He still keeps a very close eye on you
†And oh, after Thanks To Them, assuming he's alive, he's pissed
†He still loves you, but he begins to take that anger out on you
†Take it. If you don't, it'll be torture once more. Remember, no magic, no real power
†A useless person is what you are now.
†The Collector might just be your way out, however. There's a chance he'll free you to get back st Belos
†Then you're just kinda doomed to play with him, and Belos is a very angry man
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Belos/Philip meeting reader in the episode where they go into the tide pools episode is called any where and elsewhere I think also reader is male and it’s romantic and Philip is a huge simp lol
Oh gods that's one of my favorite episodes!!! His poor nose, but Ngl in makes him hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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[This is gonna be short ans sweet because I honestly couldn't think of anything for the longest time if you couldn't tell "OwO]
Luz is readers sibling
You honestly hand no idea where you were, one minute you were with Luz and lilith and the next you were on a beach.
You wondered trying to find your little sister but to no avail.
That was until you heard her yelling that's when you had to step in.
You saw her, lilith, and a strange man with a very big beard, he looked human like you and luz.
You walked over and greeted your sister and lilith along with the strange man who called himself philip, he asked for your help in finding something so like the good people you were you accepted.
He took you all to a temple (I dont remember much of this episode since it's been a while since I watched TOH but bear with me please)
You were amazed by the architecture it looked so dystopian, it was beautiful.
You didnt even catch Philip staring at you, he seemed to grow a liking to you. Philip wanted to know more about you.
Soon the doors opened and out came a monster you were mad and reasonably so, a man you half heartedly trusted tried to sacrifice you, your sister, and aunt!
After the whole ordeal you watched as your aunt punched him and left along with your sister, you'll catch up to them in a minute but you had one last thing to say before you left.
You got real close to his face and looked dead into his eyes before saying:
"If I ever see you again, I will do a lot worse than breaking your nose"
You left him to his thoughts his heart pounding, he'll definitely look for you. Until then he has to get stronger and reach his goals.
{Hope you liked this anon! Hearts and reblogs are always welcomed, along with questions,comments, and requesrs.}
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 1 year
Hello! ✨️
I have 8 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening TOH x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for TOH x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for request?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Q6: What are your thoughts on Hunter (TOH)?
Q7: What are your favorite The Owl House characters you admire? Mine is Hunter!!!! 💕
Q8: What are your least favorite The Owl House characters you hate? Mine is Emperor Belos!!! 😡
A1: Of course! If you specify readers gender, than I’m happy to accommodate the pronouns used, but otherwise, I try to keep it gender friendly!
A2: Honestly, don’t even know 😭😭 I think the only thing I’m not comfortable with is bodily fluids (other than blood and saliva (does tears count)) and S/A actively happening. But if it’s passed experience or the reader dealing with the emotions of whatever happing. Fics may be able to take off right from after it happen idk
A3: Yes, but it takes me much longer to write out fics than do headcanons cause my brain barely likes to think.
A4: Yes, but I’ve never really written for Yandere, except one cringy Yandere! Steve Rogers x willing! Reader I did on an old tumblr account
A5: I mean, I’m currently writing about hunter and his sex moments with reader so I’d say I’m past the point of being comfortable lmao💀
A6: He’s my wife. He is my bbg. I just get so many requests for this dude, and I love him so much but like, there’s so many!
I just checked how many requests I currently got and holy fuck it’s 20! Like 12 of them are hunter I bet.
A7: Tinella Nosa.
I rest my case.
Okay okay, on a more serious note, though I do love Tinella Nosa, my favourite character/s are either King, Gus or Luz! I just love them so much!!!!!!!
A8: Odalia.
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Hello! 😊
Remember me? My ao3 account is B1u3Butt3rf1y_animecart00ngirl23. 💕
I have 8 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for Hunter (TOH) x female reader request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Q6: What are your thoughts on Hunter (TOH)?
Q7: What are your favorite The Owl House characters you admire? Mine is Hunter!!!! 💕
Q8: What are your least favorite The Owl House characters you hate? Mine is Emperor Belos!!! 😡
Please answer my questions I appreciate. 😊
Hi, thank you for the questions!
Yes my inbox is still open for requests — you can check the request status by looking at my bio or pinned post
The only things I will not write are the things listed in my ‘limits’ post. You can access that through my pinned! The only other thing I recommend is to not get too detailed (especially with dialogue) because then it constricts what I’m able to do and will end up getting changed around.
Sure! Dialogue prompts will end up altered, though — and songfics need to have the title and artist listed in the request (as I’ve yet to develop the ability to read minds through the screen haha)
I do accept those yes — which can be gathered by looking at my masterlist for him on here ^^
I do — most of the requests I receive for characters are nsfw in nature, so suggestive stuff isn’t off limits.
I’m neither here nor there. He’s an interesting and compelling character, but he’s not my favourite and he did get shafted a bit because of the cuts — which is a shame ;;
I don’t really have a character that I ‘admire’ per say, but I do relate the most to Luz and her experiences as a morbidly creative kid. The scenes with her being bullied hit hard, haha…
I don’t really ‘hate’ any of the characters — even the ones that are cruel or manipulative in the narrative — because they’re all incredibly compelling in their own right. Though if I had to pick I’d probably say ‘Collector’ because of how drastically his character changes between his time as a ‘shadow’ (actively encouraging murder) to their ‘colourful’ form (having no idea what death means). Like I love his character design and his role as an antagonist I just wish that they’d been able to make them a tad more consistent, that’s all. ;;
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pepsi-cola-soda · 2 years
Hi! 😊
I have 8 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for Hunter (TOH) x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for Hunter (TOH) x female reader request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Q6: What are your thoughts on Hunter (TOH)?
Q7: What are your favorite The Owl House characters you admire? Mine is Hunter!!!! 💕
Q8: What are your least favorite The Owl House characters you hate? Mine is Emperor Belos!!! 😡
Regarding questions 1, 2, 4 and 5, I’m not comfortable writing for Hunter (TOH). He shares a name with my brother and that’s just- yeah that’s highly uncomfortable for me. I hope you understand!
My requests are still open tho!!
Question 3: yes! I accept prompts and songfic requests
Question 6: I think he’s a neat character! I liked watching his character development and interactions :)
Question 7: I’ve always liked Raine the most!
Question 8: I’d say my least fave is Belos as well. However I do think he’s a well written villain!
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